The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 15, 1860, Image 3

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IN ATLANTA, GSO. Ruling and Book Binding. j . EBaahaerihere re- I ^fl|H^^^BMS'*peetfalty inform the that they bare gI commenced in the ; s^srijssz MJmj OutiKS^ JDKHIci ^, foe., Hotel am) gflfc-Oat of the Sam will vWt W Casa nevaai easily £r red will be ,1,^. r ed to wait on all wko way wish “7 operation Jujm8|0—It. Atlanta. Ga. EMPLOYMENT. 900 to 9100 per Meath. A N actire energetic your ana is waM in each section of the Boatbaad Weat era act as agent in an easy and reapalrill baa*, ness, by which the a here mo cal minty ha real ized. There ia no beunbug barn. - Fsvfill par ticulars, terms, Ac., address (eaelenfegxtarep to pay return postage) mmmmm liny S3,6m inside] Rockingham,'K. C. Whitehnll street, AttnU.Gewrgie. T I1E attention of riaatore, Faraaera aad Country Merchants are rnrited to ezaanae the large and varied assortment ef HATS, CAPS it., that is kept constantly on band at Holbrook’s HAT MAH UFACTOKY Also, the public are invited to examine tbs large and well-selected assortment of T,adir*S and Gentlemen’s Travelling Trunks Valieeet Ac. PLANTATION1IATS made to Older, and sent by Express to any portion of the country, apr 11 1800 Crockery, Chinn, Glass and Brit- tannia Wares; Plated Goods; Table Cutlery, and bouse fur- 1 nishing Goods;— also m Lamps. Fluid, Oils, Ker osene Oil, Ac., Georgia, Cass county. A LL persons concerned are hereby notified, that tivo months after date, wa will make application to the Ordinary of said"county,for leave to sell the real estate and slaves belong ing to the estate of the late Armstead Leak, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs;and cred itors of said deceased. MOSES A. LEAK, Jr. JOHN S. LEAK, Aug. 8, I860.—2m Adrar’s. Straight Hefldle. These Machines are stipe- l^tV' J - rior to all others for sever- IB '", \ sl purposes, beiDg simple, ■ , darabe and easily managed and rarious prices, from ~ V’ Fifty-five to One Han- dred nod Twenty-*™ 1 Dollars. Machinery, Machine Oil, Needles, Silk, Cotton Agents supplied by CARTERSVILLE Provision^^ Store, BY J. J. HANNA. 1st door west of the Railroad, coming from Atlanta.. K EEPS constantly on band, at arodsfbli' prices. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Obease, Candies, Nuts, West India Fruits; CSjpWiOd. Tobacco of the best manufacture. , r Will keep 0|» during the wi&’ Heposifoity, ATLANTA, GA. [T W.WOOD- r • HOFFk have opened a e and splendid To which we r< : ?’■ se CASH I Wholesale and Retail, rsOE, Agent. MACON, »a. OAETERSVItLE RESTAURANT, BY M ADDON A PUCKETT. ... ivid.ltkinis.i- tnnftclniti^ien-i^tmp uinm fn, wished with all the deliracies of the variety of style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liqnors and Segars, Southeast side of Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Barth & Nicolai, ATLANTA, GA., KEEP for sale toe eelc- bra ted PIANOS of WM. KNABE A CO., of Balti- I UZgMlj m0Te ’ Md - » nd in Edition ICracker*. Dried 1 ftrugne, Ac-—to which the *'• . public, and travellers espeeielly Children’s Toys of almost every to hand at low figures. Call and Jan. 28,. I860- PIL-ETONS, Bretts, Slide-seat, Top a No top and Conct the blood, ^ dealer IN ^ Clocks, I^^WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and plaled WARE, -- Whitehall Street, ‘^ssWt"i:&£i Itlaata. Feb. V, 1S60-1Y- Hacks sad Jersey WAGONS, Xarneis, WH IPS, Ac. Come, every bhdr, and see oar stack. Nor. 1,1859- WamXALL St., Atuxts, G-A. Jan. 26, I860—ly. Ac., Ac., which ees, and would iers from a dis- MBS. DU RAN ft n. tu. h..m mtBMMt ATLANTA, GA. IT HR. T. H. DOZIER. rpai8 Boose has aalergaae thorough re- ± pain, and is bow opes for thaaceonimodB- tioo oftnaoacat eostato, where'trsvellers wvlf SfiSdQprtgM^wLfW WWl * £j UrUHIBHEtt _ Cam be' and explains its trigin thus:— TIK Eighth Annual Course of fahvi Many twAw who haw heard atom mak theMh^*^ 1 * 1- wiU "■ Mami ing speeches for ‘Buncombe,’ may not be awarat ttet thephrere orginatad as follows: A- member of Congress from the county Faculty: of ‘Buncombe,’ North Carolina, while pro- R- D. ARNOLD, M. 1)., Professor of Theory nouncing a magaOoquent set