The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 05, 1885, Image 4

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t ^A^^^WATCHMANAT^NA GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5. i88r Are'Slightly dkflgurcd but Still in the Kins; forTO-<DATOILY with !p;SPECI^iS81it§LACK CASHMERS & NUNS VEILINGS The followiug goods wore soiled in the last vitro days’ rush and MUST GO AT SOME PRICE. Only a few of each, so come early and avoid the rush- M | .MOUiJJ x?!fj TO aJiTOn , Handkerchiefs and .Hosiery. Will close the lot of Quilts we have been selling at 55c. for 50c. * | -1*^ * ftoqnrvFAi s JJJ S.iisH ARD. WHITE Our ontirc stoek of ORKTONNES at 12 JtJZc, They will not last long at this price. Only a very few pieces of those Manchester and Pacific Lawns at 5 l-2c. To-day will wind up the sale. NICHOLSON, PHINIZY & CO. ’ m U IQiiU i; V ^-watchman. ADVERTISING PAYS. WHAT A PAGE FOR MCHOLSOlt, PIIIlllZY A CO. DID FOR THEM. *900 BALES THE FIRST DAT AMD THEIR (TORS STILL CROWDED. Last Sunday Messrs. Nicholson, Phinizy & Co. inserted n seven-col umn advertisement in the Banner- Watchman, Announcing a great slaughter in prices. Monday morn ing, by 6 o'clock, even before tile t. door* were open, the crowd store door* were began to gather in front of their place of business^ among them a number of indies, aii anxious to have first picket the greut bargains. All ■ iy long nn unbroken string ot ish customers poured iuto their The goods had been dis Every ilerk was in his place. They .*•>«<*«***& had 7 not even time to go tothefr a f ld kl >lmg many persons. ID mails. At itiglit when the day’s a cyclpne. , ^ . business was footed up it aggregat ed over (900 in cash. Yesterday Ihe tush Was tmbrokeif. About to o'clock we celled at die store to see the crowd and tried to have 4 word ' with Mr. Homer Nicholson, “I ttae now totalk,”'- he r#' piled, "more than to say thM the Banner-Watchman overdid itself on this occasion, and if any man says X&SSSTCSffi&fi: tombrn at this house whs the reiUa- lion of the day. Many of our -citi zen* who did not want to purchase dropped in to see the crowd. J^ow long tins rush will continue wo canqot say, but this enterprfsiug firm has ordered mere goods by telegraph, and will see that all are ' - accommodated. The present sea son they will shell the woods, end eacg week.put some special attrac tion before the public.. We intend •; to double * ■ the next 1* course, will — the~ll, i W., l *f*{lTet» i sif < g medium -Z'f . 0 '-sA charts 1 tkat tba Contract is Invalid, ,I.«u.t It Wii Glguc.l GU.Sua.lay. . ' Meeting a gentleman well posted ’z&'rmm mMKy&' t,ia r> *" d v. who is an earnest advocate of the* 1 f#iP8fk«d. to TELEGRAPHIC 8PARKS. m-rian:.* 1 Hi l ll ! Tho Press Dispatches of Ysstordsy Reduc ed into a Hntinou. The death of Osman Digna is confirmed. Tlie city of Toronto waste by flames. 11 ns laid in The Salvation Army in Paris was attacked by a m-ib. Gen. Fitzhugh Lep will acta of the aides at G* an t’s funeral. Lee county. Gn., shi new bale’of Cotton td’Savannah. as one 11 J the first A storm in Spain’ravaged the country and killed many persons. : JSSSm theatn blast. c the ravages.oUhc cholera •& Vre tib full The A. & W. P. road refused to furnish-’ Mr. Turner, the member from Troupe, with a free pass. 'A’ storm swept over Pennsylva- dhlriri ilaysd on counters and tables, and n:a arid- portions of Virginia, iie- J - • • stroymg a great deni of property Qwitmak, Gn., Aug. 2.—People lure are excited over the turning of the AllertHousc into 4 seStinary for colored girls. Mrs. Allen, wife of the lath-owner, who is an enthusi- ast-in the cause of negro education, hds donated the house for this pur- T? ie v ^Thejlev. JohnPharr, color- od, of Chicago, is m charge. d Duvuit, Aug. =.