The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 04, 1885, Image 3

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* DAIL i BAN -WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA, TtffeSDAY MORNING AUGUST 4. 1885. MEDICINAL. (HALL’S’SS*: Hair'Renewer. Bddn dee# * popular reoedjwta n* 4 "mm W» uponthe pnhtlx oUtetaku Bmianttmn, TtecaaasIawUcb eotorioUwh^^hrigoroM hutth to the ~f r-ff THIlfm HnriiAilMliimw ft restore to UielrwUtetlng locks their orlttnal oolorendbeatey. btUdlMfed people like It grow thick sod stron*. ToUbfUdle# iitUhsetSeM#** Mol ftosrj lnstss, sod enable. them to<! It Ins tkrocIM «( SO, sod It hM tssoiM so becaosettdlsappoixisDooae. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE It® TBS WHIHIIM HMhiMan one off tho meet tape, lint pc|iiil Ur toilet articles lor gentlemen,'!*.*. Whet) tbs betid Is F1J or natural], ot sn node, slnbls shads, Bcckixonsx's DT» h tbS remedy. ruruis bt BtFsHaQ & Co.,Nashua.N.H. MoldbJsllSrnigisCs. ECZEMA! For the benefit o f< ufo ring humanity# and I heartfelt gratitude at the wonderful result. . deem it my duty to five this unsolicited testimo ny la favor ot Svit’s Specfic. My wife has been a dieted with her reditar) Eczema or alt Rheum from her Infancv, It has increased with each succcdinx spriug, and being some what skilled In medlcloe mjrself, I tried every remedy I could think of for rears—8arspari (fa combined with nearly every form of pouatiic. and hundreds of other remedies, Joctiou and ii kail washes of every known kI d, but they all gave ©ulj temporary relief. Duriug the spring of 1884 her lover extremities became so Indent ed and sore that she Was obliged te keep them -job- stantiy coated *lth a cover of “Fuller’s Barth,” wet aud allowed to dry on. Among other thing, she was »fllcl-d with a nervous head* ache, ocourlng regularly every ten, *ly vs somes- tlmes followed by Insermltance fever for weeks atallmo, so that her life became a burden tb her. This spring I determined she ebOuld take 6. 8 8. aud follow strictly the direction* io regard U» dose, dler, etc. This was about acvti) «'v*e • ago. After taking the drst bottle the disea seemed to Increase; the buAlng, itching and in flammation became unbearable. She, however, G fscvcred in tne use of the medicine. After ta ng the second bottle the inflammation began to aubsldo After tbo third bottle the inflamma tion disappeared, ®ud sere S|K»ts dried up and turned white snd scaly, and finally njie brushed them off lu an impalpable white powder r«sem* * liliug pure siilt. Hhc i*no\v ttkfug the seveuth bottle, three tablespoonfhls four times drily. Every appearance ol tin- disi a«o has gone, and her flesh In becoming soil, white aud smooth again; aud what is more hei periodic*! headaches have *d is ad neared and she is now at W yea* - * of age# enjoying tho only good health she Iiiu knswii for over 40 years. No wonder she declares: wttli rm phasls that every bottle n| 8. 8. 8, is worth a thousand timos its weight In gold. Any furtnrr Information concerning her esse will be chcorfullv given b herself at her real* dencc, ISA Mnltett street# or by me. JOIC: H\ ) 8 v Ul.E V. 4t Griswold kt Detroit. Mlrh. May nr. iwff.* . . '. Be sure to get the pcnulne. end send fur Treat ise on Bloo t and rikiu Diseases free. For sale by all druggi-t*.. TUB ‘8WIKT8PKCIFIG OO.. Drawers, Atlanta, Ua. 157 IV. &kl tiU, N. Y. GEORGIA NEWS.., The taxable property ot Cobb county abowa an increaie in valua tion for the part year of $14,898. The destructive.cotton caterpillar has made iu appearance in various part# of Georgia #nd South Caro lina. Mr. Junes Harris, 01 Worth coun- ty, reports crops good, and says he Luowk of no caterpillars in Worth couuty. < A man by the name of Thos. Jone*, a carpenter at the Georgia railroad, was overcome by the heat while working in the car shop, last week. Mr. J. K. Snfith, of Gordon coun ty, has a double trie on hia wagon that was made