Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, July 18, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. VI. BIG FRUIT- CROP! Jhiy your Fruit Jars aa Jelly Glasses early. They arc adcxncing every day. have for the irholeeuh and retail trade. 700 DOZ. FRUIT JARS. 300 “ JELLY TUMBLERS. Lay in your supply at once. Large stock Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Glasses and Shakers for summer and inks. Mr'i are the leaders on Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Tinware. -I. 11, HUGGINS <V S<., BROAl) ST., ATHENS, GA. LOCALNEWS AN L) NOTES. | GATHERED FROM TOWN’ ANI> COUNTY. Little Items too Short for Heads Rut l.on" Enough to In terest tire Reader. Owing t a failure t> receive cuts in time, the Hollingsworth special edition is postponed until next week. Having been at work upon the issue we have not .had much time to give this weeks isnsue. The Hollingsworth edition will come out next week. We wish someone would tell us what has become of our Busbviile correspondent. Wu fear some evil has befallen him. We notice several counties are getting up exhibits for the exposi tion. What about Banks? We will begin our “School De partment” socn and every school in the county should take a part in it Col. and Mrs. Brown left Wednes day morning for Mt Airy, Tallulah Falls and other places to be gone several days. Col. Pierce Martiu of Harmony Grove was here on business Mondav. Homer school keeps adding new names to her list. Several students entered this w.ek. Mr. and Mrs. Yeargin of Maysville were here prospecting Tuesday. Should they see it to their interest to locate here they will be welcomed. One of those sumptuous dinn-rs are found spread at Mi . E. L. Duck etts, which be it known is almost entirely of the product of Banks county soil, should be on exhibit at the Exposition this fall. The trouble would be every one who would sen it would wa.t to come to Banks county and live like Mr. Duckett lives and there wouldn’t lie room for all. Tht county board of education had a meeting Thursday. Mr. J. T. Smith will move his Mt Airy business to Lula so that he will be in close communication with his Homer business. The threshing season will soon be over. Some of our farmers made go>d crops of wheat and oats. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mize of Har mony Grove spent Monday with Judge and Mrs. A. C. Moss in Horner. We hear so much talk of Mr. Allen Massey’s crop, we must say something rbout it. He has ten acres of cotton on At. T. C, Ray’s plantation which is said to ba the finest in the county Those who have seen say that Mr. Toqi Greenway also has a very fine cotton crop eri Mr. R. N. Emmett’s place. Some sav this is the finest they have seen See new advertisemaitg—Lagrange Female college, Gorman Kali Works, and “Jones of Binghampton.” Prof. Hubert M. Smith, of La- Grange Female College, filled the pulpit for Rev. J. D. Milton Sunday last. Besides being an excellent preacher Prof. Smith is one of the best educators in Georgia. Brother Milton announced that lie would hold a tent meeting in Homer the first of September. We have one young man in our town who is quite a ladies man. He has an appointment somewhere for the next (our years. Several from this section attended the Union meeting at Beaver Dam last Sunday. They r port a splendid meeting. Miss (71 he Derby and Miss Nettie Hix, two as baeutiful and accom plished young ladies as North Geor gia affords are engagefd in teaching the science of penmanship at Nails Creek. They, accompanied bv Mr. Jack Strange, spent (he day with the family of Dr. V. 1). Lockhart lust Saturday. Mr. James L. NortVodd has given the Baptist church yard a good clear ing off. “Jimmie” was employed bv the members and others to do the work and he did it n ; ee!y. The iui provemnt is quite noticeable. W e are informed that there were about 100 in attendant* at the Tel ford retirtioil last tV-c 1 ,. A photogra pher was present and took* some pictures of the group. They appoint ed a cornitue to arrange program for next years re union- This is a very pleasant occasion and is looked for ward to with fond atieipations by a!i the members of this Urge family. Hollingsworth Institute opened with something over sixty pupils Monday. This is a splendid opening and the fncuPy and friends are grati fied with the beglning. Governor Atkinson has sufficiently teceverec! as to be able to sit up and and will be eniiielv ttell in a few days- Teachers will p!ea-e remember that we will publish their honor rolls .