The Sylvania telephone. (Sylvania, Ga.) 1879-current, May 17, 1907, Image 4
Pine Vale News. The appearance of sunshine af ter so much rain and cold is cheer ing, and receives a hearty welcome from all the farmers. The school closed at Pine Vale May 10th, and Prof. Joyner has entered school at Hurst, Messrs. J. R. and G. A. Mock attended city court in Sylvania Monday. Miss Clara Belle Waters went to Sylvaia Saturday. Mr. B. F. Joyner visited relatives at Middle Ground last week. Miss Nora Mock is on the sick list this week. Miss Mattie Joyner is quite sick; hope she will soon be up. Mr. J. R. Waters gave Wood cliff a call Saturday. Misses Carrie Cubbedge and Annie Mock attended services at Double Heads Sunday and report a good sermon. Mr. Barney Cubbedge is out again, after a few days’ illness. Miss Isabelle Hollingsworth spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Dover. Mr. Marion Cubbedge spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives at Double Heads. Our young folks are anticipa ting a Sunday school picnic in the near future; hope to hear more about it. Misses Carrie Cubbedge and Annie Mockjattended the sing at Dr. Blackburn's Sunday night. Rev. Berry Jenkins, Jr., will fill Bro. Brantley’s appointment at McDonald Sunday. Come out to hear him. Lonesome Girls. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed in to the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms,” says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Land ing, Iowa. Knees and joints ach ing, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon com pletely knocked out the grip.” Sold by G. M. Overstreet – Co., Druggists, Sylvania, Ga. Locals from Bascom. Quite a number of visited our “city’’ this week. Miss Maude Parker, the tive guest of Miss Agnes Lewis, re turned to her home at Woodcliff Monday. * We are glad to report that little Eugene Dixon is getting along nicely with his arm. Miss Agnes Lewis, who has been quite ill for several days, is rapidly improving. A picnic was eujoyed by a few of our folks last week. We haven’t learned who attended it, but think it was “strictly private.” Messrs. G. L. Mills and A. .1. Brigham, of Girard, were iu our vicinity Sunday. Miss Marie Williams visited her mother, Mrs. Reddick, Saturday and Sunday. Little Lucile Griner spent last Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lessie Lewis. Several of our school children are sick with roseola this week. Miss Ord Prescott is on the sick list this week. We are glad to see Mrs. A. A. Dell out after a few days’ illness. Mr. Ezkial Godbee, of Sardis, visited here last week. Mr. S. Ri Lewis spent last Tues day in Augusta. Brother Kemp filled bis regular appointment at Bascom Sunday morning. Owing to the rain only a few attended tins service. He preached at Trinity in the -after noon. Farmers are busy chopping blues, cot ton. Some of them have the but if the rain continues they will have them sure enough. Don’t be discouraged, for farming is one of the noblest pursuits of mau. Re member that the success of the whole world depends upon your success, and it isn’t right for you to give away to the .blues. Be patient, all will be well. Gardens in this section are very poor. Let us hear from other sections of the county. Let’s try and make our paper more interesting. Pansy. Prevent Headache. Force them? No—aids them. Ramon’s treatment of Liver and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and digestive organs and so forti they do their own work fies your constitution against fu ture trouble. Entire treatment 25 cents. All Druggists. Woodcliff Items. Who said “Gen. Green” wasn’t in full command of most of our crops? The outlook for an oat crop is very promising at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parker vis ited relatives near Sylvania Mon day. Miss Marie Mfilliams visited at her old homo in Bascom Saturday and Sunday. A Sunday school was organized at Zeigler school house last Sun day with thirty members to begin with. May the good work go on. A sad accident happened near here this week in which a child of Mr. Gus Lee’s shot and almost in stantly killed bis little sister, Mat tie. The shooting was done with a shot-gun, with which the child ren were playing. We extend to the family our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. Mr. Jim Miller, who has been suffering untold agonies with ap pendicitis and operations for the past twelve months, passed away last Monday night. We tender sireat sympathy to his family, es pecially to his wife, who has been constantly at his bedside during his afflictions. The annual sheep shearing at Mr. John Bolton, Sr’s, was attend ed by people from almost all over the county. The crowd was esti mated to number at least 100, about 75 per cent of that number being spectators. La rev . CURES BLUOD, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER, GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humor, if you have blood roison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching,risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. 13. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express .$1 per large bottle. Sample free by wri ting Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. AGENTS, ATTENTION! Don’t paycash! Credit given! Profits unlimited selling our recently patented article. Any man, mar ried or single between 16 and 60 years of age will buy it. Cannot give full description here. Smid 10c for same. Are you wise? Only very few agents are handling this article so far. If you cannot make at. least $5 daily selling this specialty, quit selling goods. Our novelty is protected by United States patents. Cost to agent $6 per 100, sells for 26c each, We give you ten days time to pay for your goods. American Specialty Co., Box 175, Allegheny, Pa. Double Heads. Rain, rain, and how the grass does grow Many of the farmers in this sec tion planted cotton the second time as the first planted did not come up, and some planted corn over, as it was killed by cold. The farmers are very busy chop ping cotton this week and General Green is in with full force and looks like just now he will gain the victory over some fields and farms; but if our farmers can have the blessing of a few days sun shine and health they will come out victorious. So let us murmur not and battle on. We are glad to know that Mr. S. L. Dough try and son Grady who have been very sick with pneu monia are some better. We hope for them a speedy recovery. On last Monday night, May 6th. Mr. D. W. Carswell’s barn was struck and set on lire by light ning, burning its entire contents of corn, hay, oats, fodder and peas and some other valuable farm sup elies. The total loss was near $800 with no insurance. Rev. H. J. Arnett filled his reg ular appointments here Saturday and Sunday ; only a few out on Sunday on account of the unpleas ant weather, The church has recently stained and varnished the scats, adding much to credit the appear ance and much to the of Mr. B. A. Williams as paiuter, for his nice work. Some of our school will be pres ent at the educational rally next Friday at Pine Grove if a pleasant day. H. A Poor Organ. Dam(s) the bile. That’s what your liver does if it’s torpid. Then the bile overflows into the blood— poisons your system, causing sick headache, biliousness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick stomach, dizzi ness, fainting spells, dark rings about the eyes, worn-out look, etc. Ramon’s treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver—makes it do its own work. Prevents and cures these troubles. Aids—doesn’t force. Entire treat ment 25c. All Druggists. Dots From the Fork. Mr. W. F. Sovveli spent last Sat urday and Sunday with his broth er, Mr. It. T. Sowell, near Creek. Messrs. G. M. D., and I). P. Oliver, from Cyclone, visited the Fork last Sunday. Mr. J. W. Williams, one of Cyclone sports, spent Saturday night with friends in the Fork. Come again, John, it may not rain next time. The Fork was visited by a hail storm last Saturday night, it doing lots of damage to the crops, totally destroying some. We have good roads and tele phone lines oveT - here, and all we need now is the R. F. D., to make the Fork one of the best commun ity in the county. The farmers have begun the battle with (yen. Green, between the showers. The judging struggle will be a tough one, from the present outlook. Several of our young peeple an ticipated attending preaching were* Bascom Sunday, but disap pointed on account of bad weather. Say, boys, better carry another bridle with you next time, or you may be left. wishes to the Tele phone, I will ring off. Seldom. Catarrh and Catarrhal Headaches. are quickly relieved by Nosena. It soothes the congested membranes allays inflammations and thorough ly heals and cleanses. It keeps moist all the passages whose ten dency is to thicken and become dry. Cures colds, throat troubles, hoarseness, hay fever, “stopped up” nose, breathing through the mouth whiie sleeping, offensive breath, etc. It is autisepi io and contains no chemicals or drugs having a narcotic effect, or tiiat can cause the “drug habit.” we guarantee satisfaction. J. A. Brogdon, of the National Sign Co., Davton, Ohio, writes under date of Oct. 12,1900; “Nos ena is the only preparation I have ever used that relieves my affection so speedily and pleasantly. Iam getting the first real pleasure out of breathing that I have experi enced since I contracted catarrh six years ago. Money would not buy my tube of Nosena if I could not get another.” Buy Nosena from your druggist and get Sample your money back if not satisfied. and booklet by mail ten cents. Brown Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo., Greeneville. Tenn. T. W. OLIVER. A. B. OLIVER – LOVETT, “Fire Insurance,” Sylvania, Georgia. Nervous Indigestion Tlie action of diges tion is controlled by nerves leading to tlie stomach. When they are weak, tlie stomach is de prived of its energy. It