Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, October 15, 1896, Image 3

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Avrarce-j Highest Hanorr, .Vorid’s Fair, v.— •rr -V—-. V* A -J* 2c.£moA j. . T i-1 pUP -J^Tpl MOST PERFECT MADE. A puie Gripe Cre- -' of Tartar Poe. ’ r. Free %om Ammonia, Aijm or any oth - adulterant. 40 YE/'.' STANDARD. LOCAL^EWSANDNOFKS. GATU?:itEI> FKOM TOWN AN ’ > COUNTY.' Little Items to<P Short lor Heads Hut Long Enough to In terest the Iteuiler. Mr. Siig Morris was tu town Mon da y. Judge T. U. U:l! uent to Atlanta Monday. Mr. John Brewi.r was in toiyi Tuesday. Cos!. Dave! S. Star r Turned trom Royston Friday. Mr. 1!. T. Thompson's gin lias done a good business this time. \lr. S !.. ( x vbiicil relatives near Alt' Airy Saturday. Mr. Vance Perkins, of Alt. Ain visited il lative:; here Sunday Mr. J. !1. PatiTfsoo visited rein lives in Hail countv on Tuesday. The Doctoi s tpoit that the sickness among the people is abating vets materially. Miss F.lia Ash, aecompuni and b\ her brother Mr If. ],. Ash, I Mnysville Solid.:v Yen c.-.n li\ il< Fund;} Febooi mug lx oim :| t Ct hwavVir.usic house Athens. Aii coitiiimnicalions intended tor publication should be add:-.- I tu 1 !1E l izi 111 , IF mi 1 • < a. Ho:i .1* !'. U maj ir iv va lid in this count . ill k- • a It his elect,en. Mr. G. iff n turn I 11c i work * 1 lie ill nun . their calls anil ■i 1 eH'M,; u 1 wn this I.ill. j iit-y iv: .1 .' 1 ,y i nge amount of business. * (' it ton picking lia.s ai v i a v| •: etc rapidly among our fanners :h; - foil., The fine wcatin r has beeii .r blessing to f it'tnc;' as wvli as to ot her . Rain commenced fating 1. ~te livi'. oil .Mini 1 a morning a'. .11 I!vv 1i a 1 1! and by noon the clouds were all miiit and san was shim tig again. T. C. Conwav t o music man 1 ; Alliens, buyo? Pi 1; o'- :i ||,l Or- ms for 1 spot cs'sh and can save you nimicv < l: the lan cause o a fir-*. class an. | mei'.ts. From all ucyounts C "i ali-a latids I Cough It to - alv is a(1 ;|si.-nd 1 th.e i allbolcd. There i-. no ad vert H* men! ' about this; we feci just iik.• - > j - : l ife (.. iv -i K.. Far Sale ,Fy R. T. I'll • :p - j chant, Homer. Misses Anni • I.eek, I/sse '3 McCon nell, .Minnie L-i k, Dr. mi,! Mrs Furr and Mr. i\. I . -Li iris were the guests of Mr. and Mis Sieve Purr Suml iy. Tax Coliector R -gsdule .1, in town last Tin - , lay, ret- vitig the cmmrai in laii/us o‘ !,i - friend, <m hr- l. t cl actio:;. i; Mr. R ig- lalt i.';. J j t.-nn bei.v. made an itiiiient officer. C mrley Brat!'l is : " ;■ give Dick Russo! a tiusl- f--r ti.i> nf S Mcitor ii ■:! ■■ ri. of tins circuit vv It -e the Legi.Tit re mo Several years ago I was taken with a attack of iin.v. I was sick in boil about vs ami could go! nothing to relicv • ini* until I Cli m.i) .ri .k Vs C Cholera ami D::i:iire.i lfamedr, which cur* *1 me and Ins been a household n-ine'h with us ever since. C- M \n;.oyv. Jlcc.anrville, 2iT>. For sale by I,’. T. Thompson, Homer. Only three new registrations are repoit-d so far. You must rev's e:' o icc a yearif you want to vote- A P: Wofford an,! Mr. Alex ,, r p -/t and through Homer Tuesaay tueir wav to Athens’ Ur. J. R binsou of Bald win- was in town one da, this week on business and subscribed for the Gazette- Mr G. Blackwell is now owner and proprietor ol shop Lore and solicits the patronage of the people | Give him a trial and you will be | pleased