The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 08, 1860, Image 3

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der Carriages of me, gen,depend upon getting a good article, aud at as. low price, as if pres ent in person to select. All Work Warranted. I take the liberty of referring to John A. Erwiu and George H. Gilreath, - jra|KaflF Ojifers, Ctatv. Crackers. Dried 15ecf anJBeeT Tongue, Ac.—to which the at tention of the public, dnd travellers especially are*invited. Children’s Toys of almost every description, on hand at low Spares. Call aad see him. Jsn. 26. I860. tentiou to business, he therefore offers for tale his large and well arranged and located BRICK QOTEli, to which is attached good oat booses, stable and stable lots, all in good repair, ready for business. The property is as well arrang ed and located for a Hotel as can be fonnd id a country Tillage. Cassrille is the Court house town, aud in one of the richest apd most pop ulous counties in Cherokee Georgia; healthy and well watered. There are in the place two Colleges—male and female—in a flourishing condition. In fact, I know of no town where there are so many inducements offered to any who are desirens of educating their children and at the same time make money. I am de termined to sell and will gire great induce ment., to purchasers. Those wishing to pur chase will do well to make application soon. Come and see the property, or address me at Cassrille, Ga. WILLIAM LATIMER- NOTICE. T HE undersigned, haring purchased the en tire stock of GOODS and stand belonging to J. D. Carpenter, is now offering the same on snch terms as will suit purchasers. He is determined to sell, and those wishing goods, will do well to gire him a trial, as he is satis fied that from the terms npoa which he has purchased this stock of goods, he caD afford to sell them st such prices as all wilt be satisfied With. Come and try, you will find the young men. Tho’s. and Ben. ready and willing to wait on you. ARTHUR HA IRE. Cassrille, spr. 25, 1880. M RS. A. ISAACS, Fashions Me Mil liner, Whitehall Strect. Atlanta Ga. Keeps constantly on hands large and splen did assortment of BONNETS of the latest styles, suitable fur all seasons. Head Dresses, Bathe Capes, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac?, which she will offer at very low prices, and would respectfully solicit* calk. Orders from a dis tance promptly attended to. August 1,1860 —ly Hre.ay nlMinns tnr at Kingston, Ga-, before ilirtirTf kleuwhsrr. ^ p RgysoLDS. Auguste, I860.—tSSdee goMhsrv Cultivator please publish 4 times. Georgia,' Cass county. A LL persons concerned are hereby notified, that two months after date, we will make application to the Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell the real estate and slave* belong ing to the estate of the 1 -*- 4 —^ deceased, for the benefit of Hte heirs and cred- . Hors of said deceased. | MORES A. LEAK. Jr., 1 ... JOHN S. LEAK, f Adnrs. MRS. DURAND ATLANTA, GA AGISTKATTS S*.»ssobs. Am-hmsnt?, A?. ; sold «« kinds, at the _ 8 STANDARD OTMCE. Nor. x. 1865. tended to. TW Oandrd ritotajhlp Ctatada arrived kt jewtam Ifito Thdwdiy.hight We gath «r (he Ml6uliH~1Hf iijln ter New York ffc*anfearrival oTtheGrext Eastern at Smrtwk, ha. cammd a alight improve- i ia tbe value «f the shares, noiwith- 6tainting the disappointment felt as to her InhHw speed. ' The distrust of everything tfo connection with her management had a general expectation that her j the Atlantic would not be unat tended by ffeW itiddenU of some kind. Both England and Franco hare agreed tbit, in consider.tioa of the mission of .Food Pashfi'to Syria, they will, for the present abstain from direct interference. ’In the event, however, of the Porte prov- . ing incapable of putting a stop to the con flict between the Druses and Maronitcs, England aodFrcnce have concerted iden tical instructions to be given to their res pective admirals, authorizing the latter to ’ eflect a disembarkation at Beyrout, should the massacre continoe. We have news of another combat on the 15th nH. between the Christians and the Rnsawos. A strong Russian detach- day escorting a large > to a neighboring mil- i they were assailed bj- a body ef tbe monnUineers, and, after an obstinate tight defeated, with the loss of the whole-convey of roubles. The prize being ao considerable, the struggle is said to have been proporlionably bloody, with large corresponding loss on both sides.