Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, June 04, 1896, Image 2

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w ~ fp ‘ r I. bnu r lit second cluv* tmiih * liiit4* of rlf*f lon ( ar-Jr. i nt ver : ft. Hixwunthi* 26 S- L. COX, Kuvcu & l'[ i;r,! :'i : HOMED, GA., .JUNE }- ! ?G. Sheriff Sumpter's Bcply. In a recent is. <• ..G;.z. it--, i Made a short !ii nt wlij I wn.-, not a candidate fur re ehtdioH “The ’J nbtim-, a liil.i; sheet filled with Tom V uts-.-n s o!u sulies and abuses O quotes tlie article, and sav-. : “It in unnecessary to stain that Mr. Sumpter is a populist.” '1 hi* however is liko mrfsf, of tin ir expressions, not worth notice, Hut I want to suv in reply. 'l’lmt 1 :mi neither “populist ’ or Dog. Ed- h cf the live gentlemen who are offering 1 for the pkne nro worthy men and Democrats. I expect to always be a Demount for the mason my eon science would not allow me to He ant tiling else. Little minds showing; up in ever) direction you go or hear from. It is not uncommon ill any tjuio or place, to hear the financial question argued. J his question I must sn\ 1 take but little notion of for mor I than one reason, First, 1 do not know wiiat is last for the and, if I knew, I mn not in portion to make a change. Reason lein-hcs me, that, so far as my argument would affect the situation, my time would b<. lost and nobody bctiefited. Next, If my influence were that I could change the situation 1 know tod little about if to undertake it, find in the language of Judge Clerk ly : “1 solemnly declare that I am unlit to vote upon it. with anything like sufficient intelligence for safe and prudent citizenship to say nothing o, safe and prudent, statesmanship, al though I have studied it laboriously, 1 am too ignorant to decide it, and most of you know you are, and most other people know it, too.” Now it Judge Bleeklv is ignorant in this mat ter 1 hope the people will excuse me tor saying I believe they are too. Some of tile people have argued the question until they ran talk < !' nothing else, and define their position by saying they will not vote for a man until iie declaims how he stands on the “Gold and Silver” question. Now if the little “pop” in Augusta will give room in his song hook, he is at liberty t,, s ay, that lam a D ano oral and anytime.; beside a pop. Populism never would Jia\ <• bet n heard of hud it not been fora few sore head Republicans find Democrats who were crazy for office and met contin ual defeat, worked up a party of their own and sung their little song until quite a number of people have fell in that tram of imaginary glory, strain iug their eyes out on-stems (or office and then say after a Democrat lies served out what time lie frit entitled to. lie must bj a populist. “What a thought,” J. W: Su.MITKR. Go Out aml Vote. The primary is m arly here and all citizens of the county who want the offices of the county put in good hands should turn out and vote vote for the last men, It von stav at home and the primary result; unsatisfactorily you have nobody to blame but vcmrself. Tite way to get good men elected is to nominate good men. Go to the polls next Saturday and vote for good men. .Corn is a vigorous feeder nto] r< spends well u> l\ ■■ ;ral fonki/a. lion. On rum lend.; ■ \ iner -a; ■ :•:!:•->• V- V ! V% set: i 1 - ■> \ r * _ jP - s- d”; . •In . flood’s Sarsaparilla- It wag a matter nt general comment, among Ueuh.'s v.i.en Hood's Sarsaparilla was first !! I need noon the market aiud rapidly pushed itself to the from among tned* mines, lllsririi more noteworthy that it Has steadily maintained its fios.illon “on t ip,’’ find that its sales e .ni.aim toueUm largest in the world. It's rs| cciaiiy .significant when a great body ot men like the druggists and pbiiiiiiacivs ol this country, publicly testify ft in their per.onal knowledge i licit the ~a’es of flood’s SarsHpnriha jure larger than those of any other sim ilar prcpai a.i-iti, and that, customers return, ti..i- after lime, and call fi r Hood’s .