before the revolution and which has- been in use ever since. " , Since prohibition in Whitfield county, property in the Dalton dis trict alone has increased about *125,000, that is during the part year, notwithstanding the pressure of hard times. . John Lifsey, of Pike county, has forty-two hives of bees and has taken 800 pounds of honey. Mrs. Lifsey has sold about 200 pounds of butter this year, after supplying a large family. Among the beautiful shade trees on Gieene street, Augusta, are to be heard nightly countless myriads of martins that have made that locality a roosting place, to the intense an no) ance and disgust of the residents. Asa memento of the war, Mr. J. M. T. Mayo, of Butts county, has a book of psalms which was present ed to him between the picket lines near Atlanta, in August, 1S64, by [ohn W. Aldrich, company K, 2ighty-seventh regiment, Indiana volunteers. At a business meeting at Mt. Zion church, Forsyth (ounty, last week, conducted by* Revs. Eakes and Dodge, Mrs. Scroggins testifies to holiness. She is 104 years of age, and has been a Methodist 94 years. She lives a mile from the church and walked and attended all the services. She claims "second bles sing” holiness, too. Dr. S. P. Hunt, the eflicicntclaim agent and chief clerk in the freight and passenger olfice of the Georgia railroad, having resigned, Mr. F. M. Kilby, formerly car accoumnnt, takes his place as claim agent, and Mr. A. P. Norman is made chief —* —j £) ( YOUR KIDNEY'S They Need Your Immediate Attention. Here’s a Case. For six long, dreary 3 ears IJ have been a great sufierer from a com plaint ol my kidneys, which failed to be cured by physicians or adver tised remedies. I began to feel I could never se cure relief, as I had spent two hun dred and fifty dollars v.itout any re- lief. . The disease was so excruciating that it often prevented me from per forming my daily duty. I was ad vised to try the efficacy of B. B. B, and one single bottle, costing *1, gave me more relief than all the combined treatment I had ever re ceived. Its action on the kidneys is simply wonderful, and any one who needs a real, speedy and harmless kidney medicine should not hesitate to give B. B. B. a trial. One bottle will convince any one. C. H. ROBERTS, Atlanta Water Works. A villain banker On ths Track of tho Konster Bank Dethalter --His Rascally Proceedings. London, Aug. i,—Farquharson, the defaulting Dublin manager -ol the Munster bank, who absconded, has been traced to Leitb, nnd it is now supposed that be has wiled thence to Norway, where he would he beyond reach of extradition laws; Enquiry shows that he took with him between $ ,o,ooo and $75,000 in cash and negotiable paper. He had before bis flight, for s time, been a heavy loser in specula tions on the London stock exchange. Farquharson at the time of the col lapse of the Munster bank, was en gaged to be married to a daughter of a rich and well know*' Dublin brewer. The wedding day was fixed for the end of August. Farquharson had purchased, for $25,000, a beautiful cottage on Lee- son park, and had fu '.ithed it in gorgeous style. It is now certain that when the crisis came in the affairs of the Munster bank, Far quharson attempted to conceal his rascality by forcing his liquidation proceedings in the alleged interest of Dublin shareholders. He h#d filed a petition praying for liquidation proceedings, and if they had gone on he would by them have been able to conceal his mis deeds until he had made good his deficiencies. The Cork committee of shareholders were suspicious of the Dublin proceedings and oppos ed them. Farquharson thereupon concluded that his game was played and he ran away. The assistant, whom some months ago he had ar rested for an alleged theft of $25,- 000 from the Dublin branch of the bank, it is now known, was inno cent and was sacrificed to cover up his superior’s robberies. The assis tant will be reinstated in the recon structed Munster bank. The test Alterative tad.Toaie > : In the World I NATURE’S GREAT SPECIFIC FOft BVlRY FORK OF BLOODJAND SKIN DISEASES 1 ic .'otHkoTwF Complete Essay bn Blood,Skin', Nerve and Muscular Diseases, t>< 1 1 write to • -• •• 1.1 MACON MEDICINE; CO., LEGAL' .NOTICES-CLAKKE C0U«If 1.clar* p. cpitir-Y.