The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, April 22, 1882, Image 1

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Sylvania Tel >> I •V 'V 3 - Y. ■? 'i .2* HONE o VOL. 8.--N0. 29. 1' A/1 4 I-i I WAJ |T U ill "If 1 V * • " _■ ......v:.' -v.v. . 4YLT4KIA, «A. tApril *«♦ TOWN – COUNTY AFFAIRS —— ------- ------ —-- 7SXm TZSZXSSJZ their immediate ou/jettrance. TO OUK. SUBSCRIBERS. After the 15th of May next, we will revise our subscription lists, and iiumesof all who have not paid up bv that time will be drouned 11 from the list Mr e can not afford to run .dl the . w lule •wilbopt ii.otigv. ’>\ c trust before* that t'dl will ttfone up an?: sell lu the ua\ !■ M ti.,i (i as ‘ we don't wish ." to leave oh ... Ve in . , end , to any. down m its,, icily cash basis. It its the oi,l) m- ssiV.l plan. We mean busi Ml'tfS. Ki.WftM su»m Mr. (jreorge V,. Waters sends 11 u the first corn tassel of the season. A seasonable shower of rtiiu fell in this section on Tuesday night Inst. Miss Hattie A. Babcock, of Augusta, is visiting at the. residence of Dr. W ' L. Mathews, in this county. Mi-ses Carrie Askew, of Savannah and Annie Join; ton, of Seurhoro, paid 11 visit to our town on Tuesday hist. Jolm .......... ( ., Fsq., was . in attendance , on the Superior Court ai bwai.mslmn. Kmauucl, county, several days tins Misses Gertrude Hol>l>y. Nellie Fish er, Addle and Katie Hiugcllton re turned front a visit to Savannah on Thursday last. The Men and Women's Belief Fund tnueoi Association^ lmirnagc of Atlanta, cerulicate pay, ot endow- at the a incut tor $2,000. Beaurie Parker, from Milieu was- in town business 011 Tuesday last, wearing quite a air. He is a stirring young man and (reservessuccess. Mr. it. T. Sowell, who has been in Augusta, Iia., for some time past. engaged in working on the Sibley Alois, returned on last Thursday. M rs, Weils hist has sent Co 11 dPPfffc veil. the that we'Tlave seen or heard oi'. We issue absence' -th-df sheet this week inglothe of of our assistant Mr. W. [I. Barclay, who has been on a business trip to Augusta several days Aioocy is a good thing T-r newly Vied jteople to have, ike* advertise luem ol tiie Men and Women's Mutual .... ....... In this issue will be found the Tax Ordiiutuccs of the town of Syivania. which should he particularly noticed bv the residents and property owner-. of the place. The turpentine still <>t Messrs. Bow H Kittles – Co., has been put in tion jtud the first charge was run off on last Tuesday inorning. Vv'e wish Uleiii great success in ihe enterprise. 11,0 ... ot .. w . • •••. ,lt V ; l!Ua " <nu Vi fV V - are cordially united to come and heat the S\ Ivauia Debating Society del,ate on Wednesday next at eight o’clock at JiicCourt House. Subject:—Which al ss “f for rfwi " c The Seriven Shooting Club held a meeting on Thursday last and several hours very pleasantly. The The former "champion, however, eon tesled ii pretty elo.seiv with him. Miss Busan Waters, daughter of our wortlty fi'ilow-citizen. Mr. Henry Vi n ters, Fr., who tms spending some time in the "Bund of Flowers,” passed through (Mir ion u on Thursday last mnruing to her home in this county, 41'c are gla<l to welcome her hack. We paid a visit to the section known as tl,« ‘ fork” of