The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 15, 1860, Image 4

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Western & Atlantic Railroad. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS MOBNIXG PASSKNOXR (UAII.) TRAIN. Leaves. Atlanta daily at .10-20 A- M. Arrives at Cass i"w w" m Arrives at Chattanooga at .7.34 P. M. IiMres . “ M *•••' *• *• Arrives at Cass 4 J}’ Arrives at Atlanta at 1-40 P. M EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta nightly at 8.15 A. M. Arrives at Cass JHa p u Leaves Cass V'tnT'xt Arrives at Chattanooga 5.80 A. M. Leaves “ « Arrives at Cass 8.27 P. M- litres CJiM B.30 P. M. J5riv“ aTAtlanta at..!........ .11.82 P. M. gjr This Road connects each way with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee A Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad at Chat tanooga. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 188 miles, Fare $5. JOHN W. LEWLS. April, t, I860. Superintendent. Schedule of the Georgia Railroad. passenger'traiss. Leave Augusta at 0.30 a m. snd 2.30 p. m. Arrire Atlanta at 9.45 a m. and 11.45 p. m. T ure Atlanta at 8.40 p. m. and 9.05 a. m. Arrive Anyuta at 5.50 a ni. and 6.20 p. m. ATHENS BRANCH. Leave Augusta at 0.30 a. m. ” Leave Atlanta at 8.40 p. m. Arrive Athens at 8.10 a. m. % Leave Athens at 11.00 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 6.20 p. m-. .‘.rrive at Atlanta 11.45 o. m. No trains on Athens Branch on Sundays to connect with trains leaving Augusta at 12.30 Saturday night, and Atlanta at 8.40 Saturday evening. WASHINGTON BRANCIT. Leave Augusta 2.S0 p. m. Ar Wash. 7.25 p. m. Leave Wash, at 1.30 p. m. Arr. Aug. 6.20 p.m. Arr.Atl. 11.25 pm. Leave Atlanta 9.05 a. m. Arr. Wash. 7.25 p m. Feb. 28, 1860. GEO. YONGE, Gen. Sup’t Macon & Western Railroad. Macon, July 1st, 1859. O N and after Thursday, the 15th inst., the Passenger Trains of this Road will run as •follows: Leave Macon 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 a. m. Leave Atlanta ll-f® A - M ' Arrive at Macon 7.55 p. m. Leave Macon 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 night. Arrive-at Macon 7.15 a. m. The Night Trains will not be run on Sundays. The 10 o’clock train from Macon, connects with the Western & Atlantic Road at Atlanta, for all points beyond that place. The 12 'clock night train connects at Atlanta, with the ‘Georgia and West Point Ruil Roads. March 15 ALFRED L. TYLER, Sup’t. CHEROKEE REMEDY AN UNFAILING RliMEDV FOR Gonorrhoea and all Diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. •upiIIS REMEDY euros when all other prep- 1 arations fail. It is entirely unlike every •other compound; containing no Mineral Poi son or Nauseous Drug; as it is prepared sole ly from Roots; Barks and Leaves, and has been handed down, from one generation to another, by the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the public on its owu intrinsic merits. 11 performs ats duty quickly and thoroughly. The Unfor tunate, of either sex will he repaid by using this Remedy, instead of placing themselves at the mercy of some quack or Professor. This Remedy strikes at the very Root of the disease; its tendency is not simply to suspend the poi son, hut to'Rcmoro the Cause on which it de pends,—Full directions in pamphlet form, ac company each bottle—The speedy and perma nent relief afforded by this Ucme'dy, in all ca ses of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, Fluor Albus (Whites in Females), and all dis eases of the Urinary Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This Rem edy hot only eradicates all Poison from the 8ystom but Invigorates the most delicate con stitution. - ^ It does Not Affect tlio Breath or Inter fere with any Class of Business, or require any deviation from the usual diet. 19 It requires no assistance from other med icine. .HT And what enhances its Value, is the En tire Absence of all Nauseous Taste, being a >*l«nsaut and Delicious Syrup. p ticc #2 per bottle, or three bottles for $3. POTTER & HER WIN, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mo. .w Sold iu Cassviile, bv S. Levy, and all the dealers is medicines. In Atlanta by all Druggists. John Wright A Co., New Orleans, •ndiHsviland, Sterenson k Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8, 1800—ly. Howard Association, . Philadelphia, Penn. J. Beaewlriti Institution established by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Ski and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for the care »j Diseases of the Sexual Organs. ACKDICAL ADVICE given gratia, me the ML Acting Surgeon, to aU who apply Sy let ter, with a description oftheir condition, (age, •cenpation, habits of life, A&."