Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, July 23, 1896, Image 4

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CONFIDENCE IS THE ASSURED TRIUMPH OF Mas: Joseph’ Every One is interested, and eager is the public to get to the genuine BARGAIN TABLES. Dress GOQds, Towels, Rugs. Genuine Meraimack Shirting Prints 3Jc Clearance Price. Aseoited Gingpama 34c, werth double. i Dress Styles Zephyr Ginghams sc; -were 10c. Cotton Crepes 5c to close out our stock. Fancy Scotch Piques, printed, 7Jo Clearance Price, Ladies black Silk Mitts 10c; were 350. Gents’ Balbriggan Undersuitß4oc; were One Dollar. Black French 45 inch Serges 25; others want 40c Black Figured Mohairs 21c; were 39c. Kaikai Wash Silks 05c; were a Quarter. 56-inch ail linea Cream Damask 25c; good value 35c. Linen Hem Huck Towels, 45x24, 21c; Can’t match ’em. Checked Nainsooks 4£c: the kind we sold at 10c. MAX JOSEPH, - Athens, Oa. good crops. I n.'ur’U'd from :i trip font week r M iniiaon and ' ‘ n -ver have .e- The work i.i all of ... j o •>.. . .no, wc-ie m line con dition. The farms of this section are in a very high the farmers are thrifty and independ ent. I passed through one section of country that T admirod|i*i particular. That w in in the vicinity ot Five Fork-, mi the G (.’. N R R. No prettier SfC.t.i*n c.iidd o.) found i Guoagia. It is Uvel as a Hour and holds if cotton of fifty to two hun dred acres in a body) that will yield hree quarters to one bale of cotton the acre. I stopp.d over night with Mr. Hope Tboinqson one of as clever and good citizens as Georgia affords. He has a fine farm on Seuth Kiver wilh about a thousand acres in culti vation, and is one of the most inde pendent farmers in Madison County. While I mention Mr. Thompson this locality is filled up with at pros porous and enterprising people as can be found in Georgia. Mr. G W. Coffee ene ef Banks County's most intelligent and ener getic school teachers has a fine school in this locality Mr. Coffee is well up with the times on the new methods of teaching and the people there are well Phased with their selection of the haudsome litllo Prof.from Banks' Yours Respectfully, A. A. W HITE. Now is the time to provide your self and family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against an attack of bowel complaint during the summer months. It costs but 26 cents and is almost sure to be needed before the summer is over. This remedy never fails, even in the most severe ca.>es. and is in fact the only preparation that ran always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. For sale by R. T. Thompson, liomer. PECULIAR lw _ ombination, pro ■ portion ami prep&ratiou of ingredi ents,Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great •#!*#▼• value. You should TRY IT. Think It Over. Have yen ever hoard of a medicine with such a record of cures as Hood’s Sarsaparilla? Don’t you know that Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the Oue True Blood purfier, lias proved, over anil over again, that it has power to cure, even after all remedies fail? If von have impure blood you may take Hood’s Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. HOOD’S PILLS assist digestion. 25 runts. A Grout Chance to Make Money. I want ts tell you of my wonderful success. Being a poor girl and need ing money badly, I tried the Dish washer business and have cleared •200 every month. It is more money than i ever had before and i can't help telling yon about, it for i believe .any person can do as well as 1 have if they only try. Dish Washers sell on sight; every lady wants one. The mound City Dish washer Cos., St. Louis, Mo., will give you all necessary instruction, so you can begin work iat once, The Dish Washer does splendid work; you can wash aud dry the dishes in two or three minutes without putting your hands in at all. Try this business and let us know how you succeed. ELIZABETH C. Mr. W. T- Nelson, president of the Second National Bank of Jackson Tenn. says: “ For indigestion and nervous trouble. I would rather give up any remedy than King’s Royal Germetuer Asa nerve tranquilizer and restorative, it is all that can be desired It is not a narcotic in any sence but produces the happiest el fects upon the disordered nervous system. I consider it an invaluable remedy, and have for several years been recommending it to my friends. NOTICE. An examination of applicants for teacher’s license will be held at liomer on Saturday July 2otb, 1896. Commence at. 8:30 oelock a. m. As there will be no other examination before July 1897 Teachers whose license expire prior to that time are required to Rtand this examination. 11. W. Wooding, Cl S. C. LJOOD’S Sarsaparilla wins Its way " into the confidence of the people by the good it is doing. Fair trials guarantee permanent CURES. 