Newspaper Page Text
NO 288
Ososnllr Admitted Oat ths UU Win
m«ii Atatu if n Extras* itjm< km-
Even those of our citizens who
are moat sntagonistic to the pro
posed trade with the R. & D. com
pany say that it the road ia extended
to Columbus, or even to Monticcllo
and Eatontcn, that it will be a good
move to Athens. Their oppoution
ia bsscd.on the idea that the pro
jected road will stop at the Georgia,
and thus build up a competing point
at the terminal, without materially
benefiting Athens. Did we for an
instant entertain the idea that the
road would extend no farther than
Madison or Social Circle we would
certainly cast our influence on the
opposite side; bnt with the enthusi
asm and spirit manifested by the
towns and cities south ol the Geor-
gia road, and through which the
extension must pass, we have every
reason for believing that there is
not the most remote probability of
the rosd stopping snort of Colum
bus or some other important city.
But suppose that the city council, in
the contract, stipulated there
was to be no connection with the
North-Eastern railroad until the
new road had reached a certain
point beyond the Georgia? Would
not this eternally kill the prospect
of any competing point, and destroy
the argument on that tide? The
cost of transporting freight from
one road to the other would nip in
the bud through rates for the termi-
nal point, and at the same time make | and ts
the new road prove an important Mr. St
feeder to A'hent. It would give | we ho]
our little city such advantage in latet
as the drayage transportation, and
that will always control the trade.
Let our citizens seriously consider
this matter, and ive feel assured that
they will agree with us that we can
build the Madison road and at the
same time not imperil the commerce
of Athens ill the slightest degree.
Libotmnt Albon C. Hodgson,
U. S. N, who has been spending
mi And
TtuOrsanlsatlon at the 004 Fallows' Ball
Saturday Night.
The Odd Fellows’ ball was well
filled Saturday night, with work
ing mer>, who had met to organize.
There were several speeches, all
fioin home. Mr. R. L. Bloomfield
spoke lor over un hour,
encouraging the meeting, and star
ing that he wanted to join them,
lie was replied to by Mr. Watkins,
'who said that he once looked upon
Mr. Bloomfield as the poor
man’s friend, but since his stand for
the stock law he could no longer
consider him as ouch. Mr. Dock
Wilson stated that it was time for
the working class to organize for
self-prutectioi!, as the capitalista
were now heaping coals of fire on
their heads. Others followed in the
same strain. The best of order was
Mr. Lowe tells us that the beat
Bermuda grass hay ia selling in
Greensboro at 15 cents per hundred
from wagons. One merchant has
already bought $0/io3 pounds, and
balea it fur market A party in that
town, from one-half acre, cut 4,oco
pounds, and expects to harvest as
much ntoie before frost
The excursion to Tallulah left
yesterilay morning about two hun
dred strong. The rain of the night
before kept - great many ! from
going. Tney were a very orderly
crowd aad seemed to be enjoying
bis vacation with retoti
friends in the city, left yesterday for
Annapolis, where he will resume
hit duties at Instructor. 1 •
^Johnnie Hogan hss returned from
Mr. Tame*-Bloomfield will leave
In a few weeks for Philadelphia,
where he will conclude bit studies
ia medicines, . . .
There ia n very, fine crarM draw
ing now on exhi In tion at the bool
store, the work'd Mr. HagkWi!
cox, of this city. It exhibits mm
talent and taste.
Mr. Gay Hamilton has returned
to the city, altera round at the sum
mer resorts.
Miss Jennie Woodfin is visiting
her sister Mrs. Bsrnard, in Atlanta.
' Col. Prince Hodgson Is stiU in
New York.
Prof. Charles M. Strshan will re
turn from Virginia this week.
Mr. Thomas Tl torn ton has return
ed from a visit to Elbcrton. ]
Mr. Simon Michael returned from
New York yesterday, havin
bought a magnificent atock c
goods, that are oow amviog.
