Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, August 22, 1895, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOL. V. BIG FRUIT CROP! Buy your fruit Jars cict Jelly Glasses early* They are ctdvxnciug every day . We have for the wholesale and retail trade. 700 DOZ. FRUiT JARS. 300 “ JELLY TUMBLERS. Lay in jour supply at once. Large stock Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Glasses and Shakers for summer drinks. Wo are the leaders on Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Tinware .1. £l. II l T <i* 3-I:%.'!* Ac wo^., BROAD ST., ATHENS, GA. LOCAL NEWS AN ON OIKS. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COIN A*. Little Items too Short tor Head Rut Long Enough to In terest the Reader. Good time to sow turnips. Col. W. I>. Mason visted Har many Grove this week. Miss Norma Strickland, of Athens, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chambers vis ited Harmony Grove Monday. Mr. Seaborn Duckatt, withsevera 1 members of his family visited I Lai inony Grove. Messrs. Steve and Hey wood Gard iner, Yannic Hill and Swop Cox are prospecting in Cglethorpe county this week. About two hundred and fifty pco pie. mostly Populists, attended th e meeting here Tuesday. Mr. llomer Thompson, of Hall county, was the speaker. Jefferson has gotten up a telephone company and will run a line to Ath ens and other point-. Some gentle men of Homer arc t king of getting a line from here to MaysviUt. For hardw are of all kmds. melud ng Stoves, Improved Agricultural' Implements and Machine!y, go to Rogers Hardware Sc Machince Cos., Harmony Grove, Ga. Mr. O. H. C. Smith lias the editor’s thanks for a basket of the nicest ap plea we have ever seen. Mr. Smith is a strong J’opuH.-i., but he eii dentily knows that a J,). amcratic ed itor likes good apples. new lot of fine Clocks just re ceived at BATES & CARSON, Harmony Grove, Ga. Carnesville people are making an effort to get a railroad from some point on the G. C. & N. >V‘- be lieve that Carnesville will have railroad some day, because her peo are united and determ *d in their efforts in that direction. Mr. W. 13. Lockhart left last w for Demores!, where ho entere i school. Will is a very '.-light am ' energetic young man and w.ii make his murk in the world. Persons indebted to W. A. Q,;il lirn & Cos. must arrange t settle these matters as this business must be settled up. We can't wait longer. Respectfully, W. A. QUILLIAN & CO., Harmony Grove, Ga If you want cash " t Cancelt- Postage Stumps, Old Coint ,<j Ooii federate Money, send 4 cents for \ price lists to Hook & Bowling, Dept.! U. Equitable Building, Memphis, j Tenn. They also represent large' manufacturers, write them for prices 1 of anything you want. au22 6m | Mr. Henry Che -k m.! !,is fo > i pretty badly crushed by the carnage of Mr. Logan Perkins’ i.s mill one day last week. If you want a Sewing Machine it. will be to your interest to see me before you buy, I have machines from ‘ SIO.OO up. Cab to hoc up: at Cor uelia, Ga. WH. STRANGE. I Grady Academy. Asa demand for better educational taoihies the citizens -n the videity of Pruitt have gotten together and com menced the erection of a handsome commodious public school building at Damascus church, on the pnhlic road leading from llomer toToccoa. At present we have a school at Washington Academy in cliaige of P* of. Wesibrooks f mile from the site selected for the new budding, while Prof. Coffee is conducting a school at Caudell's Academy 11 miles from the new building. The object of the new academy to which the citizens have given the name Grady in honor of the lamented and beloved Georgian is to unite these two schools. The building at Wash ington having become dilapidated and •unsufficient for school purposes. The school at Caudell’s being taught in n private house, the citizens were com pelled to either build two houses or unite on a suitable location convenient to both schools. After consultation the latter course war, considered ad visable. No more convenient a location for all parties concerned could have been made than the one agreed upon. The a beautiful one indeed, conven ient of access, good roads leading off in all directions. No pupils will have over two and one half miles to walk at the fartherest, and only about three families will have this fur. No plausible reasons can be given why the Board should not recogn*ze this school ns the best possible ar rangements that could be made. The