The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, December 23, 1879, Image 4

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E.VIIM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Facts for Fanner a* A farmer has experimented with ma ui\; taken fiom his burn cellar under cover, nnd exactly the same kind of mn nun; dropped outside the cellar, and of course exposed to the weather. The crop from the former was just about double that from the latter. For a kicking horse, till an old sack with hay and suspend it from the loft by means of a rope, in such a manner that the horse will be able to kick it every time it swings against him. Let him kick until lie stops of his own accord and you will have no more trouble with him that way. Manure applied broadcast to meadows early in autumn or later, if it has not been done sooner, increases the luxuri ance of the growth before winter, and gives the grass an early and luxuriant start in the spring. Manure, which was too coarse or fibrous early in the season, has rotted enough, if piled in heaps, to spread well. It is usual to let the pigs glean the potato fields. But now that Paris green is generally used, the tops should be gathered and burned before the pigs are turned in. Long acquaintance with this deadly poison should not lead to caie lessness with it. Neither is it safe to throw the tops into the yards where me pigs are kept. In all cases where insects of any kind infest trees, a fr®ort drenching of water, with one pound of potash to eight gal lons of water, two or three times a week will kill the last one. The same amount of copperas dissolved in eight gallons of water and applied in the same way will dispel all insects, and has a tendency to make the tree hardy. A sheep farmer writes of the Lincoln shire sheep, and says: “The Lincoln shire is tlie king of long-wooled breeds for bearing. While ewes and wethers of Leicester and Cotswold flocks seldom yield fleeces averaging more than seven or eight pounds each, the Lincolnshire ewes generally average twelve pounds, and wethers nearly fifteen pounds,” Harness .that has been soaked with water will dry hard, unless it is dressed while damp with some kind of non-dry ing oil. First wipe off the harness with a sponge and then with a cloth kept for this purpose, you can apply the oil or dressing thoroughly. A coating of waterproof dressing given now will be useful, but the harness should be thoroughly washed and made perfectly clean. A famous horse-breeder of France has reared his stock for twenty years on a diet ef parsnips instead of carrots and oats, with the result of “great vivacity of spirit and sleekness, of coat.” Tlie yield of p.aa mt twelve tons 'emain safely in MKaking ^Tattle to extend and milch cows. The Michigan Farmer, for swelling around the fetlocks, due to weakness of the capillaries, recommends the follow ing powder: Nitrate of potash pulvei' ized, gentian root pulverized, of each two ounces; Jamaica ginger root pul verized, sulphate of iron pulverized, and Barbadoes aloes pulverized, of each one ounce; mix all together well and divide in eight powders; give one night and morning. Household Illiat*. Fish may be scaled much easier by dipping into boiling water about a min ute. Salt fish are quickest and best freshened by soaking in sour milk. Beeswax and salt will make your flat irons as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag, and keep it for tlie purpose. When the irons are hot, rub them first with .tlie wax rag, then scour witli a paper or (doth sprinkled with salt. Black lead is excellent to lessen the friction between two pieces ot work. The sides and rests of desks of bureau drawers may be made to move easily by spreading common stove blacking evenly with a cloth or the finger over tlie sur face. Time and patience may thus be saved. When a color on a fabric has been acci dentally or otherwise destroyed by acid, ammonia