The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 07, 1885, Image 2

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DAILY BANNER WATCrfMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 18S5 i It m»--tobacco not liquor that killed Grant Home Items and Topflcs Just at this time Bacon seems to be the top dog in the Gubernatorial fight THE GENERAL LOCAL OPTION BILL. Georgia is building up an unen via ble reputation so far as mob law it concerned. We see that the leading dailies in the big Georgia cities have all come out flat-footed in favor of liquor, and are doing their best to defeat the bill now in the senate. The Constitution, while admitting that prohibition is a very good thing for the smaller towns and counties, ar gues that a high license will be more beneficial in the large cities. We can see no logic iu such reasoning. Any reform movement that will work well in a town with aoo in habitants will be commensurately advantageous as the population in creases. In fact, we think prohibi- bition in Atlanta will do more to ward advancing this great cause than any piece you can name. It is the capital ot Georgia, and proba tion would Throw a safeguard around the thousands that go there annually, and its example would be followed and felt all over the slate. But Atlanta would like, no doubt, to see whisky run out of every oth er town and county in Georgia, that the might alone reap sit profit from the hellish traffic. We assert that the general option bill is just and right, and it should pats. Let the . people of Atlanta have a vote on the subject, and then if a majority! say they want prohibition, give it them. “What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." The leg islature has no right to discriminate between cities or counties. We are no fanatic, and heartily endorse tlie amendment to the hill that gives the liquor side a showing af ter n two years’ test. We are not afraid to risk the great issue in the hands of the people, for the experi ment with prohibition in Athens already demonstrates the fact that an eradication of the liquor traffic from a place works a great moral reformation, and hnsnoeflect what cverjinon leeitimate businesa. Wn would not be afraid to morrow,. or one, two 'or ten years hence, to reter This question again to the people. We cannot call to mind a single state, county or town that abolished liquor by popular vote, to repeal the act. While we admit that there are fauatics in the prohibition ranks, at the same time such characters are in a hopeless minority and are kept in check by the more conserv ative element. But we would ask, the injustice iu resting anjis- the hands of the legal voters tion? This is all that the gen- ption bill asks. It is right the people should decide this question for tbemselucs, and it is an outrage and a shame on the part of certain^ members ol the senate to try, by jerrymandering and other unfair methods, to uproot the very foundation stone of our republican government. We say to the prohi- bitionists in the Georgia legislature to stand by your colors, if it takes “all the winter and part of the spring.'' The people are with you. Don't let a hopeless minority over ride you. Pass a law giving the voters in every county, city and hamlet in the state a;', opportunity to decide this qeestion for them selves. The fight now being made by the whisky ring in the senate is but an attempt to strangle the voice of the people, that a few men may reap the wages of misery, death and degradation. Fearing to trust their hell-begotten cause in thk hands of the honest voters of the land, they are attempting to thwart this enil by the most outrageous end*. Let the prohibition! its in the legislature act coolly, deliberately and firmly, not yielding an inch, and depaand their rights. They have a decided