The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, November 04, 1860, Image 1

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|i SdbeKigetoente, 2dbeHi3£ine«te. time they re mfe. JOHN H. LOVEJOY, I Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liqnors, CIGARS, TOBACCO, kc., N#. U, Cherokee Block, Feachtrm street, ire.-te. ATLANTA, 61. R ccrrapten 1848, and of a committee that dtonmiM sral Tajler us* ooparty candies. o did not^tee for Cass. > has t *'er taken the lead in the pas- of acl measure. ejLJi _ ver originated ar.y Treasure, t jirvo-ver madea speech north stor- W 1LL prmctJee in okee Circuit. Akin’s oSce. knew J, •ed for J! United] ly t J Milner, Pi field, Illinois, be expia^^lbe dacmion. and accepted, and defected it He took the same view of it theft, that he takes now, without the slightest deviation. That speech was printed and widely circulated in all sections of the country. It was placed in the hands of member of the Senate and House of Representatives, at the meeting of the 85th Congress in December 1857. Wb&^catd any dissent from it then ? Who of all the conspira tors, from Judah P. Bngftunjn to Caleb. Cushing, found fault with if. Doughs’ construction, or charged thttjhe disr^ar- H. LOVEJO mss. He reftfied to ran a doubful race for 8. He is the ablest American^statesman 'Congress, because it might peril his pros- living. ' r>— * pects. 7. He would wield the powers of the He has never stood by the party in an Executive with a masteily hand.. hour of perils Witness his flight to the 8. He would not yield to Northern Ab- mountains in ’48 when Cass was defeated olitionists or Southern secessionists. and his excursion to the lakes when Haiji 9. He would-putan end to the negro, son was defeated,for Congress in hifcdis- question. triet. 10. -He has triumphed over Lincoln, He made a useless and injurious speech' Duchana^A Co., in the hardest political or Lecompton after the issue was passed, contact ever seen in the United States (11- The Democratic State Convention declared lino is jn 1858.) it a dead issue sooi^fter. 11. He is.- a worthy and true represen- ’ He declare! himscR for, and is now the tative of the Democratic party, and that advocate of a policy which he stated in his only. Frankfort speech, last December, had ‘fled 19- He has never-Altered from Dendi *o nothing but evil in thepast, and porten- cratic principles to gain power or posi- ded nothing but evil in the future.” tion. He is'the candidate of the bolters, who 18. He sustains Democratic principles by an organized and pre-concerted plan in their purity. - left the Democratic Convention for the 14. He is the most eloquent speaker purpose of breaking it up. and most segacii nCTlLL practice in the Courts of the Cher- V V okee and Bias Ridge Circuits. [TVS*? Site Feb. 9,1860—ly. • . . .RREI& A. B. C. Crushed and Poi red SUGARS, just received and f J. {ft. LOVEJOY. O. SUGARS, of nil id am( for sale bj , J. H. LOVEJOT. 1 IX A.-CaAWrOKD, .1. R. LBBKB. > CRAWFORD A LEEKE, Lttomeyu at Law, Uasso^xe, Geo. Btion given to all busineaa en- H. ^ Jan. 18,1860—ly. Hainan tine Can- Sperm Candles, H. LOVEJOT. IVv dies; also 50 cases just received and for sale bv Nov. 1. j! Prompt^ trusted to. t AA BOXES CHEESE—Dairy and State— lUl/ 100 boxes Dnryeas’ celebrated Pearl Starch, the best article that is now in use,just received and for sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. ie» & Liqaorg, M ud Pricer, Ac. mUhlly invite tta W on J. W. HBAfgplS W. T. DAT. HKXTH & DAT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jasper, Pickens Ca., £ a. P RACTICE in fe counties of Pickens, Gilmer. Fannin, Lumpkin, Dawson, For syth, Cherokee, Murray tnd fFhitfield. Par ticular attention grvob to thiw reflecting busi ness. ^ffcmwIMplSSO—tlDeo. ded nnd-set at nought the decisions qf (be Supreme Court ? Not one. It was not until he refused to suilteriu his princi ples, rnd his coavictionaq^duty, that the atta^ cam*. But, let te^see what the Springfield speoch saya: J -~T?ie following is an extract of that celeb$ted speech: ,I The material and controlling points in the case—those which ligve been made the subject of the unmeasured abuse and de nunciation, may be thus ateted: 1. The court decided that, under tin Constitution of the Uni instates. a negro descended from slave parents is not, and cannot be a citizen of the United States. 