— Six days before a general exchange of pris oners had taken place at Soujak. The British Government is said to have received intelligence of a fearful massacre of Christians at Damascus. Five hundred were killed, amongst whom was the Dutch Consul. The American Consul was woun ded. It is confirmed 'hat the s’ :a:ncr Yeloec has rns.Hid over to : iarihilii. Naples, Saturday, July 11 IV.svls are constantly travelling the street-. ’• moderate party is i:.l; of appreo- < concerning tbe .stabbing of an inspector of the former policy on the 12th, the Strada dc Toledo. A proclamation of Garibaldi against the Bourbon dynasty has been distributed.— He says : “ I am a royalist, but prefer Victor Emmanuel, who will head us against Austria.” Oincinnatti, Aug. 0.—We have receiv ed returns from eleven towns in Kontucky and they give Combs four thousand three hundred majority. wlfiUr’fi Balaam of Wild Okmtf. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Oomph, Quin.xy, and nunemu aa well as the dangerous diseases of the Threat, Cheat and Lung*, prevail, in oar changeable climate, at all masons of the year: law are fortunate enough to escape their baneful infln- ence. How important then to have on hand a certaiD antidote to all the complaints. Expe rience proves that this exists ia IFikor’t Bal sam to an extent not found in any other reme dies ; however severe the suffering, the appli cation, soothing, healing and wonderful Bal sam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Georgia Testimony. Certificate from Mr. E. Manseoet, a well known and highly respectable citizen of Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga., March 19, 1860. Messrs. S- W. Fowls A Co.: Gentlemen :—Believing in the great virtue of your renowned Balsom of Wild Cherry, I cherfully comply with the request of your tra velling ngent in adding my testimony to the many which yon have already received. I bare been acquainted with this medicine for many.years, and hare always heard it spoken of in the highest terms A brother-in-law who at one time was much reduced with a severe and obstinate cough, was restored by it, after other remedies failed. I have also used it for myself and children for obstinate coughs and colds, with a uniform and bappv result, and therefore recommend it confidently aa the best lung medicine within my knowledge. Respectfully, E M A USENET. par Caution to Purchasers. The only genu ine fVistar's Balsam, has the written signature of “ I. Butts" and the printed one of the Pro prietors ou the outer wrapper; all other is vile and worthless. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE A CO., Bos ton, and for sale by A. Hairs, Cassrille. Kraher, Lelako A Jones, Carlcrsville. Samuel V. Sheats, Kingston. And by nearly all Druggists. Jutr 18.—im The Blood is the Life. No more shall the p..or sufferers .n our coun try langui-h, their constitutions racked and torn by dangerous mineral medicines; they will come to the fountain of health, fouud in simple herbs and roots from nature’s store house. THE MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS, cf innocent mountain plants composed, will reach iisd step their distress, and cause the blood, renewed and cleansed, tb carry through the bo 1 * 'r--• -f health ; building up if Special police?. [From the Trot/ lludget.\ The Siege of Corinth. It is said that, one of ;':v former political di visions of this State took its mime from 1"'" famous lines in this poem -namely— .“The foes that he singly kept at bay. Outnumbered his thin hails of Siller G-r We cannot vouch for the tulth of thin, but we do know that under the effects of applies- tions of Heims 'reels famous Ilair Restorative, Silver Greys” rapidly become (in appear ance ut feaSt,')uiehiiicas of* l'ouiig America.” Price 50 cents and #1 per buttle. Sold eve ■where by all dealers in medicine, and in Cass- ivilleby Samuel Lew. W. E. IIAGAX A CO. july 18—Itn Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. . r. . m, ot .-uffi r i-i h.-.i.d of d-uli.. ic your in-tlcr rea- o piiis as only like t !<-t your despair, after try ing everything eise, prevent you from trying these The blood most be pure, and then sickness is Impassible. Wi. tt a great yet simple trut.