with work and prices’ Mr. Joe Slayton’s little son about 1 seven years of age fell out of a wagon I one day recently and broke bis arm : at tile elbow. Wo are glad to learn I that the little fellow is progressing i dnely. Wo are proud to see Mr. ,kaek j Turk out on our streets once more at j ter ii.s iong eonti torment from typhoid j lever. His little boy and little girl are both getting up again. I!ev. Mr. Jiauifi 1: prim hid a ver\ j interesting sermon at the method:-" I church Sunday evening lleAtast s i that he liopes to b; able to give tlie ; llomcr people 11 o’clock preaching I next. year. Wo w'clo tine “Saniby 1 ’ .back into i the Gazette ranks. We Well like toi .ill t.;.- old correspon hints \<> send us the news as utteu as j)’),i.ifie, ii they want to. \’e will do the best we can for you, a1 1 ive know , from self exjK-nano • foil 11 Hhing wilt ad I vance you taster in the art of letter ! writing than writing for thegirvss. Mr. Barney Gillespie was found j dead in bed on Saturday morning last | He had been a sufferer from heart disease for some years, but was - i thought to be in better health than usual. Fie role a!! day on Fri i day attending to business away from home and returned in the evening, j ate .1 hearty supper and died that j night, air. Gillespie lived near Nails ! Creek church in the eastern portion of | the con ty an 1 was highly" cstiemed ; among his neighbors and by aii who I knew him. He was 1 member of the 1 Methodist courch and was buried iq Mt. Pleasant Sunday. Rev. I>. H. Cry nicks gn bouse to nether with two bales of cotton, and I SO 1 ,) bus'iels of cotton seed were di. strove i by fire i.n Satu:day night last I lt .waa reported that some Levs went ! into t he building and catch :,sl 1 struck la .• •' cii u mil, lgnit* and Ihe hut and '■ m 11 1 so, :i 111\1 ■i• 11a-d the 1,1 1 j Services west- in ‘ . Mt. Can tel el inch, a few •• vet;u •;! lim i’l.ngiegation i ■ g u M one bale el cotton was re moved 10 time to save them from the live - Mr. <!.,mley liiii was inter est c' in the in ;h. .w i Id STPH YOU AUK K?G II T And lie 11 go ah, id. If votir hiood is impure, y ,;ir ajioetite 1 aihig, vonr nerves \u ik, you may be Mire that lb, ds t’; o -op;, 1 ilia is what y,,ri lie, Then t;.Sv nn sub-tiMit". Insist upon l;■ ands .111 . only Hood' . Tins is the ii,’ diciia* which in tin world. 11 , ill's F-:,r-.,p .1 iii.i is the Olio True I,'io" I Furificr. 1 K >GD SPI l.f.'-t are prompt, i-ffi ciout, always n indi.c, easy to l ike e op. me. Votive. d' m> and ■'•'ill 1 re Love oi> \! •11. lay 0.-to ■ r :J ,i ~ 1890, and '• >n 1 on ti ■ 1■; - ■r a sueii vo ■a : i -os ai nyay In- 10 • ,rc. Till' l:'T. Vw: i "iir t ran iiathi r ; An removed fii.-tu each oile r l.v a ' sll a1: <H many \ ■ ;cs. )Ict r. ; :i ii in a slo'.V going ;!: !i V. hdc Mill ; t••!:•• .! •* iic ' inc n express • r 11:.■ <•;<-< . iv■ ca When i-e we..-, si, he wan ; ■ Si ■<l ! ".• oid fed i Si (i im : ;ii <| | given oh I fa'li! noil no <l:Vin>. s, but' ma ■ I UK ! ;v. ill ;’v in evci ything oiso. f foe, A," V arsvj) .= Via is the me :, ■no of today. Jr :s sii'i'p r- ■: liy inotien; ucd heals atnl So 'i< r. 'Vtn arc lip-uglit lli(i skill m! knoa ledge of r.-ilci n;; •:( nee 11 ' : Sarsajmii:l t acts pibmptly '-■ 1 c ■ : ■ ■ 1 1 ' ire, fi- hb! 'it cun- >.: ami e'-t:;!,' lishes co,, ( | health. DISEASES OF THE SKI.V. The intense itching ami smarting <l at t ec/.en a, tetter, .