6. That the act of the 6th of March, 1820, commonly called thc'Missouri com promise act, was unconstitutional and void before it was repealed by the Nebraska act, and consequently did not and could not have the legal effect of extinguishing a master's right to a slave in that Territo ry. While the right continues in full force under the guarantee^-# the Consti- BARREL3 new crop MACKEREL, No. 1, 2 and 3 ; also half barrels and kitts, le by J. H. LOVEJOV. SACKS L1VERRPOOL SALT, fresh and full sacks, for sale by l. J. H. LOVEJOY. BARRELS WHISKEY—all grades, sonic verv fine, in store and for sale J. H. LOVEJOY. ^MKUfTAVING moved lo the Mi- ■■'■f'Wll ate and Book Store of B » f U riienan. J. RICHARDS k CO., on Whitehall Street, opposite Messrs. Beach A Root’s store, I will keep a fine assortment of the always tor sale tfh^eWn. b - »- Mr Mow PutenSfl Rj8S(jf an improve ment in the DampefiwJnkimerNsWires mid Screws.. These i’iaqpgjyiil stand in time lon ger Rian any ntherdBaito made, and will be —jl—a—i rinrp lflbo *• *' ious politician of the day. He is the candidate of Richmond - Con- • 14. He is an able advocate and judge vention^whoseaim is the destruction of of law, and would think and act lor bine- the Federal Union, self. He hi the gentleman whose friends re- 18. He caused the repeal of the Missou- movdfPtlie electors appointed by the Dem- H Compromise in 1850, bringing the Dem- ocratif Convention because they adhered ocratic party back to its old and timehon- to thwDemocratic party and Democratic ored position. prin«ipl<&. 17. He caused the passage of the Kansas » He is the gentleman whos friends wan- Nebraska bill amid the anathemas of hifj ted a test vote in Kentucky—and who got political opponents. -it. 18. He received a nomination at In short, he is a man for whom the par- ffie hands of a minority of the people or ty has done every thing, and for whom be ^ieir delegates. * has^donc nothing but to be the leader of 19. He never would sanction directly or a’tnovetnerit to break it up. Well might indirectly, any act that would tend to we exclaim of the party if he should suc- break up the Democratic party or cause its coed. - defeat “K«» waa.the pang bat keener far to . , J&. lie-gave way at thecongentiona jrf feel. ATT0BWE1 * Spring i W ILL promptly el trusted to his ed Sept. 18, I860.—ly *YQ(| *1* grades—86 We7 9J ^ Uv" v£'uji$7l>; also a fine lot of chew- fog Tobacco, jusEpeceivcd'and for sale bv Nmu 1. Z J. U. LOVEJOY. 1 business en- Brt BARRELS French and Domestic BRANDY; also 100 Baskets of Kand Ileidarck’s CHAMl’AIGNE, and Rfiis other articles too tedious to men- Send in your orders—we will please Nov. 1., J. H. LOVEJOY. ATTORNEY AT LAW R»«gol», Catoosa Co., Ga. A LL business entrusted to his care will be : X. promptly attended to. Sept. 15, 1839. Direct Importation, will be promptly nt- s Vear and fur Schools' fiAA lireet from Europe, which I propose sellhig here at New York prices, to Merchants, Hotel Keepers, Colleges. Ac. I hive a large stoek of assorted Crates of Gran ite and common Ware for Merthants, which I wiV guarantee satisfaction to.anv. -An a (Jcor* eonntie, tion give -nfccJ tl^Mtow that ini; Lnnittifh Democrat. by appropriateponce r< ^loSil legislation, prescribing adequate'Hgnedies for its violation. These regulations and the remedies must qecessarily defend en tirely upon the will andxvishes,of the peo ple of the Territory, as tfiey can only be prescribed by the local Legislatures. Hence the great principle of popular sov^-eignty and self-government is sustained at-c firm ly established by the authority oTthis de cision. Thus it appears thSt the only sin involved in the passage of the Kansas Ne braska act, consists in the fret that it Pe nally invited to and is entitled to the election in 1880. 