speech, was P mmUlgck! of intenapted by a remark from the Chair.,! end Diseases ef Women aad that “the seats were quite vacant”— ‘‘Never mind, never mind,” replied the the orator, ’‘I’m talking for Buncombe.” Spttiyi tfotied*. [From Me Troy Budget.] The Siege of Corinth. It is Mid;that one of tbe former political di visions of diis State took its naaie from two feaous Ham ia this poem—namely— * The foes that he singly kept at bay. Outnumbered his tbin hairs of Silter Grey." We cannot roneh lor the truth of this, but we do know that under the effects of applica tions of Hcimstreets famous Hair Restorative, “SilverGreys” rapidly become (in appear ance at least,) membeas of “ Young America.” Price M vents aad 91 par bottle. Sold eve- whaw by-all dailies ia medicine, and ia Casa- TuteSMBftmWv. W. E. HAGAN A CO. - July lS^aftn Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. J. B. READ, M. P-Prof. Materia J URIAH HARBlSS. M. D-, PnC Physiology. N. A. PRATT, M. D, Prat Chemistry. W. R. WARING, M. D.. Prof. Anatomy. R. B. HARIS, M. D., Demonstrator af Anat omy. Clinical Lectures at tbe Savannah .Hospital twice a week, by fDrs. If Os Id aadBotfnch, 1 on their respective branches. These are the only Clinical Lectures delivered at the Hospital for the benefit of Students. Agreeable to the conditions ef the State Do nation, one Student from each Congressional District will be taken free of charge. Applications with neeeiMry vouchers mast be made to the Dean. Fees for the entire Coarse of Lectures $105 00 Matriculation Tickets (paid once) 6 00 Demonstrator’s Tickets, 10 00 Graduating Fee,. 80 00 For further particulars apply to WM. G. BULLOCH, Aug. 15, I860.—2m , Dean. Administrator's Sale. Georgia, Gilmer County. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of said county, will be sold to the higb- bidder, before the Court house door in the , town of Ellijay in said connty, on tbe first : Tuesday in October next, within the legal Mte ' hours, the following property, to wit j Racbel, a negro woman about thirty-eight ; years of age, and Kate, her child eight c 1 : months old; Betty and Patsey, twin . . — g'rls, about six years old; ten acres off PATENT. , 0 f i a nd No. 177, and eighty acres, I or less of lot No. 176, on which there is Jbrty Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, j acres good bottom land in a high state <M eul- M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen j ^ a f s 0 ^ r JteU impt,^, and^he 1 ^^^d This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the j h ,,] f (jf Iot No ]lr> _ n jj t i, c f i(re(fo ing loll situ- aure of all those painful and dangerous diseas- | ;:te in tlie Gth district aad 2d section of (/ u , t„ which the female constitution is sulijccl. county ; also the undivided half of lot No. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR James CLARKE’S Celebrated Female Pills. LETTERS rsotserno av ROYAi It moderates ail excess and removes all ob structions, and a speedy cure may b<- relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in » short time bring on the inoutbly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Go vernment Stamp of Great Britain to prerent counterfeits. CAUTION.—These Pills should n«it be ta ken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to br» x on Miscar riage, hut at any other time they re safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal affections Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigne on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet aionnd each ptekage, which should be carefu 1 preserved. Sole agent forthe United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin A Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. N. II. —H,hO and 8 postage stamps enclos ed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bot tle, containing SO pills, by return mail. |^f“Sold in Cassville by S. Levy, and all ■I«tiers in medicine—in Atlanta by Massey A Lansdale. John Wright A Co., New Orleans, and Haviland, Stevenson A Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8—ly. Witter’i Balaam of Wild Cherry. Uougke, Chide, TinmrJiUi*, AMmo, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinzy, nnd nnraerous