> Rod iu eases of extreme poverty, ry; Heines furnished free ot charge- Valuable reports on the diseases of the sex ual organs, and ou the new remedies employ ed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in a sealed envelope, free ot charge. Two or three stamps (or postage will be acceptable. Address Doct. J. 8. Houghton, Aetiug Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth eL, Philadelphia. Bv order of the Directors. E. D. HEARTWELL, Presid’t. GEO. FAntCUILD~Secretarv. Oct. 13,1859—It. THE Greatest Reduction EVER MADE IN STANDARD SEWING At a redaction of Twenty Dollars **r9traigh* N^dta<£ictane is mu A . LEYDEB ,Gn^«OT i Oseeva! Agent. Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the Conrt Home door in the Town of Ellijay, on the 1st Turn- day in September next, between the legal hours -hoars of sale, the following propertf, to wit: Lot of land number 229, in the 10th district and 2d section ; levied on as the property of Wm Moore to satisfy afi fa issued from Gilmer Inferior Court, in laror of John Bruce va said Moore; property pointed out by defcndent. Also—John F. Mitchell’s interest in lot of land No. 41, in the 11th district and 2d section to satisfy a 2i fa issued from Gilmer Superior court iu favor of Daniel L.Fry. JUDSON’S Mountain Herb Fills. Abovb, we present you with a perfect like ness of Tezuco, a chief of a tribe of the strange Aztec Nation, that once ru'ed Mexico. You will find a full account of him and his people in our pamphlets and almanacs—to be bad gratis, frmn the Agents for these Fills. The inventor and manufacturer of “Judson’s Mountain Herb Pills,” has spent the greater part of his life in travelling, having visited nearly every country in the world. He spent brer stx years among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and Mexico, and it was thus that the “Mountain Herb Pills” were discover ed. A very interesting account of his adven tures there', you will mid in our Almanac and Pamphlet. It is an esstablislicd fact that all diseases a- rise from IMPURE BLOOD! The blood is the life! and when any foreign or unhealthy matter gets mixed with it, it isat once distributed to every organ of the body.— Every nerve feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of flic heart is weakened, so the circulation is fee ble. The lungs become clogged with the pois- enous matter; hence a cough—and all from a slight impurity at the fountain head of life— the blood! As if you had thrown some earth, for instance, in a pare spring, from which ran tiny rivulet, in a few minutes the whole course of the stream becomes disturbed and discolor ed. As quickly does impure blood fly to eve ry part, and leave its sting behind. All the passages become obstructed, and unless the ob struction is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but re generate all the secretions of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled as a CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, Liver Complaint; Sick Headache, Ac. This Anti-Bilious Medicine expels from the blond hidden seeds of disease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cloaring and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed is it to us, that we are able to place w thin your reach, a medicine like the 'Mol'naitn Kkiib Pills,’ that will pass direct ly to (lie nlliicted parts .through the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the sufferer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. Judson’s Pills are the lest Remedy in ex istence for the following Complaints: Dowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseas es, Cost!reness, Dyspepsia, Diafrhee, Drop sy, Debility, fever and Ague, female Complaints, HeadaJie, Indigestion Influenza, Inflamettion, inward IVmi ne**, Liter Complaint*, Ism ess of Spirits, Piles, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms. Great Female Medicine. Females who value health, should never be without these Pills. They purify the blood, icmovc obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. 157“ The plants and herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered in a very sur prising way among the Tezucans, a tribe of ab origines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the ve ry interesting account it contains of the ‘Great Medicine” of the Aztecs. Observe.—Tnc Mountain Herb Pills are put vpin a Beautiful Wrapper. Eachbox contains 40 pills, and retail at 25 cents per box. All gen uine, have the signature of Jl. L. JUDSOX t£- CO., on each box. B. L. JUDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors. No 50 Leonard Street, New York. £57” Agents wanted always—address as a- bove. For sale in Cassviile bv BANTON A HARGIS. In Cartersville by Kramer, Leland & Jones, June 20, 1S60.