The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, December 02, 1885, Image 1

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1 $
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-iJ-H « tW • * VI
• X !. ■ Lstlrtry pood CltU«n Vote Te-Daf-tM
m.'HSit ‘i '.ThSw b. x* itogwt*.
tf,e CitizcnVTicket fails to tri-
’umpli to-.l.iy; ihe blame will reel
soItlyioiflhe'shCHilders of thou* that
u. mint meet them with an unbrol
front. It duty that ev<
keitweu'owrt,M».; 1 jft,ple - .
:.. r
contest, and -g failure to do 10
Iti ““P'y give. aid end countenance .to
the.etieray. 1 ,Thtre. will be car.
tistages eneugh out to bring ajlvtiters
.-.M^oJMWCituUience there i. no
eSffcUJe t fi.T la jbard«. Do not let
weather .interfere with this Im;
at.tbe abating rink for a fine pair of
roller ska'tfcs; There are a number
of entries, and' the race Wifi be
aAst interesting jomL- Be sure end
“•itness !kr
shine, sleet or ssuw,
1 Arid iemt tnber, to
the botto^jfgl^lfi* Is worth two
°q ‘Pfi-" % that»B , that the
for the TtpUtmoh-tot the Citizens’
Ticket, the gcatufcr wUl be -its
UMph.» Our mei
agreed to cBwe^STi^l^jay?
’ ^ASfteiiWisejh^ 1
morrow' mqf hmg
Watchman will be^r
togs.that the ‘‘Riatfhaa'l
—AHmsM it safer • V f . ;•*
/ 'ciaus. &•
at office was closed
eidrf6k« h °^ >,0f V ‘S!‘ Pre ‘ I “ e ' ,t
;i :’-i ’itSBrnmm-tK i
A negro had his hand hurt badly
nyerterday. There
r gin accident* this
of a
at soon as taken. Delay isi danger
Vffh'iv I. Ii-.liiit;. ii[t; imofl • !.,'
The lest
doses ot quinine
and JMBPfcf
9lb |
I (tonprok*. -arid-1 Us host of. warm
m.r '
Dirt on tis Railroad Will bdltaks*
’ YretWent^et
Railroad, ar.
lay. He bi
the csto, iron, etc. In answer to .
inquiry from a reporter of the ^ton-
nef Watchman about the prospect
■ofthe street railroad; lie said: : .
, «_»-—eatv
“Mta»e bought ct torts of tfrebtv
Ba^WLiSuii' *S
shipped V ■ week - ago, ‘and should'
have bPtnti here. All the'(cross tics
have. been., bought and are aK
rivingoveiV day/ I have purchasi
da.fJ b« i«l
ornament to any atreet railioad;.-
Tliey are nicely Httrd-on.the iruiilei .■
with-* aplehdid mirrora. The cart
f; j wilt f a|l bpj pnithed ,by, thf *ai|j <>f
thia months and will be ahipped as
toon aa - milsHtd. I came here to
1 ' build the atreet milroacr; and 1 ex-
•. pcct to break Uirt to-morrow morn*
right find good city < officers are
,, .PlfSjpd, Th<i.A» wfiron ‘tfie
road and running by Christmas. 1
•half go to jvtfr* It oner add em
ploy mind's to~tl6 the work and will
tainty, and Will be a pa;
now a Cer<
Uinty, and will be a paying co*.
.roam. .It .will take adittle time for
the people to get edpeated to riding
but before many mpntbt it will pay
*ii good ^tdeftcr.- ■ j , ; ;
thr Ruction to-sat. I n -J
To day occur* the annual manic
ipal election." ‘The city electa a
; fmyofana four nHtorineh. For
■**;< mayor, R. K. Reave*; e*d Wl U
j’Wood offer. ,'FoiaUktmad ln : the
iat ward, David Gann and W. ! M.
r . McKinnon are candidates; in the
■' * second ward, T. L. Gantt and G. V
Ridsn are offered; in the third
Prof.'H.'C. Whttt and George \i.
