Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, May 30, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. VI. LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Little Items too Short for Heads But Lent: Enough te In terest the Reader. Mr. J. C. Burns and lady came to town Monday. Rev. Mr. Cobb, of Hollingsworth, was here Monday. Lookout for llie engine when you hear the wheels whiz. The farmers are haring a mighty battle with general green. Mr. O. H. Chambers and family went to Harmony Grove Monday The prospect for a heavy yield of all kinds of fruits is very flattering. Mr. L. N. Turk arid family visited relatives in Jackson county last week. Mr. Lum Avers and family were the guests of Mr. 11. J. Moss and lady Sunday. Mr. Homer Thompson and wile spent Sunday with the old folks at home, Hon. J. K. Thompson. We notice a number of our young mtn are wearing badges. That's right boys fail in line. Mr. Ed Garrison, one of Mayaville’s young business men, was in our vil lage a few (lavs ago. We regret to learn tlmt Rev. J. 1). Gunnel’s is still in a very precarious state of health. Mrs. Dr. J. F. Vaughn, whe wag very sick last week, we aie glad to state, has about recovered. Prof. Sanders reports a very pleasant time at the Sunday sohool convention in Savannah. Mr. Charlie Allen, our clever lax receiver, was here Monday. He has one more round to make. Mrs. Nancy Moore who has been in very feeble health for some time, is semewhat improved. Cel. R, A. Nunnally is back among his friends here after spending a few weeks at his home near Longview. Messrs. Lowery Patterson and Rufus Means, two prosperous far mer* of Nails Creek, were in town Monday. Our town was quite lively last Monday, a number of the county’s good citizens were here transacting business. Uncle Clark Moss, our faitnful old mail man, has ordered the paper sent to his brother, Byrd Moss, in Louisana. Little Johnie Kelly, son of Mr Richard J. Kelly, had the misfortune to get his finger cut off with an old chop knife last Sunday. There will be a pffeuic at Mt Pleasnt next Saturday the Ist. Every body invited to come and bring a basketful. Messrs. G. T. Campbell and J. R. Rylee, ef Gillsville, were here Tues day- Mr. Ryle*’s name was added to our subscription list. Mr. J. M. Lawrence, a good citi zen of the Pruitt settlement, was among those here Tuesday and his name was added to our subscription list. Messrs. Logan Perkins and Ike Daughter y came up Monday; Mr. Perkins on business and Ike to talk politics and crack jokes—he's a “good’un.” Mr. J. J. Turk has shaved off his moustache, diesses up almost every day, and is lookihg young again. Cause: A pretty little gnl just ar rived at his bouse. Mr. A. J. Me Whiiter and wife have been attendants at the oedside of her sister, Mr*. J. F. Vaugh: who has been very sick for the past few days. Rev. Jas. T. Harmon is here on a visit to his many friends. Mrs. W. M. Ash and her daughter Miss Jane visited relatives in Mays vilie this week. Several of our youug people at tended commencement at Maysville Wednesday and Thursday night. Next Saturday, the first day of June, is the time set for the exami nation of applicants for County School Commissioner, to fill the uuexpired term of Rev. J. D. Gunnels resigned. Miss Fannie Sumpter attended the marriage of Mr. Langston and Miss Hope last Thursday evening at the home #f the bride’s father, Mr. W. E. Hope. Col. George W. Hewn and Air. J. i. Smith, ti.e vne a prominent at torney, and th ■ other a prosperous merchant, of .Uaysville, were here yesterdai. We have just returned from mar ket with the fullest hue of dry goods in this section. Our dress goods are lovely and prices right, MADDEN ic SMITH, Maysville. We learn that the commencement exercises of Maysville High School now in progress very interesting and entertaining. The school is very prosperous. We wish Maysville and lies splendid high school contin ued success. Sheriff Sumpter has been changing things around at his shop, and is now in charge himself. As every one knows onr sheriff doe-not do tilings by halves, “Sumpter’s shop” will soon become far-famed as of old, for the splendid work turned out from it. Miss Minnie Hill who has. recently been very much prostrated by a severe illness is improving. We hope she may anon recover her wonted health. ' Wc have ten pieces of dress gauds, regular price 40c, which we will sell at 110 c; fult 50 inches wide and one of the ’.