Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, January 28, 1897, Image 1

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Banks County Gazette. VOl. VI STRUCK MANY FREAKS. IX THE OLD TAR-HEEL STATE. A Traveler Runs Up Against Tilings in the Piney Woods. Among the passengeis who came to Southern Pines, N. C., the other night was a man who didn’t seem to b* ex actlv certain about himself. He came into the Piney Woods Inn. looked around, and said to the proprietor: “I rather like it around here, and think maybe I'll stay a Tew days, pro vided you haven't got a hump backed ’possum to tell ine about.” 'Pie landlord said he didn’t know of any hump harked ’possum in this locality. “Nor Siamese twin raccoons?” “I think not,” said the landlord. Ner octogenarian hogs?" ‘ “No.” “Nor a centenarian eitizeu who can turuabaek somersault with all the agility of a boy?” * The landlord said that such a citizen would not be surprising in the piaey woods, but be didn’t believe there was one. “Well, then,” said the newcomer, ‘1 guess I'll stay. I have been traveling about somewhat in North Carolina, and think I've run against almost eve rything there is in the way of living curiosities except ; the ones I men tinned, and I wanted to make sure that you didn’t have any of ’em or hand nt Jheard of ’em being around her, 'before I don’t think I could have enjoyed any more freaks. * “For instance , take calves. When I struck bhcluy they had a u df, (lieu of rcceut advent, which had no eyes or ears, but was adorned with three Pails, which it had the power to wag separately or all together. The calf was alive and healthy, so they said Then over near Durham there was a calf with f< ur } lfcct eyes and ears but as hairless as a Mexican dog, and it hadn’t even the suspicion of a tail. This call was a twin, its brother be i -g perfect in structure, but not mud bigger than a suiter dog. The mother of this quver pair was herself one of triolets, and she had given birth to five calves in one year. The prospects were in that vicinity thatja good many more calves lie born shortly, and not knowing what shape some of them might take on, I left the freak calf li#l and moved on. “Then I seemed to rue into an at mosphere ihat apparently influenced poultry to unwonted things. Thus at Winston I found groups intently dis cussing something and asked some one what had occurred. ‘“‘Joe Warmer's lien is dead,’ was I lie reply “I Slid I couldn’t see why there should he so much feeling over the death of a lien. “ ‘Taint so m tch ’cause she’s dead.' I wav informed. ‘Fact is, it’s more a wonder that she living. Hut she was horn nigh twenty y ears ago, out of the suite egg that hatched a lirother of liers, and them two chick Jens has been inseparable companions i from that time to this. Funny part about it was, too, that the hen done the crowing, and the rooster the sing, ijna when she laid an egg. And the [h<n didn’t die, either. She was killed V a weasel. They was the oldest htokens in this state, or any other late, and we’re betting that the roos er won’t live a week, though he’s ealllder th in hf ever was- Hut he an’t get along without that hen. “I didn't stay there. I went to Mor j antown but there they had a goose that barked like a puppy dog instead if cackling, and they told about a fuck that had two legs and two wings ill right, except that one wing was there one !< g should have l"-en, ad ant kg occupied the place of the fng. I escaped from Norganton to Uaf. !e, in: \ ’.. '■ ■■■ [chicken in that vicinity that had ivo heads and four legs, and another bat had two bodies, but oidy one ie_r n 1 for each body, and one neck and one head. There was a rooster there, too, that was then laying four eggs a day. “I got away fiom nondescript poul try, and at Uingwood they told me Bill Harrison was dead* “/Yes, Hill's dead’ they told me. ‘He’d only j.-st passed his hundred and second birthday, too, and .vas as hearty as a buck ami lively as a cricket hat he overact himself chasin’ a razor backs off o’ his place t’other day, and it wiped him out. Aunt lliry Math ews came to his funeral- Aunt lliry’l! be a hundred next spring. She walked in three mile to go to Bill’s funeral, and walked back home agin;’ “Then in the course of my travels 1 got to Dockery, I found out that William Ilorvell lived there. William was 94, and the fnthei of nineteen children- He had recently retired from the public service. For ' wenty five years he ha-1 carried the mail between Wilkesboro and Wilson, 104 miles the round trip, making it on foot, going one day and returning the next, fifty two miles a day, and never missed a trip. “So by and by I struck Mexton. There the forest had contributed of its wonders. A boy out hunting had captured in a hollow log a litter of nine somethin or others that had noses iiko a liullihig, paws Ike a bear, and tails like a cat. The folks thereabouts were guessing yet what the queer beast could be when I left and went' to Raleigh, where I was told of a cheerful young man resident |in that city whose marked accomplishment was the total shedding of his skin two or three times a year—not piecemeal, but, like bark comes off a tree in the spring- I bis change he had made it few days before, and he w as even then using the skin of ilia feel as a pair of slippers. “Now I am here. I wish I had a commission from some dime museum to buy up freaks for it as 1 pass along through the Tar Hetl state. I’d tit out a show to beat everything Are Yoti Thin? Look about you! See for yourself! Who suffer most from sleeplessness, nervousness, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondency, general weak ness? Who are on the edge of nervous prostration a'l the time? Those who arc thin, Opium, chloral, bromides headache powders, o. ly make mait.-rs Eon and bit ters are only stimulant', io be cured, and cured for good, you need a fa -making food. You want new blood, rich bicod; and a st ong nerve tonic. SCOTT’S EMULSION of Cod-.iver Oil with Hypochos ph:tcs is all this. It feeds the tissues, makes rich b'.ocd, and strengthens the r.crv.s. Eock about it free for the rcki.-p. For sale by all at sue. and SI.OO. SCOTT & BOWNH, New York. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no modi cine ever contained o great curative power in so srpall space. They are a whole medicine chest, always ready, al- ***3. g m _ ways efficient, always sat- • | I fsfactory; prevent a cold 111 or fever, cure all liver ills, * ■■ ■ sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. DISEASES OF TIIE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting i.,ei dent to eczema, toiler, salt-rheum, aud other diseases of the skin i.: instantly tllaved by apj.lying Chamberlains Lye ami 'I in O.r.tmcnt. Many very had . have been n- rmati' r.tlv cured by it. it i- tou h'v .Tirient for itching piles end n favorite r •ni .'.‘y for s ire lippies; chapi.ed iir.i.<K t-hii- : dt—i, an.-j elirmiio sore <; er. For * do by druggists at 25 cetila nor bosl Try Dr. Cady’s Com'if ion Vowdery they arc just what a horse news v.:, nin (rod condi n. ionic, bio-id purilicrnnd Totmifuge. HOMER. RANKS COUNTY, GEORGIA: JANUARY 28, 18!)7. IN THE WORLD OF L ABOR. Machinist have 400 unit ns. Japan has fifty eight cotton mills. Bt -ycle mechanics will hold a tin tioual convention at Toledo, 0., Mat ch 10. Window Glass Welkers’ Union i will establish a co-operative factory at Anderson, Inn. In New York and surrounding elites nearly two .thirds of the men in tlie woodworkers’ trade are idle. Manufacturers and unionist of Chi •ago have prepared a hill to prohibit competition of con vict with free labor The Minneapolis Journal placed its New.Year tdiltou at the disposal of the members of the Minneapolis Tv pographical Union, netting the union over S6OO. This is an infrequent and unique innovation. Last year’* sales of English cooper ative societies amount to the sura of $50,000,000. These enterprises em ploy 7,148 people. Zanesville, 0., in 1890 passed an ordinance making sight hours the limit on municipal work and fixing a minimum rate of J*v.iges at 19 ient< an hour. The journeymen plumbers of Clave land, 0., declare that the action taken by them refusing to serve with help ers was simply in self defense. A Brooklyn electrical workers’ un ion has decided to disband. New York building trades’ unions are blamed for the disrnp ion. Anew clause, permitting Jewish workmen to tail on Sundays to make up for lost time on Saturdays, will be introduced in the facte riusard work shops bill of Australia- The National Stogie Makers’ Union is the outgrowth of a fight against ■stogie niters by the International Union of Cigar Makers- The I’itta burg branch has I,OUO members. Tho new superintendent of the state fr*u labor bureau at Cleveland says In- “intends to make his office wlutt the law of Ohio tntcii led it should be, a means of furnishing employment to union men. James G. Grant, ex secretary of the Dctioit street car employes’ local association, stands charged with h iv ing offered to play the traitor to the union and to disrupt it in considers, lion ot pay torn the streal railway company. A committee from the Detroit Painters’ Union has been canvassing the bosses to get their views on the eight hour day. The committee re ports a favorable attitude iu the part of most of the shop owners. Every organized port on the Atlan tic coast was rcprescn'.ed at a meet ieg of the executive council of the Atlantic Coast Scmiien’s Union at Boston last Sunday, when the subject of idicf for American sailors was vigorously urged. Following the usual custom at the beginning of winter, the Rothschilds of Paris have sent 100,10’) francs ($20,000) to the Prefect of the S-ine t<> be distributed among needy tenants n Paris. Tilt* Carpenters’ District Council of \YcU hosier enmity, New Y.ak, is arieiiging t,, make a oonccyt.)d 1110 e inent on April I to establish ll.u eight ! hour day. 