The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, August 23, 1906, Image 1

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.YLVANIA 1 m. ■i »! Telephone. VOL. XXVII * ’W* “ SAVE THIS AND WAIT $35,000 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE HERCHANDISE To be distributed into the homes of the people at unheard of low prices. HILTON CO., Sylvania, Ga. 10,000 yds Sea Island, . 3 3=4c L. H. HILTON CO., Sylvania, Ga. This Bargain Feast Positively Begins Wednesday ! The values August 29th at 9 O’clock a. m. Sharp. best and greatest on earth stare you in the face. The only question is this, can you’in justice to yourself overlook a chance to save at least one-half the price you will be obliged to pay the regular dealer for high grade merchandise for men, women and children. Use good common sense with which nature has endowed you. Come and see with your own eyes and be con vinced. I his will be a sale without a parallel, a tremendous stock merged into one grand offering-and going at the actual cost of production. The opening will be a gala day. It will pay you to come 50 miles to visit this Sale. Never again will you have such a golden opportunity to dress in such raiment at such trifling cost. When you take into consideration that this sale is of more 1 m porta nee to the people than any other sale ever held in Georgia and also the very largest Sale we ourselves or any one else in this territory attempted involving thousands upon thousands of dol lars it will convey to you some idea of the marvelous bargains we will offer to the people. Begipiiii;.>- Wednesday, August 29th and continuing Thursday August 20th, Friday August 31st, Saturday v September 1st, Monday September 3rd-, Tuesday September 4th, Wednesday September 5th, Thursday September 6th; Friday September 7th and closing Saturday September 8th. EVERY DAY WILL PRESENT A SCENE OF GREAT ACTIVITY. Magnetic bargains will be thrown Mighty on the counters every day and in many instances less tha >e cost of production. You cannot afford to stay away while your neighbors are buying the best the land affords at the Hilton Co s. Sale. Read the prices, bring the list with you, compm^ he -values and you will find you can save one-half to two-thirds in anything you may need. We won’t allow any exaggeration in this advertising and your money will be returned for anjpfffci - that is not satisfactory. y • Come, Come, Come^ByAll Means 6 ome. Sensational Prices in ^ Youths and Boys Clothing. A Fine Suit of'Clothes all-to match this suit is positively worth $5.00 Sale.....................................$2.98 or your money refunded during this Gigantic A Fine Suit of Clothes in a nice variety of colorings, considered good value at f 7.00 for tbjs Gigantic’SwIc, priced** .....................".$4.48 Mens Fine Suits in Cheviots, Worsteds VT and Cassimeres well tailored. These suits j are positively worth $9.00. Gigantic Sale price $6.48 A, $8.98 represents J one the leading lot 50 colors, suits in nob- all /£ 3 by stylish goods, well Vl lined in 8 button sacks v and square cuts, ev ery suit possessing in priced tic dividuality Sale....................$8.98 for this specially Gigan- J $10.98 you are free to choose a suit from -J- 20 different lots worth from $14.00 to $18 -1 as finely made and ele-' gantly finished as the most fastidious dresser could desire fine home ; and foreign suitings in a great variety of effects, tailored to a turn, be sure and ask to be shown these. Gi- E<j6fhcimer Stein – Co. gantic sale price $10.98 100 pairs Mens Jeans Pants, strong and dura bl®> $1-25 quality. Gigantic Sale price .....89c Mens wool pants every one a marvel of good ness a big line of colors to select rom, $ An quauty. sale price....................••■■■..............- - L Mens pants in checks, stripes and p aids, . ltively worth $ 2.00 or your money refunded, bale P nce *.....................;...............;..................j..... ? * , Mens r all wool pants in cheviots, worsteds and cassimeres, well made stylish effects, regular $2.50 Mens 1 goods. pants Gigantic all sale the price colorings .........W-69 latest in new jrwuwiA price.................................................................................$1.98 Mens pants strictly all wool guaranteed, ev ery pair cut aad tailored in the latest fashion, a big variety to select from, regular $4 00 goods. Sale price ......................................... ......................