The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, December 29, 1885, Image 2

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BANNERWATCHMAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER t 1885 * wV v ^ 12 .• - * i?’ - - 1L . • " -i i< ■ rUffgfJL nNniiilitb 11 .rating rig. SI „bubMM out rostra'll*- ntleman of^Waterto hrnotAL ouu of 11-7. y *°°*. circumitances, and ttty#fAtks*«aaacUrks,0**e***Ba*k».j d »*'"R * pension because of* I Mrouad received in the Union army, ... * *w2ki» •< I wrote to Gen. 31shone expressing a desire .0 tom the pensiott £*!* fri ded Confederate and la bow getting into T. L. OASTT. . I some worthy disabled " ■ -—:= I soldier in need of help'. Imprisonment for debt la still one | MeLeughlln; «f Lunenb of the luxuries of New York. ~ [worthy. Mr.G.W. g/county, -/-Respect rom New . ^.•y.rg^rsir^lsws ~ p~.pi 1IES|2H!E2 |L.^Ui.lp. {•■.». for November. The Sultan of Turkey has *50! a prominent * veterinarian wives, and Us personal expenses I Washington has are 9n^oofioo per year. water of , mMP1 In Ocala, Florida, the hotels r*-|ag*nt galed their Christmas patrons with [wounds made strawberries and cream. A returned explorer is bragging] about how three crops of corn can be grown in one year in Honduras. A UaesT Ue Spsetk fast Knocks*I sue Out. Frontk. SrillBd At the recent cam For the first time in twenty-five ocr4ll 0 { thB y? yearn a democratic president carved I when nominatic his Christmas turkey in the While I order for the -ol House. I ent of public printing, Mr.* Hof . T" V :. ■ , . . of Craig, in s dramatic spceoh, nom- A spring of good black ink has I mated Rush U. Derr, of Roanoke, been discovered near Hot Spriogs, | When Mr, ^iofApan Ark. The only other ink spring in *Wl» 0 4 'Mart' 1 the country is near Matietta. L 0 , tJle Tirfewfcter Matt Morgan, now ol Cincinnati, I Index, published ii 2a al work on a paaorama of the I* Jj?® 1 ?*r± whic ‘“ “|3*BsS^T be finished by next September. J -The gentleman ftehTOWg has A love-sick you ngmsn in Mont gomery endeavored throbbing* of hi* affectionate by jumping into the Alabama river. Hid that he tan in mont* 1 ' 77 , -- ._ | where the lofty peaks I to still the in jjrays of the sun am tionate heart I of the cow bolls are be 1 silent streams' 1 Vigorous efforts are stilt betag |?^ia d irt him!*^^‘didTcosa . , j come made to ftach the unfortunate men|from? I came from a district where entombed in the Nantlcoke mine I *he noble Chesapeake roils her ghia- but there is no longer the shadow’ V.. wave# from the oyster bed* of of. hope that they will be foond | ^e wlid billow. alive. Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia, is sued a ukase prohibiting Santa Claus from standing in shop win i lor my Atlantic; wbe majestic York river hums if* . muring music that ecboei aid pebbly banks pf Old Point 1 1 toit I represent not a sectioi tmeen the sute of Virginia, from 1 dows, a* bit displaying himself in | circumference; from where so many places caused crowds to morning raysof the golden sun gild collect and block the sidewalks. ‘‘l* ' h0rO K *£. W iT* ‘ h ® * V# ~ ning rays linger behind her western An •alderman in Montreal hat hills, and the jackal’s mournful cry sued