is applied to neutralize the acid, after which an application ol chloroform will, in aimost all cases, re store the original color. Tlie applica tion of ammonia is common, but that of chloroform is but little known. To clean and restore the elasticity ol cane chair-bottoms, turn the cane bot tom upward, and with hot water and a sponge wash the cane; work well, so that it is well soaked; should it be dirty use soap, let it dry well in tlie air, and it will be as tight and firm as new, pro vided none of the canes are broken. Storing Cabbage. Cabbages will bear hard frosts, but are not impervious to tlie ill effects of alternate freezing and thawing. Differ ent methods of wintering cabbages are practiced in various sections. They may be set close together in a trench or on the surface, roots up, and the heads covered at first with a few inches of soil, to be increased in depth before the ground is frozen. The last covering is delayed as long as possible, leaving most of the roots exposed. In extreme north ern climates cabbages are placed in dry trenches and covered with straw and a foot or more of soil, ventilated like root pits. A spot shaded from tlie sun should always be selected for the trenefi o v pit. Cabbages can be hung roots up to the rafters of the cellar when desired for early family use .—New York World. France has penny saving banks lor schoolboys. FOIt THE FAR SEX. Fashion Noted. Steel color is again in fashion. Bed bonnets are the rage in Baris, Most new costumes are of two mate rials. Loops of silk are a very fashionable trimming. Cloaks ot white lambs’ wool cloth are shown for wee toddlers. A new material for underclothing is Japanese silk — a soft, unerushablo fabric. Stylish wrappers open in curtain fash ion over a front breadth of gay brocade. Gold, ruby, amber and sapphire beads arc formed into costly passementeries and fringes. New ulsters are so light that only the dress-skirt can be comfortably worn un derneath them. Waistcoats reaching to the knee, with large pocket flaps, are among the very latest novelties. Dresses, except for fullest dress, are short. Full-banded bodies gathered at the waist and on the shoulders, are to be worn. The newest ribbons are in stripes of diagonal bands of velvet, alternating with satin of bright colors and bunches of pompadour flowers. A novelty in American silks is a new design in pompadour stripe of blue alter nated with old gold. The stripes are in the form of a narrow-twisted chain. Paniers take tho place of the tunic or double skirt, but in nowise alter the shape of the skirt itself. Most frequently they are formed of the basques of the bodice, or of the short skirt of the polo naise, which remains open in front. Fashion authorities are disputing about the polonaise. It *S to be rein stated in popular favor, says one; it is wholly passe, says another; still some imported costumes, trimmed with fur, arc made with the polonaise, and it will probably be adopted, since it is tlie most convenient of costumes. Fashions of the reign of Louis XIII. are coming into vogue. Among recent importations are reception dresses, fall ing in long folds, with Anne of Austria trains. Such dresses are of velvet or brocade, opening over fronts of satin or satin de Lyon, a soft twilled, lustrous fabric! much in vogje. A new fabric brought into favor since lustrous goods have become fashionable is called satin cashmere. It is a twilled fabric with all the gloss of the finest satin, yet has cashmere wool for its foundation. This is so closely woven that tho twilled surface is smooth, and has all the sheen of satin that is woven entirely of silk. At present it is shown only in black and is very expensive. frfrtxe gin’s Aum ln', 0 Tun, ’ , )C(u8 ui nge^ when their parents do not care to dress .them in white, wear box-plaited blouses made of dark navy blue or gendarme flannel. These have three box plaits down the fiont and