-.test we ■i. Laces to match at prices equally as low- MADDEN fc SMITH, Maysville, Ga. Wed nesday was the day set bv Judge ILII for .he trial of the Law fence twelve month’s support case and quite a number of citizens from the upper side of the county came down as witnesses, but a lawyer en gaged in the case failed to arrive, and the trial was postponed. It will probably be tried in the superior court. Three hundred acres of land are involved. Mr. J. M. Herbert died of paraly. sis at his home two miles from Hom er Tuesdoy afternoon. Mr. Herbert was a good citizen, a devout Christ ian, and loved by all who knew him. His remains were interred yester day at Mt. Pleasant church, where he had long been a member. He leaves a wife and a large number of children and grand-children, to whom he Gazette extends sympathy. We learn there is going to be a number of applicants for County School Commissioner’s office. We have heard mentioned the names of Rev. D. 11. Cryiues, Prof. C. A. Meeks. Prof-J. Si. Cnambe. ■}, Prof. Wooding, Col. Osea • 1 own, Prof li. C. Alex .ml , ’•'■•of. K, C. Moss, Prof- J. E. Hitch and others perhaps who may come into the race. It would seem that our Board of Education ought to have no trouble in filling the office acceptably from this list of names. Two veterans of tin ' war m*t in front of the court house the other day. One was on the federal side and the other was a x-confed. Both wi re Georgians ;t one wore the gray and T he o’ht the blue; One left his home md nati- - late to de fend it trom • u-. other to fight for the Union O awing a pension of sl2 : 0 a mouth from Uncle Sam’s tic. - ,tLe other was about as poor looi.i . ' and woe-hegone as mortals get to be apparently. One was the ward of the nation, well fed, fat and jolly, the other a bundle of rags. HOMER, RANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: MAY 30, 180. T. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. We are going to overhaul our sub scription books in a few weeks. If your time is out and you still want the paper please let us know, and if you do not want it let it be known. A\ e do not wish to force the paper upon any one, neither do we desire o send it to those who have no inten tion of paying for it. Time subscri bers will be charged 75 cents per year. If yon want to buy Hardwbre, such as buggy and wagon material, black smith tools, sporting materials, cook and heating stoves,"table an.i pocket cutlery, Rogers’ rubber belting and hose, globe and check valves, piping, barbwire, blind bridles, buggy whips, lace leather horse collars and the celebrated Hampton double stock, led in use, Rogers Hardware & Machine Cos is the place to get it at the very lowest price. In the Adair Building, next door to Quillian & Cos., Harmonv Grove, Ga. Go to W. H. Strange, Cornelia, Ga., to buv a New Home Sewng Machine. Ife has the lowest prices —from S2O up in2-tf Anew lot of fine Clocks just re ceived at bates & carson- Harmonv Grove, Ga. Go to J. TANARUS, Smith’s for plows and garden tools. For hardware of all kinds, includ ing Stoves, Improved Agricultural Implements and Machinery, go to Rogers Hardware & Machinee Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. W. H. Strange, Cornelia, Gw. keeps all kinds of machine need les. oils, etc. Call in while in town When you want line watch repair ing done, and satisfaction guaran teed, call on HATES <&. CARSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. When you get tired of paying higii prices to ’Spectacle ped dlers for glasses, call on BATES Jfc CARSON. Prices always rig!;!. Harmony Giovc, Ga. GEORGIA : Hanks Countv.—\Y. H. Borders next Host friend to FJoi euce and Louis Borders, has applied for exemption of personalty and I will pass upon the same at 112 oelock m. on the 31st day of May, 181)5, at my office. Alav 10th, 1895. (90c) ' T. 5. HILL, Ord’y. The pflicers of the Hanks county S. S. Association, the superintendents and officers ot the various Sunday schools are calle.i to meet at Homer, on Tuesday ,/unc 4th for the purpose of arranging a programme for the convention which meets on Friday, July 2G. H. W. Wooding, Pres. M. C. Sanukks, S ic'y. All persons are hereby notified not to hire or harbor [sum Hawkins, col. for ho is under contract with me until the 10th of July. * T. 0. C A MIXON. ITJ2 YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. JDr. J. 11+tt’attn, druggist and physi cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with heart disease for four years, trying evory remedy and all treatments known to him self and fellow-practitioners; believes that heart disease Is curable. 