Newspaper Page Text
These are the values that set the sta >***»» 3 ; g 1 J- ., w; i 5 qi -. A ,« rr -; r , cl j
GIVE THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST HONEY, Below is a full demonstration of these facts.
26 pieces 12 l-2c Linen
finish suiting cut to
All 1.25, 1.50 and 1.79
bed spreads cut to
. 15 doz Fancy Pillow cases
broken lot worth up to 49c,
per pair
Remnant sale oj odds and
ends of embroideries, worth
Up to 19c to go this sale per yd
5 °
25 pieces of all linen towel
ing consisting of crash, huch
er back, damask, special per
y t>QO
\ Entire stock of Ladies and
•i Misses 25c, 39c and 50c sum
mer vests cut to
Solid case bleaching at old
time prices, per yard,
L ’ I
■ mV
Big court Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Sharpe spent
Sunday last at Register, Ga.
Let us hope for the best this
year, and prepare for the worst.
Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Kittles are
visiting relatives at Therissa this
Mr. Fielding Lanier is now work
ing with Mr. P. A. Mock in Syl
Miss Lillian Walker, of Middle
Ground, spent Wednesday in Syl
Mr. Charley Pinckney has gone
to Columbia. S. C., where he is
now at work.
Miss Sallie Arnett, of Savannah,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E.
Smith, in Sylvania.
Mr. B. II. Walker, of Augusta,
visited friends in Sylvania last
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Winn McCall, of Black
Creek, is now working at the store
of W. H. Kittles-in Sylvania.
Mr. George A. Mell, of Savan
nah, visited his brother, Dr. W.
B. Mell, in Sylvania, this week.
P. A. Mock sells Longman –
Martinez L. – M. Paints in pints
and quarts at half-gallon price.
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Doster, of
Rocky Ford, spent Wednesday last
with Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cooper.
Miss Mary Parker, ot Kocky
Ford, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
D. S. Laffitte, on the avenue this
Miss Christine Scott, of Savan
nah, and Miss Kuhn, of New York,
are visiting Mr. J. C. Scott near
The motion for a new trial in
Sasser case will be argued before
Judge Rawlings in Sylvania on
Monday night of next week.
Miss Birda Wallace, of Rocky
Ford, presided at the organ at the
Baptist church last Sunday, Mrs.
P. R. Kitties, the regular organist,
being absent.
Rev. C. D. Adams has received
his agrimotor from the manufact
urers, and has been getting it ad
justed, preparatory to giving it a
trial with the plows.
Mr. Robert Riedel left Sylvania he
this week for Savanuah, where
will spend a short while, and then
leave for a trip to his old home in
Germany. He goes to see Ins
father, whom he has not seen tor
twenty years. i
Remnant sale Val laces in
value from 10c to 25c to go
in this sale jit
10 assorted patterns 10c
Gheck Nainsook, cut to per
25 pieces 10c black batiste
soft finish cut to per yard
50 pieces full width Per
sian lawn can’t be matched
elsewhere at 35c, special, yd
< hi center table near door
special offer in colored mus
lins at per yard
25c embroideried handker
chiefs, new designs and pat
terns cut to
All 1.25 Foster’s hose- sup
porters cut to
New shipment belt buck
les new and snappy designs,
We will sell 10 yds of best
8 l-2c Sea Island for
Just as we are going to press we of
learn that Mr. W. A. Mallory,
Resource,lost, his barn and stables
i )V fi r e this morning about six
o’clock. We have noUearned any
j of the particulars.
Rev. Mr. Smith, of Macon,
preached at the Baptist church
in Sylvania last Sunday morning
and evening. He will also till the
appointments here on the next
fourth and second Sundays.
Messrs, J. F. Candeto and Doug
las Arnett, of Fitzgerald, visited
Sylvania this week. These young
gentlemen are working on the
Fitzgerald Leader, and they are,
both well pleased with their new,
Mr. James Billing, one oi the
oldest citizens of Screven, died this
week at his home near Black Creek.
Mr' Billing was 95 years of age,
and was highly respected by ail of
his fellow citizens. The remains
were interred at the Bryan grave j
yard. I !
