The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, April 13, 1880, Image 2

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wrmMxuesaBaBBxssmmtmarw. usMomamat. THE TELEPHONE. \ Pl'MJ8HKl> in ! O. H. MBDLOOK. - SYLVANIA, GA,, Tuesday, April 13,1580. ; 1 Tkf ( iiildiTii’N Aid tfocicij. ! ('ii!J i>iiK\*s Al j> Society, 193 Fourth | kijTtt New York, March 18, 1880.— Hon. Francis Fontaine, conmmKhmor of land ar.d?inmiiuration. Atlanta <fa., jsir - As erroneous impression* New relative w>? the work in,; “of the York children's aid society are prev ale lit in son*, parts of the country, and especially at the south, ! trust you will pardon riie for hriefly expUniug the origin l,U of the operation’. lo.-ietv, its object ami mel of The emisfrinson work of the in society partic is the point to which 1 wish uinr to call Tom- attention. While Hiirtv thousand pool’boys during the last quarter of a century have 'been furnished with homes in’the western stutos, the condition of society in your Isted seetion was such thatno demand ex there for white labor. It is only within the past four years that the ; attention of the society lias been turned to the south and southwest as a field for the class of boys we arc trying to to help. It is a noteworthy fact, how ever, the first bors ever sent south by this society were sent into the state of b„, (.au'wuljfv .loinKweJl fcr fICCf support on the tree will offerings ctf tie public; and I may say here that 1 <• :^wu' fa • " nC i u. V hn ? oi h it, toi bor boy shali s nu. money, or a patt a a the . be fund bed with one, or money '• ;!!. ^ provide whom ■ wr f visible }>haiis or hull 1 .it orphans vim w \wiiii ini Tiij no \ -nm iik'o ,,j i)i..,;* hitui’i* ■ L ;/v », 'York'«« -XX 1 "tv i d ibe we*> / ",. the : society has uo good rea sou to, i b.tngnng. 1 I. nev» ■*’>J*“* been the pracuce o, this socie.y ><> -mm ( - u ‘ bovt in a s iv ling luanucr or one by one “ An accredited asrent devotes two V X--: , f „',. XXX a u r u c XIw T : Vd , v firmed U couutiyaiKl loo. .he a,e notified n ^ lIIiCU of the expected arrival ot the agent with Ids boys. Afcominittee of three prominent.»»mol the county is sen-c ted to whom for'his'standing, f.-eh apphean. .oi tlic ., boy refers .k community. A General statenient 18 Inohnnolt ingunpoit, ’viz viz. buei i^a' » t>x win ting a home ; on his pint i.( -m ' - - ted to he obedient, indus.roiH and con form to the family regulations: his e! arP to be watched child^-i over, and in tne l - case - d .f vmme joang cUUrtita i it is lb uquii requir ed they he sent to school duung tlic winter moutln.” In the case of boys from 15 to 17 years of age the circum trTa uf,.ones are 6 different-re'-u'dino' subltance r t\ 1 <n them 1 it us stated stated in m suustance, ' ttlusbo in -’ v is ill TTtint ot a liOjne^ an unskilled laborer^lie^is willing'for oS :2s 2imi corn pensatioji as lie is aituaJ> led to. Itelative to placing boys w y il the overseers of forms, the society in in tiict-nmy