The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, September 06, 1860, Image 3

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recent some anccy ^^wntion ’ A writer, in the Louisville (Ky.) Democrat, speaking of a powerful speech made by Judge Buliitt, at Grecnsburg Ky says. If sound reason, fair argument, and 1c. g»l deductions, arc to rule and have its due wcight.with thinking, reflecting men, /t does seem that no one, with his proper reason about him, after hearing the argu ment of Judge Bullitt, could help being driven, irresistibly, to the conclusion— first—That Stephen A. Douglas is the Tegular nominee of the National Democrat ic party of the United States. Secondly—That John C. Breckinridge is the nominee of a sectional party, brought about by the rebellious teachings of those who are unfriendly to the Union of these States. Thirdly—That Stephen A. Douglas stands now upon the same old fashioned Democratic Platform upon which all the great men and good men of the Demo cratic party have ever stood, and where even Mr. Breckinridge stood, until his recent somersault into the Disunion camp Yancey & Co.; and —That the doctrine of nomin ation by Congress in the States, in 'the Territories and in the District of Co lumbia is no new doctrine; that it is the fcame identical doctrine; which has been acted upon, and abided by and advocated by the Democratic party throughout the land for the last twelve years, and upon which James Buchanan and John. C. Breckinridge were run and were elected in 1856. fifthly—That the doctrine of Popular Sovereignty of the people, and principles of non-intervention in regard to their own domestic concerns, is as old as o".“ govern ment itself, and is fully illustrated in the principles " hcli u.oVed our Sires of the Revolution in their struggle for independ ence against the tyranical oppression of King George the Third, one of ttic great est haters and proscribcrs of popular free dom. Sixthly—That those who advocate the doctrine of intervention, and deny the peo ple the right to regulate their own domes tic concerns in their own way, subject on ly to the Constitution, and the laws of the land as expounded by the courts, are but carrying out the same aristocratic doctrine of George the Third, that the people are not capable of sclf-gcvernment; and to bo freed from this odious doctrine, our fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and which lost the best blood that ever flowed in human veins. Seventhly—That Stephen A. Douglas is now, and was, and ever lues been, the firm, unwavering advocate of tnc Popular Sovereignty of the people; that the people are capable of self-government; that they have the right, and ought, in their discre tion, to exercise it at all times to regulate their own domestic concerns in their own way, subject alone to the Constitution and the laws of the United Stales, as expoun ded by the Courts. ’’ Sec the manner in which the Black Republican organs throughout Illinois makes use of Judge Douglas speech to prejudice Northern men against linn. Al most every one of their papers has the fol lowing extract standing daily at the head of its columns. Their allies in the South accuse him of being an Abolitionist: Louisville Democrat. COIWLAU SOVEREIGNTY DEFINED READ 1 READ ! read! ! ft is part of the history of the country that under this doctrine of non-interven tion, this doctrine that you delight to call squatter sovereignty, the people of New Mexico hate INTRODUCED andl‘RO- TECTED slavercry in the WHOLE OF TIT A T TERRITOR Y. Under th is doc trine they hare CONVERTED a tract tf FREE TERRITOR V into slave terri tory more than FIVE TIMhts A.S LARGE AS TUE STATE OF NEW YORK. Uiuhr this Doctrine, slavery has been extended from the Rio Grande to the Gulf of California, and from the line of the Republic of Mexico, not only tip to 36* 30’, but up to 38®—giving yoc A DEGREE AND A HALF MORE SLAVE TERR1- -TORR TUAN YOU EVER CLAIMED.—Douglas' tpeech, May 16, 1S60. HF* The New York Herald has changed front again, and now predicts the triumph of the Douglas Union ticket in that State by a large majority. Speaking of the vote of New York the Herald of the, 22d says: •“Wc have said that New York weuld elect the Union anti-Lincoln electoral ticket by at least fifty thousand majority, and we thought we were within the bounds of rea- ta saying; but we have now to cor- Tw/oureSumate. We did not know when we made it, that the Black Republican leaders, wire-pullers and managers were Special Notices. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR James CLARKE’S CelebrAted Female Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful aud dangerous diseas es to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all ob structions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE thejindersigned,. MERCHANTS of the CITY OF CHARLESTON, S. C., encouraged by the patronage received last Spring, and by the assuranes that have reach ed us from all sections of the South and South west, that our Goods have compared advanta geously, and competed successfully, with those bought in New \ork and other Northern cit ies, and believing that being found faithful to the pledges, made iu our former Card, we will receive still greater patronage, have prepared, ourselves for a largely increased Fall business. ' Our Importers and Jobbers of Foreign Mer chandize have all been represented^ in the markets of Europe, this Spring and Summer, either by members of their respective firms, or by Agents fully competent to select goods for the Southern trade. They have bought for cash, or its equivalent, and their selections will form full aud attractive stocks for the in- Woodruff’s Concords. It is a general acknowledged fact that these Buggies are far superior to any now used | in the Suite. They run lighter, ride easier and J last longer than any other Baggies ; hence the | ^ increased demand for them in many parts of t us State; also, in Alabama, Tennessee and Florida. If vou want a good Buggy or Car riage of any kind it will pay you well to go to Atlanta or send your orders. Woodruff keeps a large stock from the fine Coach down to the iron axle Plantation Wagon. [ july 2o. IMPOTANT ARRIVAL NEWS! O F Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Go- j S j*ction of the interior merchant. Our facil- vernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION.—These Pills should not be ta ken by females during the first three months ol Pregnancy, as they are sure to br.«. yon Miscar riage, but at any other time they re safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal affections Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet aiound each package, which should be carefu 1 preserved. Sole agent for the Umicd States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin A Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. N. 11.—$1,00 and 0 postage stamps enclos cd to any authorized Agent, will insure a bot tle, containing 60 pills, by return mail. Sold in Cassville by S. Levy, and all dealers iu medicine—in Atlanta by Massey A Lunsdaie. John Wright k Co., New Orleans, and Haviland, Stovenson A Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8—lv. ities forobtaiuing Domestic Goods direct from the manufactories, are unsurpassed by any city in the Union. We, therefore, confidently invite vou to in spect our FALL STOCK OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, feeling assured that all who may do so, without prejudice, will make their purchases in this market. Our Stocks are now complete, and we would be pleased to receive the visits of eur old aud new mercan tile friends. CARTERSVILLE RESTAURANT, BY MADDOX k PUCKETT. We announce to i the public gen- ' erally that we : have opened a j new CONFEC- ; TIONERY in Cartersville, at the old stand of | W. & J. N. By- ’ ers, and will , keep constantly I ou haud all kinds of Confectionaries. Eating Saloon furnished with all the delicacies of the ; season. JAS. F. MADDOX, THOS. M. PUCKETT. Cartersville, Feb. 9, 1860—lv. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Cobls, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quincy, and numerous as well as the dangerous diseases of the Threat, Chest and Lungs, prevail, in our changeable climate, at all seasons of the year: tew are fortunate enough lo esenpe their baneful influ ence. How important then to have on hand a certain antidote to ull the complaints. Expe rience proves that this exists in IF*star’s Bal sam to an extent not found in any other reme dies; however severe the suffering, the appli cation, soothing, healing and wonderful Bal sam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Georgia Testimony. Certificate from Mr. E. Mausenet, a well mown and highly respectable citizen of Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga., March 19, 1S60. Messrs. S' W. Fowlsk Co.: Gentlemen :—Believing in the great virtue of your renowned Balsoin of Wild Cherry, I clierfully comply with the request of your tra velling agent in adding my testimony to the many which you have already received. I have been acquainted with this medicine fur main- years, and have always heard it spoken of in' the highest terms A brother-in-law who at one time was much reduced with a severe ami obstinate cough, was restored by it, after other remedies failed. I have also used it for mvself and children for obstinate cooghs and colds, with a uniform and happy result, and therefore recommend it confidently as the best lung medicine within my knowledge. Respectfully, E. MAUSENET. 1ST Caution to Purchasers. The only genu ine 117star's Balsam has the written signature of “ I. Birrrs” and the printed one of the Pro prietors on the outer wrapper; ull other is vile and worthless. Prepared bv SETH W. FOWLE Jb CO., Bos ton, and for sale by A. Haire. Cassville. Khauer. Lki.axd A Jones, Cartersville. Samuel V. Siikats, Kingston. And by nearly all Druggists. July IS.—lm GILLILAND, HOWELL A CO.; JOHN STON. CREWS A CO.; CHAMBERLAIN, MILER A CO.; JOHN G. MILNOR A CO.; NAYI.ER, SMITH A CO.; HYATT. Mc- BURNEY, A CO.; CRANE, BOYLSLON A CO;. J.-S- A L. BOWIE A CO.; CADOW, McKenzie a co. ; keurison a leid- ING. HARDWARE. HYDE, GREGG, A DAY; WILMANS A PRICE; COURTNEY, TENNANT A CO.; J. E. AUGER A CO. Boots and Shoes. D. F. FLEMING A CO.; R. A. PRINGLE A CO.; FORCE A MITCHELL; E. B. STOD DARD A CO.; DUNHAM, TAFT A CO.; HASELTINE A WALTON. CLOTHING. PIERSON SMITH A CO ; COHEN. WIL LIS A CO.; WALDRON, EGGLESTON A CO.; EDWIN BATES A CO.; MATTHIESSEN. O’HARA A CO. GROCERIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. CreciieHj iinO Gliijss JAiqire. WEBB A SAGE; BROWN A PALMA. Drugs and Medicines. HA VIEW'D, STEVENSON A CO.; NEL SON CARTER; JOHN ASUURST A CO.; RUFF A DOWIB. Silks wS Zwcij Goods. BOWEN, FOSTER A CO.; J. A W. KNOX; DEWING. THAYER A CO; MARSHALL, BURGE A CO.; ALBERT LENGNICK, Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. HORSEY, AUTEN A CO.; F- D. FAN NING A CO.; D. It. WILLIAMS A CO. Sidles fti)d SoddieKj ifai’dtoqi’t’. HASTIE, CALUOITX A CO.; JENNINGS, THOML1NSON A CO. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Win dow Curtains. LAMBERT A HOWELL; J. G. BAILIE. Jhlportei’S Jkqlcl’S in $> CIIAFEE, CROFT A CHAFEE; RENNEKElt A GLOVER. 3)ej)lelr in Sqpolr find Envelopes. JOSEPH WALKER. August CO, I860. m\\ Mill!! T HE subscriber offers for sale one of the most valuable little FARMS on the Etowah R'ver. It contains 250 acres, ISO of which is first quality, the remainder second. It has all necessary improvements upon it, and lies convenient to market, miles South of Kingston. Any person wishing to purchase Cass County Hirer Land will lo well to give me a call on the place, or address me at Kingston, Ga., before purchasing elsewhere. 1 B. F. REYNOLDS. August 8, I860.—t25dec southern Cultivator please publish 4 times. FALL A3SL AT HERZBERG & BROTHERS’ IEV HUT CIS! STORES I MlTEiSTHU. AIB Willi. II Consoling in Ensign nwd MEI'i AND SOYS READY-MADE SLOTHifN*, Bruns, ins hi cos, Bonnets, Jewelry, Watches, Notions &c. Which have been selected Personally with the IToj be io u themselves, as we take pleasure in show mg our goods. HERZBERG A BROTHERS. Sept. 0, 1S60. Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. AT HARNESS SHOP. ! BY W. O. BOWLER, Cassville, Georgia, KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND ’ Carriago and Buggy Harnett, ft m § BY RAW SON, GIL X [From the Troy Budgstt.J John Quincy Adams. It is iu that famous poem, the Siege of Cor inth, where Byron records that— “There was an old man whose hairs were ichit> . But his veteran arm was full of might.” The famous lines descriptive of this old man have often been quoted as applicable to that intellectual giant of the earlier days of the Republic—John Quincy Adams. Had the he ro of Byron’s poem lived in these days there wunld have been no necessity of his record ing the fact that “his hairs were white”—for like most of the old men of the present day, he would undoubtedly have used IIkimsthkkt’s IIair Restorative, which would have restored his hair to all the pristine beauty and natural color of youth. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold eve- whereby all dealers iu medicine, and in Cass ville by Samuel Levy. W. E. HAGAN A CO. aug. 22—lm Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. H. L. RAY, HMncg and Coimeht af £ai», ELLIJ AY, GEORGIA. Sept. 6, ly Cass Sheriff’s Sales for Oct. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Cassville, on the 1st Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The settlement of land whereon the defend- ent now lives, in the 21st district and 2d sec tion, numbers not known; levied on as as the property of James Baker, jr., to satisfv a fi fa issued from Cass Inferior court, in favor of J. R. Parrott and S. Erwin vs said Baker. Also—Lot of land wHereon the defendant now lives, number not known, in the 16th dis- t trict and 3d section, as the prope rty of David min* to expose the corruption and rascali- Roberson, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Jus- gomg to expose me ua p I tices < . ourt of the f, 5 oj district G. M„ in favor ty of each other to the public, and not on- of £ y Jl)hnson TS David Roberson; levy Jy call tt"b other thieves, but prove it and j made and returned to me by a constable. ’m, ... .t-.v on. now doing. Set down Also—Town lot in the town of Enharley, gab it in as they , , i known as John Haney’s blacksmith shop, as Lungs. ?Jew York as good for one hundred tneu- j the p ro p ertv „f John W. Haney, to satisfy a Dr. Lacoste’s Flor del Ucayali, against sex- „ nw for the Union electoral fi fi» issued from a Justices court of the 851st «and majority now ior me vmm v v district G M in faror of simi * Cochran vs (ticket” said Haney ; levy made and returned to me bv a constable. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff. Sept. 1, I860. POSTPONED SALE. Also.—2*4 aeres of land, more or less, Jndion’s Mountain Herb Fills. Row strange and wonderful it often seems to ; ut that a medicine composed of,, with the improvements thereon, in the town (tain herbs and roots, should so eer of Cartersville, known as the place whereon out and cure disease. How surprising that the de f en d*nt has a shop, to satisfy the purchase Indians should know and preserve so long ; monev fi. fa from Csss Superior court, Don- ** b.. .raped lb, “ A. M. FRANKLIN, Sh’ff. ot the greatest physicians the world ba6 ever •eeu. True, the aneient inhabitants of Mexi- ! co were a staange race, found by the Span- iards Bring in large cities, and allowing for their strange customs and religion as well civ- August 4,1$6<>. Georgia. Gilmer Cornty. W HEREAS. Isaac Bailey app letters of administration on the estate The Good Times have come at Last ! l,782JPrizes! $16,300. Four Capital Prizes! I). R. ALEXANEDR & CO’S FORTY-NINTH MAGNIFICENT Gash, Watch and Land GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND., Monday, Sept. 10, 1860. Cash Prize of $500 in American Gold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, $400. SpiiMl?;? HosetoooD Fol'i:, ilql- i|cO qt Sj3.o0. 363 Gold and Silver Watches, All in Hunting Cases from SIS to *250. 304 Prizes in American Gold, from $2.50 TO 500. 280 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 385 Setts Solid Silver and Duuble l’lated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Sport ing Watches, Gold and Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, Ac., Ac., Ac. Number of Prizes, 1.7S2 Value of Prizes, $16,:>U0 Tickets Limited to 16,300 DBA WINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. Every Ticket-holder receives a printed list of drawu numbers, free of charge. ’ZP5T All drawings take place in publice, su perintended exclusively by the Ticket holders. REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who T HE Eighth Annual Course of in this Institution will commence ou Monday the 5th of November next. Preliminary Lectures will commence on the 22d of October. Faculty: R. D. ARNOLD, M. I>.. Professor of Theory aud Practice of Medicine. ....... 