- dt-rheum, and otln r ci err'a of the skin ii instantly allayed fcy applying Cintinberlaina Eye and .Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been nen ly cured by it. It Is equally ' for itching pil< ■ anil a favorin' rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil blains. frost bites, and chronic sore < yea. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box! Try Dr. Cady’s Condition i’owflers, they ’rejust vvliat a horseue.-ca: ,n i 1 iiad condi don. Tonic, blood pm : - l and vermifuge. NOTICE. Ilomer school will begin on Mine day Oct. g(i. The Fall term will con tinue two mrntlis. T4ie Sjating term will b'gin on the first Monday in Jan. Lt’ffT. M. C. Samikkp, Teacher. As , lull I am opposed to proprie tary medic;ines. Stiil I value a good one, especially when sueh h 1 he source of iv Pit from pain. Asa topical external application I have t. nnd Cliambi ilam’s Pain Bidm the !),*■' remedy 1 have t-ve’* used tor neural ftia of an 1 kind. I have conseien tious’y leiaimmended it to many persons. Wil l IAM iioKM-. *M. ])., Jacesi i!!e, Wi<. Sold bv R. T I hompson. Merchant, Homer. Notice to Creditors. All persons indebted to me for pm. foss onal services rre roc mst’d to set,- tle by Nov. Ist. Mr. J. K. Ste; turns will have charge of my collection and after that time all unsettled bids will be placed in the ha ds of proper offi cials for collect i m. V. 1). I.OC KIIA T. Notice. 1 have money to loan on farm lands real estate at a cheap rate of infeicst. Terms live rears. T’ < ’ Iyr rr.K Harmony Grove. Ga. OLD DR- DIG MMOXI). !i as an enduring inoiiutuetH in the aifeetion and esteem of thousands who Pave been respited to health and hap pincsshy Dr,Dm . mend's Lightning RemeiTit s for Rheum Uiism. if your druggist has not got .it, do not take anything else. Write to tin* Drum mend Medicine ( o-, New \ ork, and M)ay will send you full particulars and testimonies ftolll 22 stats. Agents wanted. Not ice. Th* registration book for the Nov election will be kept open at Homer until 11 1 c Pith Oct. ISP6. 1 11 my .ah -nice-I, N. Turk will ser eas my clerk. M.-st resp. L. L tAOSDAI.K, Tux Colli-etoi’ Banks County. ; hit 0 ’MILL I• 1 GIVI IN. *l',n any case of IMteuniafisin which cannot be cured by Dr. Dnimmomi’s l. ghtiiing Remedy, 'i'l.e propri-tors 'o no, hide this offer, but print it in hold type on all their ciculars, wrapp v: , |ainted matter, and throtigli the • opiums of newspapers everywhere- It will w< 1!; wonders, or.e bottle il' ettre uc.-rlv every case. If die drug ; ist has not got it, he will it, or it will la sent to 11. address cv pre paid express on receipt of price tib ! a • mi one- Med'cino Cos., New Ac i-’t. An:s war'ited. : Its Value Ifecognized By Eitysieians. Li :i rcccTit letter to the manill'act ' 'ii't i" Mr. W- •' lienjaniui, edit, r of 11 lie S| --< t fiof, Rushtord, N. Y., tavs -1 “It may be n pi asitre to yon to 1 know Ihe high esteem iu whi.-h ( I: iinhei lain’s medicines are held h> It it-people of your own slate, where | tn' \ inu' the best known. A:i aunt ! of mine, who resides at Dexter, lowa, , was ; Imut to \ i -:t me it few years i suitco. and b< owe'leaving home wrote 01 ', as!- in;; if they yvere soid ni't'e, 1 ;lil: : if the} W"ie not she would ; ; 'iTug .! ipmnti!'' win her, as .