Miss Hamrick will give a musl- i.
cal recital at the auditorium on
the afternoon of Monday, June did,
to which everybody is cordially in
vited Miss Hamrick has offered a
medal for the best trained pupil m
her music class, and this will be
awarded at that time.
Little Mary, the two-year-old
girl of Mr. and Mrs. S. 1‘. Cooper.
who has been very sick .-with fever
for the the past week, died this
morning at their home in Syha
nia. The remains will be interred
at the cemetery here tomorrow
morning at ten o’clock. Mr and
Mrs. Cooper have the sympathy ot
many friends in this sad bereave
The TeleDhone regrets to learn
of the very sad and shocking
tragedy in the family ot Mrs. buss
Lee, near WoodclilT last Tuesday.
Mr. Lee’s little boy had a shot
gun in his hand, when it was ac
cidentally discharged, the load go
ing into the body of lus little sister
near by, and killing her. I heir j
many friends will sympathize with
them in this sad blow.
Mr. and Mrs. \V . B. Dent and
children went out to Mr. John W.
Bolton’s, near Zeigler, Thursday of
last week, to a sheep shearing,
which, Mr. Dont says, was a most
interesting occasion to him. rive
or 600 sheep were gathered in
the pen, to be shorn of their coats
for the summer, and there were
nea rly a hundred people spread present, at
to enjoy a bounteous
dimier time.
^During court week 1 will turnisli
jftcals at 35c and 50c.—Mrs. M J.
Best 8 l-2c apron gingham
assorted patterns cut to per
Job lot broken sizes cor
sets bargains at 75c, cut to
Complete line of 10c wash
braids in white and colors
cut to yd
15 dozen all silk hem
stitched Windsor ties in
plaids and solid colors
50 pieces 25c union linen
in blues, grays, pink very
thing for wash suits cut to yd
All 50c, 69c and 75c wash
goods, such as embroidery
swiss, chiffon tissues, em
broidery crepes, mercerised
suitings, imported batiste re
duced to yd
40 pieces English long
cloth 36 in 12 yard pieces
originally sold at 2.00 per pc
Base Ball.
tioloid maintained her
par drawn out v–rffip game of ball from
j iie ; result ot lie g' m '“
never in doubt, he hnte ,
winning by the score » 20 to 5
v.olotd v.ocr. up agams . o\
ot ,
1 ' ' ! > e ^- c oiiaga me c –ei ies.
at May 24th, which promises ^ o e
hotly comestod. ■
A. A. Wood.
Died in Atlanta May 2nd, at the
Soldier’s Home, Mr. A. A. Wood
j n the 62nd year of bis age.
He leaves two daughters and
two brothers. He was for many
y t >ars deacon in the Baptist church
at Scarboro, Ga . (hisformer home)
anf i where he was greatly loved
admired for Ins noble traits
of character.
Instructed in the great truths of
morality, by pious parents, lie in
earl^v years, accepted Christ as his
Savior, united himself with the
Baptist .church, and was a faithful
member until death claimed his
spirit. Possessed of those kind
lier feelings which religion always
| )es t 0 ws, he had the good wishes
0 [ a p w j 10 knew him. Slow to
CO ndomn, quick to forgive, clier
fifing no oV il; the good and the
| m( j a R ke loved him.
xiiis we feel is a bare outline
Q | , in upr jgfit useful life, and gives
scarce iy a glimpse of the noble
c j ir i s tinn character shaping that
fi[ e _ [; U | a ll who knew the sub
ject of our sketch, will read be
tween tho lines many a story of
integrity, generosity and devotion
which is not written here, but
where Hie believer has his best
record, on the hearts of Saints of
Christ and of God.
(Augusta papers please copy.)
p j s Dangerous to Neglect a Cold,
How ol'telr do we hear it remark
ed : “It's only a cold,’’ and a few
days later learn that the man is
on his hack with pneumonia. This
is of such common occurrence that
a cold, however slight, should not
he disregarded. Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result in
pneumonia, and has gained its
great popularity and extensive
sale by its prompt, cures of this
most common ailment. It always
cures and is pleasant to take. For
sale by G. M. Overstreet – Co.,
Laid Corner Stone of Bank.