the same behind; the plaits are stitched by ma chine near each edge from the neck down to the waist and over the hips, but are loose on the skirt. A wide belt of flannel is strapped on low down on the hips. News anti Notes for Women. Aristocratic Japanese women eat the bulbs of the tulip and lily. The wealthiest unmarried lady in the United States is said to be Miss Kitty Wolfe, of New York. A school teacher in Illinois has re covered $-1,000 from a rich farmer whom she sued for breach of promise. A widow seventy years of age, resid ing near Austin, Texas, takes care of a stock ranch and 300 head of cattle. French history in the past hundred y u ars exhibits three women who have perhaps experienced more splendor and more bitter grief and mortification than any other three women in the world— Marie Antoinette, Josephine and Eugenie. Tlie president of a woman’s temper ance society at Noblesville, Indiana, publicly horsewhipped a man for tempt ing the husband of a member to drink. Now that Madam Bonapart e and Mrs Eaton are no more, says the Baltimore Gazette, Mrs. General Gaines is the most notable woman of a past genera tion now living. Miss Gabrella Stickncy has been ap pointed postmaster at Collyer, Kansas. Site was a type-setter on the Chicago Legal News four years ago, but went West to grow up with tlie country. London Truth has become alarmed at the increasing number of old maids, and says the only way in which the evil can be diminished is for parents to give their daughters as much money as the sons. Some relations once paying a Lanca shire old lady a visit, and prolonging their stay beyond her contemplation or wish, were somewhat taken aback one morning before they were up by hearing her call out loudly on the stairs, “A fine morning for cousins to go home!” Josephine Meeker, by invitation of the people of Greeley, made a public statement of her Indian experiences, and it was so deeply interesting that she received an offer of $200 a week to travel and repeat the story. That is how site came to lecture on the subject. A lady in Lowndes county, Ala., who had been wealthy, but is now poor, clipped her magnificent suit of hair and gave it to the yellow fever sufferers. It realized a larue sum, and the winner, a Northern lady, sett the hair back to the donor. Sinee then the lady has given tho hair to the Hood 'fund, and it was rallied in Montgomery for .* 80 . I tell you women are more prudent than men. I tell you, as a rule, women are more faithful than men. 1 never saw a man pursue his wife into the very ditch and dust of degradation and take her in his arms. I never saw a man stand at tho shore where site had been morally wreoKed, waiting for the waves to bring back even her corpse to li is arms; but I have seen woman with her white arms lift man from the mire of degradation, and Hold him to her bosom as though he were an angel.— Col. Robert Ingersoll. _ “ After the canvass”—duck-shooting on Chesapeake bay .—Rochester Express. There 1* IIealtli Ahead* For cheerless dyspeptics who will use Hostet ler's Stomach Bitters, which wi* 1 enable them to digest, restore their aur^ultes, steady their nerves and drive a™ |i y Ihe blues. II, with such a prospeeb tnere are any of them who neglect profit by the above suggestion, why tfopj deserve to sutler, that is all. Let them ask any one who has used the Bitters if it is not a good medicine, and if they receive a truthful reply it will be an affirmative. Bil iousness, bowel troubles, debility, rheumatism are all c nquered by this highly esteemed and also professionally national sanctioned reputation specific, which hss won a as a remedy for and means of averting intermittent and remittent levers. It lias a cheering effect upon the despondent invalid, and maybe re lied upon to produce decisive and not pallia tive effects. It is the one thing needful tor the cure of dyspepsia, and nothing will supply its place. An Tudesti'uctible llubber Hoof! India Rubber, as prepared in the manu facture ot Boots, has a grain orrtbar as posi - live ns the grain ol a pine board. The “crack ing” ot Rubber is simply the separation ot these fibers, caused by the strain brought upon them, wherever wrinkles are formed in the stock by the bending ol the loot in the act ot walking. In the “95 ” Boot, by making the exposed Rubber part ot the upper in and leg ol two lay ers ot (as seen the cut), the grain is crossed at right angles, whereby the whole mass of fibers are held together, rendering separation or “ cracking ” impossible. The extra thickness obtained by doubling the upper and leg, tends also to prevent the formation of permanent wrinkles, lor the stock, aided by its elastic purity, springs back to its origi nal form when the bending ceases, so that alter six months' wear these Boots will be found as smooth and as shapely as when first made. This shape-retaining quality will be found especially desirable in the leg, which in ordinary Rubber Boots settles down and great wrinkles are formed around the ankle, causing the wearer to “ interfere ” in walking, to the speedy wearing out ot the Boot leg. The free dom trom loot chafing and stocking wearing wrinkles in the “Ninety-five Per Gent. Sterl ing Boot,” will bo lound of great practical comfort and economy. A speedy quietus is given to a hacking cough by that inestimable specific for pulmo nary, throat and bronchial complaints, Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs, which cures consump tion, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, labored breathing and other disorders of the respira tory organs. When a cough manifests itself, the early use ot this beneficent medicine is earnestly recommended, as the difficulty is more easily overcome in its incipient stage than later on. Sold by all drug gists. Prices of the Mason – Ilarnlin Organs are somewhat more than those of the poorest organs made; but vastly they are not much This more, while the quality is superior. has all Imp. — — W m i b Lmany o ','^oved the result* at y^p.rx t at it is no Ion ,rr a question. At the prices they are the cheapest organs. For one cent purchase a postal card and send your address to Dr. Sanford, 1G2 Broad way, New York, and receive pamphlets whether by return mail, from which you can learn your liver is out of order, and if out of order, or is any way diseased, what is the best thing in the world to take lor it. $1,125.50 Profits in 30 Days $10 in legitimat e Stock Speculations in Wall St. pays immense profits. Pamphlets explain ing everything sent free. 1 loath Sc Co., Brokers, 1227 Broadway, New York. For an irritated throat, cough or cold, “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are offered with the lullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the good reputation they have justly acquired. 25 cents a box. *$•., Wanted. Sherman – Cl ., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in this county at once, at a salary ot $100 per month and expenses paid. For lull particulars address as above. Get Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffener applied \o those new boots and they will never run over, and will lost twice as long. Young men go west. Learn telegraphy. Ad dress R. Valentine, Manager, Janesville, Wis. Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. physician, Consumption retired from Cured. practice, having bad An old placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Aitections, also a positive and Complaints, radical cure after for having Nervous tested Debility and all Nervous its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to hissuftering fell ows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suitering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sheiur, 149 Powers’ Bloc k Rochester . N. Y . A World of Good. One of tho most popular medioitfes now before the American public is Hop Bit ters. You see it everywhere. People lake it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other bitters as it is n .t a whiskey drink. It is more like the old-fashioned hor eset tea that lias done a world of good. If you don’t feel just right try Hop Bit ters .