Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, March 07, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. V. LOG A L NEWS AN I) N0! ES. GATHERED FROM TOWN ANI) COUNTY. - T * Tuesday was sale day and the Chas. tine land was sold. Col. A. P. Wofford, of HoHings. worth, was in town Wednesday. Mr. aftd Mrs, J. S- Richey and Mrs Owen visited tire family of Mr E. D Owen this week. . •t I Sheriff J. W. Sumpter, lion. Oscar Brown, Col. R. A. Nunnally and Cap tain Svrep L. pox attended couit a,-, Clarkesville this week'. Mr. P. F. M. Furr visited Washing ton city latter part of last week. re. turning Monday. He went up to see the expiring efforts of tile 53rd Coir gress. Mr. Charlie Chambers bought the Chastine farm at sheriff sale Tuesday Charlie is a clever young man and will perhaps he one of our big farm ers one day. Rocksprings. Tle ftnow is not all absconded yet on the North liill sides, but none of importance. The roads are getting in fine trim forjhauling 3i.d the fanners jo e be ginning to get their fertilizers for this year. Sowing oats is the order of the day W. C. Chambers is running six plows- He says he is glad he did not sow any in the fall on account of the- b ird freezes. Some are sowing over. Wheat is looking sick. Our school is progressing well and looking up since the cold weather. Rock Springs is i fine situation for a school, being in the bend ef the Hud son river and only one and a half nines from the river; surrounded by a good territory and inhabited by the most prosperous peop's in Banks corn - Iy. And the; are awakened to the fact that the time has come when peo ple must be educated. W lth all the advantages Rock Springs is climbing and will soon he on the top round There will be preaching here Sun day March 10, by R v. John Barnes Doubtless a large congregation willhe oresent to hear him. We do not get alarmed if we h'-a’' a shingle mill whistle. There are only three in hearing W. W Boling is try third shingle sawyer siuce Christinas . Success to the Gazette. G. C. V. N. NOTICE TO FARMERS. We have made arrangements w ith brokers in New York city through whom vve are ab’e to place loans sc cured by a first mortgage on improved farms for fiv? years time, payable in installments at the rate of eight per cent per annum. The brokerage and the charge for abstracts and inspection ars small and at the bor rower. If you want money, come in at at oners as the supplv is limited. DUNLAP & PICKRELL, Attorneys. Gainesville, Ga. jl73m GEORGIA: Banks County.— Will he sold on the first Tuesday in April next at the court house in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following property towit: One tract or parcel of land lying in said county on the warters of Hudson river, con taining one hundred and fourteen acres more or less, adjoining lands of G. W. Davis on the NKrth, paupers home on the West, Pierce Knox on the South and D. H P. Garrison on East. Said land levied on as the property of 1. E. Slierdan to satisfy a tax execution issued for his state and county taxes for the vear 1894. This March 4th 1895. Levy made by G. • A Fagans L. C., and returned to me This March 4,th 1895, J. W- SUMPTER, (£4.38) Sheriff. Hollingsworth Items. Road working in the mud is the order here. Extreme weather has prevented the farm(‘”s from doing but very little work since It is rumored that a wedding took glace near the Line church Sunday Is it feallyj'possible 'that there are to be two more weddings near Hol lingsworth this spring? It seems that the bov s are in luck. The school here has nearly 100 pu pils now. Mrs. Edwards has quite a large luusioclass and all seem to like her very much. Hollingsworth now affords a string ban a, amateur of course, hut look out “•'or music anywav. > Mr. Freeman Acroy, of Urena, came ever Monday to take music. X.' ■ Notice to Teachers of 1894. Tire Attorney General, J. M. Ter rell has given his deci.-i ui that the balance due teachers on poll tn\ for 1804, cinnot bo paid out the Ticu.-ury till after the close of the present quarter. This Feb 20, 1595. J. 1). GUNNELS, C. S. C. M C. &J. F. Kiser & Cos. ] Action vs. j for Equi * Dora Coggins, table Ke- Leo Coggins, lief and Ada Coggins, Intoiplca- Ida Coggins, fdcr in Cora'- Coggins, B rniks Angie Coggins, Superior Mar Coggins, Court. and Ai >i r L - h Lillie Dell Coggins. term 1895 To Lee Coggins, one tlie defend ants in the above stated case: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at ncx Superior Court for Banks county to he held on the third Monday in March 1885 to an swer the complaint of the plaintiffs in an net! nby Equitable petition for Relief and Interpleader; as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to ju tice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. N. L. Hutch ins Judge of said Court. This Jan. 14, 1895. I.N. TURK, (54 20) C. S. C. ■ A Woman’s Story. A NARRATIVE OF WOMAN’S ILLS. Tig lit lyßflng ml Lnck of Oat-Door Ulerclie Much Vi oc. (From the Detroit iSuti.) The Urge, 'pretentious brick residence at 80 Miami avenue, iutbi* city, is the home of the heroine of this interesting story. She is Mis* Margaret Stenbaugh, and her experiences during tlrie past four years aro |HibiUhe-i here for tap first time. Miss hstenßaugh i.u pretty girl of about 20 years and in to-dnr the true picture < f the ideal, healthy, robust a id jovial Ameri can girl. She was not always no, jut is proven by the accompanying statement made by her. “ Four yea.