1> M KOLLOCK, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. W G. BULLOCH, M. D., Prof. Surgery. T B READ, M. D., Prof. MateriaMedica. J URIAH HARRISS, M. D., Prof. Physiology. N 4. PRATT. M. D., Prof. Chemistry. W R. WARING, M. 1>., Prof. Anatomy. R. 11. HARIS, M. D., Demonstrator of Arat- qmy. Clinical Lectures at the Savannah Hospital twice a week, bv Drs. Arnold and Bulloch, on their respective branches. These are the only Clinical Lectures delivered at the Hospital for the benefit of Students. Agreeable to the conditions of the State Do nation, one Student from each Congressional District will be taken free of charge. Applications with necessary vouchers must be made to the Dean. Fees for the entire Course of Lectures $105 00 Matriculation Tickets (paid once) 5 00 Demonstrator's Tickets, 10 00 Graduating Fee 30 Oo For further particulars apply to WM. G. BULLOCH, Dean. Aug. 15, I860.—2m EUROPEAN MEDICAL INSTITUTE or Drs. SAMSON & LACOSTE, 512 Broadway, Opposite the St. Nichols, NEW YORK. Established for the treatment of Chronic Dis eases in both sexes, requiring expe rience, tact and delicacy. DR. SAMSON, diseases of the Lungs and Throat. DR. LACOSTE, or THE HOSPITAL DU MCDI IX PARIS, Former Assistant to the celebrated Dr. Rieord, Takes charge of the specialty of Diseases of a delicate nature in both sexes. Weakness and Nervous Debility and such affections of ladies for which the new French method of treatment is considered tlie best. Dr. Samson’s Peruvian Coca, recommended bv Y. Humbolt and Capt. Herndon, U. S. N-, against Consumption, for sale at $3 per bottle. The best remedy against all affections of the Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Importers of English Hardware, • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers directly from Americ in manufactories of all goods in'the line. PARLOR, OFFICE and COOK STOVES, OF EVERY PATTERN, AT LOW RATES. Also, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA and JAPAN ED WARES At low prices for Cash, orders promptly titled. March 15,1859—ly. S. R. KRAMER, S. AY. LELAND, M. D., T. F. JONES, M. D. OUtMEE, XtELAND & JONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iiiscim hi ruiitciimn, CARTERSVILLE AND CASSVILLE, GA. HEG leave to state to tile citizens of Cassville, and thesurromi- ing Country, that, for the future convenience of their customers, m tliev have moved a brunch of their establishment tc the above Town, and intend keepiug a full assortment of Drugs and Mediciucs, Fine Pocket Knives, Fine Extracts for the hand kerchief, Cologne, Hair Oils, Pomatum’s for the Hair, Combs, Brushes, Ac. And in fact, everythin; We have on haud a lar s ^, , ... ial attention of the Citizens to our large and well selected stock. PHYSICIANS and others may depend on getting 1 UltE Medicines at our A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Ma ^7, |i R EPAIRING done at short notice. Work warranted. Give me a call. May 2, I860.—lv NEW SME-SEISHY IN ATLANTA, GEO. Boling and Book Binding* HE subscribers kt sjiecifttlfy inform Ota public that they bat* commenced In (he city of Atlanta, % new ROOK BINDB- RY. Blank Booka, Ledgers, Journa|i, Day Books, Blotters, Ac., Hotel and Sta ble Registers, Dock ets, Record Booka. Ac., with or without Headings, and rulod to any pattern desir ed, manufactured in the neatest and most* durable manner, at short notice. Magazines, Music, Newspapers,. Ac., neatly bound, without delay. Orders from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to bo sent by mail, hand, wagon, or railroad, care fully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility of injury bv transportation. J. P. MASON A CQ, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, 1860—ly. T. R. RIPLEY, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer is Crockery, China, Glass and 'Brit- tannin Wnrea; X Plated Goodi( Table Cutlery, and house fur nishing Goods;— also in Lamps, Fluid, Oils, Ker osene Oil, Ac, ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 26, I860—ly. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes of all kinds, Fluid, Kerosene Oil, Fluid and Kerosene Lamps, Linseed and Machine Oils, etc., etc., etc. appertaining to the Drug or P.vixt Business and fine assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, we call the cspec- * • , sl,l„lc establishment. March 15. 1860. 