as well' as the dangerous diseases of the Thrcut, Cfasat and Lungs, prevail, in one changeable climate, at all season, of the year: tew are fortunate euaafih to escape their baneful influ ence. How important then to have on hand a certain antidote to all the complaints. Expe- rieav# proves that this exist, in H'ietar'e Bal aam to an extent not found in any other reme dies ; however serere the suffering, the appli cation, soothing, healing and wonderfnl Bal aam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Geargia Testimony. Certificate from Mr. E. Mansenet, a well known and highly respectable citiseu of Macon, °* If SCON, Ga., March 1#, 1860. Msaara. 8> W. Fowls A Co.: Geafiemaa:—Believing in Aofreat virtue of your renowned Balsom of Wild Cherry, I cberfhlly comply with the request of your tre- ▼efimg agent in adding my testimony to the many which you have already received. 1 have been acquainted with this medicine for manjirtsrs, and have always heard it spoken ef ia thahighest terms A brother-in-law who at one time was much reduced with a severe and obstinate cough, wax restored by it, after other remedies fhued. 1 have also used it for myself and children for obstinate coughs and adds, with ft uniform and happy result, and therefore recommend it confidently as the best ,0 5Ss^y. Wi,hin m> ' B°MA^ENET. &TCaution to Purchatert. The ouly genu ine Wieteu 'e Btdeoin. has the written signature of “ I. BCTT3 ” and th>* orinted one of the Pro prietors on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and worthless. Prepared by SETH W. POWLE A CO., Bo?- ton, and for sale bv A. Hxias, Cassvilie. KaxtiXa, Lslani> A .lovss, t-arorrsville. Stacsb V. Sosavs, Xingstoo. And by nearly all D-uggists. Jtfly 18.—»I»> xbv Biop Life. S-. more sha’.l the poor sufferers ,u oar con v try iuuguish, their oonstitntions rttexed and torn bv dangerous mineral medicines; they will como to the fountain of bcslth, found in simple hwis arid roots from nature’s slore- — TOjr HOTTNTAiy HERB PILLS, cf j '5ufrceai moSi , .SDr‘pi» arf composed, will reach • in the 11 lb district ami 2d section of said conn? ty, which Iotincludesa valuable mill seat on Oartecay river sutiiclein to drive any kind of machinery ; all sold as the property belonging to the estate of Lewis I). Ellington late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Tkums of Salk.—Negroes sold for cash— Land sold on one, two and three years credit. Purchasers will he required to make notes pay able in three equal and different instalments, with good and sufficient security. G. F. RANEY, M. GREER, August 8, 1S60. - Admr's. Georgia, Fannin county. W HEREAS, Isaac Gee, executor of the last will and testament of Didamia Mc Kinney, represents to the court that he has fully discharged the duties of said executor ship. This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any tliev have, why said ex ecutor should not be discharged from his exec utorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Mondar in March, 1861. ' JAMES KINCAID, Ord’y. August 15, I860.—6m Georgia, Cass county. W HEREAS, Noali Reaves, as next of kin, and R. C. lloiqier, as friend, have filed their petition in writing, as required by stat ute, for letters of administration on the estate of Joshua Smith Reaves, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by lnw, and show cansc, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this July 18, I860. * N. LAND, Ordinary. WHUAUI Gfi TERMS CASH. W E keep constantly on hand a very heavy r • ' Stock of Rio Coffee, Old Gov't Java do, N. O. Sugar, ABAC Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Loaf Sugar, Cuba Molasses, N. O. Syrup, Golden Syrup, Stewart’a Extra Syrup, Choice Rice, Liverpool Salt, Bi-carb Soda, Green Tea, Black Tea, Pepper, Piemcnto, Ginger, Cheese, Powder, Shot, Lead, Sardines, Nails, Star Candles, Adamantine Candles, No* 1 Soap, Family Soap, Toilet Soap, Tobacco. Cigars, Snuff No. 1 Mackerel, White Fish, Backets, Tubs, Brooms, Demijohns, Assorted Candies, Fancy Candies, Almonds. Filberts, Peesa Nats, Brasil Nats, Rais ins, Ac., Ac. Pure Wines & Liquors, Of ail Grades and Prices, Ac. •tfnllv invite the attention ERS'. A. C. WYLY A CO. Clier-.kee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLASTA, GA. Aug. 8.i860.