Sri1»«Ua-''TW? caU'OTiMa; in jthe
* fourth ward,' E. I. Smith and A. C.
same end get beutly drank. They
then began .to abuse andlcurae each
other,end a family fight .was mo-
n}ep,t*r>iy ekpect*d. ..Wenevrt Ha.
ti Howr
4tV avHiffrotn' Dr'. 1 j: G. Westmore-
' nd and Goi. Shubrlck, -who were
j:i visit of ihepection to Col.
Smith’s convict Camp. We. regret
that sickness prevented our meet
ing them. We alto had a pleasant
call.from Dr. Blnns, of Wilkes
county, who i»: en route to New
York, where be'will take a peat
graduates course of three months.
Greene county has a registration
law, and before one esn vote In the
prohibition election they must en
roll their names. This gives the
~ -I m ,jortty.
rohibitionisu r decided . .
lut it .is argued that the town of
.reensboro it protected by a ape-
iatacf.ofU* tWlu«r««
te upoaled before . .the result can
effect the place.
ldo, Fla., Nev. a8.—Dear
:r-Watchman: I could not
auy in Florida without seeing the
dear old Banner-Watchman coming
in with my mail. This is a pretty
little place, and a* toon *• I can
look around t will write you the
■ews. from bare. The travel ie
opening Up, and we expect to do a
good if'''.ter 1 * business. Send ut
the paper. The thermometer to-
day it ae. Iti* warm to us.
W.D. Youno.
’ Hat no reason to be dissatisfied
With his reception Ut the Cylitoriiia'
last evening—that Is, witn the en- of it. . These present, ac-
his - treatment ofthe
Jtnowledgedhit treatment of'.
gritUt character ol Virginius by' __
‘ spontaneous gnd
lay, which it,one: of
»Ue' narllee ‘efTo* 1 *
Sheridan Knowles’ earlier, ‘effortf,
when first produced in New York,
September *5,1820, was called. the
tragedy of Virginius, or the Libera
tion of Rome) now its second .title
tiw ; , Roman Father;' but'’this
inge it of small account. The
is . of “small account,
eta of the theme, thev.eieya-
the text—even though it be
open to the charge of beidg slightly
stiltfcd 'hi some ‘ passages 1 —have
I kept Knowles’. Virginius
on the Englisbrspeaking
stage ever siace its production, and
its popularity will be continued as tctors With lBe^ ability of
Mi. Warde can,be found to realize
the greatness of the Roman Father
and the sacrifices be made for the
honor of bit name and tor hit coun
try. Mr. Warde has a remarkably
musical sad well-controlled voice,
such a voice end such elocutionary
accomplishment a* to make hie
readingpleeMat to the ear. Hit
scenes were ill carefully Mtd effec
tively handled, whether it be the
manifestation ofparental love for
’Virginia, the pathetic apostrophe
to the murdered soldier Dentatusjor
that tremendous episode in the to-
ram where he murders hi* daughter
rather than ihe fall into the hands’
Small Ittos Tlut a Reporter Gamut 0*
tno Fly Yesterday-
r Don't fail to vote.
on't forget to vote to-day.
, Vote the Citizens' Ticket and
of: the. lustful Appius Claudius.
This was Mr. Warde’* master-piece.
and the audience acknowledged it
by e storm df applause that would
not abate till he came before the
curtain. Mias Mittens Willett, for
merly leading woman with Mr.John
McCullough, gave us a pretty and
girliah Virginia, the beat suauined
character in the cast, after . that of
Mr. .Wards. Nothing could :be
more natural, In Its way, than her
timid and bashful love-making with
Iciliu*. ■ ,1!
Cay from Stelarlnr the Basalt of the
Eteetlon—The Orouda ea Which the Re-
ATLAi*T*,Noy; 30.—Judge Mei
uii-i'- 1 *!''
, Theaucceitol tblaiaily paper to
aimplv phenomenal., From the
first issue it paid handsomely, ami
_ „ . ***" **■-' ible
_ Rucker areoimlldUlra.
