The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, September 06, 1860, Image 4

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lUrhdknttirts. ^ithrtrsnnents. | Ecgal ftotitfs. Western <£ Atlantic Eailroad. PUg mm ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ■ OKN-INO rA8SESCER (mail) train. Leaves Atlnnta'daily at * JJ Arrives at Cass *-®* ‘ • «• j Reaves Cass K’T £• >}• Arrives at Chattanooga at .i.oj ^ .10.07 A. M. MOUNTAIN HERB Arrives at Chattanooga Leaves Arrives at Cass Leaves Cass ^.10 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at 1. 31 EVEXINO TASSENGEIt TRAIN. U»ts Atlanta nightly at «' Arrives at Cass ”•** {, *!; leaves Cass... Vina ‘\i Arrives at Chattanooga •••30 A- M. Leaves _ “ J-S?P?l'i ?ZZ S r. »: | Arrives at Atlanta at 1 • 91 • / *jgf~ This Road connects each way with the j Branch Railroad at Kingston the East Tennessee A Georgia Railroad at Dalton and | the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad at Chat tanooga. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 188 miles, Fare *5. JOHN W. LEWIS. Superintendent. Herbs, Barks and Boots Poisonous minerals and Drills. MOTHERS TAKE HEED! April. 1, I860. Schedule of the Georgia Railroad. r.VSSESGER’TRAIKS. Leare Augusta at 0.30 a ir and 2.30_p. m. Arrive Atlanta at 9.45 a m. and 11.4a p- m. I anve Atlanta at 8.40 p. m. and 9.0o a. m. Arrive Augusta at 5.56 a m. and 6.20 p. m. ATHENS BRANCH. Lenrc Augusta at 0.30 a. m. Leave Atlanta at 8.40 p. m. Arrive Athens at 8.10 a. m. Leave Athens at 11.00 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 0.20 p. n». Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 o. m. No trains on Athens Branch on Sundays to connect with trains leaving Augusta at 12.30 Saturday night, and Atlanta at 8.40 Saturday evening. WASHINGTON BRANCH. Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. Ar Wash. 7.25 p. m. Leave Wash, at 1.30 p. nt. Arr. Aug. 0.20 p.m. Arr. Atl. 11.25 p m. Leave Atlanta 9.05 a. m. Arr. Wash. 7.25 p m. Feb. 28, 1860. GEO. YONGE, Gen. Sup’t Do yoii when observing the nueftKjP actions of our children, consider that it tuny N* more f than a mere Cholic that afflicts them ? In nine \ cases out of ten. the causa «>! the little suffer* anguish is \V(11!MS, and should l* at •.net \ I looked to. HEADS OF FAMILIES | Do not let ye vou in r children Buffer, when we present \ JUDSON’S WORM TEA A SAFE AND PLEASANT CUBE FOB WORMS. How Macon & Western Railroad. Macon, July 1st, 1859. aud after Thursday, the 15th inst., the yl Passenger Trains of this Road will run as follows: Leave 3Iacon 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta A - M - Leave Atlanta 11*M A ‘ M * Arrive at 3facon 7.55 P. m Leave Macon 1- night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 a. m Leave Atlanta 1- night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 a. m The Night Trains will not be run on Sundays. The 10 o’clock train from Macon, connects with the Western & Atlantic Road at Atlanta, for all points beyond that place. The 12 o’ clock night train connects At Atlanta, with the Georgia and West Point Rail Roads. March 15 ALFRED L. TYLER, Sup’t nuch hotter and refer would it !*» to I t always in the bou>*. A little delay ( ' when a child is taken ill may often be the ca \ of its death, while acting without delay, and I j by giving the MOUXTAIX llERll TEA imme- I dlately, you will not only wire the child a long [ and tedious illness, and yourself ranch expense, | but also feel happier in knowing that you have I I done your duty, aud perchance saved ita life. I This medicine is combined purely of V 'HERBS AND ROOTS; NOT A PARTICLE OF tHalomcl or illiiuval IS USED 1N T IT. No more filthy Vermifuge will 1h* used by I those who once use this Tea. The only active I principle of all other Vermifuges and Worm 1 Killers is MERCURY. GIVE NO F» O I S O TNT YOUR CHILDREN. CHEROKEE REMEDY AN UNFAILING REMEDY FOR Gonorrhoea and all Diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. T HIS REMEDY euros when nil other prep arations fuil. It is entirely unlike every other compound; containing no Mineral I’oi- son or Nauseous Drug; as it is prepared sole ly from Roots; Barks and Leaves, and lias been handed down, from one generation to another, by the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the public on its own intrinsic merits. It performs its duty quickly and thoroughly. The Unfor tunate, of either sex will be repaid by using this Remedy, instead of placing themselves at the mercy of some quack or l’rofessor. This Remedy strikes at the very Root of the disease; its tendency is not simply to suspend the poi son, but