Briar Creek iu this county last Monday and found the tar . tiling interest in an advanced state. Several farmers were chopping out cot ton. aud the crops generally were more tii'omislh"'than .gi, tliev In vr been at this Rev. W . I). Midi 7; reg.i" pr 'ached a ii,o,l impressive s -i'ukhi a. Hie -Method tel ehuivli m .1 is citee to a large con « 8 cgatioi, on Vieu,estiay eveuing lie was hsteneu to w lth prolouml at tent ton tlnougliuut Ins discourse, which made a most tavoiabie tmpressiou and stamped unit tti the est imation ot his Iieari-rM. us a preacher ot great power amt promise. - Youug gentle'fiien and ladies who Alesire to marry and start in the world witii some ready cash should join the Men and IV omen's Relief'Fund Asso ciatiou, Atlanta, head The Syivania circuit steps to the of the class this ti.ue as being in the lead in payments on all assess* menu made against the various elmr dies for every' purpose. Buck Creek church stands second on the list in the Savannah district and Syivania ihl. The Waynesboro church stands first, but taking all things into consideration. Buck creek anil Syivania should stand at tlie iiead. The circuit should feel justly pmud of this showing and every cliureli ought to make a mighty effort io.couie to the front in like manner. SYLVANIA, GEORiriA, SATURDAY, APRIL it 1882. Married. (fuAN'NiSs—CAhi>EH.—On Wed Head ay. j April Stubblefield, 5th, 1882, Esq., at the residence of (j. by Rev. H. Kieg win. Dr. Horace M. (iranuiss and Miss Mazic A, (’alder, all of this cif.v, No i j ssa in tsttfs–x life boat (lie world’s one on stream. Tliev are a popular pit ir Doctor and his bride, and have manv friends in this county who will all unite in wishing them bon voyar/e. Thcv have set ti|. their household gods ]„ the Doctors new building, ami start out with bright prospects for happiness. foregoing item clipped from The was . .. J 4 *• ' , ' , H , ’ ~ f friends , of the \ fair unde, in . m ' many Ibis section cherish pleasant oilier soiourn here, and wish her the • fnll^t icobgntwm of happiness , . . . in wedded state. 7IIMA.X M4.R.1PA. ' Million, ,, Da., , April . .. 1J, thht. , C0I New vegetables in order. Miglitv cool for Anri I. VV r ho's fooled ? * * ‘ , Inc fishing . party caught v. a ducking > » * ai vet\ tew nan. Mr. W. H. Barclay passed through on a trip to Augusta. Mi. ., da--Da ,, jr TT, i .1 is!Iia ng I,; *• house painted b\ ti.v Ait.t. Millen has had two great passages this week—first a fit) foot wliaie; then < , eh . bmto( | ;> - win Talmadge. This last fhe Pri>ttesi „. looked at ,w though )l(1 was th( , wllal(; . open, 'F bio. f'tilenci. A colored party paid cash for guano. Bad enough to pay at any time; but Uh . A fit subject for the Ass—sylum. * ,i< ’ alia ' •' 011 * ial ln ‘ lie did not succeed well on raising _ _ the tune, but deserves credit tor pluck in trying, Frank is going to visit August,'. Wish I was. Paddy Miles is awful quiet. Wake up Paddy^jid nBLM^ lets hear from you. - ^ ‘— iktli - *”* .■ Ji M11 1 • t an yo^PPtySP’c/.e-out 3 this W< ‘ alh ’' , ‘ ' The lad v wit!. Talmadge had a whole rose hush "pinned ot, her dress. Wonder, Sim who had thefiowers certainly. '' " ' Talk about sh. roads, phutk roads. rough roads, sti up nmds. 111 roads. I throw up the sponge. The men are retiring, and so the boys are pooling, cmhmbj. boy. Twas fair though, lie ] jM cky will now have to marry to get it in list'. V«f tables and fruit look promising. a nd all will be well it 110 trost. r 1 , adu ,........ stand , son <om ,. " " ot very neat calico dresses at the party, Sorry Desdicardo did not attend, us would have given description, bnL h" sn; l * e,I, 8 bilcd. loo lute. Judge. Wondc’f if billiard bulls ever get tlr ed. otlici mill men mu-t he loi „ vj 1 wiK,7HS773ST,S:”o;£ 'people , are not . so ^ n"cie»ted. : .(..m .tnd Don’t I wish 1 was a canary. Thou I’d go oil - sure, as a most charming la dy, young too, said her canary was her only sweetheart. Fool who? Heard some nice music in a wuv hv a lailv with one of the cs , <>t - voices." It m i le me think of by oonc davs wlien I too could try to sing {» a fib'choir. Don't hide vour liefi.; " in a bushel. U'ill ' stake Milieu lUiiien against «»anisi the u e erea- c a g^isr■srjsii’L.-tt . hat untiring they are. I afflicted s true religion ; t > visit the sick and and com fm-t the sorrowing heart Many a short coming, will be blotted out by | such oeit saeritieing attentions. ; Ain’t it hard to please find everybody, ; t ; ui ,j you don't it. is so ■ then "take my old bonnet. That’s all. , u,„] t d Millen is to have a hand | e , 8 H . n some and attractive restaurant on the Elll .„.|,> a ,i plan. Bay ' for what ion get. deeded. Dobuiiy .. . ..... upUt n *vStauia j-. stnin-mt u t and 'indicts lots . haye the Kctiwu. 1 , wo Auy a Ta'Z 11 ^mm'ricottUes ~ : wVlMm^a \ : , benetm-tor . aim can unit )l . tne , ; " l °st paying miesunent neie. After the gentlemen get through why the scrubs come tumbling in, hut are well cared for. ”°' ... v,n ." to ,1° chronicle , ‘ >c ” u1 . ,'. , tl.e^Kof , ,, Mas. , . • 10 " art 7 1 1 tl,w muaicdl . ‘ , a ! ' d ' . ble. . 110,1 l* teol Desdicardo has thrown down items, so send only a few Fokacs. Permit no Sabstitution. - Insist It upon is pre-emiu obtaining ntlv Ploreston superior in ogne v and rich delicacy of fra periiiuneuce 4-15 1 granec. in. ________ v, *—■- t •»...... >- * revenue for the town of Sylvama tor the year 1842. prescribe penalties for a violation of the same, and for other 1 UO ! sc8 eonneeted with the taxes and e 018:11,1 , t,nv " : See. 1. The Mayor a id Council tbe town ot Sylvama in Council usseni hied, do hereby ordain. That from and after the brst day oi Slay 1882 tue inhabitants of sad tow. i and wijiiiu ail those wft ■ hold taxable prop rtv the same-hall pay towards tjie support government of said lo vti and for the* convenience, auvaniage, safety ami benefit ot said town the tuxov herb ||iaftcr I)resei . il>od , Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, every person, tirni or corporation owning any lands within tbe said' town, whether the same belaid off info !o(s _ ()| . tracts or parcels, shall pay a tax of one-half of one per cent. u])on the value of such lots, tracts or parcels onaud.nujliHlniii ^ iinijrovumeut-^on T ; 8!)UjC cpt su h 1U at be e a „ eiupt under tire laws of the State. Sc-. 