Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, June 18, 1896, Image 2

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• GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the, Postajffcc at J.ovur Ga. a* second class mutter. ItatM of Sub** Option <a*l>: One year 50 Six months 2. r * S. L. COX, Editor k Publisher IIOMEII, GA.. JUNE IS. 1896. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor W. V. ATKINSON. For Soeretarr of State ALI.EN D. CANDLER. For Attorney General J. M. TERRELL. For Comptroller General W. At WRIGHT. For State Tr.agurer W. J. SUKER. For ContmiisioDor of Agriculture R.T. NESBITT. For U. S. Senator C. F. CRISP. For Gvngrem, Ninth District F. C. TATK For Representative J. K.THOMPSON. For Ordinary T. F. IIILL. For Clerk ot Superior Court LOGAN PERKINS. For Sheriff JOHN PARKS. For Tax Collector L. J. RAGSDALE. For Tar Receiver J. C. ALLAN. For Treasurer W. M. ASH. For Surveyor R. C. ALEXANDER. For Coroner STOV ALL POOL. Congress adjourned last week. The Democratic primary of June tilli polled 850 in Banks, Silver is in the lead and it looks now like it will lead the National con vention nt Chicago. The Georgia Weekly Press Associa tion and the Woman’s Press Club, of Georgia, meet m Klberion on July 14th and 15th The cordial and hos pitable people of Elberlon are already making preparations for their recep tion. An interesting trip has been arranged to visit Mammoth Cave, Lookout Mountain, Nashville, etc. H^iiW MSB wst vcfuasßfor * *-< — —i - A smart Broadway, New York, druggist has this sign hanging outside his store; it" marks the new era of drug selling. Is it any wonder that lie has to enlarge his quar ters, that his clerks are busy, and that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare ? You can afford to trade with a druggist who trives 'you SCOTT’S EMULSION when you ask lor it. LJOOD'S Sarsaparilla wins its way * * into the contuter.ce of the people tj the good it is doing'- Fair trials guarantee permanent CURES. ALL DISEASES of the blood ar cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which by its vitalizing, enriching, and alterative •Sects makes only PURE 31,00*1* TEACHER'S COLUMN. DEVOTEI* TO THE INTER EST OF EDUCATION Communications for this Column Should he Addressed to .7. I*. Dendy, Homer. We lament lilt; fact that we were unable to tender communications for i this column during the past month | but it was on tlio account of absccnec Irom home—Having been on a visit to our native state, South Carolina. In the meantime we fully expected that fOinf (f out brothers in the profession, would make a contribution but we have no reason to think so af ter reflecting upon the' just. As yet no one seems inclined to aid us but it takes more than that to discourage us tlicrefo' c we move on in our usual way. He as fair and candid in your criti cism of your fellow teachers as you want them to he in their criticisms of you, for they criticise you as much as you do them. Why lavish your affection on that good boy in your school? He doesn’t need it. It’s that bad hov that needs your love; give it to him unstintedly. Your love may win him to a bright manhood. Happy and strong is that teacher,! who, in these days of fads and new tangled method ana devices, has a vein of conservatism running through iier mental make-up. A safe rule to lollow these days, when innovation arc Dressing close upon the teaclnr, is, “Be not the first by whom the new aro tried, nt r yet the last to lay the old aside.” * DICTATION KXKRCISKS. 1. There is always hope in a man that actually and earnestly works. In idleness alone is there perpetual de spair.—Thomas l urlyle. •2. 1 .ife is not ro short but that them is always time enough for courtesy Ralph Waldo Emerson. b. Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices.—Ralph Waldo Emer j son. # 4. You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hummer and forge \ out self one —Thordau. AN AU'IUBKT OK ,'KOVKIUIS. A grain of produce is worth a pound of craft. Boasters are cousins to bats. Confession of limit makes half amends. Denying a fault doubles it. Envy shootetb at things and wound eth herself. Foolish fear doubles danger. God reaches us good things bv our own bands. lie lias hard work who has nothing to do. It costs more to revenge wiongs thail to bear them. Knavery is the most laborious trade. Learning makes a man tit company for himself. Modesty is a guard to virtue. Not to hear conscience is the way to silence it. One hour today is worth two to morrow. Proud looks make foul work in fair laces. Quiet conscience gives quiet sleep Richest is he that, wants east. Small faults indulged are little thieves that let in greater. The boughs that bear most hang lowest. Upright walking is sure' walking. Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. Wise men make more opportuni ties than they find. You never lose by doing a good act. Zeal without - knowledge is fire without light. Selected. ori'ViiONS wo answiks. I. Whose likeness is on i ! 'e silver dollar? '2. What is the meaning of the eagle and arrow's on the dollar ? 3. (a) What is queen Victoria’s family name ? (1>) Did she over change her name ? (c) What was her bus-! band’s family name ? 4. Are the waters of canals ever carried across rivers? If so, how ? 5. W here is the dividing time be tween Eastern and central Time ? 1. Il ls claimed by some that it is an exact likeness of a school teacher in Philadelphia. 2. 'They art a part of the National coat of arms of the United States Their signiticunre is apparent. 3. (a) Guelph, (b) I think not. (c) I don’t know. 4. Yes, by aqueducts. 5. ’The eartern sceti >n, the time ot ; is that of the Toth moral an, lies be i tween the Atlantic Oc"an ana an ir , regular line drawn from Detroit Mich |to Charleston, S. C. The < • ntral time is that of the 90th meridian. (!. It is the line at which dates must he made later by one day when cross ing it from east to west, and earlier bv one day when crossing, it from west to cast. 'Die meridian of Ib ,! degrees, at which ail new civil days begin, is called the “International Date Line.”—The Teachers World. Birds and Weather. If birdsjin general pick their feath, era wash themselves and llv to their nests, expect rain. Birds ami foul oiling their fcaih: is indicates rain. When Ivrds cease to sin:;, rain mi thunder will probably oecur. Birds flying in groups during rain or wind indicates hail. Blackbirds bring healthy weather. Blackbirds’ nous are very shrill in advance of rain. A solitary turkei buzzard at a great altitude indicates rain. If the rooster crows more than usual or earlier, expect rain. Boosters are said to dap their > wings in an unusual manner before rain, and hens to rub in the dust ami ueetn very uneasy. If the crow's make tr.ueii noise and i fly round ami round, expe. t, rain. One crow firing alone is a sign .1 foul weather; htu if crows fly in pairs. ! expert line weather. Cuckoos hallooing on low lands indicates rain; on high land . fair weather. The cuckoo in April opens his hill, in Mav he .slugs all day; ill June he alters his tunc, come August, go lie must. When fouls roost in daytime expect rain. When the lien crows, expect a storm within and without. When you see geese in water wash ing themselves, expect rain. Boston I'ranscript. Now is the time to provide \.•ni sei f iiml tainih with a bottle of 1 ’ll aii'li-rl:i n's (Mir. Cholera u Diarrhoea Reinedv as a s.iK.oeard against an attack of bowel complaint ihniiijf the summer months It cost;, but 2f> c*-nts and is almost sure to b needed before the summer is over. This reined v never fa Is, even in the most severe cases, a mi is 1 1 fact the only preparation that e:m cheats he depended upon. When ; dtteen wit If water it is pleasant to take. Tor sale by R. T. Thompson, Homer. DISEASES Or THE SKIN. The intense itching an t smarting inci dent to ccr.cmn, tetter, Bitlt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin i • instantly allayed liy applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad eases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped bands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they are just what a horse needs when in bid condi tion. Tonic, Wood purifier and vermifuge. f —lOB THi: HKALINU OF THE NATIONS— -1 f BotanlG slood salm f '\r\ ™ R ® W£AT SOrTUEttN RKBKMY FOR I'M ftll Skin and Blood Diseases I It purifies, builds up and enriches ! the blood, and never fails; IFS I to cure the most inveterate: , wg) BLOOD ANL) SKIN DtS EASES, if directions are to)-: | 1 21 lowed. Thousands grate t i-—J t'ul people sound its praises' J and attest its virtues. | | I CirWRITE tor Itook tt Won- J I derful Cures, sent free on ap- plication. f If not kept by yur local druggist, Ssend st.oo for large bottle, or $5.00 for six bottles, and medicine will be I sent, freight paid, by ( Rl.ooll Bun CO., Atlanta, Ci. H n-VifttiUi a,ia>Brlti WtaalrlirK- 1A SI/ a/ IAM, la Ur w ■ *■ -- Bolls If. is often difficult to convince peo ple their blood is impure, until dread ful carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof ula or salt riieurn, are painful proof >f the fact. It is wisdom now, or when ever there is any indication of Impure blood, to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and prevent such eruptions and suffering. “X had a dreadful carbuncle abscess, red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at tended mo over Beven weeks. When the abscess "broke, the pains were terrible, and I thought I should not live through it. I heard and read so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, that I decided to take it, and my husband, who was suffering with boils, took it also. It soon purified our Blood built me up and restored my health so that, although the doctor said I would not be able to work hard, I have since done the work for 20 people. Hood’s Sar saparilla cured my husband ot the boils, and we regard it a wonderful medicine.” Mbs. Anna X’etkrson, Latimer, Kansas. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists ?t. Hood’s Pills easy to operate .'%seenis! They Were Too (.ate. '1 lie I.elatwl wayfarer was standing 1111 tin* shadow of :t building with both j hands pointing heavenward, while I he gazed into the muzzle of si revolver j One foot pip was holding the revolver w here .t would do the most food in j case of sin emergency', and the other ! w.ih going through the victim's pock ets. The silence was so oppressive that the belated wayfarer finally felt ‘.Think you’re smart don't you?” bes lid. “We know our business ” returned one of the footpads gruffly. “Of i onrse you do.” said the be lated wayfarer, with sometbing like a sine". ’“You knew that this was tn\ pay dav, I suppose “Sure,” replied the footpad. That wh v we laid for you.” “He ain’t got but sixty-five cents, lull, interrupted the other in e, who had been searching tho victim's hock ets. "U o(! cried the other. “ Hint's rght,’ said thb belated w aviator, eh erttlllv. “But you was paid today,” insisted the man with the revolver. "Right again,” admitted me Be lated wayfarer, in the s. me cheerful tone. "But somebody got in ahead of you, and you thought you weie so j tiH fired smart that I'll he hanged if: I’m nor. glad of H. ‘•Somebody got your roll?” * V ‘T ; ' “Who ?' “My wife came to the oftee alter it tilis afternoon. Oh, you’ve not to gel ii]i mighty early to heat her.’— C hieago l’ost. Yotin. man, do you want to make a succe.-s in this life, do you want to see in real 1i - the castles of wealth and prouih e you are building in your no ci -if s. and n a 1 eg,. 1 • lie litth* ihings. nor put off your duly from tod,iv until tomorrow. It is these that count, it is with these - hat tiH* fouuunt ions ui iortuiit/.s arc j laid. Wi cm r :>.e d> t ■>( I. . t lug or putting off your duty from day is eoutfueled lit ton,. , you mav de pend upon it Rial it will stav m old agef and consequentyour life will he spent in doing nothing and \* ur financial condition will never be im proved. K o-hunge. SjHitins All. 1 road in the Christian Standard that Miss A. VI. Pri;.