The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, December 04, 1885, Image 2

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DAILY BANNER WATCHMAN ATHE n S, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4,1885 — ' ■ ' ■■ ■ „ 1. BANNE- Ml official oiui or City *t Athena as* Clarke, Ocoae* * Butt. anxual auaaoximoH um: CWIr,85;....UM*r, $l;....WHUr, 81. T. L. GANTT. f 3 «<.• AIEIAIUUBLE EVENT IN BEQMUt. Under the atove heeding the New York rfun of Nov. *7, tay* Apparently as much to their own surprise as to the astonishment ol everybody else, the prohibitionists have carried the city of Atlanta on a distinct issue with the license men, and after one of the bitterest and most sensational local contests on record. The Importance oLthis event to ihe eanmsl and persistent friends of prohibition all over the country can hardly be overestimated. Georgia is a local option state, and county by county the prohibitionists have made their way across it, conquering A they went. . They hsd already captured more than one lyindred of the one hundred and thirty.eight counties. Atlanta web* almost the last stronghold of the so-called rum power;-but that city, the busiest, noisiest, most prosperous and pro- gressive towns, of the South,seemed about as unlikely ' as New York er Baltimore, to vote out of existence one of its most 1 powerful and profit able interests. Yet the prohibition ists won Atlanta, on Wednesday, by ^majority of between two and three hundred. Everywhere the persistent and patient workers who are engineer ing the political side of the prohibi tion movement will be encouraged beyond measure by the Atlanta victory. Under the circumstances, it means more than the capture of a whole state like New Hampshire, foil example. foS it shows that the big andlively towns are not impreg nable, even under local option. The republican leaders are aow more worried by the amazing growth of the prohibitiohlst cause than by any other woe that Heaven has sent them. — ATCHMAN Wednesday the people of Athens were divided on a question thought by all to be of great importance to all parties. The friend* of each ticket felt that they bad personal interest* at stake; apd in, proportion to tbi* feeling of personal respons! bility, they worked to secure the »Mrr !is ihejf favorite, candidates. This was.right and manly. The method* used by the candidates and their friends were such as are con' sidered entirely legitimate. W b *a the work had been done the Citi zens’ Ticket was declared elected. The result was a surprise to Mr. Wood and his friends, but only what was expected by Mr. Reaves’ friend*. Now, whatever may be the disappointment or the exulta tion 0f parties, Igf *11 forget the ani mosities of the hour and VI gether for the good of our beautiful city. Th* New York Mail and Ex press suggests that; in view o* the great (htfiga of fire, southern cities ought prohibit the erection of wooden building* within city Km its The nqitt bey.of wooden build ings in southern cities is undoubt edly too large for safety, and„ espe cially of old house* that need but spark to; set them to burning. If only metal roofiog of some kind were used the danger from fire frottifrbp, greatly decreased. And In Mew^of the cheapness of met* roofing, and-the great variety, in- cluding^laUi.tin in various shapes, iron, copper, glass, etc, the ex pense of putting on metal roofing would be very small—Enquirer- sun. Congressman Adams said: ’’Hen dricks was a big-hearted andbig- tesmss, whs did sere to elect Cleveland than any other man in the country. David B. .Hill is the only democrat left.”