The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 05, 1885, Image 3

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DAILY BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MOltNINO AUGOSt 5, 1885. MEDICINAL. -i HaiivRenewer, 1 doe* a popular remedy win soeh a lid upon th* ptibUfl conOdenc* u ha* strong bold upon the pabUooonOdence Hall's HaibBzmvuu Theeeaeeiawhleli ' mtlonot color to toe hair, and Tigoroso health to tho ■calp, are Innmnerahlaa Old people like ■tor ita wooderfnl power to wetoretolheUiih>mil*i their original ' color aad beauty. JUddl-raged people like It became It prerenU them from getting bald, keeps dandruff away, and makes the halt grow thick and strong. Yoong ladles like it ssadfseeiagbsessss It glees the hababssm jm glossy lusw^YBd enshles them Is *ses • itdlttppotat* docm* BUCKINGHAM’S DYE YOB THE WHISKERS ns Of'the modImportant lar toilet arUeles (or gentlemen's use. When tbs besrd is gray or naturally or an ende. sirablo shade, Bcoantonan'* Drn Is tbs B. P. Hall ft Co., Nashua, N.H. Hold by all Druggists. ECZEMA! Fdr theheneiito fsuflorlng humanity, and i heartfelt gratitude at the wonderful result, deem it my duty to give thia unsolicited teetlmo nr In favor ol Hwit’e Hpecrlc. My wile has been affleted with herreditar) fcurema or alt Shewn from her Infancy, It has increased with each succeijluir aprlug, and being some* what skilled in raodlclnu myself, 1 tried ever/ remedy l could think of for /ears—Ssrsperl(la combined with nearly every form of pousMoe, and hnniirods of other remedies, loctlon and al kali washes of every known ki .id, but they all gave only temporary relief. Durlug the spring of 1881 her lower extremities became so Inflam ed and sore that she Was obliged to keep them -ion* «t«ntiy costed with a cover of “Fuller’s Earth,” wet and allowed to dry on. Among other thing, »be was * flint -d with a pcrodlcal nervous head ache, bcourlng regularly avery ten, dy vs somes- tlmes lollowed by Insurmltance fever for weeks at a lime, so that her life became a burden to her. r fhls spring 1 determined she should take 8. 8. aud follow strictly the directions in regard t*» dose, dier, ele. This wae about seven weeks ago. After taking tho first bottle the disease seemed lo increase; the burning, itching and In flammation became unbearable. Hhe, however, pefsevered in tne use ol the medicine. After la king the second bottle the inflammation began to Mubeldo After the third liottle the inflamma tion disappeared. and sore soots dried up and turned white and scaly, and finally sh* brushed them off la»n Impalpable white powder resem bling pure sal*. 8hu I* now tiklng the seventh bottle, three tahlespoonfuls four lltuct d r Iljr. Every appear* nee ol the disease has gone, and her flesh is becoming solt, white and smooth again; and what Is more he» periodical headaches have d Had pear cd aud she is now at M years of age, enjoying tho only good health she has ktiswn for over 40 years. No wonder she declares: with era B basis tbs' every bottle ol 8. 8. 8. Is worth a lotiaand t me* Us weight In gold. Any furl .er information concerning her case will be chesrfullv given b herself at her real* dencc. Wolff 8t Detroit Midi. May Hi, Ifc*5. Be sure to get the ponuinfi. end send for Treat* Iso 011 Hloo 1 and-Skin Diseases free. For sale by all druggists.. THE S’VIFT 8PKUJFM! Co.. Drawer I, Atlanta, Us. 157 W. lid 8t., N. Y. YOUR KIDNEY'S They Need Your Immediate Attention. Here’s a Case. Tor six loug, dreary') ears IJ have been a great suflerer from a com plaint of my kidneys, which failed to bc'cured by physician! or adver tised remedies. I began to feel I could never se cure relief, s» I had spent two hun dred and fifty dollars witout any re lief. The disease was so excruciating that it often prevented me from per forming my daily duty. I was od- vised to try the efficacy of B. B. B, and one single bottle,- costing It, gsve me more relief than all the combined treatment I had ever re ceived. It, action on the kidneys is limply wonderful, and any one who needs a real, speedy and harmless kidney medicine should not hesitate to give B. B. B. a trial. One bottle will convince any one. C. H. ROBERTS, '' !