-wh«m«. u, up!!!* £ ____—la terms el ■ teotw.iilidtaoulih ol tk. Court .1 Ortlnary ' 1 tbo flr4 Msaday In evKsbiW Mxt. why sebargo tboold not l*o granted. Given isagar “ RIEL SENTENCED TO DEATH. Jorsey as clerk, with Mr. Richard assistant. The melon business is assuming large proportions in Clay county. Up to July 25, in cars had been shipped from Fort Gaines. Prices have not been so satisfactory this year as last, the cars netting only about $40 on an average. J. P. Sharpe, who has engaged in the business more extensively than any one Ise in that section, will ship 55 cars. GENERAL NEWS. General John A. Logan has pur chased a Washington residence on the installment plan. Revised cholera returns for Sun day show that there were 3,466 New cases of the disease throughout Spainand 1,192 death#. Nearly a million copies of the penny edition of the revised new Testament have been sold in Eng land in the last nine months. A lady scientistin Crawlordville, Ind., believes that all contagcous diseases are transmitted from place to place by flic*. S.m Francisco Chinese are not content with the monopoly of the laundry business of the city, but they control ninety-nine one-hun dredths of the pork business as well. Mr. S. S. Cox. th* United States minister, has been specially intrust ed, it it believed here, to resume negotiatin';# with* the pcite for a modification of the Turkish tariffs on American ports. Peter Brown, a negro living near VVilliston, has a daughter now in her 26th year who has a daughter 16 years old, who has a baby now S months old, the grandmother be coming a mother at the tender age of to years. C. B. Stewart died at Montgome. ry, on Tuesday, aged 81 years. He was one of the two surviving sign ers ol the declsration of independ ence of Texas. He held many ira. portant positions under the repub lic of Texas. • Vice Admiral Rowen being com pelled by ill health to ask to be ex cused from service as a pall-bearer at General Giant’s funeral, the pres- dent has-designated Rear Admiral John L Worden to act in his place. , The difficulty bet ween the Pacif ic mail steamsnip company and tbe Washington postal authorities cul minated in the abrupt refusal by the company to carry tbe mails for Central and Smith American porta excepting those for Mexico , and Costa Rica from which coun tries Pacific mail receives subsidies. He Preyed Bervently When Sentenced, and Reviewed the Troubles of 1809. WiNNKPJtG, Aug. i.—The jury in the Riel trial at Regina were out about thirty minutes. They return- ad a verdict of guilty. When it was made known in the court room that tbe jury in the Riel case had agreed, all waa bustle and excite ment. Riel prayed fervently, kneel ing in his box and looked umoved as the iury entered with a verdict of guilty. Francis Cosgrove, fore man, while crying like a child, an swered that he was asked hit prisoner to the mercy of the com mission, and the judge said the re commendation would be consid ered. Riel was sentenced to be hanged on the 18th of September at Regina. Judge Richardson said he could hold out no prospect of retrieve or inter ference by her Majesty. Riel took the result coolly. He had spoken two hours, reviewing the troubles of 1869 and the half-breeds’ griev ances up to the present. It is not yet settled how the other half-breed prisoners will be charged. French troops in Tor.quin are Mifieiing terribly from dysentery and fever. The deaths now aver age twelve per day. -The Temps commenting on this fact urges the government to recall the troops who have served eighteen months. P. S. Colby, paymaster of Mor gan’s Louisiana and Texas railroad