Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, August 15, 1895, Image 1

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ip| ; 4 C t AZETT I^ VOL. V. BIG FRUIT CRGPI J*ny your Fruit Jars deify Qlasses early They are adoocnciny every day. Vde haw for the wholeeale and retail trade. 700 DOZ. FRUiT JARS. 300 “ JELLY TUMBLERS. Lay in jour supply at one®. Large stock Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Fiv Traps, Glasses and Shakers for summer drinks Wt are tlie leaders on Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Tinware 11, MX GCJ irvs*: Ac WOrv.. FROM) ST., ATHENS, GA. LOCAL NEWS AN I) N OTES. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Little Items too Short lor Heads But Long Enough to in terest the Rentier. The cotton crop in this section is not as good as usual. The Ilomer basobiiiists are feolim a great deal better. Thu protracted meeting season is on in full blast and ‘ fiy mg-s'se” chickens sire hiding out. Camp meeting has 1 en ;n pre less at Poplar Springs, it clo.v Monday, If yon want a nice new top baggy come to this office. We can you twenty or twenty five do" -s. Come quick if voa urn it a bar. i. We welcome our Bush vibe corre spondent Lack again Hope he ‘'ill stay for good. The Populists will hold a meeting here next Tuesday. Several speak ers will be on hand. Protracted meeting is in | r g o , at Silver Shoals. Wo barn tim l muoli good is being done. Mr. and Mr . W. R. Hill visited relatives in Habersham county last week. ilr Davis Dowdy has just returned from a visit to bumpkin county. Prof. .Baxter Smith is assisting Prof. Joe 11. Gunnels with bis school at Constantine in Jackson county. Several of our subscribers have ccent ly paid their suojcriplion to the paper. They have our thanks. Oar list of subscribes at the n- w post office, Cheap, lias is -n started with the name of Mrs. Naiic- Me.t i ers. Now let us ha\ e ethers. Mr. William Haul brook-- and fa:c i!y of Gordon county art visiting their many friends and relatives in this county. Come out io the Exposition meet ing next Wednesday. Several crowds of lower country people passed through town this week returning from the falls. It seems that a great many of those who arc visiting the mountains this reason are traveling by private conveyance There may not be anotu r such a fruit crop for two or three years. You should can up all the fruit you have, not wasting any. You can buy fruit jars and jelly glasses off. H. Hoggins & Sons, Athec Ga., cheap, er than elsewhere. Giv hem a trial and see. Save all your fr. lt. . t , h ualiy the case that one good fruit crop ’ net followed by am'the : tve tins veais supply a. . o..onize bv purchasing youi fruit jars jelly glasses, etc. from J. i r . Huggins .& Sons, Athens Ga. Mrs. J. W. 'sum 'er, Vus Hattie au-.i Mr. Wni Sumpter, Mr. Ed. Stephens, wife and children a i visit ing relatives it M.irpliy, C. An interesting protracted meeting is being held at Mt. Pleasant. The Homer eolnied Baptist are holding a protracted meeting. Cupt. W. S. Sy-k, tlic big wulor melon raiser, brought its several | nice u-cloi s yesterday in payment of ub 1, iion. The meeting at the Presbyterian che 1 ’osrd Tuesday. Rev G. 11. Cartle , the venerable pastr, and bis son, Rev. Thos- D. Carlledge, of Waynesfc . -o, were in charge. Dr. Allyn, of 1 lariui:y Grove assisted, one or two days. The preachers did ! earnest, and faithful work, large Ia diences attended and much inter I est was m ifesled. io Homer boys defeated i h!<>o wav in the gam. of b.di .Saturday by Ia score of 47 to Id If 1 1 •. Wood |i ad in t gotten hurt Is Bio fifth In ning, thereby till wing the. tv:., jtv ll.out a. cate! , toe ! mie.- i would have ui’.donbtcdfy livid t.h opponent., to a haulier :vu •.. The boys are beginning to play rige. 1 well and with a little more practice c n put in) a good game. Special features ot the gpme were the eatell ing of Wood, double play by Thomp son, and batting of C.