$2.18 Boys 2 piece Suits originally made to sell for $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00, Sale price 98c $1.38 and $1.98. Better ones proportionately cheap. last 19c 100 pair Boys knee pants while they Boys all wool Pants, 75c grade, Sale price 41c RAIN OR SHINE AD Wpl I -* I Let nothing keep you away, the hour is set, the date you know, the greatest Sale ever held in Georgia: Mens $5.00 suits . . . . $2.98 25 Extra Salespeople Wanted. SVLVANIA, SCREVEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1906. ■-UNTIL Wednesday, Aug. 29th. AT 9 O’CLOCK SHARP. wL* EL wm I g^g\g\, VI 1 Worth of Dry Goods, Ready=to* Wear Clothing for -4 91 Men Women and Children, Skirts, Jackets, Ladies / Misses and Childrens shoes. A full line of Crockery, Specials from our other departments will be placed on sale for 10 days at prices that are in many instancss less than the cost of production. Clothing Continued Clothing. boys all wool Pants $1.00 qualitiy,........69c Mens Wash Suits to go quick.................$2.19 Mens Wash Coats well made $1.50 quality. i fSc Mens Extra Hvy overalls '......L.} wyfcipd u J „*$1.0–- quality ........... Mens Shirts, Under= wear Hosiery, Etc. Mens Negligee shirts fast colors 60c quality 39c Mens Negligee shirts in a big assortment of patterns all fasc colors 75e quality, sale price.....48c Mens shirts in Percales, Madras, Cheviots, Etc., with cuffs attached and detached, neat, dressy pat terns, $1.25 grade 89c 10 dozen shirts manufacturers sample all the leading brands represented, while they last- 59c Mens Balbriggan underwear all sizes 25c qual ity, each 19c Mens drill drawers fullcut 29cquality, each 21c Mens mercerized shirts and drawers 60c quality sale price per garment 39c Mens Heather hose double heels and toes 10c quality ............ 4c Black and tan 4 hose 124c grade 8 } pr 3 prs 25c Mens 4 hose embroidered worth up to 35c. -17c Mens suspenders 124c quality special............... 7c Mens suspenders 35c quality special- 19c Mens suspenders 50c to 75c quality ,y ■' , 5 0 c ....... - - Mens neckwear in Tecks, bows four-in-hands _ and club ties 124, 19, 39 worth double in each case. Mens handkerchiefs generous size, plain and fancy borders, hem stitched etc , specially priced for this Gigantic sale at 2, 4, 6 , 9, 124, 17 and 19c Dress Goods and Silks - 500 yards dress goods in all the new weaves ^ ^ Atirro^ Sm (St^™a these ^oods were^onsidered 1 -S ^ood 38 inch plain and fancy mohairs the most popular fabric in the market to-day high lustre dust proof 60c quality. Gigantic sale price.....41c inch Zibe , ine8 and Camel Hair high grade dependable goodS) spe yially adapted Gigantic for fall wear sale in a full line of colors 75c values. >’ . ^ 39c 45 Imp0 rted Zibeline the kind that us „ sells for 81.00. Gigantic sale price 69c ;nch g ilk - Satins in a fu n line of colors -.«!%.r*. 39c Hat Department. About 50 dozen mens fine hats all shapes, sizes and colors worth up to $2.00 In this Gi gantic sale...........................................................................98c Mens hats in all the new shapes and leading colors fresh new goods, $2 00 and $2.50 grades, sale price............................................................... : .....$L89 N. B. Straw Hats will be sacrificed irrespec tive of cost considerations. h I S ST” Owing to the reputation established by L. ii Hilton Co., as mer= 1\1 I I V,/ Q c sented ^ ants and Dandling in no high way grade exaggerated, dependable goods these prices as repre= OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee every garment, every price and evon statement here made and we w ill take back, exchange or refund your money on every purchase unsatisfactory during this sale. Every article, every garment in the house marked in plain figures. One price to all. Sale positive ly opens Wednesday morning August 29th, no postponement. L. HILTON CO., SYLVANIA, GEORGIA. Linens, Domestics,Calicoes, Etc. 10,000 yards calico Ust colors.;....... ......Ac 10,000 yards stan^afd * 1 brands'-black,, blue and greys —.................—.,— * 1 ^,* * to go quick ror this mighty sale 5c Apron ginghams 7c quality, sale price..........5c 2,000 yards lawn sheer fast colors, 7c qual hy- lic Dress ginghams in a big variety of combina tions 124 c quality. Sale price...............................84c Imported colored madras thoroughly fast col ors a limited quantity 25c quality........................121 Cotton voiles 25c quality. Sale price.....124c Manchester Chambrays absolutely fast colors 124c grade 9c 5,000 flannelettes fast colors suitable for waists and kimonas 124c quality 84c SPECIAL. 10.000 Sea Island regular 5c goods. Gigan tic Sale price tic 36 inch Sea Inland very desirable 7c quality. Gigantic Sale price 5 ; jc Soft finish P’eaching (Red Rover Brand) dur ing this great Sale....................................................... •.....44c 86 inch Bleaching (Androscogin) Soft ready the needle, J’ 124 quality.................. 8 jc 40 .. inch . , Indian T Lawn Special o • i 9c 40 inch Indian Lawn, same as above, better quality 19c grade, Gigantic Sale price........ .'.. 121 c Indian linon very Sheer 15c quality 10 c English Nansook, 10c quality. Sale price 6 }c Pekay very special 15c quality 9c Fancy ‘Madras suitable' for Waistings and regular price 15c, Sale price 29c 10 piece BlackBaliste, fast colors to close out t 9c Bed Tickings Superior grade worth 10 124 17c, Sale price......................... < .....................7 9 124c If)} Crochet B. spreads $1.00 quality- 69c. 11} Crocket B. spreads $1.25 quality- .89c 35 Doz. Towels while they last, each.........3ic Cotton Huck towels fancy borders, large size 10c quality, Sale price.......... .... 