--.arsaparilla, refusing to take anything that may Ho offered in iis ,place. iL shows th. t the people have foiiml I lood s I'uu's.ipariUa to ho an honestnnd m< rit, -nous article. Hut it n .t up in reports of the great sales of Hood’s Suiuapaiilia that liie piopi'ictots base their claims f,.r us superior me ins. The same mails that bring in the statements of druggists that lloud s JSiirs'ipaiiila is out selling all other blood medicines, are alsc laden with testimonials from people who have taken - Hood’s Sarsaparilla and have found in il a cure for their ami permanent relief from suffering. The great sales of Hood's Sarsapa rilla are due to Us great cares, and the great cures by I food’s Sarsaparilla are accomplished in a perfectly natur al and thoroughly sm.plo wav. Hood s S.ii vp,c ilia cures disease by making pure, rich, healthy blood. It cures a great variety of diseases be cause a great variety of diseases are caused by impure and impoverished blood. It cares completely anil per manently because it removes the c. use of the trouble so that there no longer rcnmir.s any reason for suffer ing. It cures scrofula, rheumatism, catarrh, dyspepsia, lid mu-mess, kidney complaint, and other ailments because tln se diseases have their origin in the blood. Thousands of people who once suffered from sucp troubles are alive and well today', and say that they cannot help praising lie d’ Sar saparilla bee iUse it. has given them good health, lengthened their iivt s and a fit. rded thorn ne-v opportunities for happiness and usefulness. It is a beneficent work that Hood’s ! Sarsaparilla T doing It he!;, purr t Ired mettle! j . iHir.g am hi. j their hlo -1 ami ir-cin ttiem ,* r petite and strciith. It buil-ls up broken constitutions, relieves the pangs rhea mat ism and neuralgia, dispels the hor rors of dyspepsia and nervous prostra. tit>n, overcomes the symptoms of ca tarrh, eradicates scrofula, salt rheum ami all blood diseases, and makes the weak and dibilitatated fed strong and vigorous. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purilicr. It is the friend of the sufferes and the foe. of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. ii'h n :r \;\ ■] and i mi ft] y ; t &:/ y means the prevention of-scores of cares of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and consumption. Wet feet do not directly made the germs of consumption appear in the lungs; but they do cause coughs and colds and inflam mation of the throat and lungs; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the soil in which to work. 5c o; t ’shorn ■ !s!on of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophos phites, is a most valuable rem edy for restoring the system to health before these germs get the upper hand. .SCOTT'S T'Mri.SlOX Inw been en-l->ried by the <>tt sinon for tv. \ (Askyour This k because’ it is always } —ahw.vs tt’ttfl'r? ■■* - -always ct'Hte /./ -vi'vv‘ O.N* ?cv^/v ix Oil tf/.'tf 1 //v'O ■ Put up r.t 5-.