ot uic iaim. i > „ be i* employed, iucsc an. <• >■., * * of the stipulations, society the.boys has are author- vc/i uuteers and the no 3t.y to bind them; they fully understand the terms before taej ■,..i'.i. Four years ago 1 was instructed to correspond with parties in the scuta relative to the demand there for hoys : this was tne initiatory step m {4115 work at the south, and the results gen ©rally have been satisfactory. Ihe demand there for these boys now far exceeds the society’s financial ability to supply. From the observation, boys’ letters, as well as from personal my own opinion be is that well the treated boys who thev go south wil’ as as 'other would elsewhere. There are points to which 1 already would too^ong. gladly allude but.this letter is From your influential position as commissioner of land and tion of the state of Georgia, aud your fauiiliaritv with its agricultural inter est, I deemed it proper thus to call your attention to a few points connected with our hoping methods of placing in the country, thereby to subject. some prevalent error on the I trust that this work will bo the means of assisting a large number of bovs and eventually benefit vour state, ' Yours with much respect, II. A. llolt, Agent. TPlxe School Te,eMS r W„ if lo.™ A»n, il/ ]!o‘i‘r<“l M^i,.-WfWr«« aA7.w“l li'j. A iV ,ji n auertain senes of school i • ■ - v-hicn they Wil. srs??STSs^MdfiTuS'; t t.iKen is o.u. ]p'o-lil>’ li .f-lJy com.iiCii coiiup end able .. .. . -' At 4 first ?*ijilit it would «ippc*tU. to tnc least, iuconveiiient that the children should } be , iequ..„u ,‘fs-r) it’i'l in to j.,v lay - .. K i(lr at ’J v ,l4tt h‘)i hooks they mav have and purenase others. Ltd a Litle leflection vv ill mby satisfy parents as to the wisdom their adoption. In the first place every new teacher that comes to the county would; cer tainly use in his ow n school either such hooks as he has used before, or, if a novice, then such as he himself wsis instructed from. The consequence is that there would he almost as many systems of instruction, taught from as many different series of books as there are teachers iu the county ; and a child who by chance is compelled to with draw from one school and enter anoth er labors under an immense disadvan tage. Whereas if the public schools require the use of a certain class, the private schools will necessarily con form to the same requirements; and until a hook is utterly worn out. the . hud r vounsrer brother may use it in atiV Mellon of the county oi’fVriv-1 cii it mat ter* not how remote. Xotv a* to the' advnntnm- in price— The Countv School lio'ird is mol. mm. tract with the publishers, which rou- ; tract binds both parties for five The Hoard will require their use 'in er erv Public .School, and the publishers are to furnish said books to (ho child the distributor’s, meter heio in vaniu at thf* v*ht)lvsule /'files, Nor' this all. For the spar*<* of from date they will take in »t the tributor’s eoiuiter all hooks