and steamship company, was ar rested 011 a charge of embezzle* meat. The amount of shortage is over $11,000. He has been in the employ of this company for over twenty-five years. He was held in bail to answer. ENGINE8, BOILERS * liOHUERY. presenUnx seven maker* of *team engines, je xoodxT have In xtoek, with aaesealled neigh! bcUitlca by rail and watar. and haring *o ertenrlve foundry and machine shop In this ' ty, 1 offer extra Inducements to purchasers, nd for prices. H. DUDLEY COLEMAN New Orleans, La. No. 9 Perdido Street. W ANTED LADY AGENT* Forournstr and aovsl articles ot lad lee mud children’s Fearing apparel, manufactured exclusively bT us. Including (he “Daisy” Stock* lug and Bklrt Supporter, Safety Belt# “Queen Protector.” Shoulder Braces# Bosom Forma# Dress Shields. Rubber Olarham' Blbl. Aprooi, Sleeves and mao j othex new articles. We have now 1,009 nfronts selling these aoods and malting Tom 160 to $160 monthly. This lsa ! Legitimate luslness that peya well. Can sell something in jrery house. Send fle. stamp for illustrated eai- CiftiPBELL M’F’Q OO., 9 South May 8k, Chica- GARRETT HOUSE, Headquarters for Commercial Men, C. GARRETT, Proprietor. Table supplied with the Best the Mar ket Affords. EUKRTOX, OA. CUSTOMERS WANTED. . i SWEET. MILK, CREAM AND Butter Milk. 14 QUART- TICKETS FOR $i AddreesOAK GROVE DAIRY, F.O^beX Felix Rodriguez, a well-known compositor, has died in the citv, says the Two Republics of the City of Mexico. He w.«» one armed, but very expert, and held his stick in the stump of his left nrm. Years a.,: he had a trial of speed with an other compositor, nnd lnsing the had his left hand cut off in rage. The rain, the rain, the beautiful rain, but no wind with it, it you please. The curative power of Ayer’a Sarsapa rilla ia too well known to require the specious aid of any exaggerated or ficti tious certificate. Witnesses of its mar velous cures are to-day living in every city snd hamlet of the land. Write for name If.von want home evlilenee- We cordially n meedyoarU a* the boil remedy known tons for Ocperrt sskaSOkoL W# kora sold could, f Die,naff So every ease it hnsglv.n enUalscUois Alcotta lain, Hudson, Nr V- E. 8. LYNDON, Agent day oimolTcd ty mutual conscut, X. A. SnalpM ■ NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. Tho undersigned hare this day formed a o MIICHOLBOk smtbn mamba above stated^ - 1 nak oFthe publle tor thensV "“fiiAi!&ovr H. DUDLEY CQlJEMAN LEGAL NOTICES-7OCONEE COUNTY G eorgia, oooher coom—win be sold before the coart houae doer In Ocoaco coun ty, on tbe Srat Tuesday in Deptembcrnaxt. with- In tbt legal hours of ssle Sir ctih, the fouewlus property to-wlr: One tract of laud lylog in said county,oa tbe wstersol BsibenCreek.beglnalog at a chlnqnepln corner oh said creek, running H 10° E lc chains and 00 Unka to * pine eoraen thenceS*1° E 0chatne to »postoek.lhenceS 35° E 10 chains toepoat oak, thence N 60® E11 chain, to e dead pine la tkesreok. thenae uneald creak to tbs beginning corner, containing twen ty-tour acree^ more arlcea, r erty of of IV B Daniel, to _ from the Joatlec court ol the of said county, lo furor of Jaakson A Vinos a I, anrrlrors of Matthews, Jackson A Go- against w B Daniel. Levy made by James B Ixfve, LC. end turned over tome. Vrlunnontlpe eervedfen .Alb* mifdWete .tetthitrfcj the county of Oconee, upon the. question of assg- ik . come operative throughout eeU county •*» flr.t«UjofJenue^, g8e- H ^l|$tb j JM|. - Jyiett ' Ordinary, Ocone* Countr. 'land FOR SALE.“ five rob* hod* With on the first animate.