—6m reuswed and cleansed, to flSrr, {hrodg^ body the elements of health; building ’’-T 1 ---- tirekea constitution, and carrying life sue ; fujgished with w fcere bat for them would have been : season. J AS.r. She wca* of hope—the feeble moan of saffer- SrSe-ed^. fatal knnd of death. Go act totp^adiee overcome yonr better rca- Ona; do aotlaek apon these prfU as only like •*»: da-t to* *«£* •»* everything dloe, prareotyo. froai trying there •nTuLdmaet be pare, and then sickaem is yetm-Ftata-th is thtal it regaalsto tbe eoemaoosaoreof «1, it taOie great keywtooeof the tawWy*- Jl ■»* aax’a Msaaif~ ffn P ur ^ * — la lhewi will rise to-mor- Oil Painting Wax Work, Ac., Mod’rnI No additional charges for Ancieat Latigaages or Vocal Music. Incidental expenses 93 per annum. Diplo ma—Graduating—$5. This College is located in the North-West- srn pert of Georgia, near the Western A At* lantic Rail Road, in a region unsurpassed for healtbfulness of climate, pore water, fine scene ry, and moral and refined society. In the pre- vions six years during which time the College has been in successful operation, no serious care of sickness has occurred among the stu dents. We challenge any institution to pre sent a better record of health. Tbe Board of Trustees have just completed the corps of in structors by the election of Rev. B. Absosast, (formerly President of Wesleyan Female Insti- tata£tanton, Va.) President, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe resignation of the laR Pres ident. Rev. D. Kelsey, and the appointment of such Professors ms are necessary to supply the increasing demands of the College. Some new instruments of music have been ordered, and no efforts wRI be spared to make the ensuing year the most successful in the history of the College. We offer advantages which cannot be secu red farther South. Board can be had in the best families in the place for the low snm of from 910 to #12 per month. For further in formation, during the temporary absence of the President, apply by letter or otherwise to Prof. A. G. Johnson, Cassville, Ga. A. HAIRE. Secretary Board of Trustees. Jnlv 25, I860.—4t Good Times have come at Last 2,380 Frizes! Four Capital Prizes! A. J. ALEXANDER’S FORTY-EI&HTH MAGNIFICENT Cash, Watch and Land GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN. IND., Monday, August 6, 1860. Cash Prize of $300 in American Gold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, $400. fiosctoooO £iauo foHe, ijeO qt §350. 363 Gold and Silver Watches, All in HnntiDg Coses from $18 to 8250. 272 Prixes in American Gold, from $2.50 TO 500. 200 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 419 Setts Solid Silver and Donble Plated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Sport ing Watches, Gold and Silver Yest Chains, Bracelets, Ac., Ac., Ac. Number of Prixes, 2,380 Value of Prixes, .... $lfo500 Tickets Limited to 16,500 DBA WINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. Pf Every Tieket-holder receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge. tar All drawings take place inpublice, su perintended exclusively -by the Ticket holders. REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who are anxious for information respecting my honesty, business promtitnde, Ac., to any of the County officers, Postmasters, Express A- gents, Justices of the Peace, Merchants, Rep resentatives, and Senators of Johnson, or any of the numerous Agents ia the various parts ef the Union, Who have attended my drawings. As the above named are personally acquaint ed with me, and most of.them have attended my numerous drawings,.! will request all who wish to satisfy themselves of the safety oi their investment, to write to any of tbe above gentlemen. gy- Agents wanted in every locality, to whom the most liberal inducements are offer-' ed. ALL PRIZES PBOMTLT PAID. &T SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. JS Slagle Tickets fit. Six Tickets 95. A. J. ALEXANDER, Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana. Jane 27, I960.