'i ho initi"tion fee of the New York branch Amalgamated Association of Clothing Cutters and {Trimmers has been reduced {from *lo.ff6 to *2 15' An examining physician was elected to attend to all .sick members. The minimum wage for shear cullers was lined 5-20 a week for f,4 hours, and lo . ;fi cutters $24 a week , >.'• \ v Cos k (..•uml [, t 1 ,r U 1 id! ii.i.-, ji t its if on record r.s being oj 'posed to tin* sympathy ex pressed for pi'rollers who have no way of passing thi ir lime since the nesv prison law w< lit in; effect. The vast nnin her of people who are out of work, it was decided, were worthy of more sympathy than convicts. “When the working poor are paid 1 in tettirn for,their labor only as much | money,'ns will luy them the neeessa' 1 nes of life, their,condition is identical with that of the slave, who receives those necessaries at first hand. The former we call ‘free men’ and the !at ter ‘slaves’ hut the difference is imag" inary only.”—John AtL.ros. “Blight” costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of “Kainit” will prevent that dreaded plant disease. All about Potash—the results of its use by actual ex periment or. the best farms in the United States—is told in a little book which wc publish and will gladly nail free to any fanner in America who will write for it. GERMAN KAI.I WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. A Mail Agent’s [Experience. Louis 1). Brennecke, \V’n II nil,-i, S- C., bad Rheumatism for sifteen years, and during that time had never been free from pain. His tried the Hot Springs and Physicians without benefit, After tilting two bottles of Drummond’s Lightning Remedy he wrote that he was free from pain, and able to lake several long walks. If you want tt cure send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Cos., Few York, and they will ship to your express address two lage bottles one month's t F eatment. Agents wanted. HUGE CUBAN PETITION. Washington, 1). C., Jan. 20. — Word lias been received here by Senor de Qucradn, secretary of the Cuban junta, of the approaching completion of a gigantic petition in favor of Cuban independence to be presented to Congress in the near future. This petition will be made up of a great number ef smaller ones, which have been sent out by an organization known the Amer.can Friends of C ilia, with headquarters in New York. It embraces in its ranks many thousands of readers. Sixty thousand petitions were sent out by this organization all over the country. With only part ol the petitions returned the number of names already inscribed reaches 600. 000, and thousands are being added every day. The petitions contain the names of ninny of the most prom ineii t citizens of the country, among them a majority in the legislatures ot nearly every state. This monster petition will be pre sented on the day that the Cameron resolution is brought up in the Senate A delegation from the American Friends of Cuba, headed by the pies ident, Frantz Mayor, will come from New York to present/ it in suitalh form. Tlie petition will be wound on a huge cylinder. In design the roil will be similar lo I lie pilot wheel of a ship. It stands four feet high .aid is uirounded by gold. Wlmt Ails You? If you have sudden dart'ng pains | in the joints or muscles, and it recurs I every time you catch cold, and np j pears in new places without leaving any of the old cues, Iha best thing to jdo is to si dd live dollars to the Drummond Medicine Cos, New York, fora bottle of I)i" Drummond's 1 Lightning Remedy for Ithtumutism It will cure you- lie wise in time, and do not be fool*] with an tilling else. If you have got the above symptoms you have got Rheumatism, and if Hie druggist ul|s you llie truth he will say Dr. Drumrn uid’s Remedy is the onlv known cure. Agent?, wan-i t^d* S~SOOD’S Sarsaparilla lias over and ■“ over again proved by its cures, ; When ail other preparations failed, that j it is the One True BLOOD Puri tier I THE Banks County uazette for YY : • WILL BE A Live liocal AMD COUNTY PAP|R ./j. *?*>t. J V * 4 4 KIBES FOR IT AMD HEAii IT. Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Book AT who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon. w J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain JBN An account of Us campaign tour .. , ajj| rJ l' ’ : }V- written by his wife . . W , His most I‘Tify/t :-nt speeches .... Wz - • Th e resets of ‘ a npatqn of 1896. A review of the poll‘deal situation . . **’"* rT, * v <x-*ni-w.t: t iiim ■■■ —miim. miimj AGENTS WANTED <X Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. COM REV CQMr'AMY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St....CJHCAGD. /Axcfsrw/fesrCo/rpwtSi/ccr/iav/ir e/tfiwm EmrmT Ovjs 6000s A/te me Our Pr/ces ■ the lowest A'^rr^'v' JhrnrTflfpjo c J 1897 NO. 38. YY