The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, December 23, 1879, Image 3

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L O C A L CO i, l. M IS. TOWN DUiUCIOfll. Mayor -IV. Ilobtiy. Cot• ncii.mkn— iJ. ffinRellton, Jn*. Mims, J 11. Hull, <b Overstreet mid J. no. C. Dell. Slugellton. WKC'OlttlF.It Robert b. Jt Alien At. R. T. Mills. COl'NTY DIRECTORY. OnwNAKV-M.M. Fetter; Court second Monday in e*eh month. ^ XoveiitJer ^'Monday in May and ' ,di NTvBo.AUie M. M. hotter Ordinary ItaHy! each ComntiiwteneG month. 'court fourth Monday in pi|1) j U( j„. e . Court County tivst Mrmdnys in'April, July, October Mud December. t=h»^<»?RMVteeU, Muthows n wm. t-r'cn>(:u-y. s'cwtomJhWm: r,,inu p r \v i„ . Kd::;S" ! " *• Tax ( ot.i.i (tor- Causey Overstreet. Tin Kk( via ku- It. J. Arnett. MliVKYOK- Jesse T. V.’iidr. ( ovnty TuKAst RKR-Abrnm Burke. SltWItlT—It. T. Yiiiih. pcmily, II. Errnp. Parker. CCKO-AVn- ’I Ik mas .11 STICT.S ('.orli’VS. A till I'/ifctrlet Tims. rdMondVi" M courts | | MSatimteyend >'unn«Dy,J- month; Both D:striet-R.NV ; '' ’ 4th suuran> R* raM. ... . £ t t» \:^ . v. AH^i^i-iliirdav gtitbDistrict-AV. 1;.. ^"'h D'st'.'ct' inVach nionlh. V..Ks.*>ffi. ' P it. Kittles. each N. month, j r ('ou't is 4th Saturday in month. ...... M at law.. N - p y, w>th District'—C,. W. . •> - ,j m'Lh/- C0UrtS District—CeortK'b- ( "om , 2 .Vmil in ; K mo"«'I , p tstst R ;i w‘”atimUtV«te each "‘Uit Bjtur.iay District-—IV. in ea«-h II. month.^ Moars, J. P. four 2 nd ( ^ R< Bat unlay in eaeii month. _________ Read the Proch'.nvation of 1LC. H ells – Iiro. in quid . The raffle mania rages our village. Bny your ChristinuRt Goods fro"» Wilkins', Berien – Co., Milieu. The Savannah River rose thirty feet at. Au msta recently. ' The election for Mayor and Council Sylvan.ii ... .-on... . o« ,v„ n „ Mr. B- WM, ."«?•"'« wise repairing the Masonic Hall. Our merchants have laid m slot ks.< < hristmsis good- <«« i ' ! ' 1 '' 1 '• ,llllS .....■' oflert:; - . 'V’l'te of goo.1 mules wlarlt .... he IS 1 . i,.„ . ,re Wonder where lie'weih those he was absent from town last week. Rev. R. 15. Bryan will preach at Oak Grove Church next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. Mr. .1. M. G Mcdlock has removed his family from Emanuel county to this place. Dr. F. G. Williams had die misfor time to lose Ids horse by blind staggers a few days since. Now is a good time to subscribe for the Ti:i, f.iujonv:. beginning with the first of the nc\v year. Farmers are busily engaged making contracts with employes and fixing up for next year's operations. Mr. J. W. Powell 1- continually im proving and adding to the value of liis commodious residence. Look out, partridges; The professor is swearing to exterminate the whole race of you during the holidays. Wonder what Bylvr.nik will have to celebrate Christmas, We have not even heard of a stray candv-pulling. “Givu us a rest,” and while we arc reslingstep up and see Wilkins, Berien – Go’s, sto-k of new goodlof every kind. Wo received a most affectionate po otic qnstle the other nlgh-t, wliidi tti* would give to our readers but for its exeesssive length. , An interesting communication on 1 lie Miihjo i of farming in this county came in too late for this issue but will appear in our next. The cars on Central Rail Road were well loaded last-week with stock hoi dors going and returning from tiie merlin"' ^ in Savannah. Santa Glaus is making head quarters jit the mammoth store of ini .1 Co., wlicmhe caa l.o imerrlmml 'Tis strange, yet nevertheless true, that Wilkins. Berien – Co., are selling goods as cheap as they can be bought at retail in the cities. Mr. J. II. McMillan lias removed to bis new house, and Mr. J. W. Hagan now takes posession of the residence lately occupied by Mr. McMillan. Owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Hull the/.’oncert has been and will probably take place on the evening of the 31st. Since writing the above we learn that parties engaged in the Concert have determined to postpone it indefi nitely. ®«.VI'S*'rMV. MiLthM, Mu lkT^ikoi ukoboia. V Dr. Lanier, Dentist,. Into of Milh dg ..ill,. s'tJl'vieeH Ims Ideated at Milieu, and Scrim. offers his (o th* citizens of n»A any in Burfctv the state, Wo,dcguaranteed >•■•- .