21. lie is a greater favorite with the masses of people than any man living. 22. He has a wife w ho would give char acter and dignity at home and*' abroad to the American people wherever her influ ence is felt or known, and she would grace the White House as the nations favor- E.L BROWN, Jtt ’ Attorney at Law Who, in Congress, moved; - labored and accomplished, the repeal«f tbrf iHfo ! souriConiproniisc? Yes, wrrepeat, w4a» did it ? And in laboring for Its paiaspi through Congress, who received the jeer* of a portion of the South, and the united opposition and abuse of tha. abaUthw-va*' ty of the States? It was the bold the aa-- ble, the Giant of the Deroocretie Party> Stephen A. Douglas. When natiiitioaa' . have ever been attempted to ha irepaaadi . on the extension of slavery, who haa heetn found in the front of the battle in figfctft* foes ? Stephen A. Douglas. - Then, wb$.- all the sensless cry about bis uapUbtJK' on the slavery questiouS It IfcRngiv is opposed to slavery catenates, wesiV he have originated, and fought tfaraug^M Congress, the repeal ef the KsmI C«aw promise line, by which Ml the turitef north of the latitude of 88° 86* was IlnaSn open to the settlement ofslavehaldew with •their property? What had be to gain by the success of the meausure? Certabffjt not anti-slavery popularity—the repeal’ was opposed by an undivided frost frost* that party. What had ho to gain? Jk clear conscience that be had. done noth*' ingbut bis duty in being.instrumental in* removcing from the statutes of the Feder al Government, an unconstitutional enact ment, a foul blot on American character and equal rights, and in restoring to- ttM* people of the South their rights in tti'ilfo' rks. from which they bad bees unjustly excluded for thirty-four years. And tbiein the man the Yanceyitrs tell ua is ussifo< on the question of the extension of slsve^- ry in these very territories' for which ha- labored so valiantly, nobly, and asaaMfo fully for the repeal of the istifobh— Can it be possible that tbs Southern pas* pie will give an ter te tbeaensdesa ary a- gainst Mr. Douglas, with such eridesate of his soundness on the question rfiki mj extension? Such duplicity sroubfChterw to be punished with all the evils thalan- cey ites predict will result irate his cleeoow. We yet have confidence that justice wffl be done him.—Columbia Star. h%0SS3|SS Governor Stevens. It may not be generally known that the Hoti. I. I. Stevens, la'e Gove raor of the territory of Washington, and now Chair man of the Breckinridge Committee, is a debtor to the Unted States in the sum of over §40,000. Such would appear, from official documents to the fact We have before us the published statement of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, [transmit ted to Congress in February last] of the.' accounts in the Treesury, War Navy De partments, which have remained unsettled or on which balances appear to have been due more than three years prior to July 1st, 1859. On page 23 is to be found a memorandum on account of surrey of rail road from the Mississippi to the Pacific, charging Gov. Stevens with a “balance, Sept 30th, 1858j $16,315 45. There is at his credit on sundry accounts, $6,273 18; stilfteaving against him the sum* of [ $10,142 27.” And on page 56, in the settlement of the names of officers whose acccnuts for advance made, or balances unaccounted for, one year prior to the 1st of July, 1859, as it appears from the books of the Second Auditor of the Treasury, have not been settled within the year, may be seen this item S. B. OATMAM, la ale a ix Axe me a*. It alias, as 1 Statuabt, AXD na MumJNv in store anil fiiP 'urfaM. -iHil Sfock consists ; W- 't’E A.3, . rnfpia lift. Starch, ft, Tobacco, Cigart; Shot, Mails, Iron; JbKJUORSfdtc. ;' anything in the GROCERY iwa» farmers would do well his stock before purchos- he flatters himself that he JU’MIl noon as favorable terms as anv house In Mfia market Alike asks is a trial. Mo charge for looking. Call and tee me on Whitehall afreet, below the Johnson block. Atlanta, • O. W. JACK. JOHN C. BRANSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cassville, Georgia. P RACTISES in the connties of Cass, Flovd, Gordon, Murray, Pickens and Whitfield. Special attention given-to securing and eollec- Marble, Ware Rooms oppoeile Gen.