The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, January 26, 1886, Image 2

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DAlt.Y .1 oi .Oconto* Banks. ly. 31; .... weekly, •/ . OAXTT. disci ie tirajvin the papers •a» ,r to of fixing hereafter the an- Thanksgiving Day on the 12th of October, the anniversary ot the day on which the continent of America wat discoveritf'by Cfirtt- topher Columbus. ■VMUSt ■**'’**• tG:| m A OUATBVUt ODOR, lwssr J ' is^wo^oi *'*&&& prepare and deliver some biograph ical'ketch Of some soldier, from private to general who has distin* guished himself in service 1 that c In regard to Memorial day. the telegraph genei 1 some of the letters thr arc . , jd at the Sparta post ofice. There are a great many people [in this world that don’t know how to write and a deal ot misery is caused by their inability to find it out. In “ nds the pen indoed, is mere jian the sword. ■me way at all post of- A corres] | phia Times from the illness of ex Fr«sid> is due to ioneson eneSsI I are some bad scribes fing vorldof oar’s. Haj Gould says: “The South is moving ahead and I|a growth is sternly. I see an improvement ev ery-time I come this way. It is a "steady, healthy progress, more malted, I think, farther West, where the soil is richer apd imml- . grftioh larger than it is here; but I don’t soe that there is anything to' stand in the way of the fullest de velopment of this section of your country. You arte not growing too fast, but your progress is substantial and sure. _ „. U11 „ _ thought that'' he is contemplating aspiring to succeed Warner Miller The foew Orleans papers plains that the feature of the expo sition which seems to attract least attention is the racing, despite the fact that there is now at the exposi tion grounds one ol the finest ag gregations of blooded horses ever brought together on any one course in this country, and exciting sport fen witnessed on ev£ry rac ing day.” A- negro digging gravel in the old cemetery in Bast Selma to put upon the sidewalks around the city, n few days ago came upon some old brass buttons marked “C. S. A.” and the sight nearly frightened him out of his wits. The idea that it might be a Confederate was too much for tht poor fellow and is calculated to shock almost any one. It is barely possible that a Confederate soldier was laid away there. The liqnor sellers and brewers in Kansas are rejoicing over a decision of Tqdge, Brewer; of the Uintdd States cjrcuit court in, the case ol the State against Jne. Walt tiff Law rence, a brewer, to the effect that the state should pay Walrufl $50,- 000 tor hia brewery, or let him pro-, ceed with the manufacture of beer. in the aenat* mom New Ybrh. Gen Sheridan thinks that the Indians ought to be located upon ■mall tracts pf land and qiajle to •fork for a living. There are just two difficulties in the way of such a policy. The first is catching and locating, and the seebnd is keeping them located afterwards. Gen. Pope has written an article in “The Century” in which he un dertakes to account for the ^defeat of the Union forces at the seteihd battle of Bull Run. Gen. Pope is rather late in explaining how he run at the Second Manassas. The Massachusetts legislature has received a large number of petitions asking the passage of a law prohib iting the selling or giving tobacco to minors. The petitions were re- ferred to the committees on public health in beth houses. Sat* Sal weal Ih. pices* oat '‘SnaMlat’* 0, “-" , -r, eofliyWaxilWKilj A ... 