—6m Spring & Summer Goods, ConsiEtine in port of staple-wad Fancy Dry Goods, Itofcg-Ptto Clothing, AND BEET’S FUKISTISIIINCl GOODS, Hate, Caps, Shoes. Smtfc I-ulic3 prill find every tliinjii connected with their Toilet, to which we call the attention of the Cartcrsville, Ga., March 28, 1890.—w3m Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. AT WSGES9AAR AMD RSTAIA. ice of i ire to | BY RAW30N, GILBERT & BURR, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Importers of English Hardware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers directly from American mannfactork^of all goods in the line. PARLOR, OFFICE and COOK STOVES, OF EVERY PATTERN, AT LOW RATES. Also, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA and JAPANED WARES, At low prices for Cash, orders promptly filled. March 15, 1850—ly. S. R. KRAMER,....... -S. W. LELAND, M. D., T. F. JONES, M. D. KRAMER, LELAND & JONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iioctisTS hi riiinciiTim. CARTERSVILLE AND CASSVILLE, GA. BEG leave to state to the citizens of Cassville, and the surroun- ine country, that, for the future convenience of their customers, th?v have moved a branch of their establishment tc the above Town, and intend keeping a full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, j J^'uts, Oils, Glass, Fine Pocket Knives, P utt £’ ^ lut ® If?' 1 ’ , Fine Extracts for tbe band- | \ arnishes of all kinds, kerchief Fluid, Kerosene Oil, Cologne, Hair Oils, | f! u,d “ nd Pomatum’s for the Hair, Linseed and Machine Oils, Combs, Brushes, Ac. I . etc -> etc -> etc ‘ . «sssa lal a pHysiClANS ^and othera°may depend on getting PURE Medicines at 0 "“‘ a ^ ,8 | , 8 , ^ Bt - A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited.March 15. ft. V. ftfilltl. NORTH SIDE AV. & A. R. R, KINGSTON, GA., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Sach as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molasses, Liquors, Pepper, Spice, Syrup, Salt, Ginger, Mackerel, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal; also Soda, Starch, Tobacco; Iron, Nails; Concentrated Lye; Negro Blankets and Kerseys; Osnabnrgs; Shirtings ; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots ; Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene Oil; Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Rope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. Everything in the Grocery line kwit constantly on band, which will be sold low for caeh. Every thing cash except Bagging and Rope, which will be sold to reompt payer* payable wbco their Cotton it gold, Kingston, wl, Feb. 16 f 1860 ’ly. rummiis. Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation of oar Unehines is well known and needs no com ment. They are All Was- baxtsd; will hem, tuck fell and gather perfectly. neatest and most durable manner, at short notice. Magazines, Music, Newspapers, Ac., neatly bound, without delay. Orders from any port of tbe State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hand, wagon, or railroad, care fully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility of injnrv by transportation. J. V. MASON A CO. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, 1860—ly. T. R. RIPLEY, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. W. C. BEALL, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOES MAKE R, CartersviHe, Ga. HAS just received bis materi als for putting lip light Boots and __ Shoes for the Spring and Sum mer wear, ne is amply prepared to make them fit the most fastidious, upon reasonable terms. Give me a chance, and I will prove mv faith by mv works. W. C. BEALL, apr 5,1SG0—ly Cartersville, Ga. JOHN H. LOVEJOY, Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquois, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., No. 12, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. prv BAGS COFFEE—Rio, Java and I.a- lOU gnrra, just received and for sale by Nov. 1 ‘ J. U. LOVEJOY. m r- BARRELS A. 11. 