The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, September 20, 1860, Image 3

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■T MOM. SXS Jgf PA TEST. nil from u|HiW|tiw -fairj. Clarke. 1 <• D-, Pbysiema KxtnoiliMij tothsQamo. Tkia hnltdile mcdieias is nhiliig in the i caro of all those painful aad dangerous diseas- m to which the female constitution ia select. It modentes ill ween aad remorei all ob structions, aad a speed/ care may ho relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES tt ia peculiarly suited. It will, ia a abort time briaft on the aralhlj period with regularity. Each bottle, priee One Dollar, bean the Go vernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION—These Pills ahonld not be U- ken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as the/ are sore to bn. $ on Miscar riage, but at any other time they re safe. In alt cases of Nervous and Spinal ailections Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics aad Whites, these Pills will efieet a cure when allotber meaos have failed; and although a and Practice of Medicine. ' . P.M. KOLLOCt, M. D, Prof of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. W. o. BULLOCH, M. D„ Prof. Surgery. J. B. HEAD. X. D.,Prot Materia Medio*. JCKIAH HARRISs, M. D.. Prof. PhrsiotogT. N. A. PRATT, M. D, Prof. Chemistry. W. R. WARING, M. D., Prof. Anahmuy. R. B. HARIS, M. D*, Demonstrator of Anat omy. V ; * v Clinical Lectures at the Savannah Hospital twice n week, by Drs. Arnold and Bulloch, on their respective branches- These are the only Clinical Lectures delivered at the Hospital for the benefit of Students. Agreeable to the conditions of the State Do nation, one Student from each Congressional District will be taken free of charge. Applications with necessary vouchers mast be made to the Dean. Fees for the entire Coarse of Lectures $105 00 Matriculation Tickets!paid once)...... 50© Demonstrator’s Tickets,.... .. 1000 Graduating Fee, . 30 00 For further particulars apply to WM. G. BuLLOCH, Dean. Aug. 15, I860.—2m ■*-^ FofcigsMitf Dofoesilc Qig Good?, M£fi AND SOYS BEADY-MADE 8L0THINS, rouse tRAKno. Bob. Aco. R. W uioht and Jonx A CnAwronn will address their fellow dti- «ens on the political questions of the day «t the following times and places: At Morgan ton, Monday, Sept 24th. At Ellijay, Tuesday, Sept 25th, At Jasper, Wednesday, Sept 26th. At Fumoant, Thursday, Sept 27th. j At Canton, Monday, Oct 1st . AtAlphxretU, Tuesday. Oct 2d, Thursday, Oct 4th. ^^^HM^Friday, October 5th. mi^OcL 6th. The Hect^^pposnig the Domqcracy are invited to be present and participate in the discussions. y fW“ Since the above was handed in, we learn that Col. J. R. Parrott, Bell and. Kverety Elector for this District, has ec- i cepted and will attend the above appoint ments. Ed. kaown as John Haney’s blacksmith shop, as the property of John W. Haney, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justices court of the 851st district, G. M., in favor of Sims A Cochran vs mid Haney; levy made and returned to me by a constable. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff Motions &c. El’AIRING done at short a. i warranted. Give me a call. fay 2, ISfiO—ly Which have been selected with the utmost cere, in the beet markets in the V2C10.Y. ALL onr Goods are iYARRASTED AS REPRESEKTED, and will be sold at prices to suit the times,. We therefore respectfully invite the public to call and examine for themselves, as we take pleasure in showing onr goods. R 1 bill* HERZBERG A BROTHERS. with the improvements thereon, in the town of Cartersville, known as the place whereon defendant has a shop, to satisfy the purchase monev fi. fa. from Cass Superior court, Don ald M. Hood, administrator on the estate of Thomas Hamilton, vs. Milton Loveless. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sh’ft Hardware,Stoves,Iron, &c commenced city Of All new BOOK' RY. Wail Ledger*, J Day Boohs, Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order ot the Ordinary of Cass county, will be sold before the " d llAIVUA Jaas in O .i iisv a 11,1 n 4 L A ft am A Court bouse door in Cassville, on the first Tuesday iu .November next, the following property, fo-wit: i-.-.., * tbejloth Four Capital Frizes! D. R. ALEXANEDR A CO’S FORTY-N.INTH MAGNIFICENT Cash/ Wsitch and Land GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND., Monday, Sept. 10, 1860. Cast. Prize of $500 ia American Gold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, $400. SfH&ldid flosetoooi) fiqqo foMe-, qed at $350. 363 Gold and Silver Watches, AH in Hunting Cases from $18 to $250. 304 Prizes in American Gold, from $8.50 TO 500. *» ACHES OF FARMING lANJ). 