—Runda News Sediment or mucus in the urine is a sure indication of disease. Take Kidney Wort. KIDDER'S PASTIlLEsS allHR ( i|| i^HJ$Bas»jiy ae g gg B Bqfq B g^ p«P | *”'*> , ppp *' fiiarlestown, IMa** \ YOUNG MEN JSP^riWaSfS ■ month. Address Every Valentine, graduate guaranteed Manager, Janesvifie, a paying situ- Wis. ation. ’ R. ynu mum to write. Dr. F. B. Marsh, Quincy, Micb CiTia1rc<r\£kO-v»/i OUelilo pttcLJL U 5 c«CompleteWorks and Dr.Foote o Health Monthly, 1 year for $1 Sample copy free. Murray Dill I*ul». Co.,129 E.2Sth St.,N.Y ASlilifll | i40111 ?rl<»r(>lii«ie lVabiMlureri No till *'iii In <mL 19 Ml I'WIWfl Br. J. vStri'iikns, pay Lebanon, Ohio, rpIIK JL Needles, LITTLE Knire and COBBLER.—Thread, Wax, Fitty Cents* Agents Awls, wan ted. C. P. AD AMS A CO., 4 1» Oourtlandt St., N. Y. 6 months for IO cts., on trial. De Ruy's Monthly Miscellany, a la'ge PUT, eight-page N. news paper. Sample free. C. C. DE Syracuse, Y. ***** BlUsVs' i»aY.-W ith Stencil outfits. Wnat costs a 8 rapld ^j.j°^**£, ct ^; Catalogue fre^ $66 a wee ^ in y 0U < j^’ n tow ^.’ Ter 8 , jj (j p §777 ^77 ‘j 3Io ”Jh andexpenscs guaranteed^ Ag enti Free—ChromoCatalogue. Families, everybody, lowest price. Metropolitan Art Co., 3» N assau St., N.Y. City /"'iXT'IVTd UlllL^ If evolverg. Catalogue free, Address j \JT Great Western Gun Works.Pi ttsh urg. Pa \pQ tn IU (tOft vpfcU per Uayat home. Samples worth $5 frea Address Stinson – Co * Portland, Maine ! Quick FOR SALE. Town Finder Agents take hold Just issued—cntlrely new plan—proce ess for flutlln ! names—places In U. S., Canada ami Ewope found In i two seconds—only Index Map of II.S.—Drop Leaf—new Invention—Map of World m new projection. People like it. Money in it. Send for agency. 132 Lake St., Haskell Bros., 34 Cottage St., Chicago, Map Publishes*, Charles’t Sta., Boston 1 * 1 , ■* Cure for Couenmp- R (ion is also the best cougb *“ w1 ' H iefne. Dose N in" 11 . —bottle I Itir.e. Solriewywhere. 25c ■ an<l Warranted $ 1 . 00 , to first buyers. || F Flts,EpIiensy warranted ITS An Infallible CURED Treatise renowned press PERMANENT ** ding and A to address. or free me unexcelled effect sent specific Fallingslck his FREE. to bottle a P. and any speedy 0. Remedy cure. ava’nabli ” and sufferoi of nest an' Rx> iot mj R. H. G. ROOT, 183 Pearl Street* Now York. PETROLEUM iELLY Grand Medal Silver Medal at Philadelphia at Paris Exi osition. Exposition. This wonderful substance is acknowledged remedy by Physi cians throughout the world to be the best dis covered for the cure of Wounds, Burns, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Piles, Catarrh, Chilblains, Ac. In order that every one may try it, it is put up in 15 aud 25 cent bottles for household use. Obtain it from your •have druggist, and used. you will find it superior to anythin; you ever mmm JJAfL- NORWl- COD-LIVER 01 ! award at Druggists. 12 World’s Expositions, snd at Paris, 187– Sold by W.H.gch ieffclin dc Co..N,Y Tills Claim-House Established 1805, PENSIONS. New Law. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp, (■KO. E. LEMON, P. 0. Drawer, 32 >, NV»tsliinglmi, D. €. GENTS WANTED for A TOUR ROUND THE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT. PHICE O^IjY This is the fastest-selli ng book ever published, ami the only complete ai nd autl Jientic History of Grant’s Travels, Send for circula rs cor itaining a full description of tho work and our extra terms to Agents. Address Nation ai. Publishin g Co., Philadelphia , Pa. J I WARKEK b 8 butt'* - received the Higher;* I'<U1 .it the recent PARIS EXi'O.SITICIv FLEXIBLE H.r'IoaBCT (120 £ bonesi is wabrant: ANT ;> ;>t to br*t*r wn over the hip*. fir 1.2.1. 