The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, July 24, 1885, Image 4

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BANNEH*WATCHMAN;ATHSNS, GEORGIA FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 24. 'Si>t PAN'^R-WATCHMAN. , THE rOIOREw rIRKJIf:*. THE KILLING IN JACKSON- Their Tournament in Macon a Grand Sorrel*— The Prize Winners. Macon, G«i., July 22—To ilay»hf city was given over to tl«e colored firemen. Since Monday evening the com panies were arriving, until to-day nearly every Georgia city was repre sented and several of other states. The procession was formed this morning at half pa*t nine o’clock in front of the city hall The line of march was up Cott»*n avenue to Plum, down Plum to Fourth, down Fourth to Poplar, up Poplar to Third, down Third to Cherry, up Cberrv lo Second, down Second to Mulberry and thence to the fiout of the Lanier House, where 3 halt was called. The members of fhe several com panies were showily dressed, some of the costumes being decidedly unique. The evolutions ol Price hose ermpauv. No. 8. of Mac*>n, on the march, were novel and interesting. In front of the proces-iow a pla toon of mounted police role, follow ed by the city officials and the offi cers of the colored firemen’s associ ation in carriages. Two fine hands \vrre in the procession. After halting in fiont of the La nier House. M. T. Clark, of the. Ma con post'dlice, delivered a.t udilress of welcome. The contests were as follows: First test—run 100 yards to pin?, attach and lay 100 feet of hose, dis connect, attach pipe and play 25 feet of water. The first prize was won by Macon No. 8, which made it in 21 seconds, and the second by Ma con No. 9 in 21 secomJs. The second test was won by Ma- cou No. 8 in 19J seconds. The hook and ladder contest was won by the Griffin hook and laddeT company in 483 seconds. The foot race, the prize for the quickest run of too yanls being $20 in gold, was won by Fred Johnson, of Athens. Time 15 seconds. The second prize was won by Daniel joiiiiKou, oi Athens. ELBERTON DOTS- Ei.bkrton, Ga., July 33d.—Fine rains have fallen throughout the county. Reports from the crops show the prospects finer than in 10S2. Quite an amount of building is being done here this summer. Messrs. Phillips & Garbutt are pushing the work on their new fouudiy right ahead. They will be ready to commence operation about the 1st of September. Messrs. Clarke & Adams, on the same street, are building a large machine shop. Mrs. Lizzie Blackwell and Miss Vo-IIamroie Heard, who spent com mencement week in Athens, return ed home Saturday. Mr. John K. Swift, of Swift Bros., is recruiting at Tallulah for a few weeks. Judge Almaud received an anonymous letter this morning, sign ed “150 Fence Men,” in which they threaten to “burn him out of house and home,” should he decide the case now pending in his court con testing the election for “Fence” or “No Fence,” in favor ot “No Fence,” whether the law authorized him to do it or not. The Judge will not be influenced by such cow ardly threats as this, and will cer tainly track the law, Hon. R. M. Heard is at home on a short visit. He .wifi return to At lanta to-morrow. Mr. H. K. Gairdner, recently ap pointed postmaster at this place, has forwarded his bond to the de partment, and will receive his com mission in a few days. The town of Bowman, on the E. A. L. railroad, has filed a petition to the superior court tor incorpora tion. From a gentleman in the city yesterday, well acquainted with all the facts in the unfortunate killing of a negro named Berry Harris, in Chandler’s district, Jackson county, by Mr. W. H. Ware, a quiet and highly respectable citizen, we gain the following particulars: Berry Harris was a trifling sort of a negro, working out by the dav, and had rented a house from Mr. Ware, in which he resided. The house stood in a field that Mr. W. had sown in small grain, and it was the understanding that Harris must enc'ose a small plot of ground he used as a garden by the time the grain was cut, so as the field could be pastured. This he neglected to do, even after being frequently re quested by Wsre. At last that