* toc,p;al .• I() ii. Stuiflford. Millcdgville, Milledgvillo, Dr. J. |Ion. N. Shin lAtrtuan, Mjlludgeville, Bunion do Moore. holscr, and Recorder, Mtlledg Editors l utou ville, (h’.pt. F. G. Dulbgnon, Atlanta, and patients generally. Oet. 21-Jwi. Do von desire to become ti ‘bonanza his .; ]J( ... (1 ( Vl Singcllton's adver tisement. Tito erercisas of the Sylvanm Acad cm y were dosed on Wednesday hist. Prof. JTatl informs us that, the school will be reopened on the 1st Monday in January. »m ■» <* -*** n..c | lttK she disappeared beneath the waves of time, or only subsided for awhile: We would be glad to bear from her <>*>( (mou . We, are in receipt of an invitation l» attend a Christmas live Party, to j given at the Academy in Searboro, on the evening of the 2 llh inst. Were hint thanks to the committee, Messrs. Greene-S. Johnson,Besury barker am. J. W. Branuan, tor the same. -ttr Mr. ti. ( n W r e.te lt.t« nad M.rt the f,* r,a.,a w .i . r )U .--''. v repaired am*, now ]).«-M‘n > a pleasant and comfortable mode of tnuifi];0 n a tioii from this place to Ogee- 1 ’ and R‘H> zkine. ;o nut. „ reins pas engers will be conveyed vv. h -peed and care. Rev. C. E. Boland, who served th • Searboro Circuit, in this county, so ae cepta biy this year lias licen sent by the Conference to another Circuit for the i U , x t year. We regret to lose Mr. Do "from our county but earnestly hope that his labors in liis new field may be eminently successful. Lev. R. B. Bryan, we are glad to state hRS p e( , u t0ilt back to this place by tin Annual Conference. Mr. Bryan hr. coufideuce and uuivorsal respo :tof hi people of this county, and is ;^de voted worker ‘in the Lord's Vineyard, May his labors for the coining year be crowned with great .success: ^ WT' understand that one ot our plan „ v , p , ,„ a , |c «„„„ ......... .wcM, one hales of cotton. Beside this l> f J!W( | C u i M; . U | Riirt<‘en hundred bushel ! of corn, ami oilier usual .products of * j ranjl He only rim three plows. TUB . . and , , ‘ ' "'.v. u k , not have tiie appeal anwi o. n.m j Nsl " in n . | __—— ! Bob' H. V. Wklls A Bko’s. t.w your Aire Vi orks, Toys, fancy Groceries, etc. (tliriNimas 4il©<wd*. M-s rs. Perkins – Bro,, at Lontt , . have on hand an immense stoca Ciiristmas goods to please toe iitt • f()lk , 1|ive , ,, t0!ue ( ,f m. fond parents, and make, your cmldreti l ’'*' pronely happy, Wilkins, Slerricn – Go. Read the adverriseme it of Messrs, Wilkins, Berrien 'ft Co. They opened a mammoth establishment at .Milieu, and will bid defiance to high prices. Major Wilkins has a reputa tion all over tills portiou of Georgia for being a thorough merchant, and Mr. Berrien has been connected with hls store fors title time, thus imbibing liiose business principles wliich can be only gained by practice. Searboro. We passed the flourishing little lage ()i . g f . ai .jior 0 the other day and werc rR;lIv aKt0 , lishc(1 at 1Jie incuts which met our eye. That gentleman, Mr. B. T. (Jutland, is hav ing a handsome residence erected. Stroup being the architect, and building is a credit- to tne constructor. Our clever friend, Mr. Geo. E. Ha/.ie lmrst, tifan whom there are very few better painters, is painting the house in first-class style, and withal we expect soon to receive an invitation to a “house ‘ n f the handsomest ^ duellings this . in coiimt. 1111 . 1,11 prove incuts arc steadily going on and we predict thIH the dav is not far din (anj wh(ju Se;u . bol , 0 w j„ bc a town of tor . a»il , , .. *e ono l*opo ’ 1 ■ A„.