Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, November 19, 1896, Image 2

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BANKS COUNTY GA/KTTi; ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Pottofflee at Homer 6a. on second daft* matter. Kato of SnlM'Tlplinn < a!t: VM rtm r fiO ftlxmonth* 25 CHAR P.tOSIIY, El>lTOa ATI BU-HFR HOMER, GA„ XOV. 19, 1*96 OUR I)EAR OULINQUUNTS. Thoughts Which Come Ic* Us in tlie Stillness of Night. Oftimes in the the midnight dreary, an we lie tired aweary, our heart A steeped in soirow, not dispelled by the tomorrow, as we (think of men unjust who would let our paper bust if we depended ujoi their aid—payment of that we’re fairly made—money oh, so hardly earned while with a.-hes our body burned; toilsome labor never ending, hopes and fears together blending; in the struggle to make the Gazette blossom like something vernal with items t please our friends thus the struggle never ends ! Scarce have we mailed one number, long before you read and slumber, we are plan ning for another—another to amuse yen, our brother; thus we toil from day to day, waiting, io'iging (or our pay, little of jov, much of labor, enter ing to yu, our neighbor, and when you pay a little money it is sweeter far than honey—for it your approval brings of our local and other things— news oh, so hard to gather, caught iu sunny or stormy weather —views of men w had to pump, how a squash grew from a stump —a wonderful, fear ful mixture, presenting to you a truth fill picture of each day's gossip told in type —letters so old they’re fairly ripe for the place called “printer’s liel.”— why so called we cannot tell. Arid there is another station t* which de linquents quickly hasten when they shuffle the mortal coil—when they quit this earthly toil—same in name as the “old type” b >x, a place old satan sa’ely locks—same iu mime, ’cept word “printer”- a place where its never wmler; theic we hare our revenge, watching your quivering body singe, as ou wings above you we hover, like a Cupid above a lever: (lights of fancy in our dreams—awake, but jus tice to us it seems! • Piesidcnt CUveland fixes Thursday November 26th as Thanksgiving day, While we have nn thanks' to render for McKinley’s election, let us hi thankful that wo ai soon to get rid of Cleveland- Gov. Atkinson baa rrs gccd from the senatorial race. He saw tbs band writing ou the wall and knew his po litiual destiny was i eal and forever if be continued longer in the race. At last the famous Georgia possum is to he protected from the ravages of tho hunter fiom March Ist to Oc tober Ist: Mi" McCook of Chatta boochee county lias introduced a bill in tin legislature to that c-ffcct. Wo h ive lived on the (arm all our life and never knew one killed through the simmer sensor, and therefore it seems to boa useless piece of legislation; but we will offer uo opposition. Merit “Merit taller" the HUB u u intrinsic vuluo ot I I Bar Hood’sSnrsapariUa. II wv j Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses act ual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact—the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. 1. Hood ft Cos., Lowell, Muss. Hood’s Pills HOOD’S Sarsaparilla ha- over and over again proved l*y its oiuvs, when all oilier prep rations failed, that it is the One True fiiLOOD Purifier. Democratic Meeting. Homer, Ga., Nov. 14 1896. A mast; met ting of citizens met at the court house according to previous appointment and elected Prof. R. C. Alexander chairman and Dr. V. I). Lockhart secretary. Object of meeting explained by chairman, to elect delegates to the State Convention to be held in Atlanta on the 18th for tha purpose of nomi nating candidates for Judges of Su preme Court. On motion of Col. Oscar Brown de cided to sleet four delegates to repre sent tha county in the convention. Delegates elected by ballot as follows: Messrs L. N. Turk, J. N. Coggins, Doc Carr and P. F. M Furr. Moiiou by Mr. J. Vr. Sumpter that the delegates go uninstructed. Dr. Lockhart offered to amend the motion so as to strike out the word uniLiHtructed and substitute that thev be instructed to vote tor Judge Caber of the Blue Ridgo circuit and Andrew J. Cobb. Amendment adopted. The following resolution was of fered by Col. Oscar Brows which wa adopted unanimously Resolved, That the course of Hop. J. K. Thompson in casting the vote of Banks county for lion. A S. Clay for U. S. Senator receives the hearty approval of