The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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% sylvania ■! Telephone. VOL. XXVI. Isaac Silver, The Only Store Where you get your money back if goods fail to come up to our guarantee. SKIRTS FOR $4.98 and $3.75. Broadcloths, Cheviots and Mixtures. Garments that show the master hand of style, from Tailors who know how to balance and hang a skirt perfectly. A most unusual collection at iovit= ing prices. Great variety of the prettiest new styles to choose from, The best skirts h America for the price, with more elegance and style than the usual $10 skirts, next week for $5.98 and $3.75. !®; Wfj i §3ii 1 MADE AT NEW "y^ Jj SUNL ,GH f; FACTORY / a iM Womeris, Misses and Childrens Shoes We stocK/, fee/1 a pride in the completeness in detail of our Shoe All styles, all leather, all sizes, all prices, Yiton Our qu–lit/y that is the best to be had in Bluchers Sylvania. and Ham- Bals Browns hand turn and welt sole. mafie of twain kid and pat. The Queen Quality provides style, fadeless fit and comfort to these prominant features are due its great success. Prices at $3.00 . We are show ing an exceptionally strong line of guaranteed made shoes the for women at $1.25, $1,50 and $2.00. They are on attractive patterns of the high grade shoes and are grace ful and comfortable. Half wool gray blankets worth 2.50 special . 98c. Isaac Silver. yivama 3 Georgia. !! SAYS NEGROES RESPONSIBLE If We Stop the Cause, Lynching will Stop.” \Rev. G. W. Martin, a colored min \r, in a sermon preached at the ■ yidence Baptist church, colored, yta, Tuesday morning, warned tarf°Pl e the only way to pre an Juli pynching was to remove the He said: \iching Aears. has been going on for I believe it can be i. When I am sick I send Retu p'tor and he finds the cause -'of, inking nelieve sick if and gives stop the me medi we cause if lynching then lynching will cease md not until then. We must teach >ur young people that lynching will 50 on as long as these assaults are nade on women.” “We must teach our young people to keep the law and we must help ifind the culprit. When these as jsaults are ended we will have no 'trouble, according to my judgement. We have as much interest in keeping the law as the white people, for we are weaker than they and the law is our protection. Whenever the law is broken we are in danger.”—States boro News. LOST:—Citizens Bank reference hook, reward of $5.00 will he paid for recovery of same. 10-27 W. J. Walker. SYLVANIA,: SCREVEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1905. Boys extraordinary ribbed school hose, two - threaded, tripple knees, double soles, all sizes from 6 to 10 , worth 25c pair in any store on earth. Spe cial . . . . 14c NOTICE The 4th Quarterly Conference of the Sylvania charge will he held at the Methodist Church, Sylvania Ga. Oct 29th and 30th Rev. T. D. Ellis P. E. will preach Sunday night the 29th inst, on the subject, “Why I am a Methodist.” This is Bro Ellis’ last appointment here and it may be the last opportunity he will ever have to preach to our people, as he must move another year according to the statute of limitation. A large attend ance is therefore requested and ex pected. Let all the people come. The business session of the Confer ence will be held Monday morning the 30th inst. at 10 o’clock. GINNING! GINNING!! After November 1st our ginning days will be, Tuesdays and Fridays. Screven County Oil Mills. A CARD OF THANKS To the friends who have assisted me in my hours of trouble, I take this means of thanking them, for their genorosity; also for their hospi tably and sympathy; feeling assured that they will be richly rewarded by an Omnipotent Providence. I remain very truly, P. W. Reddick. NEXT WEEKS SPECIALS 500 yards splendid out' ing flannels and flannell* ettes, new fall styles 12|c value, next weeks special. 8c. Everyone is complimenting- us on our NEW MILLINERY. The women of fashion and the women with small means, but who desire inexpensive millinery, alike have pronounced thistlie place to buy hats. Styles arc growing larger every day. Many are trimmed with beautiful drooping plumes. Plum and prune shades predominate. Of course black is always popular and very elegant in large soft flow= ing effects. Breast Turbans are the very latest. We have the greatest variety of women and childrens trimmed hats in Screven county and our prices are lower than the lowest. Come to see our MISS BESSIE EBY and she certainly will suit you. Silvers Clothing “M Come see the new Fall and Winter styles for men, young men