Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, July 23, 1896, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOl. VI Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, fliCEl w CREAM BAKING POWBIR MOST PERFECT MADE. •' A pur Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret front Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS "’"HE STANDARD. LOCA L N EWS AN I) N 0 I KS. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Little Items too Short tor Heads But Long Enough to In terest the Reader. Hr. W R. Stovall, of ! vonia, is here talking insurance. Mr- Gus Mason is in Gainesville this week swapping horses, Mrs. Dr. Daniel is improving after a severe attack of malaria. Miss Eva Yeargin is spending a few lav* with friends in town. A great many people are visiting the mountains this summer. Read the On! Indian Doctors notice in this issue. He treats can cers successfully also. We are much indebted to Mr. \Y, D. Presley for a nice mess of fresh fish and sqpirrel. Mr. G Blackwell has bought out Sheriff Sumpter's shop, and deserves a most liberal patronage. We have just received one case snap Calico this will he the last case on market this season. Corse and get a roll before it. has all been sold. SMITH & EBEHHAKT. Mr. W. T. Cochran is agent for the New Testament illustrated and ex plained. This is a good work, and you can get it by calling on h m. Wc are glad to welcome our cor respondents in, and we hope some one will send us the news from every section of the county. Go to Saul & Company when you want the best bargains in Clothing. Miss Minnie McNorton came home from Athens Saturday, where she has been spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Strickland. We are glad to welcome Miss Minnie back. Mr. G. Blackwell is now owner and proprietor of Sumpter shop here and solicits the patronage of the people. Give him a trial and you will be peased with work and prices. A. P. Bearing and T. G. llada way sell the Celebrated Studebaker Bug. gies and wagons and will sell you cheaper than you can buy elswhiri Ba sure to see them on Broad St Athens, Ga. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds, croup and whooping cough It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by R- T. Thompson, Mer chant, Homer. Mrs Rhtxlie Noah of this place, was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of black berry cordial but got no relief- She then sent to me to see if 1 tad any thing that would help her I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another ol our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept get ting worse. I* sent him this same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. lie says he owes his recovery to this wonderful remedy.—Mrs*Mary Sibley, Sidney Mich. For sale by R- 1. Tkomdson Merchant, Ilomer i Cabinet Photographs half price, $‘2.00 per dozen during July, smaller sizes SI.OO per dozen. McDANNELL, 115 Broad St., Athens, Ga. Miss Ethel Owen is spending a fw weeks with her parents and many friends here. Miss Ethel has been in Gainesville for seveial months with Mrs-Jackson the Milliner, Mr. Sam Fine has just returned from New York where he has been to buy an immense stock of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods for the firm of Saul & Company, of Harmony Grove. Get their prices and examine their goods before you buy. Rev. Mr. Barber filled his regular appointment here Sunday, and also announced that the protracted meet ing wold begin next third Saturday at the Presbyterian church. A. P- Dealing and T. G. Hadaway, of Athens, Ga., carry the best hut ot buggies and wagons in Northeast Georgia and will sell you at the low est figures. If you want anything in this line it will pay you to call >n them. They also carry a large line of Harness and Saddles. Messrs. J. J. Hill, R. A. llill, Charley llill, \Y. 15. Lockhart, W. C. Lockhart, Henry Dynr and John Welchel left yesterday for the moun tains to spend a couple of weeks. They aie all jolly go 1 1 fellows and we predict f*r them a trip full of fun and pleasure. We have just received a now line of dry goods and millinery. Now is the time such goods are most needed, as the protracted meetings soon commence. Come to see us when you wish anything in our line. SMITH A EBERART. Mr. l’l eas wood sent in the first open-cotton boll. Uncle Andy Wilson, an old coloied man of more than fifty years passed away last Friday morning at 1 o'clock alter a long illness. Uncle Andy has rendered his service in the Ga zette office many times rolling ink and will be greatly missed. In the vicinity of Boquet, Westmore land tie., Pa., almost any one can tell you how to cure a lame back or stiff neck. They dampen a piece of flan