our people, and that our Senator ana Representative should use idl honorable means in their power to secure his election. Meeting adjourned. R. C. Ai.uxixdkr, Chairman. V. D. Lockhart, Secretary. It is passing strange that some of our democratic members of the legis lature, who were elected by small majorities, alter a hard tight in their behalf by party friends, arc voting for Atkinson for 'senator and another 4 * election, before the echoes of the last one have died away. These gentle men may desire another political scramble this year put tfeeir coastitu cuts do not. It is consoling to feel, however, that a large majority of the democrats in the legislature hav had the nerve and patriotism to rise above every consideration of a persona! character, snd have refused to sacri lieu their convictions of duty upon the altar of any man’s ambition for public office,- Lawrencevillo New,, Oikml Seial For I’lnii't Question. —l* tim .selection of pood seed for planting as important as many think? Answrr.—Good so-vl is tlio very first requisite for it good crop, but a great number of farmers are \ >ry indifferent on tlii.s point, seeming to thins Mint any sood of a given plant will product) a good crop. There could bn no greater mis take. For instance, take seed of oats or wheat that h;iH boon cut when the grain was only half ripe, uud what is tho re sult? There is an immediate deteriora tion in the crop, tho yield diminishes, and smut ami rqsfc are greatly increased. Let your sood for planting jie always fully matured and ripened, that, the re sulting crop may have in it but few im perfect plants. Seed corn should not bo selected in tho crib, but in the field, where tho stalk as well as tho ear can l seen, juid where by judicious and I ers stent selection, great improvement m m7.j of ear and early maturity can be attained. There is much room for im provement in the way we select our cot tonseed for planting, and with more care m this respect we could consiaoia bly increase our cotton crop - State Ag ricuitural Department. Stocking FUti Fond. Qdkstion.—On my farm I have just completed a fish pond, covering about an acre, and from i toll feet deep. 1J >w can 1 get some fish to stock it. and want kind would yon w-ommend? Ansm hk. —Captain J. 1). Edmonds.m of Laliraugo is too fish superintendent for this state and you should write to him on the subject, Carp and tench have been the fish most usually selected for our ponds, ou account of the ease ! with which they thrive and multiply, but they are poor fish for tiio table, and I would recommend for your pond the black bass or trout and the bream, both of which ere very line table fish, aud being very game, afford much sport in the catching. If the government does not distribute these last, yon might find out from the fish superintendent where they can bo obtained. The speckled cattish is also a g.,. pond fish.—State Agricultural Department. llalkitis; HorM. (jUi:sTi6\ —How do horses acquire tho h.fbd of balking, and can they be cured of it? Axswkh.—The balking habit iu horses is not a natural or inherited one, but is taught them through bad or car loss driving. When first acquired, by ex ercising great cave, tins fault may be 1 corrected. Never whip a bulky lmrse or use any harsh means whatever to subdue him. Nothing but gentle moans will avail anything, unless you want to utterly ruin the animal. When tin* i bad habit is once thoroughly acquired, it is considered incurable and the ani mal is rendered almost worthless.—State i Agricultural Department. Nobody need have Neuralgia. Cot l>r. Miles' Pain Pills troui druggists. "One eear a dose." ■ Ordinary’s'Notices. GEORGIA Banks County. —The appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve months support for Mrs. Mel* viiia Thomas widow of Elisha Thomas deceased, having filed their return, ai! persons concerned arc hereby cited and requried to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said Countv, within four weeks from the publi cation of this notice, why the appli cation for said twelve months support should not be granted. This Oct sth 1896 " T. F. IIILL, Printer’s fee £2.31 Or’dv. GEORGIA: Banks Cointv.— The appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve months support for Mrs Cm tlba Gillespie, widow of Barney* M. Gillespie deceased, having filed their return; all person! are hereby hited and required to show* cause in tbe Court >,f Ordinary of said County; within four weeks from the publics t.ion of this notice why the application for said twelve months support should not be granted. This Nov. 4th 1896. T.E. HILL Printer’s fee $2.31 Or’dy. Sheriff Sales for Demcember* GEORGIA: Banks County.