„r,.i,, g .0 .. »odo„t among the disciples ot I'.iust, ttii next week give our office a rest., only issue a half sheet. Wo have now been with the good people of Scriven for nearly six months, and have labored ^ t] ia t wc migifi accomplish some good to our follow citizens. We hope, after a respite of a few days, to the labors of the new year with I newed zeal, and a determination t “hew to the right, let the chips fall where they may.” But we do not pose to begin this year with the stereotyped forms of promises, etc,, such promises generally come naught before the year is o.idcl. A j S0l0,i1 " bought occurs to ""mu' template the ushering m of the year yem 1880. Ilow manv are there of "s who of the, 1st . will live to luul the coming ()f j illln ary 1881 ? How many who. as fllllofhopoIlll(1 lovcoflifeaswe, hailed the eomittg of lAorn ou the first day of and now are malms of praise in a heaven.} w o ,d. „ r Vt ,.;ting beneath the shadow ot the . n —eparod for tile devil and In* angels. Let * think I of these things, tnends, and ptep. , oursPWc s to meet that final great issue P« lne ol death. frtylvHii tn. Ar aitamy. l u few persons realize the superior advantages which our town can offer as a place at which to educate their . children. It is as ho tilth y a* apy town in Southern Georgia, being located on rising ground and stirrontuied by noth ifig conducive to sickness. There is not a town of the same population in the S afe which can boast the same grade P tuple are almost entire.y rtnined. m telligeut and educated ladies and gen tlemeit, associating with whom is very conducive to a hi«h standard of morals M, ' ’i l-’A.’artomy < u building is a new one ^ s ,, fli .; eai iy large to aeeommo date quite u large number of pupils. No wlus , key is . sola .. anywherv . neat rtI . y r v pi ac e, consequently t)ie voiitlis wlI no t t!>mpted bv this givat evil. Our ‘ il. ^ <lots ,. ot )a ,t a billiard room. gambling halls. In »a«t th.ue is no ; ( n w hicli in point of morality run fnK Prof. X. P. Pratt, ati cx-student of; Washington-Lee University has charge „f the school. Mr. Pratt is a high toned, honmablo and educated gentleman, ; lmrougldy competent to instruct in an> - of the sciences or classics, and eve . thing is taught in the school that will advance the educational interests oHhe pupils. Board of the very best kind cun be obtained herd at the very reasonable price 0 f niim dollars per month. Parents, Guardians, send in your oliildrcn and wards and let tliem bo educated. The Ffstirat. . ; The Festival given for the benefit Buck Creek Church at the residence |> r \y. (\ Bowie, outlie night of the . ^, 1 , was a success, both au ,i ^ a source of pleasure iotBuMo s 011,11 ,, i r w ,1. A bund .-ome wmg* , * p t- the large vdrv ... . ^ a j 1( fourtet a and lxsitu ' dial akes raffled off. The post , were ; office was a decided success, some of 1 ,j,,. j tcr being exceedingly good hits, el 3 am | ( at;siug blushes: to arise even on I the faces of some of the young men. ’ The “Art Gallerv” ", attracted quite a • crowd, , who gazed enraptured . , on . tne ., : magnificent spectacle of “Bonaparte ^. T?tnne " nod the touchin' | served heart the to recall first lessons to many learned a withered at. , ! mothers knee. The cake for the most popular voting lady was voted to Mis* Dunbar, who j received an overwhelming The cake majority the most of . the votes cast. to popular young man was voted to Prof, Fripp, of Carolina, who was 80 'kind as to furnish most delightful musieAur ing almost t he entire evening. Mr. Fripp performs most excellently oil sev oral instruments and his duct perforui jnd j on the cornet with one hand and on the piano with the other was most ex ccllciu, and some of his comic roag fairly brought down the house. j The receipts of the evening were i about one