Mrs. H. L. Cranford leaves to
day for New Holland, where the
will meet her mother and sister.
Dr. R. J. Wiihngham, of Ltxing-
ton, spent yesterday in the city.
Mr. F. Y. Stork, of Harmony
Grove, was in the city yesterday.
He is going to change his business
and take his brother in with him.
Mr. Stark is a live young man, and
e hope will do a good trade.
We bed the pleasuie ot a call yes*
terday from our esteemed friend,
Mr. Walter Maxwell, ol Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowe have return
ed from their visit to Oconee.
Miss Caldwell, a charmingyoung
lady from Atlanta, is visiting the
■^nearly a damage surf. I
family of Mr.j. B.Tho rnton,
onimri kzitixo.
In reply lo a dispatch, yestrr-
day, the Mayor of Griffin
stated that he would notify Athens
the day their meeting would be
held, so as we could send a delega
The largest fee ever earned bv a
Georgia lawyer was that of Senator
Bc.ij. II. Hill, in the great Metcalf
cotton ca-e. It was one hundred
and twenty thousand dollars, and
sixty thousand dol .rs was collected.
Judge Chisholm, ef Savannah, was
paid sixty thousand dollats at one
time for services to the Atlantic and
Gull railroad, and Gen. Henry R.
Jackson received an equal sum;
Mr. M. H. Arnold, some time
since, advertised in the Banner-
Watchman one time for a man to
superintend bis farm. He,has al
ready received 51 applications, and
each mail brings in new ones. Mr.
Arnold has supplied himself with
two first-class men from the list of
applicants presented. -,
cHAxai or mah.
Was lbi MarCoradt
ConoNA, L. I., Aug 14.—Martin
Cooke, while gathering kindling
wood in the woods near the old
Fashion race course, near here,
about 6 o’clock to-night, discovered
the dead body of a woman. In the
immediate vicinity was found a
man’s hat and a shirt and a bundle
of old stockings. The body haa
been dead apparently three or four
weeks. There is a suspicion that n
murder haa been committed.
nmoroixMT VOTXS.
Lieut Arnold, of the police force,
ia now at work on a beautiful cot
tage, on the Home School lot
When completed, the eetirr place
will coat him about 13,50*.
Messrs. McDowell ft Son esti
mate that their new building on
College avenue will pay them a net
income of so percent ontbelnvcst-
ment. Every room bet already
been spoke* tor. This shows that
Athens property pays handsomely.
The new Christian charcb ia now
ready for the paintera, and will be
one ef the prettiest little edifices in
the state. , "
The extension to Michael Bros.’
store will soon be completed, The
new council chamber will be oyer*
The machinery ia now being put
in jilace aUhe cotton seed oil mill,
win be ready for the hew
The name of Rabun Gap junction,
on the North-Eastern road, has
been changed to Cornelia, in honor
of the accomplished wife ef the
President of the road. 'Mrs. Pope
Barrow. We aoaie time since made
the suggestion that the name of
Rabun Gap station be changed, for
if the road is.ever extended it will
conflict with the right!ul name of
the terminal.
n* wroas Ticket otvsn a Drmaunsr o» the
A drummer stopping at the falls
wanted to come down yesterday
morning to Harmony Grove, and
went to toe agent at Tallulah to
S urchase a ticket The agent, in
le hurry and bustle, gave the drum
mers ticket to Tumerville instead
of Harmony- Grove; and charged
it he was* *” d
ed Ibr Turnerviile. The drumi ,
kicked ami told the conductor b$
would have to put him off, at be
,to .Harmony QseVC atd
asked for a peat to that place. The
S luctor explained that he had to
> by the face of the ticket, end
af the drummer must payor he
would put himofl., The telegraph
line wet brought into tequisition,.
and all settled without e suit for
ooa oATOtnra fish.