majority in botii the house and senate, and must not be bull dozed outol their convictions. ative eli ■M: QmPp°p Tfllt the John Wise makes this calculation: “1 am not elated,but I firmly believe that I wilt be elected. There are negro voters and 210/300 wvjiite votert in Virginia. I will get diiceff^ 0 vo,cs < " ,tl between V....jjijte votes. The Hon. C. R Pringle is mentioned ■n connection with gubernatorial honors. Who is Hon. C. RPringlef The liquor ring seeips to have subsidized all the big dailies in Georgia. The rural organs and the people are agin ’em; Good for Capt. John W. Nelms, the United States marshal, who has resolved to break up the nefarious speculation in witnesses' subpoenas in the United States Court. Ishmaelite: “The Gainesville Southron went into mourning over the death of Grant. We are not surprised. Pete Lawshe has been a mourner ever since last November.” Since January of this year, 99 persons have been lynched in the United States, of whom 96 were males and 3 females; 58 white and 41 olored. 1 He whisky njiiior.ty in the sen ate are trying Ih -iame tactic* that prevented the passage of the gener al option bill by the house at last session. Representative Lewis, of Han cock, has immortalized himself by introducing a bill to make it unlaw ful for a member of the general assembly to accept a free railroad pass. Dr. Haygood delivered a sermon Holiness belief. We have never as yet known a Holiness disciple to boollick niggers and Yankees, that he might have the handling of the educational fund. The Mabonists want Logan to stump Virginia for them. The democrats will get some spiritualist to interview John Brown’s ghost, and see how the old Abolitionist likes the thoughts of being hanged by Wise’s father. Macon Telegraph : “It is'stated that recently when a purse of $1,- 500 was made up for Sam Jones, he took out $200 and banded back the balance. This certainly gives some color of truth to the report recently circulated that Sam was a reformed lawyer.” bitten that amr-SaU. —The weaken woman,sir sites* rMItl, and sick'-u Invalid esmun nop hitler with safety mid great good. —Old Dim lettering around from Rheumatism, kidney irouti.o or *<i> weakness wit! <io uiatlo almost mi.y using hop bitten:. tJTMjr wife and daughter were made -healthy by the u* of hop bltuwai-d 1 recommend them 10 my jieople—Mel odist Asiaar gpi* If k>p. Bitten tit to* tSoVit Itm'ly medicine On certS! 11 Malarial fever, AdUe and Biliousness, will leave O’cry neighborhood ss soon as h<n> bitters arrive. “My mother drove the paratj-ers and iienralgis all ontof hereyeloui with hop bitters.”—£d. Oewi gotaiii. HTKeep the kiduu/s liudlli/ aim hop tilth.;,and)on need not fear sick- neag. “At the clian^v ol life nothing equals Hop Blth rs to alloy nlltioubte* Im-ldeul Thereto,” “Tho host periodic.;! for 1 idles to take monthly, and one from wnieh they wih raceloe rue greulett hoo -fli Is hop bitter*. Thousandii die annually from eonie form of kldDed dlaraw* that mteht have been presented by timely ulo of hop bitters. Indigestion, weok stombvh, Irregular ities of tho stomach caflnot exist wher. hop bitters arc used. To produce real gennino sleep ami child like repose all night take a ilttlu hop bittors ou refiring. tS’Xsnc genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Bhuti all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop” or "Hops” In their name. A GOOD HOME TO RfiNT OR TO LEASE. The home of the late Mre. W.K. Whlta.on Milled*e avenue in the city of Athens. will be rented for one year or leased for L rtvo years ou reasonable terms. Thta to on# of the moot dur able home* in Georgia. There I* an «*eeU#nt orchard containing nine (9) acres of chotae fruit- a well of good water, several fine springs end all Decenary outbuilding! on the place; tncro in 2u' acre* of lend attached