hundred and forty dollars, which goes to the above named church. i We congratulate lne memheis of that ■ ehtireh upon the energy which they ha r e displayed in getting up tms rival. _______ BtobWry *»a »*«* During the last trip of the steamer Katie, to .Savannah, the safe in the purser8 offiec wrs robbed of nearly four hundred dollars. Just after leaving Hancock's lauding down the purser, Mr. Johnson, wont on the lower ] deck to check off some freight for j Darlington's forgetting to lock and the Griffin’s door of landings, the safe. At Darlington’s sn.d lie locked went the up door in to of the his office again safe, not noticing, anything (irifliir. wits wrong. .Inst ivaoluog : abstracted. Gne package containing , ttpj 41 was directed to S. J. Heath one j | containing eotitainin^’ $lf>2 112 '77 50 to to J. J. B. ii Heath Rouse, and one These were al? tied together, ready for delivery. Sucspicion was directed to a man named Rufus Houston who got on tiie boat at Augusta and loft at Griffin's landing. If is said that lie was kuowu to be utterly petiuile j that his way was paid but. from after his by another party, that | Zye ‘ u nteutv j ofmoue’v juinpcd 'u is off'the said also t|ia( (i , flS he . fi oa t, h c informed some one whom he j knew that a robbery had been coin- Id that time told ««Vonc about the allair. Mr. Johnson s(l y s w hen he iel'l his office to go on a j Hancock’* hunlidg, Houston vv as in the office. The Katie on In r Mn '^bnmg 1 “ ..... ,’vaunab. Mr. ^ * to ... tl|( , l0 i,,Wy. would I, v,s- hack m.ppo- to (!( j «Gri^teS"t" Houston eonie v’ V ,*, of ^turning the , V( vor on p,. boarded the Carrie, also lit the landing at the lime. As A soon ss this was TeMovagehiHl ascortai ted the Katie contir. nod arrived at Avtgu,- ot ta j before the Carrie. Information I j t 1(l ,.,,1,‘bcry was lodged sent at the with police the office and tin officer was to apprehend Houston when -I. He manage.i to slip by how ler, hut sliid wa s Kt'"d by j[|J[!!«Kvc r ', ' 1.,^ f.wait Houston wrs inv commit hi ( ) an next Friday, J .‘‘ c r the Katie, las. „ ' down on a , j»»|jg>'e '^.' HouVfon’s l"'-'*' s0]! as f 0U! jd $53 when he was arms u , ( p jp. denies that he took the mom;.'. White every one is most cordially in ; of|lW . t ; xtl!I . es 0 f the office. Planters wishing f ( _> use Guano on small-'iiwin can get it on time linjil' the loth of October. 1880, bv addre-s ing pudge P. 15. Wcver, at \Vadley Parlies . sending f us comimuiications . f . ()] . , l)li( . a(ion . s 1()llM he oortain to le jj K q r n]!i< v s accoinnany (heir articles ju order to insure their appearance, He can not publish anonymous letters, are kept saertkl. Personal communiea Rons are charged, for at the same rate ns adv ertteemonK ............. ...... u t _ l 1 “ j' _ .iy|- j'tfjdiin 11 F'.pVi „ Ordiuury iO o-L(; Ordinary 9 9-1 <> Msn ;j!15i:il 5< Cotton Jlavltet. (teed iLv' Middling 12 i.) 0-lti ] ! ({ aiPtclBn? a h -« cwkI Ordinary ii a-io Oidnvary 10 0-16 SAVANNAH MARKET. Ilosiii. $1 0.1 @ !f4 25 Spirits TurpentiHO, @ 32 It ice, i m C'% P'Arov, (dear Rib Sides, 814 ’ $(i 25 (it $3.00 Coni, " <) ct 80 yv"i xS 12 is Tallow, •* '' _ L.'-- " ’ . *A CK ffii If) 1 ~ Mt: ^ r - g«g\ti ><nvi>v i-no ^ Half grown, “d pair 21 (S: 85 31 (ft 50 Ducks (English;,, pan- -- 9, 1 «a $15(1 ®3.00 Ui. doz 10 © 20 Kgtrs f Western i, V dm: 22 @ 23 p^imts'/Gclagm ^Fbnshel 12 <– 18 ti m i io Peanuts Florida (Tennessee), gallon tj) bush. 1 00 30© @ 1 21 M ^ syrup, } j't ;, •” Bweci HoneVi potafoes, v . a lo oi a 70 S5 new. f bush. 100 a 1 ^hOO]) ’CM 11 !) * T lt . ,s w!