11iMiwiiipi~flt TTff'at' " . it haAfbeen caused Id KMSSSi cbuld not torn In bed; j everybody said ho onsumption. A tnst :‘s Near discovery was relief, be bought A large bottle and d’box of Dr. King's Ntw Life Pills: by, the time he bad taken two boxesolPiila tnd two bottle ol tho DivcbveHr, he whs'well and had gained in flesh thirty six pounds. Trial Bottles of this GreafPIscovery for Consumption free at Great axel thevlcinity, rkable recqvi eras AO lielpli or raise bis '.Mb* ITCHING . F ‘ iirl s t * : - Skin OfMUftf Instantly Relieved By Cuticura. rpRKATMfcNT-A warm bath with CnUaut 1 Soa*, a ad a »Io*le appllcatirm of ^utlcftra, the great 8al| Core^, Tbli rapeaUd daily, Witt ^two XX jo Cure. Tbiarfpei or three daws of Cotlcora Ilttolveat, tli PnHfler to keep the blood cool, the __ pure and nulrriiatiog, the bowel* open, lirer aod kidneys active, will speedily ours toma, Tcter, Ringworm, Psorlasia, Lichen, Pruritus, Meali-Head, tfamirufr and every species Humors of l ILLUSTRATED. The December Number will begin th«* Sercnty-aecond - Volume of Harper’s Mainline. Miss. Woolson’a novel, “East Relfi U.’tS SSZT&ZZ. AngcJs,” and Mr HowardV’Indlan Sum STOfeuing the foremoot plaeein cur- ^ ia. rent serisl Actions—will run through . a«!-worthy.a. _th. Mver ,, nnmb era, and will be followed Beal Estate Agent. For Sale. Two Ms, OSaad DO tret each, both fr^m sjee Ins Dtirts el the lot whcfccu Airs. E. A.Cn ® ^^SoBORWDLKrtHOMXsl Jsngdtf, . , , Attorney, - • For Sale. , Real Estate Agent. Here is a Chance. Tb hoy-J tut on txtd b ilfth'. corporal, limits ol gmi* M-VrU romedies fail. ECZEMA ON A CHIU). Your moht Tt'uablc Cuticura Reucdies hare ' so much 195MI that I (act Ilka say My litUe girl was troubled triad several doctors and Pt Jo' with tkin duciue*. with Eczema, and I _ medicines, but did. not do her any good until I used the Cuticura Remedies, which speedily cured her, for which 1 owe you many thaaha an<‘ many ulght.s of rci-t ANTON BOBS MIKE, Edinburgh, Ind. TE1TEH OF THE SCA f,P. tld, caused by Totter used vour Cuticut* i, and they cured my scalp perfectl. — * as thick ss it • J. P. CHOICE, Wh.tesboro, Texas. Whenever the ladies “go for” the liquor business, they generally de something in the way of practically forwardiag temperance whether they use petitions, axes, or moral suasion. The New Orleans Picayune says: “A geod business man makes a good general. He will advertise, let the enemy know where he is, and make an effort to be at the head of a'col umn. The leading republican paper in Boston is out raged by the propo- 1,000 BUSHELS 1,000 sition to repeal the law in that state .McGuLLOOH SPRING Oats. Among the experiments on the liquor question is this embodied in a bill in t|ie Ohio legislature: Every man who desires to be an habitua] drinker must go before a probate judge and obtain a permit, on pay ment of fifty ejnts, which will en title him to putchase whisky at sa laons. It la a good bill and ought topass. (j v: making payment of the pol} tax condition precedent to voting. The Sparta Isbmaelite says 15 bushels of cotton seed will pay for the paper one year. This is anoth er case where an editor thinks of going to farming. The name of thp thermometer briel Daniel Fahrfc; name man was Fatriel Daniel Fahren heit. The winds blow his horn