The bee. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1848-1???, October 17, 1849, Image 3

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and blond, of high born and aristocratic am nesty ; though though they he rocked in the cradle of moral refinement; though their first lesson he to learn the application of Chesterfieldism to Solomonistn—though they spend a lifetime's days in quaffing tho quintessence of luxury and fail, on, will, despite all tfiis, visit our camp-mceiings and desecrate the sanctuary ot God by ‘their presence, convert it into a stage upon w hich they may sing their own disgrace, or chant the prologues to their eternal shame. Wanted Ia wife, in preference to such a character, wed mo to one of the Furies of hell, and let ine seek the goblet of connubial felicity beneath the fiery waves of the Phle gethou, or upon the acerid bosom of Sarta t ian fields ! But what astonishes me more than this, is. that our country girls seem to think that the deportment of our village Hoidens, is eminently exemplary. Girls, shame on you ! Is rusticity incompatible with moral vir tues, and ennobling qualifications'? If not, why then, will you even degrade yourselves into art equality, with such characters, as believe that their simple position of resi dence, guarantees to them the privilege of acting as they please in the country? Re-j collect my dear girls, that your guilt is by no means extenuated in the excuse that one town girl placed before you the example.j Remember that • • The ernw trav bathe her coal black wings in mire, And unpercaivi 1 ily with the fiith awry, Bui if the like, the snow white swan dclire, Tiie si.ain upjn her s ’vor dnwli will stay.” ; A r.d “That gnu's are unnoticed whor’ere they fly, But e gb a 1 o gazed upon wi heveiy eye.” With these few ittuendoes to our fairer sex. allow me very briefly to animadvert to another class. We introduce them under the name of fawning sycophants, tho apos tates of political virtues and honesty, the martyrs to demagogueisrn, The man who launches his bark upon the turbid wave of politics, and under his own piloting stems the tempest with an honest and high sonled energy, that man, I say, deserves tho ap plause of the world ; but the man who with breast as big with ambition as Napoli mi’s (and head as empty of brains as is his heart of moral honor.) dips head and heart into every scheme and machination suggested by the menial errors of this world’s muscae deserves not an office, of trust, nor tho vote nor patronage of any good nor honest man. Here we see him sitting amid a group of whole souled, pious, good old ebristiaus, discussing with Neophi'ic solemnity, the merits of the last sermon ; in a minute more we find him conspicuous amongst boistrous contemporaries, devising a method by which he may turn the vo e of some poor uninfor med man, or debating some standard prin ciple or creed, with a vehemence, that would put the shade of Patrick Henry to blush, or extort a smile of admiration from the ghost of Burke or Chatham; while at another moment, we see him make (he heart of a group of boys jar,told enough to rote , meas uring out or reciting every smutty anecdote that ati attentive genius may have learned from its associations, (taking particular care to interlard every ser.cnce, with a pro so in;! and neologism ) and it is thus, that tie wins their geo-i will, and stc.-..: a hobby burse oti >n which he to.ty ride iuto office. Thus affecting the protons, he stands in the estimation of some. c. mtcrcscosm in olli cial qualifications, while in others, he is what he is, the dim shadow of what he hn agines hitnsell to be. Such men are to lie hated, and must ere long writhe, and d>t in the well of their own infernal weaving. 