The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, August 23, 1885, Image 1

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Mr. S. M. Shnnkle, of Harmon; Grove, is veVy ill and not exacted to live. Mr. Harry Pliini7y has shout got ten ilia new office fitted up. W. Addison Knowles, of the Greeneshoro Home Journal, has been tramping through the ratun- taina. His baggage consists df a fly fan, a mosquito net and three copies of his paper. U7. and Mrs. Bertling sailed from New York for Europe yesterday. Mr. Kichatd Hurra as is still very tick. The friends of the p op-aad-Go baseball dub still think that they can down the Atlanta professionals Col. F. Phinizy returnej yester day from Nicholson. Hons. H..H. Carlton and R. B. Russell came home yesterday spend Sunday. One of the cleverest men in our community is Pres. Elder, one of Talmadgt Bsos.' leading salesmen- He Is deservedly one of the most popular men in the .business with all the trade from the country and knows everybody in Oconee coun ty. He is said to know the names of every farmer in the order they live along the different roads lead ing through the county. In all firms teas a Xs ports r oaasfti on tha nr Tsstsrdsy. The merchants are receivingtheir goods very fast ‘ Michael Bros, will have the: best atranged store in Athens. BSD LUCS. Mr. McGintv is havings series of bad luck. He had a fine Jersey cow to die yesterday. By Rev. Emory Anderson, Mr. J- E. Greer and Miss Lissie Toombs Brawner, all of Clarke county. hoke loonr. 'Coleman, the auctioneer, return- •ed Friday night from New York. He has purchased a large stock for hit-ten cent store. Mrs. Alex Nabors died yesterday alter a lingering illness. She was an estimable lady, and leaves a hus band and five little children to mourn her lost. AHOriUB BALI. Oglethorpe county’s first bale Wat received on Friday by Moss & Thomas. It was shipped them by Mr. J. Phillips, of Sandy Cioss. LOVED OVEB. Mr. Tom Greer waived trial be lore the U. S. Commissioner, and was hound over to appear at the 1 October term of the court WANTINO BAIN. The farmers near Winterviile are complainingubout not having rain enough. The notion has fallen off terribly in the past few days from the hot sun The police are principally engag ed in quelling difficulties among the colored damsels. Tom Tracy, the decorator and paper hanger, is advertising in this issue. His work gives perfect sat isfaction. The grand jury of Hall county is getting a lot of true bills against Coffee, at Lula, for selling whisky at retail. A young man dressed in women’s clothes sings for the members of tha legislature, at a beer., jerking saloon on Marietta atreet The people of Jackson county are busily engaged working the roads. The handsome horse thief is still at large. Bird, who was in for stealing a bale of cotton, has been —iptored. The Banner-Watchman returns thanks to Mrs. Toomer for a waiter of grapes and brandy peaches. The Hodgson Bros, have fired the first gon of the season in out adver tising columns on bagging and ties. They will keep a very large stock on hand all the time and jvill supply the farmers at the lowest prices.* Mrs. Jeff Lane and children are visiting Mrs. S. C. Reese, on Han cock avenue. Veronee has rented No. 13 on Broad street and will put in a full stock of stoves and tinware. A runaway couple came down on the North-Eastern Friday night to HarmonyXJrove. The bride was only 15 years old. The building committee have dug four good wells on the fair ground and they all have splendid water., The (air ground will be enclosed in a few days, with a good close fence. The track at the lair grounds is being graded and will be ready in a short time. The fair grounds will be used as a summer retort for the citizens of Athens. A fine grove wilt be en closed, which will be a delightful place to go during the bested term ‘'Hot, hotter, hottest, and still a Ei.tiKRTON, GA.,Aug.2i—Ellier ton is on the biggest building boom ever known here. Old houses are being renovated and new ones built The old town has taken on a new and neat appearance, indicative of thrift and prosperity., Beside* oth- eis.the hondsome new granite-build ing of Dr.’s, . the large two story building of the Elbcrton. Man- ufacturiny Company and the foun- dry of Phillips & Garbutt are among the more prominent. The fall ’term of the Elbeiton Male Academy opened here‘this week, with'a good attendance. The female institute opens next week, with the prospect ora large 1 anco. |>--t - —< • ’A number of our merchants have gone north for the purpose of laying in their (all and winter goods. The superior court convenes next month. There is quite an amount I lf civil business to transact; but udging from tbe docket now tbe criminal business will he light Misses Daisy and Nellie Colbert, Athens, with their friend. Mils ddie Harper,-of Nickviile; are spending several days in Bit Considerable interest it being manifested in a proposed railroad from this -place to some point in Sonth Carolina to connect with the Savannah Valley road. TI10 dis tance will only be about fifteen miles, and the road can be built at a comparatively small costs. If the crops are aa fine this fall as the prospects indicate, the road will “e built within two yeara, and Will prove ol ineatimable benefit to El beiton and tower Elbert. DOTS FBOM DAMKLSVIM.E. Danielsville, Ga., Aug. at.— Madison county pays a hundred cents on the dollar, and is able to Cohtlnue so to do. jail has not bad a single occu- jant since being cleared by last , ourt fill tbio week, when two 1 darkeys, charged, with cattle steal Point I’khi'eniiic.jl.ak, Aug 19. Dear Banner-Watchman: There is some re,t lor ilie vftary. After frizzing and frying and baking awd foiling in a hot, dusty city, where ilie mercury ranges and abides amongst the nineties, and the whole town looking as desolate as if a yet- Id'vv fever scourge had frightened ilie entire population into the.nionn- tains, or summoned them!, to that long resting place from whose bourne no traveler returns,' I, have, with the interest of my country and he welfare of postihjfc future pos- erity at heart, seen ft to - pack, all my earthly possessions in a small grip-satchel and take'upmy abode lor a time on the sunny side of the Blue Ridge mnunta.ns, in the hills and valleys of the extreme northern pr.tti-m of Ilie hospitable old county of Banks, If a business man-who is tired of the hum-drum role of daily duties, dekires to- spend. a month of solid comfort,* spiced with the luxuries and pleasures life, in proluse variety, let him' come: to the retired shades, the fertile val leys, the sporting hills and silvery streams of Banks county, where the smiting fields yield abundanj liar- hi vests, the laughing brooks contrib ute in greatest quantities the speck led mountain trout,'.and honey blockade flow freely, the Ui States,government to the<coutrary notwithstanding, , Banks county more independently of the '. profli gate customs and conventionalities bt what is commonly termed '“so ciety,” or even of Ihc rigidly drawn lines of the law. They acknowl edge no superior, save God alone. They live, move and have their be ing within their own bounds. ' Ab-t solute freedom is exercised • to* a' greater extent in'this county!, than perhaps in any spot on-the globe*. The population is considerably -di viderl between the whites, am our calaboose since last March court. Notwithstanding the fact that two license bar room rare doing business heatingV* was the'way U Was pnt'up h '* r * »!