Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, July 04, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. VI. LOCAL NEWS A N I) NOF IN. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Little Items too Short for Heads But Long Enough to In terest the Reader. Mrs. Stapler is visiting in Harmony Grove this week. Homer was represented at the singing at Nails Creek Sunday. Capt. W. S. Sisk was in towu Mon day and paid us a pleasant call. Prof. Huckaby will give a free entertainment this evening, the 4th. Mr. Tillman Perkins and his son, Mr. John Perkins, of Mt Airy, were here Monday. The Engine and Separator [ asset! through Mondav. Get vour tickets for the next train. Miss Fannie Daily has been on a visit to relatives in Franklin county for the past few days. Mrs. Dorough and her son, Glen, visited friends and relations in this county this week. Monday was ordinary's court day and several of the county’s citizens were in attendance. Mr Cl arlie Allan, our clever tax receiver, has been here this week receiving tax returns. Many of Banks county’s citizens arc, attending disitistnet confesence at Harmouv Grove this week. Miss Mattie Cochran left Sunday for Poplar Springs, Franklin county where she has a splendid school. Dr. Latin: ge sent us some sample heads of the finest wheat we have ever seen, raised on W. A. Martin's place. Rev. E. G. Dunegan, formerly of this coun'y, hut now of the BJairs vilic circuit preached a good seunon to a large congregation at Mt Pleas ant last Sunday. The funeral of Mr. N icy Meeks will be preached at Grove church 3rd Sunday in July by Revs. 1). 11. Crynies and J. G. Bryan. The friends •f the deceased are invited to attend. A Correction—The Gazette was mistaken in stating last week that Rev J. D. Gunnels died from a sudden stroke of paralysis. We are informed that the physicians pronounced it progressive paralysis. Perry Byrd, a negro who is wanted ill Franklin county for the murder of another negro about a year ago> gave himself up to Sheriff Sumpter last Satuiday, and the sheriff of Franklin county was notified and Came up Monday after Byrd. Crops are looking fine. Mr. Jeff Sanders reported a cotton bloom on the 28th of -June, and brought the bloom as evidence. Steye Gardiner reported one on the 27t.h and Davis Dowdy reported on the 29th. Now, who’ll bring us the first ripe water melon! , ichardson Bros. Minstrel and Coruedv Cu., played to a full house at the academy here Thursday night. Their show consisted ofruusic, dia logues and comic songs and it was greatly enjoyed by those who attend ed. There are seven of these young men, all blethers, and thay are from Forsyth county. They possess rare talent for music and stage acting and will attract a good house anywhere. Tax Collector Ragsdale got his leg badly broken yesterday morning, lie had been on a visit to his father, who is in feeble health. Previously he had to cut the girth in order to get the saddle off his mule, aiWl, starling home, lie LreV on the saddle and jutnpea upon the mule front an eleva tion. Tin leap freightened the mule and he uirew Mr. Ragsdale to the ground with great force, breaking his < leg just above the ankle. Dr. Daniel, ; w! o attended him, says that he is doing nicely. j TEACHERS OF BANKS. PROCEEDINGS OF TEACH ER'S INSTITUTE. Official Minutes by the Secretary. Reports of Committees, Resolutions, Etc. ■ Homgr, Ga., June 24, 1895. Banks County Institute met in the courthouse at 11:30 a. in. Opened with prayer by Com. 11. \V. Wood ing. Preliminary remarks by the Com mission er, concluded m eulogistic terms of the lute lamented, Key. J. D. Gunnels. C. A. Meeks was elected secretary. Emrollment of names of teachers present as welt as others touching in the county. Roll called and ab sentees marked. Owing to the fact that the expert was belated, the work of the day was opened by Dr. Atkisson and Prof. Chambers. ‘ Quiz” on spelling Mins conducted by Dr. Atkisson. Miss Anna Ritchie drew black board designs for teaching pupils sound and form likenesses of words. A Adjourned ono hour and fifteen minutes for dinner. K -assembled at 1:45 p. in. The expert Dr. John W. Glenn having arrived he opened the work of the evening session by- giving instructions in teaching spelling to primary classes. ‘‘Quiz” on spelling resumed by Dr. Atkisson. In conclusion of the day's work, Coin. Wooding made some very in teresting remarks. Institute adjourned. TUESDAY. institute met at, 9 o’clock a. m. Opened with prayer by Dr. A. H. Stapler. Perfection of roll. Boil called absentee marked. Some im portant suggest ions by the Commis sioner. Instruct ions in reading by the export. “Quiz” en reading by Miss Anna Ritchie and Mr. C. A. Mize. In order to meet the convenience of some of the teachers the quiz on Arithmetic was taken up, and con ducted by Prof. J. J. Pittman. Dr. Atkisson gave illustrations on the board on the Grube method. Miss Anna Richie gave instructions in arithmetic. Recess. After recess the institute proceeded to the work on penmanship by the expert. 'Pile “quiz” on penmanship having been assigned to Prof. A. P. Segars he handled the subject in a masterly manner. ])r. Glenn gave bin experience; on Language and Grammar. “Quiz” by ('. A. Meeks. Adjourned for dinner. lie-assembled at 1:30 p. m. Dis cussion on History by the expert Dr. J. W. Glenn. “Quiz ’ by Miss Ella Neal in which a great deal of interest was manifes ted. Explanations on Geography by the expert. ‘Quiz” by Miss Theo Chandler. School organization discussed by all the teachers in which many im portant suggestions were thrown out conducted by Dr. A. 11. Stapler. Institute adjourned. WEDNESDAY. Institute opened in due form with prayer by Dr. G. J>. Atkisson. Roll called and absentees marked. Top ical outline cn the Functions of the mind, drawn on the board and inductions by the expert. Lecture oil reading by our expert Dr. J. W. Glenn. “Quiz” by Commissioner. “Quiz” on writing by Prof. A. P. Segars. Dr. Glenn related his ex perience on writing copies. Lan guage discussed by the expert. Recess. After recess “quiz” on Grammar by Prof. if. C. Sanders. Explana tions, experience and suggestions |on teaching arithmetic by Dr: Glenn' 1 IIOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: JULY 4, 1895. Adjourned for dinner. Reassembled at 1:30 p. m. In the absence of Prof. Shelton, Mis s Laura Neal kindly consented to conduct the “quiz" ou arith metic. on History and illustra tions on the board bv the expert. “Quiz” on arithmetic by Miss Blanche Chandler. Recess. After recess Dr. Gleiiu gave some valuable information on “Natures forces in action,” exercises in map drawing etc. Quiz by Miss Fyellie Maddux. Lecture on school government by the expert. Moved to appoint the following as a committee to write a raenonum on our esteemed benefactor, Rev. J. D. Gunnels: Dr. A. H. Stapler, Messrs. YV. H. Shelton, A. *P. SegnrS, C. A. Meeks, Misses Delia Nal and Blanche Chandler. Valuable suggestions bv the Com. niissioner. Institute adjourned. TIIURST )AY. Institute met it: due form- with prayer by Dr. J. YV. Glenn, roll called absentees marked. Analyses on the intellect, illustrated on the board and exnlaiued bv tha expert. Discussion on language by the expert. “Quiz” on reading by C. A. Mize. “Quiz” on grammar by C, A. Alecks. Recess After recess “quiz” on Grammar was resumed. Experience and suggestions on “Row t<> teach fractions” by expert. “Quiz” mi Arithmetic by Prof. YV. H. Shelton. Adjourned for dinner. Reassembled at 1 -30 pm. Sug gestions on the “Philosophical meth od” of teaching history to children by expert. “Quiz” by Mists Ella Neal. Beef ure on Geography by expert. “Quiz by Aliss 1 heo ( handier. Re cess During the int.ei mission some excellent music was rendered* hy Richardson Bros. Band, after which the Institute was called to order by Commissioner, who in behalf of the teachers, thanked the Band very kindly for the short entertainment. Commissioner YVooding then deliv ered in connection with the “quiz” a very interesting discussion. Institute adjourned, - FRIDAY. Institute met at 9:30 a. ni. Opened in due form with prayer by Rev. E. G Dunegan. Roll called absentees marked. “Quiz” on Grammar by Prof. AI. C. Sanders. Important suggestions by the ex pert to the teachers relative to teach ers educating their patrons. Georgia illustrated on the board and valuable mfr rmation given con cerning some important facts :ml features pertaining to this great state. “Quiz” on arithmetic by Prof. YV IT. Shelton. Recess * After recess Commissioner 11. YV. YVooding, having business with the Board of Education appointed Prof. AI C Sanders Chairman pro. tern “Quiz” on History bv Miss Blanche Chandler. Topical Analysis on’ the board, ou the settlement of Georgia by Dr. (4 It Atkigson. Discussion on cli mate by the expert. “Quiz” on Geog raphy bv Miss Frellie Maddux. Query box opened. Some inter esting questions answered by the expert. Report of committee on criticisms indefinitely postponed. Adjourned for dinner. Institute called to order at 1:30 p. in. by II W Wooding, C S C. C A Meeks being absent with com mittee on resolutions, Joe II Gunnels was appointed secretary pro tern, Ist, was a talk by ex pert on school training, after which the following resolutions were introduced and unanimously adopted: BY.PROF. M. C. SANDKKS. Resolved, Ist. That we the teach ers of Hanks