The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 17, 1884, Image 4

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DAILY BANNER WATCHMAN. ATtfENb, HEORUIA, SUN1>a£ MOKN'iNL, AUGUST 17, <8&f BANNER-WATCHMAN Tli« Mew Firm. See the advertisement of Tal> mad pc & Brooke, who have lately purchased the interest of Brooks & Hirsh. This is a live firm, and both young men will do their best to give their customers value received tor their money Mr. Brooks has a long experience in the family gro cery business, and has a large num ber of friends in our city. Mr. Tal- madge is a young man without much oxperience in selling goods,but with viin and energy. We hope they will do a splendid business. “Ths Winning Ticket” 1' This is a new brand of fine ci" gars, just received by Lowe & Co. The boxes contain fine pictures of Cleveland and Hendncks. Like everything that this firm sells, the cigars are first-class. Try one and smoke to the health of our stand ard-bearer. ~ A Strange Iwt—: - There is a man living near Wood: ville, on the Athens branch, who eats all the large-sized tadpoles that he can catch. They are skinned, the flesh is white, and are said to be flavored something like oysters. The gormand says he has eaten everything that inhabits our section except the turkey buzzard, and ' tends to try one of these birds n ly baked. Strange But Tret. Mr. Ellison Stone has lost three children the 13th day of August and each one of the deaths were exactly ten years apart and about the same hour in the day. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL. ] R. K. Pridgeon left yesterday morning for Texas. Miss Fannie Baxter, of High Shoals, is lying at the point ©f death. Mr. Emory Speer has returned to Atlanta, after spending only a day in our city. W. D. Siler, of Texas, formerly of this place, was in the city Friday night. Greenesboro has a base ball club named in honor of the democratic standard-bearer. Miss Ada Carithers, a charming young lady from Monroe, was visit ing in our city last week.—-Jackson Herald. Vince Sanford, of Greene, is said to be one of the most progressive and successful young farmers in Georgia. Mr. P. A. Stovall, of Augusta, was here the first of the week on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Toombs Dn- Bose.—Washington Gazette. That genial Oglethorpe gentle man, Hon. W. M. Willingham, was in the city yesterday. Dr. W. will come day represent this district in congress. Mr. Branch, the Banner-Watch man’s agent, did a good business at our court. We fouud him to be a nice, clever gentleman.—Jackson Herald. There was a brilliant entertain ment given at Mr. W. A. Pope’s on Wednesday night in honor of Miss Nellie Stovall, of Athens.—Wash ington Gazette. ATLANTA ANTICS. ! Ridgk, Mcixtosh Go., Ga. — - .. - I T>r. J. BbadfIEld: Dear Sir—I'have" Um Price t» now called the sil-1 tak 1 en several bogles of yonr Female Re- very-tongucd ora.or of Oconee, j Jim created quite an impression in ^ $t ani ling,and 1 really beliere Iain cured Atlanta. 1 entirely, for which please accept nay Governor McDaniel made the j heartfelt thanks and'most profound best speech of*his life when called i i know your medicine^aaved before the convention my life, so you see I cannot speak too before tne convention. higtlv in ita favor. 1 have recommended The state never made a better • |r to ; evtr& \ of mv friend who are «uffer- selection than Capt. W. A. Wright » i was. Yours ary respect!’ -apt. for Comptroller-General. Candidates for solicitor-generals were as thick as could be in Atlan- , . _ . ■ y-. KitAutiuj; ta during the convention. Every Atlanta, G». one is certaio of being elected. 1 ’ .I— Bob. Hardeman was the happiest man in Atlanta, after being nomi nated for State Treasurer, Bill Harris, of Wot th comity, is the best known man in Georgia. It is a Ueat to listen to his tales of how he fought, bled, etc., in the Mexican war when quite a small boy. From the looks of the Kimball --««Uein Vs Cod Liver Oil. • — Dr. Qu : i';j^ theleadiug authority jf Great llritain, on lung diseases says; while one of his patients gained only se ven pounds by the use of .cod liver. oil, she gained over thirteen by the use of mullein. The old field mullein made .into tea and combind with swe<?t gum pres- Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum anu Mullein a pleasant and , , ,, ...... effective cure for Croup, Whooping- house we should not tbuik that Cough,-Coldand Consumption. SoH by all druggists at 25c and $1.00 a A Nuisance. A great many of our citizens are still complaining aixmt tne vats at the old tan yard. It is claimed that the stench is causing.