“> have been all the year! yesterday. SHEEP KILLING POM. The farmers around Dowdy, in Madison county, are complaining of the damage done to their flocka by dogs. There have been qoabeep killed in the past few weeks. A litile strychnine placed in pieces of beef and put in the pastures will soon put an end to them. A CURIOSITY. Mr. Lu .n Williamson, of Jackson county, killed a chicken for dinner Thursday, and on the gizzard of the chicken was the head, bill, eyea and neck ot a chicken. This forma tion had grown on the gissard. Dr. Whaley, of Athens, has this curi osity in his possession. WHE* WILL PEOHtBITIOH 00 IXT0 RT FSOr IB HABERSHAM We hive been asked time and again when the prohibition law would go into effect in this county. According to the terras of the act and the order of the ordinary it will take effect Sept nth. It ia not known whether any effort will be made to oppose the law taking its course. If there is, this men who labored for prohibition will see that the law is strictly and promptly en forced.—Toccoa News. TEE on. sat, Ilie cotton seed oil mill is fast be- ing brought to completion. The buddings are all about finished and the machinery put in position. Mr. McElhany, the manager says that he will commence pressing out tbe oil by the first of October, This will be e great advantage to the farmer* 'to get a good price for their surplus cotton seed. The mitt will pay cash for tha seed or exchange cotton seed meal tor them. The meat is said to be fine for stock and for fer tilizing. (HAND ZNGAXPKElfT L 0. 0. F. ! Mr. W. M. Pitman has [ust re- tutncrf Bp(it-ijir--aiegtmf bf-hw ! svui,« Grand Encampment, L O- O. J?-, With bfct and the Grand Lodge of Georgia^ held at Newnan, Ga. Tbe follow ing are the officers of the Grind Encampment: - H. C. Hutcheson, Atlanta, Grand Chief Patriarch; G. C. Wilson, Sa vannah, Grand High Priest; C. D. Russell, Savannah, Grand S. W.; R. T. Daniel, Griffin Grand J. W.; J*hn-O. Deitz, 'MaCOn, 3 Scribe; W. S. G * Grand Treasurer; Athens, Gntud !!SMi Asher, Griffin, Grand Sentinel; IK P. Murphy, Grand Messenger; C. A. Robbe, Augusta, Grand tative. Grand Lodge—H. F. Everett, Co lumbus, Grand Master; Prof- Lf Hstte, Gainesville, Deputy Gram Master; D. Porter, Savannah, Grand Warden; J. G. Deitz, Macon, Grand Secretary; John Tyson, Savannah, Grand Treasurer; A. C. Ward, Dahlonega, Grand Chaplain; John Riley, Grand Sentinel; f. P. yan, Grand Herald; Repr- lives to Sovereign Grand I John B Goodwin and C. H. D sell, of Savannah! They hold their meeting next year in Atlanta. * - ■ Madison county has now about seventeen hundred voters, an In- Create of about three.hundred with in the past two years, her MB. CULP'S LETTER. ' Friend Gantt: I step to the without Mr. Bloomfield’s knowle or consent, and vindicate hit actio in telling hie superintendents that they join an organisation which i antagonising the interest pf the. ent Manufacturing Ci they mnst find some ot _ tqemploy them. Mr., Bloomfield represents the Company, and would be recreant to bis duty if he Ifddpa overseers in the factory to direct the work and control the hands, who, instead of doing their duly to the Company, are telling the hands that the company is grinding them to the dust—iyrobbing them—is. work- .ing them too long end paying them too tittle—is expecting to gtil two dollars worth of labor for erery dol- lar*’ worth of work, Would you ntEPAU nt THE PAIR. The fanners should be preparing for the coming fair which wilt be held about the 151b of October. Good premiums will be offered for everything raised on the form, and it wilt not only help them but will help tbe Fair Association. The farmers of Northeast Georgia shoul d* take especial interest in this, ss it is mostly for tbe benefit of stock rai s- •rs and farmers. The director* ol tbe foirassociation are doing every- thing in their power to make the fair grounds one of the main fea tures of Athens and Northeast Georgia, and it behooves our mer chants and farmers to give it a good send off and make the first fair a grand success. Send inyeur