—Tribune. Mr. Hendricks Was worthy of all praise, but it is exceedingly bad taste to eulogise the dead Vice' President by indulging in flings at Mr. Cleveland The New York Herald saya: Death and the tun, said Rochefou- " - cauld, are not to be looked at steadi ly. Vice Pretideat Hendricks hat solved the awful mysteiy of mortal ity, and yesterday the nation, through its representatives, laid him in the narrow house which is at the end ot our earthly journey, while the preacher pronounced the fiat of nature, “Dust unto dust.” The occasion Was one inwhii every citizen in the land felt a emn interest The atmospherejyas laden with a heavy fog, ind through the mist the salemn tolling of the church bells gave voice to the si lent mourning of the bereaved fam ily and of the assembled multitude. The public business of the uation ceased in token of high respect, and in the little church were gathered Cabinet officers, Judges of the Su preme Court, members of the sen ate and house of representatives, r governor* of states and gcnyrals of ri •*; ) " •' - . Mr. Hendrick*' like'was typical V 'of the advantages which a govern ment lijte,this can offer. He was born in a log cabin. From that — starting point he began the long journey, armed with patience and perseverance, which ended when he occupied the position next to the highest within the gift of the people. .The world gives him credit for un sullied honesty. That is tie highest praise that can be bestowed. He died poor. That i* the proof of hit honesty. Men may criticise in nwnv we heve been through hot times which made ac* , BP»ati<mj easy. J i8q| ltii«^co«iifrry give* its verdict—he was an honest CW 4 - , One thin^ we *aro proud to re- meben—tho death of no man can rob us of the Republic, I Statesmen r die, the Republic remains. ,Qur i/i NBMrtK* jp»t jira simply dr°l> the burden they have been carrying but others take it up. None of us, •! not even the noblest* and the most commanding, it necessary to the perpetuity of our institutions. W* depart, one after the other, but t he institutions which have protected Yo-bavo helped to ill abetter our children d bur ‘children’s children. A new sect Las sprung up Canada whose doctrine is that wo men have no souls, because the Bible nowhere mentions aagds. The leader it a Frenchman and a fool Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winchester, Ind., writaa: “One of my customers, Mrs. Louis* Pike, Barton!*, Randolph Co., Ind., wsj a long sufferer with Con- sur»jitlon,and was given up to die by "" ™ l]ft NJMWs WMI She beard of Dr. King Dee. tod hi now so much Im proved she has quit using It. She feels abe owe* her Ufe. te It.” Free Trial BottleatLangftCo Drugstore. tree trial of thirty ‘ tale You sreH day* of r Dr. Dye’s celebrated Vol^l Belt with Electric Suspensory Applian ces, for too speedy and permanent enre of Herrons Debillts, lossot Vitality and (Mwphood, and all kindred troubles. 1 p, for.many other diseases. Com- fe restoration to health, vigor and hood guarantee!. No risk is incurr-l ■ Illustrated pamphlet, with fall In- (SrmatloO, termsTetc., mailed free by addressingVoltalo Bell Go., Marshall, THE HEALTHFUL ANDNUTBITIOB8 BAKING POWDER. toilh* Sour, th* atreagtb giving phoe- MEDICINAL. TAKE ALL IN ALL. —Take all the Kidneys and Liter Medicine* —Take all the Blood partners, —Take all the Dytpepeia and Iodiges- Uun cures, —Take all the Ague, Fexer, and bilious specifies —Take all the Brain and Nerve force retries. —Take all the Great health restorers. In short, take alt the best qualities of all these and U10—best, —Qualities of ah the beat medicines In the world, and you will find that— Hop —Bitters hate the beat curative qualities and power* of all—concen trated in them, —And. that they will care when any o< all of these, singly 01 —combined. Fall!!)