- ASA X-JACkdON. Ordinary. ‘Tsqar, he, iteccaiwd, has tspMtcd lo terms of ’ ergolromisldailinlrtlstmion. to to dlto nml admoulsh nil r cause at the regular term of - and for said thla Cth .0.0. iqmt Thea# ate tkwaloro lo die and S»Si9Em-VBi hehd end on eUl ifr b. D. W. Leehlta fo Hohrjr Jeomuge. i'etition to foredoMnvortgago on lendet Mav term, 1885, Clarke Superior Court. ,It appearing to the oourt by the petition of '4L * W. Lochlih accompanied by note and uortgege, thet on tho seventeenth day of August, In the year eighteen hundred and elghty>tvo. iheeuM defendant lfcney Jennings made and delivered to Ute petitioner file promts- fiori note for tbe sum of live huudred ana thirty lx e 5 dOO dollars duo one <Uy after tbe date hereof with eight per cent. Interest aud waiving homestead, and that on tho same dey end ycei the better to socuro the payment of said not* the Mid defendant made end delivered to said peti tioner his indenture of mortgage convoying to petitions hts holts and assignees the right title bad interest lu altd claim lo n curtain tract or parcel of lend in lbs county of ohurse and State of Georgia on the north side of the Middle Oconee riVer ndjolng lends of Ueyd Beuton. s trAct be longing te toe Oconee MUL Company, lands form erly belong log to the estate cd Thome® Crawford, SSSSfSiMl?ie;‘b5 , T!!.A KSfta Henry Jeunlngs and Conveyed to th*-m by deed for one hundred and/seventeen snd on# fourth ketes, dated (he tenth dsy of January eighteen huudred and suveuty ouo. tho Interest of emd Olios Jennings In thernddunct ol land conveyed by said Giles Jennings to said Henry Jennings being one-half ol said tract which is heroin con veyed, said tract being tost ou which is located Jennings' MU', ob tbe Oconee rlvsr. It further peering te tne coart that said note remains 1 paid, ft is therefore ordered that the said de fendant Ilenry Juuulngs do pay into court on or before the first da of tho nc*t Urm thereof, the S riuclpal interest and costs flue on stld note $uid tis proceeding, or Show cause to the contrary it ban’, aud (hat on failure of the defondaut so do# thlr equity of redemption in ami to sa d mortgage premises be forever thereafter barred aud foreclosed, /rdit Is further ordered that this rule be pebbabed ouce a month for four months In Vne Banner-Waichtr an nows ns pc, or served on saidilenry Jennings, Ms special agunt r attorney# at least three months previous to the rstdayol the next term of this court. Uivuu under my hand and official signature, this M ty 14th, A. b. 1885# In opeircour ? N. L. Him HINh, Judge 8. C. W. C. POPE BiBttOW, PlfTs Att'y QEUhUlA, CLARKE CUUXsTY-I certify that the abovo nnd foregoing 1 1* a into extract from the minutes of Clarke Superior Court, May term 1885. JOHN l. HUUUllIS, a. 0. Mary lands; snd J W, Pi H, Gjflmes^P.'DaVuI. administrator of the estate vn Angelin* Davls,dceeased.has, applied for a dl*. hsrge Ifom said adniinlstrallint Jn terms of the 11 concerned teihow^cauis sJ^hTlWoto-QM : the court of otdloary ol said county# to be held u the flnt Monday in November next, why said -iechsrge should not be granted, (liven under my hand and oAolal signature at ofUce. this S4th day Of Julv. 188*. A. P. HENLEY, C,C. U. KUItulA, OLAttXK COUbTX.-Wbereni, Ca-nik, tuardtiui of Annin T. Cauiek, orphan Thorns, diunnk. decaaaed. applies for letters of dUmUalon from <11-3 gusrdtatuhlp. Th«e are thwawre te c|t« -and n,lmonl.h all ooncerued to tvo w cause at the regular term ot the court of erdinery of uld county, to bn held on the flrit KtvdV In Au#uat n«i, why wild leitera elionld not bo crantod. Ulr.n under my hand at oOica, this 96 b day of June 1885. ABA M. JACKSON, Ord'y. H. J. Ragsdale,) Motion to establish copy of vs > lostdeed Banks Superior Court James A. Wright) March term, leSX it appearing to the court that a rale nisi, has been Issued tn tho abovo statedcascintermsof the law# ami it further appearing satisfactorily to tho court that tne defendant resides without tbs lim it of the State of Georgia. It is therefore ordered that said James A. Wright be served by a publi cation of said rule nisi for three months before the noxtuum of this court in the Banner-Watch* man,® paper publiihod In Athens# Os. A. C. Moss. Petitioners’ Attorney. Granted, M. L. Hutchins, Judge 8. C. W. C. Clerk’s Office Superior Court, Bnnks'Connty, I hereby certify that thu foregqing is a true extract lr*.»m Ilia minutes of this court. June 8th, 1885. L. N. TURK, 0. 