to"Remove the Cause on which it de pends,—Full directions in pamphlet form, ac company each bottle—The speedy aud perma nent relief afforded by this Remedy, in all ca ses of Gonorrlnei, Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, Fluor Albas (Whites in Females), and all dis eases of the Urinary Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This Rem edy not only eradicates all l’oison from the System but Invigorates the most delicate con stitution. U does Not Affect the Breath nr Inter fere with any Class of Business, or require any deviation from the usual diet. It requires no assistance from other med icine. And what enhances its Value, is the En tire Absence of all Nauseous Taste, bein Pleasant and Delicious Syrup. Price $2 per bottle, or ihree bottles for $; POTTER A MERWIN, Use tl.ia Simple, Safe, Vegetable Medicine. Tills Worm Tea was discovered in no unusual U vay among the Wilds of Xorlhmi Mexico’—a d I full account of it you will fin l in our Almanacs. H Ask for the *‘ Rescue Tula Almanac,'' of the fi I Agent, and when you have rend it, pend it to J • neighbors, that thev ihmv also know of and 4} I be cur«d by this GREAT REMEDY ! gj JUDSON’S WORM TEA KILLS WORMS, I Never Harms—?s Plrasai.t to Take. GET A PACKAGE-PRICE -25 ITS; OBSERVE—Always find the N« | ture of II. I. .M'DS.iN & CO.. and .the p of Trzuco, ou each fiackago of ibis Worm B. L. JUDSON & CO., ISOLE PROPRIETORS, 50 Leonard St, New York. .Tintson’s Wo A”en: In m Ten Is soltl l»y o very Village, aud 11 DruggDts ny l^ruggl ls. ^ For sale in Cassviilo bv BANTON A HARGIS. In Cartersville by Kramer, I.eland A Jones. June 20, 1S60.—ly Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mo. E^Sold in Cnssvdle, bv S. Levy, and all the dealers in medicines. In Atlanta by all Druggists. John Wright A Co., New Orleans, and llavilaiid, Stevenson A Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8,1S60—ly. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Penn. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Bndownnent for the Relief of the Sicr and Distressed, aflicted with. llrulcnt and Epi demic Diseases, and especially fur the cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. TkCEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, ov the XU. Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by let ter, with a description of their condition, (age. occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, ir:iicines furnished free of charge. Valuable rep arts on the diseases of the sex ual organs, and on the new remedies employ ed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in a sealed envelope, free of charge. Two or three stamps lor postage will be acceptable. Address Doet. J. S. Houghton, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth •t., Philadelphia. Bv order of the Directors. E. D. IIEARTWELL. Presid’t. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. Oct, 13, 1S59—ly. Executor’s Sale. ISO Acres Cuss County Cotton Land. One Town Lot in Kingston. One Pine Lot in the 17th District. I F not disposed of privately, wo will sell on tin; first Tuesday in October next, before the Court House door in Cassviilo, the Planta tion in Knhar’ey Creek, twelve miles South of Kingston, belonging to the estate of James Curler, deceased. This is one of the best Cot ton and Crain Farms in the County; contains •Isoacres of land, about 400 of which is fresh and in a high state of cultivation. Tile pine forest bordering on this place is of peculiar advantage in the way of cheap timber andgood range for cattle, which can be added at a small outlay ns desired. Those wishing to buy a No. 1 place in Cass county will surely find such an opportunity. Also, at ihe same time and place, one Town Lot in Kingston, containing five acres, well im proved and desirably located. Also, one pine lot No. 588 in the 17th district, well located lor steam mill. Terms or Sale.—Plantation and town lot to be delivered by 25th December, allowing pur chaser privilege of sowing wheat. $3,0(>n will be required on purchase of farm by 25th De cember, balance due January 1st, 1S62, with interest. For further infomation apply to the subscribers, or call on Mr. Cox at the planta tion. MARTHA CARTER, Executrix. B. II. LEEKE, . B. T. LEEKE, f Executors. Aug. 4, 186(1.—ts Sale. Administrator’s Georgia, Giliner County. 