nel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind it. on thy affected parts and in one or two days the trouble lias disappeared. This same treatment will promptly cure a pam in the side or chest.. Mr. E, M. Frye, a promi nent merchant of Bouquet, speaks very highly of Pain Balm, and his recovnendations have had much to do wits making it popular there. For sale by R.T.Tfiompson, Merchant, Homer Mr. Joseph Parsons, a good and beloved citizen of our county, died At his home two miles North ot Homer Frida v morning of heart disease. Mr P arsons had reached the ripe age of 6G years, and leaves a wife, several children and a laige number of friends to mourn his death." # The weather was very unfavorable to the oyster supper Friday night but nevetlieless a pretty fair crowd was present aud an excellent supper was served, also some good music. It was a most pleasant occasion, and the ladies realized a right hand some sum, which will go some distance towards celling the Baptist church- NO CURE—NO PAY. He lives two miles from < I ills v Hie on the Athens and Belton road and will come to you if you are not in good health. He will cure you with the herbs of the earth. He has cured more than a thousand, in the last two years, in Hall and adjoining counties, most‘T whom 6ad been treated by other physicians and were not bene, fitted. F'emale diseases are treated with great success. Also Fits, Fevers, Colic, Catarrh and Nervousness and ail blood diseases. No charge made for consultation or treatment. Call on or address, THe Indian Doctor. Gillsville, Ga. HOMER, BANKS ‘COUNTY, GEORGIA: JULY 23, 189(1. Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowe] trouble. Our doctor’s remedies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy which gave very speedy relief' We regard it as the best medicine ever pnt on the market .for bowel com plaints.—Mrs. E, G- f Gregory, Fred eriokstown, Mo. This certainly is the best medicine ever put on the market for dysentery, summer com plaint, cole and cholera infpntum in children. It never failes to give prompt relief when used in reasoable time nnd the plain printed directions arc followed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by R. T. Thompson, Merchant, Ilomer. All the People Should keep themselves healthy and especial care should be given to this matter at this time. Health depends upon pure, rich blood, lor when the blood is impute and impoverihed j diseases of various kinds are almost certain to result. The oue true blood purifier is Hood’s Sarsaparlla By its power to purify and vitalize the blood it has proved it sol f to be the safeguard of heal it, and the record of remarkable cures effected proves that it lias wonderful power over diseae. It actually and permanently cures when all other preparatons fail to do any aood whatever ssoo WILL BE GIY EN For anv case of Rheumatism which can not be cured by Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy. The proprietors do not hide this offer,but print it in bold type on all their circulars, wrap piers, printad matter and through the columns of newspapers everywhere. It will work wonders, one bottle will cure neaaly every case. If the druggist has not got it, he will order it or it will be sent to any address by prepaid express on receipt of price ;*5 Drummond Medicine Cos , Now York. Agentp wanted. Ordinary’s Notices. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Notice is hereby given that a peti tion signed by a number of the eiti Zens of the 37'st (Columbia district) G. M. of said county, asking that a voting precinct be established at the court ground of said district; and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in August next. Given under my hand and official signature July the 6th 1896. T. F. HILL. Or’dy. GEORGIA: Banks County.— To all whom it tnay concern: W. Z. Vaughn executor of Mattie F. O'Kelley applies to me for letters of dismission trom said executorship and 1 will pass upon his application on the first Monday in October next at mv office in Homer, said county. Given under my hand and official signature this ]ulv 6th, 1896 T. F. HILL, Ord’y GEORGIA: Banks County. — To all whom it may concern: B. H. Green, guardian for J. F. M. Ayers applied to me for letters of dismiss ion from said guardianship, and 1 will pass upon his application on the first Monday in October next at, my office in Homer in said county. Given under my hand and official signature, July 6th, 1896- TANARUS, F. HILL, Ord’y. NOTICE. Mrs. Rebecca Chandler) Complaint vs. | In Bank’s R. T. Purcell. Adm’r. on J- Superior the estate of W llliam | court M’ch Keesler, dec’d. J term 1896. The defendant R. T. Purcell, Ad ininistrator of Wm Keesler, deceased ts hereby commanded and required