The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, September 02, 1885, Image 2

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I mm 0 * , : -dL—T.. % BAIp^^myvTCHMAM, A?HBWS, QB^RCITA^EONgBOAV M0R?«»0, 6EPT^rB»R a, 1885? ' * ■’ ?’ f |1 NNEl^WATC •4lABJ%AWD. BANKER. WATCHMAN offioul ouu or ir af AtttM and CUrt«, Oconee ft InU. umi mMEnjoi iutf 0»ilf,$6;....tmri*r. »«•**, SI. 'ZU V. tlZ- T. L. GAHTT. TH6 MIA TO AMEND THE RAILROAD COM. MISSION LAM. J New,: VVc publish in another column this morning the full text of the senate bill to amend the act of Oct 14, 1S79, creating the commission of Georgia, and *nd carpet-baggers. Parnell demands a dissolution of England and Ireland,' Of couTm the British government will at once proceed to draw up the papers. The President is stilihnlftl^Adi. rondacks fishing for mountain trout: He had much better be in Washing, ton angling for Southern scallawagS ng the duties of the corn ed amendment is fair, ides that the railroads I make a *' schedule, each for it self, ol rates of charges for the trans portation of passenger*, freights and can w.blh4haikbdjgit'an'd lehion- f.ahknJhi acheduM t&yQrp'cofeL polled to publish once a week for two weeks in some newspaper in the cities of Atlanta, Augusta, Al bany, Savannah, Macon, Rome and Columbus, and to posjt at all of their rospecli^e^tatlons, but na increase of fifftcM eah fee made without thirty days notice This change is wise, because it enables thti railroad com- -panies to have some control over their income. s ^^j^tlw law now in force the r«i|road companies are deprived of thia right. They may on Sent, i apply the present rates of the com missioners to the anticipated busi ness of the next four succeeding ■ months, and make large contracts Tor engines, cars, depots, etc., to be paid from the expected returns of xJlie business, yet the commissioners -can, under the present Inw,alter the < '4mitraete made, without notice of any icind, reduce arbitrarily the rates which they bid before dcclar- » ed were ^just and reasonable, and thereby seriously embarrass the cU^n remedy! for one oft The colored Georgia civil rights bill wax pulled too late. The proper place to h*ve introduced It would hpye been iu the Iowa republican convention. That liquor ring in the Geor; legislature should join "that . fi| tcrlng expedition to Cubji. ( they don’t know about lillibus ain’t worth learning.: J ' anies. The commissioners in journ. the past have often, by their circu 'sr,'made these reductions, and by > thus rendering extremely uncertain ‘the income of the railroads, have impaired the credit of the old com panies and destroyed many new en terprise!—5' " prfitnaes \n^ , 'inode ol. compelling the railroads to perform their duly in the prrmisea. Every person, community, town, city or corpora tion affected by any action of the railroad Companies is afforded most ample opportunities for carrying their complaints before the commis sioners as non organized, who are to hear and determine the tame as judges and not as legislators. Under the law at now adminiS' tered the commissioners are a legis lature td make rates, rules ard reg ulations, and the rates when made •to declared to by evidence. They are at the tame time a court to try -the railroads for violating the rules which they have made, and the " : is introduced on the t schedule of rates which made by them; and if Odter tuck a trial they find the rail roads guilty, which must be a mat- -ter of course, by section nine ol the act, it la made their duty aa execu tive officers to recover from the penalty not to exceed nd dollars, and not'fo'be ne thousand dollars,'•’foi* bay mg the temerity to disobey their * rotei, rule! dr regulations. J This aenate amendment in allow- , r !tng the railroads to make their own fates, and the commissioners to de cide cases only which msy be braughrbefqre them, under ruin of evidence made by the legfjlkture, > this great objection; -The nent takes away legislative * and confers judicial post- j the right to make' rules and regqhtiont like the