‘o.\, Daniel Wood, and J. N. Hill. On the other side John Purcell di 1 good work behind the bat, and also batted well, as did Wm C andler. The two teams may play another game at Harmony Grove, Maysville or some other point soon. Bn divide Runner. Our kind leaders are aware of the fact, that our paper, The Die h ville Banner, made its exit from this world never o upperr again for va rious reasons too iiui.-x-vens to mention but as wo have been earnestly re quested from a,l parts of the county to continue our contributions tithe reading public we will introduce to your better judgements the Bushvilie News, devoted to the instruction, amu.vemciit and entertainment of ail. V.’c correspondence (not matri monially) from every portion of the district to aid U3 in this noble work. Those who arc c (Tended at t.iie low grade our vocabulary will please forward us a better one by return mail and receive our thanks. Invitations to attend public dinners will not be received at this cilice. Vv’c have just been to camp meeting and oaten enough to do us through the summer. We could not advise any young man to strive for same. We have tried it all car life and our reward was only—“a cussing.” Owing to the stringency of the times we have patched our new Sunday pants with our subscription !i,t, and now we are shouting, “glory be to Cleveland’s administration, gold standard and all. We hear of several writing schools ig taught in the community, I which v.-e heartily endorsy. But it is r. t how you write, brother, but what you write that makes your name immortal- The largest crop of muscadines j I ever known will soon be thrust! ! upon us, Ugether with “possums”; I and “simmons ” Surely the Lord I HOMER, BANKS COUNTY. GKOROIA: AUGUST 15, ISA.'.. does provide. ‘•Banks county is solid for tite gold standard,” says someone; but w e can not find a single goldbug outside of the office-holders- It is simply throwing a slur at our intelligent country citizens who make their liv ing '‘by the sweat of the brow,” for anyone to make such an assertion. We will predict that no advocate of such a standard will ever receive office again at the hands .1 the hon est voters of the county This state ment can be verified by figures. Out of a total vote of about- 1400 about 050 are Populist who arc pledged to the tree coinage of silver, and the gold bugs cannot possibly master -over i U 0 vi tea which leaves 150 democrat ic making 1100 for and 300 against silver. Come on down the line, brethern and see whar you are n A (lot.I)BUG. GENERAL SUMMARY. • of th Cro|> j Tl;roi:~2>. out ibo 1 ***to '- CO UN. With one or two weeks more of sea- i sonnblo weather in tna northern part of j the state, tl.-orgia will hnrvcvt- the j largest corn crop over mu le within hsr ; borders. In almost every county in the state the crops is ns ceod r.s the lar. l make. The only disasters have b .-n some local hailstorm'., and the over flowing end destruction of sotno of the river and crook bottoms in different sections during the latter part o; June and tha first of July. In .-.oath r,rid southeast Georgia many farm rs liuv • put the land, from which the oat crop was taken, into *-.Mexican .Tune’’ corn, which at this timo promises a j. .od yl-’id. This Is a wry wail corn, mot excellent for bread and hominy, and much liked by the people of that part of the .-data Tiiie, 1.-iyro corn crop. A i hod an 1 • portc'. <• >it in, by la--- > oi-op.- L. v, .-yrup, meal;, fruit-,, j con vi ae Mi:; G-.-ovgi i farmers nr -i r.' la- bo;,inning io trav..l tho .