\is this! it appeals t«. the common sense <>f all; it is the great key-stone of the healing urt. Jun- sos's Moi stain limn Pills will purify ana cleanse it us sure as thq sun will rise to-mor row. Judsou’s Mountain Herb I’iiis arc sold by all Medicine Dealers. [july 25—lin Y. TERMS CASH. W E keep constantlv on hand a very heavy r ' ■ JCHR GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. -am James Clarke’s iPfllstaiteJ Female Pills. LETTERS PATENT. nr WW'AL PrepUTeOhnoW-* prescription „fsir J. Clarke, SI. D.,tRbysiriac Extraordinary to tiieQueen. Thk hmUoahU medicine is unfailing in the cure ef diiithoee ^painful and dangerous aiscas- «!•> to Which’thcfemale constitution is subject. St moderates stf: -excess and removes all ob- wtrnotiem, and t-speedy cure may be relied on. VO CARRIED LADIES ct is pecclierty exited. It will, in a short time (bring on tte.rcor.fkly period with regularity. Etch bottle.-price One Dollar, bears the Go- wsrameat Stamp ef Great Britain to prevent * —*XS— COlBUnflTM. CAUTION.—These Pills should not be ta kas by female* dating the first three months ol Pregnancy, aatfheyare sure to br. ?on Miscar riage, but st any either time they re safe. Is all-cases af Sfervous and Spinal affections Pain in fke Bade-aad Limbs, Fatigue on slight uxartiaa, Psdpitutioa of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a care when all other nem hare foiled; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, *r anything hurtlul to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefu 1 preserved. Sols agsnt for the Un.icd States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin A Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. be delivered by 25th December, allowing pnr- N. B.—f 1,00 and 6 postage stamps encloa j chaser privilege of sowing wheat $3,000 will •**.-V. *««. «■ tlej containing 60 pills, by return man. . interest. Fur further information apply to the ££^Sold in Cassrille by S. Levy, and all subscriber*, or call on Mr. Cox at the planta- dedhrein mriicine-in Atlanta by Massey A j *o«- >t A RT H A CARTER, Executrix. 4oh» Wright A Co., New Orleans, ! g ^ LEEKE \ f rlmvifoad, Stevenson A Co., Charleston, S. ! b! T. LEEKE,’ ) Exeentor8 ' C^rholacsls agents for the South. Aug 4. 1860.-ta Stock of R.o Coffee, Ouvilyv't Java do, N. O. Sugar, ABAC Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Leaf Sugar, Cuba Molasses, N. 0. Syrup, Golden Syrup, Stewart’s Extra Syrup, Choice Rice, Liverpool Salt, Bi-curb Sudn, Green Tea, Black Tea, Pepper, Piemen to, Ginger, Cheese, Powder, Shot, Lead, Sardines, Na Is, Star Candies, Adamantine Cuiidlcs, No- 1 Soap, FiUnti’y .Soap, Toilet Soap, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, No. 1 Mackerel, White Fish, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Demijohns, Assorted Candies, Fancy Candies, Almonds, Filberts, Pecan Nuts, Braxil Nuts, Raisins, Ac., Ac. Pure Wines & Liquors, Of all Grades and Prices, &c. To which we respectfullv invite the attention of close CASH BUYERS. A. C. WYLY A CO. Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. Aug. 8, 1860.—6m Cass Sheriff's Sales for Sept W ILL be hold before the Court Home doer in the Town of Caxavilte, on the let Tuesday in September next, within the legal hoarsoi rale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 218. in the 17th district and 8d section of Cans county, aa the property of Christopher Smith to satisfy * Justice s court fi. fa. in fovor of W. H. H. Fulton v». said Smith; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—Two negro men, one by the name of George, about thirtv-five year* of age, and one bv the name of Phillip, about fifty-five years of age, aa the property of James 1). Terrell to satisfy two fi. fas., one in fovor of Horsey, Aw- ten A* Co. and one in fovor of Courtney, Ten- nent A Co. vs said Terrell; levied on by J. C. Aycock, former Sheriff. Also—Lot ot land No. 416. in the 21st dis trict and 2d section of Cassominty, to satisfy a Justice’s oourt fi fa icaued from tbe 96Sd dis trict, G. M. in fovor of Hamiter A Thompson vs C. M. Fry; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—One negro man named Lewis, about 60 years old, as the property of James-A. Mad dox, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior court in favor of Terress A Brothers vs J. B. Langston & Co. Also—Lot of land No. ISO, in the 21st dish, and 2d section, of originally