-gia R. R. d James VaogtBs,'-Agent, Cassville, Ga. O'ftt. 27, iflSV—ly. ting claims. Nov. 17, 1859—ly. MASSEY & IAJ7SDELL, Will sell upon Augusta, Cliirleston and Sa vannah terras any orders for Dragf, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, Ac. Kerosene Oil, and Lamps, Always on hand, at the lowest pnecs. Atlanta, Qa„ Dea. 15, 1856—ly. H. L. RAY, Dffet’neif 9»d CoHD^efoir iqto, ELUJAY, GEORGIA. Sept. 6, I860.—Jy pe^gtion. j - 26. He will render equal justice to the North and South, if elected, and be Pres ident of the whole people instead of a fac tion. 27. He maintains the integrity and prin- ciples of Democratic party against all foes combined. 28. He will protect American industry capital, commerce and inventions. Jj9. He will protect, at all hazards, the American flag wherever it floats. .. 30. He will give an economical admin istration of the affairs of the Government 31. He will cause the arrest and hang ing of every advocate af treason and mur- Texas Land Agency. w. h/smith, CASH! CASH! CASH! ATTORNEY AT LAW, TYLER, TEXAS IXTILL attend to the Registering and au- V V thentication of DEJElliS, the Location of Land Certificates, and the Payment of Tax on Lands in Texas, owned by citixens of other Stales. Prompt attention given te the Col lecting Business. Jan 11, 0 ly 4AT MANUFACTORY J. M. HOLBROOK. A LL parsons indebted to us for GROCE RIES, «To.reffretfully requested to call and pay up. Six months time is as long as Groceries can be fold, sad this being nur rule wa confidently expect fa be paid promptly. W« call attention to oar Large Stock of Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia. T IE attention of Planters, Farmers and Country Merchants are invited hi examine the large and varied assortment of BATS, CAPS tbr., that, is kept constantly on hand at Holbrook’s HAT MANUFACTORY Also, the public are invited to examine the large and well-selected assortment of Ladle’s and Gentlemen’s Travelling Tranks Vances &c. P LA XT A 27MT BATS,- made to order, and sent by Expressig any portion of the country, apr 11 I860 r The West Tenifcasee Whig, ingiving an account of the discussion in Jteteon be tween Messrs. Peyton, Polk-'an^Hay»es relates fhs following interresting episode, which at once pate to flight all thq fancied prospects of the Yancey-Breckinridge tick et, as far as its electiofr is concerned.— Maj. Polk Douglas EMtor was speaking and the Whig save: He exposed in ^masterly manner tho hypocraey and duplicity of the Breckin ridge men, who p resist in running a man wbo baa “no chance!' on earth 6f being e- lected; and as an evidence that he did not believe that Breckinridge «£uM he elected he propesed and repeated the proposition that if Ctd. Haynes, as an honorsUe man would come upon the'stand and tell the people that be believed that Breckinridge stood cktaee to be elected either by the people oi the House of representatives that he CbL PoUtT *ouM wuvwafoii the canvass and go home Whou this prop osition was mode, Col Hjynes was stand ing in the crowd with a distinguished Democrat of this county, who urged him to'Aeoej* the proporftioebut Haynes dared not So it He does not belive Jhat Breckinridge has any poaikle chance,-end ae an hoooreble man he would not say so. CoL Polk’s speech gave pneral satisfac tion to the friends of Judge Douglas, and was admitted to be a mpeh abler effort than any he bad ever bd^pa amde in this Pteee. . N a- * . Having no chance of abjection, what, is Bteckmridge kept iafrefoMfci? Is ‘Stevens, I. L, late Governor, $30,940 32—balance.” So, ac cording to these offical papers, the Hon. Mr. Stevens owes the Government the sum of $41,083 59. Gov. iteveng may well get up specious and sophistical addresses against Douglas for he knows, or ought to know, that if the latter becomes President, he will make him pay up what he owes. He bad bet ter go about raising the money to settle these old debts instead of fooling his time away in the vain efforts of defeating the people's choice for President—St. Louie Republican. 