* great deal of sickness. The city authorities should see that this is abated at Nearly all of our county roads will be worked within the next 20 days, and we would urge overseers to linger long enough to give them a thorough working.' Good roads are the te$upf good civiijzation. and we fear that to a stranger this part of Georgia would be taken for Heathendom. All Surens. While adjoining, counties and in ninny other places within the State the political pot is boiling up and over. Old Clarke is as serene as a pine stump, and the prospect is we will wear that calm and benij WHAT'S THE NEWS?—INQUIRE WITHIN. The mountains will soon be a no ted fishing ground as soon as Bald win and Bradeen’s success gets well advertised. Allen Talmadge will make a iplendin business mgn. Major Marco Phinizy is now stay- ng *t East Point THE SHALL BOY AT TALLULAH. Dere Banner-Watchman: I thort yu wood like 2 here from 2 Lula so I will rite yu this. I am havin a bully time me an Jo little plaze tugetheran itride 2 spin mi top onjose big to nale an it struck his ankel an cut it so he cant hard ly walk. 1 tole jo if he would put his glass marble in mister yungs fountin it would sta up on top the streem orl the time, an he sed he was goin 2 c an he waded in & the worter fell on him an got his clene boddy wet an he got in a hurry & and the last vote that helps swell Cleveland’s majority is counted. So mote it be. pression until the last toast is drank, slipped or! the rocks in the worter. jose mar took him in the hotel an lie dident cum out no more that da an when I ast him nex mornin what made him cri so lowd the evenin b 4 Heccd caws he had the stummuck ake. i think his mar whipt him. yours Trooly Gorgy. p. S. cen me a stamp an I will rite vu a nuther letter. The above letter was written by a little boy from Atlanta, now at Tal lulah. A Strangs Pot. Judge W. B, Thomas brought back with him from Nantahala a tour-foot rattlesnake, that he keeps alive in a box. He bought it from an old negro, .who captured the reptile by placing, a forked ■ stick across its neck while Asleep. We had about as soon have a can of dynamite fora pet«8M live rattle snake. ~ Applying the Madslon*. Mr. Thomas -Baxter, who was bitten by a mad-dog near High Shoals last Sunday, came in yester day and tested Major Pruitt’s mad- stone to his wound. For three times the stone' adhered closely to the wound, but at the fourth appli cation refused to stick. Mr. Baxter said he could feel the madstone drawing like a mustard plaster, and after immersing it in a cup the water was slightly discolored. Mr. Baxter says he believes it has saved his life, and carried the stone home with him apd wiii try its virtues on one of the negroes bitten 'by .the same dog'that attacked him. He will leave ooe of the negroes with out its application, and if Una oak dies with hydrophobia it establishes the virtue of the madstone. Hill Poldo, the negro eba with kidnapping Judge A. S.Er« win’s little son, a few weeks ago, was arrested Friday afternoon and lodge in jail, but after a stubborn resistance to the officers of the court. Poldo had confessed to Bailiff Harvey Towns that he was the man who carried off the child, but denies the charge since his ar rest. This negro bears a very bad character, and has before been in tEe clutches of the law. - ... Oglethorpe PoWes^J £7 The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Oglethorpe county met in Lexington,last Friday, for the pur pose- of taking into consideration the prpprietfta cfiHng Th^ parfy together, to d&cusb’tbe question of ordering a primary ejection! After j debating the matter Tt was deemed j advisable to’ let <dungs take their iim w ^ iw w course, and