-he • ■ not !:i:e to le ", ii haul I hem.” 1I e meda-iui s referred (>, .re <'!, on i b-rlaifi s G'.iiyo iLanedv, fari.oits for j ks < fire 1 i "hi ;:11 ■ • croup; (ii am : list lam s Jhi in Balm , >r rhec mat isn- i ; lame back, pan- in the side am 1 -best, r.ud Chai'.bmFin’s Coli-a L'bu! 1 to and Diarla e 1 jnedy for •on 1 complain: These n.m’lii in u- * n ci 1 lain 11:, in L-1 f>r aim s' a ipiart'-r of a cent The people h ive b-ana •! that, they ;, • 1 1 ales of great worth and in.alt and iini'.j'aah.'i! by any fill, r. 'l'hey are tor sale here yb R. Thom]:- ti er b id, Homer. Life of iSrv; 11 and Scvntil. \.c iiiivc just received a copy of I !>• Fife ami hj.i eclu-i' of JJryan and S wail - ’ from (he l’nblisheiv. and v.o o sire to call tin* at tent ion of our read vis, wbo may be interested, to this ; book which is of great V she, and should lie ;n possession of ail who arc anxious to know of these two Candi date-, price of the book is do : cents for paper rover, atpl SI.OO for cloth iiindmg. The [’ublisbers desire an niront, to canvass this town, and wi l allow any agent, a commission of v. y per rent. A Prospectus Book and circulars giving full particulars ui 1 be sent, to anv address for <JQ cents. A hires-! .(. S. Orilvie Publish ing C<>., 57 Rose St., New York. iSi;inJnrl,<- stopped !„ 20 minutes liy I>r. i Miles J ain I inns. “Oucfc cent a dose." A PIECE OF CLOTH. (Continm and front first page.) A few lours a'terward I received a note. •‘Disguise yourself as an old woman and come here at once. Come in a cab. Weir a thick black veil. Send up word taat you are inv Aunt Agnes Lose no time.” I lost none. As I went slowlv up the stm rf, wit nmv black veil down. 1 could hear mv heart beat. Kitfv opened lae door, called out,”Whv. aunty, diinr!”and shut it. “1 have opened the door 1 etween my room anil Mrs. Midi’s ’ she said “I hue found something. 1 can’t appear in 1 his matter. You must see for 3 omit It.” She lid me into the handsome room and went to a wardrobe. There, from beneath other dressis, she drew a plainly cut coat, or redingot'-, of thin black clot.;*, wit 1 ryany buttons down the iror.t, sj read it on a chair.- A bout the . eight of the knees a piece was tom away mill a button gone. “Hi.,-h!" s'ne said. ‘ \Y.e don't know a ho ii:} lie listening. Make no sound, 1 libit she took the tiit of Cloth from her pocket, fitted it to the relit and laid tie buttons on it. “ the piece of doth found m dead Mr-;. J. l'i’ries' hand came from this gamy nt,” was her remark. “Y- s. I said, “she must have d:s g'ii st’d him in it. But—why” i‘(J •osev!” said Ktltv. * Mr. Jeffries could not get into this. Mrs Mid won-it herself. Mrs. Mull killed old Mrs. Jeffries. The nephew knows nothing about it—guesses nothing. This wicked woman wanted to marry him. \\h; n ho had inherited the estate tSiiii has done- it. 1 watched through lhe | pee pi toil! 1 had mad,,. ,1 saw, her writhe in agony, aid, without speak ini: a word, wring her hands and tear her hair. It was an awful sight, but 1 know it was ■ guilty conscience that in,Ai dlnr. i in. re—you ‘have it all in yo'jtr own hands now. I’lii go and t• 11 Mi's. G that 1 have i-eivs which •nust lak <me av.av, pay her mv board a- ,1 - o with you in the cab.” 1 left lu r at her own door. Mrs A!"II was urn s*• •11 at the stafnn 011 her return, and it was all as Kitty said. She made full confession. She had con veiled the idea of murdering the old woman that her nephew might get the money, and she had hoped the poor roiifineudiT