gentleman turned some of his caltle in the field, but every night they were let out. On Friday morning, just before daybreak, Mr. Ware re paired to the field to see if he could find out the offender. He was not there long before he saw Harris' wife, a woman of violent temper, let down the pasture fence and drive out his cows. He was natur ally enraged at the act, but decided it best to wait until he cooled ofl before approaching her on the sub ject. Alter breakfast he walked over to Harris* house, and found the man absent, but the woman w at home. He mentioned the fact seeing her drive out his cattle, and told her she must not do so any more. The woman flew into a vio lent passion, said she had turned the ows out and would repeat the act whenever she s: w fit. Mr. Ware Iried to reason with her, but his words only inflamed her temper and she began to curse him in mo«t outrageous manner. Provok ed beyond endurance, Mr. Ware picked up a paling, with the inten tion oi chastising the woman, but she seized an axe and swore that she would split his head open 5f he advanced one step. Seeing determination in her eye, Ware went back home, followed by bit ter abuse. That day a young man called at Mr. Ware’s house, and cidentally dropped a pistol on the floor, that was found bv Mrs. Ware after his departure. That lady, to keep it from the children, slipped it in the pocket of a pair of pants hanging up in the 100m and be longing to her husband. Sunday morning Mr. Fayette Gilleland, of Jefferson, visited Mr. Ware, a! also Mr. Awtry. Ware and Aw try, after dinner, walked over to a neighbor’s, named Espie. Mr. Ware changed his pants for the ones in which his wife had put the weapon, but it was not untd he was oa his road to Espie’s that he de tected the weapon, and asked A. if it belonged to him. They remain ed some time at EspieVand on their return home went by a brag cotton patch that Ware wanted to show his neighbor. As they were pass ing along the public road they met Berry Harris and his wife, when, for the first time, Mr. Ware remem bering his-trouble with the woman, told Berry that he wanted to speak to him. Harris* wife walked a short distance ahead and waited tor her husband. 'Tnakind mariner Ware informed his tenant that he must at once seek another home, as he de he did not have time to repeat the shot, but broke and ran. Har ris, with the uplifted knife, following close upon his heels. Mr. Autry rushed to fhe rescue of his friend, and catching Harris by the back of his shirt, endeavored to stop his progress, but with a Herculean effort he broke loose, and would have overtaken his assailant, but the latter, hearing him at his heels, hit back with his pistol, that struck Harris fairly in the mouth. By this time, however, the last vital spark of existence had fled, and he fell dead in his tracks. This the first intimation Ware had that his first and only shot had taken eftect. After her husband had fal len in the road, the woman took up the difficulty, and would have brain ed Mr. Ware, had he not seized a rock and thus kept her at bay. A coroner’s jury was at once convened and a committal trial had, both of which tribunals, after hearing all of the testimony, returned a verdict of Justifiable horaocide.” TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS. < Liberty, Va., has had a $15,000' fire. THE LATEST SENSATIONS. Porcelain Preserving Kettles, at Childs, Nickerson & Co.’s. Pure recleaned canary seed, at Long’s drug store. Mixed bird seed, at. Long’s drug tore. Fly traps urd fly'fans, at |Childs Nickerson & Co.’s. Holmes*.Was.i and Dentifrice for sale, by Dr. H. A. Lowrance. Holts’ Dyspeptic Elixir, at Long’s drug store. Healthful Vigor for the Girls. Mrs Livermore 8 ays in one of her lec tures on girls “ I would give to girls equal intellcctoal and industrial train ing with b03’s. Yes, and wive them equally $.0xl health too.” Wb n !>* girls are snflVring from palenesr and debility, it is a sign that their blood is Poor and thin and thatthey ncedJBrown’s Iron Bitters. The only Preparatian of iron that can be taken safely. Miss Barton,Chestnut st., Louisdiile, Ky.. says, “Biown’s Iron Bitters cured me of rhenmatism when everything el*o hau failed.*” Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe, Chicago biers. i agaiu raiding its gam* San louts’ CeMrosity. The following from a Tennessee paper will give an idea of Sam Jones* notion about money: “The refusal of Rev. Sam Jonea to accept a $10,000 home in Nashville has be come well known. We publish the following statement in the same upon the authority of those who vouch^ correctness. Just a* he was abept leayingNashville,a num- of citizens presented' him with tl« icsult ot» collection to pay.i him for his work, a parse coataining $2,500 in cash. Counting out $300, he said: “This will do for me, and will pay my expenses, and what lit tle 1 owe, and leave something for my fatuity? lo go' on. y In this meet ing a great many gamblers, and bar keepers clerks in bar-rooms have quit 1 their old business and joined the church. Many of them are poor and need help in : making a new start Take this $2,300 and di vide it among them. They need it a great, deal more than I do.” El Mahdi is reported to have died of small pox. John McCullough, the actor, has been formally declared a lunatic. Fresh threats to destroy public buildings in Londou are made. Two negro outlaws were shot to death by a mob in jail at Winden, La. Two young London noblemen had a fist-and-skull fight about Mrs. Langtry. Several persons were poisoned in Pennsylvania from eating canned tomatoes. A betrayed girl in New York took poison at the door of a man who re- f «sed to marry her. Ofl the English coast eight men in life-boat were drowned while try ing to rescue a crew. The thermometer continues to climb upward in the North, and fiering from the heat is intense. Secretary Manning has issued a circular calling on the merchants for their views on t’>.e tariff ques tion. The government has latel$o&tt£n a census of Kansas Indians, and found that it has been issuing too much rations. A beautiful white girl in Chatta nooga was seduced by a coal black negro, and the couple were after wards married. Gastein, July 22.—The emperor of Germany took a short walk to-day and became so fatigued that he had to return in his carriage. Ic is rumored in London that the Crown Prince and Princess of Ger many have finally refused to attend the wedding of Princess Beatrice. Gainesville, Ga., July 22 —Mr James Longstreet, jr., sou of Gener al Longstreet, left last night for Washington City, where he hag secured a position in the govern*- raent offices. Cairo, III., July 32.—John Dan iels married a daughter of Mr. Mur- kens, of Mound Junction, this after noon. Murkens, who opposed the marriage, met Daniels at 7 to-night and killed him. Murkens was rested. A boy, who had been sentenced to fifteen years* imprisonment for an assault on a school teacher, be came insane when on his release, after serving five years of his term, he learned that his father and moth er had both died of grief. Staunton, Va.,July 23.—Chas, Jackson, who lives in the moun tains of West Augusta, in a frenzy of temper’yesterday, dragged his child from its cradle and struck it violently I1SC8, cores, u leers, oaibAuuuui, rv, . __ bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-' quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by R. T. Brumby &Co. A ercat Biaaa Medicine. Rosadalis cures Scrofula, Swellings, Goitre, Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Rhenmatism, &c. Read the following: “I have been a great suftcrer for fifteen years, not able to walk, from an Injured leg. Have tried many M. D.’b and their medicines to no purpose. I believe Ro sadalis will cure me. Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recommend ed to me by a friend. I have taken two bottles, and find it helping me. The druggists who usually keep it i of it, and I cannot afford to await the slow arrival of their supplies. John T. Beeks, Supt. of Public Iiistrue- ion, Lake Irene, Florida. Florida Murderers Convicted. Jacksonville, Fla., July 20.