>J that i lea'S.i ‘o pu>. pa; :ty, in.iopeauonoe and comfort. I sit ns chut! litre nod increase our efforts in tnis direction, striving harder and harder each your to cut- loose from our thraldom to cotton until ve raise eri ; v ning tii u wo >a ht veilhia our own borders and thus achiovo absolute independence. Corn and meat for. sale, raised by <1 *ij*gin farmers, have owned to bo ob ject.? of curiosity on the streets of our towns, and J hope by another your Iho importation of t , -sj articles will have entir. lv ceased. COTTON. Tlr rn has h-: m romo g ,:u in Mia con ditiou of this crop bin-:: > ih : last report, tli ii’ Mioiv js -till much iv-.m far im provmhcut, I ih* grass look .such full I ossossiou unit such strong ho! 1 during the late \vct WfHthcr tlmr. It win with liifiicttlty ovorcoiao and killed, ami in many cases the si ;nd of cot-ton wa-s in i'ltt-.l while getting rid of the gimie. Until tho last ?o ,v days there has boon too much rain for cotton, especially oa sandy lands, and some eases of rust have been reported from south Georgia. On the whole, from tho present outlook, I sue no roi*i4oi; to ohnugomy -pinion on the probable output of firs crop, vi 7. : three quertora of last year’s yield. OATH. blob have been harvested in fair or der > i! over tin! state, and have turned out asionishingly •-veil, cotMiuoriug how hue in the -nring they wore i h nt-od. Tins m-ji-t- r . duabio .food for all stock should bo planted much more largely. TUo acreage should be at least doubled, a,, - iii-sa pains should bo taken in pie - pari eg tho soil and plowing thorn in. WHEAT. Tho yk-id of wheat this year lias not been as satisfactory os was hoped for a month ego. Tk i thinning out of tho crop by Stic excessive cold of lass winter in ado Usolf apparent when tho gralu was threshed out ami measured. In most cases the yield has boon disap pointing, and in addition there has been some loss since cutting, by heavy and continuous rains. IdC’sl. The reports from tho rice crops arc very flattir-ug, and there will bean unu-;. .1 a:iM:ia,t of upland ricj raised throughout tno state. Many farmers, besides snpplviug t-hoir own wants, will liuvn :i surplus lor sale. ,1 small rioo mills for chaining the grain wore put up in every county of lower and middle Georgia, it- would load to a large in crease in tha rice crop; many persons being -i-.-terr id from planting on ac-1 count of having no mill for cleaning ri- - w.thm . each. A number of suo’u ilii.ii n:o ill operation, and it is said j that they pay well. s: -V, MIU.KT, -UROdUM OANE, POTATOES, j Those important, though minor crops, are a’-’ doing well throughout tho state, with promise of excellent yield. rnxn PEAS AND GROUND PEAS. These crops, upon which so much of our meat supply depends, have boon planted more largely than usual, and j at pm -vur, the outlook is good for an abur-bvtt yield of both. Awarded Highest Manors ' grid’s Fair, , SVa ’-; w . Wr v a ' **’ CliMf -r-n ‘.e.''L.;iv4 :v. 3 \?lr@ lixfe''- ' -xi 1- b—— ‘ r < MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cre. in D Tartar i’owdar. Free from Ammonia, AUmi -i any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, peaches sir.!..bin for canning, on sub scription Anew lot of fine Clocks just re" ccivcd at BATES & CARSON lliirmoiiy Grove, G.i. LlnnlM mm § LAtSF Vi 'F i- ’- : >i Six IV 1. 1 Opens Fn’pt. i‘ J . i‘-s‘ firick buildings, electric j lights, v..,tci-w vk * Ruths, Ovtunasuitn COXK* j servatOT y aJvnntßß I. iti Elegant , pipe orpin. Asi m.i TGice culture, fpo j dallies. Elocution fine. Bookkeeping and har ! tnony free. Si pht-sinping; daily. Dvrssrnakinp, 1 typewriting, etenojr- ;p!'.A . Ecor mical uniform. ! Health urv.- irpaii.sed. f'* tfk:- HUT* j iv.piis hc-ard v. .U.i I ‘’acuity in Colleip Home. Baton TY. Smith. Vr-ffs., LBg'rang;c, Cta, FitUlT. From Tyboj to Tcnnosuoo tho fruit tr -a as 1 vin wi in this state ura bond in-; diK-.-fi v. rls th- r loa-!s of luscious fruit, .ud thn fjTiovor.s and railroads r.i" v.-./i-kmg niy.ut and day to get soma of Bn • rop to loss favored fiootious. Lon;-; tram loads of watermelons,grape* and p in h•' are daily going north on fas' r.ob.