Newspaper Page Text
Sylvania 9 ■l Telephone.
C ■
Isaac Silver
– Bro.,
Two Stores,
Sylvania, - Ga.
Sandersville, Ga.
Will prove the supremacy of our offers. There is so much in taste that so-called low prices
often cut a sorry figure when it meets it in Comparison. Our Dress Goods have that indes
cribable something about them, that makes them attractive because of their exclusiveness,
And we say it without intended boastfulness, cannot be matched anywhere. Combine these fa
the lowest price that can be obtained anywhere and you have a Dry Goods suprerr
equaled anywhere in this section of the country. 9 ■4
Enlish long cloth full 36
inches wide worth 19c, will
go next week . . . |0c
15 pieces of extra quality
wash silks in plain or corded
effects worth 50c to go at 29 c
Ladies 10c gaif/c vests . 4°
Ladies lace hose”'special to
go at IQe
Please allow me space in your
valuable paper to give the news
of this community.
The farmers are about through
planting corn and are preparing to
plant cotton.
Easter was a very disagreeable
day, and the boys and girls were
badly disappointed.
Gardens are up, and the ladies
are busy after the little chickens, for
quarterly meeting is just two
weeks, and you know how the
preachers like chicken.
Miss Oaroleigh Conner has been
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. N. C.
Sheley, for the past week.
Mr. W. J. Gross, of Glennville,
has been visiting his daughter,
Mrs. D. C. Conner, this week.
We sympathize with Mr. Willie
Adams for having to ride to Buck
Creek church in the rain to see
his girl, and then did not find any
one there at all.
Messrs. Burns Lariscy and |!
Claud Elzy, of Halcvondale, spent | I
Saturday and Sunday with home- |
Mr, J. W. Adams is spending»
some time in Savannah.
Mr. Leon Sandifer, of South
Carolina, is visiting his brother.
There will be quarterly meeting
at McBride church next third Sat
urday and Tunday.
Mr. Azzie Lariscy, of Azalea,
visited his parents Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Lariscy Sunday.
We reorganized our Sunday
school at McBride Sunday elected p. m.,
Mr. Thomas Bazemore was
Supt. Everybody is invited
to attend Sunday school at 3
Miss Kathleen Mims, our assist
ant teacher spent Sunday with
her parents in Sylvania.
We are in the deepest sympa- Smoak
thy with Messrs. Lester
and Ulysses Morris,who hitched
up a young mule with the inten
tion of taking their best girls after- on
a delightful ride Sunday thinking
noon but started off,
everything was all o k, but to
their surprise they were left sit
ting in the buggy in the road not
far from where they started and
the mule was then out of sight.
We thiuk it will he best to be
sure next time that the harness
will not break.
Mrs Clad Rountree, from South
Carolina, formerly Miss Baugh-
4* ■
Quality ’’■‘-r 4* with Quality,
a it £4 „
Price with Price
50 pieces regular 8c ging
ham, will go next week per
yard . . . . 5c
our Northern Milliner,
about your hat. • •
a ah, is visitingii«» pamnTs^Sr;
and-T. W. Baughman.
The school at Elmwood is pro
nicely under the manage
of brother S. A. Belcher and
Kathleen Mims.
Misses Ruth and Esther Mims,
Sylvania, spent Friday after
in the neighborhood. Come
We had quite an April fool in
neighborhoed school on Monday.
Elmwood ran away
their teachers. All of the
boys and girls in the neighbor
hood ran away from their parents
and joined the school. They were
scattered here and there over the
woods, ami it seemed they could
not get together, the weather be
ing so bad—although they report
having a delightful time.
If this escapes the waste basket
will come again.
A Poor Organ.
Dam(s) the bile. That’s what
your liver does if it’s torpid. Tlieu
the bile overflows into the blood—
poisons your system, causing sick
headache, biliousness, sallow skin,
coated tongue, sick stomach, dizzi
aess, fainting spells, dark rings
a p ou t fj ie e y eSj worn-out look, etc.
Ramon’s treatment of Liver Pills
and Tonic Pellets strengthens the
liver—makes it do its own work.
Prevents and cures these troubles.
Aids—doesn’t force. Entire treat
ment 25c. All Druggists,
Boyd News.
As we have seen nothing in
davs/we vour paper from this section these
will give you a few dots.
The much needed rain has come
at last; guess the farmers will be
busy now.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bryan, of
Girard, arc visiting relatives here
this week. Mr. Bryan has been
quite sick, but is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M . Edwards
hav f; a fine llttle b °y .Mopping
them now,
Mr. H. F. Tyer has one of the
neatest wire fences we have seen,
Mrs. F. II. Tyer and children
spent one day last week with her
sister, Mrs. Bryan.
How is Uncle Mike and the
javas these days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harper have
ed to “Gullingham.” We
glad to welcome them to
neighborhood. Twins.
• r ,;V.
White madras waistings in
large variety of designs, wrth
25c per yard , next week 1ffc
Winter has again appeared be and
guess the farmers will not so
hasty in planting cotton for quite
a while.
We are glad to know that Mr.
and Mrs. B. N. Jenkins, who have
been at Dover for the past few
months, will be with us in the
future, as they expect to make
their home near us.
The Easter entertainment given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Lariscy was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. Harrison Waters paid his
usual call on this route Sunday.