-, Station A. St. Louis. Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to any one send ing her ten 2 cent stamps 1 sent for one and found it so useful that 1 showed it to my mauds, and made *l2 mi two hours, ink eg orders for : the spoon. PL- • hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip i into the dish or cooking vessel, being he’d in place by a hook or the back. The spoon is something housekeepers have iwede ! ever since spoons first invented. Any one can get a sample spoon by sending ten “l cent stamps to Miss Fritz. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly, Jeanette S. r% A |X ACHE ami Riier.j \tism relieves! PnV Any I>r. Ivlilos' Nerve Plasters. NORTHEASTERN R- R. OF CEORCIA BETWEEN ATHENS AM) LULA :-Ot illnai ND. NORTHBOUND 11 !' 13 14 12 la lily DTy Kalin N. K. U R. STATIONS. SnOn Illy D'lv K.vSi KxK IMS r . I'as r Kxsbi KvSu A M V M A M U Ar 1- M A M Y M 11 1< 8I; 11<F> XV. . .Lulu X - r.o ; v.*j 7r 4 11 .‘>l S H > X CiH.svillv 743 L* 08 Tl 5 ! 11 jH S 44' 11 .. Alayavile— 7 R.*4 i> h 2 12 23 : o-i 11 r 2 Baniiot'. . .7 13 8 t; ls 12 m 317 11 id Xieftolii :■* Bsi 54*1 Ir. y 121.'. -o rls 5 I.♦ ;M lu XV A - u. . • Bno os i* M V M V M Ar ? A M F M B. K I;KaVI>, State Agent. . 4 hiti Clerk. Homer High School Will open Ist flay of January 189t>. and will continue far a term of eigb lKchnlast cmontiis, except ft vacation during tbe busy season of Spring H A l’i:?* <>!’ TUITION. i’r' in > l.(Kt to per month according to gr do. Ymal and instru ment :.: Mash ' per month. Special Normai Training given tree tn tbo- ■ and siring to teach and will prepare students for Sophmore and Junior Lr. V. I). 1. ckimrt will lecture once per month on Physiology and lljgciie in presence of fill pupils. Boaid in good families can la- had at train t<~> 57.00 per month. Fo'r further information address. J. W DENDY, rUINUIDAL, HOMER, GA. I am Well Prepared TO DO All Kinds of Work in Photography. Ml sizes jdiotogralis made it Die lowest prices; pictures copied, cn -111 zed and framed in the tiea.cst style Call o i , • . tudio, i larmony Grove, Ga , and I will show you what 25 Years’ Expmencein Photography h:ts aeeoi.iplisDeri T. J. ALLEN, //.il ItHOXV GROVE. GA. Hasleton & Dozier I. AVION St. —* DEALERS' IX High Grade Pianos? Organs S.M \IX MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURE’!, PICTURE FRAMING, ARTISTS MATERIALS. We buy our instrument., from first bands, give our own* guarantee on them can 111.1 k. it to your interest to see us or write to ns before you buy Sationery Baseball Goods etc- All NIK. NEW T.OOKS AND MAGAZINES. | ! ,v,* Trii is Mail orders solicited D. W. McGregor , Jsi . 9 •f. r. i;oi;l,i;s,lT. M \\ c. UUVKK, \ . < ■ - v. M. tt.’MOX. S-. 0. ami Tr MFfKE * n]B i U Jii? i’ * if lV' PH ~ I. (IXCORPO!A YKD ) i>kai.i;ks in GENERAL HARDWARE AND FARPdING IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. Sir'll as the Osborne Mowers. Ifty Rakes and Disc Harrows, Olive ' (’milled Plows. Also Wagon and litigoy material. G ins, Ammunition, Belt i i ns;s. Axes, Table and Pocket Cutlery. The Famous “NEW ENTERPRISE COCK STOVE.” (h or ,;i * iA jtj flail' mhh, evry one divine- jerfwt s.t! i<fa<ti>i!. V fill line of latest, imyrova ;It iTnv- *'• •• *'. ir fart a -jemra-l line of Hardware, all <f which v • are offering at roc but to jl* r i* **-*■''. \Vi can also furnish you with any ind of Machinery. Call and examine our st<*c a ; it convinced. Coiii 1 of Carnesviiie and Broil s*r ets, next door to Quillian & Son HARMONY GROVE. GEORGIA. lARG£&M/fo3rCMJ>t£7TßffGCr/XC7Vfrw£Mn/ WfifTEfVA Our Goods are the Best ' Our Prices the lowest fr fad. . ] Fertilizers for Fall Crops si-oti’ll contain a Hgh percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment . of the soil. \V r i:<* forcer •• Farmers* Guide" a 142-page illustrated book. I • <■: . -o' t; nn.irinaii, ui . farmers. It will be sent free, aft. , --.hi make and save you monev. Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New Yori Blank Books, AND