of sn»ir tirade as their own iuSguitkeut giving theirs in exchange at a very To illmdntt" tics we give one Appleton’s Fourth Reader which -re end weeks was sold here for one dot i ar will now be gi* t-n in exchange for anv other Fourth Header with an ad dilional charge of net. tyjire cents. After the .space of three months the same hook will he furuisned for live TOars thirty-five cents. Thus it will bn seen by every level-headed raa ii that the action of the Hoard will be not only of immense substitute pecuniary uniform vantage, but will a aiM j g(oadv of'’common curriculum-for that. moUuy system school culture that il0 w pervades Very the entire Respectfully, county, Maj:k, Lf t i •<*r S're%» Itch – 5«-»->*?«. Mjtchui.lton^Ha.. April 8. utOptm wouh mHU like ! J.we i rr--' ”'v..... t <roirig ahead rapid!v with their larin j-: Some of then, hare good ,r tone d , . , ^ Hlg ieflln ’ A“ to f be are more encouraged ' a " T ., tmia i l somo time. Some are almost done ^s; 0 : ^ ^ make j ' ,. omo are not so anxious to , one. r fcl%*2SiSS ,,. , . , . , ,, ’%2Z i l ^ s, ■tvvi.E', ‘ ''none ,1 . ^ 1 of the Vih dav W. 1 + () have our accomplished and 1 esteemed friend, Mrs. t.eorge Oliver, for ouv teacher. We hope to hate a good 6 '- Uu /i ,,i i Rarmonv vri VVe nt have ' a ^Sabbath .school there UOW. ?nd j could 1 'f Ve a f? 0< ,f h0o \ i “- 11 v/-cre interested . 111 the , welfare of their ^.jjjUj-eu. as thev ought to be, but some are so carele8Saud indifferent that they , v in 30 t send to school. Some are try ^. get sick, and etiiers cannot hna , 5 to send their children to school. One of our farmers is so engaged lg f° MS it0 f ^ he hilS t° the w black mare out of n the crop to rule after his sheep and cattle, while th. o]d l)Iiud i, av ljom has to do the ui ' on ^ „],j nS r He can’t vkl send liis ' f girls /' to ? C1, ?°' ,, , +, ' iu driving his • stock, attend tie , v has so many s j ic( .j, ‘ and cow - s to to. Bui don’t 1 vo „ lw!lcve llim Editc r, he i ’ ,? ! t t i ; ? Tl ?* ,■ ; lO-Wi-co. .. k rll , P , ii 11 '. 1 1 “ ll ’ 1 l aK to ^ a ■ uttle I flume . 1 farmers of . laonev. I IciimI, v/ maj^rto ! ; ^ «-Fe/ough ^ol'd^ldnTdrive them an T?‘to to assist I gusta, a* t<« ^et two blind pwy horses aiid Oiie with y fuls.» tad. Come U»> ]/. )n fl . ie;u! be c l ;ar i , hU . J)l)( t U »;V,....... : -T- ! -'-V' aud let fuem rest awmle, and assis: the one with a false tail for tiie poor Tellow will need help as it farmer'wifi is o-eUiiiw ty be fiv tlme . Thi.J great be ovel .' to see llia fn C iid S in Svivauia again .soon and perhaps tell them how ulany , ho uud „ owg he ,. lul if h(! do( .. vou win )icar of it , alld when ’ d() you Inust advise all farmers throughout sud our. eounlrv fi to raise more ,. h cows <hau t CT do . Echo. l-etter from Augi»w. Augusta, -■/ (ta. April 8th. Dear Telephone :—No doubt you would like to have a'few lines from the ‘’Fountain City” and Palmetto State and being a native-born of your grand old ccunty and a dear