lias no power to do its work. If you want per manent relief, you must restore this energy. Dr. Miles’ Nervine restores nervous energy, and gives the organs power to per form their functions. “For many years I was an acute sufferer from nervous indigestion; at times I was burden. so despondent life seemed of almost a I tried all kinds remedies and various physicians with little or no relief, until one night last summer I saw Dr. Miles’ Nervine ana Heart Cure advertised. I resolved to make one more trial which I did in the purchase of one bottle of Nervine and one of Heart Cure. In a few days I began to feel better, which encour aged me so much that I continued the medicine until I had taken more than a dozen bottles. I am very much im proved in every way; in body, mind and spirits since. I make a special point to recommend the medicine, ana I feel a sincere pleasure in knowing that several persons have been bene fited through mv recommendations.” A. S. MELTON, Ashviiie, N. C. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Chamberl–Ia’sf - -i. n is ' / 'i I Sr, vyi n? i S3 ir i Cough Remedy The Children’s Favorite —CURES— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thte remedy is famous for its cures over a largo part of the civilized world. It can always bo depended upon. It contains no opium or other harmful drug a nd ra be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts; Lar^e Size, 60 eta. H. L. \H0WARD, ATTORNKjY-AT-LAW. Sylvania - - - Georgia. Will practice i|t) both State and Fed eral courts. W. F. BARNWELL, Contracting Painter – Paper Estimates Furnished on Application. Sylvania, Ga. JOHN W. BROWN, Practical Painter, Gramer, Sign Writer ami Hard Oil Finisher. Residence, Mr. Wilkes Boykin, Sylvania, Ga. Weak Lungs V ft} -3? X.;,' i Need VINOL its cod liver oil elements heal and strengthen the lungs Many people Inherit weak lungs which are likely to be attacked by consumption. So also are lungs weakened by disease or by a stubborn hacking cough. Vinnl v inoi, wliipti u men Iq is q a ronl real end coa over liver Dren- p q aration With all tile useless Oil elimi nated and tonic iron added, strength enq ens wenlr weaK Innrrq lungs and and gives elves one one tlie uie power to throw Oft wasting diseases. We ask every person suffering from weak lungs, stubborn hacking coughs or any wasting disease to try Vinoi on our guarantee. C. M. OVEHSTiSSET – CO. Money to Loan on Improved ..Farming Lands.. As the representative of The Southern Mortgage Oo., of Atlanta, Ga., I am still negotiating loans on improved farming lands in Screven county at six and seven per cent, interest per annum on from three to five years time. We have the cheapest money on the market. It comes from the lender direct and no mid dleman’s profits. If you need the money see me. A. BOYKIN, Sylvania, Ga. SHY niSI €f! There’s ——B—B Money PS w aw—: in this for yqa, to/ ——■ K — — — The Favor* ole Judgment of Hundreds who are Ordering from us daily. is evidence of the public appreciation and satisfaction, m Foodservice. Our pre-eminence as buyers insures us the option on all big purchases at the lowest figures. That’s why we, and only we, are able to supply reasonable the constantly prices. in- A creasing demand, and at the most wide range of a first-class stock to select from. We are still sending out cur No. 7 at $2.50per gallon, express, prepaird, to your nearest express office when or dering not less than one gallon We are also headquarters for Champagne Cider. Writs for prices on same. Empty bottles can be returned to us. Following are a few of our large selection : Monaram, p®r gallon....... $1 8g--u§ssg North Carolina Oosa .... $1 20 to S CP Old Nick................. » Holland Gin .1 25 to 8 00 XX Monongahela.......... »-* Rum....... 1 Ss5 to – 00 No 7.................. SO Brandies. . . 1 50 to 8 00 Tar Heel Club.............. Oase goods from fS 00 prr dozen up XXXX Monongahela. ... S3 AH kinds of wines from $1 00 per ga! up. Old Lydon Bourbon....... Duff GordonN Sherry...........$5 « t as FI. C. Brinkman,.. 228 St. Julian Street, VV. P. O. Box 246 Georgia Teiphone 2808, Savannah, Georgia. O–ttib.________ II Ps — 3 JSL © Q fPr! Kly Asti. V Poo" and Potassium.) - MAUL • :>r ALL FOUM-l AND STAGES OF- - -i.r-jr iisnafas Physic! n -r.-’ -. el- J.' !»fi ti S i"•••>• £ on v.Ill regain ^flesh and strength. did com bin G . j. I he 't w h \ Waste of onergy and all diseases resulting great ou o i the cures of in ; I rom overtaxing the system are cured by forms and s ages o! Piimor , l 'vt-ndtuy the use of P. P. p. and Tertiary Sv phi b, f-’y; bib. I. l'-h*.*;.- ..... ,r. I/idics wheso systems are poisoned and matism, Scrofulous U!< e s and Hora , . - fi whoso blood is in an Impure condition duo Glandular SweiljVgs, P.heu. ; Usm, It id- y ■\ to menstrual irregularities are peculiarly ney Complaints, Q d Chronic Ulcers fcha ' yjj: benefited by the wonderful tonic and UUHL**3SEr-'7r-3F?^-.YT:- - • !