jt^gls^ of the superior and supreme' courts, not Inconsistent with the law* of the state and of the United State j. Third. The amendment provides • eery simple mode of an- appeal. The appeal is to the superior court ol the county where the complaint originated. The party complaining hat the right to call upon the Solic- itor General of the circuit, and his t ire to be rfxad tefeither party ed ikatftbtf sword wtfm by Blucher at Waterloo wq* sold In ertrn 'he other day' for only $20- Why, the sword that Grant didn't refute tq. accept from Gca. Lcp bell for more than this to i American antiqnaru Representative Sneed’s base ball bill teems to have keen knocked out of the grounds. Henty,Grady threatened to adjourn the legislature again if that* bill came to a head. Another doctor baa jmtbeen era mated at Lancaster,~Pa."" It is need less to add that the crematory for lawyers is not established in Penn sylvania, but just across the river StyX - l. The Virginia negro women are bulldozing their huabadda into vot ing for John Wise. The Old Do minion doubtless don’t stand much in need of a whipping post for wife beaters. The legislature bas just enough irork.before it to keep it workiftg day air'd night until Christmas. If that body will now only pass the general local option bill' and assess ment and registration laws, the tax payers are willing to let them ad. I purchased your . children, who bad I very severe attack of bfUotuness. and It occurred to me that the remedy might • %elpmy wifi, sal found that our little glrTupoo recovery had “liar sal lowness, and looked as fresh as a new-blown daisy. Well, the story la soon told. My wife, to-day, has gairied'herold-time beauty wlthcom- - pon-d Interest, and Is now u handsome ' i*matron (If 1 do ear it myself)'as can j bo found in this county, which is noted for its pretty womeu.i And I have only Mt HopoUters to thank lor It. ‘The dear creature just looked over my'Shoulder, and says I ‘e in flatter equal SO thedaysof onrcourtshlp,’ and that reminds me there might he more Bullock has been interviewed by the Chicago Tribune, and pays a glowing tribute to “the lair and im partial laws of Georgia.'* Bullock should certainly feel a yearning ten derness toward the, Georgia judi ciary, for had .'justice been done diamonds for Joe Brown. Senator Bob Failigant, of Savan nah, is one of the best workers in Georgia. H* is just the kind of man that Georgia now needs in the U. S. Senate, and we would support him heartily for that position. He is brainy, fearless, and at true to hjt' party and his principles as the nee dle to the pole. “Since I have been appointed Judge,’’ said Emoiy Speer, the other day, “my life hits been as near perfect happiness at mortal life ever f ets to be. I look, not only with indifference, but' aversion, on politics, and thaUrin'all likellhood hold this place at long at I live. We will add, by way of; that the tame happy resij vails with the o^heol^jgfl^listrkK& s Lovely daughters and noblemen.” •‘My farm lies In a rather low and fasmstic situation, cad “My wife I” ‘Wbor In Virginia, the outlook fot dem- Sjcsasi a&ssff ‘Spw s hang *John Wise on a lcallawag tree!” '•noHow-eyed!” ueiore ner time, from uneasiness. “A short time ing of great pretty wives if my brother farmers would do as I have done.” Hoping yon may long be sparek to do good, I thankfully remain, C.L. JAMES. Beltsvillo, Prince George Co., Md., Map 24 th, 18C3. */••;■! ‘Hone genuine without a bunch ol green Hods on the white label. Bhan all the vile, poisonous stuff with ‘ Hop” Of “Hope” in their name. DO YOU WANT i of land In throe miles of Athens, wit ppring In flftw feet of dwelling and »m honee. stone basement and asm 1U acres offend in excellent epring a good • room ho . outuuildlnrs Two fine breaches runnlug through the land. Fifty aerea of wooded land. Plenty of food trait. Mr. M. L bunaway, on the place. The Cole Lot for Sale. he loi nun threath the entire block, fronting »ach Clayi- a and Market streets. The lot is 1 adapted :or warehouse or livery stable pur ls. It would