Cherokee now Csss county; levied on as the property of Dan iel Chitwood to satisfy a fi fo from Cass Supe rior Court in favor of the Central Bank of Geor gia endorsee vs Daniel Chitwoid; property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. , Also—A negro woman named Rboda, about 50 years old, dark complexion ; levied on as the property of Robert H. Guyton, to satisfy fonr Justice’s court fi. fas. from the 822d dis trict G. M. one in favor of C. B. Tate, one in favor of Miller Collins, and two fn favor of Powell A Bishop, all vs said Guyton; proper ty pointed out by C. B. Tate; levy made and returned to me by n constable. Also—One negro woman named Betty, about 55 years old, dark complexion; levied oil as the property of Sarah A. E. Edwards, to satisfy two Justices court fi fas issued from the S22<1 district G. M. in favor of W. J. Williford vs Sarah A. E. Edwards: property pointed outby piaiutiff; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—One house and lot in the town of Eu- harly occupied by J. B. Broom as a blacksmith shop, number not known, to satisfy afi. la. for purchase money issued from Cass Superior court in favor of Felix C. Bailey vs Noah R. Smith and W. H. Petree. Also—One plantation whereon Benj. Harris now lives, number nut known, in the 17th dis trict and "d section; levied on as the property of Benj. Harris tc satisfy two fi fas issued from Cass Superior court, one in favor of Thomas K. Sproull vs Benjamin Harris and Andrew Hamilton endorsor, a-.ul one in favor of James .Milner vs Andrew Hamilton and Benj. Harris. Also —One house and lot in the town of King ston. nuinls.-r not known, on the South side of liie K lil Hold, levied on as the property of J. A. Franks to satisfy a fi fa from Cass Superior court in favor of B. H. Conyers is Johnson A Fi nks and C. Dodd endorser, and other fi fas •u my bauds vs J.-tnsou A Franks. POSTPONED SALE. Also.—2 1 / acres of kind, mare or less, wiiii the improvements thereon, in the town of Cnrtersville, known as the place whereon defendant has a shop, to sat-sfy the purchase mntiev fi. fa. frora Cass Superior court. Don ald M. Hood, administrator on the estate of Thomas Hamilton, vs. Milton Loveless. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sli’ff. August 4, 1S60. HERZBERG & BROTHERS, OarterBville» Gfreo. HAVE JTTST OPENED A MRS I9NS 99 Spring & Slimmer Goods, Consisting iu part of staple and Fancy Dry Goods, AMo sears FUmriSEmSTG GOODS, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Bools, &c. Ladies |will find every thing connected with their Toilet, to which we call the attention of the public generally. Cnrtersville, Ga., March 28, I860.—w3m HERZBERG A BROTHERS. Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. AT BY &ILB1ET& Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Importers of English Hardware, Jk OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers Jirectlv from American manufactories of all goods in'the line. PARLOR, OFFICE and COOK of EVERY PATTERN, AT LOW RATES. A Iso, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PL ANISHED, BRITANNIA and JAPANED WARES, At low prices fur Cash, orders promptly HHe-1. March 15, 1859 If. FEMALE CUE, JLoc^fei) al C^ssbiilc, Sfl. T HE first Term of the Collegiate year for 1S60-’61, begins the Third Monday in August, closes the last Friday in November— Second Term begins the third Monday in Jan uary, 1861, and cioscs the Thursday after the first Sunday in July. FEES; Tuition m Primary Department $15 pcrun’jn. “ Preparatory “ 25 “ u Collegiate “ 50 “ “ “ so “ “ Ortlanlfc'L — * “ 20 “ “ Oil Painting “ Wax Work, Ac., 20 “ Mod’rn Languages, each 20 No additional charges for Aneient Languages or Vocal Mnsic. Incidental expenses $2 per enuum. Diplo ma—Graduating—?0. This College is located in the Norih-West- S. R. KRAMER, S. W. LELAND, M. D., T. F. JONES, M. D. i, L3*X«£m? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL huts in FiMiiciiTins. CARTERSYILLE AND CASSYTLLE, GA. BEG leave to state to the citizens of Cassrille, and ihesurroun- for the fnture convenience of their customers, a branch of their establishment tc the above full assortment of | Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, White Lead, I Varnishes of all kinds, kerchief, I Fluid, Kerosene Oil, Cologne, nair Oils, I Fluid and Kerosene Lamps, Pomatum's for the ILiir, Linseed and Machine Oils, — Combs, Brushes, Ac. I etc., etc., etc. And in fact evervthiug, appertaining to the Drug or Paint Business. We have ou hand a large, and fine assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, we call the espec ial attention of the Citixeng to our large and well selected stock. PHYSICIANS and others mav depend on getting PURE Medicines at onrestablishment. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. March Id. I860. NSW IN ATLANTA, GEO. Ruling and Book Binding. HE«Mbm re- MMCtlWhr inform the public mat they bare commenced in the city at Atlanta, a new BOOK BINDE RY. Blank Books, ledgers, Journals, Day Booka, Blotters, Ac., Hotel and Sta ble Registers, Dock et*, Record Books, Ac., with or without Headings, and ruled tdaxy pattern desir- C< manufactured in the stalest and most durable manner, at abort notice. Viaaxiues. Music, Newspapers, Ac., neatly bound/ without delay. Orders from any part of the'State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hand, wagon, or railroad, care fully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility of injurv by transportation. J. P. MASON A CO Atlanta, Gs., Feb. 9, 1860—ly. T. R RIPLEY, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in — —Crockery, China. Plated U oods; ■'0‘MiwMliw*"’' osene Oil, Ac., Jan. 28, 1300—ly. W. C. BEALL, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER., Cartersville, Ga. HAS just received his materi- / V N. als for putting up light Boots and W'~ 4 ^^^Shoes for the Spring aud Sum mer wear. He is amply prepared to make them lit the most fastidious, upon reasonable terms. Give me a chance, and I will prove mvfaith bv inv works. W. C. BEALL, 'upr 5, 1300—ly Cartcrsville, Ga. JOHN U. LOVEJOY, Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN foreign and Domestic Liquoi s, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., No. 12, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA, GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ern part of Georgia, lautic Rail Road, ir near the Western A At- Executor’s Sale. 480 Acres Cass County Cotton Land. One Town Lot in Kingston. One Pine Lot in the lTth District. I F not disposed of privately, we will sell on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Court House door in Cassrille, the Planta - tion »n Enhariey Creek, twelve miles Sonth of Kingston, belonging to the estate of James Carter, deceased. This is one of the best Cot ton and Grain Farms in the County: contains 4S0 acres of land, about 400 of which is fresh and in a high state of cultivation. The pine forest bordering on this place is of peculiar advantage in the way of cheap timber and good range for cattle, which can be added at a small ontlny ns desired. Those wishing to buy a No. 1 place in Cass county will surely find such an opportunity. Also, at the same time and place, one Town Lot in Kingston, containing live aores, well im- { irovcd and desirably located. Also, one pine ot No. 5S3 in tbe 17th district, well located for steam mill. Terms or Sale.—Plantation and town lot to March 8 ’ v. HUT! tm\\ KEY!! No f ice. T K E subscriber ufft-ra for saie Gejrgia, Cays c* inly. 4 t\ •. •!-».>: -liv-. d o dsagainrt \tru st vad lo-Jt, !.,t5o*f s 1 o ii ;tv. dece«8» d the most valuable ore hereby n .iifo d to - resent :h<-in properly little FARMS or. the Ktowab River. It contains 250 acres. Hosted, to us wi:h’i! the >ime preseriS-d by law,or they wilt not be settled, end i' 1 per 180 of which is first qn.ilitv, sons indebted tot:aid deceased ere hefeby re- Rhe Ntnainder second. It hassll necessarv quired to u- ke immediate pavment. its upon it. and lies convenient to MOSES A f.E*K, Jr. «»iles South of Kingston. Any JOHN S* LEAK, nrebase Cass County Riser ‘ me a call on the A eg. 8, I860.—40d ’ | AdmrV rious six years during which time the College has been in successful operation, no serums case of sickness has occurred among the stu dents. Wc challenge any institution to pre sent a better record of health. The Board of Trustees have just completed Qie corps of in structors by the election of Rev. B. Arbocast, (formerly President of Wesleyan Female Insti- tute,Stanton, Va.) President, to fill the vacancy occasioned bv the rcsiguation of the late Pres ident, Rev. ft. Kelsev, and the appointment of such Professors as are necessary to supply the increasing demands of the College. Some new instruments of music have been ordered, and no efforts will be spared to make the ensuing year the most successful in the history of tbe College. We offer advantages which cannot be secu red farther Sonth. Board can be had in the best families in tbe plaoe for the low sum of from flO to $12 per month. For farther in formation, during the temporary absence of the President, -apply bv letter or otherwise to Prof. A. G. Johnson, Cassrille, Ga. A. HAIRE. Secretaire Board of Trustees. July 25, I860.