0. Crushed and Pow- f Offered SUGARS, just received and for sale by J- H. LOVEJOY. QA HOGSHEADS N. O. SUGARS, of all Zil cradcs, just received and for sale bv Nov. 1. J. n. LOVEJOY. BOXES Star and Adamantine Can- V Ale* > also 50 cases Sperm Candles, hist received and for sale by 1 Nov. 1. J- U. LOVEJOY. -f A A BOXES CHEESE—Dairy anil State— 100 boxes Dnryeas’ celebrated Pearl Starch, the best article that is now in use, just received and for sale by J. n. LOVEJOY. K/\ BARRELS new crop MACKEREL, No 1 2 and 3 ; also half barrels and kitts, tor sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. AAA SACKS LIVERRPOOL SALT, fresh Zvv and full sacks, for sale by Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. BARRELS WHISKEY—all grades, gome verv fine, in store and for sale J. H. LOVEJOY. 299,000 to 875; also a fine lot of chew- ing Tobacco, just receivcdiand for sale by Nl .... ...-r- .A . r. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. -e r\r\ BARRELS French and Domestic BRANDY; also 100 Baskets of Mumms and Heidsick’s CHAMPAIGNE, and numerous other articles too tedious to men tion. Send in vour orders—we will please yon. Nov. 1. J- H. LOVEJOY. MANHOOD, How Lost, How Restored, Just published in a Sealed Envelope. ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Semina) Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impoteaey and Mental and Physical Incapacity Br ROBERT J. CULVEBWELL, M. D. Author of the “Green Booh.” dbc. The important fact that the awfnt conse quences of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without internal medicines or the dan gerous application of caustics, instruments, medicated boogies, and other empirical devi ces, ia here clearly demonstrated, and tbe en tirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explain ed, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least pos sible cost, thereby avoiding all theavertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands Seat aader seal to any address, poet paid, o> ' '• address- 480 Fire; Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, # IS P1KT BOTTLES. The Purest and Best Tor Pnrifying the Blood and Diseases of the Liver. T HIS is the best Medicine of the day. If the Lirer and Blood are kept ia a healthy condition by the use of this Compound Sar saparilla, it will prove a great preventive of sickness, and a great saving of expensive Medicines. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, For females, it is excellent in diseases aris ing from general debility or a torpid state ef the Liver, and its occasional use adds a bloom ing vigor to the complexion. FOR CHILDREN, This is the best medicine that can be given, especially to those in a debilitated state af benltb, or troubled with worms. A few donee given to a child when it first appears unwell has a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect in preventing diseases of children makes it a valuable family medicine. Says tbe proprietor of the Cassville Sfand- ard : . ... “X can find nothing that proves so beneficial in cleansing tbe blood «>f its impurities, re storing the appetite, and strengthening the system as Dennis’ Compound Sarsaparilla.” For sale by Druggists generally. For sale iu Cassville at M. McMurrv’s store. Price 81 |>er bottle. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. CHARLESTON cumuli! k UK The subscriber lias constantly on band * large as sortment of Ve hicle* and Har ness of the best quality. Citizens of Georgia* who may be disposed to or der Carriages of me, can depend npon getting a good article, and at as low price, as if pres ent in person to select. All Work Warranted. ly of Erwin and George II. Gilreath. LEONARD CHAPIN. No. 142 Meeting Street, Charleston, fh C. Mny 9, I860.—6m mu rain. AVING moved ip the Mb. sic an* Book Stare of Messrs. J. RICHARDS k CO., on Whitehall Street, opposite Merer*. Beach k Root’s store, I will keep a fine assortment ol tbe JUiegf Style £iw, always for sale low down. My New Patent for 1859 is an improve- ment in tbe Dampers, Hammers, Wires and Screws. These Pianos will stand in tone lon ger than any other Piano made, and will bp warranted FIVE YEARS. TUNING-. AH orders for toning will be promptly at tended to. Tuning by the Year and torkehcole st reduced prices. WM. J* CLOUD, May 16, I860.—ly Artixva, On. Store, that she Wflf be 'pfinir^ * ■ fill eU . wSb-tfee same promptitude aad prectavett as heretofore, and hopes to receive tjirii petopnage. AUauta, apr 5,1S60—ly. - - .M AGISTRATE’S Snmmoaa, CosCFi Fa’a rl, for., sold at this qfgjre, ~