—ly EUROPEAN MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF Drs. SAMSON & LACOSTE, 512 Broadway, Opposite the St. Nichols, NEW YORK. Established for the treatment of Chronic Dis eases in both sexes, requiring expe rience, tact and delicacy. DR. SAMSON, diseases of the Lungs and Throit. DR. LACOSTE, OF THE HOSPITAL DC MPDI IN PARIS. Former Assistant to the celebrated Dr. Ricord, Takes charge of the specialty of Diseases of a delicate nature in both sexes. Weakness and Nervous Debility and such affections of ladies tor which the new French method of treatment is consider^! the best. Dr. Samson’s Peruvian Coca, recommended by V. Ilumbolt and Capt. Herndon, IT. S. N., against Consumption, for sale at $3 per bottle. The best remedy against all affections of the Lungs. Dr. Lncoste’a Flor del Ucayali, against sex ual weakness, #3 per bottle.' The celebrated Ricord’s Pills for the cure of Sexual Diseases of a poisenous character, $2 per box. His La dies Parisian Silver Pills, warranted to have the desired effect, $2 per box. His Gonorrhoea Drops cure that disagreeable affliction io two days, $2 per bottle. Safes for protection $3 per dozen. All remedies, which are still a se cret in the hands of only a few French phvsi- cians. can only be had of him. Medicines for rarded by Expres and Mail free of charge, to all parts. *** Address box 3,576 Post Office, New York, in English, German, French or Spanish. July 25, I860.—ly Executor’s Sale. 480 Acres Cats County Cotton Land. One Town Lot in Kingston. One Pine Lot in the 1 7tt District. I F not disposed of privately, we will sell on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Conrt Honse door in Cassviile, the Planta tion an Euharfey Creek, twelve miles South of Kingston, belonging to the estate of James Carter, deceased. This is one of the best Cot ton and Grain Farms in the Gonnty; contains 480 acres of land, abont 400 of which is fresh and iu a high state of cultivation. The pine forest bordering on this place is of peculiar advantage in the way of cheap timber and good range for cattle, which can be added at a small outlay as desired. Those wishing to buy a No. 1 place in Cass county will surely find such an “"CS, same time and place, one Town Lot in Kingston, containing five acres, well im- J iroved and deairablyloeatod- Also, one pine ot No. 588 in the 17th district, well locate! lor steam miU. ■— Teems oe Saul—Plantation and town lot to be delivered by 25th December, allowing pur chaser privilege of sowing wheat $3,000 will be required on purchase of form by 25th De cember, balance doe January I at, 1868, with interest Fur farther info mat ion apply to the subscribers, or call on Mr. Cox at the planta tion. MARTHA CARTER, Executrix. Aug. 4, I860.—»a L. S. SALMONS, . ..A. B. MATHEWS,. „.J. N.^ SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., M8NT tFRlMfe I860. WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. ARE now prepared to offer to the trade as good a selection of every style and description« FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DET GOODS as can be found in the city, at prices that will meet the views of purchasers. We bsve also every style of A # Carpeting, Floor and Oil Cloths, and Matting, at prices ranging from twenty-five cents to two dollars per yard. We also have a Urge stock of LADIES’ LACE POIXTS AXD SHA WLS BE URGES. jfj, WITHOUT FLOUNCES. Also a large lot of beautiful small printed JACONET MUSLINS and RILLIANTS, plain and figured WHITE SILKS and ROBES ^ bridal occasions. Also a complete slock of MOURNING DRE^S GOODS. , . . A a larire stock of GINGHAMS and PRINTS, of every Quality and style. Our stock of EMBROIDERIES is large and of the latest styles, as also our stock of all qnal- Gr Is O V E S Also—Lot of land No. 95, in the 6th district and 2d section; levied on as the property of Augustus Dover to satisfy a Justice’s court fi fa issued from the 864th district, G. M., in fa vor of James Burnett vs Augustus Dover and David Mashburn; property pointed out by the plaintiff. Also—Part of lot No. 303, in the 10th dist. 2d sec., lying below the bind on Turnip town Creek, running backways to the line of said mir , lot North and South, tnd adjoining Neil C- Ber- Jtics of ry and Osborn Holt above, and known as a — . part of the Newton M. Foster farm, one small , r , - ALEXANDER Kid Gloves, of every ahade portion of land in the town of Ellrjav, lying among which may be found the wen known ALtiaauon “• E*st of the Turnpike road and B. lUFradj’s of of Bleached and Brown SHEETING and SHIRTING, Planters’LINENS and COTTONADES, is fall and complete We have also a large stock of ,... Boots and Shoes of all qualities, among which