( 1 pleasure that! lUiorni „ 1 jt.p',. A',' " ! ii', * -' ' hi’FV ICTICIRITFr' w ' while purchasing my FALL STOCK, And being' convinced that tho best motto fora merchant is Quick Sales and Small Pro fils, 1 have mark'd down my stock ot Goods BGTTOM ZE- > ±TI.v_yIE>o t flatter myself that I have the liest ed stock of goods ever brought to this consistinsr of p r y goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware Notions, Etc. in fact.evcrvtiiinj; ' usually kept-in a class store. COSVSic. ONE, COSV3E ALL, ^ before purolmsing. Money Made and Money Jiuxuv ti ADE by !,ri„Gn? f your produce amt Cotton to ine, because you ^ lu^lr'st 31 «uKet J liceloi it. JIONMY SAVED by buying goods me, because 1 defy any one to sell cheaper. Illy 21—3ni. JOHN F. ____ J. L. SINGKLI.TOS. U. I*. WADE. SIXGELLTOX d! WADE, Attorneys at Law, EYLVAHIA, July 2ft tf. V. Hoi: by, W. L. Mathews, Jk. HOBBY – MATHEWS Attorneys at Law, SYLVANIA, G-.A., DlGBni T. W. OLIVER, JR., Attorney and Counsellor at Lam, SYLYANIA, GA. July 29—tf. LEGAL NOTICES. Applica 1 ti 0 n for a New Roacf. In the matter of the application of James H. Daniels and others tor a new read, the three Head Commissioners appointed out to view' and the.saute having marked the same made iheir report under oath that the same ESiHSBirSis fcSS' ;5SseK'‘!S1S2f“ , the .Middle Urouttd road about e> yards above from the 48 mile post, and running t icnee in a neurlv straight and westerly di rection to the north eml ol'what is known tw •‘the l.ittlotiidd J.nue,” and tret" tf,au. lowin;'the present, road bed now used, w mi slight changes until it reaches Milieu, at uu depot. This Is Ihei-eforo to cite and notuj all versons interested that said new mad will be granted unless good County came Board no show to be n at a meeting of the said lield ou the ttitii day ot January , iss t. In w itness w hereof we have herenn.o set our hands ntid official signatures on this tun day of December. I8TU. JOHN it. IIFIX, M. I'ulTKli, D. «. C. M NNAIXV s , ... County . ' Scrfv en« 'ouat.r. ra a \\ interested parties: Doubt In Green a Cacelm * guai \, ; ttn r hSppliedfor ^ Savannah, tea veto bay- sell el - imr part ofv sub-division 01 ,an " a Cult' M ttotid, and -;-.oast of the Atlantic and R»m _ , iv p stotesbury. saht appb .f, m will be heard before die Court of owli narv of s'-erivtnCounty on the second Moil daVin Janmtry, :t:«f M. M.W1 UROKUIA, Kciivcn County. To all whom It may concern p Niiinialtv Benjamin F. Scott. Jr., ns guardian of !Ja V, has tiled liis written petition for leave to sell a certain tract of land Fung in said count? containin'? one hundred and eighty-sits acre's more or less, and is bounded east ihkPG: and J.. J. Mock, and on the .South by lands of .....T. A. Mock, and said aiiplieation will be heard at tlio regular Term of the Court of t tvdimirv for said county on the Second Mon day in January, 1880 . Al. At, POT 1 f it, Dec.9-td. ' .• Oremary, s. C. Administrator’s Sa.le. Bv virtue of an Older from tiio Court>( sell at Ordinary of Scriven Count}’, I will public outcry, tiefore the Court 1 louse of said COl ml?', between the legal hours ot sale on th* First. Tuesday in January, containing isart, a tract two of land lying jn said county Imndmlantl eighty-live acres, more or less, awl adjoining lands of Daniel Gross, KstiiiO sold as the property of the Estate of V. I owls, dec used, for benefit ofheirs and C! and sold subject; to the Widow s Dower. Terms cash, purchasers J. paying titles. Mary I.fwis Dec. 2 30 Administratrix. FOR GOOD o lot .OATS, BOOTS, SHOES, Also a full line of Gen’t Furnsliing- Goods, (iiiarantced to l»e of tiie very best material And for honest deal hike, eaH at J«AX EISENJKANN I 168 BJyan Sitrset, lu biiiltungoi' Planter’;, iiotcil Market Square. ’ SAVANNAH. GEORGIA ! Having had - several experic i years .ICC ; in this line of busines I know exactly the wants of the public. Therefore J i Goods, make it a specialty to keep a fine line of i manufactured by the best imtit | iifacturing houses in the country. ME, B, F, JACOBSON, who has been with me lor several year* 1 and exVminTonr"to!'k a get our price'- will j before purchasing elsewhere. We | j take will pleasure liiud goods in showing sold at bottom our stock: flig vou ,ir< ‘ ,< ' 0,1 r raott<> !ju!l1 ” 1 Quirk sales and Small Profs? j so don't fail satisfaction. to give us t Vcrv trial, Respect- for we I guarantee ! fully MAX EISENMANN. ! £i, *■'. ,B A<'SbSl*y4lA, Miilesuinn. IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE OF SC11IV EX COVXTY. 