permitatcrqlLmcc.. * sprinkSITwithred Disgusted with His Trip. - - Corporal £d. I. Smith say? he tramped 150 miles through, the country, way up on the ; Nantahala river, and nis . party only caught sixty little speckled minnows. Ed says the next time he feels like ii dulging in piscatorial sport he will few inches the snow'was'clean and J*P hii* bath-tub and stay at wiflt^P’The son shining through Ithiscloud of red oxide of iron cans- ofis home.' Capt Tuck tells m that he hu one'of the finest on the big t j a . A .T .Sf M “high tea” would be a very enjoya ble affair. We had as leave take supper on the top of a lightning rod. Henry Grady is now running with the base ball players. He is paying the Atlantas one hundred dollars apiece per month. John H. James commenced set tling up the 10 per cent, comprom ise Friday morning. From the look^of the crowd who were pass ing in their checks the whole ot Atlanta must have deposited their money with him. The National hotel has been re fitted from top to bottom and is now a place to get a good well-cooked meal and plenty of it. They have good, polite waiters, and the clerks and proprietors do everything * their power to make their guests feel at home. Their charges light and accommodations good. The new party in Atlanta who are wanting to run the city govern ment are called the purifiers. Sam Small will soon commence the pnblication of another daily in Atlanta. Sam is a brilliant writer, and keeps the records of all the pol iticians in Georgia, and his numer ous scrap books often serves to show how men voted on different questions. Firs at Tallulah. Thursday night the guests*.at Young’s hotel were aroused by a smell of burning clothes, and inves tigation developed the fact that one of the servants, sleeping in the at tic, had carelessly let his clothes catch from a lamp, and they were nearly consumed before discovered and the fiames extinguished. There was considerable excitement for a time, but no damage worthy of note done. druftgUtB at 25c and bottle Plato QOMttOBB. Mythical ideas are tanning the pubti brow with-the breath of predjudice idea that your scrofula was created bj the use of potash and mercury t No mat ter what the cause, the quick est remedy. Are your chronic ulcers and bolls and seres the result of potash, and. _ mercurySgOidJcal gentlemen will not* tell you. sjAft B. B. JB. is (he only soveretgrraPRedy. Were your terrible kidney troihles created by mineral pof- ATHENS^jOEORGIA. soning? Not a bit of it, but B. B. B.*h%al. gtS*** L ___ proven to be a reliable remedy. Ary your skin diseases your eczema^ dry tetter, etc; the effect of too much "potash t ’ mercu ry ? Tbe medical profession are best judges, and they say nay, but B. B. B. makes more prononneed cures than all ot 11 er preparations com bi n ed. Mensinan’s Peptop.lxed # Beef Tonic the oulypreparation of beef containing itsentir? nutritious properties. Contains blood-making," force generating .and sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostra tion, and ail forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, wheth er the result of exhaustion, nervous" pros tration. overwork, or acute disease, par ticularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co., proprieters^ew York. Sold by driig- 'its • • Emory’s Little Cathartic is ihe bes and only reliable Liver Pill known* nevr ails with the most obstinate cases, purely vegetable.—15 cents. THECHEAP DRUGGISTS. ALWAY8 READY AND WIILINU TO SERVE THF.1R CUSTOMERS WITH Reliable Good . L(DlW- PRICES A Safe and Responsible PfescriptioniBt always at his poafA. "When you want anything in the. drug line, see)is7“^' ^„ Will move on the third of August next door to their present place of business. In 30 AYS FOR OUR GIGANTIC STOCK The new place .thoroughly overhauled. 30 feet wide,! 