to Urn ptacc. - * — .... in Atlanta last Sundav against the —' relgnodt “ ““ * SPECIAL T An? c .... wishing whltdclescan «ecuro them tH miles from Athens. on tho road to Watktnsvllle, near Paper Mill. I have on hand all the popular brands that have been kept In Athena for the past y tiara, and solicit the patronage of my old cuntomcnJlkewlM that ol mjr new one; to whom guarantee satisfaction. J. A. frOWL&B. Jy4 d3m 210 ACRES. houses; a number of good springs on the place, plenty of open land, A bargain cant* had hv Reid* Estate'Agelflf A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FUR SALE. fhe sooner the Georgia prohibi tionists kick J. E. Biyant from their ranks the better for the success of the cause. There are democrats in Georgia who would even object to taking passage on the Old Ship of Zion if this miserable old carpet- bagger was aboard. The Sparta Ishmaelite doe* the Banner-Watchman an injustice in speaking ofit as “Grant’s Defend- We indulged in no gush over his death, but entered a respectful protest against ill-timed comments that result in no good now except to stir up sectional strife that is fast being buried. Sam Jones Mid at the. High Bridge campmeeting that he did not consider a man sound until he was not only free from sin, but tree from a desire to sin. - And Samue might have added, an unquenchable desire to ring old weather-beaten yarns into the ears of a suffering congregation, and try to palm them tiff as original. HEADACHES Ayeifs Pills to sthnulats Os tfomaab sat potass a ma lar Uttmmmm bowsls. Bylhcir action CO UuMonaa* Ana's Pnudlwrt »ah ions of OcmcaaCtva sod Xenons iflirin. HMdiclMp f** gjgfc nWi«i and t>y toping thabovnrta free, In a healthful I am authorised by the executor of Mrs. Chen ey, deceased, to offer for sale the late retidence of said deo'd, situated on Hancock avenue. The property ta situated In a beeutii'tt grove, the uew and elegant, good water, cuuvenWmt to eohoota, neighborhood pood; In otbor words B. WILLIFORD, R. K. A. CITY PROPERTY To exchange for country forms, or,'good, level, •ofidiar^ * ‘ LOUIfllANA LOTTEgY. CAPITAL PW*E,»/b,OOU Tlckats OaU ». LOUISIANA .STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. arrgite'.yggff flop arts* LtratoiuuUXcto LMtorCow- 1V».’» »rr*nif(M.ienu f mmmSSjSfporsoa manage amt control the Draw ee*, and that the are conducted fepLilnifM, and t" good faith toward IweautUlxe tho <>ip*V to use a partim. and woaathariao tho Company to tuo this corScs*?, with fae-eimllee of our signatures auaehed. inita advert lseiutoSfr.” CQmhmBOlFhy 1 __ __ especially emote hus in atsen of an. opreased or potafol manstruii jlon, In wbUesjtmi partial pro* MWtans. It afford* I m media I SVStr«Af SSSTM'gttSi&A known as “Chan,**’ of Life,’’ this invaluable prtp- Incorporated In IMS for 25 veers by the Leglala- are for Educational and Charitable purpoeee ■ .. .ofoTyrin, By an overwhelming popular veta Its tranehtaa was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1579. neo * — “ Only Lottery Ever voted on anti endorsed by the people of any State* ft never scales or postpones* ItoOrand Single Number Drawings Ml take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing, Class H, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUES DAY, August 11, 1883—183d Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $70,000. 100,000 Tickets, Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths in proportion. 1 l’RIZKd of ton".... 6 do 2000 .. 10 d. 1 . 173,000 . A,Ot* , 1.000 do 23.., .rrnoiminoKranis 9 Approsimatloh Prise* of 1730. 600 . 260 . 