3. And be if further ordaine 1. That every person, firm or corporation jowiiing iiousoliold, kitchen or office t 1 furniture, watches, clocks jewelry, plate, musica! iusiraittents, "billiard 1 and other tables, stocks in inonev. eor j pomtious, bonds, notes and otm'-r evt- 1 amices of debt, monev, dent-. and cv, rv other kind of personal wltatsoever, shall pay a tax of on | ! 1 except ..______vn... such Site as ts-s»^ may be-cxxtnpt ‘ - under , the 1 ... laws 1 of State. ■ I See. 4. And be it further ordained. j That every person, firm or cor] (oration with owning real or personal property | in the town, on the first clay of May, j 1882, shall make a return thereof to the Treasurer of the town, on or before the 15tij of May. 1882; and the amount oi ' „ucli tax shall bee,ollocte l by theTrcas : urcr on or before tlie 15th day of O to ! her. 1582. j ! Se,. .. And be It further ordained, Thai all such returns niav he made in person, o; hv an agent or attorney : and j ,],A- -f ,-aluti-, -miv. shall sot forth'the fair mar k * D pee ual property .1 Iia afSfhnl.F^TT.ade •- ... iSclfiWfl., : erjLittsuinee, In cv that the same is true, and , thM the person tor whom the return is i tnade, is not liable for anv other tax. -md has no otter property tn the town :oalli or adirinaiiou I'lO.n every person w iLhoaS e .eeptio 1 . lie being hereby an ; (...ori/a'd, for the purposes of this otxli ssr.................... “■ ;df q And be it further ordained ,J That pco.,., or retitong ! make ilie returns umter the several ; p„|i f.mrt, to tine not exceeding co hundred*($lUt)) a I one J dbllar.. orlahor on the public streets for a term not ex *' sixty days Isa. 1 , Aim lx. it tm.iii outamea, Tltat the I rea-ttrer he aud he is : hv required to issue executions j a „ pel , j011 „ t()| . lJl0 entire amount of tux U(lt , [V)l . „ K , |Hjal . pg82. upon the failure | to promptly *^7 ]iay the same when it he ...... Be it further ordained, 'liiat every person or tirni transacting or I ( 0 transact, either of the kinds of , B hall pay the tax therein specified : bee. s*v 2 . Lvfrv Lnsiirauoe ....... uifoaif, fi,r each company represettled' v y h mu $5.00. Fee. ii. Every average or" iIlsur a nee adjuster, local or Iruusieut other than a local agent of an in»u ‘-uiee company $'.90. *** 4 : ^very 8 gent tor the sale ot i iU, J‘ i": tu ' le 01 " al ' t, '' k * t! whatever or j anv 'Hucrant person \ tsiting the i l! ’"'i as a pn.i sieian practietiig tor ; the cure ol diseases, or tor tue sale • i ot l >vo l m etivi'y or jratent medtciues , 0J . nostrums, and canvas-ers and | „, tho ,. fol . money or bv " sub i SCI .; pl $5.0 S( , Ever v blacksmith for ' 0tu . h fo . $1.25 > photographer,"amb.otypist, ,See. <3. Every dagtierrian, artist. either local or transient, $ 5 . 00 See. s'h'bp 7. Wheel-w right andearri age' for making buggies or repairing wa ons, carriages, and do iug work of like character, $1.25. Foe. 8 . Every master builder and ! contractor, ^, and everv contractor e| (rt( of | )uilllln ,, 0 , ot inw works, ' ! ^ 9 * Jive, - v car|>enter, mason, . phuterer, ptiiu tor and every much anic of whatever charaoter .taking t contracts for work exceeding (if ; -con dollars, isec. i0. Everv circus and every j menagerie together per day,' $25,90. j Aud every menagerie or circus aio , ie> side show charging $25.00, And every ad j ditionnl lees for admission there to per dav. $5.00. Fee. li. Every traveling and theatri cal company, concert all other traveling institutions or Shows per (lav, $ 5 . 