Mr. A. B. Jenkins has suspend
ed his school at Friendship and
is teaching at Maple Branch.
Little Blanche Prescott has been
very ill for the past week, but, glad
to say she is much better.
Mr. Jim Reddick and children,
Irene and Hines, visited Wood
cliff last week.
We are glad that this route can
boast of having an auto on it.
“Toby” says he hopes makes to accom- his
pany “Sam” when he
next drive through.
Miss Claudine O’Bauion expects
to visit homefolks soon.
Mr. George Mills, of Sardis, vis
ited the “pines" Sunday evening.
P. P P., Lippman’s Great Remedy.
Is the greatest blood purifier in
the world; superior to Scrofula all sarsapa- in
rillas, for the cure of
R s worst form, Goitre, Hip Di
sea f - Swelled neck, Running sores
and sores m the eyes.
p. p. p. makes a sure and per
manent cure,
Miss Ida Hastings, Savannah,
Ga., says she was suffering all the
torture of a terrible case of
scrofula, aud no relief could be
obtained until 1. R. P., Lippman s
Great Remedy, was tried; the re
su p was a complete cure,
Sold by all druggists,
$50.00 Reward.
We will pay f 50.00 reward for
the capture and return of Josh
Smart, who escaped from the
Screven county chain gang on
last Monday night. Smart weighs
about 135 pounds, 5 feet 6 inches
tall, color black, had tall slender
black woman with him.
S. B. Lewis, Olim’n.
Board County Commissioners.
25 pieces of white merce
rized mull Worth 25c per yd
vill go as a special • Iff6
Pearl buttons: per dozen '2 G '
■v ..... ■ i — ■ ■mi .
Silk Elastic per a ! .7 7 4 e
Ladies-white hand kerchifs 2c
Mens 25c suspenders ■ 10c
The school L re i in a flourish
ing condition Paulin-fFrqlth, ,qi V the teacher,
Miss deserves
much credit fcf'*'hejr good work.
The base 1 l club here was
organized Sat . day. They will
be ready to rec i?4 challenges be
fore long.
Mr. C. W. Snath went over in
Bulloch Sunday to see his girl;
guess he won’t make many trips. _
Mr. Robbie Mormon, of Savan
nah, visited his parents Saturday
anp Sunday.
Mr. M. G. Joyner had a very
narrow escape from being killed
or having his mule killed by a tree
falling that bad been burned about
three miles from Dover.
Best washes to the ’Phone.
Grip Quickly Knocked Out.
“Some weeks ago during the
severe winter weather both my
wife and myself contracted severe
colds which speedily developed in
to the worst kind of la grippe with
all its miserable symptoms,” Maple Land- says
Air. J. S. Eglest< n of ach
ing, Iowa. Kne s and joints stopped
ing, muscles sore, head
up, eyes and nose running, with
alternate spells of chills and fever.
We began using Chamberlain’s
Cough Rem dy. aiding Chamber- the same
with a double dose of
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets,
and by its liberal use soon com
pletely knocked out the grip.”
Sold by G. M. Overstreet, – Co.,
Druggists, Sylvania, Ga.
Re; d Tax.
The county commissioners have
fixed the road commutation tax for
1907 at $2.50. ; This can be paid
at any tim Writ, , t > the undersigned,
from April to June first. If
not paid by Ju ie first,delinquents
will lie summoned out at once to
work. I will have appointments
at various places in the different
districts in the county for the pur
pose of collecting this. These ap
pointments will be published next
week in the T lephone.
II. L. Howard, Clerk.
Money talks and usually talks
“cents.” To the customer who
spends a dime we listen as care
fully as the cue who spends satisfied a dol
lar, and both must be be
fore we consider the money- our
own.—Hill Brothers.
Isaac Silver
– Bro.,
Two Stores,
Sylvania, - Ga.
Sandersville, Ga.
White India linon, the
kind that sells anywhere at
10c, next week . 5°
mm 4 1 ’ ,
A beautiful , pres=
entwith every cash pur
chase of $ 1.00 or more.
To the Ladies.
You can get the benefit of Miss Davis’ taste
without having to pay for it. We have the stock of
Millinery and dress goods bought by Miss Davis for P.
R. Kittles. The millinery stock is absolutely com
plete, having all the latest shapes-, braids of all kinds
as well as all necessary trimmings for hats.
It is true we have no trimmer, but we have a
great number of hats trimmed by Miss Davis. Let us
suggest that in case you can not find a hat already
trimmed in this stock that you buy the shades and
trimmings of us and have it trimmed elsewhere.
The Dress Goods
Stock is also complete and to see it and get the
prices, after having been elsewhere, means to buy it.
The stock of Oxford Ties and Sandals for ladies
and children is fully as strong.
Of course you understand this stock was bought
by us of P. R. Kittles at a good discount and we are
just as anxious to sell you at, original cost as are the
other merchants to sell you with a big per cent, profit.
Wo guarantee to save you from 50 to 75 per cent,
on every purchase, We can sell you goods cheaper
than other merchants can buy the same in the market.
Sylvania, Ga.
NO. 35.
8 net
chiffon, worth 9c,
next week at . cr
36 inch white liabut ai silk
worth 75 c, special, w m go at
per yard • . 49c
New wash goods, beautiful
floral desif is. These goods
compare v . n 1 c’Values LG^__