885 Setts ^ '^avir sftd BottSSRSWirted Wart./ ■ A Patent Self-Winjfiog and American' Sport ing Watehes, Gold and Silver Veit Chains. Bracelets, Ac., Ac., Ac. Number of Prizes, 1,782 Value of Prizes ’. $16,3C0 Tickets Limited to 16,300 DR A WINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. t?f” Every Ticket-holder receives a printed lislof drawn numbers, free of charge. All drawings take place in publice, su perintended exclusively by the Ticket holders. REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who Whitehall Street, Atlanta, .Gboroia. ' Importers of English Hardware OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers dirbctl.yfrora American in»nufacl<viO(j»l) | |F ; -in the line. district and 3d section. Sold as the of Andrew M. Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, fi>r the benefit of thejheirs and cred itors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. C. TRIMBLE, Adm’r. August 22, 1350.—ta durable PARLOR, OFFICE and (XfiHf S T O V •& OF EVERY PATTERN.ATLOWRATES. = 'hill LIMITS A Iso, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA asj> JAPANKT) WAIVES, At low prices for C.iSV, orders promptly filled. March 13, 1859—ly. The Cork Chop is Southern Georgia. —After extensive inquiry and observation wc have the proud satisfaction of report ing an abundant com crop in that portion of Georgia bounded by the Altamaha riv er on the east, and the Alapaha on the west The planters have made enough to do them, and to supply the non produc tive portion of the community. The cotton crop will come very near up so near it that our Ac., neatly bound, • without delay. bSr A-iun any part, of the State will aim* 'irij prompt attention, and Books remueed-fiM senjbhv mail, hand, wagofc, or railroad, ana fnllyf i n reloped so as to avoid the pMBbfife of injury'by transportation. J P. MASON * €*.; Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Fannin County. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court house door in Morgantan, Fannin coun ty, on the first Tuesday in November next, wilfrin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Fifty acres of lot of land No. 19, in the'i ib district and 2d section, as theproperty of Wife Ham E. Garland, deceased. Sold for'the ben- Atlanta, Git, Feb. 9, 1860—ly. [inpqrterhnd Wholesale and Retail Dealer i T. F. JONES, M. D. a R. KRAMER, liara E. Garland, deceased. efit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ELtSHA GARLAND, Adm’r. Sept. 13, 1860. to an average yield, people are perfectly satisfied, and no des pondent grumbling is heard among them. —ForetUr. tanain Wat«i; • Plated Goad* JTable CaGery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Georgia, Cass Canty. YYTHERE AS, Dr. fWest Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has lately manifested bis want of deference to the fair sex in a novel way, it is reported that finding the penitentiary at Wetumpka too full, he has discharged the female convicts to make room for the males. dies; however severe the suffering, the appli cation, soothing, healing and wonderful Bal- sam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Georgia Testimony. Certificate from Mr. E. Mansenet, a well cnown and highly respectable citizen of Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga., March 19, 1860. Messrs. S- W. Fowls A Co.: GentlemenBelieving in the great virtue of your renowned Bnlsom of Wild Cherry, I cherfully comply with the request of yonr tra velling agent in adding my testimony to the nmny which yon have already received. I lllirp hnon HMimintawl . nrWh tk.’a e. uacne 69, ATLABTA, GA. Jau. 26, 18 60—ly.' CARTERSVILLE AND CASSVILLE, GA. • BEG leave to state to the citizens of Cassville, and the surroun- ^ ing country, that, for the future convenience of their customers, HE they have moved a branch of their establishment tc the above SR Town, and in tend keeping a full assortment of p§ Drugs and Medicines, __ I Paints, Oils, Glass, MfiS Fine Pocket Knives, ' f -.Petty. Whrta-Land, EX;-’ Fine Extracts for tha hand-1 Varnishes uraSIrnwlv, - rB kerchief, f Fluid, KerciaeuwOil, CHARLESTON TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. From the Alpha Pi Delta Society of Ohcrokec Baptist College: Since, in the flight of time it has seem ed wise to an -over-ruling Providence to take from our midst our dearly beloved brother Joseph E. Carswell, a member of our body; and one in whom we repos ed the utmost confidence, and for whom we cherished the most affectionate regard and heartfelt love. Not only as a member of our Society, who was diligent and stren uous in promoting so noble a cause. But ift familiar intercourse with him, we are constrained to confess that those qualities which he manifested as a friend were tran scendent In consequence of these con siderations, and believing that if we did noWSatUyoilf respect by some token of our great loss