1 intended to have noticed another class, hut 1 reckon it will be more than lean do, to brook the torrent of the ladies’ wrath, made mmldily poisonous, and impetuous by the curses of big headed politi i ms, Ihe re maining class, tire nondescripts any how, and deserve not notice. All 1 wish them, is that they may ever remain what they they have ever been, strangers to CHERRIE HILLE. Spring tliix, Oct. 10th 1848. Gentlemen :—Your intelligence of the 2d. inst. has been considered, m which I dis cover that by a Convention of the Dele tes from the Hi dist’s. held in Forsy th on -he second day of this month that I was by acclamation nominated as the Whig Can didate for Sheriff and you were selected a committee by said convention to notify me <.f the nomination which was done on that day and 1 accepted. But. gentlemen, I regret very much that mv private arrangements since that lime will compel me to decline accepting tins nomination made by so large and respecta ble a body of whigs as constituted said con vention but while private matters influence me to decline in favor of my friend James tvi Glower, you must |premit me through V„u to tender to the Patriotic and sterling whigs ot Monroe, my sincere thanks for the ■ confidence they were inclined to repose m me and for each of you to receive my warm est thanks. vVARREN JACKSON- ToMtssrs. J. McGruda, Robt. Mays, G. \V. Morau : Committee. From the Macon Telegraph , Uith inst. I IRST DESPATCH. Wo received at four o’clock oft Wednes - day evening last, the following despatch from our Express and Telegraphic Agent at Baltimore : iiA^TiMQRK 10[h ]34 y Gi'pin whig, elected Mayor of Philadel phia t.v a small majority The Democrats have’ gained largely on the Taylor vote— -The returns from the country indicate that th ” Democrats will be triumphant through tn , rllp state. The Democratic Candidate r sheriff of the city of Philadelphia, is f l b M lv , majority of 1,090. Tremeu foM riotß y in Southwark last night between *Z h... ‘l'll- I-- been called out. Thirty persons killed, and a number of houses destroyed by fire. Gen. Taylor arrived in this city to-day. lie w ill remain here until Friday. He has aban doned his iuteuiiou of making a northern ; tour, in consequence of urgent business, and the absence of Mr. Clayton. The New York cotton market closed ve ry firm yesterday, with upward tendency.— Fair uplands II a 11 j ; Fair Mobile and New Orleans I Ia cts. A SECOND DESPATCH. Arrival of llir Caledonia. 7 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Baltimore, Oct, 12, 1810. The Caledonia arrived at Boston this morning, with Liverpool dates to the 29th ot Sept, The Cotton market was unchan ged, except in fair Orleans, w hich is one shade lower. Stock on hand 557,000 hales against 527,000 same time last year. Sales litis week, 33,00 u hales. Imports 382 bales Accounts from the manufacturing districts discouraging. Old Western Canal and Philadelphia Flour being scarce, advanced 64. Corn declined Is. per quarter. The Havre Cotton market was rather dull. Ac counts from Hong Kong of the 26th of Ju ly, report a heavy and disastrous flood in tho neighborhood of Shaughie. Mr. Rives had arrived in Paris. Turkey hacked by France. England, it is said will not sur render Hungarian Refugees to Russia. The Czar declares that the escape of oue will he considered a just cause of war. War con sidered probable. Tlii 1) DESPATCH. New-York, Oct. 14. The foreign news lias had no effect upon the Cotton market, Flour heavy. Com steady- Government Securities a vanciug. In Ohio the Deutocats have a majority in the .Senate and tho Whigs in the Lower House. Pennsylvania, it is thought, lias gone for the Democrats by a largo majoity. The Schooner John Allyne—A let ter has been received at New Bedford from a passenger on board the schooner John Allyne, which sailed front that port in February for Califonia- ‘The letters gives the particulars of the capture, of Cap tain Bourne by the natives at Prosession Bay, in the Straits ot Mangellan, an ac count of which has already been publish ed. It seems that while the vessel lay at anchor, the captain and three seamen went ashore to barter with the natives, when he was attacked and made prison er, together with bis men. The men were afterwards released and sent back to the vessel with word that the Captain could he ransomed for twelve bottles of rum, twelve pounds of tobacco and a bag ofbread. These articles were according ly given to the natives, when the Chief refused to release Capt. Bourne, on the plea that the ransom was not given into his hands. The ves.