8 0 NORTH SIDE W. & A. R- R-, KINGSTON, GA., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Keeps on band a well selected stock of l<M<b Ricord’s Pills for the cure of Sexual Diseases of the numeroiismAgent.s in the various parts of the Union, who have attended iny drawings. As the above named are personally acquaint ed with me, and most of them have attended mv numerous drawings, I will request all who wish to satisfy themselves of the safety ot their investment, to write to any of the above gentlemen. Z^T Agents wanted in every locality, to whom the most liberal inducements are offer ed. ALL PRIZES PROMTLY PAW. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. ^2 Single Tickets $1. Six Tickets $5. D. R. ALEXANDER A CO., Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana. June 27, 1809.—6m fiepcgifoNj, ATLANTA, GA. W W.WOOD- • RUFF A CO. have opened a large and splendid stock of Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety ot style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, MMYS. PILETONS, Bretts, Slide-scat, Top and No top and Concord Buggies, Hacks and Jersey WAGONS, Harness, WHIPS, &c. Come, everybody, and sec onr stock. Nov. 1,1859. Lye; Negro Blankets and Kerseys; Osnalmrg*; Shirtings ; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene ^>il ; Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Rope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. Everything in the Everything cash except when their Cotton ' ic Grocery line kept constantly on hand, which will be sold tow for cash, [cent Bagging and Rope, which will be sold to prompt payers, payable is sold. Kingston, Ga., Feb. lb, ISbO—ly. CHARLESTON cuts k nuns The subscriber hag constantly un hand a large as sortment' of* Ve hicles and’ Har ness of the best' quality. C itizeuw- at Georgia who may be disposed to or der Carriages of me, can depend upon getting a good article, and at as low price, as if pres ent in person to select. All Work Warranted- I take the liberty of reftrring'to Jbfhr A, Envin. and George II. Gilreath. LEONARD CHAPIN. No. 142 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. May 9, I860.—6m J E. & E. W. CRAVEff,, SURGEON DENTISTS Office in Parker*e Ga.—One of the itirm will' rial* Cuss oooasionaUy 3 aud ** u . be ? i »“r . J?: - \ijs- ed to wait on all who may wish. =£===-" iin y o-peratio,o pertaining to their profession. Atlanta, Ga. Jan.lnVlStlfr—lt- pc dies Parisian Silver Pill . the desired effect, *2 per box. His Gonorrhoea Drops cure that disagreeable affliction in two days, $2 per bottle. Safes for protection $3 per dozen. All remedies, which are still a se cret in the hands of only a few French physi cians. can only be had of him. Medicines for varded by Expresand Mail free of charge, to all parts. * * Address box 8,576 Poet Office, New York, in English, German, French or Spanish. July 25, I860.—ly Barth & Nicolai, W.C.BEALL, HEREAS, Isaac Bailey applies to me for) FASHIONABLE BOOT AND ilised as their conquerers. In the word* of a 1 Isaac Ramey, late of said county, deceased, writer of some celebrity, “Thev have perish- These are therefore to cite and admonish all ed from the earth, their cities are gigantic ^4rn^ime^e^ri^d^aw* t ,o n, sho°w piles of ruins, the King* and Princes so migh- cause> .,ny '.hev have, why *aid letters ty in their lift are forgotten; their rnins and should not he granted. their medicine alone are left.” The united Given under my hand at office tois Aug. 20, Ustimony of all intelligent persons is, that 1S60. J. P- CHASTAIN, Ord y. JUDSON’S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS are the most successful medicine iu the world. Jndsan’s Mountain Herb Pills arc sold bv •)! Jffd' Dealers. >ug. 22—lm SHOE MAK E It, Cartersville, Ga. j HAS jnst received his materi- , : W N. als for patting up light Boots and ! ^p—^^^^Shoes for the Spring and Snm- i mer wear. He is amply prepared to make : them fit the most fastidious, upon reasonable A Few hundred bushels Choice New Crop • terms. , T -,, SEED RYE, for sale bv i Give me a chance, and I will prove mv faith A C. WYLY A CO . bv mv works. « - c A - ur.4tx*sia. Ga. I *arr'5.1860-lv Cartersville, Ga. 1860. aug. 23 40d Straight Needle. These Machines are supe rior to all others (or sever al purposes, being simple, durube and easily managed | and various prices, from Fifty-five to One Ilnn- j dred and Twenty-five Dollars. Perpendicular Action. The Slawbir.l R^pubitloik of our Machines