lover of your saud hill town I thought I would give you a few lines. Well, you kao'w I am j j somewhat then there of so a I wanderer, have a good first chance here and to | see been the all condition through oft the he Empire country. State Ihave I as j well as a large portion of the Palmetto State, and the outlook for the tali, J1880 \rupt is farmers that there next will spring be more than bank- there / were happy ones last fall ank winter, from tins fact, there has been more Phosphate bought in the two States ' than there will’ be money to pay for it, and the merchants are selling more goods on the old plan than they have since the fatal year of 1873. So view *–“« “rSri'iCM V.,d tor S««l l~« MM. a amis SSTiSt? the “Fountain City” howevei . that •*“*•»«*«<*«»**."‘•t? now, but how long it wdl hold 4 out i« | impossible to say. I can say this much ' 4 ! n T-G-V tt,..,. fKni tltoITriirjr tea ' rciii’fc- ll ’ 1 ^ en ‘ ;b 18 lv K *> for 101 wh > ' n lle le Ui ’> ' goods _ the ■. putting ’ a great getting mauv .the spends on peo- for le they are equivalent , t j ’ or ds one. There is not much amusement now in our town/the greatest, Troupe.” ^sensation T You is the “Red Stocking thought Miss _ ought to be here, you all Alice, of the famous ‘Reynold’s Troupe,’ good, but you have uo idea; sleight oi' hand performances are no where.— Can’t you come up and spend a good few days,with timeC-not us, wc will “dear” give you a the Sa hunting “ducks” oil the vannah, but shooting good on people canal. Hoping that the of old Seriven will make good crops and not get washed away by the pres ent high water, I will subscribe my self. your friend the “Emit, non.” Several stores in Atlanta rent-for as much as flOU each per month. ".T953BRS." r.r^.nfcr.n’G*:.^ Tim l»TVdfir/v/.sw Watclmm says:— Applmg county s exports antudlv amount to nearly three million of < lollar*. Who s;ivs that the wire grass ain't able to take cure of herself ” ,, ,r _ . l! ,, ll0 •, , ) m * , 'elir."ii . “ - .; T ll ’ inn *j' c Irwmton Southerner anil leariug his brother, Mr. Tt. Hodges, sole editor and proprietor. The Detroit Free Press has been . . . nml , s s.n .„ tll th..t „ f '/ “g intends • , .. on, mi) 'S<»rgm o ais. ton ‘>'!y pound watermelons thus year. /'I*!'?" „ U ; ’ . l! ‘ „ ;! P u ,,lie ‘ lns 1 1’dih eon.itj tun. , 4 uijit ; hi . M c . Huniey m i mil. and a er twenty-live speakers, three a, a time, had pum '“<‘!<;d each other with r«imodn,s up on tlu Queen >. h, th tolloy/cip vvere selected to represent that section ho ^u.ryse which he* tu Maeou: 1 uiaski t ). IIo!., < omicd, .loa n I •}• J H. I)ey c " 01 ' "’ John '’ Ac. N. HlaeK- ( ^ ll se ’ anu ;f eaux, i t ’! . icaK ‘- " 'ysaid Uut when the «tan |’ e j lv ' a8 al 11 ir st ' e shaut o ^‘er a look passed of reproacli rapidly upon out the his door, lex icographical brow. authorities, Under one arm he carried his under the ither Hie limp form of the goddess of liberty, who lias fainted from what the Chinaman would