The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, September 04, 1885, Image 2

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BANNER-WAI _ offioiai. ouu or f of Athena And Clark*, Oconw * Bask*. ainroaL aoBaoiirnok Daily, 85;.... Sunday, 81;. ...gatUy, 81. T. U GANTT. BOLL CALL ON BONKBB HILL. A Letter of 0«n. ‘ mm' Written to T*ar» a»o. It Lttuli Repnbllera. Here to an epistle, aomewhat old, but full of bright idea*, just ai it appears in'fn old temp-book: Washington, Ga., March 14, 1865.—Dear Dudley: Mr. C. C. Clay, our late commtoaioner to Can ada, who has been spending about one month with ut, leaves to mor row for Richmond, and I avail my self of the opportunity of writing to you. Sallie will give you all the local newt. She antT the children and Julia are in excellent health. She wrote you last night by one of yoar Captains of Cobb's legion. One of your men of the tame bat talion called this morning and brought the papers you sent me, which are the latest we have from the north. 1 have the most painful appre hensions for the future, and they arise solely from my conviction of the total incapacity of Mr. Davit, and consequently the utter failure of all his petty schemes. We hgve given him all the men who would volunteer, allowed him all the men he could catch at first from 18 to'35, then up to 45, then all from 17 to 50. And the army is smaller to day and less efficient than on the day the first conscript liill was pass ed. Now congress'has. given„him all the negroes, and the result w ill still be the same, superadded to the most fatal conseqdEnccs which have ever darkened our prospects. The negro, first, is unlpted for a sol dier. Secondly, if i/hm wrong in that, he is unfit for our soldier. If he is capable of making a soldier, he ought to be and will be a Yan kee soldier. If two-thirds ot the white Ireemen (as Mr. Davis says) have ingloriously abandoned their flag and ran away from a standard in w(i|ch all the hopes of a true man are centred, superadded to every in dignity inflicted by the Yankees upon their wives, children, friends, home and property, do we expect that the negro slaves will stand by at? What for? In the name of heaven what for? Is their liberty involved in our success? Yes; but a^hinet them. Are their homes and . property, wives and children, and country, and all that men hold most dear to be ruined by Yankee sue cess? I think not. Have they i keener sense of honor, or more courageous hearts than their mas ters? It so, they ought to change places. In my opinion, the won calamity that could befall us would be to gain our independence by the valor of our slaves* instead of our own. If we are con quered by the fortunes of war, we may save our honor and leave the cause to our descendants, who may be wiser aud braver than we are, . and may avail themselves ot the accidents of human affair* and yet win what we are ignominiously throwing away. The day that the army of Virginia allows a negro regiment to enter the line as soldiers they will be degraded, ruined qgd disgraced. Lee had just as soon , have a, negro as a white man in his . array. So had West Point generally. Their system is to make all slaves of freemen; it failed, and the men ran away. Their remedy to to make freemen ot slaves. That will not get far enough along to fail; it is a piece of imbecile stupidity, as well as treachery to the cause, well wor thy of DjvIs and Lee, the base trai tors from Kentucky ami Missouri, etc, who have no constituents to bear, to suffer, or lo be disgraced by them. We have a pier ty of men in ‘ the Southern Confederacy to whip two «tich revolutions, if Mr. Davis lid not keep them out of the bullet apartment. He has more men on the pay roll not in active field ser- -■ vice than he has musket*. And you may throw in the negroes, and not increase