—Ed. C. Sd'ck- •ney,, who ruris », gytn,ri»sium in record,^was“ formerly held by A. “* ' in Sep- Corcoran of Chicago, who, in Sep tember, >859, put the dumbbell up from the shoulder aboVehis head 14,000 times. Yesterdey Stickney put up a twelve-pound beli 14,000 times, and now claims to be the champs hftef^the!WOr)d. Dispatches "JfecL ,’EtuewiU'i that Judge rhw alweys beew dfir poUey to m*i Ine i people, * -hearing- when *ycoUncirbStve lied struck twelve, and hence it i: illegal. Reliable witnesswrcaa be produced to prove thisfact. - ' --aur. &&&£&*. JSZ'&SSSS visited’ that fegiou. It damaged most of the houses in the town of Bisherzek, arid ruined the cities of Suluk and Belvoodsk. In the latter place a church was shaken to Jlrag- irients, while it Wat crowded with worshippers. A large number wcreJuUed, The earth opened in great fissures in Belvoodgk and many people were swallowed up. A GOOD WOItl) FOR BRANTLEY. The Man Who Was Lynched at Balnhrldfe Thought to be Inesne. Troy, Ala., August 2, 1SS4.— Editors Telegraph & Messenger: in your issUe of the 30th inst., I notief a dispatch from Bainbridge, Gal giving an account of the lynching of T. K. Brantley, Jr., stating he was from this place. 1 desire to say he was from Sumpter county, Ala., Where his father now lives, a high- toned and respected citizen. He came to Troy in September 1883, and remained uutil March 18S4, during which time he was salesman with the firm of T. K. Brantly &S011. During his stay in Troy he conducted himself in a gentlemanly manner at all times, and won many friends who are pained as shocked to hear of his unfortuate death. I received a letter a few days ago stating he was insane. His brother received one stating the AFRAID OF GRAVE RORHERS. Same, and left on the first train to get / I’ll bearitin min Ufj l. si._..,1 *sl »ln» n U!.» in Frtr lliirlv vrv Mr. Johnson Did What he Could to Make His Last Resting Place Secure. Noriustown, Pa., August 2.— Charles Johnson, aged So, an ec centric bachelor, was buried in the Norristown cemetery yesterday, lie had always had a great horror ol grave robbers. His cdfiin rested on a stone foundation. An iron cover w is laid on the coffin I'd ami firmly riveted to an iron fr.ims work that was securely fastened into the stone work below. A stone vault surrounded the coffin, and the vault was closed by a flagstone, which was securely cemented down. Thirty ycais ago Mr. Johnson placed $500 in his vest pocket, saying to his bachelor brother: “Ike, when I die use this money to bury me til such a war that grave robbers can’t get at me.” Ike replied: All right, Charlie, hid brother and either place him an asylum or convey him to his home near Livingston. Ala., but before he , '*’ ns had gone halt the distance he saw the sad intelligence of his death in your paper. From what I know ot the young man, I feel satisfied he Was insane, as the charges brought against him are so unlike him. He was naturally one of the most warm-hearted boys in the world, and never in all his dealings showed a disposition to be cruel to anything. It is a vety sad affair and has cast a gloom over many hearts and happy homss, which I believe could have been averted it nx3 jt.. wiiv »uiia «• uji*»• oeiievc cuuiu nnvc ocoh »vc»lcv« •* Portsmouth, yesterday heat the flefrto thefavr,- or the rash acr tie- best record ior lifting a is-pound dumb-bell in one day. The best Jaytd^fbr a lew days, a* by that uni futile m.ost skeptical would have been wad insanity, and not brutality: that caused.this cruel- K. Branti.ey. j as Doctors PmcrtSsUqaoi? Because lliey Jtnow not what else to do, imeaal the exauatad fires of digestion, lqnor prescription to bad busi- aeVatienljylWDikca drunkards mbenUti hem. Brown’s st kindle a temporary s not kind joS^enriches, strenghms, purities It drivae out debility and dys- d aets the invigorated ayateni » bast* of health. food fori twe morning-rif juijf 8 he complained of a lots of appetite, and ate none rif the food prepared lorium, A doc- fof*W»S called, hut still Connolly refuted to take nourishment, and be rnedl vaiRXWa, Tennr,^AogOt^.-j He has been depressed on accoui ofbusiieas tAriKBaJMElast night swallowed the drug in his wife’ presence and rnabed from the house into the woods, where he cut M**tttoAf Trdm- eir tp ear. lhe dead body was found this morntug. ~ is from Erie and lost hear J. C. Hutchins: TAATjMf-KIL LED. ,en Attack Another, aa d Bar Is Killed While Defending Her. l ORT ! GtgNHO*h<I Aug. 1.