110 writes: "I wish to tell what your valuable medi cine has done for me. For four yearslhad heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev eral physicians I consulted, said It was Rheumatism of the Heart. . .. It was almost un- endurable: with shortness of pains, unable to sleep, especially on the left sldo. J scrtbe Euffer * luring the last most-hs of those DR. J. H. WATTS, I finally tried Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and wan surprised at the result. It put new life Into and made anew man of me. 1 have not had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine lias cured me for I have now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have sold and rccomme dud your Heart Cure, for I know what it has done for mo and only wish I could state more clearly my suffer ing then and the good health I now enjoy. Your Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction." J. U. Watts. Humboldt, Neb., May 9, ’&i. Dr. Miles Heart Curo Is sold on a posltlvo guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell It at tl o bottles for $5, or It will besent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health AWuiJus . Highest Honors—World’* Ikwir. j •ESi&r nm w CREAM MANS j MOST PERFECT MADE. A purs Grape Cream of T srtir Powde*. Ftae horn Ammonia, Akim or any other a Juikmiat. Y&AR.S TKU STANDARD. Banks Sheriff Sales for June. GEORGIA: Banks County. —Will be sc Id on the first Tuesday in June next at the court house in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder tor cafch the following property to wilt - Ono mule,, medium size, about eight years old, bay color. Said nroperty loxied on as the property of Charley Taylor to satisfy an execution issued from the superior court of said county in favor of John B. Gordon, Governor of the state of Georgia, for the use of officers of court, against Charley Taylor. Said property pointed out by defendant. This April 30th, 1895. J. W. SUMPTER, (3.40) Sheriff. GEORGI A : Banks County. —Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next nl 'lie court house in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following property to wit: One milk cow about four years old and dark brindie color, one dark colored horse about twelve or therteen years old. Said property levied on as the property of G. W. Hitch to satisfy an execution issued from superior court of said county in favor of John B. Gordon, Governor o( the state of Georgia for the use of the. nffieess of court, agaidst G. \V. Hitch. I’rsperty pointed out by de fendant. This April 30th 1395. J. W. SUMPTER, 3.80) Sheriff. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next at the court house in said county within the. legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, lying in said county, on the waters of Nails Creek. Be ginning at a pine knot corner, on If. T. Wilnuot’s line. ’ Thence North 00 degrees, West 13 degrees 45 chains to pine knot. Thence North G 4 degrees, West 13 1-2 chains to a pine, “dead.” Thence North 80 West 19 chans to a Post oak corner. Thence North 30 degrees, East 27 1-2 chains to a Post oak corner. Thence North 20 chains 30 links to a pine knot corner. Tnenco North 80 de grees, Fust 27 chains 60 links to a pine knot corner. 'Thence South 19 chains and 00 links to a black gum Thence South 11 1-2, Fast 30 1-2 chains to a pme kuot. Thence South 10 degrees West 16 1-2 chains o the beginning corner and adjoining lands of W. 1). Hix on the North, lauds of John Grow on the East, lands of E. T. Yi’ilmot on the South and lands of L. J. Rags dale on the West, containing one hundred and fifty-seven acres more o less. Said lands levied on as the prop erty of W. 1). Hix to satisfy an exe cuiion issued from superior court of Habersham county in favor of Ella L. Blake against W. I). Hix. This May 2nd, 1895. Notice giveu tenant in-possession as law directs. J. W. SUMPTER, ($9.45) Sheriff. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Mrs. S. J. Chambers, executrix of the estate of John Hill, dec’ll, represents to th* court in her petition duly filed that, she lias fully adinimstercl said estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and cred itors to show cause if any they can why said executrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August next. Mav 2nd 1895. T. F. HILL, (5.04) Ord’y. GEORGIA : Banks County,—l, W. E. White do hereby consent for my wife, C. J. White, to become a a public or free trailer, to become liable as a feme sole, provided bv the code of Ga. * sec. 1760. April J9th, 1895. W. E. WHITE. Dr. Price’s Cretin Baking Powder World’s Fur Histt&M. Award. 1895 1895 SPRING. / I Present to th© People of Gainesville and Surrounding Country the Grandest and most beautiful Collection of SPRING GOODS It has ever been my pleasure to show^ Hare and choice novelties in high class Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Fabrics, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Shoes, Mefi’a and Boys’Clothing, Carpets, Matting ami Rugs. My purchasing facili ties enable me to guarantee you a saving in price over any and all coinpetion. Every item enumerated on tiffs' page is worthy of YOUR CONSIDERATION.- H LEA CARD DOMESTIC DE PARTMENT. 1,000 yards short, length 4 1 Bleach worth 8 going as 5 cents. Also a full line of bleached Do mestic, in all noted brands at prices to please the trade. ('.INGHAM DEPARTMNT. Dress Gingham at 5c regular 8c goods “ •“ Cjc Sc 7i, rog. 10c goo. s “ “ Bic regular 12j goods “ “ 10c regular 13c goods “ • “ 12£c regular ltiie goods 3,000 yards Athens Checks at 5 cents regular 7c goods. CARPET (DEPARTMENT. Ingrain Carpet at 25c cheap at 35c “ “ 35c cheap at 50c “ “ 48 and 50c cheap at 65c “ “ 60c cheap at 75c Baussela Caryet at 50c cheap at 75c “ “ 75 cents cheap at $1 ‘f “ $1 cheap at $1.25 Also a full line of nice rugs to match Carpets. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT' White Lawn worth 12ics<')lingatl0c “ “ “ 15c selling for 12(c “ “ “ 20c selling for 15c “ “ “ 35c selling for 25c Also a race line of printed India Dim ties and many other lines of white goods in many new de signs at extremely low prices. The above is a partial list of the mart/ attractions to be found at my store. J. e. murpheyV- West Side Public Square. GAINESVILLE, GA- SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. sigo.oo every month given away to any one who ap plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We securo the best patents for our clients, and the object of this ofier is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE. TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger’s back, “sauce-pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock,” “bottle stopper, and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the” National Recorder,” published at Washington, D. C., which is the Dost newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s sub scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder,” containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists ard manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. AH communications regarded strictly confidential AddrciS JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. kg'" Rifiriml—liiUtrafthis WriU/ortmr jo-fapamphlity FREE . (11 ,OTI IIN G DEPART M ENT. Men’s Suits cheap at $7 now going for i 4.50 Men’s suits cheap at $7.50 now going for 5.00 Men’s suits cheap at $lO nerf going for 7.50 Men’s suits cheap at $12.50 now going for 10 00 Men’s suits cheap at 815 tjow going for 10,00 Men s suits cheap a'i $lB, iron going for 12.50 Men’s suits cheap at S2O now going for 15.00 SHOE DEPARTMENT. Men’s fine shoes $1.50 reg. $2 quality '• “ 2.00 reg. 2.50 quality “ 2.50 teg. 3.09 quality “ u 3.00 reg. 4.00 quality “ “ 4.00 reg. 5.00 quality Also nice line of Heavy Shoes at prices ta please all, Ladies Kid Hutton shoes at $1.50 regular price 2.00 Ladies’ Kid Hutton Shoes at 2.00’ regular price 2 50 Lndies Kid Button Shoes at $2.50,. regular price 3:50 Ladies Kid Low Cut shoes Lso , y regular price 2 00 Ladies Kid Low Cut shoes 2 00, regular price 2 50 Ladies Kid Low Cut Shoes 2.W 1 , regular price 3.00 GROCERY DEPARTMENT. A complete lino of Groceries, at low-' est prices, always on hand/ NO 8.