150 feet in depth. We will pack, pile and stack every* foot of it with •... -i .... . .. • Clayton-JStreet, .OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. . Firm Having pnrcbased~ti)e laterMt'STMi'. Bosh, in the firm of Brooks A Bush, we teke pleasure In notifying the public that we will keeps select stock ol Family and Fancy Grocer ies. I he < Call ond examine our stock at the old I - Blood Money. A county officer, who holds a po sition worth about QSooper annum, says hiffirst election cost him $600 and the next $400 in cash. It was a question ot buying negro votes or accepting defeat. We hope that this era of corruption has passed in Athens-and Clarke county. The negroes are now at work trying to bring out opposition to our present officers, with the hope of selling out to one side or the other, but they will doubtless fail. Tin Box. Mr. Sam Small, of Atlanta, has 8o-odd scrap books, running back to forty years, and which he adds He has the record of ev- man who has ever fig. _ itics, correctly Oaeot his books shows uitt’s father voted two bills that his against in the United • Ctarks's Boss Fi Mr. A. S. Dorsey was in town yesterday, and tells us that he has the finest crop he ever saw grow; that he will make 500 barrels of com, and his cotton is loaded down with fruit, every bloom that opened in June and July sticking. Cotton is beginning to open, but is back ward. Mr. Dorsey only this week began ta use his-last year’s fodder, ana bands are now stripping the IT C J C -.bed sunsets explained. Denver Reporter: The red sun «£ta of^n^e time ago have at last been solved^ Our reporter return ed this morning from a flying visit toXhnudmo county. _ While there he found the snow on the tops of thexanges Us red as if it had been •prinkkd with red pepper. Being supplied with chemicals and a blow pipe outfit, he was enabled to make a test, and found it to be meteoric iron. It could not have been a wash from a mountain, as it was on the top of the range as well as lower down, and only on the surface of the snow. Upon digging down a . jr — Jg thisdoud of red oxide of iron caus- ledlts fays to'appear red, tus same effect as a piece glass, xtie dust fell over the en tire earth, but was invisible except when caught by the perpetual saow op the mountain. E.S»Y&ge has. been in the un dertaking oesineas for $he past ten year*, and ‘he knows everything ffwnected with it. Mr. James A. Green, of Daniels- ville, has announced as a candidate for the legislature, and will proba bly be opposed by Mr. Jeff Scott. Tne campaign promises to beaquf et one, however. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Depres sion of Spirits and General .Debility, in their various forms; also as a preven tive against Fever and Ague and other Intermittent Fevers, the “Ferro-Phos phorated Elixir of Cali say a’,, made, by Caswell Hazard & Co: New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovei ing from Fever ■ othe sickness, it has no equal. Cosumpvlves can rely fully upon what claimed for Brewer’s Luug Restorer. Improvement begins after a few d*ses and continues until their health is fully store. You absolutely sign your death warrant when yon hesitate to take this great remedy. on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young afllicted with nervous debility Billiards and Pool Free. Parties playing billiards or pool at the saloon of Lowe & Co. can have their tickets redeemed in the finest liquors of all kinds at the bar with out additional charge. Billiards and Pool Free.— Tickets will be given at the bar for billiards and pool, which will be re deemed in the best wines, liquors and mixed drinks of all kinds. J. H. D. Beusse. Ft. Smith, Ark., Aug. 15.—Ac cording to returns from the Choc taw nation Edmund McCurtain, brother of the present incumbent, was elected Governor of nation by a majority ot over 200. THE LATEST SENSATIONS. All kinds of toilet article at Craw ford & Co.’s drug store. Ctifton’s Gallery is closed until the 25th of August. Prescriptions a specialty at Craw ford & Co*’$ drug store. Sena^’our orders to Jesse Allen for fine pears for preserving. Menthol pencils at Long’s drug store. Pears’ soap, 2oUqnts, at Craw ford & Co’s drug store. Mackerel in kits, quarter, half barrels and barrels, at Geo. Calvin’s. To Rknt.—One of the most de sirable'places in Athens. Apply to Geo. C. Thomas. Palmer’s Perfumes, Toilet Soap: and Invisible,Complexion Powder, at Long*8 drug store. Look out/iext week (or the big advertisement pf Edge & Dorsey, furniture dealers. The Backfogfiam whisky is just what it is represented to be, and is g ore. Sold by Carithers, Betts & mith. The largest, finest and most se lect stock of coffins and caskets, tit Edge & Dorsey’s. Lost.