-s ago,” s’ ’ *- ,: d, I was such a scrawny, puny little m Jg t, pale ar.d ema ciated by an ailment p-vttJ far to u* women, that my father and m • h r gave me up to die. The local pr tetiuoner, whose name wai S>r. GlftA*fora } (] w*.i at that time living a* Scotland, Out.,) mid it vra’i only a * iutter of days when I would be laid away in the churchyard. “ I con'd not walk. J became so W'vjV, and regularly every night my father to carry me up iair: to my room. I can di*:uctly remember my tell ing him that he wouldn't have to carry me about much longer, and how he said, while th** twara glistened in hi.i eyes, that he would be willing to do it always, if he could only have me with him. “ At this time, I read, or wc" told by some body. of tr ? wonderful cures that wen* being wrought by Du Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale People, and mv f ‘.her treat to ir:\nt r ford, w'.ih- purchased a coiio i of boxes from W. WVli-c. 1 commenced taking them, an' I thought for a time t.hat they diu me no good, but very short’y I noticed a great change. They begun to p.ct on my trouble, and in the abort space of six w-V:* j was able to walk. 1 contioued the pills, and in jix month > 1 ’.vac in the condition yon mam 3 now. 1 fully believe fchvt they alone saved me from the grave, and yon will always fiu J myself and the balance of our family ready to talk about the good Dr. William V Pink Pills did for me.’ 1 Sworn to and subicribed before me tills 15th Jar of December, 1893. X>. A. DeJ-ANEY, Not try Public, Wayne Cos., Michigan. An analysis of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People shown that they contain, in a condensed form, a 1 the elements neces sary to give uew life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseta. as loco motor atazia, partial paralysis, f . Vitus 1 dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, ner vous headache, the after effect*! of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weak ness either in male or female, and all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood. Dr. Williams* Pink 1 ills are sold bv all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, j (50 cent* a box, or 6 boxes for * .s•>—they are never n bulk or by the 100) by ad dressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Cos., JSciio- j neotedv, N. Y. QXCULIAR la ootab'ssrilon, pm. “ portion *nd* ©f infrali* ata, Hood** Snx&pvUia pcaocaaoa great MiM. Ym tUI TRY IT. HOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: MARCH 7, 1895. NEWS FROM MAYSVILLE. A COLUMN OF SPICY NEWS AND GOSSIP. * The News from Oar Pretty Rail road Town liiterestiiiffly Told by‘Noah Yale.’ Do you feci, nnywnv-. relieved since Congress lias adjourn i ? The time of year has eofne when Hr. J. R. Carr casts out his waether eye urospeeting for cyclones. Air. James T. Comer has fold five car loads of cattle this winter and has another car ready for shipment; Road working is the order of the day in the Banks county vicinity of Marseille this week. Air. Headen Ai Her as overseer is putting the road in pple pie” order leading from our P- .a to H'omer. Several car loads of guano have Leon lv.s e, so f.,r. The ft.! tilers do not seem to be taking cn to it this year as they Irave formerly been doing, ronsequetilly but little is being Imuied away from here as ye!. The farm rs aro ] 'a ding largo oat c rops in Tur diggins.” If the Jay Gould of Mnysville, Air. J. M. Eberhart, conld he placed upon a barren reck, with a few 1 old buggies, old cattle, and some real es tate. be could soon matinee to put the Riitheliilds in the hands of a re ceiver, and do it on the “dead square.’’ The spooney couples, who are so fond of swinging on the frtmt gate, to make love, will have a soft snap not Sunday evening, f< r the ir' ,! t will he in <■< 'b e from 7 to 11. He sure your tracks ate obliterated, boys. Messrs. Jito and Roland Cambell, in addition to being first-class chair finishers, are also devout disciples of Isaab Walton. One after noon last week, they shouldered their rods and hied them away to the Oconee, and caught several pounds of fish. Boh caught weighed litre i pounds. Apropos to'fishing, the above men tioned sucker was not the only one cnug'it lately. Eh, bovs> Quarterly meeting was hold last Saturday and Sunday at the Aletlio dist church. There was quite a crowd present Sunday at both the morning and evening services. Rev- Dr. Lowry preached. His sermons were indeed a feast of reason and a flow of soul. A most beautiful voluntary was sung last Sunday morning by the choir, consisting of Alesses Lizzie are! Julia Hale, sopranoes, Aliss Essie Hale Miss Florence Harris, contral toes and Air. W. D. Wallace, baas. Mr J. Robert Carr is laying down lumber to build a dwelling on Homer