4 GBEEABLE to an order of the Ordinary 1V. of said county, will be sold to the high- T H E Greatest Keduction EVER MADE IN STANDARD o est bidder, before the Court house door iu tbe town of Kilijay in said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, within tile legal sale hours, tile following property, to wit: Rachel, a negro woman about thirty-eight years of age, and Kate, her child eight or nine months old; Betty and Patscy, twin negro girls, about six years old; ten acres off of lot of land No. 177, and eighty acies, more or less of lot No. 178, on which there is forty acres good bottom land in a high state of cul tivation; lot No. 1S6 and lot No. 149, which lot is verv well improved, and the undivided half of lot No. 113, all the foregoing lots situ ate iu thcCth district and 2d section ot tiilmer countv; also the undivided ball of lot No. 200, in the' 1'. th district aud 2d section of said coun ty, which lot includes a valuable mill seat on Cartecay river sufficient to drire any kind of machinery : all sold as the property belonging to tbe estate of Lewis 1>. Ellington late of said county deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of Sale.—Negroes sold for cash— Land sold on one, two and three years credit. Purchasers will he required to nmke notes pay able in three equal and different instalments, ' with good and sufficient security. 9, F,_RAKEf. I AdmrV Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court Home door in the Town of Ellijay, on the 1st Tues day in October next, between the legal hours of safe, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 125 in the loth district and 2d suction ; levied on by virtue of three Justi- ticu court fi. fas., issued from the 795th dis trict G. M., of Forsyth county, in favor of John Hood rs. J. \V. Wardlaw; property pointed out by plaintiff i-j said ti. fas. Also—Lot of laud No. 17, in the 11th dis trict and 2d section ; levied on as the property of William Stott, to satisfy fi. fa. Ironi Gilmer ■ Superior Court, Joseph E. Brown, Governor of the State of Georgia, vs. Newton G. Free man, principal and William Stott and John Farmer, securities. Also—All the light, title and interest David Sisson has in ami to lots of laud Nos. 91 and 126, in the 10th < istrict and 2d section; levied on to satisfy a Justices court ti. fa. from the 207th district, G. M., of Gilmer countv, in fa vor of L. M. A J. W. Greer vs. said Sisson; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also—Lot of land No 95 in the GiL district and 2d section ; levied on to satisfy a Justices court fi' fa. from 864 th district G. M., of Gilmer county, iu favor of James Bates, bearer, vs. Augustus M. Dover et. al.; levy made and re turned to me by a constable. fetellaiufliis ^bkdtsfnmtts. ^nttcrifs, fit, j jffltttrits, &t. L. S. SALMONS, A. B. MATHEWS J. N. SIMMONS SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., I860. Also—Lot of land No. 7S, iu the 6th district and 2d ceetion ; levied on as tbe property of James Chadwick, to satisfy two Justices court fi. fas. from the 932d district G. M. t in favor of Zion Bridwell vs said Chadwick; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also—Lot of land No. 95, in the 6th district aud 2d section; levied oil as the property of Augustus M. Dover, to satisfy a Justices court fi. fa. from the 861th district, G. M., in favor of W. C. Bearden vs said Dover; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also—Lot of land No. 226, in the 10th dis trict and 2d section ; levied on as the property John Farmer to satisfy a fi fa issued from Gil mer Superior court, Joseph E. Brown, Gover nor of the State of Georgia, vs Newton G. Free man as principal, and William Stott aud John Farmer securities. Also—Lot of land No. 248, in the 10th dis trict ar.d 2d section; levied on as the property of Solomon Sunnier, to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior court of Gilmer county, in favor of L. M. & J. W. Greer vs said Sumner. G. II. RANDELL, Sheriff. August 30. 1360. Gilmer Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. be sold before tbe Court house door tbe town of Ellijay, on the first Tues day iu October next within the legal hours of sale, tbe following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 168, in the 11th district and 2d section, lot No. 157, in the 7th district and 2d section, 4760 square feet of lot No-62 in the 11th district and 2d section, commencing on the East side of the Turnpike road, adjoin ing the North-west corner of lot No. 5, in the town of Ellijay. ruunning parallel with the line that bounds the west angle of lot No. 5, in said town, 33 feet thence at right angle with said parallel to a south-east direction 136 feet or run until it strikes a parallel with a line that bounds the east angle of lot No. 6 in Ellijay, thence with said angle in a south-west direc tion 33 feet, or to the north-east corner of lot No. 6 in said town of Eilijay, thence 136 feet to the beginning, all levied on as the property of Win. II. Milton, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Gilmer Superior court, one in favor of Baker, Wright A Co. vs said Milton, and one in favor of Baker A Wright; piintedout bi plaintiff’s attorney. G. II. RANDELL, Sheriff, August 30, I860. Georgia, Cass county. XATHEREAS, William N. McKelvy, cxccu- V t tor of the last will and testament ol James McKelvy, deceased, applies to mo tor letters of dismission from Ins said executor ship. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have, why said fettersshould not be granted.' Given under my hand at office, this Au gust 1, I860.—6m. N. LAND, Ordinary. WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. ARE now prepared to offer to the trade as good a selection of every style and description of j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS as can be found in the city, at prices that will meet the views of purchasers. We hare also every style of Carpeting, Floor and Oil Cloths and Matting, •it prices ranging from twentv-five cents to two dollars per yard. We also have a large stock of i LADIES’ DRESS HOODS. RICH S1I.KS, FIRE LACE POIXTS AXD SffA 11'LS, DEREGES, ORGAXDIES AXD JACOXETS. MUSL1XS, IVITU AXD 1VITIIOUT FLOVXCES. Also, a large lot of beautiful small printed JACONET MUSLINS and RILLIANTS, plain and figured WHITE SILKS and ROBES for bridal occasions. Also, a complete slock of MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Also, a large stock of GINGHAMS and PRINTS, of every quality and style. Our stock of EMBROIDERIES is large and of the latest styles, as also our stock of all qual- itics of _ _ Gr I—i O V Ala S , PIT MONEY IN THY PURSE. HODGES, DAVIS & CO’S. Consolidated Lottery OF GEORGIA, WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S DELAWARE AND MISSOURI §fATI LOTTERIES I Capital Prize Authorized bv a Special Act of the Legisla ture, for the benefit of the Washing ton Countv Academics. Brilliant Scheme for August, 1860.! WOOD, EDDY & CO., MiMgev». ’ The Managers’ Offices are located at Wilniog/ ton, Delaware, aud St. Loui^Mis8ourL| T u e following MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES among which may be found the well known ALEXANDER Kid GIotcs, of every shade " Onr stock of Bleached and Brown SHEETING and SHIRTING, Planters’LINENS and COTTONADES, is full and complete. We have also a large stock of Boots and Shoes of all qualities, among which may be found a fine lot of Ladies’ Kid and Congress Boots, made in Philadelphia expressly for our'trade. Also, a large stock of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ROYAL HAVANA PLAN. , , „ . c will be drawn in public, under the Supennten*- 16,220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO deuce of Sworn Commissioners, appointed fcy ... „ the Governor. $271,200. Will be distributed according to the following Royal Scheme: all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices FOR £ASH All Orders promptly attended to. a pr 1 1$^ ly B EING connected with my Father, a Wholesale Manufacturer and Jobber, 417 . Philadelphia enables me to sell floods in my line, as cheap if not cheaper than New \ ork or Philadelphia. . I obligate myself to sell Hats, Caps and Straw Goods 25 Per cent. Cheaper than any other House in Atlanta, and 10 per cent, cheaper than Charleston. I will sell on six months credit to responsible men, giving them the same facilities they obtain North. JAMES S. MARTIN, Jr., Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. P. S. Come forward, one and all, and patronize Southern Institutions^apr a, 60 ,.W. RHODEN HILL, W. R. HERNDON. WM. B. COX, COX, HILL & CO., mm PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Having formed a copartnership as above, wc are prepared to exhibit an elegant and fresh STOCK OF GROCERIES, which are offered to cash and short time, prompt paying customers at very low figures. Oi facilities for purchasing and a perfect knowledge of the wants of the public, are such that we can o-11'irantee entire satisfaction, in every particular. We annex a few of the articles now in gu tore and to arrive : 30 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Brown Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 00 Boxes Cmdles; 150,000 Segars ; 75 Barrels Old Rye Whiskey, 100 Hogsheads A B and 0 Sugar, 200 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 *' Old Government Coffee, 25 “ Java Coffee; 100 Boxes Tobacco ; 75 Barrels Old liyc tv niSKcy, | 200 Barrels Rectified Whiskey; 30 Pack's Crosscut's Her.nessv and other choice Brandies; 1000 Boxes Snuff; 500 