—A' Canary bird, with black spot op wing. Will pay a good reward for the return of it. Mrs. C. Bode. Just Received.—A fine lot of Kentucky refined cider, we offer at $4 per keg; also Kentucky crab cider at $4.50 per keg of 16 gallons. . Talmadge Brc Stenography.—H. P. Christy will learn any omr to write short hand for the small sum of $5. Call a of f 5. 1 at tho -Bonner- Watchmintoffice. \ r-j Bodx’s Saloon^—^Private" 'Fanil- lies and parties! furnished at, short notice with ice cream, sherbets, Ro man punch, cakes and confectioner ies, at Bode’s saloon,' Hie finest ice crepm parlor in Athena/^ Something old—Allen's Bilious Pbylcs Acts quickly, relieves prompt! v, and ver fails to cute Sick Headache anil nenstlpation. 25 Cents, large bottle.—At CoDruggists. Young Men, Middle Age Menand All Men who snffer from early indiscretions will find Allen’s Brain Food the most powerful invigorant ever introduced; one restored l»y it there is no relapets •Try it ; it never fails. $1; 6 for $5.—At druggists’ or by mail from J. H. Alien, 315 First Ave; New York City. From Bvary Point of the Compass come the orders for Sozodont. Never has suc:i a demand arisen for any article of the toilet. Its most constant patrons are among the sex born to be admired. Good looks conciliate, beauty fascinates. White teeth do more to augment person al comeliness than any other fabial cha racteristic. The ladies know this, and either to reuser the charm lasting or tc secure il'when wanting, apply Sozodont, the most effective of tooth preparations. Use it systematically. POWDER Absolutely Pure. rrsl of;pnr is econom —TwithThs’ multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders Sold only in can*. ROYAL BAKING POWDER ^HSM^YOOS aSYBtfl, tutek sales and snort proSv all ond examfi Clayton street. TALMADGE & BROOKS, Successors to Brooks A Bush Fine Poultry. re for sale a limited number of chotee Ply- month Hock,aod Wyandotte cockerels and pui tats. Now Is the tnm|to buy. W. C ORR. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE Theexerclsefcef this school wIU be resume* September 10,1884. For catalogue, apply to MISS tl. RUTHERFORD, Prin. MOTHER — -AltX TOO—- TROUBLED If so, to you we bring tidings of comfort and great joy. Yon can BE CURED. and restored to porfwt health by nslng Bradfield’s Female Regulator It la aspects! remedy for all diseases pertain- lag to the womb, sad may iatetllyent woman can cure herself by following .he directions, it in especially eOescioas in cases of suppressed «v painful menstruation, la whites aad partial pro lapsus. It affords immediate rellel and perma- nentiT restores the menstrual function. As a remedy to bo used during that critical period known as “Chance of Ufo,” this Invaluable prep aration has no rival. 40 men, women and youths will lie employed at tli i distributing point. OUR COMPANY having decided to put twenty-five thousand dollars at this end of theroad. Come Weal cr Woe concentrated forces madellome mistress of the worl concentration of power under Wellington sent Nap on to die on the island of St. Helena, and like the fi „leam of the morning sun flashes the new consol id °on, The J.A.MULLANE COMPANY. “Wodo hereby certify that'wd supervise the amusements for all the Monthly and Scml-An- a«al Drawing of the LonMansStala Lottery Oom- ion maasge and eentrol the Draw- . RICHMOND A DANVILLE|RAILR'JAr vsMxwean narAwntswr. On and after June Stu, 1884, Passenger Trait, ervlce on the Atlsnts and ChailOtte Air-Llue Irlslon will be as follows: NoKTBwaan. Saved her Life! Ridgk, HcIxtosh Co., Ga. Dr. J. Bradfiold—Dear Sir: 1 have taken sever al bottles of your Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases combined, of six teen years standing, and I really believe I am en tirely cored, ior which please accept lay heart felt tbanks aad saoat-profoiiud gratitude. I know yenr medicine saved my life, so yon tee I cannt speak too nigbly in its favor. 