street. Air. Robert J, Hale’s new house has about been completed. Mr. 11. W. Wooding is making preparations to erect a dwelling on Railroad avenue. The residmee of Air. Ro'ot. S. Williams camrht fire last week but it was extinguished before any serious damage was done. To be “right in it,” with the 400 you must have your fortune told Mr. Morgan is a very shrewd young man. Ho is utilizing his two blacks and buggy now to haul the old folks. That's pm i:y Air. Will Hendrix, -who was so se riously hurt here iately, is improving very slowly. Mr. Frank Al. Ayers is quite sick with la grippe. Airs. J. M. Eberhart, who has been quite sick, is improving. Messrs W. J. Comer, T. J. Smith, Benjamin Franklin Carr, Robert W.j White and Crawford Porter visited .Atlanta this week. A most delightful party was given in honor of Alisses Easter Parks and Maud Brewer. Quite a delightful evening was spent. Miss Grace Latimer, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ford Mcßee, returned to her home in Cherokee county last, much to the regret of ns ail. Miss Callie Elrod, of Clarkesboro 1 ( and Miss Cynthia Garner, of Dahlon ega, is visiting the family of Mr: J. A. B. I’ricke'.t. Mrs. Cowan and her daughter Miss Helen, have returned home after a long^absenoe. Mr. N. j. Wooding left last Mor day on a business trip to lova and other Western slates. Mr. Willie Hope Emmett has start ed out selling sewing machines. H’s looks will pilot hint through safely. Mrs. Brewer returned home last week from Atlanta accompanied by her daughter Afrs. F.. J. Snead. Aliss Eva Yearkin icturnek from a visit to Gainesville lest Thnrdav. Air. Steve Ray out- great and only catcher from Atlanta is up on a visit of a lew days. He will always find a welcome here. Our former citizen, Mr. J. H. Por terfield, now of Harmony Grove, was in town Monday. Noah Valk. Arp Dets. Aliss Ida Stevenson is visiting rel stives and friends in the community. Miss Claud Carson of Bold Springs visited .Miss Ida Ward last week. Air. Albert Cochran lias returned from Augusta, where lie has been at tending the medical college. The sociable pivm last Friday ; mglit at the redd-meo of AL . J. ('. j Thomas was enjoyed by all who at tended- Messrs Daniel and Son els two of Madison’s most popular young men visited Banks Saturday and Sunday to the delight of some of our girls. School Gntr,. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be in curable. For a groat many years doctors pronounnert it a locbl disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Soience has prov. n catarrh to be a constitutional disease and requires treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Cos;, Toledo, Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the mar ket. It, is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollar for any case it fuiit to cure. Send for circulars aud testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & JO., Toledo, O. Gr’Soid by Druggists, 75c There is a man near here who did not stop hauling cross tics a day dur ing tha recent snow and cold weather That tnan just ruined his wagon on the ice; aed now says he is going to Athens, and buy onosnf Klein & Mar tin’s make which is never injured by rough roads, bad weather or heavy loads. Klein & Martin make wagons buggies, and everything on wheels ot the best material that can be found, painted with superior paint. These tire sckl at surprising low’ rate. Give hem a call before buying elsew’here. AwaroeK* Highest Honors—World’s Fair. •EZffls CRfcAW jf>ST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grapj Cream of Tuitsr Powder F;t from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant VK-ARS TEH 2TAVDARD. J. E. MURPHY, Leader of Fine Goods and Low Prices. rSas many lines of Goods that must be sold before faying in the SPRING STOCK. AND IN ORDER TO DO THIS I WILL MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP OF ALL WINTER GOODS AND ODDS AND ENDS THAT IIAVPE ACCUMULATED DURING THE RUSH EO'rt 'l HE LAST SIXTY DAYS !i! Lines will bs Sold And Jess than Cost. Don’t fail to see nrfy stock, if you want good goods at Low Prices. Jo E. lurphy, West Side Public Squ re GAINESVILLE, GA- NORTHEASTERN R- R- OF GEORGIA^ BETWEEN ATHENS AND LULA 80UTH1K >INI>. NOKfHBOUNO. 11 U 13 14 10 12 li’lv lily SuOn X. K. It. It. STATIONS. SuOn D'ty I'lr KxSu Kxßn I’as’r Pas r ExSu ExSu I M A M A M.l.v Ar A M T M AM MAO 11 25 1125 W Lula y 11 00 740 10 40 MAB 11 42 11 42 (lillHvilW* 10 43 718 101 C M 55 11 57 1157 Mays vile 10 28 701 055 019 12 1H 12 18 Harmony lOi 07 63C 926 938 12 33 12 33 Nicholson U 52 0 11# 00S 950 12 43 12 43 Center 942 607 854 10 08 100 100 W Athens 1> 925 845 83# I- M 1- M I- MA! LA M I 1 M A It. K. WEAVES, State ARent. J. s. CHEWS, thtef CM'rk. —Tnd ■TINT MM COV. W. J. NORTHEN, Manage Rooms 405 and 407 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. Options taken on farm lands, mineral lands, water power*, and other properties, which will be extensively advertised throghout the North Sad Northwest. Those having such property for sale will do well to call im county agent. H. BREWSTER, Agent for Banks C* NO. 43