call too muchee smcllee. iull.m,. wui! 1 ' 1 ‘ V ‘ r ? '/ u ; >? iU ; J;el - ,,g , - 1 I lie remark, . and having some curios Hr, .; » we asked him if > they had not be f ‘ ,V , ,. . ’• J I • ^ »«"k.iwTJJ’Sa , n»!l , s bccu opposed ^ j to ij nsirm w ? wri it, and had Jm, no! i j done wn so until 1H ibis scar. xr \vc Rskcd i \ i»~Ky'«“VT< Tou.ei ally, and did not want to „ inter | fere with the workings ” of Provi lp ' • mroviain-*' '\iAvou fo cotton dhuo-'-d corn 1 i ,, T u ow ^ not 11 •>> ( ‘ V ° T 00 wp ® 8 * tet t J r< ’ H * K * e w ' *. s ' “ > but £ guano helps mights v to make • Tbit’s {h wcv k.. d we!L > •• but another wav of i‘,„ putting the • 1 i< ,” , 1 1 sc * ^ j t’ - who , thclllselves ' From 55<>sl . iBdl . ( . v , ,, -- , ® ., , ' 02 • ArmxAxr.m a Bay, Jan. 3/1880. /f n. }/ t ,rner <i-Co ■ , : ^ 1> .<.n t’-onbled with X . v r P H 101 I' alb-tu ' d 1 ! < >rtober 1 ,, last /, had a very ' severe attack, ‘* I/*hen commenced taking your Safe j j K -.i, .... j , ■ „.. .. { , f ; i,/ . ro j ij,,f ,\„ ZlX X‘) i t. lv \, „ i , * . | lies and d *.-el a* well as t-vu.and , I sha.l a j waV8 <eC p a supplv oi \\ arner’s ! Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in the ■ . ! ■ • *> s 1 ApViv** tT r - ; NEW AD¥5BT18EFEMT8, ' ’ ‘ > 1 To alF^hom it mar eonceru: .Tames Free ! :aaa Cuxrthan nf Henry T Krivmiui. ci'raid | ship, and the name willh-.- heard hr fore oaki the i regular term-Of the Coart of Ordinary of • county, to he held on the second Monday hi | If'!;., M *^O'lfTEU, i Al ‘ nl ^ ■ 0l(|l|l i "’>' ’ b ' ^ \T/\mT/rn ICE. I will be in Sylvnn.ron Tuesday of Supe- 1 rior Court, week forttw* purpose of collect ing special tax for 1«W. Apr 13 2t CAT HE A* OV ERSTRE.ET. Tax Collector S. C. NOTICE. The Hoad CommissioMr# ofSeriven oo'un ty are requested u aie.t at ihe CoiirtHtlouae ; r Cl ndy ° “v re.,“ted U i U e Col AII are earnest to I e present. M, M. r'OTTER, NTNNALLY, D. B. C. It. JOHN H- HULL, j county jsoam, s>. c. | ____ i 1 ]]IT ]1 • i j {I H \ 11 j Mil jl A !» J, , fc/ 1 YY ’ FOR SALE Bit TIME, For'sale on time until tke first of Novem ber, oua Eight Horse Power .Engine, almost new, warranted to be perfeet. For particu lars address, P. is. Y/KAVKK, Apr 13-tf Wattle;., Ua. THE WHITE SHUTTLE j™. motion, largest capacity, wi wanted for parts adjustable, superior double in workmanship, solid steel shuttle, steel feed, most durable b“*thewe’rlS! >cio c<**« r s, gear iicrtevt 1 ufiexcelled JACOB ‘ P ‘ B4ZKMORE . wivivta o* aiid/Efllnghau.. Apentfsvthe'.eonntiesof Seriveti,Bulloch, Apr. l*-3m A Hood Store House TO IRTDTTT, AT NIILLEN, GEORGIA. The best stand on the Centra! Railroad. Terms reasonable. Posession given immedi ately. Will sell the same with let attached, j on reasonable terms. For further informa ( tion address, J. T. COHEN, Cor. Broughton and Savannah, Barnard Sts. March 30 Ga. VT. IIouby, W. L. Mathews, Jr. HOBBY – MATHEWS, Attorneys at Law, SYLYAJSflA, GkA., tllGfim nw*w»**vnt r "c*zw T n SPJilVEX SI! E