sacks Salt; 10 “ Brandy, old and soft, from private stock ; 100 boxes State and Eng. Dairy Cheese; Ynd anv quaiititV’of>'oda, Starch, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Preserves, Fruits, Cordials, Oys ters Mackerel, Sardines, Buckets. Brooms, Tubs, Churns, Ac-, to which attention is invited. Awaiting your commands, and always at your services, we arc, respectfully. Atlanta, Nov. 1,1S59. COX, HILL & CO. oots and Shoes, Georgia, Giliner comity. W HEREAS, Rolling Kimmons and Alley Southern apply to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Berry Southern, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letterssliould not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this August 1, I860.—tod J. P. CHASTAIN, Ordinary. /f ROUGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas F. YJT M. Smith applies to me for letters dis- missory from administration on tbe estate of James J. Smith, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, within tbe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why saidletterssbould not be granted! Given uuder my hand at office, this March 15th. 1860—Gin. N. LAND, Ord. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. W i have now in store, and are daily receiving, the largest aud best slock of Boots and S r ' ' - ----- .... Sliocs ever before offered in this market, consisting in part of the following styles : Gentlemen’s fine French Calf Water-Proof Boots; Gentlemen’s line French^ Calf stitched Aloft Bouts; Gentlemen’s tine French Calf stitched Bottom Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf square-edge Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf welted Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf pump-sole Boots; Gentlemen’s line French Calf pump-sole pegged Boots; Gentlemens' " lemen’s fine French Calf Congress Gai- fine French Calf stout and light pegged Boots; Gentlemen’s Congre... „ .. fine Silk Lasting patent Crescent foxed Gaiters, with heels; Ladies’ fine Silk Lasting plaiv and tipped Gaiters; Ladies’ fine Kill patcnl tipped Lace Boots; Ladies’ fine Kid turn Boots, with heels; Ladies’line Kid welted Boots, with heels; Ladies’fine Morocco and Kid M. C. welt Boots; Ladies’fine Kid welt Buskins, v.-:tb heels; Ladies’fi' - * Kid Excelsiors; Ladies Kid Ties and Slippers, with heels ; Ladies’ French Wrougnt Toilet Slippers. Boy’s, Youth's and Children’s Boots; Ladies’, Misses’, Bov’s, Children’s and Infant’s Shoes of every variety and style; also, a large assortment of Men’s and Boy’s Calf, Buff, Wax Leather, Kip and Russet Bragins, House Servant’s Shoes, Ac. The above Goods are manufactured by us expressly for tbe retail trade, and will be sold at lower prices than a similar quality of (foods can be bought in this market, and as low as they can be bought in the State. We warrant ever}' article we sell to be manufactured from good material, and well made. If not as we recommend them, we repair them free of charge. We also keen constantly on hand a heavy stock of Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather; Side, Georgia, Cass county. W HEREAS, Noah Reaves, as next of kin, and R. C. Hooper, as friend, have filed their petition in writing, as required by stat-1 ute, for letters of administration oil tile*estate of Joshua Smith Reaves, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish al' persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this July 18, 1860. N. LAND, Ordinary. Georgia, Cass comity. A LL persons having demandsagnin*t Arm stead Leak, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested, to us within the time prescribed by law, or they will not be settled, and all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make immediate pavment. MOSES A. LEAK, Jr., | , , , JOHNS. LEAK. ’fAdmrs. Aug. S, 1SG0.—It'd Estate Sale. 520 Acres Cass County hands for Sale. B A' virtue of the last will of James Carter, deceased, we will offer at private sale, un til the 1st of November next, one of the best Cotton and Grain Farms in the county of Cass; 400 acres of which are in a high state of cul- S. B. ROBSON & CO., WStllfAlS grocer AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Offer for Sale, oo hags Rio Coffee; 40 bags Java Coffee; 20 bags Laguaj'ra Coffee; 100 barrels A B and C Sugars; 40 barrels powdered and crushed Sugars; 25 hogsheads fair to choice Sugars; 25 bales Gunny Bagging; 150 coils Rope; 275 kegs Nails; 100 barrels of Whisky— assorted; 20 baskets Champagne Wine; 200 boxes Candles; 200 sacks Salt; 100 boxes Tobacco, 100,000 Havana. American and German Cigars; 25 barrels best Cider and White Wine Vinegar ; Cheese, Buckets, Tubs, Wines, Brandies, Powder, Shot, Lead, Table Salt, Starch, Soda, Crackers, Preserves, Pickles, Mackerel, Brooms, Ac., Ac. Their business will be done strictly on the To be drawu every Saturday. 