-el was finally obligeed to sail without being able to etFeci his res cue. The Gov .merit has sent a vessel of war to the ,oi.- it Magellan to release Capt B . —.A /■’ Intelligence. - one"vvixwaro,at*- c . iv^owtr-awwi mab:&se:i>. I On the morning of the 11th inst., by Rev. I .1. P. Dimcau, Mr. Robert Blakeley, of i Gullettsville, and Miss Sarah E. Aikin. j i tier of Mrs. Sarah Atkin, ol this coun MAJOR BLOUNT places hs uanio before I tie Democratic nominating Convention its a candidate for Tax Collec of Monroe county. FOUR DAYS’ MEETINGS. Saturday, 6th of October, at Brownsville “ 13th “ Ebenezer. Thursday, 18th “ Salem. Saturday, 27th ** Tabernacle. *• 3d of November at Forsyth, “ 26th Logwall. JOHN P. DUNCAN. The Democratic Party of Monroe county is requested to meet in the Court- House at Forsyth, on the 27th inst. for the purpose of nominating candidates for coun ty officers. ngiHK Ladies of Forsyth having proposed to JL preseut Washington Division, No, G, S, of TANARUS., with a Bible and Banner, the presen a. lion wili take place on Saturday, the 2i)th inst. The Division will meet in their room at 10 o’clock, A. M., and march thence in procession at half past 10, to tho Baptist Church, where from the platform in front of the Church, tho Bible will bn presented by Mies SARAH E. DUNN, and roceivetl by Bro, J. S. PINCK ARD, and the Bannor by Miss ELIZA J CNBANISS, and received by Bro, J \V. PATTERSON, with suitable addresses. The public generally, and the friends of Tem perance arc respectfully invited to attend 1 D, SANFORD, ) W. B, STEPHENS, YOorn. E. (J. CABANISS. > October 19th, 1819. Administrator’s fcmle. nr ILL he sold before the Court House V v door iu Forsyth, on the first Tues i day in JANUARY next, acres of land, and mur Degrees: George, a man. about 75 years old ; Peggy, a woman, 65 years oid . Lewis, a man 27 years old, and Wash ington, a man, 25 years old. belonging to tho estate of Henry Brewer cec’d. Terms made known on tho day. S. L. BREWER., Admr. October 17 ih, 1849. 42 For Safe. SACKS SALT, large size, 4 containing Four Bushels each, by C. G. WHEELER. Macon, Oct. 10th, 1819, 4i-2m Administrators’ £alc. WILL lie sold before tho Court House door in Forsyth, on the first Tues day in JANUARY next, the following n,c groes, belonging to tho estate of Jonathan Oxford, ilec’d., to wit:—Maria, about 44 years old ; Charles, 39 years old ; Letty. 35 years old ; Linda, 21 years old ; llciniy, 19 years old , (> years old ; Levitt, 3 years old. anti George. 3 years old —to be sold for the | urp se of division among the heirs of said ooc’tl. Terms on thu day. W. K. OXFORD, ) , , . J. HOLMES. s A ‘ “ ‘ S- October !7th, 1849. 42 Administrators’ Sale. WILL lie sold tit the late residence ol Susannah Oxford, dic'd., ten miles Southwest of Forsyth, on tlie sth day of DECEMBER next, all the-perishable pro perty in tho possession of said dec’tl., at the. time ol her death, belonging to the estate of .1 ouathao Oxhn and, tlee’d, consisting of house hold .mil kitchen furniture, plantation tools, one horse and colt, about six head of cattle, pork and stock hogs, com, fodder, and otlt or articles unnecessary to mention, ’l’ertus on thu day. ‘ W. K. OXFORD, > , , . J. HOLMES, J Adm rs. October 17th. 1649. 42 Administrator’s Sale. Ok/ ILL be sold at the late residence of w w Henry Brewer, dec’ll., lour miles suuth ol Forsyth, on the 21st day ol Decem ber next, the perishable properly of said de ceased, consisting ol stock and pork hogs, catde and (torses, corn, (odder and wheat, a set ol blacksmith tools, a cotton-gin, thrash er, household and kitchen furniture, iVe.— Terms made known on the day. 8. L. BREWER, Ad.n’r, October 17th, 1849. 