would lie charged with the ci line. She was a fiend in female form, but the thought that I had driven a woman to the gallmvs li.united mo and sick eti.’d me of the detective business which 1 left very soon. Kitty and I are keeping a little hotel not' and prospering very well. I .option l it Bits. ‘ A subscnbcf who has not paid for his paper in six years,” savs a Missou ri exchange,“writes tii us to know bow vre stand on the financial qnos ti-n. Wo have telegraphed the sheriff; to arrest him and hold him until w; gei our shotgun repaired. We can j land some things, but such hr., '.on effrontery as this is unbearable,” S'i'.vt'KOF Ohio, Cityc.i- - Toi.eido. ) 1., ■" ■ Coo’N'i v. ) J-'rank J. Cncney makes oath that Inj. is the senior partner of the firm .of :Ahinoi i. J. ('. 1 ~. ' 0., doing Imsine-'s in the City oi Tub'd'), county and State aforesaid, anil lhas said fit in w ill p;.v the sum of ON lx ! i UN OK HD DOLLARS for each nd c cry case of Catarrh that can ; >;• cored by tiie use of 11a1.1'6 Lurk. J'R.dNKJ CHENEY. V i oil) to befc-re me and subscribed hi tin presence this (Jib day c.f L)e - ■ ibrr, A. 1). If.’.Sli. - - A. \V. GLEASON, h. f ,i 1 Nuhmj Partite. ff V ins f'atarru Cure is taken inter nally and nebs directly on. the blood j ■ml rnuenous surfaces of tie system v .c) for testimonial-'. free. I‘. J. CHI'.N EY c: CO., Toledo, () j t "VS'il'l by Druggists, 7e. ANSWER TO INQUIRES Commissioner Nesbitt’s Ques tion Box For the Month. Question.—What has become of the wire cotton tie, in which wo as farmers should bo much interested? We have heard nothing ci' them recently, nmi suppose from this that you lmvo been unable to secure a substitute that would answer all the purposes of the flat- tie. Wo as farmers would like to know,*if we will bo eompeilo i to submit to the imposition of tkeeoit-m tie trust a:; ither yea!'. Akswbh.—Owing to the rapidity with which' tho crop h:: i been gathered, and also tj the fact that most merchants and pinners had already purchased a supply of lias beoti im possible to introduce the wire tie gen erally this season. Tito first ones tried did not give entire satisfaction, but you will see from the following certificates, j that tho improved Hitt wire tie, double strand and patent buckle, is not only a substitute, but is consider,' i superior to the fiat tin in iu\->.y rnsn.v: A bunch of the.;* weighs .V) lbs. anil easts fit. 10 at present price;. Tea {lit ties weigh ■l3 lbs. ro the bunch au-.l cost Wo trust that farimrs vid read I lease cer tificates nmi inves.igito tho merits of these new th's. Any ijuefiions ad dressed to the Dap u imont of Agricult ure, Atlanta, will be cheerfully an swered. Till' Brunswick compress, where the tie; were tried, is Imo of the largest in the south. The cimlieate sneaks in no uncertain tones as to the superiority of tho wire tio. The ties wiil bo on exhi bition at- tho Agricultural Department., and wo would bo jjluti ro have farmers come in and ex iiuino them. The two j additional certificates are from two dif ferent compress companies in Albany, Ga. lim* wick, Ga., Sept. 23. To Whom It M;i,v Concern: I am now handling cotton upon which Ilitt’s wire tie and patent buckle has Imm ta -1, and having had 2.1 yimr-Aof 1 experience in stevedoring and compress I mg will say that J can highly recont | mend the llitt device to toe public as being in every way far superior to the plat, bands ami bu-'l;‘es heretofore used. J ir-t. it is cheaper, hence tho plan tor j get- a hem-fir.. k'eeoud. VAr; bands will not break ; mm can be tied just as quickly as tho ones, hen " tho compress people are i b- 1 e it :,l 'J.nn and. Wire bauds can be tied tighter i than ! ;t bands, which means a greater j density, and as there will be no broken j bands the cnttoii arrives at destination in much better condition than if it had j boon I'oinpro.