for him and his invention provys .truer than any prophet of old We have just ., received an excel lent engraving of tha editors of representative . American 'press, shjwing also the front pages of the dailies included in the group.. The front page of the-Atlanta Constitu tion is, oryaptenfed with excellent picturesp[ our friends, Messrs! Evaif P. Howell and,Henry W. Grady. A Denver man has found a snake with three heads, and has refused ♦175 for the.curiosity.; This goes to prove that Denver is town. 4 not | The exodus' of;-negroc* frojn Carolines to Arkansas snd Califor nia is assuming large aud encour aging proportions, ^ j Another attempt it in the Ohio legislature to' aecbr passage of a bill tor the castigation of wife ‘ COVERED WITH BLOTCHES. I wtnt to tell you that juror Cuticura Reaolvent H ina,<iiiflcpnt. A»K?ut tkiaa montlia ago mjr face was covered with Blotchea, ami after using thres bottles of Besotventl *sa perfectly cured. FRKDKRIOK MAIT&E. 238t. Charles 8U, New Orleans, La BEST FOK ITCHING DISEASES. Ons of our cuMtomsrs says your Cuticura Rem Kites art ibajbett bo can ind for ltebiag of the •kin lie tried all others aud found no relief until he uved yours. F. J, ALDRICH, Druggists. Rising Sun,0, Hold everywhere. Pricet Cutleurs, 50 cts , Soap, 25 cts,; Resolvent, $1 00. Prepared by tbe Potter Drug aud Chemical Go., Boston, Mr Botsdior "How to Cure 8kin Diseas»s. H Plaster to tho aching sid« I ind back, tha weak • and painful rdes, tho sore chest add hacking murdes, tho sore chest add k ough, and every pain and ache c . . Everywhere. janldawlm. 600 BUSHELS 600 BURT SPRING OATS, for Spring Sowing. The McCulloch Oats can be sown from January 15th to Mareh 2Uh. They will mature in 90 days* Ihs^refreafromru«iandstunt. SOUTHERN HERD 00, . * e na #»r pm. u.t NEW BLACKS,MITH.SH0P Noah Johnson desires to state to tho where he will be prepared to do all In his lino at the shortest rotles snd the most reasonable prices. , Give me a trial NOAH JOHNSON, Janl-dSm. • did tannery,cHrcilar sawmill, corn alii, power press, hay scaJea ele* There are m loto that are h&hly fertilised, also a splendid orchard of famous fruits. Tbe owner coufssars tohavlnf made more money on this place than aay property Re ever owned, lhe seia reason for offering this property is that the owner has, more business than he can look: alter and tnnat curtail. Pllee 16.500. Apply to 5. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Eatato As«m> ola OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU RIF1ERS. Not a cure-all, bnt an excellent Ionic, appetiser and blood purifier and in tbe treatment of FEMALE TROUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Of tlila popular preparation the Tele graph A Messenger, ol Macon says: “Mostol our druggist handle the prep aration called O. L C. which simply means Old Indian Cure, and many of by serlet stories from B. D. Blackmon and Mrs. 1). MJCfalk. A new edltnrla; department. (topics snggeted coni beginning with January number. ewisittmraSjte! —taking the shape ot a story, and depict- ing characteristic features o.' American «Kiety a* seen at our lead 1 ng plpaaore resorts—wntten bv Charles Dudley War ner. and llln-lr*t-d byt!. 8.' 