Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, June 20, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. VI. LOCAL X EWS AND N OTES. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND tO IN TV. Little Items too Short liul Long- Enough to In terest the Header. Peaches are ripening,, Some farmers arc harvesting wheat' Dr. 11. P. Quiliiau, of Arp- was in town Tuesday. The proverbial blackberry pie will soon be pientitul. We regret to learn that Mrs. John Turk is in feeble health. It will soon be time to lay down the plow and the hoe. Mr. Logan Perkins, of Grove Level was here Tuesday, Mrs. A. C. .Moss has the fines, specimen of chickens in town. The young men of our \ illage soon find where the June apples grow. Judge ami Mrs. A. C. Moss were shopping in Harmony Grove Tues day. Mr. R. D. Stephens wants to find a place suitable for growing top buggies. Rev. P. H Brewster, of Piedmont Ala., is expected in Homer this week on a visit to his son, 11. Brewster. Messrs. T. M. Coffee and J. 1) Arnold, two of the county's good citizens, wereiu to see us Saturday. Next Saturday is the day appointed by the board for the examination of teachers. See notice elsewhere. Cols. G. vf. Brown and J. M Merritt, of Maysville, were here Monday attending ordinary’s court. Justice court in this district has ha 1 a great deal of business to at tend to of late, Messrs. Jonas and Freeman Mar tin spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends am! relatives here. Mr. li. f. Moss and wife visited relatives in Franklin county Satur day and Sunday. The hoard of education held :t meeting at the court house Satur day. It was Commissioner Wood- Vgs' first meeting with the board. Mr. G. F. King, t ie clever and pop ular mail man on the Maysville and Middle river route, is talking life and fire inurance. The Sunday schools at the B iptist and Presbyterian churches arc growing. The .Methodist school li.v. suspended. Mr. R. A. Hill has an excellent new buggy, he is well • coi,.,M and I'..r the season. We know she will be delighted to ride in that vary bu_..,y. Next Sunday is regular preaching day nt the Baptist church. Rev. J. D. Milton will preach at the Metho dist church the fifth Sunday in this month. Those who are expecting t ) dry a great deal of f-'uit this season would do well to read Commissioner Nes bitt s article on the subject m another column. See illustration also. The Jackson county contest was heard several days last week before Judge Hutchins, The investigation has been postpone 1 until the 20th irnst. when they wall resume.—Eagle Mr. R. J. Dyar has ten or fifteen old buggies in his shop to re over hauled and rejuvinated. Mr. Dva is a fine workman and his two assist' ants, Messrs. N. J. Ayers and Sam Dyar, are al,o good workmen, and they get as much work as they can do all the year. The Border’s homestead case was tried Mondav. Objections were made by Mr. Oisler of Jackson county. Attorneys Brown and Mer ritt of Maysville and Moss and Brown of floinar, were engaged in the case. The homestead was sustained. It is understood that Crisler will appeal. An exchange says that five cents wi-ul oil of lavender mixed with i: •> quantity of water and; sprayed bout the room (even the dining room ver the table linen will.j ran every fly away. The odor is especially obnoxious to flies and they will not venture in its neighborhood \ though it has a peculiarly fresh and agretublc smell to most persons. Fry it. Jewcl’iville Dots. Oili' °,i .day school is well attended every thm lay. The, Fi-kimi now is green apples, plums and sick children. Brooks Shannon, our worthy bailiff, could rnit find any one to arrest so be tackled the - circular saw of Asli Sc Bellamy's saw mill. Brooks eame out loser for lie had three of lus fingers prettv badly torn up. The Sunday school picnic that was given last, week at Mt Pleasant, was a very enjoyable affair despite the extremely hot weather. Daring the day then weie