-:-, and with flat bands thereon, I hence the ii ■ per.s are beuelimd in two I ways: first, I miv -r ocean rates on act {count ifi 11, “r ul. sco.-ily, tmdsecondly by imvin r c-;ion ii-acli destination in ! better condition than if pressed with flat bands. Fourth. There are no sharp ends of banns to cut the hands of laborers when humid ;; cotton compressed with the Hitt ih-vice, heuco the stevedores' will prefer wile bends "don cotton. Fifth. Underwriters should make a. reduction in insurance rains on cotton with wire bunds upon it, and no doubt they will when they are giciortvlly used, jas iu case of fire wire bauds will stand more than double the of flat bands without l ie;.lcing, home a great deal more cotton will ho saved in bales than if it were in tho loose condition, as loose cotton.burus very rapidly. • Respectfully, A. F. (Jiivi;r;m,T,, Pro. idont Tin Brunswick Terminal 00. B:IU.s-sv.”c;t, Ga., Sept. 24. lion. It. T. Nesbitt, Ooimnissiouer of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga: Di: \li Fid -I forgot to mimtion in my letter of ye:.; a-day to you t hat I have had considerable experience in the use of wire bands upon .cotton, i have used them in tho past when doubling cotton (parting two halos together) under groat pressure iu our Brunswick compress. Necessity compelled me to use wire, as the flat bauds would not hold doubled J bales. Wire bands will not cut the bagging I of c.dton 1 >;ilii;; when two bales are pres-ed iyto, let alone npaa siayle pressed bales. J. have proven this fact from practical experience, and X make this statement without tear of cm traiiirfiou. Furlhurmoro the tousila strength of wire is far more than tensi e strength of flat h inds, heiuio tlic wi i not be any broken bands or bu; -ted bales when fi 1 vvitli wire, which mast is rtainly be a benefit to every!) >dy who is interested. I cannot discover any disadvantage in (lie use of the Hitt device, but, vice versa, it has an advantage over tiio flat baud i:t every partivaiar. Very respecta'uily yours, A. F. Chuhchii.t,, President The Brnnawick Terminal 00. A Li: V NY, O A., Sept. 111. To Whom it May (Nuicorn: In a trial or the “Hitt halo tic)” at our compress wo find if altogether availa ble for compress requirements. It scour, s tin) l. i.e at tlio density to which tho press reduces it fully as well an tiie baud tie. Respectfully, y OO.UPKKSS Ca, II Norr Parker) Seo’y. aud Treas. At. ev ny, Ga., Sept. 3-i Dear Sir—After having tried the Hitt bale tie 1 find, the strength of the tie and its met;- i A bu *.k!i lg entirely effective. Yours t.rniy, Ai.BA.vr CorTie-: Compress, J. K. WHiTEius ’.D, Managefc Order s fc r th"sc) ties (in car ; vlidp ), addressed to James A. Farrell, 2511 Broadway, 77. Y., will bk! with prompt i Agricultural Depart tJ’HE f*AST guarantees th . tuture a It is not what we say, but what Hoad’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Remember HOOD’S CURITS HOLLINGSWORTH. I'.v cryt hi