00 . So .12. Every dancing drummer school, $5.0l). Socx lit. Every or com mcretal traveler who sells goods, wares or merchandise to iner chants eif her hv sample or by tak '"KTrsSL ..... of any description or character who shall sell or expose or pro l* ,sp tosell by 'ample or Other " 1,1 T merchants sli:,!! before ,he *»**'« for sale, pay .$5.00. See. In. hvery hotel. 1 a on boat dinghouse entertaining travelers or ottering to keep pm me b larders, ^except such as-board children sent to school in sail town. _ Every restaurant orciting hand saloon. *2.50 See. 17. Every organ grimier, $ 2 . 00 . nioT-ciiamli Sec. i.s. livery dealer m general S.‘, ioneries, dry, grocer eon feet miHiuary. jewelry in all or one of them aud every drilggkl, 19. 1‘iverv retail dealer $5.00, Sec. in fresh meats. $o.0o. and parties holding this licence shall have the privilege, (but not ft h. poultrv. eggs and vegetables. Thi- I M X does not apply to persons bring 'mg meals. from the con til ry to be sold by tie- quarter or whole. Ser. 20. Kvery person or firm running a mill of lumtiiiner.v for the purpose of sawing and plati mg liiinner.nianiii'aeturing –e„ staves siiingle., griming, ginning and packing c.ttoli all together or See. separa'elv,.. 21. dray, X) Kvery one ho re $...,0 pers n keej a horse ras or horses and “ ,,H buceics 1 ...... K for hire $5Q0 ’ Sec. Every leu pin and five pin alley or all. v with any other number of pins run for gain. $100 ) ‘ See. .sec. 24. 24. Every billiard table kept; n i used f. ,• gain. . $10 , 00. Ses. 25. Every table, d vice. game, wheel of fortune and every other game with or wit: out a name, t.aed to pay or gain, and prohibited l>y law and used for amusement alone, $5.09. See. 23. Every pntiting esta) 1 sh ment. $.,.00. See. 27. Be iUf * tordaiued ^clmra, tbaU^-ery tclgmlari L »-"i>t A anyllJ ^ / M Kim town H»«phrsotrowr-*** 'S Bepingtho same shall puv $1 25 Ami .,js tt.rther enacted that all the .axes rue:: mm-d and emhra-m. >/' fliuVsd.ah beI'-rone ‘ year Lr tiotial pari thereof. - An ordinance to amend an will ...... -A........« - s e ss and levy tuxe< aud raise a revenue for the town of Syivania for the year 1882. prescribe petiahies fora viola os c<1!,,,wt,i d will the taxes and nue of said town : Council'of'thc p Rcit ordaine 1 bv theConmion town of Sri cauiu, That ,t s ], a || he the dntv ot the I reas-trer to ; , ss , vs a PouUle tax against the j, coper tv of all persons who fail to m » A> rcscV- a v • e ,»' sa ...,'14 -ne witii 1m time ' ))v s . li ('oun.-irui'i’v . ...... ,. relieve I tIni t s„. Common *,*•.«» such ............ judged ofibv said Council, Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That all qr-eial taxes assessed are due and liable for such special takes after the ...... to ikiv the saino a.s .soou as tlio.v. beeomc so Ihtble llicrTor. See. 4. 