nu.iiv well delivered recitations by the children. Bhe singing by the school was unusually good. The a of the day was and liven'd by Dr. H. P. Quillian til bis usual good manner. The dinner was an old time Methodist one and of course t,nere was plenty of “spting chicken” and everything else good to eat. Your correspondent Mid justice to the dinner and himself too and is still alivo. Prof. J. P. Dendi and wife have returned from their visit to South Carolina. Borne of the hoys call Mr. Ben Bennett's cotton field ‘• 11 1 c> ‘pasture,” but leaver mind Uncle Ben will -kill all that grass after awhile. Dr. Parker, of Umlaut Mil , was was on a visit hew test week. The Doctor is quite if'tffcffc'ian as well as a physician. |Hr > The hit nf the season was the pie nie given by Jack Strange at Strange’s p 1. It w. -a success ill every way fish: :g. boat riding and music were participated in-• by the nicniccrs. The fish and chicken dinner was superb, everybody had a jolly good time. Try it again Jack. Mr. Elijah Pool and Tack Ariael went to Harmony Grove last week. Nj:di:.ui. A I ".vosit With Sweetenin' in It* i. con;-' uf the 1 lomer dis l . . ' ailed upon Saturday to es'ubbsa ti.. rititle and owner ship of two swarm -i bees. Mo disputants m the ease were Mis. Pitts a white woman, and Andy 'hit, colored. It appears from the evidence ad do lat the trial that a swarm of bees pas., -d by Mrs. Pitts’ house; that she ami her soil John, tried, to ■ 'tie them t failed- following in the lirecti- V the bees they came upi'u ihem in l-'urr’s field where he had just succeeded in settling them. Mrs. Pius and her son and Furr and his soil ! --ed the bees. The Jiiees j wore left ’ lurr's and soon swarmed again. making two hives of the busy little honey makers. Mrs. Pitts claimed them but Andy refused to let her have them, and she s ied him for the pusses ion of them. MYs. Pitts gained the case, but Furr has instigated proceedings by which the matter will again he brought into court. The costs already amount, to $8.35, besides lawyers’ fees. The market value ct’ the property in ques tion is $4. Notice. An examination of applicants for teacher’s license will be held at Homer, Ga., on Saturday June :2nd 181*5, commencing at 1) o’clock a. in. H. \V. Wooding. C. S. C. £ LL DISEASES of the blood are " ' 4 cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which by its vitalizing, enriching, and clteraliw affects inakea only PURE itLOO HOMER, RANKS. COUNTY. GEORGIA: JI NK 20, ISON. CRITICALLY ILL. (lOYEIIXOR \Y, Y. ATKINSON IS VERY SICK. lie Is Taken Aery in Atlanta. Appendi citis the Disease, Georgia’s beloved governor, Hoi-. William Yates Atkinson, is lying critically ill in a sanitarium in At lanta. He was taken very suddenly Sun day with appendicitis, and lingered in anguishing pains until Monday night when the physicians docidi.U. that an operation was necessary. The opinion of seven leading physi cians was that the Governor -'could not possibly live without the < ■ tion and with it, he might live. The operation was performed *by t.lie most skilled surgeons m the state, but, with -ill that skill and science, could do Geoigia’s noble chief is lingering between life and death. l’he governor retained all the vigor of his powerful mind up to the time the operation was performed. When it was fully decided that an operation was neecssary the gover nor nimm,rased iis attorney and made bis will. HIS LAST ACT ONE (A MERCY. It was at this point in the sorrow ful procedure at the executive man sion that Georgia’s govAiior turned to iiis private secretary and asked: “Vi hat was that cose 1 ought to act on at the Capitol 1” “Nothing at -all, governor, that, won’t • bear waiting,” replied Mr. Calloway. “it shall not wait under these cir cumstances,” replied the gi-vt-nioi slowly and positively. “VYliat was It '}- -some man was doomed to be hanged. Who was he r” “John Ford, o! Decatur count .