ii" is iuovinir 01; quietly in our little village, and all seem to 1,3 e "j ''. in £ life since the election-. Dr- Duekett’s bcautiiul l.uilit ing is being completed, so now is your time girls to ask him the proper question. ■'lt'. Nathaniel Alexander, who was kart sometime -ago is almost well. Miss Zorn Shelton is spending a few wee ks with tl f 1: 11 lily , f Mr. E. g I Inflict t. .Miss Zora has a host of friends here who are always glad to see her. 1 note is a gv.od deal of sickness in "tir neighborhood, hut none serious, fudge Moss, of Hinder, was on our streets one day last week. We are always glad to see him. Vl ' n ‘'Yr . J. Tames at fended tie Association at Dubetvy last week. Mn la trie minor says there will he a double wedding m our little ere long. I el all come out to our Sabbath School every Sunday. Best wishes for tho Gazette. . Sambo NO CURE—NO BAY. He lives two miles from Gillsville ou tne Athens and Belton road and wi., come:to you if you are not in good health. He wdl cure v tho lu ' rhs 01 earth. He has cured more than a thousand, m the last two ye;;i s, in Hall and adjoining counties, moG of whom bad been treated by 'filler physicians and were not bone, fitted. Female diseases are treated wilb great success. Also Fits, Fevers, ( he, ( atarrli and Nervousness and a'l blood diseases. No charge made for consultation or treatment. Call on or address, THt: Indian Doctor. * Gillsville, Ga. /'/;<)/• VgViV /OXAL CA Ii I),S. 0-SCAR BROWN, Attorni:\ and Cot:nskli.oh-at-Law, HO.M ISK, GA " ’’l pructir in all tin* courts ami makfi ro? iß' tion u Hiechilt-. Caro anti promptness in ovory business. (J. W. BROWN, . Attokmiv .vrI.AW, M.vVSVII 1.C.1.A. Will <!n :i -rciicral |ir;U'ticc. CotlcrtUu; Np-iialtl. *' \ . D. LOCKHART, M. D. C ' (, i 1*'1: V, MKT of ri'lUC SIJI’AIIK, IIOMISR, GA. 1)R. W. B. JACKSON, DE'^’llWT, harmony grove: ga .Ml iv.irli R'laraiitei-il first class. Tooth ox- E‘" 1 wilheiit putn. liaic-oiivcr Bates W I'ar son.'s Jewelry Rfcoro. j)R. W. G. SHARP, a > M A YSVI 1.1. E., l,'A. r (r ofiico with Dr. 11. o. Htriclilanil, |)AVIi> 8. STARf, A i'TOIt NJ! V AT LA tv, IK Ml li, GA. S; r/tinl at • Htio'.i i. “ii to all Imfeii.esH. (jHARLKS WALKKH. vitcg.n;;v at.? aw, iIAiCMo.W GfJOvi;, (i.V. V> i!! in ail tl • ♦••ourts ami give pro mp nt-ion to all business. \ Blood and Skin Diseases !Al ways _ _ R I Cured. ‘ aD,d ' ! 150 JM .*ilo SsLOOik) ifi \Llfjr never fails ( cure isl! _ HT-winer of Blood and Skin dia* , ■ it is the t;rorvt Southern building up ’ ;)• : , Uemody, and cures allinunncr ,or n.;J diseases. Asa bulluin" ; it V. ,t •: r'\. a rival, and absolutely ' 1 ■i' -ri >n with any other similar iv ■ dy ever offered to the public. It is a panacea for all dls r<rfi!ltin from impure olood, or an impoverished condition of the knniun ystem. A single bottle will demon* otratelts paramount virtues. t "Sent! for free book ot vvonderfu! Cures. per large bottle; $5.00 for six j bottles. For sale; by druggists; if not send to us, j . v id ’■-!< dicin* will bo r.nnt freight prepaid on 1 receipt of price. Address ( BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ; jyOT WHAT WE SAY, but '' “ v/hatliood’r Sarsaparilla Does, that tells the story of its merit and success ‘••--.member HOOD’S CURES. pfc EC U LIA R i<- _ jmbination, pro ■ portion and preparation of ingredi ents, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should TRY IT.