-dule'-. to supply the pcoole of tha no; thorn cities, i'ho fruit industry is a growing one. nud would increase rum - iaiyii iho railroads could (tiv lav.- ?r v ■ o> of vht., which they rrob i: 1 i do b...l h noth or crop la in -.1 - .ru iv. oanuing and dr.-ing P” 1 -" ants MU-t-v.-r bdoro. xvhilo ■ -i v i.f in tho . -•■ i.- busy pr;.- ving, o uinii tryii : and turn inf; mi w or vinogar th : fvait she Clin Ml' i;t-“ In spite of this rn-ch of til -r; :' wep TO Uu fo hcjn cr go to Ti - ' should boa oanning or evapor ating plant in every neighborin' -i. ru i iruits of every kind should all bo s.nvnd. The world want ! our oamiort or (iriod fruiiand in willing to pay :i fair price for them; but wo scorn very indifferent about tho matter. The prioc.) for watormel :n:s, ponchos,• pi i.pcs. etc., are much lower than in former ye: rn, and tho proti'* of the g'-(ccturo, will bo much less tiuvu usua-i. STOCK. VYitn the oxcoption of a. few reports of h.. ckc'.'T'i, tho condition of stock 1 ;■ "1 all over tho state, and with no dr.-'.'.v .< this state will import but lit tie i next yen'- Then is no roiroa why should import any. B orgia .'>•) bo v s.eli.ur of moat and not a buy r -nd I b iliovo the day is near at hand v'.ieu such will be tho case. When rr.ii • her own moat and bread, and mar.-i etuiing hor own cotton crop in her ii mills, rlie will indeed twid in truth lerit hor name of ‘'Empire Btate of tie South.” . if fiig.” b ' ■ / (I Q V Wj jukec,WL. : #>/ <i Sienevoleitt Xfonts :<f>wing tho gncxl J)r. Miles* Norvino J■ ; - mo, my wish to licip others, over < , ; y di;si!ko for tho publicity, tliLs y give mo. In Nov, and Dec., 1893, flf.i inmates Had the “ JjfiGvippe," ... i I was one of t ■ /:.*•iiommiug duty if* soon, with tho care of no many sick, I cU not regain my health, and in a month l<*v ;-! <? iler-ikifaii ti and wrYvnia frjn o^teplesv.n -ss and the drafts made on tn’ vitality, that it was a question if 1 could £<©•'■ A dear friend advised mo to try j ii', fiXiiets 9 Ite&ioraZhye Kenrtne, I p<: 2 hot ih -and am happy to say, J am I lufettex- health, than ever. I .still continue J occasional %e, an a nerve food, atfxy work is very trying. A letter ad drau'd to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me.’* mo fl, 1694. MitfJ. Laota O. Phoenix. r. Miles' Nervine is sold on a posit!vo ttramee that tho first bottle will benefit. A sell it at $1,6 Kittles for $5, or 1 o sent. prepaid, on receipt of price ethel-d. Muea medical Cos., Elkhart, lad. ft*. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health j In Order to Reduce Stock before going; to New York to lay in my Fall Goods I wll! sell many lines at Great Reduction in Prices " ot " i ~ii'4r :<o ‘•‘•“I* MU111m,.,. a „o,l„. Muu j. L‘n<‘w TA’in iscji Less than Cost y mißtj, Ijj, V o room for myiall f-.0-.'ti,. c, l) ou( Holora, y< >„ Noeiny liuo <>r pay you. my K> MWJ, GOOD <i(,()3)8 1,0 W . J „ i:: >( , MBJRP H|£ Y B^- ji/e.o? Side Public Square. # GAINESVILLE, GA- THOMAS BAILEY& Gy,, Build and Repair all JjJ§§ Kinds of Machinery. :iaw .Wills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Pedestal Boxes, etc. a Specialty. >i:Jim ••turns’ Agents fc. tlie Pest Engines, Boilers, Injectors and I'ijecto Ul<: ; V, i,rket - K(iC P sto ‘'l< •Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings and Cotton Presses. GIN \Y r OUK OP ALL KINDS THOS. BAILY, Manager. the: Southern Railway: G reatest Highway ?f Travel REACHING THE S a i'i 1 C?f 11 o;s o i ?**< >ll j 1 j A " ttli its own line and penetrating v •;* - I S J?- of the Coountry, with its connections. Double Daily Fast Schedules between The South and Eastern Cities Solid Yestibuled Trains. Elegant Eqipment. W. A TURK, S. H. IIAKDW ICK, C. A. BENSCOTER, C- P- A. A. G. P. A. A. G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. Knoxville. Tenn NO. 13.