and bereavement we would be unworthy the name of Alpha Pi Del- tans. We, the Society, therefore cordial ly agree to the following resolutions: Resolved, 1st That we heartily sym pathise with the parent and relatives of •qr deceased brother, in their bereave ment and that we acknowledge by this memento the high esteem in which he was h«Sd by us. Resolved, 2d. That all the members of our body wear mourning for the deceased for the space of thirty days. Resolved, 3d. That a copy of these sen timents be inserted in the Society Records. Resolved, 4th. That a copy of these res olutions be puolished in the Cassville Standard. R B. SAFFOLD, Rec. See. A. P. D. Society. Christian Index and Southern Christian Advocate please copy. Georgia, Cass county. VATHEREAS, David A. Yaughan, as next Tv of kin, has filed his petition in writing as required, for letters of administration, De >r the Hair, I Linseed and Mnchioe Oir*, , ..nes, Ac. | etc.,‘etc., etc. ling, appertaining to the 1)rcg or Paikt Business. large, and fine assortment ol GARDEN SEEDS, wc cal] the espec- on getting PURE Medicines at onr establisliment. " 1 1. ' March 15. I860. Pomiatii! ~ Combs, And in fact, everything, We have on hand a ial attention of the Citizens to our large and well selected stock. PHYSICIANS and others may depend -- —""no *■ A share of puttie patronage is respectfull/ solicited. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Sep- of in the highest terms A brother-in-law who atone time was much reduced with a severe and obstinate cough, was restored by it, after other remedies failed. I have also used it for mvaeif nnd children for obstinate coughs anil colds, with a uniform and happy result, and therefore recommend it confidently as the best lung medicine within my knowledge. Respectfully, E MAUSENET. 13?” Caution to Purehaoert. The only genu- ino If istar’t Raltam has the written signature of “ I. Butts ” and the printed one of the Pro prietors on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and worthless. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE A CO., Bos ton, and for sale bv • A. Hairs, Cassville. Kramkr. Lclaxd A Jokes, Cartersville. Samvel V. Srrats, Kingston. And bv nearly all Druggists. July 18—lm are anxious for information respecting my honesty, business promtitude, Ac., to any of the County officers. Postmasters, Express A- gents, Justices of the Peace, Merchants, Rep resentatives, and Senators of Johnson, or any of the numerous Ageuts in the various parts of the Union, who have attended my drawings. As the above named are personally acquaint ed with me, and most of them have attended my numerous drawings, I will N. LAND, Ordn’y. der Carriages of me, can depend ■post a good article-,' and at as low pyiev, a# cut in person to select. All Work Warranted I take the liberty of referring to J Erwin and George it. Gilreath. - M.K0NARD CHAM No. 142 Meetidg&tfeet, Chariestoh. May 9, I860.—CM ; V-'-> % •vsvtlT; NORTH SIDE W. & A. R. B., KINGSTON, GA., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Gemrgia, Casa county. TTTHEREAS, William Collins, administra- w tor on the estate of Thomas Franklin, deceased; applies to me for letters of d.srnis- sion from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of- my numerous drawings, I will request all who wish to satisfy themselves of the safety of their investment, to wr" ... gentlemen. 55^” Agents wanted in every locality, to whom the most liberal inducements are offer ed. ALL PRIZES PROMTLY PAID. ty SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. Single Tickets $1. Six Tickets $5. i). R. ALEXANDER A CO., Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana. Jane 27, 1860—6m Such as Coffee, Sngar, Teas, Molasses, Liquors, Pepper, Spice, Syrup, Salt, Ginger, Mackerel, Bacon, Lard, Floor, Meal; also Soda/Starch, Tobaeco; Iron, Nails; Concentrated Lye; Negro Blankets and Kerseys; Osnaburgs; Shirtings; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots; Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene Oil; Bnrijing Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Rope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newtofi Factory. Everything in-the Grocery line kept constantly on hand, which will be sold low for ca>h. Everything cash except Bogging and Itope, which will be sold to prompt payers, payable when their Cotton is sold. Kingston, Ga., Feb. 16, I860—ly. Georgia Faaala county. TTTHEREAS, James M. Casada applies to vv me for permanent letters administrate n on the estate of John Casada, late of said coun ty 1eceased. LF/wn the Troy Rudgett.J John Quincy Adams. It is in that famous poem, the Siege of Cor inth, where Byron records that— “There was an old man whose hair* were white, But his veteran arm wits full of might.” The famous lines descriptive of this old man have often been quoted as applicable to that intellectual giant of the earlier days of the Republic—John Quincy Adams. Had the he ro of Byron’s poem lived in these days there would have been no* necessity of his record, ing the fact that “his hairs were white”—for like most of the old men of the present day, he would undoubtedly have used Heimstrest’s Hair RrsTORATtvE, which would have restored his hair to all the pristine beauty and natural color of youth. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold eve- whe re by nil dealers in mediciae, and'in Cass ville by Sum Lett. W. E. HAGAN A CO. aug. 22—lm Proprietors, Troy, K. Y. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mvoffice within the time prescribed by law, and show causa, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature Sept 20tb, I860. JAMES KINCAID, 30d Ordinary. flepogiioNj, ATLANTA, GA. pertaining (o their profession. Atlanta, Ga. Jan, W W.WOOD- e RUFF A CO. have opened a EMPLOYMEN 1 850 to 81Q0pear Hi A N aetive energetic young man in eacli section of the South and act as agent in an easy aad respect ness, by which the ah>ar<.can cqujol ized. There is bo bambiig'hacJH|| ticulars, terms, Ac., adrireaU (enjal large and splendid stock of Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety ot style. Straight Heedle. .These Machines are supe rior to all others tor sever al purposes, being simple, durabe and easily managed and various prices, from Fifty-five to One Hun dred and Twenty-five Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation of our Machines is well consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, to pay return, sostaj^;) May 23,6m inside] CARTERSVILLE Provision^ 1 ^ I b*; j, j, hank 1st door-west #f the. BaHroud^eo WM. B. MULL. Adm’r. MARY F. OLIVER, Admr'x. SO—tds known and needs no com- PILETONS, Bretts, Slide-seat, Top and ment. They arc All Wai- ' rakteb; will hem, tuck fell and gather perfectly. Delliun.- ' M" j Machinery, Machine Oil, Needles, Silk, Cotton Thread, Ac., for sale. Wholesale and Retail, Agents supplied by JOHN If. TYSOE, Agent, sprit 23, 186<X—If .. MACON, Ga. In SUrmlle Texes, July $Tth, l' LLES | A. Lowry, daugher ofF. L. sndS. Lowry • aged 6 years, 11 months snd 12 days. Jndaon’s Monntein Herb Pill*. How sirange ynd wonderful it often seems to I that a medieihC com?°wd of simple moun tain herbs sad roots, shoaidso cwttinly search out and care disease. How surprising ?hat U> e Indians should know and preserve so long and so well s secret that has escaped the search of the greatest physicians the world has ever seen. True, the ancient inhabitants of Mexi co were a staaage race, found by the Span iards living ia large citiss, aad allowing for their strange eastexm sad religion as well civ ilized as their oooqaerers. In the words of a writer of some celebrity. “They have perish- - vd^roip the. esrUi, their cities, ars gigantic f piles of ruins, the Kings and Princes so migh* ty in their life; are forgotten; their ruins and their mediciae alone are left." The united testimony of all intelligent persons is, that JUDSOX’S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS an the most successful medicine in tike world;.' Judson’s Mountain Hash Pills era sold by • all Medicine Dealers. fang. 22—lm CASS 'SUPERIOR COURT, I Sbftkxbsr Tsrm, 1860. J r r is ordered by the Court, that this Court be adjourned over to the first Monday in December next, on account of the sickness of the presiding Judge;. And it is forther order ed by the Court, that the Jurors, (Grand and No top and Concord Hacks and Jersey WAGONS, Harness, WHIPS, tc. Come, everybody, and see our stock. Nor. 1,1859. Candice, Nuts, West India*Fruit Tobacco of the best manufsctnri , rtti , Wil ed by the Court, that the Jurors, (Grand and “ettit,) drawn for the second week of this (Sep tember) Term, act as Jurors at said adjourned Term. - _ 7 • Monday September, 17, 1860. DaWSON A. walker, j. s. c. c. c. A true extract (com the Minutes of Court. Sept 17, I860. TmHUS A. Wean, Clerk. . M. WrrTOENSTElN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars, Southeast side of Whitehall Street,- Atlanta, Ga. , THJS Greatest Deduction EVER HADE IN STANDARD Estray Notice. Georgia. Cass couuy.) Clbbk’s Orricx Ixrmoa Cock. { Beef and Heel tougne. i tention-of toe public, nut *re invited. Children’s descriptii>n,on hand atd see him. : jj- cimtinni'd iwsiith, is com- H'-licd to retire from ptthlio (He Of every deecriptio*. Eeady-Made Clothing, i MU AUHl PL i boots aim F. ik. WILLIAMS, ' •: Maoefrcturer end Pealerm all kinds eft Leather. Adanta, Go. Wj warninfed.'.Yhb fished booses in 1 PH V. SLATS, ORNEY AT LAW, Spring Place, Ga. L promptly attend to all husiaws es WM. O 'lAa^.OBAN, Proprietcr.