-, remarked Mr. Calloway, the private secretary. “You have reviewed most jof the testimony, which was <-.iiemn stanch !. fb- was sentenced to death I for killing a man.’ “Give me tlm papers.” said the i governor, and his coolness was sur prising as he reached for them. “lie shall not die next Friday, i grant him a respite.” The document was signed and die governor said: “Now hand me my will.” I he latest reports bring some hope of the governor’s recovery, hut, he is still a very rack man. The deepest sympathies of the whole state go out to Governor Atkinson and it in sin cerely hoped that lie may recover. Wo arc going to sell our Lady Hats at reduced prices for thirty days. Have a fine milliner and some pretty goods. MADDEN A SMITH," Maysville, Ga. A Sad Affair. Since his health began to fail, the mind oi R'-y. [. D. (tunnel , has also failed rapidly, and a few days ago it was deemed beat by his relatives and friend) to send him to the asylum. He was adjudged insane by the usual process and Monday Blit-iiff Sumpter went down to Mr. Gunnel’s borne and accompanied him to Milledgeville. It is said that Mr. Gunnels suffers most intense mental agony. The sympathies of the entire coun ty goout to Mr. Gunnels and his family in this sad affliction. Upon every hand we have heard express ions of sorrow and sympathy from tlios i who have known and loved this good man for so many years. \Ve want your chicken-. Hens arc worth 25c, fries a big price. A big line of new goods just in and prices at the bottom. MADDEN & SMITH, Maysville, Ga. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder 'Vorid’s Fair Medal Diploma. AVv ..i Avd: Highest Honor.;—World’* j ■DU* j BAKING 1 mm ' MOST PERFECT MADE. f X -re Grape Cream of Titrtsr Powder. Fee from Ammonia, Alma cr any other adulterant ; _ <!rs v,; aps t:i: standard. next 30 days ! will sell a j Jew limin' Sowing machine fin w is your time to buy a ; machine cheap. W. 11. STRANGE. ” Cornelia, Ga. li you want to buy Hardware, such as baggy and wagon m.-iu-ri.-il, black smith tools, sporting materials, cook and healing stoves, table an i pocket cut.,.'r\, razors, ,-libber belting and hose, globe and check valves, piping, bartlm-ire, blind bridles, buggy whips, lace leather horse collars and the celebrated Hampton double stock, best in use, Rogers Hardware & Machine Cos is tin place to get it at th very lowest price. In tlie Adait Building, next door to Quiliian A Cos., Ilartfionv (1 rove, Ga. Anew lot of line Clocks just tv ccisrud ut BATES & CAliSON llariaoiiy Grove, Ga. • F.a>- hardware of all kinds, incliul mg Sieves, Improved Agricultural Implements and Machinery, go to Rogers Hardware A Machince Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. When you get tired of paving high prices to spectacle ped ulei •s for glasses, call on BATES & CARSON. Brices always right, llarnidny Giove, GY GEORGIA: Banks (Gusty Mrs. .J. Chambers, executrix ot tin -slat- john Hilt, deehl, represents to til-' court in lu-i- petition duly ' tiled that s!io has fully adiniiiiWord said esiate. This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned heirs and en and itors to show cause if nnv they can why said executrix should not bo dis charged from her admin isi ration mid receive letters oi dismission on tin first Monday in August next. .May 2nd lfflJo. T. F. HILL, (5.04) Ord'v. GECR.GIA : Baykij County,— l, VY. E. White do hereby consent for my w it'e, C. J. White, to become a a public or free frailer, to heroine liable as a feme sole, -s provided bv the code ot Gil. see. 1760. April 10th, 1805. W. E. WHITE. When you want fine watch repair ing done, and sa'isi'aeth n i,uaran teed call on .BATES & CARSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. From LaGrilppe. How Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restored One of Kentucky’s Business Men *° ** ea^*l, ■ NO DISEASE ha3 ever presented so many peculiarities as LaGrippe. No diseaso leaves its victims so debilitated, useless, smepiess, nerveless, as