RIFF'S SALE. j )(> so j ( | i .efore the Court House door ni Sylvania, hours Seriven the county, brut Tuesday wlthlp in the May le gal of sale on next, the following property .Ui«"iu One tract of land lying in Si-riven'bouuljr tesw, and being con taining conveyed 419 ueves. liv more deed or from William l>. a tract Hard to A, At. lluppoldt, and recorded in Clerk’s oliiee of the superior Cmirt oi said county, in book V, page IN, amt bounded in said deed by lands of Smith, dunes an t Uob arts. Atso’one other tract of land lying in siiid county mu! eonUtinin;:' twohumlreilunfi seventy-Uvc mves, more nr less, ami bring u tract conveyed by said Hard t* said Hap m>UU by su'd deed amt luudutcil in said decc. bv lands of A. Itoalh, .1. 11. lieberts and A. Jones, Haiti lands levied- on ns the prop erly of A. M. llapiioUlt, by virtue of an cse cutiou issued from the <11 y Court of Havmi nuli. in favor oft', liar! A Co., uquhist A. M. UapDoiclt, to satisfy Jasper same. Newton, Writfci; notie: of levy given to U. N. >ili.i.H, tenan! in j'ost'ssion. r f. Mcb olFttis Merit! Seriven count'. ROAD NOTICE. Ov or seers of ]>ubllo roads in the !Utb Di.s ti’ict, fl. M aiv horotey <>ril, rtnl to put their rosjK’Ctivt* roiids in tlH'ooiulhion rotjuii’od by iiio laws of (ioorgia, by the first day of May iH'xt lor inspection. Overseers jir* warned that unless llioir roads are up to the require ments of the law they will br reporied and ordered reworked instanier, and the >»; sibilitv for laid roads, if any, i-’houid. will b< »:a(i( to rest where it ayhlftilly By order of the Commissioners, this April <st, 1880. II. C. \?r;Li.s, 31. i . K!TTLF8. A, A. ENA IS. Commissioners Public Hoads 3ith l>b triet G.M. FCBIilC MTIOOI. NSOiriCE. Bv ^ tbc Ho.iil or nnto (M sx aawarr^ts sat the purpose oi ^xiiminnaif le^-chfis and fur nishi.gbtm.ks tor making repo.t. count) Th;* Hoard ot k-ducation oi nomvu having ado,.ted'IWt ;;B 8 oks for th» IHWIe S-lwoK All teacher wtll Iwv raeunvd to iw them in ®e schools this year. 4r. H.( . 11 !ar?e * ui!p,y on hiBd - W. L. MATTHEWS, C. S. C . * C "' V “" SM ^RiFF'S SALS. u«o, between tlie legal easli, bourfof lot Of sa.e, land, to sit- tne hivUest bidder, for one uaUal in tlie village of .Sjlvauia, cr.ntainin- county of ^'Hven aud smtv of iteorguu three, areafenihraced fourths of cue i* 3 chains an-e. 11101 and * sr 23 leys, links or an one witv'md Main 8 «hai»s 50 link* the other yvav, on of ^,1 Villa, Stvwt, ami Lot designated No. 13 Lev.etl in .the Plan a. e as niwni tne property oi rue !:•?niate ol Jacob \v Leelei, deevased, by i.’auacy Uverstreet, hstp, Tax ; -nt' in'i-’A'-.d tk'ro SMSBeaslv over ' A_• .a. la-iog no other prouertv o.« which to low !