6,750 4,600 2,230 1967 Pi to, amounting to 1265,600 Application for rate# io clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In Mew Orleans ror further Information write clearly, giving foil address. POSTAL M0TE8, Kaprons Money Orders, or Mow York Exchange la ordinary ter. currency by Kxpress (all sums of 65 and wards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Nsw Orlsam, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 r>*venth 8t., Washinrton, D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans, La. FRENCH Wino Cooq. Strcng hens and Exhilarates, fiutatna and refreshes, aids digestion imparts new life and energies to the worn and exhaust ed mind an-i hmly, and excites every faculty of inind and body to healthy and natu ral condition. U " J T i W,ai5l, MhUaA,, .FOR RENT. nd good stable on lot, als -..-well of waUr. For par ticulars call at J, H, Htgglns svora. nov29tf, VACANTLOTS, room brick kitchen and | arge garden a *iraeaU« I have for axle la five minutes' walk of the poet office, two lote. oae containing about three scree, and the other leea,bptii watered br a fine branch and shaded by very f ae oaks. No prot>.*Hy as close to buitneee, or la es good neighborhood can bo bought lor same money. Look at it. J* 8 WILLIFORD, Beal Estate Agent. Large Lot. W.U w.t«nd, eloMla builnen; eta be bousht st. low price. :owner wtou to ralw nonay, ud will nil» bargain. ^J £ ItiUF0JlD . To Rent 7b, lam bouae on Oconoo otraot. lormerif occupied br U. P. Brisco, u . botrdlne bouio- Apply to R. K. VooTM. Jytolm C. BODE, FRENCH CANDIES. Tbo anon over brouxht to . Atbeus. Palao Ice Cream Saloon, la a wonderful invlgorator of the genl till organs, and removes all mental and physical exhaustion. The greatest blessing to ult afflicted with nervous complaints, such aa Sick Headache, Neuralgia, VVakefuliness, Loss of Memory, ’.Nervous Tremors, Loss of Appetite, Melancholy, Blues, etc. PEMBERTON’S , FRENCH WINE COCA Will vitalize your blood and build' you op at once. Lawyers, Ministers, Teach ers Orators, Vocalists, and all who use the voice, will ffad iu the WINE CCOA taken half an hour before appearing be fore their audiences, the knost remark able resalts. WINE COCA Is endorsed and recommended , bv o 20,000 of the moat eminent medical. in the world. Read pamphlet on won derful properties of the Cocoa Plaut and Wlna. For sale by Druggists. J. S-Pfembei Wn A,!Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. spMStoly ' ui quality sad^a •!! Hum • uwpt Sunday _jn tne lc# hoosa will be open frotat to 10 a.m. ad from« | ARR BROfl ' HOUSE and SIGN AINTER All Paper Hangers, Telephone No f 7-3 tndkinds of Wall paper consunt.y on' hand. June283ra Ayer’s Fills, nxrsuo sr 4 - _ sve opened a .wood an I yard at the Georgia depoVaBd have h on hand a fife lot of PoplarCreek dead 1 coal, also oat and pine wood in .any Brow length desired. Prompt attention; iF ' given to all orders. •' l1 * J. C, Hutchins. ^BoUtgaaDnBUalL- fbs p»p« sa wMrt^ihta^touis.U prtsttd w, PIONEER M’F'G CO. OF PAPER CLARKE CO. GA. THE CENTRAL HOTEL AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. W. M.^Tliomas, Froprietor. COCA «• cordially cwndyoorau tb.bMt rcoMdyknows toss to* IwtrWW. Sk2JJtto»S& efilr VSMWSJtto ' 7S hs&i E.S. LYNDON, Agent. . ’Y ‘ ' " ■ ' &&&rTZ£r tma * CURED ntower than Augusta tiled ^TAATUNg. datct. BE aad rmtorei to perfect health by oilng *iia Bradfield’s Female Leava “ 7:56 a m “ Athens, 7.46 a. m ArveWlnterv e 6*04 a,n “ Lexington- SstS um ** Aulfocn ... 6^6 a.m “MiaXCJS.... 9:04U.XD “ WCiOtivillu. 