. While the guests of Young’s Ho
tel. at Tallulah, ooblast Sunday,
were sitting in the passage, a setter
dog came through the hotel 1
went up to the fountain in front pf
that building, where Mr. Young
keeps several Urge carp^nd diving
down, captured a carp and came
out of the pool with it in hit mouth,
end-running around under the hotel,
devoured it He came out,
licking his chops, and immediately
went for the lounUin again. Sever
al of the guests followed him to tee
how he caught the fish, but the dog
seeing them, came out end went
back under the hotel. Col. Young
has a large number of carp in the
fountain, some about three feet
long, but if this deg is allowed to
go in alter them they will be de
molished very soon.
J WTurte, Martin; A H O’Far-
ill, Miss L O’Farrell, C J O’Far.
red and wife, J Burch, C D Long,
Athens; W O Jones, I G Swift,
Elbcrton; M Curran, Rome; H J
Cheney, Thomaston; W B Hard*
man, Harmony Grove; Ed Howell,
‘ulius DeGivc, M H Dooly' Miss
Sttora Stephens, Miss Ida Ryan.
Mrs Bingan, Alex Smith, R K
Mrs Uingan, Alex amith, K j
King, GW Everlet, M B Wilkei
ton, Harry Hymen, J H Mocaslie,
(gull It sms Tlut a Btvortsr CaaxM oa
the Fir TistsrtUr.
The moroingi are quite cool, and
the weather decidedly fallish.
There are ahout 30 members of the
Christian church in Athens. - -
- Judge Jackson has appointed
committee to confer with the Oco
nee commissioners about buiUng
the Simontou bridge.
Capt John White says he never
had a finer crop prospect in hit life.
See notice of money wanted in
another column.
We are having more or less rain
daily. Yesterday was . cool. and
rry Hymen, J
Atlanta; A L Dowdell and sister,
Clarksville; B M Zenler and wife,
Macon; Pr«’ Groff, Penn; R W
LasTton and .’..nily, Orlando, Fla.;
W C Elrod, Augusta; G W Mar
shall and family, Florida; J J Nor
ris, J N Gilmer, Anderson, S C;
- . EHervcy,Baltimore. Md; W A
ndwles, Greensboro; fames
Bpn F Butler, Ge; Lieut
Royal Navy; Miss A Stephens, Eu
la, ‘ ■
fauU, Ala.
a ram jxxxr biab.
The greatest cow in the world.
Princess Second, owned by Mrs.
Samuel M. Shoemaker, .of Balti
more, is dead. Inflammation of the
longs killed her. She yielded in
•even days forty-six pounds t mand
n half ounces of better. She had a
voracious appetite. Her first coat
was $4,800. An offerof $15,00 was
refused. Her last calf canid not be
bought for tioyc.x).
No carrier for the Banner-Watch- bnsinete and the paper
has the right to sell papers, and promptly forwarded,
goods, and such paries will
be prosecuted to the extent of Of
law if found out To get the pa
per yop must enroll your name at
this office, when it will be sent
where ordered- This it fsir warn
ing, and we mean business.
We learn that Messrs. Powell &
Davenport will make more, this
year than their force can gather, as
there wee never each a crop seen
as Is growing oa, their Greene
county farm. v Zvesy bam is< now
packad with bay, and the grass con
tinues to grow; their cotton aad corn
are magnificent, and from onq strip
ofbOttomlahdMr. Powell estimates
that he wifi gjathcT one thousand
loads of pumpkins. He is waking
altogether county convicts, and hut
spring oflared at high as (1 par day
for hands to chop cotton. In.
r or hands to chop cotton. Ia por
tions pi Morgan county farmers paid
as high at f 1.35. ’
An old citizen tells nt before the
war WO always had frost the first
week in October, bnt the springs
were a month earlier than now.
There haa been a change of at least
thirty days in the
Dr; Hale is hunting for e new lo
cation for hit office.
Mr. McDuffie advertises a desira
ble cottage on College avenue for
You can get good board end
lodging at the Greenetboro hotels
for$13.50 per month.
An early frost ia predicted for
this fall, and it look* like it.