3e it further ordained, That it shall he the duty of the Treasur t to proeiire a suitable book or digest in vvljic.ii to enter tite names of the sons making returns of their taxable property, the kind of [in,perry returned its valuatioin and Hie amount ot fixe assessed against the same. Il shall al so be his dutt to record in a separate hook the names ot all persons liable tor special tuxes the amount thereoi and what for. furnish a collar for all dogs for which taxes assessed shall have be.m paid, will, such device ther oii as he deem m»p«r. Be it further ordained. That all persons liable tow for special lax es,‘under this ordinance, shall make retuni thereof to the Treasurer on or before the lath day of May uext. And that all persons becoming liable for such special tax after the said l.'ith day May shall make returns thereof im mediately after they become ,>o liable th( ,retor.‘ Fee. 6 . Be it find tier ordained. it shall i*e the duty of the Treasurer to give notice in a newspaper publish ed in said town, of the time-and place that lie will attend, to rec. :ve tax re turns and it shall be bis duty to attend at such place at least twice a week, for at,least three week# 'prior to said lath dav of May atsueh hours as he mar designate for the purpose of receiving be such returns, Init his books] shall open at all limes for receiving ivturns of special taxes herein provided’ for. Pi’ovidcd that a failure on the part of the Treasurer to perform all his duties shall not excuse the lux payer from making'a return of his taxable prop erty. See. 7. lie It further ordained, Tlmt if the Treasurer or the (,'oniin in ('nun oil sliaJI he of t.he opinion that the val • . nation of property returned ov anv tax ^ztssr* submitted to two disinterested resi limits of said town, one to 1st '-selected by the Common Domicil tnd one b, such lux payer, (and ifneeessarv a third party, resident of said town and disiutevested. shall he selected by these t. o). whose valuation shall be dud. provided that-if such (ax payer/uils to refuses to select an arbitrator as herein I provided then it shall lie t.he dot v of the person selected bv the Omnion • (hniiie'l to put a valuation on I he prop erty of such tax paver. Have You Ever 1 ! Known any person to be seriously ill . without a weak stomach or inactive ! ! fiver or kidneys? And when these i organs are in good condition do you j not find the possessor enjoving good health? Parker’s (Singer Tonic regtt-1 lares these important organs, makes | the t)Iood rich and pure, and strength ens every part of the system. Sec bth- ' or coin mil. 4-15-lm. S8<>*,v H iilclii., a re matlr. It will he apparent 0, any om> who will examine a kot. 11 > Conn M'xT.'vt tliat asi le from the nce> ssorv thicknes. proportion or engraving of 1h«- ami precious poi. hing, metal a larg used j I «s needed . . only . to stiitjui .... and . Jioia . ... the , '-jK'r.aved !>!'“ "'“‘'essary portio so sm idity i»laee and and strength. supply 11)0 ««*T>us gold is actually needles. -' SOC’DITY tttzz–x–pxz AKI> sthbngtii produceo a 1 j IVo '" 0,lp thi ! 'd fo one-half of, the tish- | al cost ot solid . cases. This 'process is j of the most simple nalure. as follows • a plate of tiiekle eomposiiion meta | ! espwudly adapted to the purpose, lias two plates ofs mm gold soldered on en each side. The three are then pass ed between polished steel rollers, and ; ; the result is a strip of heavy plated | composition, from which the cases : iriii, rrit.'s. iMtlr.t arc cut in 1 , ... d:e.