butter, pigs, cows, potatoes, and garden products and taka a premium. The premium will be distributed inn few .day*. § harm than good. Myself and George Palmer have- aggregated about 40 '.B., me a: • ** ■- yean with Mr. ss and Pal- iS years, and will both testily to tbe fact that Mr, B. is not a hind .man on his help, nor illiberal in paying wages, but he runs his busi ness and don’t ask bia bands to dil ute hi* policy. This much, Isay in justification of Mr. ' BY course. Respectfully, Pbthr Culp. AT HEW HOLLAED. From a party just returned from New Holland Springs -we learn mat Camp & Calloway are better fare than toy, £9*1 „ country. They have access to all tbe markets and get everything that their guests want. - There is n large crowd there and music and dancing evary aigbt. Wc r.cvcr saw Madison good citizens more dete attend to their own business. Madison county can “tote own skillet” - Madison county has eight bar rooms, a decrease of lour within the past twelve months. Less whi-ky drinking is done in Madison county than heretofore. Madison county has as upright, morahlc, moral and sober a citi icnship as anybody’s county. Madison county’s.good citizens have an immense amount of pure backbone, • - , i- Madison county bad enough sand in her craw to whip one of the most Unequal fights ever seen in her bor ders, carried on by tho combined forces ol more than twenty persons who do not belong to her, from the Tblskeluon pulpit, the bat, and of both racea, j and amateur stump speakers, with not a speaker from outside her bor ders to aid her. Many of her citi- ns consider the fight won because the unfair basis ■ upon which the estion was submitted, and the inner in which the campaign was conducted. And yet Madison coun ty must he slandered and insinuated upon and the character of her citi zens stabbed at by parties who are cither ignorant of the facts, or wi of God in their hearts to keep them n remembrance of the Golden Rule. If every newspaper would run one column especially dedicated to moralists, may be so callc ((moralists might learn, among other good and wholesome things, to attend to their own business; to let the business of others alone and that he who would steal a min’s character is meaner than a horse thief. i ‘" I FOR THE cnUBOB. The colored literary debating so ciety of Bethel'A. M. E. church, nixed July 8th, 1SS5, H. M. :h. President; Stephen Perry, Vice President; Dock Strickland, Attorney; D. L. Rakestraw, Secre tary. The above named society wiflt perform the following pro gramme at tho Town Hall Monday iag, at S o’clock sharp, to h alt are cordially Invited. Special seats will be arranged for all white friends who wish to attend. bilion been a benefit to the county of Clarke and city of Athens?" Affirmative—Julius Mapp, D. L, Rakestraw, Dock Strickland.t.ia ■ Negative—Wm. Walker, Ci H* deman, Stephen Perry. u»; . /HI Admission—Lady And gent, 15c.; single person, ** i\ »ir. A. S. Dorsey to picking cotton w next week, and will • bale per day. while Speer was cnrousjng around in the old ninth, inciting -the . ne groes to aspire to a superior point to that occupied by the whites, and filling them with false impressions politically amj.sosially, it was fear- cd that this element' would , give trouble and necessitate f help being tution; but since Speer is dead, and prohibition reigns sod ClpvtlandpcJ cupies the White House, you would never know that there‘were any negroes 'Jn' the counfl unless vou should, liappc to see them in the- fields , JR I psUlssktti eitliaL melodies-wafled as in snte-bellart» fsys. -They seem l to be 1 t4iMqt)tod J lW}3^iiTM i W above all thankful that aemocratic victory does not nesn second bond-’ age. Enough hn already been said about fine crops in Georgia, so I 'will simply smc that it will be a matter of Imposshility. for mother- earth to yield a nore abundant re turn to the farrrt< for , ,his labors than she: gives foi promise of doing 1 .V^ifcs . A corre snflenj »if flic IncT anap olis Sent'rtef tel!