-tnd school items free. Let each* other and tin- world Lr.’ow v, liat you are doing. Banks county will not,’ we presume be represented at the Griffin free -ilver convention. The weekly press association met at Gainesville Tue-s lay. After the business of the associaiion is trans acted the editors will spend a faw days at Cumberland Island. The Gazette will not h ■ represented. Sunday school convention Friday of next week, and celebraton Satur day following. Let everybody come. House- Him Ibrooks. Mr. Tom House and Miss Kate Haulbrooks were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Larkin Haul brooks, at Maysville, July 7. Mr. Flouse is a self-made young business man, who is doing well in the world, —while his fair bride is a beautiful and accomplished lady. They go to Hot Springs, Ark., to reside. The best wishes of hosts of friends in Georgia go with them. Married In June. The Gazette has just learned of the marriage of Mr. Francis Haul brooks and Miss Alary Alintz which happy event occurred Sunday June 30. These are both prominent young people and one of the oldest and host lIOMKR, BANKS COUNTY. (2KOUCIA: ,iiLY IS. 1805. families in Banks county. Though reared in Bank s Mr. Haulbrooks lias for some time resided in Gordon eo, which will he the futu re home of the happy young people. The Gazette wish es them a long and happy life. From Alt Pleasant. Crops iu this section are tine. We have had rain plenty this season. ft Jp'lrs. W, T. Cochran has been very sick for some time. Prof. Smith, of Lagrange, preached two vety interesting and impressive sermons at Mfc Pleasant Saturday. Mr. Murry, our wide-awake mer chant, bought fifteen gallons of huck leberries last Saturday. The Ilomer boys visit Ml Pleasant quite often here of late, Because tho attraction seems to lie very great. Miss Mattie Cochran spjnt Satur-j day aim Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cochian. The funeral af Mr. J. M Herbert, who died some time ago, was preached by Rev. J, D. Milton at Mt Pleasant ast Sunday. Little Handle Rhodes Trouten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’ll. C. Trouten, died in Atlanta Friday the Llth instant., aged two years and one month. Thu remains were accompanied to Mt Pleasant by the parents of the deceased and Mr. f. C, Connally and wife, tonuerlv of this county, but who now reside in Atlanta. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev J. D. .Milton, after which the little body was laid to rest in Mt Pleasant cemetery. We ex tend to the bereaved parents Our dec-past sympathies. J3 J*. . LIST Or TEAL f > UK*. Tlie Following; Applicants Re ceived License to Teach. Misses Myra Brm-e, Dora Bruce, Lizzie Bush, Lucy Bowden, Fannie Cochran, Wiilio Chandler, Maud Fambroiigh. Lilian Gardiner, Bcttie Hall, Minnie Massey, Lillian Afartin, Montio Martin, Lula Slenders, Laura Neal, Lula Neal, Tallulah Quill:.-n, Cora Welch, Emma White, Airs. J. M. Langston. Messrs. W. I’. Blackburn, 1). N. Boling, P. Af. Burns, C. N. Cham bers, J. R. Cochran, G. W, Coffee, W. li. Crump, Ralph Comet-, C W; Dillashaw, J. Edwards, .fames Evans, J. C. Faulker, N. Cb Faulk ner, 15. \Y. Grant, W. Al. Grant, Paul Hayden, J. B. Hooper, W. B, Lockhart, T. A. Maddox G. I*. AL r tui, R. C. Moss Ff. P. .Moss, A. P. Segars, W. 11. Segars, W. A. Steph enson, A. A. White, J. P. Wilbanks; colo it kit. Fannie Bush, Ida Jackson, Charity Jones, Manerva Turk, Cornelie Ware, Gleh Clement, John Clement, A. L. Morgan. Koke Smith sit GaifiFs villd. lion. Hoke Smith, Secretary of the interior, will address the people of Hall and adjoining counties at Gainesville, on Tuesday, July 28. II s speech will be on the great financial questions that, are now agi tating the country, and it will be a speech full of facts and practical sense.-—Gainesville Eagle. Notice! Notice!! Our offer to send the Gazette and Constitution one year for $l.OO will be withdrawn August Ist, as the cost of that paper to us will be increased after that time. All those who wish to avail themselves of the opportu nity of getting these two papers at this remarkably low price will have to . come in with the dollar beforo that time. We regret that we can’t send the tveo papers longer at that price but th. Constitution having decided to increase its clubbing rate,, to all weekly papers, we are com pelled. to do it. SCRATCHED TEH HOiThuT A troublesome skin discanc A-w j caused rue to scratch for ten : Fsflsi mouths, and has been iKjLsjg'*; cured by a few days’ use of 51. 11. Wclft, Upper Marlboro, Md Fjjj* SWIFT’^fPEOiFIC I was cured several years nof white sw.