Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, June 13, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. VI. LOCAL NEAYS AND NOTES. GATHERED FROM TOW A ASl> COUNTY. Lillie Items too Short for Heads But Long Enough to In terest the Rentier. Peaches will soon be ripe. Mr. T N. Neal ami good lady of Art were it) town Mommy. Mr. J. K. Mangutn paid us a call Wednesday morning. A large number of the Homorites went tu Hollingsworth Saturday. , Judge T. F. Hill and Col. Brown visited the (late City last week. Messrs, Wood anil K: inelt, of Maysville, were in our tov.n Tues day- It will soon be harvest time. The wheat crop is poor, but oats are splen did. Wanted—At the Gazette oftlce at oikt a load or two ot stove wood on subscription. The fishing party at Mi Coy's bridge last Saturday was an enjov one to those present. Air. J. T. Smith is with us for awhile, after a stay of s 1 vet ,! weeks in Mt Airy. Trot". J- S, CLiinbt has gone up in ilabi rsham county to vis-t '• uds anil •at hi . lilelu , - , f w days- Miss Fannie C"Karan re'tuned home Monday from M <vsvi! ! e, wlvre she had been visiting friends t few days. When you want tin- watch repair ing done, and satis!action Guaran teed call on BATES & CAI M)X, Harmony Gru c, Ga. Mr, \V. N. Weldon wants to any what has become of tin blue birds, he says he basil t heard of :uiy .nee the cold spell last winter. Miss G . rode and Mbs Maud Fambrough, two of (tgiethoi: -e's sweetest gtiis are spending a few days with friends in this vicinity. The musical given in honor of the Misses Fambrough, Monday night at the residence of Mr. J. -I Hill, was quite a pleasant and enjnvable affair. Misses Anna Riehev, Leila Richey Bird Pearl Hush returned home iY n Milledgeville last Thursday, where they have been attending *'m Georgia Normal and ludnstrad College. Mr. I K. Chambers had th broad-; est and the most plea- . smile on his face Sunday we most ever saw. but we no longer wonder at th it on' being informed of the arm a >f two fine boys at his home Sunday •iorn ing. Mr. J. A. 15 infers telis us of avert remarkable cow, which is own I by Harrison Gob.r in the lower j>.trt of the county. The cow is now giving milk from which a pound of butter is eh t ried every day, yet her youngest caifisafull grown tow and is also •riving milk. The sporting committee reques led ns to announce that then will be a fishing party here next h' j relay evening. All are invited f i come and spend awhile down on th,. 'pe ful Hudson, flow ing, biddiii all I*• v cares take flight. The game of hall at Holliiv_ .worth Saturday betwi i Homer and Dem orest did not mater’.than, Demorest failin gto an pear. A scrub” game was gotten up but was eu f bv an acci ■ t to one of the ' Elm: CofT receive i a sm from a bat which slip - "and V a. Itnnds of one of the players whim striking. Mr. Coffee was --• ty badly hurt, but by t' i, ;k of friends and sk'difu- j.-' • icians ne w >1 able to be out to me •••' ; timer, Tn ■ aecn’ -nt w deep.j re a hv all till y ”iig * f '' .) 1 v M•. Cox, fr n whose b- • ;h bat slt.piul. NEURALGIA eur< and lev P-t Miles' Pa" Pints. “Ouo cent a dost." a!! druggist* 'Wedding Bells. Married t unday the 10th inst. ; at the home of the bride's parents; near Maysville, Mr. John M. Gar- 1 risen to Miss Pauline Yarborough. Mr. Garrison is one of Banks j county’s most prominent young! farmers and business men, while hts ; btide is i beautiful and accomplished voting lady. The Gazette joins their many friends in extending congratulations. The Bushville Banner. We are yet permitted to breathe the pure air and drink the cold, cold water just fresh from the fountain and enjoying reasonable health; therefore we will give our readers a few “pick ups” here and there. The Bushville Banner will be a weekly paper edited, but never pub lished by Yenot Selrahc. It will be copied, however, by the Banks County Gazette and furnished to all i subscribers at the regular price, 50cts I per year cash. Let everybody sub | scribe at once as this is a chance in i a lifetime. Our gnipe vine telephone, having lieen worn out at the last mad dog lynching, will be responsible for the irvness in our news columns. We sincerely hope the render will bear i w ; th us- and as soon as we are satis fied nter has left us for good, we will .vap” our overcoat for an eel’s skin an ’ make another. The talk of the day seems to he on 11ho free silver question and nearly I everybody thinks, especially the 1 Banner force, that Grover should I send a car load freight paid. W ' know such, a consignment would i bn welt- i:e a' this ollioi for we used : all our ink and paper whooping up 1 CU’Y' lands election and “toted” j torch lights for six months afterwards ! and n 'er have received so much as ‘•thank y ,u “ Wo learn il’iil another paper is to I he edited by Scrp Yar at liu.