— A dispatch from Pine Level says: The jury in the case of the State versus the Sarasota thugs, Edmund P. Bacon as principal and Leo An drews, Adam W. Hunter and Al fred B. Bid well as accessories, yes terday brought ina verdict of raur der against Bacon, Andrews and Bid well and cleared Hunter. The crime charged was the killing of Harrison T. Riley in August, 1SS4. Two of the thugs, Cato and Dig- man, turned state’s evidence. VERT REMARKABLE RECOVERY. Mr. Geo. V. Willing,of Mancherter, Mich..writes: “My wife has been almost helpless for five years so helpless that she could not turn over in bed alone. She used two Bottles of Electric Bitters, and is so much improved, that she is able to do her own work.” Electric Bitters will do all that is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimo nials attest their great curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Long & Co.** €•>■ See* Price LIrt. Garden seed lower than the low est. Five cent or half size papers at 25 cents per dozen. Full size or ten cent papers at 40 cents per dozen. Golden Dent corn and White Flint corn in any quantities at Long's drug store. GEORGIA RAlLROAb COMPANY 8TONR MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Ornck Uknkkal Manager. Augusta, Ga.. May 83, 1885. Commencing Sunday, May 2Uh the following t* Schedule will operate on this roa-i m by 9:tn meridian time—*2 mluules slower than Augusta time. Leave M Athena, 7.45 ArveWiaterr e 8:04 ..... " Lexington. 8:83-a.m Antiocn ... 1^4 a.m Maxeys.... Wood ville. »:26 Un. Pu.... 9:40 A rr*vc Atlanta KO. l, WKKT PA1L1 L’ve Augusta.. 10:60 a L’ve Augusta. .9:50 p ; i Arrive Macon 6:46 a Ar*ra Atlanta. 6.45 a.m-ar’e Augusta.. G.-00 a m z NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. DUDLEY COLEMAN ENGINES, BOILERS & MACHINERY. Representing seven makers of steam engines, whose goods I have in stock, with unexcelled freight facilities by rail and water, and having an extensive foundry and machine shop in thir city, l off j .r extra Inducements to purchasers Send for prices. H. DUDLEY COLEMAN New Orleans, La. No. 9 Perdido Street. NOTICE. All parties holding Ice Ticketsendorsed by T. C. HAMPTON. s day slopped delivering ice. Cool Drinks. Ice lemonade, ginger ale, soda water, sarsaparilla and cider at Lowe & Co’s. Nervous pebilitatea men You are allowed a tree trial of thirty (lays of Dr. Dye's celebrated Voltaic Bolt with Electric Suspensory Applian ces , for the speedy and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases. Com plete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guarantee!. No risk is incurr ed. Illustrated pamphlet, with full in formation, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltaic Bell Co., Marshall, Mich. 4. LIBRARY The members of the Exchange are requested to meet at the hall, over O’Fairell, Hodgson & Co.*s, Friday 24, at 19 o’clock a. m. C. G. Talmadge, Pres’L LA,GranV; Sec’y. dined to rent him any longer. Ber ry spoke up and said: “Ob, yes; and what about the trouble you had with my wife, Fri day morning?” . against the bed, killing it instantly. ‘.Mr. Ware explained the whole matter, when the womaa spoke up and gave him the lie. He reitcrat- his charge, when Harris remarked: “There are other people besides my wife Who are lying.” In the meantime ne had taken out a large horn-handle knife, with a blade 4^ inches long, and began to whittle on the fence with it. One word brought on another until the negro became enraged, and with out warning made a rush at Ware and tried to stab him in the shoulder. For the first time Mr.W. remember ed that he had apistol inhis pocket, and drew it, felling his assaillant that he would shoot him if he did not desist. At this time Mr. Aw- try, who was leaning 6n the fence Inspecting the -<*011011, had his at tention attracted by the scuffle, and says that he saw Harris make four or five deadly tjirusts at Ware with his knife before that getleman fired: He would doubtless have been butchered but for the timely snot, that struck Harris squarely in the left breast, 'the .bullet penetrating his.beart But even with this lead in his vitals, and the glaze of death already gathering over his eyes, the negro continued a resistance, and He then felled his wife with a blow, and, thinking her dead, fled. The wife will recover. Jackson has not yet been caught. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Consumption and all, who suffer from any affection of Throat and Lungs, can find a certain care in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Thousands of permanent cures verify the troth of this statement. No medicine can show such a record of wonderful cures. Thous- of once hopeless sufferers new grateful iy proclaim they owe their lives to this New Discovery. Ic will cost you no'th- to give it a trial. Free trail bottles at Long &Co.’s drag store. Large size $1.00. A Superintendent wanted. 4 A* energetic, sober, persevering business man, with some education, a single man preferred, can find good position by corresponding with M. H. Arnold, Crawford, Ga.- Notice. $35 will be paid for the apprehen sion of any one tampering with the hydrants in any manner. Julius Cohen, Chief Fire Dep’t. ... . . Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the most effective pressed his assailant so close that J blood remedy ever devised. It is recom mended by the best physicians. COLEMAN’S CORN MILLS, WITH SOLID FRENCH BURR STONES. Invented in 1850, continued and rei-caled provement* aince then keep them In the lend ,petition. Other* h.»vt* tried lo copy FAST LINE. No. 87, WEST DAILY. | Ho. 88, EAST H Leave Atlanta AA0 p. xr *• Un. Ft 6:55 p.m \ Wood ville. 7;(*7 T».n> * Mexeya ... 7.-2S p.m '• Antioch... 7:87 p.m 'Lexingt’n.. 7:57 p,m 14 Winterv’e. p.m rr’ve Athena 8.87 p m. Ar’ve Augusta 9.80 p.B Athei 9*0 a Wlnterv' Iox’gt’n Antioch.. 10:44 a,m Maxeys ..11:00 a.m Woodville 11:37 p.m ve U’n Pt.. 11:55 a.m Atlanta.. 6:40 p.m NO. 3, WkMT DAILY. T DAILY. “ s«0 SJ .. 8:10 p.' * Woodville 2:99 p.m * Maxeya... 8:06 p.m * Antioch... 8:84 p.m * Lexington. 4:01 p.m * Winter’ve. 4:49 p.m -’ve Athens.. 5:20 p.m “ Wash’gt'n. 2:20 p.m * Macon... 6:11 pm * Augusta.. L’ve Atlanta... 8:90 p.<c “ Macon .. 7:85 p * Train numner 27 will atop at and reccivo pa -ngera to and from the following staions only: Orovctown, Berzclia, Hariem,Bearing, n Camak, CrawfordviUe, Union Point, Grccneaboro, Madiaon, Rutledgo, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Moun tain and Decatur. Train No. 28 v ill stop at Dearing, Thompson, Camak, (ordvllle, Union Point, Greensboro, Mauisnu, Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, u- thonia. Stone Mountain and Decatur. 1 h j “last Line” connects lor all points east aud ucr.hcast. Train No. 2s on Athena Branch gives passsen- gera from No 28 ou main line, 20 minutes tor ipper at Union Point. The fast mail runs through sleepers between Atlanta and Charleston. Trains to and (mm Athens connect w ith trains 27,28, 1 and 2. K. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. JOHN W ORKKN. Goal Manager. NORTH-SASTERN RAILROAD. SUPKfclNTKNDKNT'a OPFJCB, 4 Athens, Ga.. July Isi., 1885.{ On and after July 1st., 1885, traius ou tht* aa*l winn— — * * 76 Meridian Tim Leave Athena Lula.^. Lula 10:50 m T*iWuFTur“::r:^.r : 45? Leave Tallulah i Arrive at Athens— Atlanta— them and rail the imitations of the Coleman Corn l'“ South.” send for prices. Little 8ix-Year-Old Bessie’s Fortune. Little 6-year-old Bessie Lilieuthal! who, orphaned by the death of her fath er, became the pet of grandfather, Abra ham heftier—is the holder of « tenth of the $150,000 ticket in the Lou- isana State Lottery. Last wtfek her uncle Adolph bought three one-tenth tickets of The Lonisana State Lottery. Across of No 51,106 lie wrote Little Bessie’s name. Two-tenths ot the $150,000 had been d r awn by Savauahians. Mr. J. T- Dwyer was soon discovered to be one of the lucky winners; Bessie was another. POWDER Absolntely Pure. Thu Powder never varies. A marvel 61 parity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordlnsiy kinds, and cannot be sold la competition with the multitude oflow test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in caus. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO„ 105 Wall st, N. Y. Mill, the “Maid of the H. DUDLEY COLEMAN, New Orleans, I s Xo. 9 Perdido Street. Arme Atlanta. LeaveAilanta... 1-eave Lula .... N OTICE.