9:26 a.B ,*• Un. VU.... 9:40 a.n Arrve'Ai * HO.i, WXST DAILY, Regul^tdr. I Is a spatial remedy tor all dtoaet pertain- anal on has no r! Saved her Life! sl bottles or your Friiols Regulator for tailing of tho womb and other dlseju^combJniHl^of *U- teeh yean stahdlag, and 1 tirsly fiund, Jar wUtii n _ Voared, iar which plesso soespt my heart felt thanks and most pmfmud grutltude, I know your medicine saved my life, so you :se© I cannt aoo Highly In IU lavor. I bsvs recommend ed it to several of my frlenda wh > are rufferlng as I was. Yours ver “ “ 'oun vory mprctfullr, MRS. W, K KIKBBInS. Our Treattae on tha* fl Bealtb and Happiness o! Woman” mailed Dee, BRADK1KLD RKGULATOR CO., AUttnta, Oa. O. L G. OLD INDIAN CURE IS THE tiEST BLOOD REMEDY known. It ia purely a Vegetable prvpn- ratlon. and uever known to fail, UioiirIi »UU|I. HUIj IIVICI MltlWII tv lull. Illusion teulcil In tlinusunds of cases that bullied the skill of physicians. Dr. Joseph Palmer, Feagln, On., writes; “I have used it extensively iu my prac tice for twenty years, and do not hesitate topronounre it a apeeiltofor blood dl eases in any form.” Dr. F. A.Toomer, Perry,On., nayi: “It is thetiestblooil pnrlller known, lind to suffering woman a God rcliil for htrpeen- lar ailments.” It will promply and permanently cure Syphilis ill any stage, Scrofula, Eczema, White Swelling, Catarrh, Old Sores, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Tetter and every form of blood disease or skin disease du to impure blood. O. I. C. stands for“01d Indian Curs,” • nil wit 11 euro any blpOll Ifotlhlo IrOUl pimples to its most violent form, it in n line ton*c and a specific lor female coin- plnintt. No Indy whs wants a rosy, healthy complexion should be without a bottle.. Sufferers from blood diseases have a in their reach UJO per targe bottle. THE O. I. C. COMPANY, Perry, Ga. This Orcat Blood purifier,Tonic and Appetiser Is For Sale in Athena, Oa., by Long A Co mhtttlv The Beet Alterative and Toalc In the World I NATURE’S GREAT SPECIFIC FOR'bVEIIY^ FORM OP BLOODlAflD SKIN DISEASES I Female Complaint* Scrofula, Dyspepsia. Liver Disease, Rheumatism Catarrh, Syphilis, Blood Potaoutnji from Whatever cause, and -Malarial Poison. Complete Ks»ay oa Sirin, Nerve and Muscular Diseases, ^ ' write to MACON MEDICINE CO., Sole Proprietors, macon oA. r 8oVl In Powdered Form, easy to prepare at homo With or wltbont spirits-Small sire, V6o; large size, |1. Vailed to any address on rtbeipt of US? , COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, BALTIMORE, MD. This School offers to Medical Stu dents unsarpassed clinical and other advantages., Send for a catalogue Dit. Thomas Oimi:, Dean, 179 N. Howard St. LAND FOR SALE;' lay oBd wantluk a to-xi five room boose with' fifty two Mi** of land adjoining end a e»d three room tenant huuw on the y piemtice. Said land and homes 4r^eitestad of» lne North-Easter R. one mile touth of tUr;rt*«y tlrove. UiUi anri on the Athens pud Ctarkesvllta road. Twmt* •eras of thiabove Ui ■ or'^talfontt, should ml- l the utuiwrlgned m Jla.monv Ur*V‘\ 14a- •w j' ji m:r:z:Ns, or - f : ■/ t W tTAStDKS. Jugni-u FBStSLB HBtP WAMTTO, W SMt8a—IzuIIm .ml grailrmcn ia chi o a>Mt>7 w US. Itzlii work at their own ao«M<' 03 toft .daye.n boiwdfy'sisaVi work mm OSOROIA AlLHOALlCOMPANY ItTONK MOUNTAIN ROU1K. ppficE GkxkxaJ. Manaobk, .Iistisf. 1:* Mat 1 Augusta, Ga., May D, l*ss. No. 27, \ | No, 2S, U»T DAILY. M LUUpj L*veAugusta.. 1D:50 a.m .. •» " L fa Athens " Wlntenre vut m.tu ** Lex’gt’u.. 10;u6 a.m *AutioCh.. 10:44 a,m f^llaxoyB .. 11:09 a.m “ wootlville UM p.m kr’ve O’u Ft.. 11:16 a.m 1 I».m - .-Angti . Arrive Macon 6:40 1 Leave Atlanta a AO p. 10 " Un. Ft 6:65 p.m ” WoodvUle, p.m ** Maxeys ... 7MS p.m '* Antioch... 7:97 p.m "Lexlugt’n.. 7:67 p,m •* Wlnterv’e. 6:24 p.m Arr’Vv Athens 6.3/ p m*' ar’vc Augusta 9.90 p. 5 rfb. 2, kastdailv. ) Attar ta.. .. . H:0G son Un. 2:10 p.xn “ Woodville 2:99 p.m ” Maxeyay. . 6:06 p.m " LexInKion. 4:oi p.m " Whiter’ re. ,4:49 p.m Ax’YU Athene. . 6:-0 p.m 14 Wuaii'gt’U. 2:29 p.m • Miicou... 6:16 pm 14 AUguhtK... 4:86 p.m NO; DAILY. L'veAUunta.. Macon Ar’vc Atlanta. 6.40 a.tu-sr’e August* . n:00 * in Train numuer 27 wilt stop ttl ua l receive pa se.'igers to sn>i from me iwllowiut; atuioua only: tiro .’clown, nericlia, Uarieio.DcAriDg. Tiiomson Uama;-. mint, Greeucsboro, Mtdimn, Rutledge, 6octai Circle, umurftDu, Cony era, ."