It is reported that a certain party
in Athens is retailing liquor at 30
cents a drink, on the sly.
There are two plumb bushes in
Oconee, the seed of which 'came
from London and Paris. They
were brought over by Judge Lump
There ia a parrot in Athena that
speaks two languages distinctly—
Spanish and English. He was ed
ucated by sailors and wouldn'
make a good Sunday school teacher.
No signs of the caterpillar have
appeared in this section, and the
cotton crop it entirely free from
Mr. Lowe leaves for Greenetboro
to-day to look after his business.
It it said that every militia dis
trict in Madison county will bd dot
ted with bar-rooms.
Every mail brings us a large list
of new subscribers for our dollar
The negro who robbed Mr. Dow
ner, in Oglethorpe county, two
yean ago, hat been captured in Al
Athens is thoroughly patrolled
every night, and it is breaking up
petty larceny.
Every boy in Athena with a ca|
ital ofjja cents opens a store in 1
back yard.' •
We will pay $5 reward for the
apprehension and conviction of any
one buying a Banner-Watchman
from one of our carriers.
Catching doodles ia pastime for
tome of the Thomas street merch
E. T. Brown, Esq., at the last
term of Jackson court, disposed of
i 5 criminal cates in two days.
n recognition of the Solicitor's
efficient services, the grand jury
paid him a most laudatoiy and de
served compliment in their present
Mac Lowe fa agent Ibr the
r-Watchman at Greenetboro
aad Is authorised to receipt for any
money dee this office. Yon can
leave subscription at his place of
business and the paper wfit he
A100 AX1> ITS CAFACmr.
Mr. Pink Price, of Oconee, has a
silo, 16x33 feet end 9 feet deep, di
vided into two apartments. Into
this he bat already ent ap and
Stored away forage com, German
millet and other green forage from
46 acres eftoad, and on* of the
rooms lack* 18 inches Of befng fill.
He dies a cutting machine,
to chop
propelled by horse powi
op the stalks. !THe will
than enough ensilage to last hi*
stock oil the winter, and he says it
ts keeping splendidly.
ports con-
te come in about crops, and
ingerof a drought hat bow
'vanished. The crop i* opening
slowly, however, and only m few
formers, who planted in March,
have commenced picking. With
the exception of n few unfortunate
spots, the largest crop known ’since
1 war will be harvested-
A negro man in the employ of
Mr. Pink Price, of Oconee, raised
an order give* bios by that gentle
man from $ 1 to $7.50, and succeeded
in passing the same. The scoun
drel then fled to’ Gainesville, Carry
ing off Mr. Price’s cook. He was
punned and both negroes captured
and brought b«ck. The forger will
bo tried et Walton court, a* the or
der was passed in that county.
Orop Eaport—So|ifkm Kovira'.i-A Brae
Corn crop-A Ha Ftaca Was.
Editor Banner-Watchman: Since
your paper {eiUom contains an item
of newt from our end of the county,
I think it not ami.s to give you s
few points as to u we are doing.
At ia usual with our country
churches during the lsying-by sea
son, protracted services are being
carried on at most of our neighbor
hood churches. The revival at
Bethel was providentially broken
into some days since, but will be re
newed next Friday by the Rev. L.
W. Dewry, “the home-made Sam
Jones,” of Oconee. During the re
vival L ... _ . .
MONDAY, AUGUST l"lh, 1*81. Rate* ofiaitlo
|M4 Penraftoahti
... ■ _
Mn* except In cams of protracted ■Ickiiwi,
.... *2 0*
> ’’V-konping, otr. . ... 4 0?
> School Fund. Mo deductions for ab
I. <*. HUDSON,
sS. 1\ ORR,
Associate Principals.
The most popular brand of Chewing Tobacco in the
Tallulah Falls,
This hotel oveilonk* the Grand Ka|i
Ida and aommands a tin. view of she riv
er, and la located In Nortli-Kast Uctuviti
... - .. ~ T —iJj..
vival last week at the Baptist church
(Corinth). Service* conducted by
Kev. J. F. Cheney, of Crawford.
