The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, December 04, 1885, Image 1
DAILY EDITION ATHENS, GEORGIA,- FRI DAY 4 ir,;i ^1* ' HQT'iSrtiTBi? . JSsMCrttH a PP oTnt ' ... . gO'flu jury to investigate t 'ffinsaftr’H • ■*»«*** ^tlwhll n-iM UkH .mAnunrr^'*. ~— ... NO SHODDY AMONG, HIS NEIGHBOR! >. WHAT WHITEHEAD SAYS. ,, - i Th. Story «f the SLyar of (More* **r*e- , ? ;; local chips, Caw™*, ; Small Items That a Reporter Caught oa the Hr Taitorday. Mr. Tom'S ti'nley is surveying the * ,r "” railroad JtfA'fi 2!:' fler is sorry the election is IQ. Hsnirlcks' Last Public App B.for. BU Home Fri«d«. Indianapolis Journal (Sep.) The sudden death of Vice, ,deqt Hendricks yetterday afternoon wilir'" W - * mauas Told the Kan Who Killed Slat In Oconee County Last Summer. , la rl i Anfmta U«ws. Pn yesterday a reporter of the Evening News called at the jsil to /seejtlhfimaa.who: was brought to the'city last Saturday Evening by ' Sheriff Overby)'of Oconee county. The turnkey, politely invited the reporter up to the ceil ot'Etdfidge' Crawford Whitehead! - He then informed Whitehead for what pur pose the reporter bad celled, end notified him not to state anything that he did not desirepublished, or call vividly to the minds-of many his .appearance on' .tttd pre-- ceding eveningalthe grand, recep; ' SWrJ. |;! The bird hunters of WatkinsviUe areTurniihing the Athenians with _ The Kijighti ofliibor should Steer f ; . j . ..ML Woodward, dram, 'Atlantq,- i .K'AflP^peak in A’hletttfagain soph/ h&e street railroad yrillbe 2$ miles i '^'Pepper sauce is used /pr hair oil. : ^Jsck.'WIer is busy telficlg hoyrhis nounced -Wednesday evening, i- ! . .". The march through'Atlpe as Tuen-. day night at'' !J o’clock changed fault to Arid against cooing evening at me grana recep tion given at the residence-of ( £Ute Treasurer Cooper. c co"f ' ’ ’ While the gathering possessed no political significance whatever from 'the viry nature of things, it contain- #d many of the prominent, dejifp* •rats of the state.-, and Was. a. very brilliant occasion. It was at a late ■hour when the' Vice-President and his wife appeared upon the.-.scet)g.' AHer expressing, the. fcourtesies of, THE f.ARUBST. uHKAtaff ABO t *EjTJ8T9CE:ef , Or) (iJJSI "oGjecled 6 boimlit «1Iroot from tk« Wad l eg nanafActurere. ud nIj fteaion. There hM been a ratrkol decline la thee* noddi, boniflt of the reduction. Everythin* sold by at la wAmat ive refer to ear petrous la the post for endorsement. Do not Mi7 will give you better ceode at ro*k-bjttom prtaas. Te eooatr cet la the eoath an 1 save frelghta. aepl. tpo» the Athens market. W« a made to order the present \ll give our patrons the talll l-the survey?-; ie city of Ath '^strange that th/t wOutd inthe leasttend'tocrim. ihate hith.'.'U'^iju'’^', , r. |S* iperctianti willdupIlcUe au^/aari The reporlefo asked the, prisoner, if lie killed a man in Ocbnee coun ty last July, and for what reason. Whitehead answered: “I”did CTTI George Hardeman, a man about 35 yeers old, and married. The cause of the killing was simply that he and I were running the same farm, and we could not. agree. On the 14th day of July, 1885 Hardeman rode up in the field where"! was the evening, Mr. Hendricks paused /or some moments on the threshold' If’ tHe -Zpaetous reception ■ rooms, > Snd contemplated the scene with a smile of uncoiiaealcd pleasure., A •4. iq .gasoil Wf» oApoi light pallor WEs noticeable lis countenance,Cyrt he nevet id or seemed in better spirit ^pressed himself as being in ^tfdk&ouuft rgia, U 9 Methane- wbis- Ays, and -has had- les.vrith thesrev- ,,lhose-is no <„„ „ L*.e ft#^8.AtjWpon*.ori Wednes- ',1,‘lfhe.Keaves men were 'out yester- day collecting their, pets. 1 ni 1 1 Mr. Ray, who is in ourtity for »Oia !»