&.« jpuH story, pro jyauufacUretl out oj* the whole cloth, of a of jtrlv war inch cjtat at Afidernonvilip orison. A* the eforjr rtiu», G -ncraf Ho weft Cobb visited Amler»onvil?e to look in,to the alleged <le*eiiiou of the guards. It was* critical time, 1864, and there were Ij.ooq Fedcral’ pris* onera in the stLckaJe. If any. con siderable nu mber of ti.c guards de* aerted it wms feared that the prison ers would make a break and over run the country. The respond ent says fhat.General*tub’./ collect ed the guards near the stockade end commence a ringing speech in which he reminded them of the im portant trust confided to them and urged them to do their duty. Before the speaker had uttered more than a few sentences about fifty prison ers m the stockade \ve*-e heard singing the first verse of the -“Star- Spangled Banner.’! - When 1'the chorus was ib(ffched, with detona- tipn* lifce an “cxplcdoji, 5,000 voices were heard pooling: -*- *» “The BUr-aptnglcd rmnner, O, Ioiir m»y It Twenty car loads of genuine All Jute BAGGING, all weights. Send in your orders at once and get ad vantage of go^ds bought before the advance. We will not be undersold. . V >if“i j , HODGSON BROS bg 1 t vsh will write yo| soon of the hid den resource* aid natural curiosi ties and wonderi tbst found in Bank: county. '^1-muij close now. in ordfr , to .cAtcK.'-.tha mail. Sioux. ie speech, hut when the roar sub. ded and only a lew tcore voice* were heard tinging the second stanza. VVirtz hastened to have the tinging stopped.' The narrator of the story says* .. v — ~ , : J •The vase was sung and the chorus yeached again. The con- 'regation 'dumlierqd : 10,000 more ban before. Hc.iviiist, what a swell of sound! The very air seem ed to quiver with the concussion— the stocksdc wall trembled. The stunned r irfqj had reached the : great gate, stood stock stil! a- if paralyzed. The sol diers forming the tquarfc weie pow las ing the prison. * - ■-‘^‘ir trfK-r-j •-‘Tne storm lulled, the speaker sought to resume, but his manner was disconcerted. Wilt/ was mov ing nervou-ly about, but essaying nothing. They Board the breeze of song sweeping the lines of the third stanza, but knew it only foreboded the return of tin i< mpest. And now it comes- |k ibm* V stS2 I “Thereare20,000throats sv idling the call of the penant under which they had fought, and 5,00.) morn joined in the invocation: 4. »--*• s-* 'it tt.elsnilr)[" tho tut'toa 11V :.u no of the r.mtfc ' . * v»‘ , * '* ‘ r , *_* . *r -r5*TK* sarhn nf fhr- Mint Wdni* but struck the branches of the pin when they begin to repeat. II! wider, stronger, louder the awn eals, roars,‘it ‘booms, it thu t is artillefy.oT>01 rr.stands transfixei the anthem before, bur Thu listeners appear almoft drops from ‘li's’^ianMwi^iqj H. \*m mM at «<1 Isrn « a ndW the UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. I WILL SELL m $4 75 4 90 On( i 'llttl ('I'tJuitl-l 1 ..tA I *JJ| PojllRr^ek"V.'l| *"— Glen-Maty Tornifi CaHti oil JJclivory of Coni. j **’ Delivered at your house. Large quantities at lower prices. Send yoiu: pjiie^by postal c?rd, or leave jt at Compress Coal Yard. 1 $W. B, THOMAS, angldillS-i ' Athens, Georgia. fcA, PATTERSON & CO’S. CELEBRATED voices are clanginif the chorus— w 000 bosoms nutUtoft-siUb thought 1 of coantrr,'«nd;fia|n clamber up, amt, Mippo strongercomradr*. ■wavotheiresp. 1 Boor, fever-wasted fraitAs.-TWj-'HW 1 rtLi an ho.ur of dissolution of thelr'.dh'- its, haltuprive, and propping upqo 'yZ-OT Tho most pnpuIii^ brnnd oC Chewing Tobacco in the UtlVV'l t4Uiff Iviiqsa w»« *(fT | iUhI f,u* TALMADGE BROTHERS, AGENTS, d raise the withcredjingers - _ olhkr-sloft"While -ihev unite icir cracked' toice's in.the'refram jriltheat ileyer morcuT,^!,' ‘’at’ YOUNG'S HOTEL *