the army. But if you put our negroes and white men in the you must and will ut them on an equality; they must be under the same code, the same pay, allowances and clothing. There promotions for valor, or be no morale among of the entire slavery question. The government is becoming a standing menace and terror to every interest. Our credits are squander ed among officials, and nobody, neither army, nor people, paid for cervices or supplies. The tax in kind ia doubled end squandered among post people, and tbe army half subsisted by pillage and'plun der of tbe industrious classes. All the revenues of all tbe countries in tbe world would not support Davis’ government pae year; it is one wild wsste and pilfering by bis thou sands of ofKcisls in the rear. We have a post in all the villages, Even here we have John Weems, com msndant of the post, six or seven quartermssters and several hundred soldiers and otheremployees. The country does not make enough to maintain them all, and there to -no thing left to send to the a,ray. We have but one hope in tbe army. We b’tve but one hope in the revolu tion, that ia the overthrow ot Davis. Let us say to him, Davis bdgone, and make him obey the mandate. I sold Hatchett for gz.oco, and gave the money to Sallie, or rathep have it for her order. Corn here'is 835 per bushel, and if these govern-- meat rogues remain here we shall raVNone gentfino without a busch of green Hops on the wVltovIsbeJ. Shun Tiave to remove to the plantation injj$ggffi ‘’ Hop ’ order to live. A month aero thov l order to live. A month ago the^r "pressed 120 mules and horses in this county, under pretence of carrying food to Lee’s army from thia place to Abbeville, and have not sent the fir<t wagon forward yet, and about ‘this time have eaten up all they were to send. I suppose they will refnove to another field oi pillage as soon as this is fully exhausted. Ail'of at home between 1'/ and 50 are in the confederate ser vice. „We have got to get tour sol diers inside instead of outside. But they are so close up to Jeff that he cannot find them. We must fight the fight to the bitter end, and can win if we can get rid of Jeff; if not, not. I arp yours trul^, Owing to a combination the' Ai lanta people will have to pay 85 per tin for coal next winter. Last sea son it cost only 83.50. Toombs. The first four bales of new cotton received iu Memphis were sold at prices ranging from 45 to 50c. per pound. If Blaine should happen to be nominated for Governor oi Maine, and should hsppen to accept, we fancy he would be elected. The royal family of England must be in a state of anxiety. It teems that in his haste to become a naturalized citizen of Great Britain the husband of the Princess Beat rice took the oath of allegiance sev eral hours before the passsge of the bill providing lor his naturalization, and it was therefore not legal. It isn’t probable that such a small mat ter at an illegality will prevent the granting nor the Prince accepting an annuity of thirty or forty thou sand dollars from the British treas ury, r—■ ••pretty Wives, Lovely daughters and noble men.” •‘My farm lies in a ratber low and •Insmatlc situation, and “My Wife!" “Whof “Was a very pretty blonde!’’ . Twenty years ago, b icame * “Sallow!" “Hollow-eyed!" “Waa a very pretty blonde!