74 c 54 inch Unbleached Table Damask 35c grade. price 23c 68 iueh Unbleached Table Damask (Austrian) quality,Sale price 39c Nottingham Lace Curtains, Extra wide 34 in. over lock edge, $1.50 quality...... 98c Ladies Corsets. Ladies do not wear Corsets from necessity for forms sake. The S. F. Lula and Pearl for Gigantic Sale only 48c Ladies Corsets, American Beauty and It. G Corsets. Sale price........................................ 89 Prices will reach the lowest limit In this Gigan= tic Sale of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Crockery, Notions and a thousand other articles carried in a department store. REMEMBER TOE OPENING DATE AUGUST 29th. Miles and miles of Calicoes 3 3=4c yd Mens Shoes, Study These Prices MENS SINGLE AND DOUBLE SOLE LACE AND CONGRESS SHOES InThaorf < extension soles Svery pair posi tively guaranteed for good wear, worth $ 2 . 00 . Sale price...................... .................$1.29 Mens shoes for Made for us by business wear that 1 Peters r mean service and m comfort all the new p -Shoe HB||| est shapes regular p Pi price $2.50h- Gi j^-Uris Cojg r ■-L gantic price $1.48 Mens fine dress % shoes made from select box calf and vici kid best work manship and finish i every pair guaran teed actually worth $2.50. Gigantic sale price ...........................$1.98 $2.48. We offer the best shoe in the market for the price certainly equal to any $3.50, made latest toes and lasts in all the new Leathers these shoes compare favorably with the most, expensive shoe made all go in this Gigantic sale .........$2.48 Ladies Skirts, $5.00 Skirts for $2.98, Ladies Skirts in mohairs, Voiles, Scotch mix tures, panama and etc., kilted, tucked, plaited and also in the new Circular effects this entire lot will be closed out at Sale price $2.98 Ladies Black Sateen underskirt $1.50 quality 89< Ladies Hand Bags worth 29 and 64)e. Gigan tic Sale price..................................................19 and 39c Ladies Hats for Street and Dress wear, worth $2.00 $2.50. Sale price 49c Ladies $1.00 umbrellas steel! rod paragon frame. Sale price 49c Ladies Gauze Vests while they last 4, 9, 124c worth double in each instance. Ladies Belts worth up to 50c. Sale price lie Ladies Handkerchiefs, prices specially for this mighty Sale, 2 4 6 9 and 124c, worth double. Ladies 10c Hose lc Ladies 124 Hose 7c Ladies 19c Hose..... 124c Ladies Lace stripped Hose 85c quality 19c Our Ribbon Department is replete with ail widths and shades at be= wildering low prices. THE DATE i ■ MARK IT WELL j A sale without parallel. Open 1 j 3 j a WEDNESDAY, 29th, closes SAT= URDAY, September 7th. Telephone orders promptly filled. : Hwwrn NO. 3. House Furnishing Specials Standard Sewing Machine, 5 drawer head all the latest improvements with complete. $65.00 Machine. Sale pr ■x v ., .■.».*–. fr. Pi 11 i i i j p m m i i tm irr " 1 rt i rnpr - - t 1 Ladies wicker chairs................ Large arm rocker $4.50 quality............... 3.39 6 ft Window shades trimmings complete 19c 36x72 all wool Smyrna Rugs, reversible, $2.98 Mattings, Chinese................................. 29c Matting Japanese, carpet patterns 29c Notion Specials. 1 Box of Toilet Soap, choice of Oat meal, Witch Hazel or Glycerine. Sale price, box 124c Spool Cotton...................... 45c d.oz. Hair Pins................................ lc pckge. Ball Cotton (best grade) ........19c lb. 15;000 Yal. Laces.............. ......34c yd. 10,000 yds. Flmbroidery ..............84c Special. During this Gigantic Sale we will make a special effort to sell all our odds and ends and samples pieces in Crockery irrespective of cost, conditions a chance in a lifetime to secure some house hold necessaries at practically your own prices. Come early, they wont last long. Boys and Misses School Shoes Boys and Misses school shoes specially ada pted for hard wear §1.50 grade. Sale price 98c Boys and Blisses school and dress shoes ev ery pair guaranteed by the L. II. Hilton Co. $2.00 values. Gigantic sale price .............................$1.29 EXTRA SPECIAL. 150 pair of chil drens shoes all styles all leathers gathered into big lot and specially priced for thi sale 69c Ladies Shoes. 100 pairs Ladies Shoes broken sizes manu- ' facturers samples, odds all and ends, button, all lace weights and | congress all sizes and widths and of soles worth up to $ 2.00 per pair, come and I ? pick them out 98c Ladies Shoes in Vi- m ci Kid button and a lace, Paris toes and KIR pal? V tip $ 2.00 goodk Gigantic sale price.......... $1.48 Ladies shoes in all : the leading s t y 1 es *ky ! both [.ace and Oxford A,: neat dressy ideas, new toes, correct last, regu lar $2.50 and $3.00 goods. Sale price $ 1.88