!’ —A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. HARDENED LIVER. Five year* ago I broke down with kid pey and liver complaint and rheumatism then I have been unable to be Julf “* nfiwi filled wltfi water. All the best pbytleitns agreed that nothing oonld cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bitters; I have used seven bottles; the hardness baa all gone from my liver, the (welling from my limbs, and It has worked a miracle in my cute; otherwise I would have been nowin my grave. J.W.Money, Buffalo,Oct 1,1881, POVERTY AND SUFFERING. “I. was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering for years, caused by a lick family and Urge bills for doo- toring. I was completely discouraged, until on* year ago, by the advice or my peator, I commenced using Hop Bitters, and In one month we were all well, and none of us have seeu a sick dsy since, and I Want to say to ail poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop bitters tor less than one doctors visit will ooft I know it —A Wohkingman. IWNone genuine without a bunch of green Hope on the white label. Shun aO the vile stuff with "Hop" or ‘‘Hops’’ iu their name. about at all My liver became hard like wood; njy limbs were puffed up and Congress meats on next Monday, The first business to come before the senate .will be the election of a president pro tem., who will serve as president ol the senate in place of the deceased Vice-President, George F. Edmunds will doubtless be chosen. In the heuse the spest er is to be elected. Hon. T. G. Car lisle, it is pretty certain; will be elected to that office. The PrinterYCircular thinks that the editorial page of the daily news paper ia gradually being abolished, Any reader has observed the long “leading” or ’’heavy” editorials of a Ayr year* ago are found no more, except in the columns of a few old, fashioned paper*. The Constitutioa says that one of iu editori baa never seen the front of the Kimball House. The reason of this is the editor slips in and obt through the ride door,—Macon Telegraph. Au Editor’s Testimonial Vayghsn, Editor ofth* "Gre- " Greenwich,.0., writes met pith a v.ry lent,'doted by a runaway r KyqgqBaafc CARBOLIC SALVE. I ■ AiqeiBts Sarsaparilla ,J3. 'tWSTSfUmRt tratad oxtnu* ol •purify lug or Poua- mr* rt*w ib«s all blood •ml renews Mag power. tofefliMtol mtaattM Cmi , •Avrn'v 8vM.trsen.LJi hu cured m of Dr.MO.Ai Sold Sy ail HOME TESTIMONY Prof. H. C. White. STATEJC1IEXIST. Univkrhitt opOkoroiA. Ckestieot Leooratvry Office of Slat* C\emiet, I have Sew familiar Sir a number of yean with tha (Mural character of Prof. lUonforda pace, phallo preparation!. Recent examlaatloua made by me e< the "Add Pheephsto" and "Bread Preparation,” thow them to be ceeetly wSet le dittoed for them In the drenlara aecompaylac the peckayea. The "Add Phoephate" le t ooncen- hated eolation In water of Add Phoephate of lime. The “Bread preparation" la a mixture of Acid Phoephate ot Lima, carbooato or eodaand floor. When mlxod with a alar, carbonic add gull liberated and a double phoephate o lima and oodm le