—tt fteposifoHj, ATLANTA, GA. W W.WOOD- • RUFF A CO. hare opened a large and splendid stock of Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety ot style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, l PHiKTONS, Bretts, l:d<-seat. Top and No top and Concord Buggies, Hacks and Jersey WAGONS, Harness, WHIPS, &c. Come, every bod v, and see onr stock. Nor. 1,1859- Keeps on band a. well selected stock of f Snell as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molnsse3, liquors, Pepper, Spice, SvTti" 5aU. Ginger, Mackerel, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal; also Soda StarTobacco; Iron, Nails; Concentrated Lye; Negro Blankets Kerseys; Osnaburgs; Shirtings ; Negro Shoes, CoaTS? Boots ; Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerdsepe Vi!; Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Rope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. Everythin"- in the Grocery line kept constantly on baud, which will be sold low for cash. Evervthiug cash except Bagsrlng and Rope, which will be sold to prompt payers, payable when their Cotton is sold. Kingston, Ga., Feb. 16, 1860—ly. j pvA BAGS COFFEE—Rio, Java and La ■ DU guvra, just received and for sale by Nov. 1. ' J. n. LOYEJ OY. or nr BARRELS A. B.-C. Crushed and Pow- t D dered SUGARS, just received and for sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. C)/\ HOGSHEADS N. O. SUGARS, of all /If grades, iusl received ami for salt- bv Nov 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. -4 aa BOXES Star aud Adamantine Can- JtlU dies; also 50 cases Sperm Caudles, iust received and for sale bv ' Nov. 1. J. U. LOVEJOY. 1 A A BOXES CHEESE—Dairy and State j ioo boxes Durycas’ celebrated Pearl Starch, the best article that is now in use,just received and for sale by J. H. LOVEJO i. BARRELS new crop MACKEREL, No DU 1. 2 and 3 ; also half barrels and kitts, for sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. OAA SACKS LIVERRPOOL SALT, fresh i£UU and full sacks, for sale bv Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. uvuis sum HI MilY 119 Straight Needle. These Machines are supe rior to all others for sever-, al purposes, being simple, durabe and easily managed and various prices, from Fifty-ffve to One Hun dred and Twenty-five Dollars. Machinery, Machine Oil, Needles, Silk, Cotton Agents supplied by april 25, I860.—ly FumnnisE. Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation of onr Machines is well known and needs no com ment. They are All War ranted; will hem, tuck fell and gnther perfectly. Thread, Ac., for sale. Wholesale and Retail, JOHN H. TVSOE. Agent, MACON, Ga. M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars, Southeast side of Whitehall Street,........ Atlanta, Ga.'. Eddleman & Banks, HOTEL FOE SALE. Peachtree street,.... Not. 1,1869—It. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS BOOTS, SHOES AND Leather, Writxhai.l St., Atlaxta, Ga. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. BARRELS WHISKEY—all grades, &*j\J some very fine, in store and for sale by J. U. LOVEJOY. / "»AA OAA CIGARS, of all grades—$6 '£eJ'Ve ) t’VVf w‘ *7fi; nljoi fine 1 >t of chew ing Tobacco, just rectiv? , J.’‘ n,1 l>J . Nov. 1. J. H. Loi - •4 f \/ \ BARRELS French and Domestic lv/U BRANDT; also 100 Baskets of Mumms and Ileidsiek’s CHAMPAIGNS, and numerous other articles too tedious to men tion. Send in your orders—we will please you. Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. MANHOOD, How Lost, How Restored, Just published in a Sealed Envelope. ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impotencjr and Mental ail’d Physical Incapacity By ROBERT J. CULVERYvELL, M. D. Author of ties "Green Booh.” d-c. The important fact that tbe awful conse quences of self-abuae may be effectually re moved without internal medicines or the dan gerous application of caustics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devi ces, is hurt clearly demonstrated, and the en tirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explain ed, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and'at the least pos sible cost, thereby aroiding all the arertieed nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thonsands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, ol the receipt of two postage stamps, by address ing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D.,' 480 Firs: Avenue, New York. Post Box 45SG. April Barth & Nicolai, ATLANTA, GA., KEEP for sale toe cele brated PIANOS of WM. KNABE A CO., of Balti more, Hd., and in addition to these, the PIANOS of all the best factories of the United States can be found at oirr establishment on Whitehall street. Entrance through the Music and Va riety Store of H. Branmullcr. Nov. 1. J.S.* B. W.CEAYSX, SURGEON rwe^TISTfla tits wpM aa.s/h •to My wMi any opts at rate pertaining to llieir profearian. Atlanta. Ga. Jaa. 26.1*60—IT. EMPLOYMENT; $50 to $100 per Montk. A N active energetic in each section of act w agent in an easy ness, hr which tbe above ecu etCl ixed. There is no bambagbrre. ticnlarn, terms, Ac., sdtosre (s—Usings to pay return postage) W. R. TERRY, May 23,6m inside] Roekingbasa, K. C. HAT MAflBFAfiTfiRY. J. M. HOLBROOK. Whitehall Street, Allale fiteajgto. T HE attention of Ptanters, Fanashi and Country Merchants are invited IncMtoton the large and varied asaorfent of tiUBB CA PS the., that is kept constantly on toad a* Holbrook’s HAT KAHTT7ACT0&Y Also, the public are invited to i large and well-selected assortment of Ladle’s and Gentlemen’s Trnvellirg Trunk* Valieoea Ac. PLANTA TION HATS mode to order, end lent by Express to any portion of the oeautry. apr'll 1866 Georgia SaraaparilU Coapoatifl, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, IS MST BOTTLES. The Purest and Best for Purifying the Blood aaut Diseases of the Liver. T HIS is the best Medioine at the day. ft the Liver and Blood are kept in a hSUlhff condition by tbe nse of thio Compound to- saporilla, it will prove a great preventive ef sickness, and a great saving of expensive Medicines. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. For females, it is excelleut in diaaaaes aris ing from general debility or n toenid stote at the Liver, and its occasional use add* abloom- ing rigor to the complexion. FOR CHILDREN, This is the best medicine that can be given, especially to those in a debilitated state ol health, or troubled with worms. A few dofl given to a child when it first appeal* Hawaii has a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect iu preventing disease* of dWldc«a makes it a valuable family medietao., Says the proprictoi of the Cassrille Stand* ard : “I cun find nothing that prove* sobcnvdeial' in cleansing the blood »f its impolitic*,, re storing the appetite, and strengthening tha system us Dean in* Compound Sarsaparilla.’’' For sa'e by Drnggiata generally. Bor sal* in Cussvillc at M. McMurry’s store. Price f 1 per bottle. Jan. 26, I860—ly.‘ CHARLESTON HjIUDTAPB 0 nmmpff A. LEONARD VRAPIN. No. 142 Meeting Strect, Charleston, 8: tt. May 9, I860.—6m win min. AVINO moved to the Rhta. sic and Book Stem of — - - Messrs. J. RICHARDS $ CO., on TTfcitehall Street, opposite Messrs. Heach.A Rout’s slurs, I trill beep a fine assortmenhot the- always for sale low down. My New Patent for lUPiru improve ment in the Damper*, Hanunere, Wire* and: Screws. These Puuios will stand ia tan# lao-. ger than any other Piano made,. snd> will’ to warranted FIVE YEARS. TUNINC3-. All orders for tuning will be promptly at tended to. Timing by tbe Year and fur Schools st reduced prices. WM. J- C LOU to, May 16, I860.—ly ArtakTs. GS. C ARTERSVILLE. Provision^^ Store, BY J. J. HANNA. 1st door west of the Railroad, coming foam Atlanta. K EEPS constantly on hand, st . derate prices. Sugar, Coffee, Mofoases, t he ear. Candies, Nuts, West India Frnita; Ci roand Tobacco of the best manofacttire. Will keep open - during tbs winter reuses s first rat* £ATDM £B LAWSHE, DEALER IN Clocks, WATCHES. Jewelry* Silver aad plated WARE. Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga. Watch.-* carefully repaired and warrsnted. This ia one of theoldeat estab lished houses in Atlanta. Feb. •t, 1869—ly.