{•« UOill Grand Display, of fcnt health. As he stdo t!.«t polished grace and nunner so charactwjstic tine, he presented’ a appearance in the field where"! was working and used^ harih words to wards me. He was accompanied by his wife. At his side was a pis-, toi and-he kept his hands on itn’nd m/de threats to kill me. I «plcked H,my little baby .and Started up E road to my house, d short dis- Ice away, Hardeman ' ordered me to stop and put thy little bqby down on the ground, but I refused Tdfobey vhfm. He followed me up tef njy hJhae. knd vn{iejgrl; managed leTgeflhto the cott&ge"and load my gun. Hardeman was on the ’out- ktde abusing my wife. I could not stand it and told him fo retreat, but he., refused and than commenced abusing me. and was about to pull the. purpdse pi writing up the aiffer - ent industries of Athens fortho Ar- flMjt/ hit., assisted . the - , Banner- Watchman a great deal in the past le.C'-andS never) t>« r iu) fullet pnsie» veto. There sto^; sfys that'tfie far-' MfwiMg to kill! their fat .haul than to market. This so Taras me farmers in this 1 MjY^R£jfci*>nc*rn«d. ul their -cotton tctnsrket t tmt. fit',Hog* trom the hravpiy ttijiig |or a farm- aeUher'poor or fat hoes, ■•i.siuiii6T.v'j>I 0 ’ ■*tt t nw nrn* v few days, tor which, we return A. "w. Davis, ai,Atlanta, is in:the c "rty. , f The literary societies of. the Uni versity will to-morrow select a nfcsy editorial staff for the University, thun-Wor^i-.-i Here sn'd th'eVe many a frosted head, of both pvi ties, pouched-by time tndiejhei strain of m»ny an angipus cam paign. There were Also present several of the younger politielatatj jMttJMta. wont to seek hid counsel, and who always met with 1 kind and cncourae*-'- genpr«l eager. UniverSty Mr. A. C. Rucker made a gallant light for councilman id the fourth' watd and was only defeated by a small majority. Mr. Rucker would have made a first class alderman. No other man could have made'lo' 'strong wrace, and we hope yet |b see him as one of the law makers of the city. J J. P. Tuggle, an old friend of the Banner-Watchman, and the -best drummer on the road, is in'the-city. Reserved seat board wi|l be open »i.:. ——at Cranford’s for tick- A^the Gilt fidinTafiuw^wK ot is IpeCtklly ^o- table, .and a- ddog interval': id id-shaking followed. r He h hM, ie received with enthusiasm and rinefSnn ntlvwveanae Via lews «nnai‘ X^What becomes" of The dead, are wtewell very fine. The A. (J! is issued him sfcSff iZmg&VSWiBy* -s " : WjUtTBS TO ABOLISH. “ A* tdjeaf the. ivarioua remarks on the recent elec- ’■ i(m.~ One"darkey re-narkledvester- , day,‘'“Boss,‘.We’se killed de .Knights .vlwlWr folivk*' ’"Another said he • fi wanted amaiito run for “d^lerisla-, , 'iteii iwhd wfould introducej a ter|T|f l T**‘ I ~i£ EEV. i. A. JAEKELL. . We are glad to announce tha. |, Rev. J. A. Jarrell will continue a- pastor of the First MethodUtchurch Mr. Jflrrljli'has done a great deal of good in Athena and the people all . hive become attached to ttim. He iifR pure, Christian gentleman, and it. Wa.iiJ hove been a rfiiUake to. have seat him ^nwiiy from Athena wtineHon wherever be hes none! but the ’hCtrie hearts—tbp-'gearts that tpuched the tenderesr cord- how they cfowded about I him! It Qas his last meeting .of triends on earth, his last, farewell to thenf all;’, and now it wou’d aeem.somp wise I pannot read.,or write,: but my brother advised me’ to gO to the m'oua> Nprth Georgia, and to remain Untii ho wrote, me what fhe feeling, pf tHef sdSiyl public, was. I wanted to go to W»tkins- vllte, the county aeat,.and surrender myself, but my brother, bfcing edu- tlns morning... _ ets to Frederick Warde. FROM THE WEEKLIES. strong magnetic cheer ot this dis- Rhfkwhed leader,-and Gli neighbors; and friends, .regardless of pmlitical faith, who were preseal OB that oc casion, will have a pleasant remem-, brancemf the lost time when’he ap peared id their social midst. • * 1 ' Mr. Hendricks, in conversation aA the reception, ’ was addressed by some erne present with the remark that he looked so fresh and youthful that he must have discovered the, Tho following is some of the fiew^gatherVcTfram our weekly ex changes: Christmas is fast approaching. It will be here on the 25th certain. Thanksgiving day was hereon Desire to call attention to their,'large assortment of lira U . ! > TOBBCGOS. remained in the county jail of Oco nee nntil Friday night, when Sher iff Overby came to rtiy cell, and e» cortcd me to thp depot and brought me .to Augusta for safe keeping.' I have not oeen informed whether the people wanted -to lynch me Fri day night or give me ljbeilty.”- "Were you sober Whefi you killed Hsrdeman?"' * * J fj s- '■ l • f ,“I>w*qperfectly sober.' Harde man .was known throughout the bounty Ae a bully and was always a i; . M : “I was twehty-three years pld the first d|iy.ot laft September,-' add I have a wife and ohe chiltll” I f’Hsveyou engaged iriy attorneys to represent.yap M ypurjfrial?" , ■ “Yes. , I r havd employed Mr. ,Tuck, of Athens, and General Gar- the 26th. ’ Mrs. Spoopendyke visited the villaae last week. We return thanks for a mess of turnips. s Mr. Jones killed a very large hog and sent the ediior a nice mets of ■spare nus. r.-Thil ^appointment* of the North Georgla-conlf.rence for the ensuing year tor the Atliens District are as folioWKl 1 ' }_ . > p - E-i-Thst i Athens circuit, A. S. Adams; Fac- Joty.mission,' supply Ifii D. Stone; Oconee circaiL >-C< P. Marchman; WinterviUn dfcuiipJR, Av Seale; Walkinsviilf, J. V'M. Mprris; Lex- The sheriff, levied on a , piece of land about a month ago. 1 Mr.'Spoopendyke speaks of via-: iting our town in the near future. . A candy pulling at Mrs.- Smith's, week before last. It was a brilliant affair. < I,,,, Is justly pojjutRir. We clain. tlieif# V -no better for the j :.'' :i!-m/J r .T money. Ttyifc, uin. f. jetsijP ry young caibi'Cdhiie^iyig the di^jji ngeiLVappearancerandTi how he had msnagea. to his youthful vigor to such »J®AiSm£ id;he, *1.have end the enthusiasm ofn werything I hwveui * - • liism/i - r h -iiail »->:iiioiii .in-: Are aleo some of our , Favorite Brands for which FLESH IN A Blunfcr . are Sple agents. 