The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 17, 1884, Image 3

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DAILY BANNER WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA SUNDAY MggJftNG AUGUST* 17. 1S84* THE BAD BOY. “Tuor boy,” Mid the gnxwrman to tlie I Mid boy. a* tie came in toe store looking tanned an ' tough, ”1 do pity you. J iimlrnUm) your latber’n stom ach is all gone, and that be can’t keep anything on it. The policeman on thia l>cat. who com-* in here aflerche^ee and cracker*, anu telle me to keep mj vege table* off the sidewalk, says he saw your im leaning over a fence down by the lake laat iiight, sick a* a otse, and he seen ed to be saying 'N10 Yolch’ to somebo dy on the other side of the fence, and that after he got through talking, and wiped bis face, he went up the sidewalk towards home »o weak and tired tnat the policeman felt sorry for him. 1 guess your pa did not quit drinking a minute too quick. When a man arinkghard for twenty thirty fears, ins stomach must get tired. But the policeman said you were walking along behind your pa Minillng. How waa it*” “Tbat'a a no such a thing,” said the bud boy. “I don’t think I smiled at ail, cause 1 tried not to smile. Pu’s stom ach is all right, only on such an occa sion.” , “Such an occasion? What do yon mean? asked tne grocery man• in some indignation. ‘•Well, I’ll tell you,” said the bad boy, a* he sat down on a case of blue • berries. “Yoi see, I have beenouton the lake a good deal lately and have teamed to sail a boat splendidly, and when pa see I coaid sail a boat be thought it wa* awful queer If he couldn’t sail a boat too, bat yoa know it is the hardest thing in the world to tail a boat unless you know how. Pa aee mi sail ing around on the bay, and when I came up to the landing lie—111 he weald get in and sail. I asked him If hdVnow how to sail, and by the way be'Miked about sailing 1 concluded pa was with *CspUin Kidd, aa be sailed.’ I didnV like the way pa took hold of the tiller and the ropes, but I thought it was my duty to keep I IT mouth shut, so I let pa went! He run her right tut fa the take, and I Hit till re expecting when be turned her about he would nwarap the boat. I thought we had gone out far enough, any way it waa farther thao I ever went, and the «ea was becoming rough. I ask ed na if he hadn’t better turn ner round, mid lie said he supposed the wind would change and sail us bick. Healthy old sailor, wasn't he? Well, 1 told him to port Ilia helm, or at least that I would if I was him, and jibe Che main sheet, bnt pa looked ns though he didn’t know a helm from a string of suckers. Finally, he rnn her right around broadside to the wind, and never let np on the still, and she went almost over, Mid Ailed half full of water, when pad rop)»ed the tiller and sail and beg*n to climb up the side and yell that we were lost. Says be, 'Hen nery, If yon know anything about this boat, grab something and get ua out of this.’ 1 knew she would float as long as the sail was flapping, so I pulled my lags out of the water, and sat upon my feet on the seat, and lit a cigarette and told pa he better sail her home, cunae he knew more about it than a little boy. You aee, lie bad played hia superior in telligence on me, and deceived his trust ing, guileless, innocent child, anil I felt as though, if he war ted mo to take his place that he should ask me in a manner that would show he had confidence in my skill. I wanted him to admit that he was no sailor. The boat was in the trough of the f e-i, and it roll -d. and pa begun to get sick. He turned while, ana wanted me to atop smoking; He said those cigarettes made nim sick, so I threw the cigarette a* ay on one aide, and t>a, not to Ite outdone in politeness, P Ssed his supper on the other Hide. I sat there enjoying the sail, when pa said. •Hennery, your pa lias got the cholera, and il is your duty 10 get him home and go after a doctor.’ You’d a iU^c to see pa. He said the cholera run in o.v fam ily, and the only cure for It was to get your feet braced on land, and then he dropped down in the water, all exoe|* his head, which he kept out over the oilier side, for reasons that are plain to any man that was ever sea sick. If pa hadn’t told uie there waa no trick in sailloy u boat, anil that anybody could do it that could hang on, and that I thought f waa smart because 1 had not tipfied over before, 1 would have taken hold and sailed her back sooner than I did. Finally pa began to talk of the hereafter, and that by to-morrow the white fish in the lake would be nibbling at our bodies, and that it was hard to dir of chi lera so far away from home, where nobody else couhl catch it, so I told him if he wonld promise to be a different roan I would save hia life. 'O, bless you, me clteild,’ said pa, as he leaned over the rail and had a fit, ‘Just mo this blasted old tub ashore, and let me once more breathe the.tree air of heaven, without throwing up my • boots, and I can die happy, after I got a chance ' to kick the stuffing out of the mao that lent yoo! this boat.’ Well, pa war sick, ana nai mistake, and I felt sorry for hiru, bat ,tie* was to b.ame. 801 told him if he would appoint me the master of I iceman saw him. How a man does change when he gets out of danger, don’t he?” and the bad boy went oat hitching vp his pants like a sailor in Pinafore. Fly raps, 15 and 20c. at •J,,h- Huggins’. Fruit Jarsat wholesale and retail at Friit Jars by the thous and at J. H. HUGGINS. Six Crates Staple Cro e k e ry for the whole sale and re tail trade, just opened at J,H. HUGGINS. FLYTRAPS by the thousand. Large Fly Traps, af’e. each. Small Fly Traps, 15c. «*ach; reg ular prices, 15 and 35c. » Tea Sets and Chamber sets lower than ever. Largest variety of Tin sets. J. H. HUGGINS. Bargains in all lines HOUSEHOLD GOODS. J. H. HUGGINS, Don’t forget the cheap .Crockery' and Glassware House is J. H. HUGGINS. The greatest bargains in Table Cutlery. J. H. Huggins is retailing Fly i| * at wholesale prices. ifflnssrisrra 'ANAKKSIS- Makers, Box ana New York. DENTISTRY. Dr.B.B.D A VIS, DENTAL SURGEON, Uoee/bU prsfcesUe; All work nmiiM rqssi. He a down on Ida knees oo the bottom, and bail the boat out with bis plug-hat, and obey every order, or we were gone. Pa f ot down and began to fling Water with in hat, and pray, and heave Jonah, and swear. I thought I should die laughing, becaule he waa the acardest man I ever saw, except one man wboee wife aaa red headed. Occasional It 1 would rum her up on to wave sideways, and let her roll, and then I would yeti taps to jamp on the other ride, and Vod would J oat have gone wild to aeo him. Yon have seen tigers jump acroea a eapeaed grab hold of the bar*. Well; p* didn’t jump like a tiger. You have ateui monkeys clamber around oe the ban of a cage. Pa didn’t act that way. When the boat wonld go over and take in a bar.-el or two ot water that, pa had fast thrown out in hi* hat, and I yelled, he would walk tight up the iaside of the boat like, yoa have seen a fireman go up on all fours, and when he gOtlfptfcete he Would express hfeupinfon of sailing by leaning his bead over the side, and i could hear a still small voice’ eOmtoff *hMktome, ladened with scriptural quotations, bad ly tangled up, gieans,'cucumbers, wails of lugulsh and cut feed. I never knew pa was such an eater as our trail through the Irate? showed him to be.'!h was coming on dark,: and I told p* he hail bettor lay down in; the heat and take some rest, as we might be out 411 bight, ann he laid down and began to talk about the mistakes he had made in lire, and promise that if hb life was spared be would always be a good maa, and just then the boat struck the beach, and I rolled oat on the sand. Balbonght w e had struck a rock cr« I had rone oTerbodrd, and he had made np hia mind to lay tbetd and die* I - • *- sorry and •Win to to«l* P» C7»w*d op out Of the bottom of lh« bolt, with h!l »ia* hu U hb hud, nM«VaiJ<lllaa iN’fetjkE YOUR GinHotises AND CONTENTS .WITH WYNN 4 GRANT, Agents ATHENS, GA. au-MwSm SAVED HIS LIFE.! A Physician’s Testimony. SSESffiBfigfi ■medics. 1 finally, aa a last resort, sent for Ute of flTaawr a lot Restorer. aad It 1 like mate. Ht onumaed the use of ft for atom time, and bas been fally restored to baaUb. had coo- essr- - HRescuefro^toath^ IS MH, wbQ* aewtat to *i aaeMne. a? wtfa Oialtoshl aWb.aaaaa»mtob»torftda. witoi Vki 1 r*: on.