1 Prize of $70,000 | 5 Prizes of 1 “ 20,000 1 « 10,000 1 « 5,000 1 « 3,000 1 “ 2,000 3 Prizes of 1,000 | 976 Approxim’n Prizes, amounting to $18,2' Tickets only $8.00—halves, quarters and eighths in proportion. 20 100 100 25000 *500 300 100 50 25 Wood, Eddy & Co’s. Lottery, Class No. 454 Draws Sat’y, Sep. 23,1860. 78 Numbers—13 Drawu Ballots. 1 Grand Capital Prise of @70,000! CITY PLAN. @50,000 FOR $1.00! DRAWN DAILY AT 5 O’CLOCK. 75 ballots!—12 drawn nujibkrs !! SCHEME! Any $1 ticket with 8 drawn num. on it $50,000 “ •< “ <• 7 « “ « 25,000 15,000 5,000 1, Any $1 ticket with a drawn number on it, stationed to come out at any particular place, such as 57, 1st, 2d, 3d, or any other station in the drawing, SC Tickets from $1.00 to any price, and prices paid at the above rates per dollar. Remembeii!—If two or more selected num bers are taken, anil all of those numbers so selected, are not drawn, among the Twelve Prawn Numbers, the Ticket is a Blank. • J5ff“ By this Scheme purchasers cun select tlieir own Numbers. COMBINATION PLAN. Drawn everv dar at CAPITAL PRIZES, $40,000! $32,000 $25,000! $20,000 810,000 35,000! $2.500! ETC.! TICKETS FROM $1 TO $10. 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 10O $40,000 I 2S.375 10,0u0 | 6,000 4,000 3,000 1 2,500 j 1,000 | 2,396 Prizes, amounting to. Whole Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quarters $5, Certificates of Packages of 26 whole tickets will be sold for $299; halves, qff&rters awl eighths in proportion. SPLENDID SCHEME! 168 prizes of $500 65 prizes of 125 65 prises ot 65 prizes of 65 prizes of 4S10 pi“ I 27040 prj To be drawn each WEDNESDAY" in SEP' CLASS 421 Draws Wednesday, Sep, 5, I860*. CLASS 436 Draws Wednesday, Sep. 12,1860. t’l K8 ‘1-; tl-.n-, Q..!. irt la.. CLASS 44s Draws Wednesday, Sep. 19, 1860. CLASS 460 Draws Wednesday, Sep. 26, 1860. Nearly one prize to every two Tickets. 78 Numbers—13 Drawn Ballots, 1 Grand Capital Prize of $35,600. 1 prize of $10,000 I 64 4,500 1 64 ] 2 327 j 64 1,200 | 64 1,000 | 64 900 | 5,504 1,000 | 28,224 70 60 60 SO 20 14,412 Prizes Amounting to $578,555 W hole tickets £10—llalrcs $5—Quarters $2,50 Certificates of Packages in the above Scheme to he drawn each Wednesday, of 26 Ticket* will be sold for $149 50; halves and quarters ill proportion; which is the risk. ordering Tickets, state the Class, en close the money to our address, and on receipt of it we ill send what is ordered by return mail. gT* All communications strictly confiden tial. Purchasers will please writ** tin ir sig natures plain, and give their Post Office Coun ty and State. Circulars, containing full explanations of our Schemes, Ac., will be forwarded by mail, to any one sending ns his name. Address.all orders to 110DOES, DAVIS A CO., Macon, Ga. Tickets in the above Plans for sale by Nov 17 W. I). BCRRrS, CassVillc. MARRIAGE GUIDE, pS^wllcing a nriviato instructor for niar- SSSPried persons, or tho-e about to l>e married, both male and female, ir. everything concerning the pliysiolo^v o( our sexual system, ami the production or prer e » t i o n of offspring, inciimlsg al! the new discoveries never before given, b\ WM. YOUNG, M. I), This is really a valua* ble and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numc ous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It disclo ses secrets that every oneshould be acquainted with ; still it is rf book tlia* must he locked up, and not lie about the house. Is will be sent t any one on the receipt of twenty fire cents, in pecie or postage stamps, \ddress DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 416Spruce St. above 4th, Phila delphia, Pa. fcaTAFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease, before yon place yourself under the care of anv one of the notorious quacks—native or foreign— who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr. Young’s books, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly rriur life DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, at hi- of fice, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth. may 0, 1860—sin ly Iu Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose the amount of money to our address lor what you wish to purchase; name the Lot* a ry in which you wish it invested, and whet' • -‘r you wish wholes, halves or quarters, on re ceipt of_ which wc smd w hat is ordered, by first mail, together with the scheme. Immediately alter the drawing a printed drawing, ctriiiiid