patrons with ono accord are limited I and well pleased with the location. They are determined to avail them selves of the opportunity of building up i school second to nono in the con . ty. The buiidinr, now rapidly going up is being built on a modern style. It will contain one large hall 24x40 ft we!' ventilated, nicely finish 'd and supplied with the necessary heating apparatus in addition to •lit apartnmnu. When completed nil the necessary charts, maps etc., will be supplied. Located on the church lot in front a beautiful play g.ourfd. At no great distance is a large cold spring famous for its pure crystal water. This spot indeed seems to have been ><;ned by nature for this especial purpose. This i one of the most progressive sections of the country. Ifero can be found some of as wide-awake progress ive citizens as anywhere surrounding the school is a number of good honest energetic, hardworking farmers. The Very life and siuew of a county. They realize that the way to make good citizens is to educate them sons and daughters in the way they should go. Who can engage in a more noble and patriotic work than the advance ment of the educational interest of their country ? We be'ieve th® citi zens of tins county are fully aware of the great necessity of a better educa tion of the youth who are soon to as- j sume the responsibilities of citizenship j Georgia has and is doing muce to ed- j ucate her sons aud daughters we i should aid in ever possible way. We are greatly pleased to oer people HOMER, RANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: AUGUST 22, 1895. enthused on this subject. We should not neglect to mention in cannoction with this enterprise the names ot those who have so generous ly and liberally aided to make this new building an assured success. Among those who have done much and who should ever be remember in this work we mention names of A. J. Brown, J. H. Sellers, J. M. Cochran, P. L. Caudcll, Wm. Ward, W. H. Fouler and others. No permanent arrangements have as yet been made for a teacher there is an opportunity for some energetic teacher to secure a good position. We predict for the school a bright tu tuio and think no less than 100 pupils will be enrolled first term. The Boavd will be asked to pass upon the school 23 inst. Tom K. Andkrson. Pruitt Ga., Aug. 19th, 1895. The Bushville News. We are still taking watermelons on subscription at fifty cents apiece, pro vided you pay the fifty cents. The storm the other day blew our office into the middle of next week and requisition papers will be sworn out for same at the earliest conven ience. Three white men lynched and two negroestarred and feathered will bj our display at the exposition, provi ded we can’t get something better. We give the following with ac knowledgement to the Billville Ban ner: Bushville now imposes a tax of two dollars for walking on the new side walks. We are having a high old time of it in the middle of the street. Its dusty but economical you know. The news is in favor of govern men t reform. We have been electing the best ruen we had and none this side of Wall Street could buy their influence Now let us elect the w'orst men we have so any of us can buy tlictu with half a pint and sec what the tesult will bo. Our hand press mortgaged us for a us for a bicycle and pair of bloomers and left tor parts unknown yesterday. So we are having a grand old time keeping bitch by yourself. The annual protracted meeting is now in progress at the Grove and much interest is being manifested. It is conducted by Revs. Crymes, Cobb, Barnes and Dowdy. If you are anyways inclined to visit our little city next Sundap just come and make yourself welcome by bring ing your best girl. C I). T. Urena Items. Crops aro looking fine for the sea son. We have had lots ef rain this week. W. A. Martin has a stalk of corn that is twenty feet high. I don’t think it cau be beat in the county. It was made by Tom Segars. D. A. Martin lias three of the finest that can be foetid in Faankltn Cos. Dr. Lothridge has gone to his home to spend a week. William Acrev has gone on a visit to his daughter. Prof. Hays will sing at Harmony on Monday after the fourth Sunday in August. F. L. Too Many Parties. In a repubilcan government there is always the menance of too many political parties' This is unfortunate because the greater the division among the people on public issues the greater the strife and the less of real prosperity. These divisions come chiefly through the scheming of ambitious place-hunters, who aro ever ready to stir up the prejudices and i aflame the passions of the people for tho’r own personal aggrandizement. If left to their own inclinations the j masses of the people will not greatly divide on public issues, rather pre ferring to follow the lead of whom I every community' can claim a'unit ed number.