8, 0. G KORGIA, BANKS COUNTY—To all waom it may concern. W C Moss, executor Of the will oi F O Moss, deceased, applies to ue for letters of dismission, nnd will px i ut>ou bis spidlcailoa on tho first Mod4ay m October next at my office in Homer, *aid county. Givun under my hand and official signature, July 6th. 1885. T. F. HlLld, Ordinary, pKOUGlA BANKB COUSTY^fo wU whom it VJmuy concern Oliver Vaughn, sdm'r ol Georgo aughn, dto'd. haetu due form applied to the uderKign^d lor loavo to sell the glands belonging LLfOrjumi, G ROltUM, BANKS .COUMiar.-4vifiPwbam I may concern; Wil»Ia * ^ **' for 11. V. Anderson, Ms lissa K. Anderson. nuwt'L B. Audorson and Mary L _ . .... me for tetters ofdl«mlssion from said guardian* ■bi|>, and 1 will pass upon.hi* application on the firm Monday in September next at my office iu Homer, (liven undor my hand and official aig* nstnre.thls 1st day of Jnne,1885. T. P. I11LL. Ordinary, ( BORGIA, CLARKE GoUNTTf-Wh.rcaa Jolm R. Gnu*, aiUnlulairnto, of the e.lalo IIJ hU Kittle, dec.null haa applied fol a diachar#* from aald lo lonni ol tno U». Tbnsaars .harefbra toetttnad ndmoulsii all con earned to oho* enuae at tbo regular term ol tbo cunrt uf Ordinary of said couuty, to bu held on tbe Sial Monday iu October naal, why inch -11.- chmie ahouM sot be granted.- trfvou unJef ray b«3.ndedl.W .rtuaUra^hi^JaaeMb, Ikdi and houses are It. one mile south of on the Athens an " acres ef the above dress too thof Harmony Grove. Gsu, and and Clark Seville mm3. • Tweet/ re in erigiagl forest; aboold ad- asH UU#,"A BlU to be ayeved BepK Wj f-LARKK HHKRiFK’fl SALK—Will baaoldbe- L lore lb* twirl bwse door in Albans, ularke property to-vriU A certelu tract of land situated, iL“w»eld# ol^l'uldle^Baeirrtrjrir, neJf boiind" ad on lb* north by the raad leading Irem AUious to Lnwrcnearlll*. aoutb oy lam olHlaa Ella Jan- nln*.. w^t hylaodi rjdlh* Oconee Mkl Op., and ou thu eu.t by lauds of David K. Hlms, and balna tb* land heretofore sold by Jefferson Jeuuluga Hardman, to anU.Iy an axemttHnobtained ax tbe .’adm'lJj^erUte ol'uoirj madetodelandtnt by mid admimmr.tor. end Hied and recorded In the omca oi clerk superior Court ol raid county «a require by Uw, June IM, 1858. Tble 2e!b day of Jude 18M. ALSO, at tbe mane Um nnd place, e tract uf Ian fester SSl’u” rium curkn Superior Court. May term Mt In larerWI Patman Lester re James wjiktoa, cot. and as the property ef aald Jamas Wilkins, col. Notice aoned on tenaotin ppwcnrtpn. This »tk day ot Jans 1156. JOIftf Wl I am now rceeirlag uy S MILLINERY Pali andjeiamlne. IsaabotuKUtoaea apJly MRS-T. A. AJ5AMS Man and Beast ' Mustang Liniment b older th*E most men, and nsed more and more eveiy year. noted i RELIABLE SELF CURE in plain mated t.wlep. ffc. Druggwm can SS k. Addrssl DR. WARP fc CO* LoaWam. Mf> DR.W. M. DURHAM SPECIALIST. * :o: Hn^r the treetmeHt sf lit Chronic Dfosesse I ^totoTy. Offiou. UK Peachtree USu, county °Qsonfist 0 and | oh m the m^.bylaniisof w Ktwttoi by M If Iintea# Tex Collector of Clarks nrffinuffi ^irwnW. ^ Dnin E»•igBMtfkSSfffff- "LABKR COUNTY.-^Toall whom It a: AU peraona inhrrmtad are bar*. t II ao good ouuae ' - shown to the r will be gradtee oy tb* under- ■npRE*BEESit-.hevr. ap.illca umeior a I M. JACKSON. Ordinary! r Wimt 8HBMF U Ike Tlie tiuy KMufTuSL IMi LeJ w tvit told laud « * Benton. Running t oi'ainute a <Ukn' »UI chalnr to a stab* i <1 chain, to a rad onk corner; J.Debalne tow rtakocorner: •it ohAinn tu x p«st _ D 6 9J chains to the (*I4L M s&ar H OTICK.—Serah B. Hanaon guardianship of Hattie end nor orphans oi Myrtle Harris# 6 All persons tro t any they can, at »he.____ . CS toe CS-to flg OMMSDtD .