and boys . Silver’s sack suits are tne kind that will make people wonder “Who is Your Tailor?” It is safe to buy your Clothing from us, because we guarantee the fit, correctness of style and wearing qualities. V r e stand ready to make right any defect. Bring the boys with you to see our new nobby styles in Single and Double breasted knee suits for boys from 8 to 16 years. Prices from 98c up to $5.00. MASS MEETING MIS SIONARY SOCIETIES Program for mass meeting of the Woman’s Missionary societies to be held with Big Horse Greek church on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in October, 1905, at 2 o’clock p. m. Devotional exercises by ' Mrs. Winnie K. Wallace. Are we ever too poor to give to missions? By Miss Ada Wallace, Parker discussed by Mrs. H. W. nnrl n fher« Open parliament on Women’s work, led by ms. Fred C. Wallis, district superintendent. Codec t - ' ion We hope to have a good attend anc. Mrs, Harrison Parker, V \v , r How to Cure Corns and Bunions First, soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possi ble without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each applica tion. A cor plaster should be worn a few days to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by G. M. Overstreet – Go Sylvania Ga. BED SPREADS Marseilles Patterns Satin Finish. These spreads are specially pretty and attractive. $1 75 value. Special for next week . , 98c ONE ON CUBBEGCE I j The Central never had a more j genial, attentive nor courtlier con ductor than Cubbedge. Everybody loves him, hence a joke on him is highlv appreciated. Here’s the latest: , An . elaer , lady, . , . out , from c a Sa coming ; vaimah soon displayed great anxiety about Rocky Ford, hat town, ad parently being her destination. At Marl ° w sae began asking every one near her Is thls 3ocky 1-ord ’? “Is ^i s Fockj- Toid ? At Egypt, at Oliver at Dover, every town we came to she fairly shrieked after this in formation. About this tim6 sh© espied Cubbedge and repeated her inquiry Jo her that P^iy it was and not very Rocky sweetly lord. told He also informed her that he would let her know when the train reached Rocky Ford. Finally the train reached Rocky Ford—as it usually does—and Mr. C. very promptly ap peared and said, in his sweetest way: “This is Rocky Ford, madam, and if you will permit me to take your basket I will help you off.” He was greatly surprised when the old lady told him that she did not “want to get off at Rocky Ford.” That she only wanted to know when the train reached there, “for” said she, “when I left home this morning my daughter told me that when I reached Rocky Ford I should take a pill”! NO. 13. Isaac Silver, The Only Store Where you get a Genuine Bargain. Come and see. 10c ladies handkerchief, each lc 3 cakes perfumed soap for loc One dozen safety pins lc One spool of cotton lc Good quality Sea Island ten yds for 39c Good quality Check homespun ten yds 39c Good quality Mattress ticking ten yds 49c Black Taffeta Silk Both warp and filled lustries silk, no possibility of them cracking or splitting. Yard wide, Standard 1.5o grade next week per yd..................................................... 98c 75c dress goods, special next week 49c $4.98 AIT $4.98 I Style Coats for Ladies. All the prevailing styles in Cloaks and Jack ets . Specially inviting values. Newest Lon don Tans, Blues and Black Velvet Trimmed, Lined throughout, with new Fall sleeves, noth ing like them in town. Wonderful Bargains for Ladies who appre date good, well tailored garments. Well worth $ 10 . 00 . Special next week on the display stand $ 4 . 98 . Call For SILVER’S BARGAINS, TV/"E VV ^at are of frank to clothing admit inside enough of to tell about what the some a garment amounts there is little good to to, but that usually tells its be said. In some cases this own story. Character which good may be the making; in results from clothing skill is * other thing cases, a a the materi- suit must j als; others, iS have. We < of the de- 7, believe in | sign, style ED tangible 4 I and charac- mm facts and ter effect 1 have gone given. 4 into the Whatever clothes sub it may be, if fefjm ^ ject to satis you are a fy ourselves progressive and you man there is that we are no garment right. worth men- Good tioning to COPY BIGHT 1905 BY CROUSE – BRAN DEGEE. UT1CA.NIW YORK clothes you unless - mean some it contains these combined thing to every young man. good qualities. Our A well-dressed man demands Crouse – Brandegee respect and denotes self respect, both of which are Nusac has them. It is all well important. ‘ P. R. KITTLES