>cent ivnd s.rxj The uuiy I’D enough to euro your eoagii or j help your baby. §M OT WHAT WE SAY, but ' ■" what Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, that ! tells the story of Its ir.crit and success i Rmntanbcr HOOD’S CURES. For Tax Collector. At thy solicitation of many friends I herehyvomouiioe myself as a- can didate iff' - 1 ix Collector of Banks comity, su joct to the decision of the i Deniueratic prirnarv. LEA IS li. JONES. Through the solicitation -,t mv ' friends I hereby announce rnvself a j candidate for i'ax Ooffeutnr of Banks i county, subject to the Democratic primary mi June Gilt. 1 fi-spect fully, J. K. CliA MBERS. Thanking my many friends for their kind support in the past I hereby an i nonce in\self a c indidatd for re-elec : ti-ui to the office of Tax Collector of L inks county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary of June 16th lttUti. E. J. RAGSDALE. For Ordinary. At the Holiciiation of my friend -1 announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Banks county, subject, to I the action of the Dcmocr itic piTrtv in the primary election to lie held on the 1i.,,1 Saturday in June 1811(1. ANDREW J. GUIFEIN Thanking my friends tor past favors, 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Ordinary of Hanks county, Subject to the primary election June 6th. T. E. HILL. For Clerk. Through the solicitation of vaaut | citizens i I Hanks county, I herein- an ! uouii.-r nr, ■ of 1 a candidate for Clerk , Super'ini- f oin t. subjeet, however to ; lh-‘ n-i'oii of the Democratic priniarv. Thanking my friends for their as ! surance of support, I am, Y< ms trulv, C. A. MKKKS. 1 hrough the solicitation and past promises of mv fitends, I hereby! j announce ni vself a candid.i.e for Cli-i k Superior Cos iit. subject to the i Ileniocratic primary. Thanking mv friends for the r past, favors, anil Imping they mav i consider that a change is sometimes | 1> st, I ant Vours Ib-.spt., LOGAN I’KRKINS.j. Keeling heartily thankful to the ' people ot Hanks county for honors i heretofore shown me I announce my-; seif a candidate for re-election to the. office >•! ( lei k of the Sup: rior (Vmif.- subject : the aotiou of the Demo.' cratic. primary. I- V. TURK. For Sheriff. 1 ai letune - myself a candidate for, -Sheris! ot Hanks county subject to j the Democratic party, and ask the! suppoit of the voters. Yours, K. I). OWEN. 1 resncctivcly announce to the I voters of banks county that 1 am a candidate for Sheriff, subjeet to the action of the Democratic primary on June (iilu W. X. CAf'nKLL i respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Hanks i utility, subject to the action of the Detuocr-itic party in the primary election to he held on June 6th. Rec ognizing the fact, that public office is; a public trust, and that the office he 1 ongs to the people, f will bow with; respect, to tile wish of the parly to j which 1 lieiuiig. JON I S A. AIAUTIX. Through the solicitation of many I citizens of Hanks county I hereby an- 1 nounce myself a candidate for Sheriff subject to the action of tho Deme. j cratic party. J. H. S l Iv’HF.XS. For Tax Receiver. 1 am a candidate for Tax Receive of Hanks county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on June 6th. Respectfully, A. O. LANGFORD. ! Thanking the people of Bank county for past favors, I announce ! inysolf a candidate for re-election to the off. -c of Tax Receiver, subject to tho does- uof the Democratic party' lin the prim t.y election of June Cih. Yours truly. J. C. ALLEN. For ItepresentAtive. Thanking mv friends for past favors 1 hereby announce mvself a candidate for rc-©lection to the Legislature, sub ject to the action of the Democratic ; primary June the 6ih. J, K.. THOMPSON. 