- Atlanta Water Work*. THE: CITY FATHERS, PROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEET ING FOR AUGUST. Tie street Commissioner Esquired to Bo Poller Duty;sat Two Members of tbs Force Dropped—Complaints Asalnst tbs Water Works-Action of Council oa th* Mattor—BUis Ordered Paid, etc., eto. The regular monthly meeting of council was held this evening. Present: His Honor Mayor Dor sey and Aldermen Wood, Palmer, Gantt, McGinty, Coleman andTay lor. The minutes of the regular and three called meetings in July were read and confirmed. PETITIONS. Of a number ot citizens asking council to hove the water pipes ex tended to the north end of Jackson street Referred to committee oh fire department to investigate and report? back to council. The committee on fire depart ment made.the.following report in regard to charges against the water works company. The report was recelved atad adopted: REPORT OF COMMITTER ON FIRE DE PARTMENT: Gentlemen: At a special meet ing of council called to investigate the charges preferred by Chief Cohen, of the Athens fire depart ment, against the Athens city water works company, the committee on fire department was appointed to investigate said charges and re port at next regular meeting of council. The committee entered upon its duties at once, and at which time the water works com pany was confronted by witnesses prepared to prove negligence and failure to comply with contract on the part of said company. The charges were admitted to be true and the company plead guilty. The committee would suggest: I. That the water works com pany be required to have telephonic communication with pumping sta tion at once. 3. The company should have a competent engineer, who should stay at the works at all times. 3. The fires should never he al lowed to go out, under any circum stances. 4. The Chief Engineer of the fire department should have a mercury pressure gunge, so that he could enow at all times what pressure was in the mains. 5. The council should provide some means by which the steamer of Athens Fire Co. No. 1 could be promptly put on duty in onoo ot lire. Its presence at the burning of Mr. Crane’s dwelling would have saved a large percentage of the damage. 6. And most important. Tests should be made in a systematic manner, to determine whether the failure of the company to furnish the pressure they agree to furnish i, an inherent defect of the machin ery, or a local defect in the mains. When decided, if the machinery inadequate, the city should at least stop the rental until remedied. If work the present month: The total amohnt expended on streets the mouth of July i* about $2,$.|o. About $300 of this amount was ex pended in building brick sewers and work of a general character through- oat the city. The principal work done in July was macadamizing on> Clavton street from Lumpkin to' College avenue and repairing maca dam on lower Broad. The total cost pf the macadam on Clayton street is 13.95, or 57 cent> P er square yard. This is undoubtedly the best and cheapest piece of mac- adam that has been done in the city. Thu folio wing is a detailed srateraent of the cost of same: Estimated cost of macadam on CUyton. strreet: Hauling, 9475', Street Commissioner’s salary and feed for 4 mules, $320; Dynamite, 9345; Smith bills, 97850; Repair, bills, 949 30; Hutchins’ survey, 9ao; store accounts, steel, etc., 980.35, la bor, 9945; total, $2,11395. A costing of about t,000 yard; of macadam, six inches thick, was put in on lower Broad street, in repair-. ing same. The street fund iz now exhausted and no further work of a permanent character can be done until Council makes some provision for same. The committee desiies to say that the money used during the montWforthe street ac’t has been expended in permanent improve FROM OCONEE. Judge N. L. Hutchins spent this week in our countyam* If‘ * business straight again Oconee has I prospect that si al years, and is the new tailroi— Madison, via Wfitk Dr.J.T. Hester •.will con by the 35th sawing lumber at Ji R. L. Durham’s old place, witl cdl two or three hundred, thousand feet, ■nrjj or lesaS. M We were invited to a barbecue at Messrs. Powell & Davenport’s Sat urday, and we must say it was a happy day with all present, and, all had &5»d Mteiwe Dot but think that‘the'cbe w have to be protracted in order to save the overplus on ‘ saw large fields of early fodder ready to nulj ai of cotton. Sortie godd~*j Messrs. Powell & Davenport will clear nice meuey. this yekr onthFr tenants. They have two hundred acres or more in grass Mr-finest grow on the Oconee 'riiei. ‘ Weste still having fine seasons. Some few cases cases of fever re ported around. 