‘ume tlouu- uiiu and i>calkr. frelnNo. 2.3 v. ill slop at and receive pastsemrers to aud from the following sWut-ais only: Uroveibwa, Harlem, Hearing, Thon.j-sou, Cminsic, Grow fordvllta, Union Point, Greunhhoro, Msdihon, RuUedgc, £?ocUt Circle, Covtugto »,Louvers, Li- thonia..Stone Mouutaiu uml Decatur, 'lne “ftitil Idne” couuccU for all pointaeast and nt-r.hesst, west and woutb west. Train No. 2s on Athens Branch gives pa-msscu- gers from No 2ft ou main ltae, 20 minutes for supper ut UuLm Toint. Tho lto,i mail nuts through Kleepers bet wee" Atlanta tuid UharieHtou. 'trains to and from Athens connect w 1th truius 27, 23,1 and 2. £. K. DORSEY, (ien. Push. Agent. JOHN ft GREEN. <Jeai Hauager. NORTH-EASTEHN KAILROAD, 8UI"tlUMXX«DCNl’h OrriCK, , Athena,lia., July un., On and after July tat,. 16s.'*, truius on u»u 1 as follow it: 76 Meridlau Time. will r UuVO Alliens Arrive at Luia At* ants . Th l mi Inn Kalis. . ...«:6u a ip .10:50 a xr -1:40 p a Arrive All.nit a. ':6 j* m P "* | ...L'v Cornelia 9:Ji I Aral Tat Fain i« ;t mioas hi Cornelia v train No. Lo lor n w»L K6‘Pullman Bullet Sk-oplug Car Lula to Atlanta Train .So. f*i eounec-ts at Lula with R# A i>. train No. 52. Close coutiectiou In Atlanta for all boutheru and :jouthwc^toru i*oiuu. and all points in North A East , —ejis at Lula with R. A D.tiaiu No. 61 fur aU Etuleru Cities. ■9V»*uUiuae l*itJgee Mloeping Csr through from Luis without ohnugu. All trains 011N.S. R. It .tall;, jxcont Humtay. -hrou^h tickutsou saleut Atr.ent* for all prom- luenl potiitain tbo N«nth,, douth and Wo.-d. ttUL SLAU.. 11TEtt. Geu. Poos. Ageul, SLAU..1 H. K. KUHN Alii). RICHMOND^ DANVILLE RAILROAD FASVINftea DKrjHTMKHT. On and after Out. 12th, IBM, Piumenger Tr servioe on th' Allanta uud chariuttH Alr-i ; UiVlMioti willhen North ward. Express No. 61 Mall No. k» Daily. Leave Atlanta. vr GaiuesyiUe - ••Lt»U A “Rabun Gap Junction U “Toccoa C “Senhua U “Uroenv’le. .... . . ..E “Spartab’g i “Cisstonla. «i “Ctisrlouc H 6.00 p in •.W p in 1 ‘ “ p n* 10.01 p i,> 10.08 p In lUi P m 7.28 a ri* 5.»t a »*» » 4u ■ a in U.:w a iu US4. a m 1.20 a m ft m 2.6I p m 2.28 p iu ll M p m n.20 p in South ward. t.\|ire« 1 .unit .No. 50. So. o2 Dally. Daily •/voChTtte trUastouiiL. •* Hpat’nl/g.. Green V'ls. “ BuUecr ....... 44 Toccoa.... -• “ dtabuu Gap J unetion. " tula, . “Gaiueetille " Atlanta 1-45 a ir i.Vi.F A t . t’.4» A U ..7.2.H an . S:tu a 1 10:00 a 1 .10:** a 1 .1:00 pi 1.0J Ml 3,:*! 4..V4 ~.ol 8.90 8,'-9 :*.25 I ..LI oDATiup Train. tAia-Li.\K riaLLu; INQ NOKTH, l*av© Atlanta . . 6.:« p m Vrrivo (iainesvillo 7.6O p in AOCOumodation Thais, (AivLins 1>kl.k,) *> imo Boutif, leave UHiLuSvIlie .'"7.0S * m Arrive Atlapta.......... 9.0s a ui 1 No. is.-—Local Facieht, Going South. Leave Charlotte — — 6.12 a a Arrive tiairtiey’9 .. 11.17 a . 44 Spar tun burg.-.. I.20 p m *♦ Oret-uville.-..— - — 4.56 p u is 44 Central.—...h—S.t* p m No, 17.—Local Fukiuht, Uoino Noutii. Leave Cdnfral..'..;. — — —4.10 a m Arrive Greenville.—™ —— .... . <ua a m “ 0»ar|otta..™ M -wi^.. «112T AU freight trains ou thu road '!♦«. AJ1 paasengortrain* rnn thronvUr» i»4,t .die and Rtchiuond wnhott eItangu.!JR>uiiccl« •ag at Danville with Va, Midland k»\\. toaU uwteru cities, and at Atlanta wCh elf lince diverging'. No. 00 leaves Richmond nf ? to and No. 61 arriveft there el 4.2 • p M i, 61 leave* Richmond 1.28 a m, w*rrlvest here 7.41 a n. The local frelghU stop at above stattotu 29 o 30 u'nutM. Ufpvrr SLinrvtifo Caitv \Vit»ioutChancik* . On tralue Nos. 50 and 51, Now York and Attart* la^vta vrasbingtou and Danville, Greensboro Oq trains Nos. 52 and 53, Richmond andDea /UV, end Washington, and Augcita and Wa^ ram , iruaud X«w,. EWELRY, SOLID SILVER - bridal PRESENTS. LARCE8T STOCigjN|WKT STYLES Sand for ElnstrataJ CsUIogna. mwms&m-* : - FACTORY A SALESROOM,