formed and re malm In the broad when baked. In ordinary cream ol; tartar hak* lag powdete the eubstanre left la the bread late “ratting* la rachel# ealU—a doable tartrate of da and potaeh. The pbeephatoeore neeful min- oral enbetoneee In knlmal cutrtUon and growth, he tartretee are not, la my opinion Phoephate Powder le therefore, preferable to ethero, |ee mr ee hedthfdnew Is concerned. H. C. WHITE, • FROM John Gerdine, M. D., Athens, Ga., June 12,1881. In'reply to yonr Inquiry, I may state caudld.y that I think Hors ford's Bread ion the beat and safest on the Your* truly, JOHN GERDINE, M.D. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. TRY IT. .A. GRANT, INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt- Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,000. Office cor. Thomas and Clayton ata sm C. BODE, FRENCH CANDIES. Splcnd line of TOYS Fresh Bread and CAKES every evening. Fall and Winter MILLINERY GOODS. I am now receiving my Fall Stock of tho fiaost goods in thta lino. Call and examine. I am|boand to tell. * apSly MRS. T. A. ADAMS Georgia Bonds! FOR SALE 0 Tiie undersigned, having been appointed Agents fo the sale of the issue of 4 pr. ct 30 year Bonds of th State of Georgia, are pre pared to offer them at the very lowest rates and to purchase the 6’s 7’s and 8’s maturing 1886, at the high est ligares. JNO. JAY COHEN. RHIND ft THORNTON. RICHMOND* PANVIUJWRAimOAO rate Atlanta tArGainflarlUo .......... BOOIWWAMD. (.** acooaaoBanoa Tum iAmUsi naixajoo Uavs amata.....*?!!L- uspsa Arrive Oalneavlll.. 1M p m Aeoeawaanoa Taaix, Ura-Uxs Hus.) No. 1A—Local rxn s s I a O.U.—Local rxxmar, Ootwe Soura. 1 Imavo Charlotte — SJSam *Q>ABmWiXUOSZS& The above repreeent* the Type-wnt. (or which I am agent They are great savers of time and labor. One of mem can be seen at the office of Mr. B. K. Lumpkin, when I will take pleasure In explaining the same and giving torn* or, rorclreolars sod Information ad- drew, S. D. Pickett, box SSL Athens. octSKw a P. PICKETT: ornSRS M. n.iuis,. tttS5SS®«SCS?Stt8TT gV*AGENTS WAMTXDf, fpwimiw PLUMBE . Gas and Steam Fitters, Desists la Sanitary fleofle. Wrought. Ceet an* Clavton 81 Athena. Ga. PAY Ytiuk STaTEaSI) COUNT TAXES loedigrat of tbs above taxes for 188N are now In my'bauds (or collection. A» persons eonoerncil are urged to rot - orward and settle promptly. Offica Capt. J. H. Rucker's cotton office. tlftwire- 8. a LINTON.T. C. C, TO ADVERTISERS. g&SiSXS Tp.thorauhowMi •A'i SSlrtMTSUSi , No. n.^l^%w«kmiii«S.' Leave Central— «.ie a m Arrive otoenvlll* AM ■AUfreish^l dlvcrglnr. No. ** leoveo glehmoadjat Ail P m end Mo. SI orvivoo than dMMhft Icovee Richmond l.SS . m, U .rrl in. The local freight, .top ot I toMaluutea. mJ u Uc.k.t HLXirntaCiat On train. Not. 50 and " ta, via W««hinrloa ; CuaWireonvCxiaea-i *On train.Non.U andflt. Klchmood as* Dea lUa, an* Waariagton, and Anemia and Weak ttun and XawUttoana. OSOROIA RAILROAD COM PANT STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Omen OsxxatL Maa.sia, Auguatu. On., MwaStet, 1SSS, Commencing Sunday, Nov Sad, th.loilowlni poeoengen Kehodulo will OMrota on thla read Train# 1 XA«T UNX. No. >7, WfTDAllY. IfTf AUglt L’vc Athoie* 7; Ar vo Wiu’v'e o(M a w LcxiiigKiii- $:3S a.i AuUoco . . 6 a.0 Maxeys ... 8:04at Woodvlllc B:88a.ii Un. 1»L .. U:4U a>, aiernaiLv. MO. 1, VIST DAILY. I7y« Anguala.. Un&) a.os “ Macon* 7:i« a 10 WaNhl'g'n.llriO a-m Alliens . . V:t0 a-iu Wintenr'8 934 a.m Lcx’gi’u.. 10:08 a.m Woodville 11:87 p.m Ar*YC U’uFt.. 11:86 a.m Atlanta. 