“ Before her Ume, from , “Mrlarlal vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy ktnd.yet causing me great uneasiness. “A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one 0/ the children, who bad a very severe attack of biliouinjMs, and It occurred to me that tbe remedy might help my wife, aal found that our little girl upon recovery had ‘Lost!" ' “Her arllowness, and looked is fresh as a new-blown daisy. Well, the story to soon told. My wife, to-dly, has gaineffherold-timo. beauty witji com pound interest, and is nowashnidaomo tomatron*.if 1 do sar it myself) las can be found In this copAty, ‘which M noted ilty women. And I havk only Hop Bfftereto thank for it. iver ter i'lPhe dear creature just looktiljot ly shoulder,_ and says I ‘cat flatl my cjiual and more S .the days of ourcourtsbip,’ Ihdsine there might I he 1 titty,wives if my brother farmers would p asthavedone.” / VHoping'you may Iona be spi rek to do good, I thankfully Beltsvilie, Map 28th, lf^3. / JA remain, , ' c . v. l. James. He;- Prijtee/'Georee Co., Ud., ,1883./VS *^Ul CORDIAL FOR THE BOWELS&GHILDRENTEEIHNO •ea a- *u« nO*A<l> cntITHKBN RP.MSDY It Is THE GREAT SOUTHXBN REMIDY tor the bowth. « toone* thj, mo.1 pk«n ! . n <l meessiBss I Atlanta, O*., tor madid Book. ^ m •f Hweet Tartar's Cherokee Remedy el flam andMnllotn wtllcure Coaflui, Cmup, usl Consumption. Price 26c. and tie bode. atoSMr -- TT*TT)Q VEGETABLE ilAliliO. SICILIAN Hair* Rene wer. Seldom 4ms a popular remedy win such a strong hold upon J» puMlo aonOdsnea as baa Hall's Bare Kanawas. Ihe eases In which U has aaoamplUwd a eomplcte rmtontloa ot odor to to* hair, and rigorous btalth to tb* sis l^mnutfahld. Old poopl* ISko it for its woodsrfntpowar to restore to toelr whitening locks thotr original color aal beauty* Mlddlraged ptople like It hecraei It prevents them from getting bald, keeps dandruff away, tad makes the hair grow thick and strong. Tonog ladle* tike IS «i« Inin, liiiems II gline tin lull * lisa titolgloeey tsetse, snd enables them to dree* It In whatever form they wish. Thos It is the farorite of an, and to ha* become so simply BUCKINGHAM’S DYE FOR TOE WHISKERS Hu become ora of the most important popo. Ur toilet article# for gentlemen’s tuo. When the beard to gray or naturally ot an undo- nimble shad*, BucaoRHun't On to the nxraiiDBT XLP.HaU & Co„ Nashua, N.H. Hold hr Ag Droplets. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? . It it for 1/iflamma. lion of all flesh. '' The Best Alteratlre aadfTonle In tb* World t NATURE’S GREAT SPECIFIC FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOODIAND SKIN DISEASES I Temale Complaints, Scrofula, Byipepeto, Llwr Blieare,, CaUrrb, Syphilis Blood Poisoning from whatever I cause, nud Maiarlal Poison. rye Complete Essay ou Blood,Skin, N01 and Muscular Diseases, writ# to MACON MEDICINE CQ, Sole Proprietors, macon ga., Sold in Powdered Form* easy to prepare at hone with or withont spirit*—Small size, 25c; larje sire, |1. Mailed to any address on receipt »( price. Liquid form—Small ilze, Si: Large 11.75. JyHd&i d*wly| 0 PIUM“” WHISKY HABITS CURED BY B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D, ATLANTA, GA- Sellable evidence given end reference to ear* cd patients end physicians. Send for my book on q. •'FRENCH CANDIES. w— - FWw Ice Cream Saloon, Stud op Icecream eahxmin ICE n say totality all tlmss oxoopt Sunday hon too loo^boeet wlU bo open from f to 10 a. ay. ARRBRO HOUSE and SIGN AINTER All Paper Hangers, Telephone No 17-2 andkindsof Wall paper constant.y on hand. june283m. P 8 PAPE R ! PIONEER M’F’G CO. .stssxS LARKE CO GA '■ I A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO oaniui W. UA. _ ' WJN A FORTUNE. Ninth Gr Drawing, ClassL IN THE ACADE OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUES DAY, SsytMBbtr 8, 1MB-184th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, B7B,0 JO. J 100,000 Ticket*, Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths in proportion. Iam nawlreoolvliig my Simmer Slock of MILLINERY GOODS. Call andtezamlno. IsmboonditoaeU. aySly MRS. T. A. ADAMS COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, BALTIMORE, MD. Thia School offer* to Medical Stu dent* unsurpassed clinical and other advantages. Send for a catalogue to Dr. Thomas Opie, Dean, 179 N. Howard St. CUSTOMERS WANTED. AND TO.TAKB PUREJCLEAN SWEETI