to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the third Monday in September 1896, then and there to answer the plaintiff in an action of complaint as in default of such appearance said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable N. L. Hutchins, judge of said court. This 7th day of July 1896. L. N. TURK, C. S. C. Wo will send you the Weekly Journal and Gazette for 80cts. a year To the Voters of Banks County, You are required by law to register every year. Your registering last year is no good lor this year. Do not neglect to register now Umadoehc stopped In 20 minutes by Dr. llile*’ Pain Pills. "Onco cents dose." GROVE LEVEL. Rain almost every day last week. Mr. Bob Gober lias cotton open. Dr. W P. Harden has treated him self to anew buggy. Singing at Grove Church first Sun day in August at 9 o’clock. Mr. Gip Brock took dinner with Mr. Burton Hooper on last Sunday. A party of tourists passed through Saturday en route to Tallnlah falis. Mr. J. O. Dalton is now “regular in” in the horse-swapping business. Messers \V. F. Morns and Georgs Sheridan attended Church here Sun day. Rev. D. IT. Crymes filled his reg ular appointment Saturday and Sun day. Messers. Leo Borough and John Anderson are attending school at Grove Level. Mr. J. C. Burns is doing a big bus iness sowing peas and otherwise finishing up his crop work. Mr. Mack Wood, a jolly good citi zen of Harmony Grove, was in our “beat” one afternoon last week. The damage done to the corn crop on the streams by high waters is not so great as was at first thought. Rev. Dim Borders of Texas will preach to the people at Grove Church first Sunday in August at 11 o’clock. We were glad to see the familiar face of Mr. Dim Borders, of Texas once a citizens of our county, on Sun day last. 4 On last Thursday aright, Mr. P. M. Holbrook was called to the bedside of bis brother in Forsyth County, who was stricken with paralysis. Mr. Claude Scoggins is driving a double team and looks happy now lie has anew boarder at his home, little Arthur is no longer the baby. Prospects for an unusually large cotton crop in our section. The June and July crop is as large as our entire average crop, to say nothing of the prospects for an August crop. A populist excursion will run to Atlanta by way of the North Eastern and Southern Railways on Aug. G. The Popnlist State Convention meets in the “gate city” on that day. Mr. John Illggiubothan, of Athens, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Cos. came up last week with his family and is spending sevaraldays visiting his brother-in-law, Mr R. L. Sim mons. Mr. T. A. Bolt, Operator of First Division, of. The Southern View Cos, was around to see us one day lasi week. Now is the time for families to secure group pictures cheap. Messers. James J. Ray,and his son George, of near Gillsvillc, and Mr, Lump Acrey, of Columbia District, took a bird’s-eye-view of our little City last Friday. . A party of our young folks chaper oned by Mr. T. G. Smith and Mrs. W. S- Sisk lett Tuesday morning for Demorest Tallulah Falls, Toccoa Falls DEAFNESS C AN NOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portionof the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the inascous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed youj have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nojhing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hund-ed Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused dy catarrh) that cannot be cured by- Hall’s Catarrh cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. and other[points. The party consisted of-Messers E. P. Ray, Daily Smith Cince Smith snd Misses Octa Stevens Laura Cox, Emk-y Cox Beulah Smith Lula Smith ana Hattie Sysk. We wish them a pleasant trip. I had the pleasure of spending the day af Mr John Pruitts he had fish in abundance he has twenty fivo acres in one field of cotton the finest I ever saw. John is a hustler when it comes to farming- The enterprising citizens have worked out the road leading from Busbville to Pruitt’s gin. Persons going to H G. from Homer will find it nearer end a splendid road, good new bridge. Don and Lhk. Mr. Albert Cash and Georgia Ronds. Mr. Editor; In a late issue of the Gazette 1 notice that Mr. Albert Cash assails the Democratic party of this state for reckless expenditure of money, or as hi is pleased to term it, “Wickedness that is fast drifting our people back to anything but a free government.” Now Mr. Cash is a gentleman I like very much, and one whose per sonal feelings 1 would not violate for anything, but I must say that if our ship of state is drifting back i sin cerely trust it may stop before it reaches the wickedness, corruption, and mal-administration we had under republican rule