'i 'llell IMPROVED with the. HEALTH Tampico t-ORSEi vine. is marie IfttlO list, is 8 oft and flexible and outais >• IV bones. Price by mail, . $ 1..1C. "it For sale by all leadl; ng mere r WARNER BROS*. 351 Broadw–s ■ V MAKE TWAIN’S NEW BOOK, TI TUHF Mil. GOOD TIMES FOR AGENTS AHEAD. ^reufhv Prospectuses for Vais and universally territory. lo ked for Book now Ajm3BK secure "A word to l e. BLISS. Hartford. C« . JOTaPJSssss will positively Female weakness,such as Fall cure ingof the Woml), Whites, Chronic Inflammation or Ulceration of the Womb, Incident al Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Mens truation, –e. An old and reliable remedy. Send pos tal card Tor a pamphlet, with treatment, cures and cei tificates Ballard, from Utica, physicians N. Y. Sold and by patients, all Druggists— to How art li – $1.50 per bottle. i 1 • = I oj^BEATTYEWg lew knee Or hw •ells, Mil! nut ensc.w nrntM « years, stool k bool. irl'ianos,stool, cover – book, $$S-33 to^STto. Ih’.jr; Yuuhwy be sure lo write me. Ulnstruteil Newspaper sent * i’OO Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washlngtou, New Jersey. ^ TO AGENTS. The easiest bo', k to sell ever known! Col leton*. K,?;iaK!“A MS5!– paragraph. b,f„ T ™S A Whole ov every mbjoct, each in one short volume, ihc Library, alphabetically arranged in one nii!y ready uselul handy Encyclopaedia ever printed i'.eautifully illust’aied, $2-50. Ac., adfiress S i'.tl only by subscription. Tern s, G.W. CARLETOW –, CO., Publishers,N.Y.C ity. Da. C. K Shoemaker (the well-known Aural Surgeon of Beading, Pa.) Lives all his time to the treatment or Deafness an<l Diseases of the Ear at his office. Hi-'’ success nas given him a national reputation, especially on runn ng Ear and Catarrh. Call or send for his little Book on the Ear, its Diseases and their Treatment— M ^.ireS 15 Dr! Ainnl Sing; oh, H ead ing, P a . ___ There is no cure for Bright’s Dis ase of the Kidneys, or Bladder and Urinary Hunt’s Complaints. They are in error. Remedy General cures these diseases. Debility, Pains in the Back. Loins or Side, Dropsy, all Diseases Gravel, Dissipa tion, an<l of the Kid neys, Bladder and Urinary Organs cured by IIunt’8 Remedy, SCI ibe Hunt’s Remedy* nd forpamphleuo ^ 0LARKEi Providcncei R j. . ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts amPoUiei Electric Appliances up.>n trial for :i<» days to those allllcted with Nervous Debility and Rheumatism,Paraly- diseases of a personal nature. Alsi of the J.iver, Kidneys, sis, Ac. __Voltaic A sure cure, guaranteed Co., or no Marshall pay. all, Milch. A ddress Belt. i »law i»SJ ays t i*i, a v s t PLAWl For Reading, for Amateur Fairy Theatricals, Ethiopian Temper ance P ays. Drawing Room Plays, Plays, Tableaux l'lavs, Lights, Guide Books, Speakers, Pantomimes, Burnt Cork, Magnesium Lights, Colored Fire, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarley’s Wax Works, Wigs, Beards and Moustaches at reduced prices. Cos tumes, Scenery, Ch-arades. New catalogues sent free containing full description and price. Samuel French – Son, 38 E, 14th Street, Now York. TRUTn IS MIGHTY \ \l f–M \ With your *(«, h.ifht, color of and f (■ypp. g' jjQSHnW r,ml gag.t^.ga^ii–.t.vas; ".me, th. tim. .nrl plu* wli.r. 70 a yggF AGENTS. tfale: jTSaiMKB of ^100 month nd We will pay Agents a y ’>or * expenses, o or aUc a h irge cOimniB’i ■ , .o _o’ T new ana wond • inv nle free. Acldrc.K. $1425 $100 Proportions i returns every v^eelc^n StockOgUons of Official Reports and Circulars free. ’Address T. POTTER WIGHT t GO.. Bankers. 35 Wa ii at..K.Y iS J. cat'iiSmii lh-i.5r‘i£SMSii's'oir.ixz an -ttK W box 1G4B, Uoitou, M>a. It ««r/«<*. WtfV TT WIBL LAST YOU and your children’s chil S j^ksonviiie FLORIDA Orange Grove, OOO Orange Trees, Bananas, House; Figs, 30 Grapes, Peaches, Income Strawberries; Large new doubled. Acres; Full now Fifteen Hundred and can be par tlcular s, “ ALPHA,” Box 443 , Jack sonville, Florida. BARNEY – BERRY’S Catalo gue sent i Free, SK ATES. Addr iress, Bairncy h Berry* Mass. Springfield, $1 o to $1000 nvested In W all St. Stocks masz sm Address BAXTER t C(l.. Bankers. 