1 ! Of ill health, despondency and despair, gives way to tire sunshine of hope,’ happiness ami health, upon taking Hood’ - irs pariiia, lx cause it gh renewed ii • ad vitality to the .blood, j and through that imparts 1 nerve streu *3 gth, vigor : and energy t > the whole j body. Read ’Dj j'f j£t tins letter: “Hood’sSar oa per ilia helped me wonderfully, ; changed sickness to health, gloom to sun -1 ehine. No prop can describe what I suf fered. I wa i and athly -sk, had .-'-Is head aches* every fev? days and those terrible tired, despondent feelinps, with heart troubles so that I could not go up and down staira without clasping my hand over my heart and resting. In fact, it would almost take my breath away. 1 suf fered ho I did not care to live,yet I had much to live for. There is no pleasure in i life if deprived of health, for life becomes a burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla docs far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it is sufficient to recommend Itself.” Mas. J. E. Smith, Beloit, lowa. Sarsaparilla Is thoOneTrw* Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. b • ~ curt-alt liver ills, billouft- HOOd S Pi IIS iv ss. headache. 25 cents. Ordinary’s Notices, GEORGIA.: 1 1. ,v< County.— T>> all whom it in n -noerii: IL 1 ). ■Moss, guard*- n ■ : II l>. .Moss, applies t i me fur I Her.- of ibsmtssiiin from su ill gnnrdini, ship, nml I will pass upon In ap| ii -it ion on tho livst Mon day in May next :it tnv office in Homer, 1 county. Given uoffer ■ iny baiiff .uni official signature, this Aril February, 181 ‘o T. E. MILL, The AppLimeris nppotnti-ii to set apart a ovi-ive months’ support for the fam of ,M<-A. Mori is, ileccased, I having fi ■ I tneir i turn, all person ciiiiecriiiu' arc hen-bv eitea .anil re I quireil to show ciius- in the Court of Orffirarv <>f sniff County, within four Weeks from the publication of this notice, why tbc upplieati n for sniff t,wi-hc mot'th’* support -houlff not he granted. 'l’hisiiih April, 1 :'ti. T. I- HILL. Ordinary GEORGIA: JL\\. a County.— A J. Cash. g,,arffiaii of Carter Chit I uooit, having applied to the court of Ordinary of ;ff<l counts-,for a dis charee M 1 bis guatalianship of Carter Chitwood; This is therefore to cili .all pen- as concerned to show cr use whs the said A- ff. Cash tiliould not bo disiiiisscd from his guardian ship of Carter Chitwood, and receive! the usual litters of dismis-iori. tlivi-’i uu-'er mv hand and official j signature April Ist, 1896 T. I k IIIU„ (trffinarv. GEORGIA. Hv-.x- County.— VV lieri-i.s, W. ]. Met, adminis trator of J. A. .McCurdy, repressntxj to the (.'mrt. in hin petition duly tiled ami entered on record that he has fully uffministered .1. A. McCurdy’s estate: This is thetefim.- to cite all persons concerned, kinered and cred itors, to slmsy cause, it any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from hi- administration and receive letters cf dismission on the first Monday in June next. March 3rd, ISUG. T. F. HILL. Orilinary. (iEt)KGIA Banks Coiniy.—To all whom it may ounce- n : All per sons interested are lieieby notitu*.i that if no good cause be sln-wn to the contrary an order will be fronted by the undersigned on the first Monday in June ISffO establishing anew road as markeii out liy the road commir siom rs appointed for tleit purpose, cominencuig on the road near J. E. Strang, "s- in house, thence N. K. along the settlement mad hv the resi deuce Brown-. Weli-hs, Be:’: and Avers intersecting the public road Bern Whitfield’s resilience Mav 4th l v '.tt>. T. F. iIfLL, < Irdinarv. Posponed Sheriff Sale. GF.( > Rt! 1A : Bvs k s C< ux tv AVill be so!