Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, January 14, 1897, Image 2

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BA.NKS COUNTY GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Attend at the Pottofflre at Jlomer #. attti'ond clast matter. Rsti of tubterlptUn-CMli: •*>* ymr % r 0 Blxuoatht ... S. L. COX, Editor &, Puhlihek HOMER, CA., JAN. 14, 1897. Tlie Constitution will issue an evening paper. The first edition will appear on the 18th inst. Tom Delk wlio is confined in Fulton county jail convicted of the murder of Sheriff Guinn, of Pike county, and who is to lie hanged the 29, inst. made a full confusion of the natter. Tom says (hat Langford hilled Guinn, hut ho was in the battle and it will cost him his life. He also states that his father had nothing to do witn the killing what ever. Tk# old man Delk has been granted anew trial' We call the attantiou of our read ers to the interesting details of our clubbing propositien, with The At lanta Weekly Constitution, publish* ,n full elsewhere - As will he seen, the joint price of our paper and The Weekly Constitution for oue year in but $1,30, Every subscriber will not only get the twe papers for lit tie more than the price of one, but will, in addition, have a chance to participate without cost in the “Miss tng Werd Contest’’, the premiums for which are effered by beth papers. Every subscriber is entitled to guess at the missing word in the following sentence: “Supply and demand arc us in timately ‘ as cause and effect.” and the cue who supplies the correct word will he entitled to 10 percent of the amount received from subscrip tions not only from The Constitution but all ef the papers participating in this clubbing off.-r with The Consti tution between now and the Ist of March. The Constitution guarantees that at least FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH will l>e distri buted, and probalv the amount'will he between SI,OOO to $2,000. If more than one person supplies correctly the iniesini: word, the cash amount ill be distributed among the successful jfuessers, A few months ago The Weekly Constitufion offered SI,OOO in cash to the subscriber guessing the sue of the year’s cotton crop as announced by the New Orleans ex'diangc The successful guesser was Mr, !(• 'l'. Poola, of Rockingham, N- C’., who re ceived immde’utely after the an nouncement of the crop by the New Orleans cotton exchange SI,OOO in cash from The Weekly Constitution, enabling him to buy the farm which he was then renting and pay him self out ot debt 1 Every intelligent person should subscribe to bis home paper and should lake at least one general news paper which covers the news of the world’ This The Constitution does better than any southern weekly n iwspaper. and the fact that it has sow the largest circulation of any weekly newspaper published on the western hemisphere attests to its pop ularity, It publishes J 50,000 copies every week a. and goes into more homes in ih southern and western stall’s than aiiv weekly newspaper published in America. You want your home paper; and vv a vou can gel it in connection with The Weekly Constitution for almost the price of one and in addi tion become a participant in the great missing ward centist, annutinc •<1 elsewhere, you should take prompt advantage of the combination. Re mit tho combination price to us and send vAur g css of the missing wi nking with il, and we will forw .i l your name to Tho Constitution, and your guess will lie dul\ recorded If you are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Weekly Con stitute!! forward us ONE DOLLAR with your guess of the ruissin word and wi- will see that it i* sent to Ti e Constitution. The proposition is an attractive one, ami it is to be hoped that some readers of this paper will supply t! e correct missing word in the abo < sentence. Know what to do, then do it No man’s word is as good as big moniT If a man deceives you once, drop lnm like a piece of hot iron. Promisees ond thing anil peifor inan<a another. Have all your busiueft in writing j*jgally witnessed. A person that will you lies on another will lie on you as soon as they meet others. A person that will work far noth ing, is worth nothing. It takes as much time and thought to do a five cent business at it dees to do a five dollar business. Loak before you leap, but leap before you sink. Better to leap and fall than to rot in your tracks. The devil hates a stingy man fo r fear he would try to save brimstone and let the fire go out and thereby burst up his business. If yen want to get inte the baim. stone business lake everybody’s ad vice. A If EM Alt K A liL E OF K E It. We have been laboring day after day aßd night after night lo make our county paper second to none in the state. We have worked faith fully, dilligcntly, and earnestly with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength in the work- Whether we have made any progress or not is for onr readers to decide, but our paper h not. rat what we desire. We want a g id local paper, one that will cover every locality in the county. To suc ceed in this we must have correspon dents, lots of ’em, and good ones too We have begged; we have persuaded but all in vain. It seems that con tributors are few and far between. A few have wrtten, but not often enough. We want regular weekly writers—enough to fill one page or lucre of our paper with their ’con tributions. We believe this is what the people want, and to obtain it we will make