—At an eariy hgur tMs’mbrning a hrtni- committed at J. H. Han- ilV about fonr miles from t hi trpIaSe. —; 1 • original cause of the difficulty has not been ascertained, but it ap pears «at,tbreo--white women as- oaORM-Jho wife Of-Mr. William Williroris,Tn her own house, and wfilleendeavoring to protect his wife he'waa »hot and inata'nfl For thirty years Charles carried that toll of money constantly about him, and when he died the bills, done up in an oil skin, were taken- from liis old vest. Isaac, true to his promise, "buried his brother right.” He ordered a rosewood casket, and personally superintend ed the arrangements. They had kept the hotel together and then went into the lime burning bu iness. They accumulated near ly $200,000. They never married, but kept house by themselves and their dwelling was as neat and clean as a pin. Chotlcs suffered from a stroke of paralysis five years ago. Both brothers had a horror of bur- glars. Charles made two wills, but he had a superstition that if he signed either one of them he would surely die. He postponed signing until it was too lute, and lie died, therefore, without a will. His fortune will now be divided between his brother and distant relatives. Going Into Battle. Cincinnati Times Star. Said Capt. George W. Stone yesterday : “I don’t believe any, man ever went into battle without feel ing frightened. I know I never did. I’ll tell you when a mau feels badly. It’s when he’s forming his men into line for a big battle while a tide skirmish file is kept up ail the time. Every minute or so some one, maybe your best friend, stand- ing right next to you, will shriek out: “Oh, my God!”-and f»ll back dead, yet you cannot lot your men fire, lor the at my must be drawn up first. There is plenty of time to think. You don’t dure to retaliate in any way. The next bullet may find your heart, and your children will lie left fatherless. It is a moment that tries the bravest man, because lie has to stand quiet and lake it all. But when the order comes to fight and the excitement of the battle arises, fear passes away. You have something to do. You have a duty to perform at any cost. Bullets drive i.ito the ground at your feet, sending up little clouds of dust. They whistle past your *ars and cut holes in your clothing. Shells and shrapnel kill your com rades and leave you living, and soon there comes a feeling that some good fortune has preserved you and will protect you, an J the fiesire to do as much damage to the enemy alone fills your mind. That was my experience in the army, and I don’t believe that, the man lived who did not feel at the commence ment of a fight that he would rather be somewhere else." Oh. gira me teeth souikI, white au«l neat. Oh. give me breath that i t>ure and aweet, Ob, give me rosy, healthful gumi, Ami I will meet whatever come*. Whatever troubled may befall, WUh Forodont 1*11 n - • ’ tthem all. * Nevermore Can tho coarse gritty tooth poiviler* and tooth destroying chemical tTiiids find a place on the toilets of sensible people. The fragrant anil preservative SOZO- IIONT has superseded them.all. “SPALDING’S GLUE” mends head less dolls and broken cradles. BsJWKaaeatteOr! kill- son. -.Hancock’s. Thet the assaul Mvfc WiUiron* fr wrelated in a *- ■ - -1 1 - A remarkable escape. Mrs. Mary A. Dailey, of Tnnkhan- nock, Fa., was afflicted for six years with Asthms and Bronchitis, dnrti which time the beat give no relief. Her— . of, riDtilinlsir October the procured s - - — — * —- ar " - covery, and by jronchitis, during physicians could life was despaired htshe procur^H New DiscoJ ■fw&jfeU.auj continuing its use for a abort time Ki^fess&.’SSw. N* iwreufi wifcacu,>uu 07 ota for a abort rime she ■” flesh | bot- Largs bottles *1. ■ J Cyclone Friday Nlsht. Sa.yan'xah, Aug. 1.