6:40 p m M0.3, WMT DAILY. Lexiugt’u.- 8:4-2p.m • Atttiuth... 4t6 p,U - Maxeyc .. 4:18 p.m • Wuo’lvllle. 4:4U pm •• Un. Pi 4:66 p.m Arr've W«b 7 66 p.M Leave W aali'a 4^0 p a Ar*VH Aavn'taAlApm MO.X, «AT DAILY, Lr’e Atlanta.. HM) ax Un. rt... 2:10 PA Woodrillt 2:99 p.m llaxeya... 6:06 p.xa Antioch... 8:84 p.m Laxlncton. 431 p.m Winter* re. 4:49 p.m Ar*T« Athena.. 8:20 p.m *' Waah’gt’n. 230 p.m Macou... 6:16 pm Aayurta... i:» pjn MO. 4. BAIT DAILY. L'vuAUfftlltA. .8:4o p m L'v.Atlanla... >:lfl PAS Arilr. Maoun 6:46 a ut " Macon.... p m Ar*?-j Atlanta, i 41 antra Auguata.. 140 am eengere to and from the following otalona on^: Qruvelown, Benella. Uulem-Uearing, Tbomaon Norwood, Barnett, Crawfordvllle, Union point, 0 boro, MadUon, Kutledyo, BocUu Circle, Covluglon, Conyare, IMou. Moon tain and Decatur. Train No. i* till atop at and receive paeoengere to and from the following stationi only: Uroretowa, Harlem, Dearlns, Thom peon, Norwood, Baraalt, Craw- (ordvlue. Union Point, Orconaboro, tudlreo, BuUedge, Hoclol Circle, Covington .Conyera, U- thonIt. stone Mountain and Daealor. The "Veit Lino" connects tor all potato east end northoaet, wait end aontbweat. Train Mo. Si on Athone Branch claee pasaaeo- gers from N.Ztou mala Ban, 15 mianua far .upper at Union Point. The feat mall rani through aJeepeie between Atlanta and Charleatoo. Trafnt to and from Athene conneut with tralieR, Zt, 1 and 3. K. R. DORSEr, Oen. Paaa. Agent. JOHN W GREEN, deal Manager JOI W. WHITE, Goal Traveling Fames go Agent, Augu-to. ga. FOB BALK OB RKNT. 1691 Acres. (Llk>SWB8m5lsl.ffia.t3j|!S; spar^aaap FOR SALE. Rooms to Rent, ssasss Mill.’ TO RENT" flat test, the lugehMaotaa* srrajkU.^. For Sale. FOR RENT- CAPITAL PRIZE,4150,000 ■eel Drawing, eft be Loot. Un. auto LoltotyCeto. rss UU tortlUmla, with tauetmUee ef ear aleaatua* atucaa*. ta lu adTartlscmenu." Wc, the nndenlgued Banka and Ban- ken, wilt pay all d'rtxe. uiawn in The Louisiana Slat.- Lotleiir- » hlcn may be presented at oar counters. J. H. (fleshy, Pres. Louisians National Bank. Samuel H. Kennedy, Pres. Bute National Bank A. Baldwin, Pres. New Orleans National Bank LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. was veers! A ,086-4o which a imonr* popvlar veto IU irasehlao _ prtMQl 8UU CoAsUtniUw tdopUd Dooimbm 2d, A* V., 1671. lt«Orand8inal« Number Drmwlng* will taktplftce cnonih!- It «mr $c«U$ orptk- WML Look At Uu following distribution: 187th Grand Monthly NORTH-BASTEKN RAILROAD. BurxxiNTXKDxirr's Omca, I On and altar ae^^Won^hl r»d will ran a.,Xw^ Arrive at aaiaA Arrive AtUats. r .,JM»,m HT^ tin No. Sloaaneeu at utla With B. A D. i No. M fee Atlanta aa* aU patoU la Baath Pullman Bafet Stooping Car Lola I.ula to New llrl..n. ■■niiiiMKTtiSss&amS New Tank wtthoat ahaaga awpaUmaa Peleca glaaplag Op thraagh (ism Scientific American Extraordinary Semi-Annual Draw ing. , la tk* toils; *1Mtitle, New Orisass. Tvssday, December It, 11(5. Under ihaMrsooal management of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana and GeQ.Jubal A. Early, of Virginia CAPITAL PRIZX, *100,000. TW W—vt-t-a- are Tea Dalian anly, Btlrta, gl. "^Jj-.Tentto,H, w~ p 600.... 27,406 68#.. . 80,009 it 40,00# 0AppmximftUtu PrlMMof WOO.... 1 \ ** 180.... 10,89# 0 - JA 7#.... 7.6## kVn S&*H**V.C. Make Pi 0. ! Money Orders payable and address Regis tered letters to Now fimiae. l OK^ LOUM1AXA NATIONAL B fl NX. ,r " ^Ww cSream l STATS NATIONAL I OXXMAEU HATTONS ", HABITS CORED By B. «3yOOI44y, M. I , wi-j-Yia . ! PIONEER M’FG CO. OF PAPER CLARKE CC.C A