-h vide, j Hurrah for our town. Some f our young people went t” ‘ Bellton to ihe picnic Sutir lay, I I’ln-y r. port a nice time and in en- I joyable affair. About a half dozen | Sunday seiioo’s were represented. Cotton has outgrown any previous j record during die last two weeks. | According to pi,-sent prospects a ; large crop may he expected. Misses Anna and Lena Riche \ isturn- and home ft few days ago from the Industrial ollege at Miliedge i ville to the delight of their many . friends. Miss Eronie Ilelton from Pike county is visiting relatives in Banks. I We extend to her a hearty welcome I and hope ■ ie will not be governed i liy Webster when lie said—“visitors ! should not make their visits too long” | —but r< main with as through the .timer season, if no longer. i Mr. Babe Walker of Gillsville | was ou our streets Sunday, shaking j hands wit li ins many friends. Come I again Babe. Mr. J. T. Toney went to Athens this week on business. Some of our young people visited Apple Valley Sunday. linskrille was represented at Red Oak Sunday. Blackberries will soon be ripe and we are happy. We are offering a lialf interest in the Banner for the first ripe water melon raised in Bushville. VS r e v i’ ! give three half interests !in the Banner to the first one who w ! ’ - rtit'u iiv prophesy that a free ver man will be elected in ’9O. ijon’t all speak at once. saw at a public gath ering. > blind men, one one-eyed girl; also "t tbe same time and place ile won with a full set of mus tache and one who couid sing tenor to perfection. Someone beat that- Ye cot Ski. hake. Or. P i’s Cream hiking PovrCet World's fair iUgkcst Award 110 MER, RANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: JUNE IR, 1895. AT HOLLINGSWORTH. Closing Exercises of Hollings worth High School. Closing exercises of Hollmnswerih High School last was quite a suc cess- Large crowds ware in attend ance aud the occnsi m was one of en joyment throughout the entire pro gramme. Rev. J. T. Wise, of Cornelia de liverrd the literary address Saturday afternoon and it was a splendid ef fort. The exercises Saturday night did credit to teachers and pupils. The following was the programme: l'K I DAY. 8 o’clock p. m.— Gold Medal Contest. SATURDAY. 10 o’clock a. m.— Recitations, Compositions. 3 o’clock p. m.— Literary Address. 5 o’clock p. m.— ' Base Ball between Homer and 1 lemoicst. S o’clock p. m.— Music hjr Ml. A :y Band; . A Play—“ Out iti tlio St reels.” CHAUAVi 11RS. Col. Wayne Mr. R. A. Smith. Sirs. Wayne—Miss Lorena Scoggins. Dr. M i-ctfield—Mr. Baker .Moss. Nina Wayne—Miss Nannie Hawkins. Solomon Davis—Mr, It. C. Moss. Mat Davis—Mr. E. T. Chambers. M rs. Brad ford— Miss Georgia Duckett Minnie Bradford—Lydia Wolford. Pete (col. servant) —Mr. G. W. (Jo(ice. ;\i use. Sundry e.xeicivs. Music. A Play—“dumbo Jum.” I 'II All ’ IT.IIS. Jnruibo Juni —Mr. G. W. Conee Mr. Gohhlcton—Mi. R. C. Moss. Mr. Chi atom —Mr. Paul 3 vie. Henry Meivilie—Mr. E. T. Chupiebrs. i Mr. .Joe Shelton. Laborers Mr. Abb Wolford, ) Mr. David Boling. Hannah—Miss Sadie Hawkins. Adelaide—Mr s Alice Duckett Mrs. Gobbletoh—Miss Mamie Griggs. .Policeman—Mr. Charlie Shelton. Prof. Wooding Elected. Prof. I-f. W. Wooding was elected County School Commissioner last Saturday. Prof- \Y>- -s a good man and well qualified to till the office. There Were live applicants,—Prof. Wooding, Prof. If. C. Alexander, U;v. C. 'i'. Burgess, Rev. I), 11. Crymes and Prof. R. C. Moss. Prof. Wooding was elected on second ballot. The hoard made a good selection, ns indeed l-hei would have done had they elected any one of the other gentlemen as they are all well qualified. HOW'S THIS ! We offer Ouo Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that, cannot bo cured bv Hall’s Catarrh Jure. F. J - CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known V. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, 1 and believe him perfectly honorable m nil business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tion mad,; by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kitinan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucitous surfaces of the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75e per bottle. Sold l y all Druggists. Testimonials free. NOTICE TO SUBSCItIBERS. We are going to overhaul our sub scription bonks in a few weeks. If your time is out and you still want the paper please let us know, and if you do not want it let it he known. We do not wish to force the prfper upon any one, neither do we desire to send it to those \vuo have no inten tion of paying for it. Time subscri ; bers will bn charged 75 cents per year. Awardee. Highest Honors —World’* Ekiir, ij^rreßFECT^l^E. It pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fee from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. VRARS THE .STANDARD. F'or the next 30 days I will sell a $35, New Home Sewing machine for $3 . Now is your time to buy a mnehin e cheap. W. H. STRANGK, Cornelia, Ga. If you ward to buy Hardware, such as buggy and wagon mau rial, black smith tools, sporting materials, cook and heating stoves, fable an t pocket cutlery, razors, rubber belting and hose, globe and check valves, piping, barbwire, blind bridles, buggy whips, lace leather horse (tolars and the celebrated Hampton double stock, best in use, Rogers Hardware & Machine Cos is the place to get it at the very lowest price. In the Adair Building, next door to Qttillian it Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. Anew lot of fine Clocks just, re ceived at BATES & CAKSON- Harmony Grove, Ga. For hardware of all kinds, includ ing Stoves, Improved Agricultural Implements and Machinery, go to Rogers Hardware & Maehinco Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. When \ u got tired of ptyim; J a pii to spec; tiers for glasses, call on BATES A (’ARSON. Price-, idw.ivs right. IJnrmony Giove, (in. GEORGIA: Banks Cou.vrv.— Mrs. S. and. Chambers, executrix of the estate of John Hill, deed, u presents to th.-* court in her petition dlilc filed that she has fully iidmimterd said estate. This is therefore to eiie all persons concerned heirs and cred itors to show cause if any they can why said executrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August, next. May -nd RTS. T. F. HILL, (5.04) Onl’y. < lK( • RG! ,\ : Bank t (lot n t •.. —1, \Y . F. \Y bite do hereby consent (or my wife, C. ,T. Whit-, to become a a public or free trader, to become liable as a feme sole, provided by the code of Gil. sec. 1760. April 111th, 1. W. F. WHITE. All persons are hereby notified not to hire or harbor Isata Hawkins, col. for h,- is under contract with me until the I.oth of July. T. 0. Camehon. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Br, JT* 11. druggist ar.d physf- Clan, Ilumboidt, Neb., who differed with heart diHea. o for four v< - trying every remedy and all treatments known to hhn stlf and feil .Yv-practiLicners; believes that heart disease is curable-. He writes: “I wish to tell what your valuable medi cine bus done for me. For four years I had heart disease of the very worst kind. Sov- | eral physicians I consulted, said it was Rheumatism of the heart. - ——lt was almost us j endurable! with sliortuosß of hr-ath, palpi ta °n A’ severe 00 t, *‘° (vft side. No pen can de scribe my suffer particularly >* jS&T'L'; - W^#sssP& iiu rin:j t, ‘ lo * ;u; k - iT'i; Pi v. -rVS*g vv months of those four weary years. DR. J. H. WAITS, I finally tried Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure. and was surprised at the result. It put new [lie into and made anew man ot me. 1 have not had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine has cured ice for 1 bavo now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. : I might add that Ia m a druggist and have sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for t know what it has don ~ (or mo and only | wish I could state more clearly my sulier ! ing then and the good health I now enjoy. Your Nervine and ether remedies also | give excellent satisfaction.” J. 11. Watts. Humboldt, Neb., May 9, 'CL Er. Miles Heart Cure issold on a positive 1 ruiii-anteo that the first bottle will benefit. ; ,ili .1 rv- ggista sell it at U 0 bottles forSS.or i It wit. pom ot, prepaid, on receipt of prico by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos.. Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health 1895 i Present to the PedpSeof Cainesvilleand Surrounding Country the Grandest and most beautiful Collection of SPRING GOODS It has ever been my pleasure to show^ ILm'c uni choice novelties in high class Dress GoO’dS, YV ash Fabrics,- Laces, Kmbroiileiies, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, .Sliotr?*,- Men'V Stnl Boys' Clothing, Cai])ets, Matting and Rugs. My pen-chasing facili'- tio, enable me to guarantee you a saving ?#i pried <Vver any and all compelion. Every item enumerated on this page is worthy 'of YOUR CONSIDERATION. BLEACAED DOMESTIC DE PARTMENT.' 1,000 yards short length 4 4 Bleach worth S eeujH, going as 5 cents. Also a full line of bleached Do mestic, in nil noted brands at prices’ to please the trade. GLN'GH '. M DLPARTMNT. Dress Gingham at 5c regular 8c goods “ “ flic, & 74, reg. H)c gooes “ “ Sfe regular goods “ “ llic regular I3c goods “ “ 12|c regular Jfiic goods 3,000 yards Athens Checks at 5 cents regular 7c goods. CARPET DEPARTMENT. 1 up,rain Carpet at- 25c cheap at 3nc “ “ 35c cheap at 50c “ “ 48 and 50c cheap at 65c “ “ 60c cheap at 75c Banssels Caryet at 50c chmo at 75c “ “ 75 cents i L-. ap at $1 ‘f “ $1 cheap at $1.25 Also :: full line of nice rugs to match Carpets. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT- White Lawn wortli 124csellingatlOc “ l - “ ' 15c selling for 124 c “ “ “ 20c selling for 15c “ “ “ 35c selling for -5c Also a mee line of printed India Dim ties and many other lines of white goods in many new de signs at extremely low prices. The above is a partial list of the many ottractions to be found at my sore. --3 J. E. MURPHEY B*~ West Side Public Square. GAINESVILLE, QA- SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVESTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who an plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. XV o secure the best patents fo our clients, and the objec: of this offer is to encourage inventors to kecptrack of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window" which can be easily slid up and down‘Without breaking the p~Asenger’s back, “sauce-pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock,” “bottle stopper,” and a thousand other little tilings that most any one can f nd a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to die author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice In the “ National Recorder,” published at W;.shiagt □, D. C., which is the Desf newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub scription. to this journak free >f cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Fecorder,” containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to tbeu attention the merits of the invention.. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.. Solicitor, of American anil Foreig. Patent., 618 F Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. ty Riflrttut—tdiwr A fthispapir. Writs/arms pti'iiphlst, FiZEE. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men’s Suits cheap at $7 now going for $ 4.50 Men’s suits cheap at $7.56 flow going for 5.00 Men’s suits cheap ut #lO now going for 7.50 Men’s suits cheap'at 5i2.50 now going for 10.00 Men’s suits cheap at sls now going for 10.00’ Men s suits cheap at $lB, now going for 12,50-' Men’s suits cheap at S2O now going for 15.00 shoe Department. 'Men’sfine shoes $1.50 reg. $2 quality “ “ 2,00 reg. 2.50 quality “ *, 2,50 reg. 3.00 quality “ “ 3.00 reg. 4.00 quality “ “ 4.00 reg. 5.00 quality Also nice line of Heavy Shoes at prices ta please all.' Ladies Kid Button shoes at 51.50 regular price 2 00 Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes at 2.00 regular price 2 50 Linlies Kid Button Shoes at 52.5(j, regular price 3.50 Ladies Kid Low Cut shoes 1-50, regular price 2.00 Ladies Kid Low Cut shoes 2 00, regular price 2 50 Ladies Kid Low Cut Shoe* 2.ofr, regular price 3.00 GROCERY DEPARTMENT, A complete line of Groceries, at low est prices, always on hand. NO 5.