'Reinhardt Tho Maginine will givo eapeclal atten tion to to Amerteao suojeots, treated by be best of, American writers, ai "" rate d by the leading American ttfiiteJtefl -Wi »-.o Ha r p p V' a - . ILLUSTRATED. >r : Harper’s Weekly has now tor more than.twenty years, maintained Its posi tion as the leading illustrated -weekly newspaper in America. With a constant increase 1 ot litiary Ind eristic (resources R is able to offer for the ensuing year a auctions unequalled by any -previous volume, embracing two capital illustra- ed serial stories, one by Mr.Thos. Har dy, among the foremost ofliving Writers of fiction, and the other by Mr.- Walter Beasant, one of the most, rapidly rising of Eiigtisb hOvellsts; graphic illustrated of uuusual Interest to readers ot sll sec tions of the country; entertaining short them are selling large quantities of it stronghold upon the Thismetliclnehaan confidence of our people~who regard .t as an honest reliable old remedy. It is manufactured by a company in Perry Ga.ywhoown the original Indian recipe. The rapidity with which the demand for itjias increased,sincellaintioduction in ourcommuuity. Is simply .wonderful and oan be truthfully accounted for upon blit ground, and that Is the real merit of toby Hirmer,, use Soap. one _ * TlhiV LfitK~5li7ANT>*wHi‘B¥d thoarticle. fortUailvertising here has been limited, as compared with, many olhbr preparations that have been loft far in the rear in tlio race for popular favor.” SOLO BY LK tOUfO DRUGGISTS: THE O. 1. C. COMPANY, Perry, Ga. Tkl.Qr.atBlood purtUr.Toats and App.Ui.rls For Bale in Athens, Ga., by Long A Co mhissir iy. I; Every one who desire, a trustworthy political guide, ail entertaining and in structive family journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter pre-’ or illusti ations, -should sub scribe to Harpers Weekly. The Volumetif the Weekly begins with tho first Number tor January of each year. When no t’-no is mentioned, it Will be understood that the subscriber wishes to comine' ‘ a With the Number next afro the re c'j t of order. . Bound Volumesef Harpers, for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mull pos'ags-paid, or by ex press, free of expense 'provided freight does not exceed one dollar |>er volume), fbr $7 00 per volume. Address Hampkb A BrotIikrs New York . ... blFl Ktar ST. On sad after Oct. tab. lo>4. Pu^iiger NuaiaWAa#.- Wi SA v Dally. I Dally. ipS::::";- aafe.-a»-iaaMr| s“?«taw :s 8.41 p ml 1054. ft m 9.28 p m 11.20 ft m »8s:t%5 ;s sl&ifftris 4.28 ft ml 5.28 p M 6.90.ft taf MO fj» ‘Hhuloolft.. S-T..44 **Olurioilftba... M honawamn. ihxpreMft 1 Mftii “ Rihiiw Jnnptiin , riNf iliTsfa US :;ga:5 a ?s :;ss:da s ‘iSSida ss -i0:*« ft b 9.26 pm . lNJO.pal LW AOCOXKODATIOa TMIS. ( . ..--p ■... ji 1 uoJfo* Litre Atltutft- .ooosom .. Air-Link Belle) uo ■in * mMXiA JKMJOV1 • {*« ■«H«..a.—aU Ol a Is* :.rz IS I •Sw2ta«Sa.^*-“tSW! “ * b0,,,ttU<,n * * iSd 'iSfiJfltoJ'HftP. **“ Ottimli ns lltllfi. Harp ps's Bazar ILLUSTRATED. Habpsr's Bssar ib the only' paper in tha world that combines the choicest literature aud the finest art iliu-tratious with thelatcst faahiuhs and methods of household adoriinieni. tie weekly illus trations and descriptions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements and ent patterns, by enabling ladies to be tlteir own dressmakers, save many times’ the cost of subscription., ltspapera on cook ing, the management of Servants, and qgftROtA' RAimOAIniJOStWAWT UTONK MOONTAIIT ROlmt. Orrws Qsssbaa Jiuui AUSUIU. Ua., Ml uoiamcuoi IMWMiugtira inuoa mu ■lower Hun Augum time uir u UTS? FAST LtNg.. WIST MILT. | Bo. SS, ml MILT. /..Austin. 