for a city or private market bo rln £^ • A GbOD HOME TO REM OR TO LEASE. ' The heme of the lato Mrs. W. N. White, on miledfe avenue in the city of Athens, will be rented for oat year or leased for Qve years on reasonable terms This is one of the most desir able homes In Georgia. There la an excellent . a most detir- __jfgfei There la an excellent orchard .containing nine (9) acres of choioe fruit, a well of good water, several fir j springs and all tfeeeecxry outbuilding* on the place* there is thirty (80'acres of land attached t..: he place. Poasetaiop given October 1st, 1885. For terms and prices apply to my attorney George O. Thom as, or tho nudersignea on the proinl&es. MRH. A, R. MBLL, ex’tx Mn. Wm. M. White, 61 \J ALIWLO. For isle, 210 soses of land, within X mile of Athens; good six room house, several tenant bouses; a number of good springs on the place, plenty of open land. A bargain can be had by applying to J. d. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent, “ CITY PfipPERTV ••• for eounlrj /kra., or good, Ie.el, Beat E.UM Aft c. FRENCH CANDIES. XBV. Pal a. fAPITAL PRIZE,f/b,000 mtM Oaty $L Skataa ta rnpasttsa. LOUISIANA STATE .LOTTERY ifi i To the World! NATURtfsS GREAT SPECIFIC FOR EVERY FORM OP BLOOMAND SKIN DISEASES I Ffcmale Complaints, Scrofhla, Dyspepsia. L m Disease, Rheamatlsm. Catarrh, tJyphlUs, Blood Poisoning from whatever canso, and Malarial Poison. Complete Essay oa BIood,8kin, Nerve and Muscular Diseases, write to MACON MEDICINE CO,, Sole Proprietors, macon oa., Sold io Powdered Form, easy to prepare at home wither witbent spirits—Small sixe.ttc; large sice, |1. Mailed to any address on receipt ef |rice. Liquid form—bmall also, tlj Large i'“ LAND FOR SALE. yone wanting a good six room house with . two acres of fandadiolntng and a good three room tenant house on the premises. Bald land and houses are situated on lne North-Eastern R R. one mile south of Hsrmony Grove. Ga., and on the Athena and Clarkesvllle road. Twenty acres of the above in original fnre»*. should ad dress tho undersigned at Han n/ '’rave, Ga. WM. H-«' IPTHN*. or MRS. 1C. W HARDEN. Jutyfl 4m. • tkcpetpUtf** It newer eealee erpeetpenee. .> i, A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO W/H A FORTUNE. Ninth Grand Drawing, ClassJL IN THE ACADEM DAY?8.ris«l)51,'j OO^mrififonthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $79,0 30. | 100,000 Tickets, Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths in proportion. unu rum. 1 CAFITALFBIZE. } it <2 i ruses or jaooo.. it a. to dm Mt—, ... 100 4. XW....M. MO *t 100 500 do 60....- . 1.000 d. 25 CUSTOMERS WANTED. TO.TAKB PURK,(CLEAN SWEETI MILK, CREAM AND Butter Milk. 14 QUART TICKETS FOR $i Addra.OAK OBOTI DAIRY. F.O. box 13. luSttt SPECIAL. I Anr one wishing whisk wean secure them Ud miles from Athens, on the road to WatklnsvllM, near Paper M1IL I have oa hand all tha popular brands that have been kept In Athens for the past years, and solicit the patronage of my old costomerallkewlso that of my new ones to whom guarantee satisfaction. J. A. FOWLER, . • - Large Lot. : Writ watered, clou, to btulnen; can be boa.h «5 iss lSK-b£zr ^ • j 6 wiLuyonp. i.. To Rent. ' Tb* Ijtre.'kMt* oa OeonM itrMt, furut To. Rent. . Large and deslrabra rooms; furnished or an fur Jabad, corner of Clayton and Jackson streets polled If deslrsd. Apply on premises Aogltlii LUCY COBB INSTITUTE. —.rt-bntn, .oudtluj, lore at «n.l!p»tlon. byipapth eiilt MM adMtkA todily lad lOtlUAL ’ bit should stiuiuiato the digvwtkny aad eeetnw rejitlkr daily action ot the bowels, by tho BlJ Of IMWNUS dOM of ' •* ^yer’sfffls. After the bowols are regulated, ooa of ttgm taken etch .day after burner, la an h rc4atWtooompJ^.tu «w%T Avna'a Plm are angar^catedBad purely ! vkretaMb—a jdoas.-tnt, entirely safe, and ra> hebtu medicine for the core of all tllanrilfin •f tho rtotuoeh and bowols. They are Ihe beet of all purgatives for 'i tally ons c»a, oa„ wtU be „„ ___, day in Beptimber. For eetelocoea aad ~lastcali: ' i. plmcea in tbe . -,R D ’L.Kr2S.’Si * 1 Horrie ‘School For Young j!';; <i(i ;,''Ladies. . it , —Athkn8, Georgia.