1 j Mr. G. A. Pilgrim has a brood of frying size game chickens thst.fol- low him while MTiNplowKg his crop for the ^insects, ani fcne*q£ puaxs «ui'E , rrs i 8*i.fc-.iriii b* y^ c . fll * T* n . AfMt D«xt, before tho £*** ‘*f or *“ “ 1(1 county, within tho local noy r »t*Bol®.tothohl*tiaat bidder for cash, the — iy, to-wit: All that treet or par . * laorepeilh-elarly dee- ulus Ms await cornea , I th* land Of Mr* Harr C. . tkauca N »7°: W ll.eo -bale* a poplar ootaar, ikaaca N MO aud M; a- 7.« Mu* tea ataka Conor, tSeaoa S Han-1 M; a 0 chalaa lo a alaka oornar; thence N E rhalna lo a papal, r corner: thane* Hit x t chalaa tea (taka ooraar; thaaoa MS 1-4 It haiua to a red a*k corner, taeaoe M :i » I chelae tea erake c-onur: thenaa H w k retain* lo a auk a e-uar; thence Mi 3 H Oekatao-toa plhacoraar; thouceSii | ,o tan chalaa I# a pio* oarnei; Uaaua h j 1H lakiaApa pajd lag earner: ikeaee SJM14* Alb wSoSstanlna atom corner,con- 178 1 4), aeceuty^leht aud one quarter , —, Monorlcet, aeeonliaf t* aurvey etu.U. I Daniel, ooualy eurveror. Said tract of land be lli, known aa a port of the Uayds. San ton hotna | place, aad beins the part that rrauloa, alter par. 1 after the widow'* dowep haa been laid ments which will last for many them teenik to be more years. Before closing this report the committee wishes to return its thanks to Capt. A. R. Brndeen for the able and workmanlike manner in which he has executed the work. Respectfully submitted. W. L. Wood, T. L. Gantt, A. Coleman, Com. By Alderman Gantt— Resolved, That the Mayor and Chief Engineer or Assistant Engi neer of fire department, and such number of the members of council as the Mayor may desire, beinstruc ted to have an immediate test made of the water works in strict conform ity with the guarantees of the con tract between the city and water works. Adopted. Alderman McGinty made a ver bal report on petition of Alderman Taylor to place a fire plug on Prince avenue at intersection of Prince avenue and Franklin street. He stated that the water works compa ny would place the plug for the same charged for other plugs, but nr.ade no recommendation in the matter. Alderman Gantt moved that the plug be put in »* petitioned for. Adopted. The question of the disposal of the city hall bell was called up, and the Mayor stated the East Athens Meth- thin the Feat, as beand are both one-eyed. That one-eyed one roosts on the plow atoclf erfeiyj night The curative power of Ayer’a ftara rilla is too well known tonquke specious aid of any exaggerated or flott- tioiis certificate. WUnesaeo oUta mar- velous cures are to-day bring in ereijr city and himlet of the land. Write for name If you want home'evHoiieeC Marrou Dehllltataa Mas Tou are allowed a free trial of thirty days of Or. Dye’s celebrated.Voltale Belt with Electric Buanenaory Applian ces, for the speedy and permanent Hire of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality t Manhood, and all kindred troubl Also, (or many other diseases. ; pleto restoration to health, vigorhnd manhood gnaranted. Norisk is (ncarr- ed. Illustrated pamphlet, with fall 14- formation, terms, etc., mailed free,by addressing Voltalo Beil Co., Marshall,) Mich, ' 1 1 BTlie RosadsJIs Remedy. R03ADALIS Isa sovereign remedy lor all diseases of the blood. It hr ' ~~ ear courtva, U, u. 'Vp. Writ- aai H. U. notice of pi&iMiir hMra ot ial«» •» Mxt* threw respectively 471 inds. Bald prop* f J. H. Drown, to Suptrlcr Court of ___t Urm lt7j, In Am -Froportir pointed bf JOHN W, WIKI:, Rheriff t’.Co cnaifg, 1 ddORMl-WU-V B~IS. e are therefore leclteend ad- lo a hew canu at the reru- olOrdldary afield eoentr t Header la All,nit next, d not be granted. Given equal for Ibe cure of nervous Read this: K Read this: ■' ‘ m* 1 would Uk* to bear testimony to merits of Roadtle* r jby saying t some eight years ago I was totafiyw t rated and could get norellefrrom ...... ‘ " efl**r*Vt«eki beesBe-enfirel restored to healtb. - X now rWeigh 1! lbs. but when I first took yoormealeli weighed only 130. 