1 have lately visited Savannah and j aid j n <•. first-class stock of Fall A Winter Goods, j ! Of the every lowest.possible kind, and 'prices. am selling My them stock at '- <, n>is<s<'t < u tj t.ti.ig usu...J? loutid in . a country store, sneti^s _ : -■ x J ^ocu-% J "" Ul Caps, Boots Shoes etc TO^, tlunws'miles from 1 !Ammv rnstmm'A the* " 1>,<>I>OM ,. • - ' - s^SoSt CoOC/€sS fOT 3 ■ Money, My Motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits, To w hich 1 shall adhere most rigid ly at till times. i Give me a trial and I am sure you | will call and se me again. ALL KINDS OF rniTNTDV lARJit till PT^m^lTGTt’ A 1VUD L ID Taken in exchange for goods. The highest, possible price paid for COTTON either in bale or seed. Also, live hundred bushels CORN, sale at prices in conformity with the market price. R, Fa j Oct. 21-fftn. GEORGE K. BLACK. .Jons C. DELL. ; BLACK – DELL, Attorneys at Law, S Y L VA XI A, O' E O B GI A. July £J— :f. Did You Knw PERKINS – llitO.. Railroad) at Lorctto, (the teriniuus of their have one of the largest and best selected' stocks of goods ever ottered to the people of Seri v on countv. The stock embraces a full linlof ory goods, clothing, boots, hobs AND bats For all classes and to suit every body. Their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES 18 ftii! and complete and of the very best. CROCKi’.BY, TIN and WOODEN WARE To suit tiie wants of all. Canned Fruits and Oenfeotioneries ' The very best. Perfumery and Fancy Goods To please all. I,.A.MIPS, FIXTURES :md Oil,. DRUGS AMD MEDICINES The purest and best. Tobacco and Cigars (IK tin ' best us well as cheapest brands Saddler, i>, P ollies and Harness TO suit Jlie wants of the hUy. Every article in this immense *X CK ‘ n ... i () p^ al u; Lowest FossibLo Price «*. or in < nr.XTjt Y I*HOD UCE. The? intend to make it to the interest of eveiy farmer to give them his pat ronage. llctiee they make COTTON A SPECIALTY, And will at all times pay the HIGH EST MARKET PRICE for same. Come and sec us, and we will con vince you that all we say is true. PERKINS – BPO. I r. j f point tHr**™**#. desired, for oO cents TOaf ( , aiiv Railroad i mlp a <id'tit)iial on Central . . . . Pep. .1—4H1. r Terrible Excitement AT «| 1 I T 1 7– viiZX At the above named placer have one of the largest and best selected stock of Goods ever offered to the people of Striven County. Their stock embraces a full line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS For all classes and to suit every body, Their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES Is full and complete anil of the very best. Crockery, Tin and Wooden Ware To suit the wants of all. Canned Goods and Confectioneries The very best. Perfumery – Fancy Cooda To please all. Lamps, Fixtures and Oil. Drugs and Medicines The purest and best. TOKAGG® siswl CIGARS ! Of the best as well as cheapest brands. | Saddles, Bridles and Harness To suit the wants of the country. Every article in this large stock will be SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICE For cash, or exchanged for COUNTRY PRODUCE. They intend to make it to the interesti of every farmer to give them life patronage. Hence they make COTTON A SPECIALTY And will at all times par the HIGH EST MARKET PRICE for the same. Conte and see us, and we will con vince you that all we say is true. mniel–dwelle Sept.30-Sm Millen, Georgia.. OR, GEO, 3 , DOUGLAS, Medical Practitioner and Surgeon, SYLVAN I A. GEORGIA.. July 29—tf.