•>satisfy she’riiY -.aid tax ‘ K. T. AlfUA CJE4J>S«5A, Scrivc*Coaaty. Humphrey K. Bavsmove, Administrator of Rotate of Areh'.l'ald 1>, Hohbins. deeeasod. his ptUHonin writing for an order diseharrinjf him from his trust as such Ad minWrato?, aurl lb- same will said be beard bc fore the Court of Ordinary of county on triesseotid Monday in .June, 1880. Tbere fore all eaU.if persons concerned are required to show anv they can ; why said Ad Ids mmustrator said trust,and should reeei\e not he letter*of diwharged dismiss- from ion. a* prayed Cor. M. M. I>i >TTKK r eb. s-ta , Ordinary , Scnvc. ^ county. * ' * v ! «KOK€»IA, Scrivem «o.«nly. Theveiors all partom e^ncerieclare required to show raMise, if any they tan, why said fid | {'!’ a ‘^ a t t r 0 .y,f “l™ - for. M. YHnihR, war. 2-td .Ordinary, o, €. I i j g 1 fl J S' f-d ’ -y - * *• 1 tv I *11 I {{ H | t-.AS / COPPER – BRASS ! Bon I I will pay a good price tor old cotton oi lmen rags,.(no other kind wanted), and old Copper and Brass. C. H. MEDLOCK, AtTELWHOXE Office. WATERTOWN STEAM ENCINE. m JAMES MANNING – CO., Msjiagers. 'JDFL^' STEAM tf ; pips Sm* Offit, ’OS and 1S5 St. Julian St.. “**»“**•»««“!“**. Tleorgia. Savannah, - - - light Engines, lM:omotiu< <uiJ Retiuniu bular I,oilers. Muinifacturersof baw, Gust audMaelilueij. 1 ealeis in r ; ,u„nUins, l>r,. ? .es. Witt rial, engineers’Supplies, Hancock Inspira tors, etc. l’r«npt atteation given to repair ing. Sugar Pans andCaueMills a specialty, mar - J - 5ln - Tbe Subscriber offers Ins services to the citizens of Sylvania and surrounding Painter. try as a thoroughly Practical ties wishing their Houses, their Signs advantage or painted will find it to / consult him before going elsewhere 5 Ail work done In firat-claw st-vle at lowest urog . GEO. E. flAZUSHHKST, mar. 2-tf. Painter. J . L. SINGHLLTON. U. P. WADE*. SINGELL1 OX it WADE, Attorneys at Law, | ! SMXj'VA.lSriA., July 20—tf. C 3 --A.- I I a I I < ‘5 ’3 f“ g :1 g E n 1; E! .5 :2 i Arman ‘9} 22 . . E–J. ‘ Ll" Ewgs'd- 1? A5. g --s _ ~a.g.–.§..§.:~5 i A 3- . 3:) , R) us 3.5: ".32.”: Emma“. 4.. –\édfi.$;‘ai‘¢ ,flggzwms h v. §§fi'fl-a x :2 . _...‘. m... ¢ . ’ a '21:”: .m‘mfi; 4. a Stuflifihcmdsgméflw W ( 5, "fgl- 1"???“ « §_\_ . xii: 1 1*553 [E:g{:¥_n‘ ; 3'34.» 4:” 53%;“ gig " “s, ‘rfig’iVK—K' $2} 1%: #7 1:} :~‘ '2: ‘5‘ . ‘” *3‘. J, g , :W‘qgf'wfi ~ am: g, V In; {E’L- fl 3% V . ' “W V .: .‘A-h? ': "-.’- X “‘s'av' ir 'gggi _- '~ . «5:134 -t‘ ‘3’” ..,:‘_*‘ 37”" :A§’3~E€§Q§~ ;,.§3; ‘3“? 5 93:; w$§w,tia\gigm,iw = ‘ ~ "v-»i4c"“3"‘ ffifi‘i‘fiéiw‘v =._~ g 1% -.__:‘fi¥mr¢va::» .. ‘éfiu‘ “ am; *139.’ . f' $‘v‘3’mi '255 ;?;\$§â€“€Wéfi€3§§:§%’:',z' f“ J23 “Luzsv‘ 9"“‘EM1J - ~ 1in " \~ E {'1‘ av ”1‘3“” *«éé v¥f$3~33§~VY “hf?“ ‘m éi‘e'*w\;éfr‘?'¢ W3: ‘ X 5‘“ " “’7§7”’?"fl(3i“ " i» 63's.“ *1: 3f r i',-¢.~–'~“§"” ::¢"w-.-..:" '::‘-yvyr/s-:‘m.. {L- N. ~‘\ ‘ J}? > “N‘s?! 5am ’ . ‘ “‘2‘ \ ““"' .. é» ”' ?,x;32“své~‘=<r‘? §§53‘«¥?‘4z\u=e»wya»hxwywszaiwgsk “g, k§§a~§§~ $324)» A’ ‘ W57,“ " “a 1.; / .. . - . '\ 9/ .L, ‘~ 5‘”. \ 5'; % :1 u; {j ,1rt.;‘;t‘§' 1; 2;}: é”? _‘, .IE- -1 “*7 '\ 4L\_ . .‘ jfi; r; ““15 ‘1' , , ‘ 9. . a. W44 _, ”-53 Mg—if~éfiiu%h§%3 T. §@.\r I“ :;v‘\f'"::::':i_.v/‘”~I:‘2¢5%RULF‘7 , . :‘M*‘» .z- z=ajn< #1,; 9'3”»43. 6575*“.Jiuu m. 2 'an‘ 7 > ‘ 159%;2§§§$fi¢w<flé§;.