—A disas trous cyclone swept across the Cep- tral railroad between 22 and 20 mile post last night,proslrating telegraph wires, trees and fences. Freight train No. 29, passing at the time, an immense pme tree was shattered and fell across the track, smashing the tops of three cars and badly de molishing them. No one w*s hurt, and it i* not known what damage was done to crops. TktM an Solid Fasts The best blood purifier. and aystem regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly la Electric Bitters. Inactivity qf the Liver, Bll- loneness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kldneye, or any dieraae of the urinary Organs, o r r, tonic find Electric certain cure known, They set surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to J ive entire satiifection or : money ro und e<l. fiola at 60- eentoa bottle by famg & Co. ADVICE TO ,, ’ M11. IFiiiiaw’i Hoovaiao draer shaaM.sL ways be wed lor ekildem teecklae., Il.eooUee the rhih), riOlUo* Um wtnieoUe.hM to tho ecati a bouto. THE LATEST SENSATIONS. Fly traps urd fly fans, at Childs Nickerson & Co.’s. Holts’ Dyspeptic Elixir, at Long’s drug store. -*• Porcelain Preserving Kettles, at Childs, Nickerson & Co.’s. Wanted. — First-class check weavers and beamers. Only first- class hands need apply to Algernon Mill, Augusta, Ga. ' SOMETHING FOR THE BABT. What a terrible atltietion about the house is u cross, crying baby! A .voting man on tho very e*li»e of inutriiuony niiidit easily l»o frightened front liis purttosc t>y having too much ot that sort of innMo at the homes of his married frlemN. Yet babies cry commonly only when they are Hick. One teaspoon fill of Parker’M ‘I’otiie. given the little one. will hrinu rest and Hleep to the tmhy mi'l all in tho house. Only 50 centa, at drug gists. ECZEMA And ECvsry Species pf Itch ing and Burning Dis eases Cured by Cu- ticura. ECZEMA, or Halt Rhcnm, wlthhls naimlzinu itching and burning, Instantly relieved by a Warm bath with U'.tlcura Soap, mid a single application of Culleu- ra, the great Skin Cure. This repeated dally, with two or threa doses of Cuticu* ra It solvent, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the blood cool-, the perspiration pure and Unlrrltatlng, the bowels open, the liver and kidney,: active, will speed ily cure Edema, Tetter, Ringworm, I’eorto-iK, Lichen, I’nirilns, Hcall Head, .Dandruff, and every species of Itching, The most deadly foe to all malarial i Sc, ' 1 y« 1 »d PimplyJL'mors of the Hcalp diseases !s Ayer Ag ue Cure a comblnati-1 * ,|en , * le j*** physluiaus and on of vegetable I ngredienta only of whioli I all known remedies fall, the most valuabU U used in no other known preparation. This icmedy 1. -c absolute and certain specific, and sue ceeds when alt other medicine, fail. A cure is warranted.’ Holmes’ Was.i and Dentifrice,fot sale, by Dr. H. A. Lowrance. Baou.a’s Armoa sain- i , The Best Salve In the world for Cot*, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe, vertioros, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. T. Brumby A Co. Chna. Houghton, Esq., lawyer 28 Slate si., Hoston, re|>orts a ease or Ecze ma under his obscrvai Ion for ten years, which covered the patient’s body and . limbs, anil to which all known methods A of treatment had liven applied, whlclf was completely cured solely by ihe Uu- ticura Remedies, leaving * clean and healthy (kin. . r I’ t / — , Mr. fobs Thl.L Wllkeslam. Ps.,writri: have lOC.-rcd from Salt Khenm lor irter slch. jenrs, .1 ll.iio, *o Isithat rould uot.lts.dto my buaia.u for weak, at a timo Thrc. boxM» f ruUcuraand tnibtlllM RmoI.c-di bsv. entirely cured ue of thl* ilraadfnl •llaeue.'’ ■ aDEUMAPATII. tno (two wnssnMaiarr ot Solos Palmer's perfumes, Toll.t Soap. iM oth j erT.llet Article: “I unheiltatlmrly prosonne. 1^ 5T.^ SS.VJ’i.’Tlrdre ‘ HAM by all drugKtato. Price, Ci Meur*. CO eta.; U«j*olTent, M uO; Soap, 29 ota. Prepared bjr the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. Mm. [FY tho corap'exlon and skin by ■ mtlcurs 0 w “TIRED AdU ACBllHi HU8CUS. crying throu.b coo.llsu serves for net .04 re- — — iw." nuiluua Ua AIMmd ufthVcutlesra Plut.r to [bo bh thl. saw, ortslnsl and ■peeiiy.nll- id At Kilns. Potter