may be found a fine lot of Ladies’ Kid and Congress Boots, made in Philadelphia expressly for our trade. Also, a larpe stock of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS* all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices FOR*£??' All Orders promptly attended to. *P r 1 ly shop and the house owned by Joseph Slate, No. 274, in the 10th district and 2d section, __ levied on as the property of Newton M. Foster to satisfv a fi fa issued from Gilmer Superior court in favor of Jehu Thomas vs said Foster; Dropertv pointed out by E. W. Chastain. G. H. RANDELL, Sheriff. August 4, 1S60. "PEEING connected with Gilmer Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Conrt house door in the town of Ellijay, on the first Tues day in September next within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 168, in the 11th district and 2d section, lot No. 157, in the 7th district and 2d section, 4700 sauare feet of lot No- 62 in the 11th district and 2d section, commencing on the East side of the Turnpike road, adjoin ing the’North-west eorner of lot No. 5, in the town of Ellijay, ruunaing parallel with the line that bounds the west angle of lot No. 5, in said town, 33 feet thence at right angle with said parallel to a south-east direction 136 feet or run until it strikes a parallel with a line that bounds the east angle of lot No. 6 iu Ellijay, thence with said angle in a south-west direc tion 33 feet, or to the north-east corner of lot No. 6 in said town of Eilijay, thence 136 feet to . „ . the beginning, all levied on as the property of obtain Aortn. Win. H. Milton, to satisfy two fl fas issued from Gilmer Superior court, one in favor of Baker, Wright & Co. vs said Milton, and one in favor of Baker & Wright; printed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also—Thomas J. Clark’s interest in lot of land No. 218, in the Gth district and 2d section levied on by virtue ot a fi fa issued from Gil mer Superior court in favor of P. k J. M. Pat terson vs said Clark. G. n. RANDELL, Sheriff, August 1, 1S60. Philadelphia enables in or Philadelphia. „ „ , „ , I obligate myself to sell Hats, Caps and Straw Goods Georgia, Cass county. W HEREAS, William N. McKelvy, execu tor of the last will and testament of James McKelvy, deceased, applies to me tor letters of dismission from his said executor ship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have, why said lettersshonld not be granted. Given nndor my hand at office, this Au gust 1, 1SC9. —6m. N. LAND, Ordinary Georgia, Gilmer county. W HEREAS, Rolling Kimmons and Alley Southern apply to me for letters ot ad ministration on the estate of Berry Southern, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be nnd appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said lettersshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this August 1, I860.—40d J, I 1 . CHASTAIN, Ordinary,, Estate Sale. 520 Acres Cass County Lands for Sale B Y virtue of the last will of James Carter, deceased, wo will offer at private sale, un til the 1st of November next, one of the best Cotton and Grain Farms in the county of Cass; 400 acres of which are in a high state of cul tivation and fresh, having been cleared in the last few years. Also, one town lot of five a- cresin Kingston, well improved. To Debtors and Creditors. Those who are indebted to said estate will p'ease come forward and settle at once, ard tliosil holding demands are requested to hand them in ns soon as possible. M. CARTER. Executrix. B. H. LEEKE, 1 Executors B. T. LEEKE, f t ‘ xec,u,,r - Cassviile, Ga., jul>e 13, 1S60.—4m Executor’s Sale. T-N pursuance of the will of Watts, A deceased, will be sold before -be Court house, in the town of Cassviile. on tCCbrs Tuesday in September next, the follow ni^ property, to-wit: The late residence of William Watts, dec’d, containing two acres, more or less. The house and lotnow occupied by Wm. Floyd; tbe hoose and lot occupied by Rev. L. Anthony, each containing one-baif acre, more or less; one va cant lot, one acre, more less, all in <d Adairsville. Also, omc field lying to* of A- dairsville, now in cultivation, containing twen ty acres. All sold as the property of WHfit® VPatts, deceased. . Terms.—Credit until the 1st of MaVWL Mfl, with approved security, interest Dcm~ date. J. S. CUNNINGHAM, l ** F. M. WATTS, > f • July 11, 1S60.—2m G eorgia, cass couNTY.^-wbeweiiF. M. Smith applies to me for letters dis- missorv from administration on tbe estate of James J. Smith, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said lettersshonld not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 15th. 1860—6m. N. LAND. Ord. Georgia, Cass county. \\T HEREAS, Christopher Dodd of said V V county, makes application to me in wri ting (as friend) for letters of administration on the estate of Henry H. Bake% late of the State of Sooth Carolina, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this July 11. 