—Piedmont, Ala., In quirer. Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, DR mm * CREAM RAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Puplic Speaking, Hon. F. D. Wimberly will address the citizens of Banks county at Ho rner on Monday the 25th inst Fvery body invited to come and hear him. lie is an able speaker and will tell you something about finance and the tariff that you have not heard. Come one and all—there is a treat in store for you. R. J. Dyar, Sec’y. State of Ohio, City of Toledo £ Luscas County. j 8S- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Dial's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before nu: and subscribed in my presence; this 6th day of De cember A. 1). 1886. ]skall A. W. GLEASON; < —) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and sets directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Address, F. J. CHUNKY tX Cos., Toledo, 0. „**rSold by Druggists, Tie. Foitml Dead. Mr. John Chambers, a well known citizen of Poplar Springs district, was found dead near his home lust Sunday Itjis supposed' that he died of some kind of fit. Ho was well connected being related to some of the best peo ple in the county. HOMER HIGH SCHOOL NOTICE. The Trustees of llomer High School will meet Saturday 7th, to elect a teacher for the year IB9G. Applicants will please send their ap plications to L. N. Turk. 1.. N. TURK, Pres. Wanted. A few loads of stove wood on subscription. I Mr*. J. P. Bell, Oaaauiatomte, Ban. Wife of tbo editor of The Graphic, the lead ing local paper of Miami county, writes “I traa troubled with heart dlae.aac for six years, severe palpitations, short ness of breath, together with such ex treme nervousness, that, at times I would walk the floor nearly all night. Wo consulted the best medical talent. They said there tea:: no help for me, that I had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and a year ago, as a last resort, tried one bottle of />■• Mile"’ Neu: Cure for the Heart, which convinced mo that there was true merit In It. I took three bottles each ot the Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine and 11 completely cured me. I sleep well at night, my heart beats regularly and I have no more smothering spells. I wish to say to all who aro suffering as I did; there’s relief untold for them If they will only give your remedies just ono trial.” Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive Suaranteo that the first bottle will DenefiU .11 druggists sell it atsl, 6 bottles torfb.or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Go , Elkhart, Inci. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health J. L MURPHY’S Bran* Clearance Srtj In Order to Reduce Stock before going to New York to lay in my Fall Goods I will sell many lines at Great Reductionin Prices Mot wi&]iig> to carry over tiling- in summer jfootk. 31 a ny linos* will sell At Cost and Less than Cost I tiiiiKt have tlo room lot* my IHII wtool*. J mean tmKiiics***. J>on7 lny before you see my 1 ino of ffoodH aw if will pay yon. My mono i m to SELL GOOD GOODS A F IA >W PH ICI3S. ->3 J. E. MURPHEY 9- West Side Public Square. GAINESVILLE, GA- v THOMAS BAILEY & CO., Build and Repair all Kinds of Machinery, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Pedestal Boxes, otc. a Specialty. Manufacturers’ Agents for the Best Engines, Boilers, Injectors and Ejectors in the Market. Keep in stock Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings and Cotton Presses. GIN WORK OF ALL KINDS. CWB^ s r^f; NCK THOS. BAILY, Manager. ' n in '■’ ni—Mm .1 ■■■■wh.juiiii . ,'T THE Southern Railway: Greatest H igh way of Travel REACHING THE Principal Cities of tlie Nouth # with its own line and penetrating $ 4* AH Parts of the CJountry, with its connections. Double Daily Fast Schedules between The Southand Eastern Cities - Solid Yestibuled Trains, Elegant Eqipment, W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, C. A. BENSCOTEK, G. P. A. A. G. P. A. A. G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga- Knoxville, Tenu ' NO. U.