MILK, CREAM Butter Milk. 14 QUART TICKETS ?0R 81 AddrassOAK GROVE DAIRY P.O. bok IS, InnMtt W. B. BURNETT. ATTOftN E Y- AT - LAW, ATHENS, OA. dsPlOB OVER MAX JOSEPH’S. Praotlots ia Ststo an* Todcral Uoarto. angto H. C. F. KOCH & SON. 6thAvs. *20tkST.,N.Y. CITY, Publish September 5th, their FALL AND WINTER FASHION CATA- LOGUE. A complete gold* u to vbat to wear and where to buy eoonomleally everything for Ln» diee.Gent*. Children’s and Infant* wear. Hetue* keeping Good*, etc. fieeutlluUy llluitratcd with •ahlon plates nnd nbout 2,000 engravings. Price* lower than *ny other house in the United State*. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Dent free o any address. If ‘ Ang JS.Wlc For our new and novel article* of ladlee aud children** wearing appercl, manufactured exclusively by ua, including the "Daisy” Stock* ‘ ikirC Hupportcr, 8af*tr ” — Ing nnd tit t Hupporter, Safety Belt, “Queen Protector.” Shoulder Braces, Bosom Forms, Dress Hhlelds, Rubber Gingham Blbf, Aprons, Sleeves and many other new article*. We nave now 1,000 agents selling these nooda aud making jrom 960 to $160 monthly. This ia n legitimate business that pays well. Can sell something in < very house. Send Sc. stamp tor illustrated cat- CAMPBELL M’F’G 00., 9 Sooth Hoy 8k, Chica go 111. COLEMAN’S CORN MILLS, WITH SOLID FRENCH BURE I rented in UN, *oaUo»4 rad. i Invented in ISSO, raoUno.4 rad mental lm- provements since than keep them in the lend of mU competition. Others have cried torap^afUw nil com Deli L them and nU to* ialUUoni of the Colemu Corn Mill, BMUh." send for nriew. H. DUDLEY COLEMAN, New Orleans, La. No. 9 Perdido Htreet NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persona having demands against the estate of Lindsey Durham, late of Oconee county, dec*d are hereby notSfled to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, end nil per sons indebted to said estate ere required to stake Immodtoto P-rateak^ThUU..i^hdgnjf July. Brecotrtx of Llndmy Durham, drad. Mftwaw BARBER SHOP REMOVED. We bare romovod rar Pntoc, Buko, Shop .. Uwirtwdon JMkMn Mna, formerly ocenptod by Low. A Ok, ra » —loeo, ud at* now bMUl mtfdwly! onparedthraovwt. wait upon oor old cuto- —*T ** fTTI*~T T~ *~**fV— *‘ ,V# coritouv mom. We h»ve the fi—MjlM but«)ai*p*d k—> her .hopIn Athrai,rad only tbomo-uuiM mondroorOra th.b—1 i tonmrtol uttatooreemplo^to^Hv.^u^Lbtol. Rawdyknown ton. for Ounorrhoo. rad i«l..t \V. Iinv. arid could, r able, rad la .vwy era. it kavgiven •au.futlon ALCOTT A I.ISK, WAA IA wag, HudaoOpXrT £. S. LYNDON, Ageot|m| DR. W. M. DURHAM SPECIALIST. Mak«* thv Ml Chronto DhMt—a gKctolty. oatc, 65X Pcrahtm at, FKEEi RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite prrtcriMion of one ofilie —cod rad ucccatol r-ccuU-ti in the U. S. torn, retired) far die core of Xcnrra.Jk.MIK>-, lot JCaabrad, Wnumcri Biwa-W ill |4riu arried envelop Vrvc. Dniggnu qu ill it. Addrou DR. WARP t CO.. LouMana. Mo SPECIAL, I km kept In Atneot put yarn, rad Mllelttk. pitronagcolm (Ottomncllk.wto. thet of my to jucnntc. uttofution. J. A. FOWL ?;si STOCK LAW ANNOUNCEMENT. Oidlnuy-, ffihOBig In.end far —id.ra.tyon the I AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. W. M. Thomas, Proprietor. CAP1TAL?PRIZE,8/5,000 TtoUU Only W. »h»r— to Propoctloo. QED LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. **Wedo hereby certify that we supenrib the lfor nil tbe Monthly and 8emJ-Ao- ' i Lottery Com- and control the Draw* e same are conducted in good faith toward the Gompsoy to use of our iigoaturte m&ss&'i The Only Lottery info toted mi nnd endorsed by the people oj any Slate, if never tcaUt or pottponet. Number Drawings issi I CAPITALPRIZK.... I do do ... 