> and tot j >n >rs 1 ^ gold admit tn these. rases ts suthe.cutlj thick to of all kinds 01 chasing onuravirg ami enameling; tin-engrav nd cases have been earned tin'll wor ne.-e.'t!"' s-nooth by time and us- with j j ^4 /7v, V /> • -m' m , • | t ’ lv <*M01dT jj Vfh ,! V ^Pi 1 I. U I 'ATK. F‘>r sale by ali jewelers. Ask for II j litsti ated Catalogue, and to»eeuai LUIL-L "" - - ___ - , i_>_ ,,i M ....... .. I ,V“a A rnrvrivi TEN I S omaliied.amt all business in tae U. s. Pat ; ** ^ ^ i We are' ojiposite the U. S. Patent Office. w i' g!S' ' g semote When from model Washington. drawing is advise or sent we as to patentability tree oi ciiarge; and we | ! , "ake no ciiarge unless we obtain patent. '' s,^^M^Ord^l>lw midt^ials I 1 ! „>• ‘dm, h.,. term" p - Patent onii >. For c.rciear ad- ; to acud (diem 1 - •’ 11 vour ’ own state orcountv. address— ! A. SN, ,W – CO, <■> 11 ositePatent Otiiee, Washington, 0 , C : ; TJ. jP. WAHB, j A TO R Y U Y A LAW, SYLVANiA, GEORGS A. j j Jaii (iO-if .1 . T ■!. L. SINGt-j llton. E. f. singellton. SIMCELUTOW – SOM, Attornaj r 8 at Law, I SYLVANIA, GA. , Okfick Rooms— l pstairs in Court House. Jan JjO-tf \V. llonuv, \V L. Mathews, Jk. HOBBY – MA HEW, Attorneys at Law, O ~zr~r xij vr VAJN a tmt t J.-A. a a tv. ulivkk, Jk. 4 . U Humph at iu. .. q^IVSR St * HUMPHRIES, ’ 1 ™*** 1 -*‘■ iw SYLVANIA, GA. UKOlvUER.BI.ACK. JOHN C. !>Bl.l.. ZBXjYlOIK: – DELL, Attorneys at Law, STL V . I XI A, (I EO JIG I A. July 29—it. - ' It __ \ ? A 1 knn r jj jj) £ 11 11 i IT |lj . A ' 1 T ^53® vauia, The undersigned has located at Svi : (ia.. and ha: fitted tip his office i with all the appliances necessary for thorough wo. a. lie will til? teeth in the best possible ntaliner, insert arti tick: I teeth ino-t artistically and beau- 1 tifullv. and treat successtltilly dental ! neuralgia. Alt work guaranteed. Can ihe found'At his' office iu >Sv Ivauia from ; the 1st to 15tl, of each month. : ties desire to have work done at their ' homes will heat their service from 15th . id'JOth of each month. (Jail on or ud • dress, DR. E. B. BROWN, Jan 20-tf. Syivania, (Borgia. §1.50 A YEAR o'/JIiN T/UIVf 11 II |'|) lyJVii tU'WIUn VV 1 ' / IV I/ . } lliiefiip ’ •'* " * of ”* illiH \]>ip'i||i|'i|*v III Mt ,* ■* i "5 32/ 53 rT53, SewiAt. attenfion p-‘' r rn m H'pairing wr . „ „ "" th r> day or hv the jo! i. All , mat by mail promptly <-<>m. nun , ns a i dohn I.. .Tf" 1 u Mils,-.oica 1 '*' hv "enmss.on, fta. to . ~ [t p/\Ti vilt (.A K ~ y ^ a. V ji. jk jlj • A lUKErilVNTE. A small tract of land lying just on mile from Xo. 6 Station, C.’ Ival! coad. containing one hundred and twenty-live acres, more of less, will .us sold on reasonable terms, A house on the place which can he made habitable, and about 30acres under eullivatiou For particular,)', applv to • Vf. I,. MATHEWS. Tit. Svlvania,$jUa. f T X r { \ |i \V^ ALAJll) A T W T I ~* * '• ’ ’ 1 1 raet i ea i Ca rp o n t<>r, 3 Y V A N J A, G E O R 2 !A M'ill work eitlc r by the day. or by the join All eominnnieatimts hv Mail promptly answered. aug. iS-it — Q£^|XRAL .,...... <^^.S0UTH WESTERN :r,_a.i:l:r,0-Ajds.. Savannah. Ga. Felnuarv tsth. 18 S 2 , 0 \ and aftci-SUSDAY. February 19th, 1«S3 ]>assenger traius on the Gentrat and Southivestern Rai’romis and brunches will run as follows: ltr.ll> DOWN, HEAD DOWN'. No. 1. i'l'oiu Savannah. Xu. i. 3:20a m Lv Savannah Lv 7:30 1 > ui dlto t . t , {, )m v Augusta Ar o;2d a tu in Ar M aeon Art:20a m t-. w a m Ar Atlanta Ar 12:50pm 3:03 am Ar Columbus Ar 1:40 p 111 '.’U i l 111 Al Kufauhi Ar 2:10 p in AmAr Albany Ar l-03 p in Ar Milledtreville Ar 3:44 a m Ar . Eatouton Al tl :30 am No. 1 . 