—Is hereby given that the elect held <m the 1st <U.y ot July, 1886, in a m the county of Ocoiiee, upon the question of •• fence” and “No Pence,” resulted in a legal majority of sixteen (Ift) vote* for “No Fence.” I hereby dec are the »aiue os the rordtof said election, aud the law u]>on the kuI-JmH will come operative throughout said county on ‘rat day of January, ls>6 July 6th, 1880. B. E. TRKASHEK, jy!44t Ordinary, Oconee Count N otiee! Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly of Gcoigia tor the go oi a bid to be entitled au actio amend ci to establish a city court in the county of le and to provide for the appointment of a Judge and solicitor thereol” so as to increase the jurisdiction of said court in civil cases from one thousand to one hundre-i thousand dollars, and to further amend said city court act so as to tix the time oi holding the quarterly terms of said conit on the third Mondays in March, June, bep- tember and December of each year. C LABKE SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold the first Tuesday in August next, before tho court house door in said county, within the ~ hours of sale, to the highest bidder tor cos following property, to-wit: All that tract o. r _. cel of Iona, situated, tying and being in said state and county, and In Bradbuiy’s district,) the Lawreuceviile road, more particularly ___ cribed os follows: Beginning at a stone corner the Lawreuceviile rood, more particularly Beginning at a stone « ind the land o Mrs. Mary C. iwfu, ruuuuig .hence N 87©; fW 18.60 oh ’ poplar-corner, rheme N 35o and 8-4; w Bentoi cbslM* 18.80 cL __ 8.80 chains 16.11 chai: 81 chains 7.50 chain ^ .. 8.60 chains to popul ?r; t hence h 91-1°; ler; tusnee N«e, stake corner; thence N 80 a; i stoke c aner; thence S 15®; t Tallulah Kalis. I/vTal Falls 6:15 p RA D t rains Nos rain No. 50 tor ®S6*Pullmun Buffet Sleeping and a 1 points in North A ii . Lula with K. A D. whingtou, Baltimore, i’hils , without change. t Lula with K, & J Utchruoiid, rough from Lula v’ithouf change. All trains on N. JS. 1 . «Tir>mgh ticke's on sale at incut points in the North, t MEttCEK aLAU -liTErt, R. R. daily. sxi rpt .“unday. tie at Athens for nil prum- .tth, hast, .south aud West. R. KK'it\AKi>. So*i!’U RICHMOND* DANVILLE H i the Atlanta and ( D 6 90 chains to tho beginning 7.50 chains to 8.60 chains t ........ 10.80 chains to a pins corner; thence 8 13 3-4 , W 84.60 chains to a pine cornea; thence 82°; h- 21 chain* to a post oak corner: thence 8 8014® " " ier,con- quarter . of C B. Daniel, county surveyor, baid tract oi land be ing known os a part of the Lloyd 8. Benton home place, and being the part that remains, otter par- titi« n and alter the widow’s dowtr hss been laid off. Being bounded on the east by iands of Mrs. Marv C. Benton; on the south by the dower , — the west by laods of Joe E. Brad berry and J. L. McLeroy, and — **- -* W, P. H. Epps. Levied - property of the estate of Uoyd 8. Beaton, dec’d. to satisfy a fiia, issued from the superior c sold county, at fhe May term, 1885, in fav< L. Benton, clr'— J * * * “ Carlton, adm' ton notice git Carlton, adm 1 luuas; ■ * i. MCiarov. arm on us no; _ „ s . ,, », be sold os the Benton, dec’d. fils, issued from the superior court of y, at the May term, 1885, in favor of A. L. Benton, claimed for officers of court vs, H. H. Carlton, odm’r oi Lloyd 8. Benton, dec'p. Writ ten notice given tenant in possession and H. 11. Im’r. Tqls 30th day or June, 1885. JOHN W. WEIR, 8heriC A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. HK'i, Bat it does ear* any dios m—„MarepnUb’e physician would prescribe It PjqMstens tecoanise Iron an the bo* sestonHP BROWII’S IRON BITTERStSuSSSSS Jmdaehe, or pradoee ooMSpatioo—all other lrea medicines dw. BROWN’S IKON BITTERS ernes Indigestion, Btileasness* Weiakseist Dyspepsia, Malaria, CUUa and Fevers, Tired fedliic,General Debility,Pain laths ttde, Lack or Limbo, Headache aadXenrsd* pla—to all these aHimats lhm is BROWii'S IRON BITTERSJ1 5?gSS5& Bitters Is the ONLY iron medicine that is not fas. frrinua. Fgysfctnasnad DrfpfatornsewnradM. Sffie Cenoine has Trade Mark sod ttnni