1 hare recommend ed it to eerem! of ray friends who are suffering ss I was. Yosns vs nr respectfully. MRS. W, E. STEBBInS. Onr Treatise on the “Health and Happim W onus’* stalled free, BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, ocoAgia railroad company. OvnciOxnauMhuia. I Augusta. Ga., July 12,1884. \ Commencing 8anday, July UUYthe-Sullowiiw paaaengers Schedule wiU ooerateoa thU roadC fealna ran by, Mto meridian .tton tZ slower ' S. 1 DOR8EY, Gen. Pasa. AgenL JOHM-W- GgSN.Gm^jtSgvr^ COUNTY.—Whareaa, J ekssaaent letters „ of Matthew Dicken, ■ — - — there- SSi ^uu,. ^ r> EOBGIa OCONEE OOCNTY.*-Wh«*sas, 8. J U Fullilove. adminUtrator of Henry U. FU1U- lore, dec'd, applies for sell the lands be longing to said dee’d. These are to cite aU per sons concerned to show earns (if any they can) tag ,_'IIRYY.—Wb« charge from said executorship. These are there-. Ifor# to cite and ndmofliah all persons concerned. -UBggassagsU By an overwhelming popular vote iU franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December Sd, A. D., 1«». The only tottery erer voted on end endorsed by the People of <tng State. — ‘ - It never scales oj- postpones. Its Grand Single Number*Drawing* take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TOWN A FOR TUNE, NINTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS L IN THE ACADEMY OF MU SIC, NEW ORLEANS,,' TUESDAY, Septtmber 9, 1884-1724 Monthly Draw CAPITAL PHI ' lOO^Od T^keta et rive D Fractlosa, la Fifth in Proportion. • { * f ‘ * ' -ziaro^Waxv' 1 CAPITAL PRIZE I M'- !» Y~Vrl'*i — 6 PRIZE 2«W 10,000 10 do 1.000 . t Approximation Prises of S7S0. .. *«.730 > .** * 19*7 Prlres, amounting to. H Application for rates to clubs should be euly to the oSee ef the Company to NewOrieaus For further Information writo dearly, riving »W«“; kiU p. O. Money Ot^ra pay able and addrots Registered Letters to - NSW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. _ FOETAL EOrtS and ordinary letters by Matter Express (all suau offs aad upwards by Express atoar expense) to 07 Seventh 8L.Wsshington,-l».C. WORTH - EASTERN RAILROAD, NmUranami Orncn, r> i toed will run as f< I ^Se!!? I ! ,I>saiy. | Leave Atlanta.. ArGainesville... “Lola .. “Raonu Gap Junction.B| 8.12 p n *Tocooa ....C| 8.64 p mil] “Seneca D #69 p ml 1 A 7.t5 p m 11.0 .“ureenv’h-- “ Rabnn Gap Junction. “GainearviUe.’........... Accommodation Tkaim, (aib-Linb bulk) Go- (no North, Leave Aatfita..,....^^. 5.38 p m Bellk,) Go Arrive Gainesville. Accommodation Teain^(Aib-Lini Leave Gatoesvnie~.~-~ .... 7.08 a n Arrive Atlanta «... 8.05 a n ■1 \ Mo. IS.—Local Freight, Going South. Leave Charlotte— 6.12 a n Arrive Gaffney’*-. xi.17 a n ~ asgiKLr-r-—~ ||f; No. 17.—Local Frkight,* Gotvo North. P " All freight trains on this roaa carry ptuuicn ,srs. All passenger trains ran through to Dmu Tljle aad Richmond without .change, oouqect- ing 44 Danville, with Va. Midland Uwy. to all eastern cities, and at Atlanta with all lints diverging. No. 60 leaves Rich- mond at 12.i0 8 m and No. 61 arrives there at a.t« p m, 51 eves Richmond 1.28 a u, 6Sarriveslhere 7.41 a m. The local freight* atop at above stationx 20 Burner SutxriMo Cars Without Chanok- 'n trains Nou. SO And 51, New York and Allan- ^ ria^ Weshlagten and Danville, Greensboro and Dara Ttoketa od sale at Charlotte, Green Seneca, Spartanburg aad GainsariUe to al dfreeULffouthwest. Nerthaad East. A, with N. E. R. M, to aad ftow Athens. . a»wRk|*- KX.B, to aad from Tallulah Falla. C, with X. Air Line to and from Elberton aud Bowers ville. ■^w^BlncMMgs R. R„ so and from Wat; Sj—cSoiS'uf"“ ,ro ””® wb * rr t. to ■ nd . AGentt Manager, L SLAUGHTER. L Y. SAGE. 0. P. A- Snpt. U first Tuesday to September next, at tbs court Jwrasto WalktoavilleT Ooonea county, wlthia bourn of sale, to the highest bidder for- cash, the following described property to-wit: One five tear hay scales, eas set of nine foot seg ments, spur andahafa for same, one cotton press belts*. TieVbeve^eicrlUe^ 'property i* fn'good * - an be seea by any one If he # ui Anderson, at lieary Anderson’* * ‘ where theprop-rty vd op as the propeiy be sold to satlkty a Co’., v*H. «. Anderson, bol Mieeslun ThU lulyZHh, B. E. OVERBY. Sheriff P ..,..5 i VAtsTON ernEovco..4ew.M»si. jf-