1860. 4<>d. N. LAND, Ord’ry. Georgia, Fannin county. 'VTOTICE is hereby given to all persona eon it cerned, that Young Davis of Polk county County. T WO months after dateapplientrau will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for have to sell the land belonging to the estate ot Wm. E. Garland, deceased. ELISHA OAKLAND, Adm’r. Jen* U, IMP—2m. that Young Tennesse, "Jias departed this life, snd whereas there is a claim case pending in the Superior court of said county in which said Davis is claimant, and no person having applied tor letters of administration on said estate of said Tonng Davis, and that in terms of the law .ad ministration will be vested in flie Clerk of the Superior Court or some other fit and proper person thirty days after the publication ot this citation, unless some valid objection is made to hissppointment. Given under my hand and offictslsignatere,. this Jnly2d,lS60. JAMES KINCAID. Ordinary, Not io©. L OST or stolen from my note" book, two I promissory units, one of said notes given by EL Wianctt for one hundred dollsn, da ted about the 1st or 3d of November. 1859, and made payable toDarid Bbberson or bemer, and doe 25th December, 1869, with mtsiest from date; the other note on Charrity Sonets-An- sixty dollars, dated the same time of Urn other note, mode payable to David due 25 th December. 1840, date. As I have not tnd person, 1 forsworn all pervona them, -and also forewarn th notes from paving them to any person except mvaelf JONATHAN MrDOW. Jane 27.—** Mir Father, a Wholesale Manufacturer and Jobber, 417 Market st., to sell goods in my liue, as cheap if not cheaper than yew York 1 ooiigaie myseii sen .. - # 25 Per cent. Cheaper than any other House in Atlanta, and 10 per cent, cheaper than Charleston. I will sell on six months credit to responsible men, giving them the same facilities they JAMES S. MARTIN, Jr., . Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Southern Institutions. apr 5, 60 P. S. Come forward, one and all, and patronize WM. . B. COX, W. RHODES HILL, w - R - HERNDON. GOX, HILL & CO., WmVSMMM PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Having formed a copartnership as above, we are prepared to exhibit an elegant and fresh STOCK OF GROCERIES, which are offered to cash and short time, prompt paying customers at very low figures. Our facilities for purchasing and a perfect knowledge of the wants of the public, are such that we can guarantee entire satisfaction, in every par'icular. We annex a fe\. of th. art.cles non tore and to arrive : 100 Hogsheads A B and 0 Sugar, 200 lings Rio Coffee, Old Government Coffee, 30 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Brown Sugar, 300 Boxes^Candles ; 150,0-00 Scgars ; j 25 “ Ja^Coffe^J BOO Tobacco; •7-x Old Rve Whiskey. I 200 Barrels Hectifiea v> hiskey , 30 Pack’s Crosse nt’s Her nosy «tud other choice Bran diesel 000 Boxes Snuff; 500 sacks Salt; 111 “ Brandy, old and soft, from private stock ; 100 boxes State and Eng. Hairy Cheese; And anv quantityof Soda, Starch, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Preserves, Fruits Cordials, Oys ters Mackerel, Sardines. Buckets Brooms, Tubs, Churns, Ac., to which attention is invited. Awaiting your commands, and always at your services, we are, respectfully. Atlanta, Nov. 1,1859.COX, HILL A ; CO. Boots and Shoes, AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. ith heels; Ladies’ fine Patent ~aiters; Ladies’ W E have now-ill stive, ami are'daily receiving, the largest and best stock- of Boots and Shoes ever before offered in this market, consisting in part of theHollowing atatea ; - Gentlemen’s fine French Calf Water-Proof Boots; Gentlemens fine French Calf stitched Aloft Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf stitched Bottom Boots; Gentlemen s fine French Calf square-edge Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf welted Boots; GenUemen s fine French ~ «'* 1 a._ av-_a« »„ g— r».vif p*arnp*soIc pegged Boot* ? Gentlemens itlemen’s French Cnl wjia uwiMcmoi a uuw i .to.y U v— i'Brogpins; Gentlemen’s l Oxford Boots: Gentlemen’s, Ladies’, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Bobbers; Ladies’ Site Silk Last:n«r, Kid foxed Congress Gnitcrs. with heels; Lad Leather foxed Congress Gaiters, with heels; Ladies’ fine Glove Kid Congress Gj_ . fine Silk Lasting patent Crescent foxed Gaiters, with heels; Ladies fijicSiULastina-plaiP and tipped-Gaiters; Ladies’ line Kid patent ripped Lace Boots; Lather fine Kid turn Boots, with heels; Ladies’ foie Kid welted Boots, with heels; Ladies’finejlorecco apd Kid M. G. welt Boots; Ladies’fine Kid welt Buskins, with Kid Ties and Slippers, with heels; Ladies’ Freno Bov’s, Youth’s and Children’s Boots; Ladies, onsses , no vs, i/in.un,.., Shoes of every varietv and style; also, a large assortment of Mens and Boys CnlfBufl, Wax Leather, Kip and Russet Brogans, House Servant’s Shoes, ftc. The above Goods are manufactured bv ns expressly for the retail trade, and wilt be sold at lower prices than a similar quality •>( Goods can be bought in this market, and as low as they can be bought in the State. We warrant every article we sell to be manufactured from good material, and well made. If not as we recommend them, we repair them free of charge. ffe also keep constantly on band a heavy stock of Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather; bide. Kip and Russet Upper; French Calf Skins; Morocco Skins; Lining and Binding Skins ; Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs, Shoe Thread, and Shoemaker’s Kit—all of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at low prices. gV At the sign of the Big Boot. Peachtree Street. Atlanta, Dec. 15, 1859. DIMICK, WILSON ft CO., Successors to Dimick ft Mix. S. B. HOBSON & CO., WRflXtUS M06SSS MID S0MM1BS10H MERCHANTS, •v l:'. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. c for Sale, mto bege RioGofee; 40 bags Java Coffee; 2? bag# tmganjr^Jhffeej lOO barrels A B and C - fttataxa; 4ft barrels powdered and crushed f whi.vJ’ - ’ tySbrnOmnny Bagging; 150 coils Rope; a$>JkegsN«Wlbarrels of Whisky- 85 "JSrertE; 20 baskets ChampagneVioe; «h> boxes Ctodles; 200 sacks Halt; 100 boxes Tobacco, 100,000 Havana, Amtoieu and German . Cigars; 25 barrels best Cider and White^WWjTjnegar: Cheese, Backets, Tubs, Wines, Brandies, Powder, Shot bead, TaWe Salt, Starch, Soda, Crackers, Preserves, Pickles, Mackerel, Brooms, tc, 9 ac. Their business will be done strictly on the j CASH SYSTEM, and prices will be found at the LOWEST FIGURES. Atlanta, Nov. 1, 1859. ■ m— S. B. ROBSON, B. C. BOBSON. Hardware! Hardware! CLARKE & LEWIS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. OUX STOCK CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF „, Nails, Htos, thria4-J>ieks, Mattresses, Mill and ancT Circular flaw*, flrflgwrif, Anvil*. “JP 6 ’ Con Skelters and Straw Cfettevx,. leather and Rubber Belting and Packing, Building Material, CriNiy, Onus, Pistols, Carriage Hardware, Springs, Axles, Hnbs» 8>ajbi^-Ac. Jan 26, ’60-ly- CARTERSVILLE EMPORIUM OF FASHION. HOWARD, STOKELY & CO., Are receiving their large and well selected Stock of nw smk ih mm (MR And would announce to toe public that they are now prepared to offer them one of tbe largest, cheapest, most fashionable and substantial stock of mom. Ready-mad* Clothing y Hats, Boots and Shoes, ax e*o- Wms brought to the Cherokee eoqntry. In addition to their Dry deeds bouse, they have, ^ stock of Groceries -f>offae, Mpr, ■enssos, a«e, **._*■?» xww% Negro Shoes and Kaaketa, Kmaeys, Oenabnrgs, and many ether things too tofooee to toen- l °cit RTraaviLLE^R a?185*. Howard, Stokely a Co. PLANT YOU* DOLLARS And Pluck a Fortune HODGES, DAVIS A CO’S. Consolidated Lottery OF GEORGIA, Authorized by a Special Act of the Legisla ture, for the benefit of tbe Washing ton County Academies. Brilliant Scheme for August, 1860. ROTAL HAVANA PLAN. 26,220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $271,200. Will be distributed according to the following Royal Scheme: WOOD, EDDY k CO.’S DELAWARE AND KMOttU S fATE LOTTERIES Capital Priie To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Frize of $70,000 I 1 1 I 1 5 Prizes of 10 “ 20 “ 100 “ 100 “ 2(000 $500 800 100 50 25 5 20,000 10,000 5,000 8,000 2,008 3 Prixes of 1,000 | 976 Approxim’n Prizes, amounting to $18,200. Tickets only $8.00—halves, quarters and eighths in proportion. CITY PLAN. m 5 o,ooo FOR $1,001 DRAWN DAILY AT 5 O’CLOCK. 75 ballots!—12 drawn nocbers !! SCHEME! Anv $1 ticket with 8 drawn nnra. on it $50,000 .r .< .. « 7 “ *< « 25,000 6 “ “ “ 15,000 5 “ “ “ 5,000 4 ■« « «« 1,000 S «« “ “ 200 2 «« “ “ 30 1 .5 Any $1 ticket with a drawn number on it, stationed to come out at any particular place, such as 57,1st, 2d, 3d, or any other station in the drawing, 60 Tickets from $1.00 to any price, and prices paid at the above rates per dollar. Rkmkubek'—If two or more selected num bers are taken, and all of those numbers ao selected, are not drawn, among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, the Ticket is a Blank. By this Scheme purchasers can select their own Numbers. COMBINATION PLAN. Drawn every day at 4 o’clock. CAPITAL PRIZES, $40,000! $32,000 $25,000! $20,000 $10,000 $5,000! §2.500! ETC.! TICKETS FROM SI TO Sri). In ordering Tickets, state tin (‘ir en close the money loour address, and .in rt-co;;.: of it we will send what is ordered by return mail. g^*A!l communications strictly confiden tial. Purchasers will please write thi-ir sig natures plain, and give tbeir Post Office Comi ty and State. Circulars, containing full explanations of our Schemes, Ac., will be forwarded by mail, to any one sending us his name. Address.all orders to HODGES, DAVIS ft CO., Macon, Ga. Tickets in the above Plans for sale by Nov 17 W. D. BURRIS, Cassviile. Cass Sheriff's Sales for Sept. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Cassviile, on the 1st Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit-. Lot of land No. 21S. in the 17th district and 3d section of Cass connty, as the property of Christopher Smith to satisfy a Justice’s court fi. fa. in favor of W. H. II. Fult.m vs. said Smith; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—Two negro men, one by the name of George, about thr tv-five years of age, and one by tbe name of Phillip, abont fifty-live years of age, as the property of James D. Terrell to satisfy two fi. fas., one in favor of ILirsey, Ax- ten ft Co. and one in favor of Courtney, Ten- nent ft Co. vs said Terrell; levied on by J. C. Aycock, former Sheriff Also—Lot of land No. -116, in the 21st dis trict and 2d section of Cass county, to satisfy a Justice’s oonrt fi ta issued from the 963d dis trict, G. M. in favor of Hamiter ft Thompson vs C. M. Fry; levy made and returned to me by a constable. * Also—Oncjsegro man named Lewis, abont 60 years old, as the property of James A. Mad dox, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior conrt in faTor of Terrass ft Brothers vs J. B. Langston * Co. Also—Lot of land No. 130, in tbe 21st dist., and 2d section, of originally Cherokee now Cass connty; levied on as the property of Dan iel Chitwood to satisfy a fi fa from Casa Supe rior Court in favor t>f the Central Bank ofGeor- gia endorsee va Daniel Chitword; 'property pointed onI„by plaintiff’s attorney. r Also^A nc' r ro woman named Rhoda, about 50 years old, dari complexion ; levied on as the property of Robert H. Guyton, to satisfy fonr Justice’s court fi.- fas. from the 822d dis trict G. M. one in favor of C. B. Tate, one in favor of Miller Collins, and two fn favor of Powell ft Bishop, all vs said Guyton; proper ty pointed ont by C. B. Tate; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—One negro woman named Betiy, about 55 yean old, dork complexion; levied on as tS? property of Sarah A. E. Edwards, to satisfy | two Justices court 6 fas issued from the 822d district G. M. in favor of W. J. Williford va Sarah A. E. Edwards .-property pointed ont by plaintiff; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—One bouse and lot in tbe town of En- barly occupied by J. B. Broom as a blacksmith shop, manner not known, to satisfy a fi. fa. for purchase money issued from Cass Superior court in favor of Felix C. Bailey va Noah R. Smith and W. EL Petree. Also—One plantation whereon Benj. Harris now lives, number not known, in the 17th dis trict and 3d section; levied on as the property of Bern. Harris tc satisfy two fi fas issued from Csss Superior court, one iu favor of Thomas K. Spronll vs Benjamin Harris and Andrew Hamilton endorser, and one in favor of James Milner vs Andrew Hamilton and Benj.' Harris. Also—On* house and lot in the town of King ston, number not known,, on the South side of the Rail Bead, levied on as the property of J. A. Franks to satisfy a fi fa from Cass Superior conrt in favor of B. H. Conyers vs Johnson ft Franks sad C. Dodd endorser, and other ft fas in my bonds vs Johnson ft Franks. WOOD. The EDDY e Managers' Offi ton, Delaware, and St. Lows, Minimi) T u e following MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES will be drawn in public, deuce of Sworn Comm the Governor. Wood, Eddy A Co's. Lottoxy, Class No. 394 Draws Snt’y, Aug. 18, lftftO. 78 Numbers 18 Drawn Bnllnta. 1 Grand Capital Priao at S70,000! 1 Prise of 1 Prize of 3 Prises of 3 Prixes of 3 Prixes of 3 Prixes of 3 Prixes of 100 Prixes of $50,000 21.500 12.500 5,000 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,000 168prixes«f $5C» <6 prixes of ItS - 65 prixes of 100- *5 prises of IO* <5 prises of 59’ 4810 prises of 27040 ] ' 32,398 Prixes, nmoonting to.......$ . Whole Ticket* $20; Halves $10; Qnartets ftO. Certificates of Pseksges of 26 whole tickets will be sold for $290} halves, quarters ssft eighths in proportion. SPLENDID SCHEMEf To bo drawn each WEDNESDAY it AUG.- CLASS 364 Draws Wednesday,.Ang, 1, 1840.- CLASS 376 Draws Wednesday, Ang. 8,1860.