3 , From Augusta Mu. 15. 9:30 a in Augusta Lv 8:30 ]> m Savannah Ar 7:15 a m 4:4o m Macon Ar 7:2() a n* ^/:4o Atlanta Ar 12:50 p 111 2 m #fa.'i,ulS Dotumbna Av 1:40 p 111 .s* » m A. 2.4S i, “) n 111 A'hiiuy v.' 1: >3 p in .Miiieclyevilte Katont a. 11:30 3:1, a in m av a in No. 2. F 10 a Macon, No. 4 . 7:10 a m Lv Macon Lv 7:35 p m •>■45 t> in ar Savannah a.' 7: tn a m 4:45 p m ar Augusta ar 5;20 a m 3:44 a m ar Milhidgevilte* ai t! ;30a 111 ar Eatonton ar No. t. From Macon No. 0 , 5| - lr ‘Z , !-; Macon Lv 8:30 ]> 111 Enfant a ar 7:17 a m ' 1 " ' Albany ar 8:40 a m From Macon No .~137 l^opm-u- , v .V! aeon I.v 8:00 p m ’»«»' t.'slumlms ar 8:00 a ra From it! aeon No. 4. <8:00 a m Lv Macon Lv 8:15p ui 12:50p in ar a!' an,a ur 3:31 a in Xo. 1. (From Atlanta ' No. 3 S Lv Atlanta Lv 12-20 a ill £ ar Macon ar 0:30' a m s’tio 7-17 ^ E ar Ea iia !.1 iir 2 : lo|i> in ri S £%$%£. Albany nr I :C-j p ill 3 .90 rf S Dotumbus ar l:l0y m Milledgeviile Eatonton ui 3:41 a ill , nr 11 ;30 a m ' -.20 a m Augusta ar 4' tu p m 7:15 a m ••7 Savannah ar 3:45 ;i m No. 4. From Coinnihus No. t-i, 11:50 a m Lv Columbus Lv 12 : i t a '.u 5:10 p m ar Mdcoti ar 0:45 a m 3:40 A m ar Atlmtta av i2:5ep m 7:17 a m ar Enfaula ar 2'40 pm 8:40 am ar Albany ar t :03 ji m ar MiHedgeviile Eatonton ar U 9; :30 14 a in nr ar a lit am ar Augusta ar (:45 p in 7:1.5 am ar Savannah a r 3:15 p m Nil. 2 From Eu all in No (>, 12:05 pm Lv ■ ui'aula Lv 7:10 j> lit D ^ ur Albany ar 8: to a ni i : mi ^ = Macon ar (>;90 a m ■z '5S5s Columbus a r I; IU p m Z Atlanta ar 12:50 p nt 5:20 S Augusta ar 4:45 p m s Savannah ar 3:45 ]> ill No. IS From Albany No. 20 . 1U;25 a;m i.v Albany Eufaula I.v 1 ;4V> ]i ill 2;40p in ar Macon ■ ar . 7; lb ji in ar ar>7;10 p m 3;no a m ar Columbus ar 3:00 a tn a m ar Atlanta ur 3-40 a tn ar Milleclgevillc Eatonton ar ar ar 5;20 a ill ar Augusta ar 5;20 n in 7:15am ur Savannah ar 7;15 a m No. K^Froni Eatonton and Miiledgeqi’iP 2; 15 p m I.v Eatonton I 8;5.8 p m i.v Miltedgevillo ! (>; '•' j> m Ar Cetumbus M aeon 3;il i a m Ar j 8;40 a in Ar Albany . 5;40 a ill Ar Atianta | ! 5 7:15 ; 20 am Ar Ar ,Savannah Augusta a m I Loeat Savannah Sit pins and Cars Augusta on all night and Saviiumih ir.lias ' es tween 1 and Atlanta I'llNXKCTtONS. Kufaalu train connects at Fort - Valley for | l'errv, daily.(cxccj.t rtumlay V and at ,'uth ,,e 4S «‘i U tJi^f!t*' , ,tn“ewi "villa » An,:',!, diiiiV j )f .smith amt v,, md ! ( ,. X c.ei>t Sunday )l>etween Vlbany – Blakely Tue Albany Acemamodation train runs ' ‘[“‘’f’^luithvine 1 ' to j * vtbanv’to sinitimlle, with ’savannah At Savannaii Florida ancl [ I Western North and ItaiUyay, East, at at Augusta Atlantai with witti Air ajl lines Line U) Points .Non h. Vuilunui .Keener change, from Augusta to Wash-' ! in "tow without A. Whi ,>:hkai>. WILLIAM ROtiKlM. :'r“sii A " wTk! s'l‘fEl Nn!' 11 ' (..7,. aw sum'. \t'. EM nuuVu ti«v. .\gt. u . u. GM