the following liberal offer. On the 25th and >y of December 1897 we will make a Christmas present of one $5 bill to the correspondent who writes the bed, oftenest. and i*ist desirable locals from bis or her local ity' Or in oilier words we will give to the best correspondent in the coun ty In c {dollars’ A contest, must be waged to decide who the winner will be- In making the decision we v, take into consideration the numb, of times you write, tho use of granv mar, punctuation, etc. What vie want is regular eorres pendents, and we will give you more credit for regularity than any tiling else The contest will begin with the first issue in January aud continue until the 20th of December' Let all begin te prepare themselves at once to enter the contest —and all enter determined to win. Merit Mnde and Merit Maintains theconfidenoo of the people In Hood’s Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures every where, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit’ Made That is just the truth about ITood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit been use it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others tall to do any good whatever. We repeat Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. u j 9 r*n cure nausea, indigestion, flood S r ills biliousness. cents. r.A.\:;!C OF OINTMENTS ! >k catarrh Til a r COX! > N MRRCCVY, as mere will surely c.estroy the of smell ami completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucuout aurfacM Such ci tides should never It* useb except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ion fold to the good you. can possibly derive from them. Hall s Catarrh ture, manufactured by 1\ J. Cheney A Cos . loledo. i\, contains no mercury, and is taken •. lero&lly, acting directly upon the blood anti mouous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall s Catarrh Cure be sure you pet the £enmue U is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio Uy F. J. Cheney vSi Cos. Tostimonia’a free. Sold, bv l)r ijijrists 7 >cper bottle* D A If ACHSand Khetmattsim relieved DMwIVSy IV. MiW ierva tttast+ra. ANSWEKB TO INQUIRIES Commissioner Nesbitt’s Ques tion Box For the Month. VALUABLE INFORMATION GIVEN How to Get Rid of the Han Jooe Scale, the Insect Which Has Recently Made IU Appearance In Different Section*. Burley at Stock Feed—The Best Variety of Early Corn, Rto. QOKSTIOJf. I send you a small piece of peach limb, showing some insects, that I fear are the San Jose scale. They are killing our poach and plum trees very fast. Please give rao all the infor mation you can on the subject of the San Jose seals, how to get rid of them, etc. Answer.—l had hoped that the dreaded San Jose scale had not yet ef fected a lodgement in Georgia, but the peach limb that you sent was pretty well covered with them, and as your trees are dying, they are doubtless in great numbers in your orchard. Mr. U O. Howard, entomologist to the United States Department of Agriculture, speaking of this insect says: "Wo wish particularly to impress upon the minds of fruit growers that as goon as this insect is found to occur in an orchard, tho most strenuous meas ures must be taken to stamp it out. No half way measures will suffice. Tho in dividual must remember that not only are his owu interests vitally at stake, but those of the entire community in whioh he resides. Troes badly infected should be instantly bnrueil. The indi vidual may think that he cannot bear the loss, but the loss in consequence of the slightest negloct will bo much greater. ” This pest Is m ~st likely to be intro duced into new localities upon nursery stock, bonght from inf noted nurseries, and no fruit grower should introduce into his orchard a single youug fruit Iron, or cutting, or oven a bud, without being absolutely satisfied that it is free of the San Jose scale. Tho female in sect, fortunately, cannot fly, but is sup posed to be carried from tree to tree by tho young lice crawling on other in sects and birds, nud then crawling off when they have lit In other trees. It is also thought tiiat they may be b’own from tree to tree by tho wind The in sect lies dormant nuder its scale through the winter, and begins feeding us tho weather ge s warmer i.i tho spring During the latter part of Ap it, or early in May, the females give birth to living young in great numbers. These are very rainuto, orange colored, quite ac tive and without any covering or scale. They run about the limbs for a short time, seeking a suitable place on the bark or leaves :u which to insert their sucking tutir As soon as they com mence feeding, tho scale or covering be gins to form over them, nud m about SC day.; he insect is fully developed and begins to bring forth its living young as previously mentioned. They thus con tinue to multiply, brood after brood, until cold weather commences. Now that this insect has become domiciled in Georgia, it is very doubtful if it will ever be eradicated, and indeed it will require the constant care, aud strenuous efforts of tho fruit growers to keep them from destroying the orchards. Thera arc but two romedios for this insect, the ax and whale oil soap thoroughly and care fully uppliod. Wbei'O tire trees are badly infested cut them down and burn without delay. Where not so numerous they may bo exterminated by a very careful application of whale oil snap, which application must bo made in winter, when tho tree is not in loaf, and before the buds begin to swell Tho soap