-! off the first Tuesday in June next, at the court house in said county within the legal hours of sale, j to highest bidder for cash the follow-, ing property to-xvit: One tract of land lying in the -! !sth Dist. G. M. of Banks county, containing two hun dred and twenty-five acres more cr k*ss, adjoining the lands of C. B. Par ker on theiKast, -John W. Parker on the South and West, and the four mile purchase line on the North where on defendaht, now resides. Said land levied on as the property of J *C; Par ker, to satisfy an , xecution issued froip Banks Superior court in favor of King and Sellars. agair.t J- C- Par ker. This Apii! 30 th 1800. ■L W. SIAIPTER, Sheriff. NORTHEASTERN R. R. OF GEORGIA BETWEEN ATHENS AND LULA SOISTHBOI NI). N'ORTHBOfXD JS X.R.B.R. STATIONS. SoOn ir| v \i ii , r 1•* r KxSii I.ySu nu V : xV? \V. , ; ... ** am vu 11 4 sta 11..- Ci:- -A iS W-'l KIT 11 1" .Ni.-N.l-.-., ,N UN ‘IS 1-Nr bW’ v.i. ’ i $$ 1 , „ 1 U i. !- M AM Ml u. K. BKaVKS. S ate A-.-i,t. ; V . SIZKIt. Chi.-l Clerk. Homer I h School \\ i!! open Ist <l:iv of Jam' tiy In;-.}, -an.£ v.:• i e.-miano f.;r a term of t *jgh scholastic months, except a vacation during the hnsv s-ns >n of Spring KATi:s r r?w i r rso;v. I’roin ?IbO tu ?’l O') per nor.-'.: accordi .* to grade. Vo, ~1 and instru ment :i; Mtisii >•>.(< • per nn.-i, Special Non mi Trainirg given five to *' '* " !!: 1 ’ • i'lvp <re students ;,,r iin.ore and Junior Dr. \. D. tw: nctute once per month on Physiology and Hygene in j-rcst lux* of all pin lis. Hoard in good families mi h, had > from ' ‘a).to >7.00 ner month. (' or further infoi maii m ;.<i- I l ess r. dkxdv, principal, II()M KK, G V I am Well Prepared TO DO All Kinds of ’oih in Photography. A’’ sizes | dit, tog rah* made -a t.h( lowest j.riees; pictures copied, en larged and framed in the tie i-st sty!" (..'all o , ... * , . tudin Harmony Grove, Ga., and 1 will show von what 25 Years’ Exp:-ri3ECBia Photography has aeeoiup'is' ed A.. J . AZIijEK", // ,J J, U QY y (i IW ! -J. : Q A Hasleton & Dozier iJVYTON St. ATHENS, GA DK \UKRS IN High Grede Pianos Organs SMALL MUSIG VI, INSTRUMENTS, I’H I t -K-', PICTURE FRAMING, ARTIST’S MATE HI A ESP w<• lmv our iestruim-i l,- :r.-in lir-t hands. eive our own miniee on them -n-'t an mk it to your i. 'i < t,, -i;- * r write to nla-fore you buy Sationery Baseball Goods etc* ALL TIIK XKW Ib'OTvS AND MAGAZINES. |.!>,v I‘rici s Mailorders solicited D. W. McGregor A ,< Jn . J•t.H< h < Mils, Pry * t W. r. ouvi: 1 ; Vi r- •. A. M. BKXTON. Sec. amt Trea ... OFFICE 0K.... (INCORPOUATKI).) DEALEKS IN GENERAL HARDWARE ANO FARMING IMPLEMENTS CF ALL KINDS. Such ns the Osborn* Mmv ’;. 11-i\ RA. s rid l>;;r Harrows, Olieo CnilH. .1 Plows. Also Wa ;on and I Li-try material, Guns, Ammunition, <Belt ings, Axes, Table ami IV. ket Cutlery. The Famous “NEW ENTERPRISE COCK STOVE.” Over •i'buwi jn <lai!y nst*. evry on- £ivi:v perfect s.v i-im ron. A f•*,!! lin > r> r 1 c i*,i irve* Hearing s**vvs . m fact a ucnorai line <l il;mhv*tv, ;>n <f vhioU w,* are offc-i-e- ar. rook frotto We can also furnish you with any kiml cl Machinery. (’ail ..1 t-..nmu' <wr stock a b emviheed. Corner of Carnesuilo anti Hr >v 1 streets, n. \t door to Qaillian it Son HARMONY GROVE. GEORGIA IAXC£ZrAn/ft)sr G)XPL£T£j}!?SCY/%C7Vffr QKfiutJV WwnEßm Otm sooo3' AJTI me See? ' Our Pfirccs the lowest A' ~^r^Z\ JfamTlfgQ Fertilizers for Fall Crops r-hoald contain a fugh percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil. Write for our “Farmers' Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. J is 1 full of useful riru-ii, tor farmers. .It will be sent free, a win make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9 j Nauau §tna. New Yoil Blank Books, AND