LaGrippe. Mr. I). W. Hilton, state a-rent of the Mut ual Life Insurance Cos., of Kentucky, says: "in IKB9 and ‘9O I had two severe attacks of LaGrippe, the last oue attacking my ner vous .system with such severity that my life was despaired of. I had than two months except by the use of nar e tics, that stupefied me, but gave me no rest, i was only conscious of intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain arid the fact that I was houriy growing weaker. When in thiscondit ion. I commenced using I)r Miles’ Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to inaprovo and in one month's time I was cured, much to the surprise of all who knew of my condition. I have been in ex cellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many of my friends." Louisville. Jan 22, D. W. HiltOK. hr. Miles’ Acrviite Restores Health. 1895 ‘1895 E Present to the People of Gainesvilleandf Surrounding Gountry the Grandest and most beautiful Collection of SPRING GOODS St has ever been my pleasure to shoW. I!rro mil choice; novelties in high class Pres* Goods, Silks, Wash 1 Fabrics, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Shoes, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Carpets, Matting and Rugs. My purchasing facili ty, enable mi to guarantee yoti a Saving in price over any and all coinpction. Every item enumerated on this page is worthy ol YOUR CONSIDERATION. BLEACAED DOMESTIC 1)K --FARTMENT. l.fiti!) vards short length 4 I Bleach worth !> cinqs, going as fa cents. Also a full line of bleached Do mestic, in all noted brands at prices to please the trade. GINGHAM DEPARTMXT. i >iv.-s Gingham at 5c regular Sc goods “ ftii- A* 7{, reg. I,oc gooes “ “ Sic regular 12J ' goods “ “ Kle. regular 18c goods “ “ 12ic regular Itijc goods 8.000 yards Athens (’lucks at 5 cents regular 7c. goods. CARPET DEI’ A HIM ENT. Ingrain Carpet, at 25c cheap at 85c “ “ 85c chean at 50c “ “ 48 and 50c cheap at (>so “ “ 60c cheap at 75c lliuisscls Caryct at 50c cheap at 75c “ “ 75 cents cheap at $1 ‘f $1 cheap at $1.25 Also a full line of nice tugs to match Carpets. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT- White Lawn worth 12tcsellingatlftc “ “ 15c selling for 124 c “ “ “ 20c selling for lse “ “ “ 85c selling for 2sc Also a nice lino of printed India Dim ties and many other lines of white goods in many new de signs at extremely low prices. The above is a partial list of the man/ attractions to be found at my sore. ->3J.E. MURPHEY&- West Side Public Square. * GAINESVILLE, GA* * rrr-r ~~ the Southern Railway: ' Greatest Highway ofTravel REACHING THE ® of (lie Soiitli with its ovni line and penetrating > V u of tho C'otiniry, with its connections. Double Daily Fast Schedules between The South and Eastern Cities’ Solid Vestibuled Trains, Elegant Eqipment. W. A. TURK, S. II HARDWICK, C. A. BENSCOTER, G P. A. A. G. P. A. A. G. P. A. Washington, I>. C. Atlanta, Ga. Knoxville. Term*.- CI ,< >TI 11 NO I)KPARTM ENT. Men's Suits cheap at $7 now going tor i 4.50 Men’s suits cheap at *7.50 now going for 5.00 Men’s suits cheap at ftO now going for 7.50 Men’s suits cheap at $1 ‘2.50 now going for £ 10.00 Men’s suits cheap at sls novr going for 10.00 Men s suits cheap at $lB, now going for 12.50 Men's suits cheap at S2O now going for 15.00* SHOE DEPARTMENT. Men’s fine shoes $1.50 rug. $2 quality “ 2.00 leg. 2.50 quality S 2.50 reg. 8.00 quality “ “ 3.00 reg. t.OO quality “ “ 4.00 reg. 5.00 quality Also nice line ot Heavy Shoes at prices ta please all. I,allies Kid Button shoes at $1.50’ regular price 2.00 Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes at 2.00 regular price 2 50 Ladies Kid Button Shoes at 52.50 1 , regular price 8;50 Ladies Kid Low Cut shots 1.50,' regular price 2.00 Ladies Kid Low Cut shoes 2 00, regular price 2 50 Ladies Kid Low Cut, Shoos 2.#6,- regular price 3.00 GR<tCEISY DEPARTMENT. A complete line of Groceries, at low est prices, always on hand: NO (.