7;4» a m-u-.vo AlUia. T.4J p. B u’.e Iv.iu-n 10:40a m-Arr'.o J tllpaa ■ »• Iwi'ii, 7.«a.m. LUn Aib.ii. 2 ev p.ta Ax.»wiairt*li paa 1 Loxlast'u.. Mip.m - Aailock... CM p,m L-rAZf. Ar vo W rn’v’w b 04 a m LexingtoUn t:3S ilu ** AuUoun... I2Iad *• MaXOjri.... 9:04«.p •• Wooavillt . 9M ill “ Uu. Ft. .. 9.40 A-! Arr'vo AtUuja i.C'jp. Kdli Lcavo l\aah'n 4^9,pa ' AFVc AU^U'lA 8.10 p m *' Lox’gi’n.. 1034 A.m " Antioch.. 10:44 A,m “ M*xoyt. .. 11:W> A-m “ Woodvllie 11:87 p.rn wo.6, WEST DAILY. L’veAum u»tn.. 9:45 p m Arilvu MAyou o:44 a ik AtUntc. r«6 ft.ra Ar*ve / Loaiuston. 4au p!a " Winter're. 4:4* .CTj AlMnn s:«ip.m *' Wash’ft'n. 2i-ju p.m • Mact. . ■«;!% pZ '• amuiu- ijt p.n »Q. 4, KA.f DAILY . L'Te Atieuta... sds p,; ’• Mai nn ar> AuguiU. la»pn 6:W ‘J5,f. Irani amub.r27nlIl.iopa, ud receiro pa .eugcr. to KuUfroiu tho following aiidon. only: ' (irovuiowu, Beraell* Harlem,Ocurliii, Thomson nutwood, Barnett, LTawlurdrllle, Union Toll, l, Qrecuoaboro, Madison, Itullodso, Social Clrolu, curlngton, Cunrars, Stone Munn- loin and Decatur. Train No, 2a >. Ill stop at ing, tne management oi servant.* unu loliowinx suiluua unlr: Qmeeeowa.tfoiaoi! house-keeping in its various details are }J^j}y, l [L T nnSn ,0 &iilL r Q?»eu.bJJS. ,l il^ ; i2 eminently practical. Much attention Is KuUodsc, SocialCneloI’cotfnSoTfuonrenJ^ um tha i beaters. A ministers’ meeting was held in Chicago the other night at which some cuiious statistics - were made public. It appears that the Chica go ministers were leef to consider tbe question ol' salvation from a business point of view, and some of inWkef, Carlisle |hould alwky cnnnilt the newspapers about whi he should put on committees. them seethed disposed to think that it was not a very profitable buitqgit I in the A bill has been introdu m|* □man And no chili under i6sh.ll be employed in any factory more Lan ten hours a day, or sixty hours p-r week. No. child under i r shall U employed in afty factory. The penaly is not lets than $50 or more thantreo. A popular "l«rgyinan* in Bo-ton has been lecturing upon tbe text: “Muke the world better.”' The world is good enough, and a gre it . t Jaw h|p!|fi to deal better than * some otAcr places iMd«w aJi the preachers tell about. " FT»4 »ppuc»t i£ Some men are like eggs. You can’t tell whether tbey aVe good bad ifter they ad HTeetuSirork than tho varlopa iwilorn of Mr haloat Local UK. i OEO. T. BOWELL a CO. Xowspapor Adrerttalns aanao. . It Sprees 11., Now Tor DR. W.M: DURHAM SPECIALIST; p MakTa tha treatmontofall Chroalc Dfreaio OokcSOtf. OMre, »ij< Prechtroo air, Atlant K SirXRirr'SAT.K.- Will beroldbefoia 3ourt Homo, door la AthaM, Clarke property tG-wil: A curKlc tract ol Und, ■W-gsawasKfa'g I iSfiLb^'a c.) imy taxes l-rthe y..»r IsU, Against ». Mitcnell. Tnwtee. t*»id property pol JvtsMA. > ■x*b sHBsirrs’ itu-rnii re'ia^ 19 Ibu U-.urt Houw Jojr lu lhe Cou-uy at giving to the interesting togio ot social etiquette, and its illustrations of art needle-work are ackowledgeil to be one- nailed. Its literary merit is of tbs big .jest excellence, arid the unique chara cter of its humorous pictures has won fbr it the name of the American Pouch itborixnd to re it* the dtHSM iwtr la hereby , 7 If tt downs* tor which It la recomcndod, snd whan taken -so- carding indirection*. *n Car»a Rheumatism, Meraurlat Bolt sens. Scrofulous Altaenons, Olandu- oPBwoUinqo, Slda Dioeases, Sores eg 1 kinds. Blood Poison,Female Com- ?BiAs ' R. Out ua.ftrti manafaclurvU ind sold bis Mod- line from Perry,<*a, in xn Immblt vrftjr.utinrftn| pa? «Sm p .w«isii Gulnp^” and tho Qudklna wu aoxl %iii*49»piit«eiiM9 win 4l»rtitarf 8 «^^^iV r c^b° n ^Ml|M srffirsawKS iSgoui^md Skin Dlioasos trilled frog jmMwegrar” PARR BROS. HOUSE ftSIGN^AJ WALL' PAPER AND PAPER HANGERS, 49 CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS,GA. See Samples Of Well Paper.