1 cheerfully re nicn-1 It to all and especially toi as^lMr'theVoincil " found to be due to the mains being too small in some places, all those placet should be carefully located and the difficulty remedied by the laying of larger or auxiliary mains, as may be most expedient. It was publicly asserted two years ago, by experts, that no machinery could be made which would do what the company agrees to do, at certain places in the city. The mains are too small, and there are places where, for that reason, it is impos sible to fulfill the contract. Surely it is the part of wisdom and com mon prudence to correct such de fects, before some other . citizen’s property is sacrificed. According to recent tests, the company en tirely failed to show the pressure they are under contract to show. Inasmuch as the city pays for water for fire purposes, it would seem to be all important that -the company should furnish whst they agree to furnish, or the people should know why. While not properly within the scope of the duties of the com mittee, we feel it incumbent upon us to call the attention of council to the water now furnished by the water works company to the city and citizens of Auiens. For more than 30 days the water furnished by said company has been impure, stagnant and unfit for domestic pur poses. The water works company guaranteed to furnish pure and wholesome water, fit for domestic purposes. This they have failed, and are now failing to do, and we suggest that the council take such steps as will protect the city and citizens' of in this re spect. The insurance com pete* ere doubtless wgtchfng the gtaiRiba and you may expect a it ping advance in rates unless alleged defects are promptly •d. * Hopiug that Conacil will immediate steps in the premis es te remedy the defects and «egii> genes on the part of said Company, I am, gentlemen^ very ^respictfully, Ch’n com. Fire-Dep’f , Tha chairman of street committee made'tbe following'report,.which was received} To the Honorable Mayor and loan them the bell, to be returned at such time as council saw fit. On motion of Alderman Gantt, the matter of disposing of the bell was referred to committee on fire department with power to act. The funds for the street account being exhausted, and a reduction of expenses being necessary, the ques tion of selling three of the city mules, was, on motion, referred to the Mayor and street committee, On motion of Alderman Wood, the question of providing funds to meet the bills unprovided for against street account was referred to finance committee. By Alderman Gantt— . Resolved, That the street com- missioncr be required to discharge the duties of a policeman, also to take a general supervision of the street work, his salary while dis charging the duties of t policeman, to be paid from the police funds. Adopted Alderman Gantt then moved that the police force be reduced to four patrolmen, chief and lieutenant, and that council now ballot for the men to be retained, the reduction to take effect the 1st day of September next. Adopted. Council then proceeded to ballot for the policemen to be retained, which ballot resulted as follows: For lieutenant, E. C. Arnold, pa trolmen, L. D. Goodrum, W. T. Moon, W. D. Kelly and Joe A. Saye. The two dropped being A. F. Pierson and Henry Hill The following bills were ordered paid when properly approved: Louis Connerton, 948, M. H. Mi- Ion & Co., 9109.30, Cooper, Murray & Co., 9143.75 and 95; Caroline Thomas, 937 87; R. B. Russell, Agt., 930 and917.6s; R.-M. Clayton, 9zi. Talmadge & Brightwell, 91305; Klein & Martin, 935.15; F. S.Patat, 9935; Athens Foundry, 94.30; Childs, Nickerson & Co., 923-46;. Orr & Hunter, 9213-36; Talmadge Bros., 98; M. B. McGinty, 8386.13; Hodgson Bros, 939-5<>; Crockett Rosett,9i$; W. McKinnon, 85945 and 95 50; M. H. Malon ft CoT, *5; Hampton Bros, 8*; Wesley Men- wether, 8375! Champion Fire Co, 837.50; Relief Co, 875; Edge ft Dorsey, 814 W T-W. itneker, 815; Athens Gas Co., 8256.44; Pioneer Co, 833: Weekly Chronicle, 88.35; Talmsdge Bros, 8.V, Dr. Speer, 98.8o; Talmadge Bros, <22.80; Hodgson Bros, 8375; T. G. Hada- way, 83-30 1 . Telephone Exchange, 960; Account of North-Eastern rail- MRS- A. A. MARON, Baltimore, . — 1. *..'■■ 17,! A (tnu Bloot PTfdfrfH- Rosadalll cures Scrofula, Swelllni Goitre, Skin Diseased, liver Cotdplsf Rheumatism, Aei' Read the fdllMrii “I have been a greet suflerer lor fit years, not able to walk, from an In) leg. Have tried many H. D.’a and t medicines to no purpose. T.pellevo sadslis will cure tne. 'Seim ale' dozen by steamer. It wsaMoomMS •d to me by a friend. I ttara cikoot bottle*, and find it helping -mo. <t druggists who nsnatlr keep it- of it, and I cannot afford to ar •low arrival of their ■rtfipHet-"' 1 John T. Seeks, SupLof Public Ion, Lake Irene. Florida. Council of the city of Athens: Gen- road for fj, laid on the fable. Coun- tlemen—We respectfully submit the I cil adjounied. following report In regard to street J W. A. Gili.klanp, Clerk. H‘1 mj* 111 FfcjPflltaA/* I Maatang Liniment bolder than most; m, •tad more every year. i . »