*^«r» tanarhn? abM,udite't«ui to bairorr after the third JfSesSsStbaSnyan^J tofteMbaa jabaa *n in several veer*. I believe Brewer’s Long fartcrcraaredberJlfo. Bcq. r. dPUDroos, ■ T “~ ul » u - FAVORITE FAULTLESS” FLOUR, THE FUSTEST GOODS MADE ON TH E CONTINENT DEW FLOUR,” A MAGNIFICENT FANCY FLOUR, JACK A No! b Extra, a Good Baker and Gives Fine Satisfaction. A Fresh and full line of Fancyand eavv Groceries Provisions >* V! : : 11;. Hay. Bran, Stock Food, etc A share of the trade respectfully solicited. Respectfully, GOOD NEWS TO THE PUBLIC!! the Leader of low r JUST RECEIVED 100 DOZEN of the Athens Dry Goods Market gone to the north to purchase goods for the fall season. In thh meantime goods are reduced to less than First Cost, in order to make room for an elegant fall stock. If the cash is so muce needed by the dry goods merchants, as the mer cantile journals announce, then you will took out for the cheapest goods ever brought to Athens, at the “Gilt Edge Palace Store” of MAX. JOSEPH. P. S. I will take pleasure by instructing the public through this-paper during my stay north, what the greatest of bargains I purchase. THE UNIVERSITY oe the SOUTH is located at 8KWANNJCK.TENN. upon tha Cum- ban and Plateau, t,OW feet above the sea level. This ttchool under the special patronage of the Bishops of the Protestant-Episcopal Church in the Booth and South aad Sontliwest, offers the healthiest residence and the beat advantage’ both moral and edr *’—’ *- * and ednrational. In its Grammar Us CoUefiatc and Theological Depart ment*. For the special claims of this University LAW SCHOOL, next sees!oa October i vss&xasnagaraatt thereof Law StndcsU are enUUed to all the pnvl- leges or the' University without extra ch-rge. Fiequent Moot courts art held and constant au clscs are given in Pleading aad Ceaveyand Medical Jurisprudence end parliamentary1 ateo form a part of the Coarse. The law ol d f*kMJ—jMH. practice la Moot Courts, argameut of legal questions with other students, attendance upon Use Literary Societies .of the Unlvanitv. useof the Universitv Libraries, etc.,) no des aUendance upon it preferable to private read baser study le a lawyer’s office. For further information, address GEO, D THOMAS Oft AN- I. COBB, Professors, Athens. G “EPISCOPAL- FEMALE INSTITUTE, ' * 1 Winchester, V* RKT. J.C. WHEAT, D.D_ Principal, assisted by a fall cerpe of experienced teachers. The 11th aueual session opens Scot. 10. 1SS4. Terms mod- eiate. NumberefhoardersUmlted. Applications tor the vacaniesc crested by the retirement * ceived. Apply for ciscaUrs to th, principal. J O. WHEAT . ~ Information. YOUNG h TRENT °N I BUSINKSS COLLEGE lUnll. I .. SsntFftfcft. Address, A. J.RU>Hft,PHivclpeJ. EPILEPST.FITS, FAILING FITS, CURED. s EMPORIUM •’ Vi-.4*eetebrated ESTEY ORGAN Abo this, celebrated 8toiuway,, Pecker . Bros,- Wheeiock ahd Gate City Violin.fmmttljtof^.HmiftemfS to «* ACCORDEQNS/ ? TAMfiORINES, HAPtmNlGiH »FWFJM. . — - - DRUMS, Bbeet Mads aal Waste Books.eteo toe Stationery IXtebi^BtafiCfcAtobraf "*ad nSm 1 the A LARGE LOT FRUIT JARS A Cyclone of Humbugs. I Tpresent neere seetus to be aperfect cyclone \of patent medicines. Remedial agents appar ently flash from beoeatb t^e storm cloud, poud, forth Mab".- *ntl gleam in tha xephyrs of the eveoLig twITlght are laden with songs of their praise, while the sombre shades of n‘ght tail to overshadow their demise. They teach the fevered brow wifh the pleasiug preath of hope while they sicken the heart of the son of Escula- pfos The osde of mend leal ethic line withered In the dust at our feet while the boctor still char ges one dollar tor writing”sod|um chloridi and aqua pnra’* as a gargle lor sore throat insteod of •eying "gargle with salt and water. Bnt the great wonder U the capacity of A Man’s Stomach. The writer knows a wholesale merchant ol At tests, Ua^ who says he drank 24 gallons of one •) before- ’ patent medicine (BIT , . vlnced that it woald not car* him. He had much Jhlflt, while the stomach had abundant capacity. suffering with blood poison. , v JOt) 00 wo(th) of a certain pat- •at medicine, before he decided that his condi- i. These are solid y born facts! Suppose you had a ease ot scrofula