-' ' jan!7dtf. TsLarHoaaN6.17-2. SURGERY .crehlp hr thopnrpora forty pointed out in Mortgftge ondby Uodo- HARPER’S PERIODICALS *4.1 Per Veer HARPER’S BAZAR HABPEB’S MAUIZINE...... HARPERS WEEKLY Ons Ycar(S2 Nnakors) ..••• 10,00 Poitmo* Fra lo all tubicrlten Is Me Vnileit Stalti The Volumee of tho Bhaar begin will tho first Number for Jaunarr of each year. When no time ia mentioned,- it will bo ulidirstdbd that the aubscr’lUer wlshetrtocommemwWlth the Number next after the receipt of order. -Bouinl Volume* of Harper’s, Ba 1 S', in,neat cloth bine will best'-mm'by mall; post-ug or oy express, free of expvos (provided the frelghk.iloc* not exceed one' dollar per Volume,) for |7 00 per volame. X' ” « iT *k Cloth Case* for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post paid .onreceipt of *1.00 teach. Kemit- tance* should be made by Post-Office MDney Order or Draft, to avoid chance ofloaa. _ . „ • Address HARPER 4 BROTHERH, New York. - • bffiiietU, ;r» w iton thooiVtitouu Moonlftiu xiid JDecfttu’r. °T^e^'Va* Liuo’ couuccU lor all pulnto cut AUd norlbeut weat ftnd Mrotbwest. TnUo Mo. 2# on Atbena Bnneh five* for* from No 28 ou muin lUo, » ' ' «t UnioD Foiut. mftii ■upiror UnioD FoIiaI. ■" ,,li “ uta, ,tr A&.‘u“tewS TO '7,' , ai , irw t 7^5 Athonrcunnoct wlUtiraini27, ss, 1 aod A E. A DORSE r, Gen. Pare. Agent. foils W QRKKN. Goal Manager. JOE W. WHITE, Uan’l Traveling PaHMgo agent, Anguato, Ua. NORTH-hASTBWM RAILROAD.! SuraHiKTaanaaT’a urnn, day. January lath 1886, tbs SMW •hlopcrua on tbla road. Trelni meridian time—ouohour farter (hi AUaoiatliao. , milt gxcarr ausuava. 'Lra&sxi Le» v # Arrive fti liarmouy Grofd. Arrlfft at Lnt* . . - J&tSiflijr: “ Xallulan Talk -i—S'/.ftifiivuif LeftTO Llllft ...,y ,., R . W . Artitft Harmony (irpft. .. Arrive ftiAUiiift Jismr «-«•» , -fi — ii*10*a ■* s-sj t:» fcaatoqd faw amuio umobr re, SaSBrm!SBW8L-> Ivcat" iU “ n **i“ 1 kb. ipctula North, B.B.BEENABO. r(-1- C.W.CHEAES, Uqd. Para. AgcnL • 1886. Harper’s Younc , AN ILLUSTRATED 1 The position of Hsrpef’s pie as tbe hading wimklr peHndicat for young readers is well established. JTlie publl-hers Spare no pains to provide the moat attractive reading aud ifluatratii ' l»per» .BQ. KUieawm aporis, nfib'l&SUfte t It but ilio price, PENNYROYAL PSLLS tfil'fBSSSSWI’.SiBr HBbiSSNSil J _..' , ; iT - . ••jti.l.X 1>,v4 v 4^ 1 -*17 ' tj Glrwi HABITS CUREip. 1.JR BY &' : M..Wq$4.5Y, : 8 |ngUNambrt»;Pt«oreftre«.'' l..alie.Atlanta.CA- . IKrliateVerU sonsation.-ilthe papers on natural •y and aeience, travel,and tbe facts of life are by writers whose ngwes give, the beat aasurfince of accuracy and value. | Illustrated papers o 0 atheletic aporu, sxsar*"-* cheap aiiout An cotone orav ssa t J ft k< Tf.BMSj Pottage prepaid 2 00 Par-Year ; K»f. iTi-o-iq id yod wPH II >ft W i • fcntrftjty. Start — ft ' aotof ho oHhost “ I* ww IBB aJOail) ol*a . m i) ;# •uwwsa.-i.ui. — efif V at k»' mrs.