1*7 Wal l St..N Tt 5uuUU^ fl'OOOAA YEAR. ^ How to Make it. *«« A^snu ^ >‘>NGE, St. Douli,fllo St mm a? – 1 ---^ 0 INCREASED IN SIZE Ai I jSsffi iM a \ fl Zrr.7 OX mm JB|i j IIJLUSTR ATED v B Y THE B EST ktmgm Mi a§Si - ms £~ P Y : s/’xaM -1 COMES EVERY WEEK ct M m J§f£ V, s m \1 mm '• V' m i K w ‘M $ 1.75 AY JTJST OUT! Bells of Corneville A handsome and complete edition of the “Bell* of Corneville " by Planquette, is now ready; and as the music, the acting, scenery and coBtuming are quite within the reach of amateurs, it is sure to be extensive* i ly given and enjoyed. Pretty, lively French village scenes, contrasting with events in the haunted castle, make a spirited combination. Words unobjectionable. ; Price, $1.50. on^of’theswe’etestandbe.C* I^wii^pay’to^my^ons^^ 30 cents. only to sing from at home. Price j VOICE OF WORSHIP. (L, O. Smssoa.) •• THE TEMPLE. (W,0.Ps.««.) ,9per d«.n WEW METHOD for SlStilSU CLASSES. (A. N. Johmsom.) go per dozen. The above are our three newest SlnglngSchool Books. Yh. first tw o have a full eebof tunes tor Ch oirs. See full lists of New Sheet Music, every week In ths Musical Record. That is the way to keep well Informed of all new issues. Mailed for 6 cents. Walt for these books (almost through the press): TEMl’EBAMCEJEWELS^J^H. ^ Tenney. BOOH. A. N. Johnson. OLIYER DITSON Sc CO., Boston, c. H. DITSQN – CO., 843 Broadway, Blew York. J. E. DITSON CO„ ____032 Chcgtmit St.. Phll adtlphU* e WARD'S Fine Shirts for •••; T--- ,Printed directip.nsfnrselfmeasurement and Price Lists free by mail. E.M. –.W.WARD. 381 BROADWAY. new york! STOVE POLISH C:ear'.; ¥ MILITARY and Band Uniforms—•Officers* Equipments, Firemen’* Caps, Belts, and Shirts. TN ENTERING upon its Fifty-third Year, the Youth'* -1 Companion fully recognizes the fact that tho times demand tho highest standard of popular literature. The following Announcements indicate that the Volume for 1880 cannot fall to reach this standard. The variety and worth of its contents will make it a repository of tho choicest literature; a library of tales, travels, adventure, history and biography; a “Compan ion" for the study and tho fireside, for the older as well ns the younger members of the family. Special Stories. aserishby «. A Tale of Cumberland Mountains, . -; by tfWfi Charloa Craddock. Stories of Adventure, by Capt. E. Frechette, Fred. A. Oher, Kins:, Char in a Craddock* Mia. II. 15. JSden. C. A. Stepli ens. Charles II. Stories for Girls, by T.oulne Chandler Moulton. Julia Krvstivva", Harriet'lh'oicott’spofford, “Marion I'larland.” More than Two Hundred Short Stories. M^SSSSVSSS 1 SSMSfr I).Chaplin, •<,. M.Cmiiwall, Oeorglana M. Cralk, J. Valuable Papers, by Foreign Letters, by E W.c M 0i»r CI '*m" Johlf Lillie. Moulton, Brilliant Sketches, on Eminent Orators, by - - - James T. Fields. The Home Life of Statesmen, by - Jinnee 1 arton. Kecollectluiis (it Eminent Men, by Ray l'almer. 1>. D. College 1>.1>» o [ J VV'ei'stcr, J by Edwin P. Whipple. “ Charles Sumner,) George P. T.athrop. “ Nathaniel Hawthonie, Everett, EL. 1>. •• Edward Everett, Win. Short Religious Articles, by Rev. I: ' *.“ 1 xhe'odore L. Cnyler, D. D., xl Her. A. C\ Thompson. D. D., Rev. Theron Brown, Practical Articles. Oiil-of-Door Work for Girls. MUe A. B. Haxrl». „ Boy“ " ' Charles Barnard. Mechanics log - - Every-Day Facts in Common Law, by tion of Crimes—etc. _ Poems. Henry W. Longfellow, Edgar Fawcett, John G. Whittier, Edna Dean Proctor, l.noy I.iu-coi in, Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, « T l» Paul 11. Hayne. ,W" Editorial \ i Department. The artlclvon ^ nUUnWAg*' cal, literary and scientific. SPECIAL OFFER. 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