2 PRIZES OP |6o00.. ft do 9000 10 de IOOOmmw 1,000 do 25 ATfhOXUfATIOM KlUtf • Approximation Prises of >7S(Lu •75,001 2S.000 10,000 It,06ft 10,000 10.000 10,000 to, 000 50000 25,000 0,75* 4*500 2,280 1017 Prises, nsseuntlog to $285,500 to efube should be made HppIicstlonHB hly to the office of the Company In New Orleans ■for further information write clearly, giving fall address. POSTAL NOTM, Express Honey ■■in ordinary let- Orders, or New York Exchange in tor. Currenoy by ax press (nil sums of 95 aud np wards at our expense) add reseed M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, Lfo, or M. A. DAVPRfN. 007 Poventh 8t„ Washington, D. G. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered letters to NEW 0BLBAN8 NATIONAL BANK. Now Or loans. La. Ort LOUISIANA NATIONAL BONK. Now Orleans, La. STATE NATIONAL BANK. A , Nsw Orleant, La. GERMANIA NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans. Ia. FOB SALE OB BENi. A DESIRABLE HOUSE ^ LOT FOR SALE. I will sail for 95,000 my House and Lot on Col lags avenue, situated ou tho summit of the hill ooly two blocks from tho Post Office. This Is one of the most desirable places In the city sod the lot contains a half square. Elegant outbuildings. Apply to ISAAC LOWE, aug72t Or T. L. GANTT. LAND FOR SALE. nyooe wanting n good sis room boose with y two acras of fan<l adjoining and a good three im tenant house ou the premises. Haid lsnd Any one wan tin| * tiJ . room tesnst house ou the pr< and houses are situated on Ibe North-Eastern ft ft. one mile south of Harmony Grove. Go., nnd on tho Athens and Clsrkesville road. Twentj acres of the above in original foreit, sbonld ad drees the undersigned at Hnrmonv Orov**, Ga. WM. Ha HIMPKINH. or MRS.M. W HARDEE. DO YOU WANT Ilk ran* oftondla thrw mile, of Ath.oi, with ueolloot kpring In Ally IMtoi dwriting ud * * goat i room konM. Htone tousalud unri ontralldlnn Two fln.brancht, running through gwd trait. Mr. M,] will k* planed to ihow th« etc., apply t> JOHM ifwniii Real Kite Estate Agent The Cole Lot for Sale. Th. on each poses?* 1 ft would for a city or private market' be unsurpassed. For farther information apply to J. P. WILUFOBD, iteal Estate Agent. 210 ACRES. A thou; good I lx room home, me bonMya oomkerotgood ■priogioo the ptoco, pi,sty of open tond. A bwxrin oubolud by •pplrlng to J.S.VlLUFORD, Eral Fjtri* Agent, CTTYRROFeRTY " * 004 - ^ i.s. vhbffrbi-.s. ggl gjtuo Ajt » at. ud wi Large Lot. e to busirers; can be bough srsysr sxs J B WILLIFORD. To Rent, 5SB*ani-«_ b var£? mgotor September fara.IUt rarr ri tffiki ooenty, vky " 1CE8QX. Ordlarar. CEOHOIA RAILROAD COMPANY STOFK MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Orrtcn UistPJii. Jijx.iita, Augusta, Ga., May S3, 1885. Commencing Sunday, May 24th the following i Schedule will operate on this road passengers Schedule will operate ou this road Train* run by V»tu uxeridfau time—82 minutes slower than Augusta tl*&£. ' rAaTm5T -Xi.*?-' 1 tan TDA1LT. '—Hi Athonj, t.a VveWlnterro *M*,a DAD-T. ^.veAUaiuLWp.n! “woJ8 D viiSJiS?:S "Maxeys... 7^8 p.m •* Antioch... 7^7 Arr’ve Atlanta wo.l. Ar*te Augusta >.80 p.g ISU..10.5J I'g’n.iiai) " Athens..• BAST DAILY. nin.. MO i ” Un. P’t... 2:101 « WooavUle 2:99 j h... 5:24 j • 4:011 .. 9:W) c ■S UM am AFve Athens.. 5:20 p _ (too pj»l “ Augu.ta.. 2:35 pa. »fln ivo.A ihp nAu.T. wo.t.i.-TPAtnv. .ftoO ptmll/vsAttonto... atoOpjn xn 6:<5 a “ Mtcon... ‘1-Mpjru nto. 0:45 nm-ar’e AuKu.ta.. 6:00 » to*. r J' -U i ud KOOtrO puautgon to ud from tho following ‘.tsfioni only: (invnown, U»rlcra, During, Thompson, crank, Or*w (ordvluo, Colon Point, Qratubaro,' Madiion, BuUelgo, bvotol Circle, oavlngto., Con ten, LI. thonto. dtooe Mountoln ud Docriar. In. ''fut Line" cmnreto for ril point, ontt rad oonheari, vest and southwest. Train No. 2s on Athena Branch gives passset- gnrs from No 25 on mam lino, 20 minutes for upper at Onion Point. Thai The fast mall runs through sleepers between Atlanta aud Charleston. Trains to and from A them penned with trains 27,28.1 and 2. X. ft. DORSEY, Gci GREEN, deal Gen. Pass. Agent. NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. road will run 75 Meridian Time. Leave Athens Arrive at Lula Atlanta.., Tallulah Falla.. NO. 55 .rau M A:50 a a -—10:50 am rara.olMOp a Leave Tallulah Falla. Arrive at Athens.