— Will be sold on the first ’Tuesday in December next at toe court house in said county within the lecral hours of sale to the highest bidder for rash the following properly to wit : One him deed acres of land more or less, the estate of J: A. Walker deceased, bounded as follows ; On the East by lands of J. K. Thompson, North In lands of A J. Sanders and others. Said land levied on to satisfy an execution issued from Banks Superior court in favor of Oscar Brown against D. )!' Walker administrator of said dea’cl, This Nov. 4th 1896. J W. SUMPTER, Printer's fee $3.27. Sheriff. GEORGIA: Banks County. — Will he sold on the tirst Tuesday in December next at the court house in said county within the legal liouis of sale, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following propett v to wit • Part of lot No. 3 in the 9th District of originally Hall now Barks and Hall counties said state, bound as follows: On the East by lands of S. E. Flecker and W. A. Morris, on the West Dv lands <>( the K. it 1). R. R. Company, on the North bv lands of J. B- King Said land levied on as the property of J. 1). Meyer* and J. M. Crow to .at isfy a fifa issued from Superior court of Batiks county in favor of J. B. Mv ersagainst J. i> Myers and J, 41. Crow, This Nov. 4th 1596. J W. SUMPTER, Printer’s fee g-f 35 Sheriff. GEoKI-iA: Banks County 'A II be soM on tlie first Tuesday in December next at tlje court house in said county, within the legal hmus of sale to the highest bidder for cash, tbe following property to nit: A tract ot land mthe 912th District G. M of s:id couoty hounded by lands of Jas W. Dodd J. R. Lacy J C (juillisn A Rio Poplar springs Camp ground and land belong mg to P F M Furr formerly the Moses Smelly place and being a part of three hundred acres of land mortgaged dv j the defendant to plaintiffs and con taming fifty acres inure or less levied on ns the property of J. N. Coggins | to satisfy a mortgage lifu issued from { tin- Superior court of said countv in favor of M. C. and J. F Kiser A Cos. against said J. N. Coggins. J. W St MPTER. Printer’s fee S !. i). Sheriff. Postponed Sheriff Sale. GKORGI : Hanks Coimv.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday m December uoxt at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale to tho highest b drier for cash, the following pi oj -cviy to v,ii: One certain tract or parcel of land, lyinj in tile 1206 district G. M. of said county, adjoining lands of W. ti. Pruitt, W. H. T Gillespie, Means and others. Containing twenty tn and unefouith acres more or less, said land levied on : s the oropert v ■ f Wiley .lone' to satisfy an Execution issued from Banka superior court against John L. Carson and Wiley Jones in favor of Robert Greer for use of Jas. Looney. Tenant in possession given notice as law directs. This Nov. 8, lbilb. J. W. SUMPTER, Shcritl. Printci's fee - Mh’i. GEORGIA : Banks Cot rv.— U ill be sold on the first Tuesday in Dec. next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to wit. The life estate of Cath trine Hardy in a certain tract of land known as the Armstead Hardy Hardy place lying in Hanks county contain ing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less and more fully described in the 3rd item of the will Armestead Hardy recorded in the Ordinary’s office on the record or wills “75 page the same being held by \V. Y.Presley as a lease: also two bales of cotton weighing about four hundred and fifty pounds each, wrnped in jute bagging said property vied as the poperty of W. \ . l’ros : ev to satisfy an execu tion issued from superior court ot saideouty in favor of Cathrine .Hardy against \V, Y. Presley Thi* Oct. 23d :*96. J. W. SUMPTER Printer's fee 0.04 Sheriff If your ehild-en ara subject to croup watch for the first sympton t>f the disease—hoarseness. If Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy is given a* soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack. Even after the cronpv cough has appeard the at tack can always be prevented bv giv ing this remedy. It is also invalua ble for colds and wbooping cough- For sale by R. T. Thompson mer chant. Homer. Notice. Agreeable to an order of Ordinarv of Banks county will be sold at auc Mon on the