-Hinj ‘jimylegliy usir.;r ajsy;; anil have had nj lymptomscf re turn of tho dij *aso. Jtany prominent physicians attended me and all Salted, but S. s. S. did tho work. Paul tv. Ribkpa-irick, JohrsonCity, Tend. Treatise on Elood and Skin T)is-C in ailed free. Swift Specific Cos., J Atlanta. It If yu want a Sewing Machine it will l>e to your interest to see hie before you buy, I have machines-from $1(5.00 tip. Call to see me at Cor nelia, Ga. W. 11. STRANGK. If you want to buy Hardware, such as buggy an<l wagon man rial, black smith tools, sporting materials, cook ami heating stoves, table an t pocket cutlery, razors, rubber belting :iml hose, globe and check valves, piping, barlmiie, blind bridles, buggy whips, lace leather horse col’ars and the eelebrated Hampton double •stock, best in use, Rogers Hardware ik .Machine Cos is the place to get it at the very lowest price. In the Ad.air Building, iio .t. door to Quillitin it Cos., Hannon v (irove, Ga. Anew lot of line Clocks just re ceived at I',ATMS t ( ARSON- I larmuny Grove, (’.i. loir hardware of all kinds, ihclud irig Stoves, Improved Agricultural lmp'ements iind Machinery, go to Rogers 1 lar<lware it. Maehincc Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. When yoi* get tired of p ring bigii prices to spectacle pis! diet's'for glasses, call mi BA'! KS S. CARSON. I’rices always light. II a rnimiy G : 'tve, <a. GF.OItGIA: Ba nks County.— Airs. S. .1. Chambers, cm cnnix of the estate of John Hill, deed, rep:e-ents to tie* court in tier petition duly filed that, she has fuPv adui'iiwtenl said estate. This is therefote to cite all persons concerned lieih.s and cred itors to show cause if any they can why said executrix should not he die charged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mondnv in August next. Mnv •2nd 1805. ' T. 1C IIII.L, (6.04) Only. GEC’-IGIA : Bam::-: County,—l W. E. White do hereby const nt for my wife, C. ,1. White; to become a a public or free to become liable as a feme sole, ws provided by the code of Ga. sec. 1760. April 10th, 1896. VV. K. WHITE. When yon Want fno watch repair ing done, and satisfaction guaran teed call on BATES & CARSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. Weak, Irritable,Tired •*I Was No flood on Earth.” Dr. Miles’ Nervine strengthens the weak, builds lip the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. “Abrnit, one year ago I teas afflicted tilth nervousness, sleeplessness, Creeping sensation in my legs, might palpitation of mg heart, Distracting confusion, of the m ind, Serious loss or lapse, of memory. Weighted down with care and worry. I completely lost appetite And felt my vitality wearing out, I was weak, irritable and tired, fig weight was reduced to 100 lbs., Jin fact I tens no good, on earth. A friend brought. ine Dr. Miles’ book, "Now and Start- a 3|S ling Facts,” and If 'sygL -tEefSul 1 finally decided to try a bottle of Wsf Before I bad talten sj- . one bottle I could s..*' ’At.s sleep as well as a 10-yr.-old toy. My appetite returned /-/ greatly Increased. When I had taken the. sixth bottle My weight increased to It 6 bn., The sensation inmy legs was gone; My nerves steadied completely; My memory was fully restored. My brain seemedclea rerth an ever. 1 felt as good as any m an on earth. Dr. Miles'’ Itestorutive Nervine is A great medicine, I assure you.” Augusta, Me. Walter K. Burbank. Dr. Milos* Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at $l,-8 bottles for £5, or it will besenhrirepaid, on receipt of price by the Ur. Mifef Medical Cos., Elkhart, ind. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health Exhausted Soils are made to produce larger and better crops by the use of Fertilizers rich in Potash. Write for our Farmers’ Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book, ii is brim full of useful informationjor farmers. It will be sen! free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New Yorlt. J. E. MURPHY'S Summer Clearance Sale BEGIN JOB 10 IND CONTINUE TIIROKHITUfi SI MMER! SPECIAL DISPLAY • of White Goods, Dotted Swiss, Fine* Lawns,' French Orgairdies, Wash Coods, Fans, Hosiery, Cloves, Hand kerchiefs, Nkckwear, Parasols, Cor sets,, Cot on and Lisle Underwear**’ Laces and Exbroideries. EXTRA LOW PRICES on Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Chenille Fortiers, Window Shade and Certain Pole*. Complete Line of Staple and Fancy groceries at prices to please. -H j.E, MURPHEYs* West Side Pubiic Square. GAINESVILLE, GA THER Southern Railway: Greatest Highway of Travel BEACHING THE I riii<*i|>sil Ci<io of (lie SSoiitli •& $ with its own line and penetrating v *|- Parts ol* (lie Country, with its connections. Double Daily Fast Schedules between The South and Eastern Cities Solid Yestibuled Trains, Elegant Eqipment, W. A. TI Rlv, S. If. HARDWICK- C. A. BENSCOTER, G. B. A. G, \\ A ■ A. G. P. A. Washington, I). C, Akkutta, Ga Knoxville, Tenw NO 10.