10 dozen Ladies Whtte ripped rests, AT 1 CENT EACH. 15 dozen Children’* white and colored Trimmed Straw Hats, 35 to 50c grade AT 10 CENTS EACH 10 dozer. Ladies Shirt Waists, made of very line Lawn, i gored and tripod, raiue 75 ceets, AT 20 CENTS EACH. 50 dozen Ladies Hose, full regular made, seamless, the 2C ant k 1 AT IO CENTS A PAIR -5 pieces Satin Duohesse, Evening shades, white, cream, lemon. ? h blue, bronze: value 85c at 44 cents. 3 pieces lilack Satin Duchcsto: value $l.OO at 58 cents. 3 pieces Striped Taffeta Silk soft and rich. Value 05c at S3 cents. 6 pieces Gros Grain Silk: 2 pieces of these are soft finish and 4 piece eitra heavy, value $1.25, at 68 cents a yard. 50 pieces Ribbon, all withe, narrow and very jvide, values 15c to 25c. a 5 cents a jard. Sheriff Sales for August. GEORGIA: Banks County..— Will bo sold on the first. Tuesday in August next, at the couit house in said countv within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash the following property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, being and lying in tlie county of Banks and State of Georgia, on the waters t Webbs Creek, adjoining lands of Mack Brown and if. B. Caudell on the* North; I). H. !\ Garrison and Jack Ragsdale on the South; Mack Brown on the West W, B. Caudell and others on East. Containing one hundred *and three (103) acres more or less, levied on as the proparty of Sarah E. Bent. This 24tn day of June 1896. J. W. SUMPTER, Sheriff. nun Mante Is, Brackets and Show cases made to order at prices to suit the times, at W. 11. YBU IGHT'S Shop ( MAYSVILI.E, GA. A. 1\ Peering and T. G. Iladaway have moved f;om Wanning ton to Broad Street, just above Athens Hardware Cos., Athens, Ga. Call or. them when you want anything in the vehicle or harness line. NOTICE I will be at Homer for 30 days from 9, o clock n.m. to 4 p.m. beginning 3rd day of August 1896 for the pur pose of registering the legally quali fied voters of Banks County, and will settle with those that are in arrears for past years as the law directs, and will correct auy and all irregularities that may have occurred in the registration during the present year 1896. Books for registration will close 7th Sept 1896. L- J- Ragsdale T. C. Banks Cos. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdet World's Fair Highest iWedelud Diploma IA Presidential Year I is Mays Fun oi mseresi 1 /ftid This Year the People lilcet Everything From President 'Down. i Ibis Includes Congressmen, Governor*. Legislatures and Almost i Everything Else. You Must Have (be News, lyemanber, HSk jpUttta itVlilg - ion || i Published at Atlanta. Ga., and Having 1 A CIRCULATION OF MORE THAN 150,000, chiefly among the farmers of the country, and going to more homes than any weekly newspaper published on the face of the earth, is Toe Leading Champion of the People in all the great coa tests in which they are engaged against the exactions of monopoly. THE CONSTITUTION IS THE BIGGEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published rn America, covering the news of the world, ha vi n g_correspondents in every city in America and in the capitals of Europe and reporting'in full the details of debates in Congress on all questions of public in terest. Price $i per year. It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and as an exponent ot Southern opinion and purveyor of Southern news it has no equal on the continent. AN ENLARGEMENT OF TWELVE COLUMNS To meet the demands upon its space for news. The Constitution has Increased its size to 12 p;.ge. 7 columns, r.iHit , SI column t each week. THTraNsnnmultbs? vuT kaiJll-T t, ‘? ££ The Fasr.n and Farmer*’ Departir.snt, r* e Women's Department, The Children's Department, are all under able direction and arc special!) attractive to those to whom these department 8 are addressed. Under the editorial management of CLARK lIOWLI-T., its special contributors are writers of such world wide rep it i; i. -i as Mark n, Bret Harte Frank ii Stockton, Joel Chandler Harris, Be' r-y IL’iidton, arc. hundreds of others, while it offers weekly service from such writers as Bill Arp, Sarge Plqnket, Wallace P. Reed, Frank L. Stanton, and others, who give its literary feat ares ;• peculiar Southern daver that commends it to every fireside from Virginia to Fexas, from Maine to California. STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELED, The Constitution salutes the free people who insist that the aervants of the peojile shall not become their masters. By special arrangement the paper publishing this announcement will be clubbed with The Constitution at tae remarkably low rate announced elsewhere in this issue Gazette and Constitution $1.25 i i, maned Hats, ai e very latest styles, including the popular thor ba. s. Pad. re, leal va.oe Jo 97. ..i *2.98. • * uiiorn Hals in a variety oi at vies .. ' r ioi nearnore or veuntrv value jf~ 50, at $1.98 ■AH . r ntrin ed Ha - reduced d<•.:o lr *"■ '' ii ’ 1 Hata; White M *Hi wn.'e trim wine, worth 75c, at 25c. It ood \ inlets, ill to close ,ic 3c a oucch Hoses in a.! dor. <-a* and wu to 25c on the doll,, I will caution aii who inted getting FIRST CHOICE to call as early as possible for correct sizes and justthe kind wanted.