county realize in J’rof. II XV W ooding, our worthy commis sioner, a true friend of the teachers and the cause of education; that we tender him our tha ks for his kind ness and aid during the present In stitute: and that we extend to him [Continued on fourth jibge.j Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, DR OKB W CREAM BAKINS POWMB MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cieam of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum cr any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. If you want a Sowing Machine it will be to your interest to see me before you buy, 1 have machines from up, Call to see me at Cor nelia, Ga. W. H. STRANGE. If you want to buy Hardware, such ns buggy and wagon materia], black smith tools, sporting materials, cook and beating stoves, table and pocket cutlery, razors, rubber belting and hose, globe and check valves, piping, barbwire, blind bridles, buggy whips, lace leather horse ‘collars and the celebrated Hampton double stock, best in use, Rogers Hardware & Machine Cos is the place to get it at the very lowest price. In the Adair Building, next door to Quillian & Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. i Anew lot of fine Clocks just, re ceived at HATES A CARSON- Harmony .Grove, Ga. For hardware of all kinds, inelud rug Stoves, Improved Agricultural Implements and Machinery, go to Rogers Hardware <fc Alaeliince Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. When you ire? ored of paling bij§B prices "to (fpeetacle ped dlers for. glasses, call on BATES & CARSON. Prices always right.. Harmony Glove, <la. (lEO RGI A: ID xks County.— Mrs. S. .!. (Ihambers, executrix of the estate of John Hill, dec’ll, represents to the court in her petition duly filed that she has fully administerd said estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and cred itors to show cause if any they can why said executrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first, M onday in August next. May 2nd 1895. T. F. IIILL, (5.04) Only. GEORGIA : Banks County, —J, YV. h,. White do hereby consent for my wife, C. J. White, to become a a public or free trailer, to become liable as a feme sole, ns provided by the code of Ga. see. 1760. April 19th, 1895. YV. E. WHITE. When you want fine watch repair ing done, and satisfaction guaran teed call on RATES & CARSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. j I j “For Charity Sufterefh Long.” Mrs. ILeura C. Phoenix, Milwaukee, Wls. “Matron of a lieticvclcnt Horns* and knowing the good Dr. Milos’ Nervine has done me, my wish to help others, over comes my dislike for the publicity, this letter may give mo. In Nov. and Dec., 1893, The. inmates had tho “I*aGrippe,” and I was one of tho first. Resuming duty too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month i foemme so debilitated and nervous* from sleeplessness and tho drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question If I could go on. A dear friend advised me to try tPr, Miles* Restorative Aervine, 1 took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am in better health than ever. Ist ill continue Its sH-easional use, as a nerve food, as my work is very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me.” Juno 6, 2894. Mra. C. Phoknix. Dr. BTiles’ Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All Druggists sell it at 81,0 bottles fors&, or it will ho sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by tho l)t. Miles Medical Cos., Kikhart, iud. Dr. Miles” Nervine Restores Health J. E. MURPHY’S Summer Clearance Sale BEGAN JUNE 10 ANB CONTUDI TIIBOI’GII THE SUMMER! SPECIAL DISPLAY of White Goods, Dotted Swiss, Fine Lawns, French Organdies, Wash Goods, Fans, Hosiery, Cloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neckwear, Parasols, Cor sets, Cot on and Lisle Underwear*. Laces and Embroideries. EXTRA LOW PRICES on Carpets, battings, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Chenille Portlers, Window Shade and Curtain Pole**. Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at prices to please. ->3 J. E. MURPHEY B*- West Side Public Square. GAINESVILLE,GA THE Southern Railway: Greatest Highway of Travel REACHING THE Principal Cities of the fSoutli f with its own line anil penetrating -A-ll Parts or the CJou.llt.ry, with its connections. Double Daily Fast Schedules between The South and Eastern Cities Solid YestibuledTrains. Elegant Eqipment. W. A. TURK, S. K. HARDWICK, C. A. BENSCOTER, G. P. A. A. G. P. A. A. G P. A. Washington, I). C. Atlanta, Ga. Knoxville. Tens. /ARG£srAXB/fosr Co/fPUTrjßffGcrficm/tr ar/Hum Warc/wi Our Goods Mg me Best xtUZt gy^sSE Our Pfi/ces •> r/f* l 'fad. NO 8.