— TDXKRCI8E8 hn..l nn Widnred.. ■’ - ■ 19*7 FrUc, awoantln, to ApdiMUon Sir ret., U clttbiikoaM tremsd, only to the o$m .rtb. Compear In K.w Orleeai let fttrthrr latbrautlon writ, clreriy, ter. Cutrincy by tipreu (.11 .aiu o(l6 utd op ward! .tour .xpenre) Mldtrewd X. A. DAUFHnt, IMwOttMaALdw or If. A DAOPIIIN, 607 Srrntk St., WuhliftOB, D.O. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered letters to KBW OBUUXS VATIOXAL BAXK, °H - N'.wOrtwtu, L». STATE NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans; La FRENCH Wine Coca. OBOROIA RAtLKOAD COMPANY BTONK MOUNTAIN ROOTS. Orrxx Q xx ual NuXAn-x, Aazuts.0. oAusutnUree/ra — I llll Mill l" Wooaiuie piS “ Mmrys.. 3.0C p.m |:«n.5S}::3 mama •• Winter* *«. <:**,.m Ho. LWHIMsH MAST DAILY. L'veAtlanta... b:s6^,b 1 stop as and receive na is followingstaiona only: trarawa , „ 5nfiSTS5: troe'&FSlrlS:. — ,, crew , Urcetixboro, Hndiron, . Otrvtnztoo .Uonyere, Li- IWsn l.i Stow. Mrenisla ernfMetebext Tho WM’^JjncctafonjU pointa east aad northeast, wr at Union Point. isfaat maUiuns through sleepers between nte and Charleatoa. Trains to and from ena connect with trains S7,2f, 1 nad X WORTH-BASTKBN RAIUYOAO. . Athens, Os^ July 1st., ter July 1st., •- i as foUows: 7# Meridian 1885, trains on this idlan Time. ..1:46 pm -...8:00 a m ..1:84 pm - U45 p 4 m Leave Athena.... Arrive at ntua - Arrive Atlanta. . Leave Atlan/e-. Leave Lula-.. Arrive at ..’.hens.— ..6:00 p m ...8:6 p m ,.10:36 p n> * FOR SALE. AptodmlDh MKSSsUr Mren,wbt7ii 1«- W. B. BURNETT. ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, OTFWB OVER MAX, JOSEPH'S. FimUmu In SUMxi^ESyUUoaitt....;, ufil ■“•“A , .7 Jnne283m. Or.J.O.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, SoUbrnUDnichtn Taps* *• wkloA tkl, tMn.y. f Fr1nt«I w. - ?•£!»_ft'jar - Ar «%, h r;..v. I MTC.CO^I OP-PAPER CLARKE CO. GA. COl^MAIPS CORN MILLS, 'in\ - ■- r . - I DA» R< u, *-• AND' —HABITS CURED by B. m. Woolley, m. d, ATLANTA, GA. ■ Strengthens and Exhilarates. 8ntalns anti, refreshes, aids digestion imparts nsw life and energies to the worn and exhaust ed mind and body, and excites every faculty of mind and body t> healthy and natn- ml condition. COCA la a wonderful invlgorator ol tbe genl tal organa,and removes all mental and " s'rjra-wi&isss:: WVAsniaA*, ’ 1 LtiMdf Memory, Uslm. etc. Mt PEMBERTON^ ■P**"*^. £ikrWndMfom*ra,Tlifohfs in MsTwaiKOCCi eyo. thg.^un. Bsus)Uo ?5S S 2 >«SS a| 6DaW;XMre(*B.Ulu .’>* 'aSS!1 vS*s m ^ee.emmmm 6.12 a W venTnia..— til, m l^lSuiSSr 1 l, Siii(olS.' " Us wflonwd and iscwsiiwnMBbrmh 90,000 of the moat smioent inadlcal In fos world. Head pampUatoTwoe- iHilSfofraiiliiiSim Coco *' Tiaut *wm Mri _ fsManwtreMtvtnkBywi Its 11 llllkrf MILLINERY GOODS. OsB aad|STap|nA jtess>Sseitpn tstt. xySIy , MRS. T. A. ADAMS DSTW. M. DURHAM ■ ■ ':''SPeciAUST7 • :os ,^oh ‘ THE 0B **M 3.3TBL U Z’. New Orleans,' v * • f t rf’ Xe. 0 Perdido NtreeL AUGUSTA, GEORI - VV, M, Thomas, Tallulsh Palls Accommodation ou Wednesdays mid batardaya only. ”” No. l. No. L'v'Tal Falls 6:46 p m... I —L’v Cornelia 9:21 Ar at Cornelia 7:M | Aral Tal Fall! lvjjo Trains Nos 1 and 2 cuunoets at Oornolia wl BsJi D Ttalus Nos 61 and 59. Train No. 5f connects at Lula with If. A D. aln No. 60 for Atlanta and all points la Bonth «rPullman Buffet Sleeping Car Lula Atlanta. Train No. 61 ooanocts at Lola with Ke A D. train No. 62. Close connection in Atlanta for all Southern aad Booth western points. nVPullman Palace Hleopfog Car through from k. * d »a.Pullni.p FBm. Nuir.t C.r tbrouyb from 1-rejBi No. aiconnou. .1 Lula with R. A D.treln Kwtorn CUIm. . ™m. SlMplns C«r through from Lola without .bnure, Air tret., on NT*, ft. ft. tl.lly, 8umt.r. tlcSM. on Hle.t Atnuti. lor .11 orou- bANVILLEKAIt.H<UA0 PAsaxuoxa dspaktmkut. Dlvlilon will b. u totlow,' UM MM$S 1 • a Much t tent uolnU MIJU.IUC ir^MdrtiM..:. •;Kb5n Gap Junction.B ■'Hparub’r. Hfi “I Gap Janctioii!! iiS S.1S Hell No. 66 Dally. .10 p i ST • 2a» an ..*!•» am .. Eta . n, ..Iitfi. m :“S 1 i 81LVZK ^^jgjprar - » ATI •»«W«SS ct