to by the Commissionin', will be sent, with an explanation. Purchasers will please n rite tneirsignaturee plain, and give their Post Office, County ud State. All prizes of$1,000 and under, paid immedi atelv after the drawing—other prizes at the u- sual time of forty d«ys. All communications strictly confidential. Wood, Eddy k Co.’s Lotteries are drawn at Augusta, Ga., and Wilmington, Del. 0ur Single Number Lotteries, CAPITAL PRIZE $50,000 ! DR A U’X EVERY SA Tl'RDA Y. \\ hole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2% Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY <k CO., Wilmington, Del. or WOOD, EDDY & CO.. St. Louis, Mo. Circulars* containing Schemes for tbe th will be sent, free of expense, by nd- i- May 23, I860. dressing as above. LOOK AT THIS! MO BLAMES l (ikAND SCHEME FOft S E IP T E Tvl 13 E R. . Georgia State Lottery. Man'aueks. McKinney & co., Authorized by special act of the Legislature. 25,*28 Prizes ! $300,040 More than one prize to every two tickets. Capital Prize, $60,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. To be drawn each Saturday in I860, in the City Of Savannah, Ga. Class 87 draws Saturday, Sept. 1, I860. Class 88 draws Saturday, Sept. 8, 1860. Class 89 draws Saturday, Sept. 15, I860. Class 90 draws Saturday, Si pt. 22, I860 Class 91 draws Saturday, Sept. 29, I860 Magnificent Scheme, MANHOOD, How Lost, Hoy/ Eestored, Just published iu a Sealed, Envelope. CASH SYSTEM, and prices will be found at the LOWEST FIGURES. Atlanta, Not. 1, 1859. S. B. ROBSON, R. C. ROBSON. ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity Bv ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. I). M. GREER, August 8, I860. Georgia, Fannin county. W HEREAS, Isaac Gee, executor of the last will and testament of Didamia Mc Kinney, represents to the court that he has fixation and fresh, having been cleared in the last few rears. Also, one town lot of five na cres in Kingston, well improved. To Debtors and Creditors. Those who are indebted to said estate wi' please come forward and settle at once, an those holding demands are requested to han 1 them in as soon as possible. M. CARTER, Executrix. B. H. LEEKE, B. T. LEEKE, f Cassvilie, Ga.. June 13, I860.— Hardware! Hardware! CLARKE & LEWIS. • Executors. Georgia, Cass county. A LL persons concerned are hereby notified. . * .V A l.Z. ■ ■■ «— ■ * 11 M. M1. n WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF Author of the "Green Dool-.” etc. The important fact that the awful conse quences of self-abuse may be effectually ru mored without internal medicines or the dan gerous application of caustics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devi ces, is here clearly demonstrated, and the en tirely new and highly successful treatment, as a (looted by the celebrated author fully explain ed, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least pos sible cost, thereby avoiding all the avertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove ; a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, jrjst paid, or the receipt of two postage stamps, bv address ing Dr. CII. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 430 First Avenue, New Y'ork. Post Box 4536. April 18, I860.—.1V Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, IX PINT BOTTLES. The Forest and Best for Purifying tbe Blood aud Diseases of the Liver. that two months after date, we will make , niuiici, rcprcbtiHS III luU CvtU TV lll.ll IlL Illlr* ... , c _ * j r: ! tally discharged the duties of said executor- application to the Ordinary o j.*’ 1 | i ship. This is therefore to cite and admonish j jeave to acllthe real estate and s r“! O all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, j to tbe estate of the late Arms e. . j to snow cause, if any they have, why said ex- • deceased, fi’r the benefit of the he*rs a eeutor should not be discharged from his exec- itors of said deceased, utorship and receive letters of dismission on I t i ’ Jr ’’ - A dm the first Monday in March, 1S6I. ! JOHN LEAK, ‘ JAMES KINCAID, OrdV. j Aag. 8, I860.—2m August 15. I860.