and a druggist should say that he had a quick remedy, one bottle of which would effect a cure. You woald be apt to call him A Crazy Druggist. W#know a man fit Atlanta whose son hade sloughing Scrofulous nicer of the neck, and the boy was needy blind aad one bottle of a certain patent medicine effected an entire cure. We know a certain editor who ha* catarrh and three btt- tlee cured him. A doctor near Atlanta cured a • of Scrofula with oae bottle of the same med- a. Another gentleasaa, hobbling aronad oa crutches, suffering ton rheumatism, wascur- ™ orith four bott:es- A gentleman at Athens, Ga. had a Scrofulous ulcer of the leg which bad been a running sore for fifty yean aad six bottles cur- sd him. These cases are not my ths; they are re spectable and well known people, whr ed by then d wonderful Blood remedy known m B, B’ft. Thrse bottles for 12.75 or six for SAO*. faprssmd anywhere. Addrsm Blood Balm Cca Atlanta, Ga. No mineral or veg- etabls. poison. Seed for erosf ef all we say. For paxUculae* beesalt all dniggista. NEW SUMMER ^RESORT, - THE NEW BRIGHTON HOTEL, CASINO and COTTAGES ON SULLIVAN’S ISLAND. Southern betel, eaataiatsr all modem itsprove- ameuc eoek as electrie MBs, caaia every room, ayatom sddralnagn tkrnsghent the house- : Hotel wiU be thrown span to the pablis oa BeevcB’FkflB^tu Military Band' tnd Orchestra. 25 pieces, from Providence, R. L J. W. Reeves, I>i- recctor. "f O. Box 2SC, Chartsston, B.C. SEASONABLE GOODS. ICE CREAM. Mow served at Mrs. Bods’kaUooaon Csllega av- ema; as also delictoDB cakes. BASE BALLS AND BATS i eedlcaa variety and at bed-reel: prices. •BEAUTIFUL EASTER CA . with bottle of choice C. BODE, AND AT $1- 25 dozen Ladies’ Kid Sandals, at $1-25. 10 cases Men’s P. Calf plain London Toe Ties, at $1.50 worth $2 All other LOW CUT GOODS, GREATLY REDUCED AT BALDWIN & BURNETTS JELLY MEAL! MEAL! MEAL Fresh Ground from Selected White Com only. Gnarj anteed sound, sweet and fresh. CORN! CORN!!CORN!!! OATS OATS 1 OATS, ALWAYS ON HAND. STOCK FEED! STOCK FEED!! mamtm mm m ■ s-» ■ i- rs m Made from Sound Grain only, and recommended aa the BEST hy all I , II Hi) ill rnn r w ho have nsed ii,'at the TuMBL ERS elevator mills, C. D. FLANIGEN. BARRY’S LUXOMNI: The gem of female remedies specially adapts to troubles of pregnancy, used during tha las twe inoaths of pregnancy, it relieve* all sense • flghtnw* aad weight so annoying to ths ooadi Laxomai relieves scamps, false Pains, and pro motes rest snd comtort at night: It greatly ame liorates the pangs of Child birth, shortens labor, prevents alter pains, and facilitates recovery For disordered and painful menstruation it has nosqnsl.aad is a superior remedy for neuralgias, convulsions, and other troufairs connected with the htettae and ovarium diseases. Lodomai is no llqaidgwepamioa. hut a com bination of vegetable plants from which a simple ter is made and is without doubt the gem of fe male remedies. Price SUM per package. If your Drawer 2S, Atlanta, Ga. J&L. WATER ROUND ME A I4 CHOICE FAMILY 1 „ F LOUR, BEST STOCK FEED .Ground at the DORS EYMILL ATHENS GA- Arrow Rapids. Hotel hi 1U above sexlevel; good dean, cool rooms: UblesuppltedwUh everything I ed at Toung’i shower and | Dr. P. H.Thoapaoe.of u HetelUUkM t affords: pten- a, bilfard* ten ping, target shooting And daoclag. niff* brass and stria g bands local- "!&T<fSa<iomi*i PmprtMor. WATCHES, O 2? tr <" o ® C~> i. yi ,® Ci!l b'JY’m;, Telephone No. 45 for city tint C. A. WE STILL SURVIVE To whom it may concern!—We would most respectfully announce that we are prepared t ogive -prompt attention to all srdere lathe 11a* of Wire and Ire* Work, Wire Cloth, Cheese safes, A&, aad If the hardware aud woodenware d eaters, architects. Builders and mill famishing trade of the Uni ted Sutss who do not aueeeed in bating their osderf filled pmaptly, will send them to as we wilP endeavor to ail them wlthoat delay. Vt^-CaUlogaas ef Iron fencing A other Hues of goods free oa a ppllcatlon. „ Detroit,., .rational, Wiro.aod. Iron Co. Mich. •• The paper m which this lores Is printed was . the { PIONEER M’F’G GO. OF PAPER CLARKE CO. GA C ustom Wool Carding. MIDUNERY. ... ALL KINDS OP ATS! SPRING BON NETS MRS. T. A. ADAMS’,