42 Oeorgirt) Monroe County. JAMES LAMAR, ol the 467th District G. ft!., of said county, toils be lore me, Robert Davis, :t Justice of the Peace for said county, oue estrav horse, bay, six years old. Appraised by jarratt Bry ant and William 11. Grier, to be worth thir ty dollars, this 6th October, 1849. ROBERT DAVIS, J. P. A true extract lioiu the minutes of the Estray Book, this I3tli Oct., 1649. w IEUS CURREY. C. !. C. Octeber 10h, 1849. 42 For Safe. rsniJE Subscnlter offers for sale bis JL Splendid .Merchant Mills, threemiles South ol Forsyth, all new and goon repair, with three hundred and sixty acres of land, or tile mills without the laud, or with twen ty live acres of laud and all! water privile ges. Any one wishing to purchase would do well to call aud examine tor themselves. THOMAS DEWBERRY. September Kith. 1849. 36-ts HOLLAND & BiSAMtt W r ILL remain iu lowu only a lew days longer. Those wishing line likenesss ol themselves 01 friends, will please call as .'iion as possible. They warrant to give satisfaction, or no charge. Room in the Court House. October lUth, 1849. 41 Rescue to liie AUiictcd, THE CELEBRATED Ja: vv divide Hebrew Piaster. A certain remedy for all fixed pains in tha Side, Cbest, Loins, Back, Bowels, Muscles, Khoumatisni in all us varied forms. Nervous Affections, I unis and Liver Complaints, Spi nal Affections, Female Weaknesses, etc, etc, For tile above complaiits this Plaster lias no koual, The eelebr.ty which it has already ac quired, not only in the old, but in the new world tho extraordinary cures it lias piTrlormed in the most extietne cases if suffering, lias acquir ed for it such a reputation, that, the proprietor lias not —until —been able to supply half the demand The sales throughout evety city, town and village in the United States, are without a par allel. 1 A circumstance not surprising, when the vast amount of nutnati suffering relieved by its use is considered. In Spinal Defects,jtfie benefit usu ally is of the most decided c.hatauer. In Ner vous complaints, nineteen cases out of twenty readily yield to the penetrating stimnla combined in this valuable preparation. In Rheumatism, cither acute or chronic, the claims of the Hebrew Plaster have long since been universally acknowledged. Those who are laboring under weak backs, no matter from what c uts ttte weakness may have originated—- evea and such persons have baeu misguided in pre v 1 us applications—in the U'O of tho Hebrew Plaster will find the affected part suddenly re stored to its original soundness. Asa supporter in oases of constitutional weak ness it will be found of great advantage. It is particularly recommended tc Females who are suffering from sudden weakness or general debil ity. In short, it embraces all the virtues which the most scientific minJ was capable of com pounding from valuabie substances found in the old world, and will be found entirely free from those objections which tire a source of complaint with tho numerous spread-plasters now befir the public. oThese plasters possess the advantigcuf being put up in air tight boxes—hence they re tain their full virtues in all climates beware of countereeits and BASE IMITATIONS None genuine without the engraving of Jew David un the wrapper arouud each box. Price 50 cents per box. 4 ach ( box contains sufficient to spread six plasters. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SCOVTL &. AIEAD. (. hartres Street, New Orleans; Gener al Agents for tho South and West, 8, Id also b Phelps & Ensign, Forsyth, Ga. Geoiiqk Payne, Macon, Ga. Andrews &, Little. Jackson, Ga, Huri> it Hungereobl, Monticello, Ga, July 25th, 1849. 30 ; MONROE LODGE. No 18, F. and A. M., will convene on e’ cry Friday evening ‘(except the first Friday in each month) until tin* meeting ot the Grand Loilgn. Brethren I “ill take due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. By Older ol R. L. KoDdkv, W. ftl. N. \V. BATTLE, Sec’ry. ISoftks, Mnlioasorv, &•. FBI ME ulidersigned has just received an -JL assortment of Letter and Fools Gap Paper, o( various descriptions—Engle Pens Letter Envelopes—Wafeis-Seuling Was Bristol Board—Greer’s Almanacs for 181!) School Books, fco., &e., which he offers for sale, cheap lor Gash, n't the Pus Office. O. MORSE. Sept. 2d. 1848. 