-. Atlanta ~.-. Leave Athens, Arrive at j.u*a Arrive Atlanta. i rails..............a m » ns....- 1:85 pin A rarara... ra...ra*.' 1:45 P.m \ NO. ftl. A ., ....rarara.ra5.-80 P m ■ -Am. h:UU n m Arrive at Athens.., ra... 1«>:85 p w» TalluInh Kalla Accouimoftattou ou Wcduesdaj^|r, and hatnrday only. No. 1. No. 2 Ur Tal Falls 6:45 p ra.L’v Cornelia 9:21 am Ar at Cornelia 7:f6..... r f Ar at Tsl Faiil jo;IOam Trains Nos 1 aud 2 cosISkitOorneua with RAD Trains Nos 51 and56. Train No. 55 connects as Lula s train No. 65 tor Atlanta and all ] west. "Pullman Bullet Bleeping Car No. 51 connects at Lula wtlh ft. & D. train^ No. W I’-UvM* tukM'naotlou In Atlanta tor all wet tern noinis. .k sleeping Car through from I i&isSsr.5te^“^a n Vito *. tf? taiu No, 53 for Cberlotte, Danville, RIehmond, and all points In North A East. MuPulituau Palace ItulTet Car through from Lula to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Mow York without change. Train ho. 54 connects at Lula with ft. A D. train No. 51 fur all lhutem Cities. mWPullmic Palace sleeping Car through from Lula without change. All trains R. R. dally, sxceptHunday, through Uukets on sale at Athens for all pram- luent points In the North, Last, South and West. MKkCKK SLAUJ~rEi{. Uen. Pass. Agent. •' K.BERNARD. Wup’t. RICHMOND A DAN A1LKOAD rasssKosn dspartmkmt. On and after OcL 12th, 1884. Passenger Train urviceoulhe Atlanta aud Charlotte Air-Lino Nohtuwabd. Express No. 61 Dally. Mall No. 63 Dally. Leave Atlauta Ar Gainesville "Lula A "Rabun Gap Junction.R “Toccoa C “Seneca D ” Green v’lo. E “Spartab’g. .-.u.F “Gastonia. *....G “Charlotte -H 6.00 p m 8.18 p m 8.41 p m 9.26 p m 10.04 p m 10.08 p m 12.46 p m 2.00 a u 4.28 a tu 6.NT a u 8.40 a m 0.50 a m 054. a m 1.20 a m 1.65 a m 2.51 p m 2. -48 p m 8.54 p m 6.26 p m p m SoUTUWAaD. Express No. 60. Daily. Mali No. 52 Dally L'veChTtttf Ar Gastonia.. " Hpat'nb’g. "Greenv'le ” Toccoa " Rabun Gap Junotion.. “ Lula. "Gainesville ” Atlanta . ■ 1:4fi a n ..2:30 an ..4:v? a n . 6:45 a n ..7:28 a n -.8:2*4 an .9:26 a n lC:oo a n -10:W a n . .1:00 p n l.oo pm 1,41 pm 3,34 pm 4.53 pm 6.29 pm 7.32 pm 8.50 pm 6.59 pm 9.26 uja ilJO ilk ACCOMMODATION THAIN, (AIK-LlNX iiELt*K)UO laoNoaTH. fjeave Atlanta 5.35 pm Arrive Gainesville — 7.50 p m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. (AlB-LlMK DKLl.X.) INO SOUTH. K .\l Veave GaIncBVlllc...ra.... ...urau a m Arrive Atlanta ...... 9.06 a m Mo. IA—Local Fbsight, Going South. Leave Charlotte. —6.12 a to Arrive Galftiey'Srara..rara..rarara..ra^ra.ra«ra.ll.17 a IS " Spartanburg— 1.20 p m “ Grceuvillera.ra.rara. 4AS p m ” Central.rararara 6.06 P ■ No. 17.—Local Pmuoht, going North. Lcsye Central.... 4.10 a m Arrive Groenville.rara.rararara,rara..rarara.... 6.1S a m '• 5,-artanburg.... ra ... ...... y.37 a ra ” Gaffb*7’Srarara....ra.rararararara 12.27 p M ** CharlOttOra.rararararararara, isgcrmn:; mu mrcugn raws nond without change, connect* Ing at UanvUl. cltlcr, : , So. at Icsts: ** No. kt arrive, there ri 4.» p o, SI R m and No, ,t arrive, there .1 •no Sliludood, I»rarlvaihen7.41. a. The local freight, riop M .hove «t*Uon» to to to falontra. Btv»*r8unnmOt On tr.fn. No* 60 and I t», via Wuhlngtsn u ^tJalrrirtoNo*. 62 ud6k, Richmond ud Du- vllle, rad Wuhlnrton, ud dngCkt* ud fTrab- lnytnn rad Xew Otleran , Out WrrnocTCH.Kae- ad 61. New York ud Alto.- i rad “ % . Oraville. Oroeniboro SOLID 8ILYEB BRIDAL PRESEN LARGEST STOCK. NEWEST Ahftlim Send tor Hln*trntod Oritlogno. J. P. STEVENS & CO. FACTORY * SALESROOM, mojMiAm '