prior to 1872. I am not prepared at present to give your readers a ( edrrect list of Georgia’s outstanding obligations, but I am quite sure Mr. Cash’s fig ures are misleading from the fact that, the legislature has paid off and refunded at least a part of the bonds mentioned in his list. I have not heard a higher estimate of our entire bonded debt than $11,000,000 while Mr. Cash’s figures amount to over $18,000,000. Neither do I believe that we are now carrying any bonds at 7 percent, per annum. But let this pass. I would inquire if Mr. Cash can point out a state that carries no bonded debt ? There are none so far ns I nave heard. What corporation or enterprise that does not, use money in this way? There ts nothing immoral or criminal about it. It is simply a matter of business. And what state can Air. Cash refer to that has a fairer credit than Georgia, or one whose bonds are listed at a higher premium in the markets of the world ? Can Mr. Cash point to a single Governor of Georgia since the Demo cratic party has bad charge of the state who has brought a reproach upon the fair name of our grand old commonwealth? Can he point out a State treasurer who has or one whose bondsmen have suffered under a Democratic administration? Until he does this we must believe his charges of wickedness and corrup- Weak Lungs Hot weather won’t cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Don’t stop taking your Scott’s Emulsion because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the'more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott’s Emulsion all summer. Vvr bale by all druggittU at and tion are unfounded. On the other hand let us look at the general prosperity of our people since the democrats have been in power. We can point with pride to a magnifieent school system establish* ed tor the ebucation of both white and black. We can point to our old soldiers and their widows, and say with feeling deepest emotion, that Georgia has done more than any sis ter state for that class of her citizens.. The money paid to citizens of Banks County out of state treasury exceeds the amount paid in taxes. Any one who disbelieves this state ment can have the figures. A litte investigation will show that a major ity of counties in Georgia receive move money for pensions paid to old soldiers and for teacher’s salaries than they contribute in the way of taxes. Look at our beneficent system of laws, the universal growth of knowl edge, our wonderful increase in taxa ble property, the many towns and c ities which have sprung up under the fostering care of our government, the rapid inliux of Northern capital and the thousands of avenues now open to the young both in the arts and sciences; look at the buildings which lately contained an exposition of our wonderful wealth resources, such lias rarely ever been excelled in all the world—Look at all this 'and then tell me that we are “drifting back!” Away with the idea 1 None but the sourest pessimist alive can believe it aud 1 can hardly think that my good friend Mr. Cash can be in earnest when he indulges in such assertions. Sincerely Yours. V. D. Lockhart. H o.h\Ks.si4*j\A L C. i lIDS. (JSCAR BROWN, ATTORNKY AN D COUNSELLOR-A t-LA W, HOME It, <M Will practice in all the courts and make col lection a specialty. Care and t promptness in every business. G. W. BROWN, . Attorney at Law,, Will do a general practice. Collecting specialty. \\ D. LOCKHART, M. D. HTOffick WiSTOF Pl blic Square, __ HOMER, CiA 1)R. W. I). JACKSON, dextist, harmony grove ga All work guaranteed first class. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Office over Bates & Car. son’s Jewelry Store. D R W. J. SHARP, I )E]\TIST, MAYSVII.LK, GA. iy Office with Or. H. C. Strickland. SILVER MAPLE. Miss Effle Meadows a sweet young lady of A’lauta is visiting her cousin Miss Leila Chasteen - Mrs’ J. E. Porterfield and little boys are spenping a few days this week with Mrs. A. J. liucker. Miss Belle Rucker accodpanied by Mr. Hiram Henderson visited Missee Rosie and Minnie Suddath Saturbay. Mr. Torn Flynn wishes to know why we abrnire his pieces. It is for their information and instruction. We were not aware but what they were .solid truths, but “An honest confession is good for the soul.” Misses Leila Chasteen and EfFi Meadows visited relatives in and and near Harmony Grove last week. Mr. Jim Henderson has returned home from the “-Land of flowers” to spend a few weeks. Miss Belle and Master Iwock Blrck well visited the family of Mr. Cbas teen Sunday. Bet*. ■THE BEST is what the People I buy the most of. That’S Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla k&e the largest sole OF ALL MEDICINES. n Jl ACiurAndßmnTMArKmrrltfnrsd W by Dr. ails.’ Num* riaatsra. NO. 11.