-*-■ ' S YplPl IS i j ivjy ROFULA SEasaHB0ES7ZaKP» care* havo resisted all treatment, Catarrh, Skin ^2 Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female a. blood cleansing properties of P. P. P./ Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, . j Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Scaldhead, etc., etc. Sold by all Druggists. P. P. P. is a !powerful tonic and an U excellent appitiz^r, building up the 3^ F. V. LlPPMAN, Proprietor. system rapidly. ,If you are weak and [I Savannah, Ga, feeble, and feel tyiidly try P. P. P., and RHEUMATIS M SUPPOSE A FIRE should come tonight. You could ill afford to lose your valuable pa pers, deeds, wills, money, notes, etc. All merchants, up-to-date planters and business men have safes or should have one. You will be surprised how cheap a first class New Victor flic and burglar proof safe can be bought for. Write or seo me. W. J. Walker. Y i A R Pf|\ mu , 1 u I '■Si •m 7 m all m ■J by .ik A I .Ss i Hustling Boys Wanted AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION. For every one who reads this, and will endeavor to secure us a few subscribers in his locality, we have a proposition and a free offer to make to you, which will appeal to you. Write for particulars and pre jmium list, with special rates to agents. A live agent Is wanted In every county, city, village and community. You can gain some money without any great effort, by writing us. We are receiving hun dreds of letters requesting agencies every day. Your letter comes next. BOYS AND GIRLS W» want you to sell THE COTTON JOURNAL In the towns to how everybody Interested in cotton. We will tell you to start a bank account without any great amount of work, and will furnish you a supply j of Papers FREE to begin with. THE COTTON J0URNAL , s THE talk of the entire ; SOUTH. You won't have any trouble in disposing j of BODY the papers, IS NOW at a INTERESTED great profit to yourself, IN THE COTTON every JOURNAL, outfit, the quicker and the sooner will you be write the us right for road. your you on this means you. DON’T delay. Address, THE COTTON JOURNAL Atlanta, Ga, ®ept No lazy bones need apply! N.“ 22 THE SCREVEN COUNTY BANK, SYLVANIA, GEORGIA. y DIRECTORS: W. A. Alailory, R. VV. Nunnally, J. J. B. Morel, Geo. M. Overstreet, L. 11. Hilton. We solict accounts of Firms, Corporations and interview’, Individu als, and invite correspondence or a personal with a view to business relations. We allow interest on money deposited for a stipulated time....... Good Notb,s Discounted at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. L. H. HILTON, President. W. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier. CEB© >«a mm EVERY YOUNG MAN ^aa^^AND . . EVERY YOUNG WOMAN . . ^7 UPULP lay aside a portion of their ^ income. And the time to begin? Right now. The easiest and surest way? To open an account with this bank, start ing in with a small deposit; and to add t.o this each week or each month. Many have tried this plan, many have succeed ed. This bank receives deposits as low as a dollar, and is always glad to help thore who are trying to help themselves Citizens Bank of Sylvania, W. J. Walker, Julius L Walker, President. Cashier. DIRECTORS : J. H. Evans, W. H. Walker, J. T. Walker, B. F. Powell, A. Zeigler, S. B. Lewis, J. T. Wade, W. M. Parker, M. J. Enneis, H. J. Arnett W. J. Walker. '0® *0 FARM LOANS $100,000.00 to loan on Improved Farms, WITHOUT ENDOR- payable SER, or CROP OBLIGATION. Term 5 years. Interest once yearly. This money is immediately available. live Can be had is for QUICK CASH PURCHASE of lands, or stock, short etc. It available for any purpose where money is needed on notice. Write us before obligating your crop the coming year, or before asking your neighbors to endorse for you. Address, WHITK– LOVETT, Attorneys, Sylvania, Georgia. Money to loan on improved Sylvania Real Estate, or good farming* land in Screven County......... Can loan money at 8 per cent, per annum on improved Sylvania real estate, or can assist you to build if you have a lot. Can also loan money-on improved farming lands at very low rates of interest. All loans negotiated promptly. T. J. EVANS, Attorney, Sylvania, Ga. isaiBi s Grow. . I How Fortunes In order to accumulate a for tune, it is necessary to take advan tage of every legitimate opportunity to earn moneyto be industrious and. economical and then to use ev ery precaution to safeguard what you have made. This bank was established to assistvou will in building a fortune. We so care for your money that it is absolutely secure, and you can have it whenver you want it, We will assist you with good advice in business matters, and, if you join our financial fam ily, we will prove your good friend in time of need. We insure you the best service and convenience. Make a deposit to-day. Every for tune has grown from a bank ac count. Any amount from One Dollar up will start an Account, and we will lend our efforts towards teach ing you successful business habits. PEOPLE’S BANK, OLIVER, GEORGIA. >• <8. r-