can be made as follows: Concen trated lye, il l ., pounds; water, 8 gallon*; fish oil, 1 gallon. The lye should be dissolved in boiling water and the oil added while tho former is hot. The boiling should continue two and ouo half hours before allowing it to oooL Tho soap thus made should bo used at the rate of 2' a pounds to 1 gallon of water, mid should be applied warm. Tho whale oil soap enu be purchased for from 5 to 7 cents per pound at wholesale, and it takes about two quarts of the liquid t > cover thor oughly a poach or pear tree 15 or 4 years old. The application should bo made by spraying, and tho nozzle of the iprayer should be so directed, that every portion of each limb should bo covered with the liquid. Without the greatest care tho application will prove ineffect ual, for unless every scale on tho tree is covered with the liquid, and a few of the insects escape, they will infect the whole tree, the subsequent- season. The whale oil soap acts ns follows: The caustic potash loosens or softens the scale on the insect, and it is then smoth ered as it were, by the oily material in the snap. By this, yon will see the ue cessiiy of covering every seale on each tree. The advent of this destructive in sect into the state, along with many others, aim ist as bad, impresses upon me, and should 'especially impress upon all fruit growers in our borders, the im portance of having an entomologist ap pointed by the state, whose entire time should be devoted to investigating and destroying these noxious insects. This is a matter of vital importance to our fruit growers, aud if neglected the ooa sequences will be fatal to their inter eta.—State Agricultural Department. TO Weak Men Young and Old. Rejoice with us in the Discovery. When a man has suffered for years with a weakness that blights his life and robs him of ali that really makes life worth living, if he can avail him self of a complete cure, why not pos sess the roosal courage to stop his own downward course. We will send you by mail, ABSO LUTELY FREE, in plain package, the ALL-POWERFUL DR. HOFF MAN’S VITAL RESTORATIVE TABLETS, with a legal guarantee to permanently cure LOST .MANHOOD SELF-ABUSE, SEXUAL WEAK NESS, VARICOCELE, STOPS.for ever NIGHT EMISSIONS and annul drains. Returns to former ap pearanees emaciated organs. No 0. O. I). fraud nor recipe de ception. If we could not cure, we would not send our medicine FREE to fry, and nay when satisfied. Write today, as this may not appear again. Address WESTERN MEDICINE CO, Kalamazoo, Mich. INCORPORATE!) NEW YORK WORLD THRICE- A-WEEK EDITION. FHE TYYICE-A-WEEK Edition oMhe Nkw York World has been convened into the Thrice-a wkkk ft ninishes 3 papers of (i pages, apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of ONE DOLLAR a yen i'. 'J’liis gives 156 papers a ve-ir for l ne Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns in all. The I hkice a week World is not only much larger than any weeklp or semi-weekly news paper, but it furni lies the news with much greater frequency and prompt ness. In fact it combines all tin. crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special features of * weekly. , YVo will club the Banks Ceunty Ga rcitc and New York World f©rsl 25 GEORGIA: Banks County The appraisers appoinied to set apart a twelve month support for Mrs. Mary K. Oliver and her minor children wid ovv of W. C. Olivtr and having filed I heir return, all persons concerned are hereby cited and required to show cause in I be court of Ordinary of said county ob the first Monday in Frbru t iy next why the application for said twelve months support should not ho granted. This Jan. sth 1897. T. F- HILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA: 1 Links County. —R. J. Dvar has applied for exemption of personality and setting apart and valuation of homestead, aud I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock m. nn the 25th day of Jan. 1897 at m_v office. T. F. HILL, Ord’y. OKORGIA : Banks County.— L. N. I'urk, administrator de bonus mm of John A. Walker, deceased, has in due form applied to the under slgusd for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said dec’ll and said application will be heard on tho tirst Monday in February noxt 'lbis January 6th, 1897. T. F. HILL, Ordinary. SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.#0 every month gtru way to any onew)i ap plies through us for (he moat mentonocs patent during Che month preceding WeMriut the best patents for enrolment*. Mid tha object of this • (far is to eacuuragc mvet*ws step track of tha* bright ideas At ah. tam umc we wuh 10 unpraas upon the pubhc the tact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES. tnch M tha “ear-window" which can be earilr sKd np and dowm without bracking the pare* > hack, “ sauce-{**■." “ coMar-buuon,'’ “nut-lock/’ "botdo •topper, and a thousand athar little things that most any one can And a way af improving, and these simpla I inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try ta think of something to in rent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken cut through us receive special notice in the** National Recorder, published at Wishing ton, I Eh C., which is the ccst newspaper published in America in the interests of inveutnrs. \Ve furnish a year's sub scription to this journal, free of cost, ta all our chants. I We ake advertise,freeofcost, the inw'ation each month which win* or. piKO prize, and Hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder.“ containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus to the* attention tha merits of tha invention. All communications regarded atriciiy eoa&deniiaL Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO. f Solicitor* of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N. W„ Box .485. Wash in (-ton, D. C. jy ktfsrtnc* —eJUrr qfthis iVrlu/orsu* /ww/AieC, FREE. GNDERFUL. arc the cures by ■ ■ Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they j arc simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. I PERFECT and permanent are the i cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, be j cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, 1 life aud health-giving BLOOD. MONEY IN^-. THE MISSING WORD. * SfK arc pleased to make an entirely new offer to ©ur subscribers, ir s¥| which every' one may have a chance to name the missing word in k a this sentence : “ss??lt mu) mm m as ishsately • ■* AS CJtCSE ISIiS EFFEDT." It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects, in making your guess it is not necessary to write out the full serKcsice—dimply write: **My guess far missing word far MARCH s.” vvffki.v Constitution ■iLL ! y b / PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GA., a eoisscma situ Banks County Gazette 4i m exm&iEiT <£ qn Li># mci Cr . . . . And send your guess with it, and we will forward all for you and thus o<j £[y9 You a Chance to Make Good Money. t><> TfllE CONSTITUTION guarantees that tha amount of the a word will not be less than s£s3 in Cash, and it may he as much as $2, It will be io per cent of all subscriptions that we, and ad the other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months of January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record ot last year, the sum to be given will Exceed $3, goo cosh. If the sub scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past The Consti tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest If more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. Tlia XJi'Aly Sanstituiisa Is the Ersatesf Vfasklj SiwsjJ3|s*r In ffco WsFd, with a circulation of 156,0 XX). It coVers the whole world in its news service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to the page. foj CouStM E’. jry Wsik. AS NEWSPAPER- Th* Weekly Constitution ha* no equal in America! It* nnn report* com live world, and its correspondents anti agents are to be found in ainsost every bn*.iwick mi lire Southern and Western Slate* AN A MAGAZINE Ii print* more inch scatter a* n ordinarily found to ike jrrat magazine* of th* country than can be from even ike ke*t of thru* AN AN EDUCATOR- It n a schoolhouse withia itself, aud a year's reading of THE CONSTITUTION a a kheral education U> anyone. AN A FRIEND AND COMPANION It brings ckeer and ermfort tka krcside ererj week, eagerly wufUt bv ke chilrdiea, coalmans valuable sfc>r ro-for tke mother, and •n ot>ryc!e<pedia W instruction lor every member of tbe ho^ehold. ITS SPEC lAI. FEATURES—-Are such a are lo be fcound 10 any other paper in *. merit*. THE FARM AM) FARMERS' DEPARTMENT, THE WOMAN’S DEPARTMENT, THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, Arc all under rf-vectioa, mad are specially attractive to those to whom these department* ait addreaoed. LET in RVH YJ'JS SUJSOIIPTIOa AT r?3I And with it your guess—for the guess mu<t, in every case, ac company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot do with out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great, general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the local demand —THE CONSTITUTION covers the wor’d if you are already a subscriber to our paper and want ihe Constitution, send us st.oo, and along with it vour guess in the mis ing word contest We will forward same and duly record your gne fSE OWIST &I&SSX 3ASSH I, 1237. Send us your money and get both papers ©ne year, an 1 h ips get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy \ 1.. home. Now is the time to subscribe. Address aH orders tc— [3 aril’s Qountif (Janette, fjomcr, UDorjia f .t. !•'(MILKS. Pros’t W C. OLIVER, Viee-Fre’t. A M BENTON, Sec. and ... OKI KIC 0K.... KEMIIMi: 11 ur lift Cl (INCORPORATED.) DEALERS IN GENERAL MRDWARE AKD FARMING GF ALI KINDS. Such ns the Osborne Mowers. liny K and Disc II or >.vs, Olive Ciiillli if Plows. Also YYatton and Hungry nm i al. (lens Ammu; iiio -. Bel' ings, .4M'S, Table mid Fo. kel Cutlery. The Fmv ns enterprises: COOK STOVE.” Over jfFi.iMO i t tlailv use, evry dp eivimi perfee: satiafat ’.ion. A fill line nflatest imiTavert Hear injs S . m faet a s cr;.’ litre nf Haninan . all of wbieh wefire nffeitngat rock be: tern “ih'i 1 s NYr *Mitalso iurni> ?ou v- ;. any kimi of Uaebiaeiy. Call and examine eur uteek and , lie o<m\ iieel. Con* rof And ]>?:• 1 • ru, wf.xt door to Qu ill ; r & S© HARMONY GROVE. _ _ _ GKOTfGIA H\ SLETON & Doz:er . rIVTOXS. _____ ATHISS, GA DEALERS IV High Grade Pianos! Organs SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURE 0 . PICTURE FRAMING, ARTIST’S MATERIALS. We buy our instruments from first hands, give ®nr ® n pponriiniee on the* an.! can mak* it to vour interest to seams er write to us before buy THE STRONG POINT about V*HE PAST guarantees thi future. ■ the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla is ■ It is not what we say, but what that they are permanent. They start from Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the the solid foundation Pure BIOOCf. tcry. Remember HOOD’S CURES