35 Forsyth Nrfonfii. FBI HE exercises of the Forsyth Male JH_ School will he resumed on’ the 28.1 instant. RVTES OF TUITION. Spelling, Reading and Writing, pet session of five months, ,<BB 0(1 Arithmetic. Geography & Grammar, 1-2 00 Latin, Greek. Pitilusphy, Algebra and Geomefrv. ](■; (i() ‘S. W. BAKER, J. \Y. I’A 1 PERSON. July 18th, 1849. 29 ts BBarnesx* , fSaking, &c. Ale- El! I 11. DUE vV RY has opened a . Shop, on the corner opposite to the Hotel occupied by B. King, Esq., where he will he happy to execute all orders in his line, such as making and repairing Harness. Bridles and Martingales, trimming Garri ages. &.o. Several gentlemen in tho place can vouch for his skill as a workman. A sh ft re uj public patronage is respectfully solicited. Forsyth. January 3, 1849, 1 SHU They Come! FS'Hi’s Subscribers are now receiving _iaL and opening a fine stock of I Spring eusel Simfitter <e o o i) §. I and would respectfully solicit persons visit j ing Forsyth, to call and examine for them selves. Ladies fine Summer goods consisting ol I issue Silks, Swiss Rhes, Linen Berage, Aiso gentlemen’s Summer goods,— All of which will ho Hold very cheap. S. H. MARTIN, & Go, March 7th, 1849. 11l c-$ Card- BY the blessing of Providence, my health is sufficiently restored to ena ble me to resume the duties of inv profes sion, I am also prepared to perform all usual operations in dentistry. All work wairanted. Grateful for past favors, I so licit a continuance of public patronage. A. BE AN. June 13th, 1849, 24 ts MONTHS after date, applica tion will he made to the Honorable In ferior Gourt of Monroe county when sitting fin- Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Thomas Tay lor, late of Monroe county deceased, SARAH TAYLOR, Adin’x. Sept. 15ih 1849. 0F R months after date application will he made to the Honorable Inferi or Court of Monroe County, and also to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell Lot ol Land No 75, in the 14lh District and 3d Section of originally Cher- 1 okee, now Cass county, belonging to Iver son L. ‘Poland, and Jerome A. Pitts, minors. M. ‘POLAND, Nat. Guardian of J. L. ‘Poland. ISAAC PITTS. Nat. Guardian of Jerome A. Pit ts. July 6th, 1849. 28 GttOCFHBttsT AT MACON mZCES. JG. BOWDEN respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe countj-, that he has just received from Savannah, anew anil splendid assortment of GROCERIES, consisting of Bagging, Rope, Twine, Su gar. Coffee, Tea. Molasses, Syrntp. Salt, Liquors of till kinds, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Powder, Shot, Nails, Rice, ftlatker el. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Salaratus, Pot ash, Factory Y’arii, &c. Also, a small lot of DRY GOODS, all of which he will sell very low for Cash. October 10th, 1849. 41 3 H ©sbi e Msfifii SB fact u res. ffilHE subscriber has just received, from JL the Millodgeville Factory, a lot ot Sheeting and Striped Goods, also a lot ol Cotton Yarns —all of which he is prepared to sell very cheap. * CYRUS SHARP March 11, 184fc 1(1 ffIHE undersigned intends returning to Forsyth in a few weeks on profes sional business. C. S. PUTNAM, Dentist. August 29th, 1849. 35 .lionroc Sheri/p 8 Sale- POSTPONED SALE. 7” ILL lie sold before the conrt-honse T w door in the town of Forsyth, Mon roe cii., on the Ist Tuesday in NOVEM BER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: One house aud lot iu the town of For syth, situated mi the west corner of the public square. No. not kilow n, levied upon to satisfy two li. fa.s from a Justices’ Court ■( the 480ih Dist.. G. M., iu favor of \Y illis Wynn vs. B. ftl. Sutron. Levy made and returned to me liv 11. Rees, Bailiff. JOHN T. CROWDER, Sh’ff. Oct. 3d, 1849. 40 Fosfponcd Sole. \ 171 LI, lie sold on Friday the 3d of f November next at the house of Rufus Watson in Monroe County, H new forty five saw gin, of the make of S. Griswold .of Clinton. Sold as the property of John K. Wtttson deceased. Terms made known ob the day. JOHN SHANNON —Xdrft’r. Sspt, 19, 1849. , 38-tds. Or cor gin. Mon hoe County. riN 11E Justices il the Interior Court 6 JL sain county sitting for ordinary purpo Upon the petition of William Jameson guardian of John P. Durbam- W illiam (7, Durham and Francis ftl. Dur ham, mi l rots of Singleton Durham, and sta ting that he has removed from said -3 in to and is desirous of delivering up to this cour*t or such person as they may appoint to re and ive the same, the property and effects ih his possession belonging to said minors, that be may he dismissed from sard guardian ship, It is therefore ordered by the Court titat this w ill he published in the Bee lor forty, days and at the first regular term after the expirhtion thereof, letters of dismission will be granted to said William Jameson from said guardianship mil ess cause to ihecontra rv he shown. A true extract from fire minutes of Saiil Couit, Sept. 3, 1849. E. G, CABANISS. CVk. 12th 1919. 27—40d. • Idm in is ftv tors’ Setle. JO|7’ ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in TV t DECEMBER next, before ‘(ho J Court House door, in the town qf Forsyth, Monroe county, within the ushl hours ot sale. Lot of Land No. 82, in tho 11th ijist. ot said county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, the same be- I ing the real estate of Donald Ross, dec’d,, ; and sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors. in obedience to tut order of the Hon orable Inferior Court of Monroe countv) when sitting for ordinary purposes. Sold on a credit of one and two years, equal iu stallmeuts, aud notes to lie satisfactorily se cured. LARKIN ROSS, Xdm’r. Sept. 26th. 1849. 39 WaioL Ont, Ijtinri Un vers, 1 rWNHE subscriber determined to go West JfL now offers Ills plantation, in Butts ! county for sale, consisting of 600 acres j well improved, 3.) miles from Jackson, on j Yellow Water Creek. Any person wish i ing to buy lands in Batts county would do well to give him a call. JAMESBOUGHAN. Jackson, July JStii J849._ 29—ts. To the Planters and Farmers ot South Carolina, Georgia, Al abama, Tennessee and Flo rida. I AM THE AUTHORIZED AGENT for the sale and purchase of the CAftl- EI.INA SATIVA or GOLD OF PLEA SURE SEED, a native of Siberia. 1 am now ready to fill all orders for seed, and being authorized by the Company to purchase the same, I will pay the highest market price for all that may he shipped to me in Savannah. WM. HUMPHREYS. Jr., Agent for the Company of New York, May 31 23 Cabinet Ware-lionse. JN TONEY informs the public that • he has on hand, or will manufacture on shmt notice, all kinds of furniture, in a supei ior style. A lot of splendid bedsteads now finished. Cal I and see Forsyth. March Uth, 18 1 1 10 Strayed FROM tile subscriber somo time during the Spring, two milch Cows, one a red and the other a pilled. The red cow has a slit and under-bit in the right ear. aud in the left a slit. The pided cow has a smoot crop in the right ear, and in the left a smooth crop and under-hit. The cow 9 were purchased from Edmund Conrrey, six miles above Griffin, and may have goue back there. Any information concerning them will he thankfully received. WILLIAM EVERS. Monroe co. Oct. 10. 1849. 41 3t TwCOrgia, -Monroe County. Richard benf.ett, of said comt ty, tolls before me as an ektrav. ta ken up on the freehold of him. the said Ri chard Bennett, in said county, a Black ftlaro. with blaze face, some saddle marks, burnt or scalded ou tho left side, four feet ten inches high, and II or 12 years old.— Appraised by Jesse Aycock and S. L: Brewer, freeholders of said county to be worth tweuty-tsvo dollars and fifty cents. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this Oct. 6th. 1849. W. 11. SHARP. J. P. A true Extract from tho minutes of tha Estrav Book. WILLIS CURREY, C. ]. C October 10th, 1849, 41 3t