- CLASS 388 Draws Wednesday, Ang. 16, 1860. CLASS 400 Draws Wednesday, Ang. 22, I860 CLASS 412 Draws Wednesday, Ang. 29,1840. Nearly one prize to every two Tickets. 78 Numbers—13 Drawn Ballots. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $37,600. 1 prize of $15,639 2 “ 10,000 2 “ 7,500 2 “ 5,000 2 “ 3,000 4 “ 1,500 15 “ 15 “ 1,000 I 4,745 500 I 27,040 15 Prixes of 227 prizes of 65 “ . 65 •* 65 « 130 $400 00 100 70 40 SO 20 10 32,396 Prizes Amounting to $589,589 Whole tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2,50 Certificates of Packages in the above Schema to be drawn each Wednesday, of 26 Tickets, will be sold for $149 50; halves and quarters in proportion; which is the risk. In Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose the amount of money to our address for what you wish to purchase; name the Lot tery in which yon wish it invested, snd wheth er von wish wholes, halves or quarters, on re ceipt of which we send what is ordered, ly first mail, together with the scheme; Immediately after the drawing a printed ■ •-I'g, certified to by the Commissioners^ ; .lent, with an explanation. Purchasers will please writeIneiraignatnrva ptalu, and give their Peat Office, Connty and ,te. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi atelv after.thc drawiug—otherprixes at the c- suai time of forty d«ys. All communications strictly confidential. Wood, Eddy ft Co.’s Lotteries are drawn st Augnsta, Ga^ and Wilmington, Del Our Single Number Lottoriei f CAPITAL FRIZE $30,000 t dba ir.y ever r sa turd a r. Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters |2j{ A ddress Orders for Tickets or Certifies!,s to WOOD, EDDY ft CO., Wilmington, Del. or WOOD, EDDY ft CO.. St. Louis, Mo. Circular* 1 containing Schemes for tbs mouth will be sent, free of expense, by ad dressing as above. M*V 28,1860. LOOK I STARTLHIft FACTS! GRAND SCHEME FOR A.TJ C3-TJ ST, 1860. Georgia State Lottery. McKinney a go., mabaum. Authorized by special set of the Legislature. 23,828 Prizes I |3M^40 More than one prize to every two tickets. Capital Prize, $60,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters sad Eighths in propsrtUn. To be drawn eachSstnrdsy is 1S48, in tha City Of Savannah, Ga. Class 74 draws Saturday, Jane % 1840; Class 76 draws Saturday, Jnns 2,18*4. Class 76 draws Saturday, June 16, 1440. Class 77 draws 8sturday, Jsne 28, 1840 Class 78 draws Saturday, Jut 80, 1840* Magnificent Scheme, 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize el 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 11 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of $60,000 I 20.000 10,000 5,000 -4,000 3,000 | ft fi** 3 20ft 150 10ft •ft 85 Alio.—2Jtf screw of land, more or less, with the improve^uts thereon, in the town of CartersriHe, kMrn as the pines whereon defendant baa s shop, to satisfy tbs pnehasc money fi. fa. from Csss Superior court, Don ald M. Hood, administrator on toe estate cf Thomas Hamilton, vs. Milton Loveless. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sh’C August 4, I860. Notice. Georgia, Cass county. A LL persons having demands againrt Arm stead Leak, late of raid county, deceased, hereby notified to present them properly isted, to as within the time prescribed by will not be * or they will i indebted to SSXJSJ be settled, sod all per- Ang. 8, I860.—40d rK mouths after dite aspliestiris will he of Csss Cot rrm X mode to theOtdinazy „ leave to seO the real estate of Wm. Bagwell deceased. JOHN L. ROW*, June 6,1840. Adm’r. 5 Prises of 10 Prises of 2 Prises of 2 Prises sf 2 Prises of 50 Prixes sf 2,000 j 100 Prixes of 1,500 100 Prises sf 1,100 {100 Prizes sf APPROXIMATION frizes. 25,448 Prizes Amounting to $212444* 25328 Priie* fimoentfr to $36$,040 WILL BR DRAWN T.HI8 2?0*TE. OsaTiriCATX or Fackaoxs will if***! stlid following rates, which is thrriik: Certificate of Packages of 10 whole tickets ft?® “ “ 10 half “ to " ’* 10 quarter “ II “ “ 10 eighth “ 7.5ft &OOS 49 fill, A SPENDID DRAWING. Ou the Three Umber Plus I Drawn every Wednesday and i 1 Capital Prise of 1 Prize of 1 Prise of 1 Prise of 1 Prise of 2.171 10 Prizes of 74ft 40 Prises of 17$ 150 Prizes of 18ft 259 Prises of 44 Prixes of 44 Prizes of 64 Prixes of 5.682 Prises of If 28,224 Prises of R 34,412 Prizes Amounting to Whole Tickets |5, Shares in PropoffipUL In OanaaiKS Tics its on CxanncAvus, be forwarded by ftrtt mail PurduMrt fitt have Tickets euding in say ftgsn they my designate. _ £ i,, The list of drawn numberasud^ prixsswilt be sent to purribasers immediately alHrtlf drawing. ,, 1 All communications strictly eoufidMMftt., Address Orders for Tickets sr CartdbktM to XoUnVT A CO., Mch 84.1840-'ly. SMaasah.Go. D. M. T0UNG, Agont, r WH0LR8ALK AHK »STAH. DIAUWOf of rw jaBEKomato. Wtauksll at* Feto*, 184ft—ly.