the Herald of that city lor | * ro “‘ e * * he slumbering woodsman, printing a speech that he did 1 deliver. The average New York I echoes' _ alderman ought to be sued for the £]Mr. Bohannon kept up a wonder- speeches that he does deliver. Mill play on the English'language _ : for fifteen minutes, and hi* perors- Oneofour consuls to Germany, | tiou far overtopped bis iatrodactiom aviug his body’s mouth, is a preparation for cleansing, beautifying and preserrini the teeth, swhmtening the breath, and '8p iMlag*'« rise” men da everything. ■ The December Number win begin the ISevcntyraeoond Volume of Harper’s nier”— holding the foremost piece in cur-l rent serial fletious—will run through several numbers, and will ba followed by aerid stories from B. D. Bltckmore I sad Mr*. D. M.Crtik. Aeewedltorlsl dsPawmAdinemnlMitoplee suggested by U ism medietas* t*tblb>eftr.8sverei ewsssol pronounced Cauauapmcn haw taken In connection with Electrie Bit- aghMajHHi a! vrsys. Sold by J coaneetu ten W* guarantee IworACa, THE HP,ALT HPCL ASDNUTfimOUS BAKING POWDER. 'SSL# OrHStt ‘ lufottir HOME , 'greet* the of day- and wakes the 1 of the Dismal Swamp.” The Utter was sent. oppad Jacob Mueller, of Ohio, has been I He had the satisfaction of indulging in loose talk abnut the | candidate, Mr. Micou, nominated. Bismarckian Government, and it is understeod that hit rectll will be asked for at aa early day. I New York Ledger: A young | lady was engaged to_ a wealthy * ■ was sts Bangor I were invited. But a few” day* editor to statistically prove that ” ef ° r ® ,he j)*/ appointed for the £?-**•**' eight times drunker than Bangor, betrothed belonged %at insolvent. Yet betb these cities for year* have She imnr J, -‘-’ “ - * been under the benign Maine law. I J >r **J c | n 8 , mg him farewei Neal Dow’s assertion that U*n-1 yolfng^nufacturer. * The gor is “the dronkennest city oa the | set for the marriage and the guest continent” has aroused a Bangor I were invited. Bit a few dayi ProC H. (). White. FT J .TEJCII F.S I ST. University or Gkomha. inRfl Laboratory. B-BffiBTS: EsSSSOSSSS! etstwwt tor thaw I* tbs eusulan seeswrayfa Lias. ns'-amd sfssamUon M (sasUctanot add rhMkaU Stums, carbons!* or sod* sod flour. when mixed with valor, carbide odd pa Unbonded sad 0 doable ptmykst* e lUne end aodo lohnaed sad reaaslos la Uo brood w boa baked. laoodloorjr (room ofltartor bah- tsw rowdomlbs sahaUaea lea la the broad (ale “raata* r U roe hole tklu—o doubts tartrate of da and potaah. Tbapbocyh aloe are aaotol ala- oral oobataaeaa la aalaal aalrtUoa aad growth. commander during both day* Shiloh, distinctly denies that Gen. Beauregard, who claims to I in the greatest hail have been the sole CoufederattJ »o more than time toi atqp tfaajsi- parationa for the wedding.. Two hours after it had been 'posted Abe „ , , . . learned that the rumor of the firnhV Uaion forces were taken by sur- insolvency weeM*e/Ac|MKBii3f priM, which adds to the intrlceciea|by berparents she haitenM m the of the Information already extant post-omce to demandJlMMuU| el An irreverent Western paper I lady insisted, but the postmaster My* that if odd names for girls, retriaSned firm. The parents:begam such as Gladys, Elfrida, Enid, Ethel 1 Tnieifbeeam«*eltei^ th^A?''^v* and Clarice, continue to grow in ta/b^nST^2S£“2HS« popularity, it will io8n be impotll. I wa| a MeOiT^ B ble to diatieguish the name of a vari- Is ar oylaloa Phoophato Powder is Ihstslws. pistsnbU to other., jf isr a. hsslthUlusos U ccaccrscS, H. C. WHIT*, FROM John Gerdine, M. D., :>:.i Athsmk,Oa., June 12,18M. ‘dxtrrumcc • i, e ?n reply to your Inquiry, I may al cat idid y that I think lloraford'* Br fft iparatlou the beat and safest on the Toura truly, JOHN GERDINE, M. D. rORKALR BS ALLOUOCEBS- TRY IT. 18S6. ii Harper’s Magizine ILLUSTRATED. win c, will bs niae-Wills Jxanirw anmber. January ■ number, ntotthaysar will afOiaealMef shape o(* story, .tedbyC.H. ■■■■■■■adRfffs*,: eaeSSRipp tlon to to American Hihliwrt# treited bv the best of American Writers, and Hiee rated by tb* leading American Artiste. 188*. Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper’* Weekly ha* wow ter more than twenty years, maintained lie posi tions* the leading iUtulratad weekly newspaper in America. With acoaeunt Increase of Hilary end ar title resources It U able 1 to offtrfor the e nsuluf year a tractions unequal led by any prevlou volume, enbracing two capiulillustrn ted serial etories,oee by Hr. Time. Har dy, among the foremost of living writers of Action’aiid tb* other by Mr. Welter Beeeant, 00* of the most rapidly rising of English novelists;graphicUhiatmted of unnsual Interest to readers otsll sec tions of the country; entsrtalnlqg abort stories, mostly illustrated, by the beet writersJsnd Important papers by bids authorities on tee chief topics of the dir. Every 00* who desiree a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and In* •atiueliva family from naMVius railhoao’ **u wmrMWTMmaTt •111 wotobo Is r* 1.0.1 II of oa OM or lal ieo- ^"'St.WiKTkSWirTODaJ TO RENT- For Sale. owner, two, throe,led sue two roomoot- 1-a. wiLutbke.ttooiXMAU Aeoat, SKIN, SCALP, BLOOD Cleansed, t Purified and Beautified by the Cuticura Remedies. ' 'MriiMiygMRgg garine inn flritlTmnuHllf KtlfBIl. lilttuwSSjFiBidriBiKSI The Velume of the Weekly begin* with the first Number (or January e< sec yarn. When no time la mentioned, will be understood that the tubaerlb wishes to commence with the Number neat after tbe receipt of aider. BoundVolamesef Harpers, far three C are back, la neat cloth blading, will Mat by mall postage paid, or by ex- S resa, free of expause (provided freight oeenot exoeed one dollar per volume), for 17.00 per volume. AddreaaHksrxx<Si BaonsnaNew York IMA Harp rs’s Baz a: ILLUSTRATED. HAarsa’sBASABistheouly paper in tbe world that combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with thalateat fashions and method* of household adornment. lie weekly Ulee- trstions aad description* of the newest Paris aad New York stylee, with It* useful pattern-sheet supplements and cot pattern^ by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times’ the cost of subscriptioo. Its papers on cook ing, the management of servants, and bouee-keepiug In its various details ere eminently practical. Much attention la giving to the interesting toplo of social etiquette, and ita illustrations of art needfo-workatsaukowiedgedtobe une qualled. It* literary merit is of tb* big- hast excellence, and tbs unique chara cter of its humorous pictures hue woo for U the name of tbe American Punch. HARPER’S PERIODICALS rwVM, B — «<. Bixrav* IIAU1XXHK. — HAXrata WXEXLT S2SS5VSSSK£iSS8&-iiiiuST a ’ Oa# Tssr(*l«sab*n) Puiaft frmtttU mhertten la Uu VmUm FOR RENT r55.*Y5KT O. I. c. OLD INDIAN CURE Atumsta. re Macon .*:46 p m THE GEM OF BLOOD PU RIFIERS. Not a cure-all, but an excellent tonic, appetiser and blood purifier aad in the treatment of FEMALE TROUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Of this popular preparation the Tele graph A Messenger, of Maoon My*: “Host of our druggist handle the prep aration called O. 1. C. which simply means Old Indian Cure, and many of ?"i ,n to sad iioa um them ar* selling large quantities of it This medicine bMaetroughold upon the confidence of our people, who regard ,1 m an honest reliable old remedy. It it manufactured by a company in Perry Ga„ who own the original Indian recipe, The rapidity with wbioh the demand roi it has IncrMsed^dno* Im introduction in ourcomiaudit. can be The rapidity with which the demand fncressed^l oiinui ‘ itrutl one ground , the article, for it* advertising Jher* hat been limited, as compered with many other preparations that have been left far In the rear in the raoe (or popular favor.” aau> btlkidimo nano gists: THE O. I. GL COMPANY, Parry, Ca. TfclsOiset Bleed pari t«r,nule tad Arpsltor Foraalaln Athens,Oe., by Long* Co r.sxisvwslty. The Voluates of she Bexar begin wib th# first Number-iM Jsuuarv of each year. When a* time is mentioned, it will he nndantned that the subscriber withe* to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper’s Ba for three years back, in nett doth bins B will beet sent by mall, post -a* or by express, free of expen* id«l the freight does not *$< eo* dollar par volume,) lor 17.08 per veluat*. Cloth Caste for each vdame, suitable ingin ely actress from a daughter of oris* I fBfrl 1 tocracy. answer. rule An ingenious Belgian hat invent l*’ tc «p , ioo, and tl *d a whittle, worked by tbe foot, to that when used at the thcat~- 1 where whiatlib^ it a cause pulsion ol tbl whistler, tbe . ... can not ascertain who are making I w *jWen (ouodtai on the incident of the noise. 'The bnva have their fi-ti lo letter being lost or intercepted. amnhashied whea the mono m. »• Well, b, waV •mphaaised when the wrong menjo^variety^fbc xome riling author to nre put out. t nind his next (story upon* a le t r 1 c,D^r- fc «. procured fiom a pawnbrokei in that city tbe diamond ring, given by the ex-EmprtM Eugenie to the native that took tbe dead body of tW Prince from tbe field in South Afrit ca. Th* native we* pentionndtfco life by Eugenie and it living where in MatMchuMtta. Gov. Hill : i* Mid le be having great tribulation in the matter of 1* looting hi* tuff. Th* militaVy waff of tbe Governor of the Empine State it the most gorgeous body ea the •tern Heart sphere. Too, much cannot be exercised in its a£ Aa n metier of Ctcfc though, the Governor ihould he allowed twenty-five aides and no man should have a lower rank than Brigadier- arv pkwd riuta*rdat«imtUr for binding, will be sect by mall, pre paid, oe receipt of *1.00 each. Remit- Dnnn Maces should be ewde by Poet-Oflica wskcveuM tssraft in.lLuTl.. 1. M ..I 1 Uker f lew beds of llowwre is the breath thfit, rendered agreeably ordorous )DONT, wtuoh communicates. r your 1 ’•Spalding's Glue,” dseful 'ln Addrew HARPER A BROTHEHH, Now York. r‘MVivo»d «hmw» S.“ THE LAMENT SALE. anmis^MH .r r*K- Harper’s Young Poop MraXTOTEATEDTfEALLT. r&s Tbepoeillon of pie m the SALT 1RHEUH CUBED. triUswoiMMsesd Bait Xtaesn DOCTORS PRESCRIBE THEM. ‘■‘““^.rwTzarrr lErSHafe’gssSI The serial and short storiee bear strong dramatic lOtertat, while they ar*. wholly five from whatever I* pwnielou* or W- garly sensational: the paper* on natural Betonr end eeieao*. travelled the facts of Ofbeie by writw* whea* Marngm the best SESuranc* nl accuracy aad I Illustrated papers on ,atbririto| theee^nbJect*.*There i* nothing cheep about h but tbe price, j ^Futind TERMS: ftMfi* r*»*M *«• Nr FW. m r.aanitvs HmnUr a UW. AND AMERICA ■DISPENSARY AMD pMALE INFIRMARY, | MISS R08A FKEUDEXTHAL, M.D.,1 h Proprietor. I rxciuxx to tii b£X I This Dispensary and Infirmary ball all the advantage* and facilities round Institutions iu Europe. Every ■IBKent l* perfect within itself. Uterine diseases; all diseases of the bladder andbowel»;of th*skip;pile*. ■apKA^ and quickly. Special apartmenu for IrtEwwiieviwqreaalre towmelnln the tptamnmsi. ARnwaim end ■■BiasBSr tss'sis it Ml p B Wi • Be iSjsla? IS BB a 5: la:sa ;s :: 4 , : .3SS IS ?S rlSSS IS S tsmsw *m p« w*a* »J* ►“* an uae *» tuq, tamtams Bhuduo WNMHf, I ■astern cttlee, aad at AUaau wits an line (esTM Klchmosd I.SSsm, is snlrMiMra 7.4J5 its. Tk» loesl tnlgwwgmtoammm Irslfktsator at akove (tenons S sad6S. Klcksoad aa* Dta OBOROIA HAILROAUUOSSPAMV STOXZ MOOMTAM ROOTS. Onus UsasakL Suiau, Attsons. Oa, M»v. atet, IMS, Cemwtadaa kniidar, Kov SSad,iksloUoalst- MiKiiienochedole wiU eseraUsa thu rose Ma iatb sttantfl— ' ' ■IsysnkaBAMiBSIeUM* KCSJ, WIST SUIT, i ke.Sg SAST BX1LT. .--- ■ - - --— T7i' L’ve Atksat 7:<S a Ariv* WWW sis a ** Lexington. tXS AB “ AnUoea... •• Un. PL.... 9:40 RtS Arr’yeAUanU IJWpi NO. \, WENT DAILY. I/iiAd|nto..m •• Macao ... 701 ft R M Wuhl'c’Q.UtM E.m ••Athena ... •* Wlnlerr’e 9ri4 «.m •' Lez’ct’n.. 10:09 a.m - ABtioeb.. 10:44 e,m •• Mazejrs .. 1199 ejd - Wood vl Ue 11:37 p.u Ar ve U nit.. 11:55 lr 9:40 p.m nsssssdiiilyS " 4:&5p.H Arr’fe Waah 7Z5p.« Leave Wuh'a 4^9.p» tAPre AEgu'u 9.15 p m Ur. P*l... CIO pjt M WoodY lilt 291 |KM ** Mazejt... 1:M pji •• AnUodb... L14 p.a> •• WjSSPtt ISi p5 - Macon .. 9:l»pa M AugueU .. iM pJB APve AtUnU. 9.49 A.M-ar'e Augu»U.. 9^9 > U GrOYetowu, Men onlj! Thom bob Unlea ktO|» Mb *MU folic wind rlvni.Dtnr' Crawford’ ConrS, ftouc Mouu* HBuccetur. Train No. 29 l 111 atop at [receive puBeDcera to and from the ■■■lnc eUuone only: Gnthovb, Hnrleia, nMHiirrvu u c’ .MaMeaetkea. Knocktlvrai ewaaestwnkBtlassr.SMma > w. WHITS. Om'I TrsrcUsg PxiMng. ■vrnvHTMstin'. Omrs, i . . A east, it, uo.! »•*- NO. SI ksas t:M * at ‘ tetls. ltd* . v XO. SI. ■ t.MeenlH IJ0 D flft r—.ilZlZ Arrive AUibu. Arrive At AftboES “" •T, V ■ Tr.ta Ns. SBcsaMcti as Lain wan K. a o. •rajaSaNKt Atkalasad all rMals la So.Ik SwrtiUmsa MM 8W.ring Us, UU _Tnd. ttaassmeteaiM uts *nk a. a n. train BEANS itsll'l* ernil ifei tig '