». Wi The following are. M
TTnttif* ’ H
, - Jl.NW
. , i» Athena,. and we
titizens to send for it Ut
. Each voter wl
' entitled
the atard be resides, and tor mayor-
hi.; Tbb potti dfWat^ o’clodiind close
■Hi- -MU W
some goo
there,, T 1
M». Verm
“*n'dd'toS******* qet'Jto seeft]
sights, aftd asked to Jte sbownM
tomb of Wasbmgtoo. . She ”
pointed set a
sad cried and took rm «*f|, what
•he thoeght wee toqjfe bhc
' uU tb"bei
* < Uhn
tflirs ovty the e
leak at the home
Qf hia brotlur, in OaJrlhorpe coun
ty, Major Isaac R. HcU, ta the 90th
year Of W* Ufa.' For sixty-five years
he we* an bseofed and toyed citizen
of Uri
Mve Athens.
The business men of Athens in
tend hereafter to stick up to Hie
colored men who help them elect
the Citizens’ Ticket.
Do not let bad weather keep you
from voting to-day. It it a sacred
duty that you owe your city.
The leaders of the rival parties
did not sleep a wink last night
Thete was a Urge delegation from
Oglethorpe in town yesterday. >
At least too new votori uahed
ith the Reaves ranks yesterday.,
“'here have been roars! quarrels,
fid bloodshed, o^^rthe election,
lur dress makers are busy on
bridal wardrobes. There will be s
great many weddings soon in Ath
ena and vicinity.
It,was bitter cold lAst evening,
and ft had day is feared. But doa’t
fail to vote.
If a full vote to polled to-day
Candidate Wood will tie buried too
deep for resurrection.
Stay around th* polls all day, and
toj every Reaves man vote aeme
Appeals to prejudice and bed
Opd Will be severely rebuked by
the good people of Athena at the
polls to-day. Don’t fail to vote. '
An oyster famine struck Athens
A man who has not registered
can talk louder than one who ha*,
but be can’t vote.
Those who have not registered
talk the mo»t and bet lets. They
always leave their money at home.
Uncle Dick Saulter has bought a
Spencer rifle to carry out West to
kill buffaloes with.
Dr. Hunnicutt la boond to make
A iuccbsaout f the Georgia fence.
Casper Morris hat a beautiful
large noli to be raffled off Christmaa
The Athens Foundry will be dos
ed to-day and give all the hand* a
chance to go to the election.
OrUaary calbsu RaMas* by XaAas stock mast and will be dosed out
Buiueamiinos i stsex or aatoa
Still Golax On. .
The sale of the stock of dry goods
notions, lancy goods, clothing, hosi
ery, hats, shoes, millinery and other
goods comprising a first-clast store
linued from day to dey,
and these good* mutt be sold re
gardless ef price. They ere all
first-class and bought the present
Never was aucb an array
of bargains offered in Athens. Do
not delay, but come at once. _ This
Attentive salesmen to wait on cus
tomers. Tbfs to A rare, opportunity
for counby merchants to replenish
rr . thdr stocks. They can bay fresh
the United States district eoodsat lessthan wholesale prices
and save freights. Bear in mind
that the aale will continue from day
to day. The goods esn be seen at
the Gilt-Edge Palace Store of Max
court, to-night, at half past 9, grant-1
ed an injunction agalnat Ordinaryl
Csitioun, of Fdltoh county, net i to
ewnMthej^ellaiUDr dedroe'HM few
suit ot the recent prohibition elec-
ition to-morrow or until the injunct
tion ,shall be dissolved. The in-1
junction was granted in answer to'
|PauUooea,M.M-fati porter of wieea
and liquors, and Cincinnstiatock-
hoiden in Ihe Atlanta «^ry.
The Paul Jones case sJidfto resd
on a decision of United-afc. Chief
Ehatto* Taney, which deewro* that
Ihe tight to import Vfine carries
it the right to se’A it,* and no
qoa)4 nullify the foderal taws as to
importation. ‘UiPcase of the Cin
cinnati stockholders in the brewed
Iry is that to declare AtlanU dry
would be for one state to confiscate
the property of citizens of another
state. The news is whispered qui-
I etiy here to-night and is creating in
tense excitement! -
Joseph, on Broad street,Athens, Go.
next to Julius Cohen’s. x ^
A Vahy of nrso Hnadrt* 0Us raxmsxa oa
arrospscUaf Tmt.