82. He is the people’s choice for the Pres- And all Article* of PL AFTERS’ SUPPLIES, rhich we will soil low for Cash or Six Months "**' HOWARD, STOKKLY k CO., jaly 18. C.»asaaeTiiis, Ga. * jv How We live A Frenchman remarked that he could not five in this country and eat the same tluogs he did - in Paris. Why? Because the ' climate eras different, and Parisian habits of living and dorhg business were far diverse from ours. We ape French cookery with per American style cf living and 6astonat iariTconsequently get corpu lent, and ajjpoplexy, and gout or getldin' and get dyspepsia and hypoeendria. We eat fast alid they eat slow; we take twen ty minutes, they an hour or two; we drink brandy and wine made of alcohol, strveh nine, and sugar of lead, they the juice of the grape. We eat a heavy dinner, and and go to work, some with our hands and with our heads, before it has had time to digest; they cat moderate and follow jt by Social intercourse or recreation. —vwj ougwr, JMOi CANDIES, ***»»%«»**% TOBACCO. Amrille, Jca Georgia. j - jk ILtiah of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ■ A apaf and aa well repaired aa'can be fteri jhi fmta . All work estimated to my (tevHth eatScf ia the best order, and on Bear in mind that all watehea and d&tk Ifork executed by. me will be war- raated'Sy me for 12 mouths. Also, bear in mind, that time ia money saved. Particular attention given to repairing fine Chronometer Watches. Terms caeh invariably. G. G. MERCK. Jaly~2\ lsSA. The Raleigh (If C.) Standard which suppavts the Breckinridge and Lane tieket which holds the following language to wards Mr. Douglas and his supporting We have no inclination to say harsh things of Mr. Douglas or his friends.— They are honorable men and patriots, we dhubt noc Mr. Douglas has fought many a brave and manly battle for the South— he has stood by os in many a dark aodtry- ing time he hasatogd in the “deadly breech against the aleCtion hordes audjrith a giant’s might hurled them hack er scat tered them with fitllen crests, to the right and the left. May our tongue be palsied and our arm powerless before we write or speak against such a man! We admire him for bis boldness and we honor him for his patriotism and we do not believo the Presidency could add a laurel to the garland of feme already wreathed for bis brow. It is much to be fenrqd “the glass of fash ion" is the wine glassr » Fot-WeGtaMl BARIUM A HARGIS, Joa. 12.1800—ly. OaaaviMi. Ga. of a fuodern author, that no man aver prospered in the world without the coop eration of his wife. If §hc unites 1 iu mu tual endeavors, or rewards his labor with, an endearing smile, with what confidence will he resort to his marehandiso or Aar farm, fly over lands sail over seaa, meat difficulty and encounter droger—If te IS JOHN F. HARWELL, to be " rivalled ia Cam Gapmtj—nay more, Oher- :ce fiwgia,-i» tee adll'mit of WAGON MAKING, GUN REPAIRING, Walking Cans Hakiug, G^OIL.r>, -time past, in making arrangements for at tempting to cross the Atlantic in-bis mam moth balloon, has secured sufficient funds topay the expense of the experiment, and some time during the' present week the trial will be made.—Thelife boat, dresses and other arrangements for the comfort of ' (?) arrived in this city on Sat- unlay. The balloon has been thoroughly varnished and put in complete order. It will be filled from the large gas holder at Point Breeze, from, which place the Pro- feseor will start cm his voyage —Ph iladeU phia Leiqtr. knows that he is rtot spending hia strength in vain, but that hia labor wffl bo reman- ded by the sweets of boom t Solitude and disappointment eater the history off every man’s life, and he has not balffiw vided for his voyage, who finds hot an as sociate for happy Loura^ while t n months of darkness and distress, no srmpatisiag partner is prepaid. ^ CUTTING * STONK, Dealers ia Dry CM, OILCLOTHS, BOGS AMD SROBB, CuxtaiB ntffUi, Shi Mare earn Build fore. Bn te Whitehall ette Nov. 1. ATLANTA. GA. lo