'Give iis a flail 1 and 1 bff Convinced, j JI/.W.* n.D'diU » >‘d) r.iur'l • r»M»J 30! * 111 8,0 The Terrlbl* situation la Whlob UttMl- lit Was Placed. | y f Litos Rock, Ark., beie. a.— W. F. McGinnis, an employe of,the St. Lbuis Iran Mountain fad South ern railway at Ifrgenta, was sent to the Camden branch to repair /'lo comotive- He bad completed the' work,' and the engineer raised steam.' THe'jengihe'sudtleniy, from some unknown ’cause, turnedt over Apd , McGinnis was caught under the engine, with the hot water run ning out on him, and the mm** the furnace burning >(ur legs. The. engineer .could not-extricate him At the skating race Wednesday, Bight. y.Urgc ftr^d" OT ladi?s and ,g«aljn*UMl,W*r#,iu attendance, and n M n|u u ka Rmmm ** lITbe following '-wick/d ’ card has u... sUf. -mL 12. Ie lB 4 3-4 w(th Hyract? - ‘ "lift 4:55. The lendid,*inid : we 1 Beusse in get- "iaa^tfuiate^ tingmchJyyjt ,s*ar aiaKoiTSK -'AEaUECAB*. | "l 1 riKii home# < jo* Angiutt, * 1 bo 1 ri j3-2K • I.- - two little children were left wjth, iriand* lathe former, ciDri while,the: ,lbums, Chlldn ns’ Books in endless all kinds, Fun Blocks, New Game., -—■- '■-‘-■'-t. Call and *x- Books lu Sots,'Photo variety. Diaries for Rubber Goods Fineet assortment ofdolle ever thown in Athene, amine before purchaelngelsewhere. . -iw . : I rix ! ' was dragged from the fire the flesh at hisieflrhip actually blazed. His face and neck were scalded, and his right kide'win burned to a yritp. Hp lived, fourteen hour*. ^ .1 - c* Polsensd hr theoeek.^ Fivp members of J* A. Gallon's lamUy, Vrcre poisoned, to'-day oy drinking coffee in which their cot- ored cook had plaCed half i-pound of arsenic. Medical assistance ar rived in time to save their lives, but two of the victims are still ih a criti cal condition. The cook has been arrested and locked up in jail. ■**'“ —-—• TOST Shot Aboata Woawa. , r ;rvv; , 'GatnssvilLk, Ga., De.c-. :2.— This afternoon, inthe edge of town, one Holcombe shot John Hartridge FOR ie. CATARRH niDition meeting. —.— " H' (hick;,Jack. : ,‘Mt^r. C. V.Crawford, ■JRforiff.lWriting'-from,' VVaahii chAwe lltp rif Ci#n T.ntrnn f Incyery Form, the CERTAIN CATARRH CURE; the Surest anil Quickest remedy known. Purely Vegetable. Manufsctured by30.00.. Atbona, Gis Price, |l per bottle;6 bottle* |5 Sold By Joe. Craw- lord Co., wholesale and recall DrngtiaU,Ath*ns,G^ Information furnished. iix months ago he was defeated tor he Vice Presidency, hppelesa of be senate, and about dead broke lecunia'rily. Now he is alienator. /Swi WUe 4fslrU=w«* g< angels into the arm* of its Cleveland and the democrats., P«- aidogyhis, k'vjjirof real estate, that he bought on credit, has increased in value,"three fold and made’him a snug little fortunMHKhe forfuitous change in his MMnstances will boom a book he is soon to publish, and make it sell'profitably. Logan la in luck.—Augusta Chronicle. influence of such ft grMt abd good paper as tlie Con- it one so tender in o'ercast by" iffch"V s to actually grieve! hal’d/‘ near other! We extend stitution, white he is .till wandering in “tlie loW ground, of sorrow.” He , ; \cera»( cloud ol needs it worse than bis preacher friend does.—CejAtltution. GeMert Patent Xoiir tor it C. Hampton. gutt; The wound is painlui, but not fataL A woman was the cause of the difficulty. ■ HH