-‘i€:‘:€i‘:;ivtiflgiia V: ‘ ‘ I ‘ "1" ' “x‘ i' ‘ “33’ ‘\~ -' ‘ ”‘5‘"- fi"’¢ ,2: 5‘ “2-515" 53$; 4‘: a:vlgfi‘éfimflss-‘Iz~i;:z§“¢.:=§r§€2rr-"-:w -.-:':;T‘.xé.‘41€9'3. rig-Ef": -_.' ' i- , L‘» » v ‘»‘i""‘£"‘ ;" _» 5:47 ’ V ,— \ 2w" ‘x,".,,,‘“ " ”17—4 “3‘23ng 19:“:55932321 x533 #3:!- 1§X.; Eggfi‘ajg‘ijg;Qii“;;,v+.-jfg}g:g1§.gt.“5;“3" , 55.5%; 7,, 5‘s?» ,\_,_ , . ,x 7. *7 7 -/ ,1 AV _. 17' :, 1‘Q:_‘:‘— \‘ J .;,, “°=$’§L§-’E’:§géi‘ .39”, ( :r:§.;—',2;;:;g s.:;::‘§¢§%*:_~=::;§f a vfifigfim ‘7“--“=:'L-; s§'§‘€;1,;,:2;_2 ‘1'”.1’""‘ ,7 _ ¥:‘°.‘»..v—— V, -:. q. — "3i '2“?- x 3‘ 4'1: $155.3”. 291.... .. _‘ . '3 .. v ,_ , 7- _ 4 xi. ~~—.. , 7n: "‘:'3–'-4‘“”:’“"‘ .3. :.F‘,£‘”-.P.:2‘ M :(i-‘Tfi'LT _ ah": r–;;§,mp— . , 2‘ 3-3 ’ 1‘32: £55 : w» ‘”- :rM,~.._ :1 'c- 35'1— w.» > ~ 1‘55 ., .2W‘~—Li3fial$§§fi§§é£ik ‘flfi’fii? ~q—"-+~—‘ Tara". . ‘ .-.;:u=:§3a_'_fit' . V ._~(;:_L; 'Pgifisgfibifiiirg 1.1 :5 4» f7??€§.qu’¢1>,1.41: '~~—kr:~:-r1:‘.r Jqé‘lfh " —- ~-— -m . r-" A ._____. , - TW0¥ "13’ Engines ' and NM: " ~ “Eu '= :1}: ~ cg]: ”maid ‘-- 7:111” ft: ' ' 022,13va 4’ - '~ 'S'Jluil‘véli‘s ' '2'; : 314., u}z\"."1;--~ N 'Txlessiij :1; Bazamore. ’7 rBazemmv, 51ml Mag» «Nm‘» A, .‘v ' I\ o :"“1.3«: 1 234;; ~ Ad“ and at a lower pnce than .. mos". .. other 0; guou 7).; \mu (1" a 1;” :0 “31,1 a - . 1." ,, m .w ‘ ‘ JPAGOJ. “T0 BL GT GITT‘C‘ "’T‘T‘G ‘1 v ' T : 3 0, J.Ju, 4—1.. -, Em” 1 ‘ 1” ‘ xmakag Beiole ‘ pmdhmng “ Linus”, ' -= M v {10 well to we 2:2» at ()Lsrechpo. (1:1. ‘ * 0e. .. '- '3 .- , ' ‘ m. . mun R. caopm. - Buy Your fertilizers FROM TOI1M LOVE *2? T •AGEWT FOR Patapsco, Grange Mixture, Watl'Kon and Clarke, Homestead and Star Brand, SYLYANIA,^ O-JV. GUANO GUAJV0. The undersigned would respectfully inform the planters of Bcriveu ( ouxiy that they are prepared to fill orders for the following first class Fertilizers: WATSON – CLARK, STAR BRAND, HOMESTEAD, SOL UBLE PACIFIC P AT A P SCO, AND Cl AMT. Tfe will deliver any of the above Guano’s, except Patapsco, fr«e of freight at any point on our Rail Road. Give us a call before purchasing PERKINS – BRO. ? Jau.6-4m LORETTE, Seriven County, Ga. YIK–IL Hi BUHNSr 1 ' omwoBf w–sTtrm–t* AiJD DEALER IN GENERAL MEUCilANMSE. NO. 6, G. R. Pw. ? OGEEOHEE, G-A. lias in store and keeps constantly receiving a full line of everything usually kept in a First-Class, Country Store. flas now on hand a full line of Liquors, consisting of the celebrated GtOIiDEM «S8-SStAkJSSr* A ' ' - - : J’ pteu m l|i^m i m 4 j : fo, la # Bob Lee and Stone Mountain Whiskies, Apple and Peach Brandies, Catawba, Sherry and Port Wines, Ale, and Choice imported French Brandy for medicinal purpos es only. Will keep hand on : >_ O0V.0SWE. ^illp MARK Give him a call before purehasingeUewhere. I JNO. B. WALSH > PRACTICAL CARPENTER, SYLVANIA, CEGRC3A. Will work either by the day, or by the job. All communications by Mail promptly 85—tf answered. For 8a!©. A Hosier, Bahman – Co's. Safe will he sold on good terms. Call on or address THE TELEPHONE. SVIYAKIA, Ga,