—6m — Iron, Steel, Nails, Hoes, Chains, Picks, Mattresses, Mill and ! ’Crosscut and Circular Saws, Bellowses, Anvils. Vices, Rope, rfxj[IS is the best Medicine of the day. If Corn Shelters and Straw Cotters, Leather and Rubber Belting J the Liver and Blood are kept in a healthy and Packing, Building Material, Cutlery, Guns, PistoIs^Camage ( con d,'ti on by the use of this Compound Sar- Hardware, Springs, Axles, Hubs, Spokes, Ac. Jan 2*5, 60—ly- • saparilla, it will prove a great preventive of sickness, and a great saving of expensive CARTERSVILLE EMPORIUM OF FASHION. McJ C FEMALE COMPLAINTS. For females, it is excellent in diseases aris- i T’rize of $0*1,060 10 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 10.000 2 Prizes of 40 0 1 Prize of 9,060 2 Prixes of 800 1 I’rize of 5,000 2 Prizes of 200 1 I’rize of 4,000 2 Prizes of 10O 1 Prize of 3,000 100 Prizes • f 100 1 Prize of 2,000 100 Prizes of 75 1 Prize of 1,500 100 Prizes of 60 1 Pi ize of 1,000 25,000 Prizes of 8 2 Prizes of 1,000 25,000 Prizes of 2 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. >0,305 Prizes Amounting to $376,000 50,365 Frizes Amonnt’g to $375,000 WILL BE DRAWN THIS MONTH. Certificate of Packages will be Sind at tbe following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Packages of 10 whole tickets $60 “ “ 10 half “ >0 “ *' 10 quarter “ 15 “ “ 10 eighth “ 7.60 im SOLD MINE f ALL PRIZES AND NO B LAXKg^_q^ On the Three N ember Wn$ Drawn every Wednesday and Saturday iuX800 $26,000 Administrator’s Sale. I AM NOW SELLING THE Improved Bartholf Family A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinarr of Cass county, will be sold before the Court bouse door in Cassvilie, on the first Tuesday in November next, tbe following property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 159 and 172, in the loth Georgia, Fannin County. HOWARD, STOKELY & CO., ing from general debility or a torpid state of the Liver, and its occasional use adds abloom- Are receiving their large and well selected Stock of ■v smk mi soma mm W HEREAS, William D. Legg and Leon ard B. Legg apply to me for letters of administration cu the estate of James P. Legg, late of said county, dec jased. These are therrfore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within SEWING MACHINES district and Sdsection. Sold as the propertv j the time prescribed bv law to sfcow canse, if At a reduction of Twenty Dollars ! of Andrew M. Hamilton, late of said county, 1 any they have, why said letters should not be ing vigor to the complexion. FOB CHILDREN, 1 This is the best medicine that can be given, especially to those in a debilitated state ol health, or troubled with worm3. A few doses given to a child when it first appears unwell has a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect in preventing diseases of children makes it a valuable family medicine. Says the proprietor of the Cassvilie Stand ard : “I can find nothing that proves so beneficial in cleansing the blood of its impurities, re storing the appetite, and strengthening the system as Dennis’ Compound Sarsaparilla.” that has eve- been brought to the Cherokee country. In addition to their Dry Goods house, For sale by Druggists generally. For sale thev haTe a commodious GROCERY HOUSE, where thev keep constantly on hand a large in Cassvilie at M. McMurry’s store. Price $1 - — - ~ - ™ ” ’ — - * — : bottle. Jan. 26, I860—ly. And would announce to the public that they are now prepared to offer them one of the largest, cheapest, most fashionable and substantial stock of st ami an um bit smbs, Heady-made Clothing, Hate, Boots and Shoes, 1 Capital Prize of 1 Pnzeof 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 40 Prizes of 40 Prizes of 40 Prizes of 259 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 5.632 Prizes of 29,224 Prizes of 6,000 4,006 2,270 155 175 m 121 80 50 80 t» 10 5 34,412 Prizes Amounting to $281,481 Whole Tickets $5, Shares in Proportion. Ix Ordering Tickets or Certificates. Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail Purchasers esu have Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. Tbe list of drawn Dumbers and prises will be sent to purchasers immediately after tbe drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to - McKINNEY k CO., Mch 24, 1860—1 y. Savannah, Ga. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 19 fESS^ FURNITURE, from former nrices. i deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred- granted. —v —, - „ _ _ - - „ -. i, _ T Tbs Now'Iiraio'ht Needle Machine is now out. itore of said deceased. Terms made known j Given nt der mv hand and official signature,: 3tock of Groceries—Coffee, ^ngar. Molasses, Rice, Bacon, Ac. Also, Bagging, R pe, , per i»j.wim«i,ui ..wuic r.., this Ano-sui 13 i«6o Negro Shoes and Blankets, Kerseys, Osnabnrgs, end many other things too tedious to men- JAMES KINCAID, Ordinary aug. 22. —Phi A. LEYDEN, Atlanta, Ga., Nov 1 General Agent on the dav of sale. A. C. TRIMBLE, Adm’r. August 22, 1960.—ts tion. Call and look at our Goods. CARTERSVILLE, GA., Oct. 13, 1859 Howard, Stokely & Co. Blanks for sale at the Stand r«l office. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 9, isco—ly.