premises of Elizabeth An glin deceased ot said county on the 23rd day of Noreieibsr next within the legal hours of sale tbs following piopertv towit: One tract of iaad on the waters of Hudson river, bounded as follows oa the West bv lands of 1. iv. Sewell, on the Neith by Nail* Creek and Hudson river, on the East byjlands of Jane Anglin, on the South by lands ef Frsncina Anglin. Con taining one hundred and Revenry(l76) acres by actual survey; about.s9) tiftv acres of cleared land, about twer-ty tire acres of up land the remainder in original forest and pine field. Sold a* the property of Elizabeth Anglin, late of said county deceased, lei ms cash. This sth dav of October 1896. W. J. BURGESS, Executor. Also st the same time and place, will he sold one hundred and twenty six acres of land, joining lands of J. K. Sewell, Elizabeth Anglin and others. Part cleared land, tho re mainder in original forest and pine (h id. Term* cash. Tnis sth day of Oct. 1896. FRANCIS ANGLIN," By h*r agent W. J. BURGESS. NEW YORK WORUJ) THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. THE TWICE-A WEEK. Edition of the New York World has been converted into tho Tinner- \ week It urnishes 3 papers of (i pages, apiece, or eighteen paces every week, at the old price of ONE DOLLAR a vear. This gives 156 papers a year for t ne Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns in all. The Thhice a week Would is not only much larger than j any weeklp or semi-weeklv news- j paper, but it furnishes the news with I much greater frequency and prompt j news. In fact it combines all the j crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special features of a weekly. Wo will club the Banks County Ga /.cite and New York World for SI 25 l^fKRW 1 \\ „ if hA \ 3M ■ ' rNA ■■■ , • : /y-'-sg.- . I 0 [- ■ . V/ • .. ;> isl,% The Highest Prise . ° —— sivax BYsas- ~~ World’s Columbian Hxpositiony<3i , '>’ HAS B3EN ATTARDKD TO T?IS Davis Sewing Machine Cos. For fts High Gratia Family Sewicy flachinaa. Aocetat: OAViaSEWINC M.'Chime Cos. DAvrorr. OHIO. chioaov. ill. litoral ro Dyar & Ayers, 15LACKS5I1TUS and WOuD WOKKMEX, HOMER, GA. Old Buggies nnd Wagons made good as new We do all kind of worki n wood and iron at reasonable prices. Horeshoeing a specialty, WANTEMNIDEASttSKfi!S *,hinfir to patent ? Protect your ideas * thev mar brine you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C., for their SI,SOO prize oiler. •T. ROGERS, Pres’t W c. OLIVER, VicPre.'t. A. M. BENTON, S. ad Ir*. ....OFFICE OK INERIUHUK II Mil Cl (INCORPORATED.) DEALERS IX GENERAL HARDWARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. ,S " ch as ,he Osborne Mowers. Hay Rakes and Disc Harrow*, Olive e milled Fl>ws. Also Wagon and Buggy material. Guns, Ammunition, Beit Axes, I able and Pouket Cutlery. The Famous ‘NEW enterprise COOK STOVE.” !>e i -Miivinued also furnish\ou with anj kind of Machinery. Call and u.amiu* *ur stock a* 4 Coner of Carnesviile and Broad s*reets, next door to Quillian A So* HARMONY GROVE, Hasleton & Dozier iwIAY’ION St. DEALERS IX High Grnde PianosjOrgans .SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURES PICTURE FRAMING, ARTIST’S MATERIALS. We buy our instrument., from tirst hands, our own guaraniee on them am. ean niak* it to your interest to see us or writ* tons before bay Fertilizers for Fall Crops I should contain a high percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil. Won- for our ''Fanners 1 Guid-:." a 142-page illustrated hoott, 1 is brim full of useful information Jor farmers. It will be sent tiee, aa will make and save you money. Address. GERMAN KALI W ORKS. S3 Nawa* Sirwt, New Y<sd 4 tol Is what J. W. HEAD be lieves when he is crowded with work. He now has four good workmen em ployed at his shop between Homer and Maysville and can do your work cheaper than anybody. /AXGfsrwtfssr CotfPurrß-jarr/KcroKY w/Humf Wwieeqe n? Prices mo Ouet Goo OS AAS T/fC BiSt ' Cut 7 Pb/CCS Tti£ LONSST ~lSw\ Heci and a ia rt er s £ for Gv/ect Peas NEv\ . - .. - 1 rub to ns ' . . •. •r . • or.o-irf J ' •. - - ... . ■ ' v ' V . " ' . r :■■■ • . ... CV, ... ... . ■'.... : V- l, i ’.: r : . ) - V. : ■ . .- . ■ E ■; r -•• • n—• r.ocassTErv, VM3 •> i V S f -*J $V C> Wi : . - fo/xesrm/fo&CaifiiErrJSivir/icrswMfiuijii W&7zm/s OUM <SOCOS A#£ 7T*£ Oa/9 P/ticrs Trtz lowist K'\ Jbrrjr/AfKQ ,mm,■ - ?/!i”cd V?: ;r*<; < t)ountl ~■) ... ( > V tU;.* VOC'.ld lC > T * * ‘ —* JO J'.* j VOHifir ■ ■ - '. . . • •’.??£ Cl. it: