The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, January 03, 1886, Image 2

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T. L. GASTT. * FEN UNPLEASANT, BUT TIMELY NORM. In (everal of our state exchanger we were pained to note the fact that at certain count/ prohibition ejection^ white ladies, of the high eat respectability, remained around the polls all day, in their seal for the great cause, that they so nobly espoused, and urged the im portance of voting “Against the sale” upon every white and black man tnat came forward to deposit his ballot. It is but natural and proper that our ladies should chani pion the cause ot prohibition, and do all in their power to piomote its success, for they are the greatest sufferers from the curse of strong drink; but there are certain bounds within which they should keep, and to overstep these lay them liable to reproach aud intuit. Let the ladies have their societies and meetings— let them talk prohibition to their fathers, husbands, sons, sweethearts and male acquaintances—let them work lor the cause and pray lor it, and even “boycott" any young man addicted to drink by refusing to re ceive or associate with him; but, for the sake of all that is pure and modest and loveable in Southern womanhood—for the sake of the euviable name that our fair daugh ters have ever borne—for the sake of keeping up the lines of social hie now imperative in the South, do not contaminate yourself by being caught in the filthy whirlpool »l modern politics, especially since the introduction into the bouth of such mixed suffrage. A voting precinct in Georgia to-day is scarcely a fit ting place for a gentleman, who has an acute sense of self-respect, to be found and it is the last place on earth that lady should wish to be seen. The manner of conducting elections in the South since the war is a plagia rissn upon the name of balloting, and a disgrace and shame to our re public. The gtound around the polls is a regular social equality wal low, and generally .the side that dives the deepest into the slime comes out victorious. White spirits and black, brown spirits aud grey, fondle and caress, pul! and tug, or curse and ubusa each other as their whims dictate. For this day a 1 bars of race and society are removed, and a regular social equality love feast is held. The idea of trans- pU.oting our pure and modest South ern ladies in such a place, and ming ling them, with, such scenes and as sociations, is sickcningly repulsive even in thought. Their refined feelings must naturally feel shocked by such disgraceful surroundings, and their whole nsture rebel against the ordeal through which they naust go. They are liable et any moment to be intuited by a drunken negro or ruffian, and even do they escape this danger, they mustnaturaliy feel humiliated by being placed so far out of their sphere. Even when a gentleman consents to work around the polls for a candidate er a causa,, he feels that it U a bitter and de grading pill, and it is only strong personal friendship or psttiotfe de- votion to party that makes him do the dearest victory that Georgia has ever purchased, or ever could pur chase. With our mixed population the only hope for the iate'slave states is to keep taut t\>4 'social cords. Let us watch over and guard our women with the eye of a Mahomed an, and seethal thfy ire; aot led into any step that tends to.* ward weakening the social bans. They are right to do all the good they can, and exercise their winning influence, in their proper sphere; but such a sphere is far removed trom ballot-box. We will leave these steps far such strong-minded remales as Susan B. Anotliony, Ten- nie Clafin and others of tliiir ilk; but thank God, such doctrines have never at yet found lodgment in the minds of the daughters of the &outb- We do not intend to reflect on any of those ladies in the state who have seen fit to work for- prvliibi- tion at the polls, for they ^mly per. milled their zeal for the nobhf cause which they espoused to overbsl- tme oh;i .</ cumM MOST PERFECT MADE The United States Government Places Dr. Price’s at the head of the.entire list. tfloo NitioiUL 11<jahd or Health Bulletin—Supplement No, t, pout XL Washington, D. C.) The December Number will begin the Seventy-econd Volume of Harper’s Mtgfzine. Hiss. Woolson’s novel, “East Angels,” and Mr HowardV’Indlan Sunt mer”—bolding the foremost plaoein cur rent serial fictions—will ran through several numbers, amt will be followed by serlcl stories from R, B. Blackmo.e ■ sndilrs. 0. M. Craik, A new editorial department, discussing tonics suggested by current liicnutirei of America and Eu rope, will Wvonfribut-d by W. D. How ells, beglaniug with January number. The gloat literary event ottbe year will hethe publication of a aeriesof papers —taking the shapeof a story, and deplct- ing characteristic features of American society as seen at our leading pleaanre resorts—written by Charles Dudley War tier, ami Illustrated byC. 8. Reinhardt The Maginlue will give eepcclal atten tion to to Amerluan subjects, treated by the best of American writers, and lllua- rated by the leading American Artists The Canadian Government Places Dr. Price’s at the head of the entire list. (See report to the COXMIMXOXZR or Inland Hk venue Depart*ext,Ottawa(»eat of govern ment), Canada, April 3rd, 1333.) •nee their judgment, or were un- consciously led by the injudicious advice of some ambitious.leader for both sexes, and all placed, ‘have such among their population; but we trust that it Will never jgafo bf attempted in Georgia, aqd wi\fccj that it is the duty of both the press and the public to frown do-^TTiita* ' a movement. In Clarke, Elbert, 1 Oglethorpe and Fulton counties glorious prohibition triumph* were achieved without thia-sacrifice, hniP it is not only unwise and unpatriot ic, but a most dangerous step. Let the ladies work all they can for prohibition, but on the day of final co-iihat, leave the polls entirely in. the hands of the lords of creation.. It ia tho purest and strongest. Free from Ammonia, free from Lime, free from Alum, and is recommended for general family use by the Heads of the Great Universi ties and Public Food Analysts. Parsons doubting tho truthfulness of thLs can write any of tho Chemists named: Prof. R. OGDEN DORKMUS, M. D., I,. L. D„ Itellevue Medical College, New York, l’rof. it C. WHITE, State Chemist, Unlyeniity[Georgia,Athens, Ga. Mich. i Va. ist to the Dep’tof Health. Brooklyn. N. Y. Prof. JA Dr. KMA8 H. BARTLEY. B. S., Ctk,,..,. .... ... . l’rof. CURTIS C. HOWARD, M. Sc., Starting Medic*! College, Cffimnbus, Ohio. Prof. M. DELEONTAINK, Analytical Chemist, Chicago, III. l’rof. R. S. G. I’ATQN. Lato Chemist Health Department, Chicago, 11L Prof. JOHN M. ORD iVAY, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston. Prof. R. A, WITTHAU8, A. JL. M. D„ University of Buffalo, N- Y. Prof. A. II, SABIN, State Chemist, Burlington, Vt. Prof. JOUN BOHLANDER, Jr., A. M„ SL D.. Prot Chemistry and Toxicology, - Surgery, Cincinnati, 0. . _ . , Pi-ofs.Chemlsfry,RntgersCoUege,Newl5ronswlck,N.J. f, l’rof. Chemisuy University of Pennsylvania, l’bila- Prot P^Tfi l R l fcmlLfEU, Chtof Chemist for tho United States Department of Agri- Profs. UEYS^l JtICE, n pnifs. Chemistry, Ontario School rharmncy,Toronto,Cahada. Dr. JAMES ALBRECHT, Chemist at tho United States Mint. Now Orleans, La. Prof, EDGAR EVERHART, Prof. Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. , ProL E. W. 1IILGARD, l’rof. Chemistry, University California, Berkeley, Cal. limes worse for C>ut (air daughters to undertake this task. It h net in their channel, aad must be repug. nant to their ve»y natures. And again we do uot believe the presence of ladies around polls ever accomplish', ed any good. While they niay change a few vote*, the very thought of their being to much o«t ef place it so repugnant tq true Southern man hood that many' will refuse to vote with n cause that uses suck ends to* achieve victory. While we have always adyocated end voted for prohibition, w^ say let Georgia be deluged with whisky, aftd a run- ning stream of thb vile stuff*, retch- ing from the mountains to the tea- turned loose, rathe* -than imperil and degrade the women of the state by accustoming' them to such scenes as are witnessed at . every voting precise^, and thus . kening the barriur ot inborn 1 that has for centuries char- ladies of the south. • co»t would be iai Persons happening across a ne ws- paper paragraph which declare.^ that railroad accidents ffnd kerosene Lmp explosions were beneficial to the human race, because they defi- nilely assisted in the removal of weak aadi inferior persons, would be apt to suspect that they were reading a bit of comic literature whose fun was somewhat Jacking in delicacy. A great many <Sr them, very likely, Would get the same impressions on reading that drunk enness was a good thing for the- same reasons. Still, the idea is treated at length in an aiticleTecent- cently contained in a medical jour- nal, aad readers would err in-sus pecting that the writer intended any lun. “The alcoholic road to self- let minatien,” he says, is one ef the most speedy ways ot destroying the’ weak aad inferior, and although some who select this road are brilr liant specimens of mental power, yet as a whole they are weak and. unworthy of preservation. Thy; certainty and celebrity with whicly intemperance destroys the weak and wicked classes of society favor ■ ably recommend it over the ordina ry methods of to-day in the admin- storing pf justice.” The suggestion in the closing sentence of the fore going it altogether novel. I: of course, tliai alcohol shaul agent employed in Cases *! c; punishment. . 1. ci W FOR SALE ORRENT. FARMS FOR SALE. M 1-4 aernsof excellent land lit Banks county. Qa , 4 1-2 milt* from Harmony Drove, Ga ., 175 mm of the land in cultivation, balanco iu for* ant aad old field jilco. Tho place is well-tuipiov* «d. good two story d welling. ft ur tenant h( u«es, with all other houses necessary to a well-ap pointed furm. This property U known as the Jack Previnau plant! uud more -recently as the home oiUdl, ‘A, J. Smith, now deceased. This .property valuable, term* t-asy, titles perfect. J. S. \VILLlFOhD, Real foitaw Agt iamed prepertv, on county, track Ik-1 •Apply to Adjoining the above **’ “ rvvk. fzi Madi: dividing lino between Ranks aud Madison; I it*vve*ior sale 8Q0 acres of excel leu t laud, -10 acres of which Is excellent bottom, :io acres of upland In fultrvatlon. The larm property cultivated, will make t>iO bushels of corn and lv bales o7 cot ton. The wooded land Is finely timbered, rail road station. Harmony Grove at.d only five miles i. wffijFOHD, Real Kstato Agent. Here is-'a Chance. Ta bay Jub tout side of the oorporate limits of Jelforson, Jackson county, Ga,, a beautiful home with 20 acres attached, ott which there hi a splen did tauuery, circular sawmill, corn mill, gin, K wer press, hay scales, etc. There are several a that are highly fertilised, also & splendid orchard of famous fruits. The owner confesses to hiring made mon a otter on thia place tt.Mi any property he uvf r owned. 1 he sole reason fur dflhrlng this property Is that the owner lias snore business than ho can look after sad must curtail. Files tf.SW. kpply to J. G. WILLIFORD, Real EtUte- Agent. CITY COURT. It appearing to the court that there Is some The merchant dealing la OulniVe Pion' Blood Renower Is hereby autboriznd to re fund the money If It docs not cure the diseases for » hicb It it rucoun D'lod, «nd when taken ac cording todtrsollors. Cures Rheumatism, Moreurlol Pol- sone, Scrofulous Affections, Glnndu- nr swellings. Skin Diseases, Sores of 1 kinds, Bloi * “ ‘ “ Intnts, El dooct Poison, Female Com- it. Guinn, first manufactured and sold his Med- I u.y fro ui Perry ,t»a, lu an hum bio way.uslngau wltr. itrjr It — — ... under the name of Swlit A Guinn. Perry, Ua the caution printed on each label; ‘/Mono Goiuu^” and Che medicine was ao*d at per 1 hls*co-partnership was'dlssolved by Mr- C. T. Swift retiring aud Mr. R. Guinn continuing the masulacturoof this Celebrated Vcgltable lUood Keucwer.from Southern Forests up to the present time. He has now sold his right in (he Macon Meliclno Co., Macon Ga. K.*aay on blood and Hkln Diseases mailed free . 1118b. - Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper 1 - Weekly line now lor more than twenty yearn, maintained its posi tion aa tile leading illqalrated , weekly newapaper in America. With a constant increase el Hilary abd arlstic resources it Is able to offer for the ensuing year a tractions unequalled by any previou volume, eitibraeing two capital illuatra teu serial stories, one by Mr. Thus. Har ily, amonx the reremoet oMIvIiik writers of fiction, and the other by Sir. Walter Beasant, one of the molt rapidly rising of Ei)|{h3h novelists ; graphic Illustrated of uuusual interest to readers ot all sec tions of the Country; entertaining short stories, mostly illustrated, liy the best writers,land important papers by high authorities on the chief topics of the dav. v Every one who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and In s' ructlvy. tamjly journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter press or illustrations, shonld sub scribe to'Harpers Weekly-), Tim Volume ol the Weekly begins with the that Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Bound Volumes er Harpers, for three years back, in rt-at cloth binding, will be sent by mull poa'afp- paid, or by ex- prejH,fret- of expense'.provided freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), fur $7 00 per volume. Address Haiti-ut A Bkotiikks Now York 1880. Harp rs’s Bazar ILLUSTRATED. MACON MEDICINE COMPANY. Macon, Or. uncertainty m to the time the December term I * 1 — ot to* Ottr Court ot Vltrte convene: It t* order- ' ----- T ~ TYrA - f . -a T cd that aU Jurors mnnmomd to tno Deoetuber , Uk | D hiiD Wl ftnll A i\I term and all witnesses under subpoena to the / llJuLi f vA if vlYliill court, and all parties and attorney* i>o, uml thuy arc hereby required to attend at the cuun house of Clarke oounty on ths^Third Moudav In De cember Inst, when the isgular DecernIwr will convene In pursuance of an act of last ■Ion ef the gsncxsi assembly of Georgia, that the Clerk publish thlsordsr in the l Eannor Watchman one week. By theoourL HOWELL COBB, Judgo C C C If coagteattnea answer all the letters they get, there are reasons tke fraakiug privilege sholld ^ruf! p^remiikfwith th—a. Aa Indiana member ,lia| recently Teveated the concenti ot two of me letter*seat toli|m. One Mid: “Pear Sir—My husband left me seven veara ago, and.- )- have not heard so. Of course u 1. Un thoumml „ °fb ^“1 V*'P ,e “ e times worse for m.e r... ,he get IvUiresent address and send it to mf ?” The other letter contaitt ed a requettfridm a constituent that the member would write to (he American Minister at Rome, askinft him to tend on an Italian,queen bee. TO RENT- r 1st, lheLi, the large home and wrt^sUuMUd °tt Friaeo avenue. Apply to J. - ‘' ’• For Sale. ” 01 On# four, two, three, and* one two roOfu cot- tairranewarnesKiy so. os Elver struct. Fries from fKO to |6M). .»t>piy to v. 4. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent, < '» FOR RENT- i yMSSUr u,e * a * k 7I}rm** et i. a OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU- jnhbr.l -RlFfERS.- .,i Not * cure-all, hut au excellent Ionic, appetiser and blood purifier and in. the rreathient'bf '“ lie n-'oII FEMALE TROUBLES, absolutely without au.equab. Ol this popular preparation the Tel* #nh X M^ts«nj|cr, of Mtfeon sny«: '“UrtBtafonrdraFgisl liar.dlethopren- arsiioncalled. (A. L C. -wfaldh j-imply SSS^gRiS&ffS-g Thl* triedIciUe bailH SthlHgltObl upombe I bond'tone* of our PCQpbe- wlto reqard .1 relft*b|e,uUI. remedy^ It is manufactured by a coin party in Perry Oi?, tftidown tHewrigbinl Indian recif--. Ttie rapidity with whiuii the demand tor •iurcm inituity. Is simply wonderful and WnW-tTntbfttlTyiu-rtJrtidbdror fipen but I one fround. and that ia the resl ruwrit of the»rtiela,-forJts—lvwrviaiwg here ha» been Ilmtteti;r*S MepBrSd with many other prwparathxM U—t Mar* Hen fur in the rear to ,UtC rac*.tor w\pul av lk’.ffnrn mtonr, THE O. I. C. COMPA Perry, C-n. ThU Great 81-jo I purl Jdr.TouIc and Appetiser Is For Sale in Athens tin., by Long St Co mhittlr THE GERMAN AND AMERICAN DISPENSARY AND FEMALE INFIRMARY. MISS ROSA FREUDENTHAL, M. D., ■ > Proprietor. Oh DISEJSEd VECVUAB TO THE BEX TKEVTEV. This Dispensary and Infirmary has all the advantages and facilities found in such institutions in Europe. Every department is perfect within itself. Uterine diseases; all diseases of the bladder and bowels; of the skin; piles, wens,, tumor, nervous disease*, etc., especially provided fo- and ctired gently and quickly. Special apartments for ladies who may desire- to remain In tho city for treatment. All remedies and appliances superior; correspondence strictly confidential. Write full history of-your else. 1 and direct to myself 'at the Dispensary. - .is , . t •>- ROSA FREUDENTHAL, M. D. HAurzit’s Bazar is the only paper in the world that combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with thelatest fashions aud methods of household adornment. Its weekly illus trations and descriptions ef tiie newest Peris turd New York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ludies to be their own dressmakers, save many times’ the cost of subscription. Its papers on cook ing, the management of servants, and house-keeping III its various dot ills are eminently practical. Much attention's giving to the interesting topic ol social etiquette, and ita illustrations of art needle-work are nckowlodgsd tu be une qualled. Ita literary ne'rlt Is of the hig hest excellence, and t lie unique chara cter of ita humorous pictures lots won for it the name of the American Parch. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year HARPER’S BAZAR fit 00 HAKPLB’S MAU1ZINE — 4- “0 HARl’KKS WEEKLY 4. CO HAKPER’H YOtJ.TO PEOPLE J. 00 HARPEKS FRANKLIN SQUARE LibttfiRY On, Y«ar(5-! ftaabsn) le, 00 Portage Fete to all tuberrlocre ta the United statee or Canada. men ot the fli» Number fot January of each year. When ho time ia -mentioned, it will ba understood that the sutneriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tire receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper’s Ba for three year* back, in neat cloth bine ding, will best seut by mall, post-ng. paid, or by express, free of expena (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume,) for $7 00. per YOlUjJUt), . i)W Cloth Cases for eseh vplume, suitable 1 for binding, will be sentby mall, 1 post paid, on receipt of (t.00 each. ..Remit-, lances should be, made by Post-Office ruuxfn murmr On and after Oat. lltk, 1 ■errlseoath* “ vtU b “JUbun Oap Junction B -B aeacw ‘•GrwnfTi..s .. '‘Bpartab’g «—.F "G4iU) G '‘Charlotte. H tass a 52 ’ CIO p m " Hp ‘ub’g.. “Gn jv’le.. '* beuecf .. '* TOoCMwtt _. “ iUbun Gap Junction. Ixprwk t Mali - No. go. Mo. W Dally, j- l>slly ls4ft a<u %M) am ,4:2a am .6:1* am *M4M 10:00 an. .10:2* as i^o PS AM pa & 52 - 7M pu s.20 pm 52 113) am ACCOMMODATIOM TXAUi, lAla-Llkk GO ui« Nokth. Leave Atlanta iMp m Arrive Gaiaeavtile — .7,00 pm ACCOMMODATION TKAlM. (Arx-LlK* BELLI.) &** . . UodoVTha Aeave Gainoovllle.....—. Arrive Atlanta —~ No. l».—Local Frkiout» Going Booth. VM om JM» a m Leave CbarlottoT Arrive . “ Spartanburg ........—...... “ GrosiiviUOre *' Central „ , No. IT —LOCALFaUOUT, GUlMONOJtTn. Leave (Antral ^ 4.10 a m Arrive Greenville —* M ^-«*.. fa.ll a m ** Spartauburg ... — tf.«7 a u “ GaflYte/’a 1L27 p m *• Charlotte .... —- 7.00 p m '— 6.12 a m -1L17 a a - 1.20 p a 448 p m . 6.06 pi All freight tramk ou thu roau carry pasau gars. All passenger tralnv ran throagn to fra vUluamlfiicniuond wnBoat change, counec ing at Danville with Va. Midland Rwy.. to a eastern eiUos. and at Atlanta with ail lino diverging. No. so leaves Richmond at t.2 p m mad No. 61 arrives there at 4.90 p m, * leaves Richmond i .28 a m, ia arrlvesthero ’ toaf , T riLKKFINfJ CABS WmOOTOUAMOV Allan* Greensboro ti. -i Nos, GO and 61, Now York and ta. »Yauhlugton and Danville, Gree anc .eville. Gu irsins Nos. 62 and 63« Hlckmoud and Dan alio, aud Washington, and AuaLsta and Wash gtonaoti MesGrleans. GgOftOlA HAILUOAUCOMPANY bTONE MOUNTAIN HOUTK. Or/ICA UENKKAL MaBAUKK, Augusta, Ga., Nov. ilsl* J88.\ Commcuc.'ug Sunday, Nov 2/nd, Uit tallowing pasbcngcrs schedule will operate on this road Trah • -- - - No. *7, WEST DAILY. | N*0. 28, HJiOT DAILY. L’ve Atticos 7:ta a Ar ve Win'v'e suit Lexingtou»6:SS « * Antlocu ... Sat LY • Maxeys.... 2:04a.i * WucKlvtlie. y;:6 u.j • Un. 1*1..... 9:40 a., r ve Atlanta J.00 p i O. 1. W8HT DAILY. L’ve Augusta.. 1040 a.m “ Mr.cou . . 7:10 a m “ Wasiii'g’u. 11:20 a.m ' Atheus - • Winterv’* ' Lex’gt’t 1 Antioch.. 10:44 a,m " Maxcys .. li:00 a.m Wotvlville 11:87 p.m yo. J, L'veAugt -e Si. Arrive Macuu C:4C i Leave Athsus 2 60 p.E Woodville. 4:4« p m 1 Un. Ft 4:r6 Arr'Ye Wash 7 »6 p.m Leave v.ash'n 4;20 p m -vj’Vc Augu'ta 8.16 p u O. 2. aasT DAILY. ’e Atlacm.. 8:00 a.m 1 Un. F’t.... 2:io p.m ' WoodviUe 2:99 p.m ' Lexington. 4:01 p.o * Winter*v«. 4:4» ’vo Atheirt.. 6:20 p.m ' Wash'gt’n. 2:20 p.m Ar’vo Atlanta. 6 46 a.m-ar’e Augusta. 7 :'ij p m top ai seiiKers to and !ron> the folicwing staiuns only: Grove-town, Bci’sella, llsrlcm,Deariog. Thoin.son Norwood, Barui-it, Crnwionlville, Union Foiut, Grccuubboro, Madlsou, Rutledge, Union ledge, ductal Circle, Covlugtou, Cunyors, dfono Moun- tarn and Decatur. Tialu No. 28 v 111 stop at and receive posseugors t> aud from tho following suuioua only: Gruvrp»wu,, Dtartug, Tliompftou, Norwood, Barnett, craw tardviliu, Union i'tnnl, Grcviuboru, Madinon Uillicdgu. docitii Circle, Covlugtoii ,C?>nyer*, LI tliouia. ritotic Mountain -au Docatur. The "Fas' ‘dan" connects for all |M>ints cast aud northeast west and south west. Train No. 2s ou Athens Branch gives puftuea- gers from No 28 ou uiain lise, 15 minute* for supper at Union Foiut. The fast mail run* through sleepers hniwoen Atlanu aud CharhMtou. fra Athens connect with trains 27, 28,1 aud A aad from L. K. DORdEF, Gen. Pars. Agent. JOHN W tiKhKN. t f ,;Hl Matiagwr. JOB W. W1HTK. Oen’l Traveling Pass eng • agent, Augusts, Ga. NOHTH-aAbTEKN RAILROAD. dvrBkiMrsMpaHT’s ornc*. t Allans,ua., acpi. 19, 1&6.{ Ou auu after 8e~ * road will run fX mh,m trains ou tuts A Meridian Time. Money Order or Drnit, to avoid chance of loss. ;,r ‘ ; ; New.ptport are not to copy this advertismen without tha exproes pxdof c< Harper a Jirothers ^ Address IIABPilK 4 BTOXHEKH, " ' ' 1880. 4 ’••• - ;> f Harper’s Young People. AR ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. THe poaltlon of Harper's Young Peo- ploas tholeailins weekly periodical fur young readers l» well established. The . publishers spare no pains to provide the ! most aursetlve reiding aud lllustmtiolis. ‘ . The aerial and short stories bear Strong 1 dramatic lutfrext. they »re whpll" freo from whatever Is peruicious or vul garly sensational7-thspaperaon natural Km ' * ' • ’ Leave Athens NO. 6* ...8;fi0 a m Arrive at Lula. “ •* Atiunta. a a ** Tallulah Pails. —l:«Sp in Leave Tallulah Kallso...... Arrive at Athous ” AtlSUUa.... ... - No. 60. ..... a ta 146 pa . 1:46 p m. Leave Athena -o- Arrlvc at «.Usa — NO. 61. 8:80 p m o..^hkw p m Arrive Atlaott. . . .*.U.uo p m Leave Atlanta 62* firOr i. m Arrive at Athens... .........*.s - .10:46 p ro Tr.iu No u counoau .1 Luis with K. a D, train No. SO rur Attains uni sli potQla la Hoar* ^^^Pulltoin Rsffct Sloping Car Lois Train No. SI cudimcIi it Luis with R. A D. train No. si. doM o-Miaactiou ui Attanta lur all soulhern and SouthwoUrn polnla aw-iVlInianPalacv Hlccpio, Car throusb from Lula to Ne* Orleans sllhuu: chaun. Train No. 50 couaetu at Ltlla with R. * D. tain No. SI far Charlatte, LanviU., tU.hdMnd, and all pcinta in North * East. . **.I’ulliuou Palad. Buff« Car through from Lula w WashJnator^U* 1 ttmore. I’hiladWplUsanil Train S. Si at Lula with R. A D. train No. 61 fur all Kuttra Cilia. ew.'hiUuian TaiOM lisupin. C.r throufh baa U A'ttiSS , in Ch N'!T-B. R. dally, ixcept Sunday, SMITH'S of life are by writers whose,names give M Itliu bgat assurance of accuracy and value. • ■ ■ Illustrated papers on atheistic sports, . MmsP ■•liras and-pastime* give full informa- lion on these subjecttgriH ■ Asep'o.xr •fM.-rpHilUf thatl.sltraetlve and I pBSSBHPSSS » terms: • .SMITH AGO., Saltfrapa. ST. LO^t, MB aseasaasssss^ I Xntt^Oy.rt are »-! lo enpy trig ail .retirement £12 r e.order oJlt.ry.r Bnaht-ra ympagiBWE g TTT Hjgy IT ' iri yipnnir k m-— WASH jeumI pfiFRIfiE