.corner stone of the Kocky
r M r
tra(jtor Neaglier) g race fully wield
ed the trowel. Three representa
tive citizens of the town manfully
wa lked up—two J deposited each a
nickle , td the other a penny, all
0 f w hich was promptly smeared
ovei . w fifi mor tar and brick by Mr.
]\j- ea gli er . This was only a me
mento and a token of good wishes
by said depositors. We are here
to tell you that the bank of Kocky
Ford, Ga., is a fact, and in a few
days you can deposit your funds
where—the old adage, cast thy
bread upon the waters, and after a
few days thou shalt receive a re
turn—will also be a fact. N.
By properly toning and feeding
the nerves with pure blood which
is done by using P. P. P. Lipp
rnan’s great remedy, the most mar
velous cures of nervousness are
made, restoring health immedi
ately to the patient and making
him strong and vigorous in a little
P. P. P. is superior to all sarsa
P. P. P. has formula on every
Any physician will tell you that
P. PP. is the best combination of
green roots and harks that was
ever put together for the cure of
weakness, general debility and
nervousness. It is a good tonic
and the best blood purifier in the
world. For sale by all druggists.
Damage to Two-States.
Fire which destroyed the cabin
and pilot house of the steamer Two
States at the foot of Bull street yes
terday morning at daybreak was
extinguished by the aid of the
fire fighting apparatus on the Sea
board Air Line ferryboat City of
Bluff ton.
It is thought a stove in the cab
in ignited the woodwork and start
ed the blaze. The man on watch
discovered the fire and a volunteer
force of firemen began throwing
buckets of water on the burning
cabin. Capt. Sheckles of the
Bluffton hurried to the assistance
of the Two States and the fire
succumbed to the combined efforts
of the two crews. The damage to
the steamer is \ given as several
hundred dollars;—Morning News,
May 14th.
20 pieces Mercerised batiste
full 40 in wide special else
where at 39c, our price
22 °
25c Ladies White and
black lace hose cut to per
pair, see window
60 dozen 10c Flecker back
towels, red borders, Limited
1 dozen to customer cut to
8 pieces 25c eottonades
pants goods, value at yd
All 50c Window shades to
be thrown out with fi xtures at
Box's knee pants 50c, 65c*
qhality to go in this sale
200 steel rod 36 and 38 in
umbrellas worth 98c assorted
values cut to
Remnant sale of all 36 in
Windsor Percals
20 pieces Brown Cham
pagne Linen finish suiting
19c quality, cut to yd
Death of J. P. Miller.
Mr. James P. Miller, son of Mr.
D. S. Miller, of WoodclitV. after
over a year of suffering, and after
having undergone three patiently operations.
which he endured and
with heroism, died at his father's
home last Monday morning.
thWr7ea;. y Ta e r” , JuSTi';
years ago he married Mis, Maude
Newton, daughter of Postmaster
J. M. Newton, of Rocky Ford.
Mr. Miller established a reputa
tion as an excellent business man,
and had many warm personal
friends. He was buried at Little
Horse Creek Tuesday evening,
Rev. E. B. Sutton conducting the
funeral services. The Telephone
extends sincerest sympathy to the
loved ones he has left behind.
Judge Uses Forceful Language.
Judge W. B. Simmons, of Fin
castle, Va., told the reporter that
L. – M. Paint was used on his
residence in 1882, and held its
color well for 21 years; he further
more said that 3 years ago he was
induced to use another paint and
is sorry he did, because the other
paint didn’t make good, The
judge will always now use L. A M.
because he knows if any defect ex
ists in L. – M. Paint the house will
be repainted for nothing.
The L. – M. Zinc hardens the
L. – M. White Lead and makes L.
– M. Paint wear like iron for 10
or 15 years.
Actual cost of L. – M. Paint
about $1.20 per gallon.
Donations of L. – M. made to
churches. Sold by P. A. Mock.
Base ball goods of every kind at
Powell’s Pharmacy.
FOR SALE :—A practically new
engine and boiler, also a No. 2
Frick saw mill.—W. II. Zeigler,
Ogeechee, Ga.
Plastering lathes for sale. Ap
ply to C. B. Pfeiffer, Sylvania. Ga.
Official and American League
balls at Powell’s Pharmacy.
a new article that men will-find
beneficial to their comfort and
pleasure. Cannot state
tion here. Send 10 ■ for same.
Are you wise? Thousands ot men
are using this article. Money re
funded if you say so after
this patented specialty.
A. I-. C. Giu l lie
standard 12 J-2c uftlity mil
to tier yard
10 pieces regular 48c, wash
silk bought especially for
this sale to go al
dob lot fans ranging in
price 19c to 59c, such as Japs
Orentials, special
iO '
Solid counter new and
dainty patterns wash goods, N
consisting of Mulls, Batiste,
Muslins, Swiss, French sidl
ing, as a leader in this sale
Limited one pattern to
each customer.
ID pieces 12 l-2e Victoria
lawn full 40 in. wide cut to
6'; I
We will sell 12 pieces re. Q'~
ular 50clinen suiting, special
35 V
All 25c India dimities 10
different patterns to go at.
American Specialty (Jo., Box 175.
Allegheny, I’a.
For Sale Twenty-five bushels
! unknown peas. Apply to 0. B.
I feiltei. Syhama, Ga.
For Sale:—One yoke extra line
young oxen, Savannah river swamp
cattle. Apply to Hill Bros., or J.
R. Wells.
F °K SALE :~A good rrfn s
lA'ekioinfd’^VimlfirSvAa F, TeleShone^ffice P "
. ^ n S: ^ 1X choppers:
w j^ P a > 10 m s a piece tor J_ teet
pme logs Also ten good railroad
hands at ^l-)0 per day. Wanted
7 Miller Lake- southern < oast
Lumber Co.
See me if you want first class
lumber cheap. Harris Waters.
For Sale:—O ld Wells livery
stables apply to, J. W.
street, GO ylvama On.
GO-FLY keeps flies oil horses
and cattle. 25c and 50c, sold by
P. A. Mock, Sylvania; Parker, B. W.
Miller – Co.. J. T. Rocky
Ford and M. L. Parker – Bro.,
W oodcliff, Gm.
Where GO-FLY goes Hies will
not go. Use it on your horses and
cattle. 25c and 50c.
I have 5000 feet first class lum
ber for sale, cheap. Harris Waters.
Base balls, bats, mits and gloves
for boys and men at Powell’s Phar
Sylvania Hardware Co.
Tools make glad the
heart of tool users.
They are sharp, ready
for use, hold their
edges and make work
a pleasure. Cost no
j: more than the other I
p 1
Sylvania Hardware Co. U
To The Public.
1 haw opened up a flow bak<
shop at the same old place—S.-,
1 am u ng to hi
exetvtiling that is nice and up
l : J !, ‘1 , ' u,Ic ‘ iiVor tr kc
, , .
fllln '"}[' . 8 A 1 hop:, .' 11 - m nice } e - and 'mun, clean ;1 eve.
- 0 e n w place
J ' AA I :
i!V1U 1 W 11 *Wr,bo
‘'A ! ;. W welcome to come a
e y
pan e. . -i dm..-,
Respectfully, R.
; 0. Zkiulkr.
How's This?
We otfer One Hundred Dollars
of Catarrh
[v / l J !A", 1 '. . by Hall’s
I '"rj/ ( h'nji F J. Cheney A
(v the' undersized,
Wm ..... have
; knowff p. j. ohenev tV>r the last 1 .
| honorable years, and in believe all busings him prefects
actions andiinanciallv a!
I ou t anv obligations ' in ad
firm. Waloino, Ki.x.x
vin . Wholesale Druggists, Toied
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken i:
ternally, acting direct!,v upon the
blood-and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent fret-.
Price 75c per bottle. Sold by vail
Take Hall’s Family Pills h