is well iVjl known and needs no coni- moist. They ure All War* hantbi>j will hem, tuck fell and gather perfectly. EMPLOY MEN T. §59 to §100 per Month. A N active energetic young man is wanted in each section of the South and Western act as agent iu an easy and respectable Duly ness, by which the above can certainly Be real ized. There is no humbug here. For full pa*-- ticnlars, terms, Ac., address (enclosing: stamp to pay return nostage) 1 J W. R. TERRY, Maj- 23, 6m inside] Rockingham,. II. C. cartersville Provisional 1 ^) Stor% BY J. J. HANNA. M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segar3, Southeast side of Whitehall Street Atlanta, Ga. Eddleman & Banks, HOTEL FOR SALE. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX sSe ATLANTA, GA., KEEP for sale the cele brated PIANOS of WM. KNABE A CO., of Balti more, Md., and in addition to these, the PIANOS of alt the best factories of the United States can be found at onr establishment on Whitehall street. Entrance through the Music and Ya- rietv Store of H. Braumuller. Nov. 1. THE undersigned, from long continned bad health, is com pelled to retire from public life being unable to give proper at- B00TS, _ S 3 1 A ¥** <* tention t^business, he Iherefure offers for sale T1 V £» his large and well arranged and located MilCK J V ,f/,mvst a Ll.l. : . .... e,,././) Lilt KlllUl-2 1st door west of the Bailroad, coming from Atlanta. K EEI’S constantly on hand, ut r. (durst. prices. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Cheeses Candies, Nuts, West India Fruit*; Ci 19-nn. Machinery. Machine Oil, Needles, Silk, Cotton Threap f.^sale.Wfodesiito and Retail, j Tobacco ofthebest manufacture. Agents supplied bv JOHN II. 11. SOr.« A-,en , | a...:— april 25, I860.—ly MACON, wa. ” EATING Saloon: Oysters, Cheife. Crackers, Dried Beef and Bee'f Tongue, Ac.—to which the at tention of the public, and travellers especially are invited. Children’s Toys of almost wety description, on haud at low figures. Callaa. see him. Jan. 26, I860. ER LAWSHE, DEALER IB Clocks, A T CIIE 8 Jewelry, Whitehall St., Jan. 26, 1860—ly. AND Leather, Atlanta, Ga. HOTEL, to which is attached good out housi stable and stable lots, all in good repair, ready for business. The property is as well arrang ed and located for a Hotel os can be found in 'a couutrv village. Cassville is the Court house town, and in one of the richest and most pop ulous counties in Cherokee Georgia ; healthy and well watered. There are in the place two ' * ‘ flourishing Beware of Quacks! Colleges—male and female—in a condition. In fact, I know of no toiwn where there are so many inducements offered to ant CITY HOTEL, ATLANTA, GA. BT DR. T. H. DOZIER. T his Advertisement is addressed to both who are desirous of educating their c %r , j suffering from sjeret I **nd at the same tune make money. I licacv prevent, as strict secrecvi* preserved. ' DU. ESCALAPIUn EDW A EDS. Box 910, Baltimore, lid. July 11, i860.—ly. July 18, I860. WILLIAM LATIMER. T HIS House has undergone thorough re- pairs, and is now open for the accommoda tion of transient custom, where travellers will find as good fare as at any house in the city at 35 cents per meal. Board at *6 per week, and ! 16 to #20 per month. Porters alwavs at the i ■ • is conveuuon — , .. . . trains to attend to Baggage free _ of charge.- j ma i e , the other female. It will be'Sold low,. *,£ b „ FOR SALE. O NE of the most pleasant Residen ces in the town of Cassville. It is convenient to two Colleges one P*4 Silver and plated i;:-*' WARE, Whitehall Street. Watches carefully repaired a»d one of the oldest Feb. ‘J, I860—15- cbildrcn j am de- ATLANTA, GA. OPP03ITE the Passengei Depot, has been Give us a call. Atlanta, Feb. 16,1860. I aa d p a ymen:s made to sl ^^JOHN^ON ; Bl inks for sale at the ?tand rd office, i illf. G , Au? agei d furnished, and i: the rerr centre cf the business pert’'a < 1 the c j tT ' WM. O’HAi—OliAN, Fob. 2 I860- Proprietor. MRS. DURAND has the pleasure of announcing to her firienda o f Cassville, a»d vi cinity, that b»» Spt ing Bonneta have arrived, aud that she wifi ha pleased to fill all _ orders with tha same promptitude and precision as heretofore, and hopes to receive thcii patronage. Atlanta, apr 5, 1560—ly. M AGISTRATE’S Summons, Cost Fi Fa’* Attachments, Ac, sold at this office.