There were ten accessions to the
membership of this church.
Our bachelor friend, Wm. W.
Puryear, has the brag corn field of
this section. Wess says with the
present -prospect* he will make
enongh corn to share it with some
body el**—his better half, you
We have a “For Fence” man in
our midst, the Right Honorable
Constable of the District, who
stand* to it with “the boys” that he
knew what he was doing when be
voted for fence, that be was voting
a d—nd bogus affair, Quite candid
for a fence man.
The infont child of Mr. W. H.
Hayes.just over, the Oglethorpe
line, died on last Satvrday of dip-
therto. Noother case*, and no fear
oi the spread of the spread of this
dread disease for children.
Some of our neighbor* are com
plaining just now or too much fath
er-in-law “in theirn.” It is bad,'*
little worse if anything, than too
much mother-in-law. More anon.
In Michigan a light frost was ob
served tost night It was the first
of the season, snd but little damage
b*s resulted,
on the south slopv of the Blue Judge,
and has a delightful climate, being 2,000
feet above the sea; highest temperature
“1 degrees. The nights are cool soil
.wfreshlng. The Hnn-i has 2,000 feat nf
verandah and 100 rooms, and is supplied
with the best freestone from the moun
tains. There are also mineral spring*
of One medicinal qualltlee—Iron, sul
phur end magnesia—within two hundred
yards of the hotel.
The eoeneryabout thcfallsand hi view
of the hotel is ae sublime and euclmntlug
as any mountain scenery In the world.
Five beautiful falls ilath their waters la
of snot
piles ot snowy whiteness down 480 feet
of rocks within lets thau half a mile.
ture* of sublimity and-beauty. One can
stand on the brink of this rushing our-
rent snd look up at pines end lire which
have their roots planted on the edge of
the rocky cliff 1,000 foot overhead. KonnJ
.MS ,, ' , V,fe rln E,r&Tf 0 “S
soothe one to ilakbor ut night; The
roaring °! the cataract sound* a ph-aannt
lullaby to make sleep secure.
I For those’who' With cool nights fnr
sleep, or who, lithe eMImb mid full and
round of lung, like to climb precipices
and romp over 1 mountains ‘ hy dny, thin
.‘"gr tally Iff
Is the place for them, especially
ho slender of pane fit have an eye to
economy, J '
Than ere Bllliardasud Cords, nurses
and Carriages, Tenpins and Dancing,
arid Deer, Turkey, Squirrel* and Qualls
for those sportively Inctaeil. Depot snd
Telegrajdi oMve will,In 200yard*of uo-
tel, mine arrive and leave dally, ma
king oka* eonneorion With trains on Air
Lino railroad si U*buu Gap Junction.
Tssms or Bosnn.
$2 per day: $10 per’ week, f30 to $40
per month. Special rates made with
family. Children under 12 years $18
per month, servant-, $15 p,-r nmnth. For
larUior information apply to -
“ Pi
260 Pounds Fruit, Tomatcpes,
One^Dollar Package of tho American PruitJPresorving
Powder and Liquid will do it. <
American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid,
Will effectually allay or prevent fermentation, and
preserve all kinds-of Frnit, Juices, Syrups. Sauces,
Marmalades or Compotes of Fruit, Spiced
Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, etc
. It will
Vh9 pro*
fUo rear round, or for yearn, In «Iam, earthen or
, ■»**• tliapiycorktM A i.hSr iNimon co k, or with fironc
paper, or oil cloth tied over the top. or they out*,* I* !c*»pt in wco-ten ken enu
Mims. No need to keep toe renew-*ir»ti£ht. Tm ; • vegetables, etc., may
boused or removed from large re*8el* oa wanted from i<me to time durimr wtelca
or months. '
• E. B. BENSON, Wholesale Agent, Hartwell,[Ga*
hV in L>X O A 00., At ht-ns,Ga.