^SD she should not beeppoinhBd. ’ -"T* iCK80N, Ordinary. CIIEIIIFF'S HALR-WIli be aold bclore .the O ©onrt house floor In the city of Athenrxnd dsrke county# between the legal hour* ot sale, ou the first Iwesdxv in September next, three boles of lint cotton, weighing respectively '<7> pounds, 4fi8 pounds sod 483 pounds Sold proto- erly levied on as tho property tof J. H. Brown, lo' satisfy site issued from toe Superior Court of Gteane county At tbe September Urm 1875, In fa vor of Henry E. Thompson. Property pointed by attorney for plAlutitt. JOHN W.WIKR, - Sheriff 0,0* PKORwIa,' clarke oSunty,—Where* IJ Cobb Lampkin applies te me for letters of administration, with tho will annexed, ontho estate of Louis J. Lampkin. lute of said couuty, deceased. Tho*e nro therefore to clteend ad monish >11 ooncernod to show cause at the regu lar term ot tho court of Ordplary of said couuty to be held uu tbo flut Monday lu August next# why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this the *4th day of Juns, l«fo. ♦ ha M. JACKSON, Ordinary. BANKS — LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS- _ the first Tuesday in September next, at the court liousa in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to toe highest bidder for csto, toe following property to-wit: One tract of land ty ing in said county, containing fifty seres moro ««r Iff*, adjoining lands ol Thompron Bonds, A. L. Pool ane others, levied on as the property of A. L Pool and M. M. Pool, levied by virtue of a fi fa Issued f our tbo Jaatlco f a court ol tbe ei2 Dis trict u. M. of Banks couuty# in tavor of W. S. Bar tow against t. L. 1*001 and M. M. PooL Proper ty poiuted out by A, L PooL Levy made and re turned to inn by J 8. Parks. L. C. * * Also, at tho same time and place, one-half In tersil in a lot ot tend lying tn the 1206th district. G. M„ in sn ill county, containing one hundred snd twenty-five and three-fourth acres, and known s* tne land of John II. Fra 1U. deceased, snd adjoining lands of E. C* Garrison, l* J, Mags- dale aud Mrx. Wlllmot* Levied on by virtue ol u mortgage fi fa issued from tbe Superior court of Banks oounty, in tavor of M. G. Garrison against Mary Murray, W. J. Murray. J. B. Murray ud J. *, Money. Property pointed out in said fl flu Levied on as tbs propertjreof Mary Murray# Ei* J. Murray, J, B. Murray aud J. 8. Murray. Also, at the same time and plaoe,- one tract uf land lying In Banks county* eonttlnlng * buu<lr«d and ninety*tbree acres, *a tha p“ of A. J. Pool, deceased, to satisfy a Jostlr tt fa issued from tbe 403d district* G. — ■ounty, in favor ot Smith Llpsoomb, against A. J. Pool, deceased, adjoining lands of tool Coffee, J. n. Banks, Hyder aud House. Levied oh as the property of A. J. Pool, dcoeeeed * Levy made snd returned to me by J. B. Hughes, L, C. Also, at the same time and place one sottel mare mule about four years old, sm sums*, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa. issued Lorn the Superior court of Banks county# in flavor of T. E. May ft to . against Wm. Smallwood* Property pointed ont In said A ia. Levied on as the Wm. Smallwood. This,0> U lVOKlfJA, |SAnX.S UOUNTY.— mim ww • oa the first Taosday In July next, at court house door in said county, within tool] noura uf sale the following property. te-wllrT hundred acres oi land more or ioU, It Banks county on the IIt»i r *— lands of Ed Winn. James of Tobias Griffin vs F M Gowder. fttopertypoinP ed out by defondant In fl lx. E. D. OVVRN,^ G eorgia, ibanx* cotnrrT.-wm tm uin before too Court Iloue door ia Homer. In **14 count#, within the less! sele.houn, on tho list Tneadsr In Angiet next^ the Ihiloirln# r- rop vontatnle# tm hundred ami aeven (101) acre* sss"r!® ^*rss-fe3f3 Garter; Calawar Carter, anfotben. fcwty (ty) ayiM. manor lo NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND* CREDITORS. All persons aaving uemands’ of Lindsey Durham, late ‘ are hereby notified to ren the undersigned according to sons indebted to said estate are Immediate pajmcnL. auglwfiw NOTICE. J hereby notified to * “* BBscaasr' requested b> make Watktoiville, JnaeWtJ, IMJ. \f~0