. Some time about the laa*qf next
jneek -three, hundred OSo ’Tarmers
^1 Arrive in AtMOed «U
ibably visit Athens very toon „
. Mher. In apcakingaboiit them
the Atlanta Journal says:
I* “Mr. D. U. bloan, proprietor of
the National Hotel, has just receiv
ed a letter Iron Dr. Eastbrook, of
G. W. Rush & Co. have opened
! a new drugstore In McDowell’s
le iron-front store on College ave-
nae. It Is one of the most com-
plete drug stores in our city, with
all the modern improvements In the
way oi fixture*. Mr. G. W. Rash,
the bead of the firm, to • splendid
dinggist, having served for • long
tint* in filling prescriptions. He
will keep nothing but us best, and
we bespeak for the new drag sferil
a good, patronage. Be sure and
give Dr. Ruslra call.
. .cca, Aiaaat aowau.s aoninov.
Atlanta, -Nov. 30.—Col. Albert
Howell's condition has not improv
ed. . He stilUiea'iha critical condi
tion. It appears that Mr. Pope,
who had prepared yesterday to go
olumtui, on hcsrir.g
2S2E3LF& 11 ..
-f masv vesrs. of Ccd. Howell’a serious condition,
ril who Lew abandoned the visit, and to still at
• •- ’ •»*«>»* »'
Dt had been
Christ end, a'
-the Me&b
,. H. Doraey sriH
t'oy hands to grade the street
rued.atxl will need from 50 to
m.n.nwmiao tmRLAUQBST. URKlf ctt AXO t s
Deupree Block, Athens, Ga.
■a 1 sroaaro —' -
Grand Display/of
nil irtNNTES
A, the Gilt Edge Palace Store of
This la e ram opportunity the Udlea of Athens and vicinity hare to sw.
bare need every effort to make a success in this department, and I uiust than
the ladies for the appreciation tnev bare shown me. Au early call ta solicit*
w yon may see thero eleffimt styles. Mrs. Gsrrect will Uke pleasure in .howl,
tham. Respectfully,
Desire to call attention to their Harge assortment of
Is justly popnUfr.^ Wo clain there id no better for tl
> money. Try it.
Are also some of onr Favorite Brands ior which we
are Sole agents. Give us a tail and be Convinced.
Daytna, O., t-> the effect that on the
tat of fieermber 300 Ohio farmers,
many accompanied bv - their wives,
will leave thrte lor Georgia. They
expected to arrive here between
*0 aba
4th and will remain in
Georgia loity days, to which time
their excursion tickets are limited.
They come here on a prospecting
tour, and it ijLtjiought that many of
, tham,'’-HiPleroKhto ith the anil andl
cl ‘4lffi-' in Georgia.
Pdfuratiorirln^how being made
for their accommodation here.”
g In Sets, Photograph sad Autograph Albums, ChlMrtaa' Books in eudAse ’
vanaty. rDtariw for 18gt new ready,Toys of sll kind*, Fun Bloeks, New Games,
Rubber Goods Flnast assortment of doll* aver shown In Athena. Gall and ex
amine belora purchasing elsewhere.
Cormsr BROAD STRUT E. W. BURKE, a oosarm Avron.
Patrick Condrick, of New York,
fifteen months ago inrolvntarily
made a safe deposit vault of his
stomach by swallowing two one
cent pieces. Far more than a year
this reserve fund gave no trouble,
but of lute be suffered from dyspep
sia, gastritis, asthenia and a compli
cation of other maltdiea. Friday
the certificate of his death was filed
at the bureau of vital statistic*.
Untr for 1 oostool.
Atlanta, Nov. 30.—The whis
key men had a meeting to-night and
agreed to contest the election on the
ground that vote* at West End and
East Pointjgere illegally cast in tba
•lection. Fifteen tneusand dollars
were raised to carry on lb* contest.
I only ask von 10 try nsy Goldt n
latent. T. C. Hampton.
In all it* Stages, and
Inevery Form, the
the Barest and Unlrkest reni-ly kmwu. Potato
Vegetable. Xnaumotored by SO, 00.. Athens, Gik
Priee x U per bottle;«tytthm «y Jno.Or«w-
lord do., wboleeale and retail
Information furnished.
Broad Street, above Ua