ssd MnSP on wrapper. TAKE NO OT11KR. C LARKE SHERIFF’S 8ALE-W1U be sold be- iors the court house door in Athens, Clarke countv. Ua., on the first Tuesday m August next within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: A certain tract oi land situated, lying and being In Clarke county, Ol, and ou' the asst aide oi Middle Oconee river, and bound ed on the north by the road leading from Athena to Lawreneerille. south oy land of MissRUa Jeu- west by laii-'.s of :he Oconee ML1 Co., and -- the east by lands of David £. Sima, and beins the land hereioloie sola by Jefferson Jennings Lloyd 8. Benton, eontalning forty-five seres in or less, levied on as the property or James irdman, to satisfy an execution obtained at the July tern 1884 of the dtv court of Clarke county in favor of H. H. Carlton, adm’i of eatato oi Loyd 3. Benton, dec’d., vs James Hardman, Property pointed out by plaintiff in possession. Deed made to defendant by said administrator, and filed and recorded *a tho office ot Clerk superior Court of said county os required by ’aw, June 22d, 1855. This 2Sfh day of June 1883. ALSO, at tbo same time and place, a tract of land situated, lying aud being in the city of Athera, Go., on the cost side c4 the Oconee river, known os lot number cue of Lumpkin’s survey made in 187|, of tbo Carr lands, bounded south by street, west by Hattie Adams, north by l inasay Ed wards, east by estate of W. P. Talmadge. and having a front ol fifty feet on above named street •’■A running bock la said Lindsay Edwards’ line, uwnua*ii.g eighteen one bundredtiu (18-100) seres, more or less, levied on by virtue of a inert- gage fl ia from Clarke Superior Court, May term 865, in favor ot Patman Lester vs James Wilkins, coL. and «s the property of said James Wilkins, col. Notice served on tenant in possession. This JOHN W. Aeave Gainesville ...— ™ y.uH a in "ve Atlanta 9.05 a m No. IA—Local Freight, Going Soith. re Charlotte— C.VJ n va Arrive Gaflhey’s—. — 11.17 a n, 44 Spartanburg^. 1.20 p m 44 Green ville^^..... 4 AH p m 44 Central..-—.-...^.......— ... «.©•> p M No. 17.—Local Frkjght, Going Nokth. Leave Central —— -lio a ra Arrive Greenville...... n.ia a m *• Spartanburg.... — ... ..... «U7 a in 44 Gaffney’s—.... — — 12.V7 p in 25th day ol Jane 1885. . W1KB. meriy Willie L. Matthews, applies 1 discharge from said gnsnllsnsnlp in tonaa of the law. Tbsso are therefore to cite and admooisb oil concerned to abow cause at the regular term of the court of irdinary of s«Id county, to be held oa the first Monday in August next, why such discharge shonld not be granted. Given under tay hand aud official signature at office, this 16th dwofJaseJIti . ABA II, JACKBOH.Ordinary. may concern. W C Mom. executor of the will - FG Moss, deceased, applies tots e for letters of dismlssioa, and will pass upon his application on the first Modday in October next at my office in Homer, said county. Given under my hand and official signature, Jirtv 6th. 1888. T. F. HILL* Ordinary. Leave Atlanta j Ar Gainesville 1 ‘•Lola A 1 “Rabun Ga;. Junction Is “tepartaVi;... “Gastonia.... “ ChsriotU-.. 4 Lula... ‘Gainesville 14 Atlanta.... odation Train. (Aia-i. mo North. Leave Atlanta.. Arrife L . . 7 «i P 1 All freight trains ou this roaa carry |>wwn gen. Ail passenger train* run through lo b*u ville and Richmond wnho it cbmige, connect* Ing at Danville with Va, Midland Rwy., to all eastern dties, and at Ationta with *11 lima diverging. No. 50 leaves Richm ond at 8.25 p m and No. 61 arrives there at 4.*i p m, 58 leaves Richmond l.tSam, Storrivesihere 7.41 a m. The local freights stop at above stations 20 BorricT blxkpino Cars WithoutChakor- *Jd trains Nos. 50and 51, New York and Atlan ta, via Washington and Danville, Greenal.oo aud aiherills. On trains Nos. 52 and 58, Richmond and Dan Ville, and Washington, and Augusta and Was ngtou and New Orleans. 'JEWELRY? SOLID 8ILVES BRIDAL PRESENTS. largest-stock; newest styles Send for Hlastratod Catalormc. G MJUUJ^ BAHKS ttlDNTY—To mil —oom it T n nflmn nwn n ■mjr,..MHt mMemtoro*!*.—PI J. P. STEyENS & CO., factory a salesroom, e- WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA,